


Courage – A Roman Catholic Apostolate

Courage is an international apostolate of the Catholic Church, which ministers to persons with same-sex attractions.


Move beyond the confines of the homosexual label to a more complete identity in Christ
With the endorsement of the Holy See, Courage now has more than 100 Chapters and contact people worldwide, over 1500 persons participating in its ListServs, and hundreds of persons per week receiving assistance from the main office and website. It has become a mainstream Catholic Apostolate helping thousands of men and women find peace through fellowship, prayer, and the Sacraments.

In helping individuals gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the Church’s teachings, especially in the area of chastity, Courage extends the Church’s invitation to a life of peace and grace. In chaste living, one finds the peace and grace to grow in Christian maturity.

Resources to help you grow in Understanding


The Five Goals were created by the members themselves when Courage was founded. The goals are read at the start of each meeting and each member is called to practice them in daily life. Here are the Goals in their entirety.
To live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality. ( Chastity )

To dedicate our entire lives to Christ through service to others, spiritual reading, prayer, meditation, individual spiritual direction, frequent attendance at Mass, and the frequent reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. (Prayer and Dedication)

To foster a spirit of fellowship in which we may share with one another our thoughts and experiences, and so ensure that no one will have to face the problems of homosexuality alone. (Fellowship)

To be mindful of the truth that chaste friendships are not only possible but necessary in a chaste Christian life, and to encourage one another in forming and sustaining these friendships. (Support)

To live lives that may serve as good examples to others. (Good Example/Role Model) VIDEO FROM PAISLEY DIOCESE WEBSITE



The notion that you can PRAY AWAY BEING GAY is a very distorted notion and can lead to people suffering great damage.

Our sexuality is an absolutely fundamental part of who we are and if we fail to acknowledge and integrate it is any way we are going to end up being mentally and emotionally skewed in some serious ways.

Homosexuality is neither a problem or a disorder.

It is a perfectly normal sexual orientation and is seen, not only in humans, but in very many species.

To deny one of our basic human drives and instincts generally leads to neurosis and sometimes to psychosis.


The Roman Catholic Church is screwed up on sex in general and on homosexuality in particular.

This is seen by cardinals, bishops and priests condemning homosexuality in public and practising all kinds of kinky homosexuality in private.

If you want some good examples of PRAY AWAY BEING GAY – just look at Cardinal McCarrick, Cardinal Pell, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, Archbishop Neinstedt etc, etc.

In fact I think that all forms of therapy that pretends to convert gays into heterosexuals or even into celibates, should be made illegal – because they7 are abuse.

Chastity does not always mean abstaining from sex. It means always enjoying sex in the context of love, intimacy, respect, consent and life enhancement.



By: Robert Hutchison


Pat, there was a branch of Courage in Belfast in the 1990s. I phoned them, saying that I was a 20 year old who wanted to live chastely and the man on the phone chatted me up!


11.34: What did you expect him to do? After all you were both gay and in need of supportive companionship. What are you suggesting? Something sinister…..


@ 9:am
‘….supportive companionship’
How bout be professional, maintain boundaries and behave appropriately?
Is there a difference between love and lust or is that just more old hat?


I called them in order to be helped to live chastely, not to be chatted up. After a few minutes of small talk I was asked “how many inches?” I kid you not.


Where exactly does it say they ‘pray the gay away’. It’s essentially a support for gay Catholics, incorporating the spiritual as well as the social.


I don’t doubt you.
That gaucho was behaving totally unethically and unprofessionally and totally inappropriately.
If I was his boss, I have had him fired.


Support for gay Catholics? And how exactly is this support? The ones who need the support to live in the real world are those who have set up and maintain this group.


Pat, you come across as deeply sectarian, with your attacks upon the DUP.
Have you attacked Sinn Fein? The SDLP?
Yes, Magna is a DUP supporter, and shall remain so.


8.26: Pat, you are so wrong. SDLP – no longer the Church supporters they once were. Surely if Courage is a supportive group for catholic gays, what’s wrong with that? If it was a Protestant support group, you’d be very quiet. Are gay people traipsing to Larne for support? Hardly.


Totally agree Bishop Pat. How could you take that SDLP Leader seriously? White patch on the beard ffs. Sounds like an idiot. The SDLP own the Irish News.


The Carta composite today is narrated as a “DUP supporter”. If sufficient people on this blog start agreeing with the DUP (some chance), “Carta” will be re-edited/recast as a fervent Shinner or even People Before Profit! 🤣
You couldn’t make it up. “Carta” the compassionate towards gays, allied with haters of gay people. “Carta” the reinterpreter of Scripture, who rejects St Paul, allied with the Biblically literalist Free P/DUP!
The “Carta” composite’s religion, if it has one, could best be described as Contraryism! 🤣🤣


Pat, that video of Arlene Foster had me in stitches. Isn’t it silly that her and her party are holding the UK PM to ransom over Brexit.


No, dear. It isn’t even remotely silly. Theresa May made a deal with the DUP, and she is attempting to renege on it. 😆


Double standards. Well known
Priest from that this diocese has been having a gay relationship with his friend from
Archdiocese of Glasgow for years.


Reverend Jim you have said this a few times (gossip) and yet it seems a lie so if you have the proof then you can email confidentially as he does not want actively sexual clergy in his diocese as Paisley is Scotland’s diocese so far with NO disgrace.

This year one Priest in his 30’s left suddenly and another is currently c/o Diocesan offices given that when you consider 29 working clergy and more in retirement and totals 54 yet only TWO in a long long time.

I am sure Bishop John Keenan will become an Archbishop as he is well respected by Rome.


Thanks. I will
Email +John and let him know the names although I’m gobsmacked if he doesn’t already know! He is definitely destined for higher office once +Philip retires.


Pat, really liked your Arlene Foster video. It shows you have a great sense of humour and don’t take life too seriously. What a great look a like.


Thanks for that, Pat. For those of us who struggle with LGBT+ issues and genuine intimacy such groups as that can appeal tempting, but all it does is set you up for more inner turmoil! Trying, failing, overthinking, neurosis, compulsions to act out in less safe ways… Thank you for your clarity of vision on this. I chuckled and felt better. Remembered “The Pet Shop Boys” song “It’s A Sin”


Really this post needs a musical accompaniment, and I think Divine’s cover of Walk Like a Man would be just the job!


Oh, this discredited nonsense again ! Dear me, I thought we were well past this, having used our God given intelligence, reason, and accepted psychological, psychosexual and medical science that recognises that homosexuality is well within the accepted normal boundaries of sexuality. And still, nitwit Christians try to tamper with a persons emotional, mental, physical, sexual and relationship health with this discredited but dangerous twee claptrap and shiite.

The real reason that Christians are generally not able to reconcile themselves with homosexuality is because of their continuing lack of integration about sexuality as a whole. They still work on the basic premise that sexuality is per se bad, but given that we need it for procreation, they have constrained it to ridiculously limited circumstances, giving those circumstances the seal of holy approval, and demonising any other expression of sexuality. It is stupid, warped, unhealthy and leads them to demonise those who do not fit their model. The moral value of everything and everyone is viewed through their rather limited prism of the loins and the genitals. No wonder they are so nuts, looney, and warped. And no wonder their apparatchiks – priests and bishops – are so fucked up themselves, conflicted, lacking integration and healthy living, and acting out all sorts of behaviours that they condemn in others.

If the bishops and priests of the Church had any insight, they would notice that the vast majority of Catholics chose to make their own decisions about these matters, and rarely if ever now follow the teachings which are spouted by the Church. They vote with their feet and in their votes and in their private lives. Surely the Church should have the cop on to note this sensum fidelium and give it some credibility, rather than just condemning their flock ?

The credibility of the Church, its bishops and priests, is shot and in tatters, on this matter and in so much else. There is an existential threat to the Church as we know it. And yet, they continue to fiddle and play about, transfer, and deny, and condemn.

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Leitrim Len:
An excellent comment Anon 8:31. You’ve stated the reality. Nothing more needs added. Thank you.


Love your post. A mini treatise in common sense, and wisdom.
Few take any heed of what Roman Catholic clerical parasites say on sexual matters. These whoremongers have lost (no: thrown away) all moral credibility.
Truth is most people these days just laugh at these self-regarding retards.


Well said at 08:31. That is exactly how it is. As for Canon Matt Hep who asked where Courage states it offers to pray the gay away, Courage may be more savvy that its Evangelical counterparts in not actually being specific about that, but that’s what it means by offering so called friendship and community to troubled and vulnerable people, as if being gay were an addiction like alcoholism. The fact that some school chaplains are connected with this organization is scandalous. Cardinal Gerhard Müller declared only last month on LifeSiteNews that homosexuality did not even exist: it was just a bad choice. Well, we see the results of that approach all around us in the ruins of the priesthood, don’t we? And still it goes on.

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The days of people taking moral lectures about sexuality from any church personnel are well past. I don’t rejouce in that as the Church’s teaching on sexuality are an invitation to recognise the dignity and sanctity of sexuality. However, because of the moral failings by clerics of all hue to uphold the teachings in their own lives and because of the horrendous episodes and legacy (still being uncovered) of sexual abuse by clerics, we are no longer a moral force. We have discredited ourselves as a Church. The church should concentrate firstly in genuinely and justly helping and supporting victims/survivors and then focus on reestablishing its own moral integrity. It should then focus on justice/environmental issues, in which generally it us very good. Essentially all clerics must first be reborn, renewed in – and reconverted to Christ. This focus keeps me “sane” as a priest but I feel I’m attempting the impossible in the present environment..


9:55 – Excellent comment.
You’re right!
All clerics must first be reborn and renewed in -and reconverted to Christ.
That’s it in a nutshell !
Remain focused on Christ, regardless of the spirit of the age. 😎


The Church must divest itself of the clerical caste (and, therefore, of clericalism).
NOTHING will change, truly and permanently, until this happens.
But it will not happen, because the clerical parasites are addicted to power-weilding. And because obsequious retards, like Useless Old Bella, will continue to support them morally and, more importantly, financially, allowing the parasites to indulge what comes naturally to themselves…indolence
There is NO moral integrity in the Roman Whore. 😆


Mad Magna Caca at 11:11

Oh Polly! that’s me just home, and what do I find you insulting my person yet again, your hatred of me is quite concerning. Was it something I said ?
You are right I will always support the good holy priests who celebrate The True Mass and stay true to the Catholic Faith. When for many years Faithful Catholics had to travel many miles to hear Mass, as we were unable to attend our parishes, because of all the’Kool’Fr’s Tom,Dick and Harry who were foisting on us their heretical proddy services with the happy clappy mob. in Catholic churches that were unrecognizable as Catholic. Thanks be to God and His Holy Mother because of Summoram Pontificum we no longer have to travel. You’re GAS Polly for you to call anyone a parasite and to indulge in indolence, that’s you to tee!
There is NO moral integrity in the Magna Whore!


You disappoint +Pat. I recall you said you were stopping the tiresome ping-pong abusive comments between Bella and MC. Herein I refer to MC’s above, and Bella’s below.
Can you explain why you allow it to continue?
This is both a question, and a request.
Portaferry Peter


9:55 – you are absolutely right; the Church should play to its strengths, namely justice, peace, creation, environment etc. It is only there that they will have some modicum of integrity, certainly not on questions of sexual morality. And, if they think about it, the Bible speaks more about justice than it does about sex ! So, priests and bishops and cardinals and popes, chill out about sex and talk about justice and peace. But, I don’t expect you will take any notice, because for the most part your psycho-sexual mindset has been formed by a system that has hobbled you and makes you see everything in terms of sexual morality. It will take future generations to break out of dysfunctional ways of being and thinking. By then it might be too late…..


Thirty five years ago, I asked a Priest friend of mine, when home on holidays from the USA, if Priests he knew and ministered with, spent time in personal prayer.
He told me most Priests he knew didn’t spend time in personal prayer.
You can’t give what you haven’t got.


If they weren’t praying personally, then they weren’t (if they bothered at all) praying either when reciting the Divine Office.


Your comment , Magna, brings to mind;…’these people honor me wth their lips, but their hearts are far from me.’
Back in the day, I had the privilege of knowing a few saintly monks who had experienced spiritual ecstasy in contemplative prayer, as well as other mystical graces.
I also know several people from Catholic and Protestant backgrounds, who have experienced charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirt.
The Spirit is willing….

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Full churches for schools Carol and pageant services. Wonderful spirit with parents, guardians and grandparents. Salt of the earth people I encounter frequently at the schools, shops, on the streets, but rarely in the Church. They will all be present for Christmas. It saddens me but I understand the myriad of reasons – easy to drift away from religiiys practice, a fast changing wirld socially and religiously, secularism, greater education and greater freedom to question faith, church andcreligiin generally. However, deep down in my heart I know the clerical sexual abuse scandals have contributed primarily to the shattering of people’s trust in the Church and its personnel. Our moral and spiritual credibility is shattered, almost beyond redeeming. I keep hoping my efforts will make some difference..

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Your hope is genuine and based on your trust in God. But maybe God has departed the institution – or it has departed Him?


Crap hi. Ya cant pray away orientation or sexuality. It is personally damaging in the name of the Lord. I wance remember celibacy been said to be controlled through sublimation. What a packet of poo drops that turned out
to be an all butt


Pat, twas lovely last night in Gaynooth in the disused chapel, with Fanny and Mick the Extractor, the place packed to the rafters, lovely candlelight and all.
The combined choirs of the Gaynooth Gay Mens’ Chorus, the Wailing Wicca Witches for the Promotion of Abortion on Demand Schola, the Repeal The 8th Choral Society and the very talented Kill the Babies Ensemble, made for a deeply moving, edifying and spiritually uplifting experience.


Last night’s extravavaganza in the Gaynooth museum is available online. So many aul dolls in the stalls, the only students were in the choirs. Mullaney, speaking from 11 mins in, addressed his once a year congregation on the tradiditional theme of climate change. The Incarnation got about 30 seconds and God was not mentioned at all.


Maynooth College Chapel – normally in a state of disuse – but also, occasional misuse – such as last night, for the faithless performances of Carols, by an assortment of pagans and a motley crew of infidels.


6:25 pm And whonare you to judge any of the 700+ who wete there? Did you look into the consciences of all of them? And from your own exalted moral ground?



I am not publishing anymore ping pong personal abuse between you.

Please do not force me to bin your comments.

Stick to the topic or general church issues.


I’m not against either of them. Their “quarrel” is boring and repetitive.

MC in particular is so good when he sticks to making well thought views.


Patsy at 7:45pm
Fair play to you Patsy, I only ever reply to Polly after she’s insulted me, so I hope you mean what you say, I won’t have to bother.
Evviva Maria!


Two auxiliary bishops in the USA, Jenik in NY and Salazar in LA, have now been credibly accused of abuse and stood down from ministry.

The Pope has accepted their resignations and, perhaps, they will face criminal investigation.

Also, a number of credible allegations against retired bishops. Hart in Cheyenne for example.

There seems to be a swing towards errant bishops now since McCarrick that I’m sure was inevitable.

I wonder are any of the Irish bishops nervous about their pasts?


Many of your readers do not share your enthusiasm for the Magna Carta group and its views. They are vicious bullies. They are simply not able to stick to debate without resorting to extreme nastiness.

In any case, it’s like arguing with a schizophrenic because there are several ugly personalities involved operating under this “Magna Carta” pseudonym.

It’s about time you exercised some initiative in curtailing some of their antics, as well as that other “Evviva Maria” bore!


Bishop Pat, I am anti-clerical and anti-institutional Roman Catholic Church. I utterly despise both Roman Catholic priesthood and the clericalist institution that birthed it; both fill me with unqualified disgust! I shall, therefore, always have critics and those who want me silenced, like 8:09.

Don’t be their unwilling dupe. I assumed you were too clever, too experienced for that.


Have just listened to 11 minutes of this interminably long, navel-gazing, rambling interview with ex-poof (but…shhh!…still-a poof), David Bennet.

The radio twerp/Christian interviewing the ‘ex-poof’ looked uncannily, eerily, like, well, the ex-poof, really. Was the ex-poof playing two roles here.

Pat, WTF was your point in posting this pointless video?!😆


The “Magna” composite at 10:13pm:
Don’t flatter yourselves, girls. Martyrdom ill becomes you! 🙄
People don’t want you “silenced”. You’re not all that significant.
They simply want you recognised for the dysfunctional and nasty group that you little lot are and,hopefully, have to put up with less of your boring and predictable old nonsense.
Simple as that, ladies 😉



You have just proved that ‘Magna’ is indeed significant, and wearysome, to the institutional Whore, Roman Cartholicism.😅

What matters now is how strong, or weak, Bishop Pat is in whether he allows himself to be influenced by right-wing cretins. Why! Just like you!😆


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