

Pope Francis signs peace declaration on ‘Human Fraternity’ with Grand Imam

One paragraph has caused controversy, but a theologian says it must be read in the proper context

Catholics, Muslims and all who believe in God must work together to build a culture of love, peace and human fraternity, Pope Francis said in a joint statement he signed with Ahmed el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of al-Azhar, during an interreligious meeting in Abu Dhabi.

The document, entitled “A Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” invited “all persons who have faith in God and faith in human fraternity to unite and work together so that it may serve as a guide for future generations to advance a culture of mutual respect in the awareness of the great divine grace that makes all human beings brothers and sisters.”

The signing took place February 4 during Pope Francis’ visit to Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, a trip intended to promote interreligious dialogue and give support to the country’s Christian minority. Francis is the first Pope ever to visit the Arabian peninsula.

The document discussed the importance of religion in building a peaceful and free society and the challenges of an increasingly secular world. It condemned all practices and policies detrimental to human life and freedom.

Within a paragraph about human freedom, the document states that religious plurality is willed by God. “The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings,” the document states.

“This divine wisdom is the source from which the right to freedom of belief and the freedom to be different derives. Therefore, the fact that people are forced to adhere to a certain religion or culture must be rejected, as too the imposition of a cultural way of life that others do not accept.”

This statement must be read in the proper context and perspective, said Dr Chad Pecknold, associate professor of systematic theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.

“In sensitive inter-religious contexts, it is fitting for the Holy See to acknowledge that despite serious theological disagreements, Catholics and Muslims have much in common, such as a common belief that human beings are ‘willed by God in his wisdom,’” Pecknold told CNA.

“The idea that God wills the diversity of color, sex, race and language is easily understood, but some may find it puzzling to hear the Vicar of Christ talk about God willing the diversity of religions,” he noted.

“It is puzzling, and potentially problematic, but in the context of the document, the Holy Father is clearly referring not to the evil of many false religions, but positively refers to the diversity of religions only in the sense that they are evidence of our natural desire to know God.”

“God wills that all men come to know Him through the free choice of their will, and so it follows that a diversity of religions can be spoken about as permissively willed by God without denying the supernatural good of one true religion,” he added.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks about the Church’s relationship with the Muslims: “The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.”

The Second Vatican Council taught further that “the fullness of the means of salvation can be obtained” through the “Catholic Church alone.”

Among other things, the document also condemned terrorism. It called for equal rights and access to education for women, called on believers to care for the poor and vulnerable, and called on world leaders “to work strenuously to spread the culture of tolerance and of living together in peace; to intervene at the earliest opportunity to stop the shedding of innocent blood and bring an end to wars, conflicts, environmental decay and the moral and cultural decline that the world is presently experiencing.”

As Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Tayeb holds one of the most prominent titles in Sunni Islam, and is head of the the al-Azhar Mosque and al-Azhar University in Egypt.

Tayeb is considered a tolerant and moderate Muslim leader, and has rejected connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and condemned ISIS. He also allowed a woman to remain at al-Azhar University after she was facing expulsion for allegedly hugging a male student. However, he has also said he believes that apostasy from Islam is punishable by death.

In the interreligious meeting, Pope Francis said that people of different religions must work to build the future together “or there will not be a future.”

“The time has come when religions should more actively exert themselves, with courage and audacity, and without pretense, to help the human family deepen the capacity for reconciliation, the vision of hope and the concrete paths of peace,” he said.


I agree with Francis that God wills diversity.

On my episcopal arms my motto says


I believe that a good Jew, Muslim or Hindu will be as welcome in heaven as a good catholic.

Spirituality and Faith are God’s gifts.

Religions are manmade institutions and can be a mixture of good and evil.

I increasingly dislike Francis.

But on this one he is right.


I agree, Pat, something to celebrate in this screwed up world where we are always looking for something to scrap about whether it be gay marriage or sodding Brexit.


I’m afraid fallible Pat that Pope Francis wouldn’t give a damn about you either but he would show greater tolerance and respect. Wouldn’t it be such a change if you had the capacity for a little of the same in return? You look like a shrivelled human being beside this Pope! Alas Patsy, you are, like the rest of us, insignificant. Such a pretentious coat of arms and we all though you had humility!! Hmm……..


Now was that really necessary at 9:37pm? Second comment in and the vituperation starts. Still, like a fart, better out than in. Feel better now?


On an entirely different note, but to do with truthfulness.
Just read a bit on the ‘boul Liam Neeson. Apparently, he credits Ian Paisley with inspiring him to act. Fair enough. But are we REALLY to believe that he used to sneak into the Free Presbyterian Church in Ballymena to watch him as a child / teenager! A Catholic, on his own, without polished shoes and suit and tie being allowed into the Free P’s without any questions or worries about security?
He says in his latest interview that he ” knew a couple of the guys who died on hungerstrike”! WHO? I don’t believe one word of it.
As for going out with a cosh looking for a “black bastard”, well, that’s the phrase we use for our beloved brethren. Nothing to do with blacks.
Also, this friend who was raped 20 years ago was presumably maybe 30ish and she conveniently died 5 years ago, so possibly 45 – very young!
I could be wrong but I smell a fantasist.


I’m sure Asia Bibi is convinced of the muslims’ support for freedom of religion. How can that guy, Ahmed, sign something saying people “shouldn’t be forced to adhere to a particular religion” while at the same time saying Muslims who leave should be killed. I smell taaquia I.e. allowing Muslims to lie to infidels if it furthers the cause of Islam.
Francis doesn’t believe anything except freemasonry. Notice the use of the word ” brethren.” Anyhow, I thought we were to be judged by Christ, not God the Father. That’s why we call him, “Lord.” “From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.”
Francis, the snake in the grass, the Freemason.


Actually Francis is close to John Paul II who said that God uses specifically their religions as means of leading non-Christians to salvation. Ratziinger and the CDF tried to put a damper on this, but had to concede the principle (in Dominus Iesus, 2000) though grudgingly


12 25: Magna, tolerance and respect are not in your lexicon of words, sadly. You only know bullying, ignorant commentary and intimidatory language. The essence of being human does not exist in your soul. You constantly reject and dismiss all others.


7.31: What the Bishop said to the actress! Though I’m sure in hindsight he’d have much preferred to be out than in!!! Causes too much personal angst!!


Did they not teach you about syncretism in Carlow or Clonliffe? Bergoglio loves the Muslims and he’s quick to bully the EU to take in these counter-cultural invadors but he has no space for them behind the very high walls of Vatican city even though the hypocrite lectures Trump.


HE didn’t take them in!!! He brought them to ITALY and made ITALY take them, not the Vatican – hence, Salvini. Hypocrite.


The Church cultivates warm friendship with Islam ever since Vatican II, as it does with Judaism. Even on nakedly political terms this is far more fruitful than the kneejerk islamophobia one so often meets.


Religion means to tie back. People invent religion and then adore the golden calf they created. Jesus is the true Temple of God and shows the way to true worship. All holy people and leaders of good standing in one way or another share some of the vision of Jesus. We re all on da same bus hi and there is only wan driver but


I agree. Communication requires an agreement to employ a common language. Pigeon English doesn’t qualify.


if you happen to live in a society where there is a strong Muslim presence, you very quickly realise that the Muslim faith is a crusading faith. Scratch the surface, and they will tell you that their agenda is that the whole world should live in a Muslim theocracy. So, I don’t buy the “we love everybody and cherish other religions” narrative. The last 50 or so years, especially in parts of the UK, has seen a seismic change in the cultural, ethnic and religious make up of society. You only have to walk through some of the big cities in the UK and you could think that you were in the Indian subcontinent. The failure of the policy of the last 50 years – multiculturalism – has meant that immigrant groups of difference have not been encouraged and have not wanted to integrate, so that now there are multiple stove pipes of communities living side by side but essentially separately. This is not good, and engenders suspicion and division. This is as much the fault of the policy of multiculturalism and the host country as it is the immigrant communities. Thrown in to this mix is the religious question, and most particularly the Muslim agenda, which encourages lack of integration in the interest of avoiding infection by the host society that they consider unclean and infidel. Their solution and policy is to grow their own separate community and then to enforce the presently majority host community to become Muslim. This is a very dangerous situation with dire consequences for the future. Already we have seen something of a backlash in the Brexit vote, which majorly was a vote on immigration, although ironically focused on European immigration which is possibly less problematic than historical immigration in that the vast majority of European immigrants share considerable culture, ethnic and religious attributes with the host country and tend to integrate far quicker and more successfully. The host community is becoming increasingly aware of this agenda, and its visible evidence of separateness, distain for the host culture, and outright hostility to all things western and Christian. it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that a tipping point will occur whereby the host community realise this agenda and feel threatened, and then react. That is not something I would want to see, and it is important that cross-community dialogue takes place, but in most cases trying to dialogue with a religion or ideology that has an underlying firm belief in their own rightness and requirement to extend this to others, is very difficult.


An insightful analysis Anon @ 8.51.
Headmaster Ray Honeyford pointed out these trends in Bradford in the 1970’s. Just like Enoch Powell previously, he was ignored in the interests of multi-cultural diversity.
I don’t know if there is an ‘answer’ to this, or if indeed seeking an “answer” is the correct approach to the reality of an enduring phenomena of humankind’s continual migratory patterns. As Dr Alice Robert’s current BBC4 programme “The Incredible Human Journey” shows, migratory patterns have existed throughout human evolution. Perhaps we are just more aware of it now due to its rapidity and volume through modern transport facilities.


about 20% of students in Newman University, B’ham, are Muslims; many of them touch the statue of Newman with devotion; a good thing, I’d say


CMOC like the gin ! Other than that, it does seem a bit fishy that Francis and later Nichols were very reluctant to take this matter against CMOC any further. If it had been you or me, we would be suspended and furloughed for ever. What is good for the goose…..


I thought an English Bishop insisted that CMOC was investigated and reported it to Rome.


The media outlet that is the source of this story explains everything. I wouldn’t take anything it reports on as anything other than typically tendentious right-wing propaganda.


You are talking through your arse @ 9:28am. Cardinal Muller confirmed no such thing except in a Lie Site News fake news article last September. You’re not the brightest 9:28am sure you’re not? And you think we’re all idiots too, don’t you?


Yes, 10.05 I think the Bishop when he was a PP counselled the alleged victim of CMOC. When the PP became a Bishop he insisted that CMOC was investigated and went directly to Rome himself insisting that the victim be believed. Can’t remember who it was but I’ll try Google.


It was, I think, Bishop Peter Doyle of Northampton. I think when he was VG in Portsmouth is when he came across the allegation. He seems like a decent man. GMOC was, I think, pretty lucky that this matter did not go further, whether because it was not substantiated, or whether it was frustrated by the hierarchy. I don’t know. But, it is interesting that it keeps being mentioned. I guess as much to do with a perceived lack of proper process and perceived preferential treatment of a pezzo grosso. There is many a run of the mill priest that has been sidelined and furloughed for less.


I swear to God! The depths of stupidity displayed by Papa Francesco never lose their power to astound and astonish.

So he and the Muslims agree on the ground-breaking revelation that God (aka Allah) wills diversity. What the hell else could he do, for crying out loud?! Isn’t humanity naturally diverse? Isn’t this what the story of Babel is about in the Old Testament? 😕


10.42 Check the CNA article entitled “Cardinal Nichols to face questions about British abuse case”. It tells you all about the CMOC abuse case and how Elsie and Rome tried to hush hush it.


The Catholic New Agency article is good and illuminating. What I take away from it is:
1. The police thought it serious enough an allegation to interview CMOC under caution.
2. If the allegation was serious enough for 1, then surely any dimwit in Westminster dealing with this should have realised that it was serious enough for it to be acted upon according to the agreed protocols.
3. A simple referral to another diocese and a quick decision from that diocese could have put the whole thing to rest.
4. Arrogance and self- interest was in the decision to keep it ‘in house’; why should CMOC be treated like everybody else, they were thinking.
5. The only two people who come out of this with any credibility and integrity are the + Northampton and + Portsmouth.
6. + Vinny appears to have wanted to keep it ‘in house’. Again, rank arrogance.
7. To every priest who has been accused and suspended, on even the slightest whiff of an allegation, and the whole of his life turned upside down irrevocably, what has happened probably does not come as a shock. But, it certainly will be viewed as completely wrong.
8. CMOC has probably done himself a favour going on to his eternal reward. He could find himself the subject of a very serious investigation, if not for the allegation itself, then for the way it was handled against all Church protocols.
9. + Vinny is probably sweating it a bit, too, because he doesn’t seem to come out very well in this matter.
10. Maybe IICSA should have + Vinny et al back to ask them about all this ?


The +Northampton you refer to is a decent and honourable man – many say he is almost too decent and nice a man to be a bishop. When a Bishop is willing to report someone more senior than him to Rome then he is very much in the minority and I’d love him to be my bishop.


Yes, Elsie does not emerge from this very well. She resented that Northampton and Portsmouth interfered but they were rightly seeking transparency and accountability – well done them. However, Elsie being the cool sly and ruthless minx that she is made sure that Neither Northampton or Portsmouth advanced any further in the hierarchy. You blot your copy book with Elsie and you’ve effectively had it. She is a ruthless fiend when crossed but comes across all smarmy in front of the cameras. Is it any wonder Warlock favoured Elsie.


+ Nichols, you can be sure, will be well cosseted and provided for when he leaves Westminster. CMOC took up residence in some very elegant Chelsea pad, with another priest in residence to make sure he didn’t pour too many generous gins ! So, Vinny will ensure that he lives out his retirement in some dignified comfort, with regular jaunts off to Rome. I think he did hope for a little preferment in Rome for his latter years as a Cardinal, but I suspect the IICSA stuff has put paid to that. They say that all political careers end in failure and disappointment. It’s looking a bit like that with clerical and episcopal careers these days.


2.08: The part 1 & 2 of said trip proved beyond doubt the futility and pomposity of Pat’s agenda. Proclaiming in dark headlines his proposed Trip gave the impression that the South would be changed irrevocably. What a disaster of a trip: All we got was thecsame old, boringlybrepwtitive stuff We’ve heard before. Nothing new. The only tittle tattle was the pompous looking, well satiated bishop in his finery with the bridal party and restaurant owner. What an imagination!! Poor delusional Pat. Part 3 will be an embellishment of part 1 & 2. But I suggest he find a ghost writer. Oh dear, another (or 2, or 3 orc4.) gin n’ tonic, as Mags would say……


Will you please give us ,cloyne residents,more details on what you have discovered about the clergy in cloyne ?
We have a right to know the truth.


Lay people have the right to such info in accordance with Canon 312 which states that “according to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.”


5:32 You have confused the substance of the canon you quote.
The canon deals with the right (and sometimes, the duty) to freedom of speech, that is to say, with the prerogative to convey information, whereas, the poster at 3:51 is concerned with the right to receive information.


3.35: You are no more a resident of Cloyne than my cat in the garden. You gossiper, slanderer, infantile and utterly silly fool.


6 26
I’m none of the above,neither do i ever lay a tirade of insults against someone I’ve never met, I’m thinking have you a vested interest in suppressing the truth.


There is but one right in Catholicism… the right to a Christian burian if you have ticked the right boxes.


Read again para 6 of the buddy pact between Francis and GI. I have rarely come across such mutually congratulatory horseshit.

Both guys, without even the remotest trace of irony, pompously declare the God-given right to freedom of belief and the freedom to be different, except when it comes to their own houses: Francis bars gay men from seminary admission, while Muslims just throw them off tall buildings (and if the fall doesn’t kill them, the God-fearing Muslims who jeered from below then have the divinely ordained task of stoning to death the gravely injured party.

As I said, ‘horseshit’. 😕


4.32: Horseshit – you’re right Magna. Everything you say is horses**t. Totally. How did you get into seminary in the first place if Popes said no “gays” should be allowed enter? You cranky old plonnker, serkingbsome kind of relevance through this blog. How sad.


Lillie the Crackpot

You say that of my comments only becsuse they go right over your miniscule head.

If you have anything even approximate to a functioning brain between those lugholes of yours, why dont you try answering my point about these bosom-buddy hypocrites, Francis and GI?

Go on. Astonish me.😅



These seriously mentally ill posters using the MC pseudonym need help. It seems they choose to compete with one another here to see who can provoke the most comments. It’s not helping anyone. Not helping the blog because their comments detract from rational debate; and not helping themselves, but rather fuelling their need for more unhealthy attention, they are bringing out the worst in each other.
The irony in this post is that in their rush towards invective this particular writer failed to recognise the diplomatic genre of the joint agreement, as found for example in the Magna carta between King John of England and the rebellious barons. Maybe other users of the nom de plume would be less manic.
Anyway, their content and style do not make for pleasant or reasoned debate here.


Stop rambling and address the point I made about Francis and GI.
Evasion isn’t an answer, but a cowardly retreat.
Prove you have even a little more intelligence than Lillie the Crackpot.😆


8.07: Magna, you’d be very surprised to know that we are not far apart! I know you well. You have no idea who Lillie the Crackpot is but let me assure you, I have several educational achievements to my name but since you have never respected
– ever – I decided not to engage in debate with you. Just playing games with you. P.S. – you haven’t changed much over the years….still the same trucculent, awkward soul.


9.14: Oh my soft weak boy, Magna, how your mother wishes you’d make friends. She’s worn out worrying about your drinking and spending night’s all alone. She wants you to embrace her through the Mourne Mts to enjoy the heathers and speak poetry to her. She’s like yiu to be aesthetic instead of esoteric so that she can bond more easily. She desires to make up for lost youth. She know she threw you to the wolves in Maynooth and that you’re still wiping the tears away. So Mags dear, come to mama – this time the kiss will be prolonged. It will be more than a mystic rose. It’ll be a lily of the valley,,,,,with a few nettles thrown in…Now don’t be awkward…..


The mohammedan who signed was campaigning and supporting death penalty for anyone who dared to leave islam within last 12 months. Says it all as to his sincerity to freedom of religion.
God does not “will” different religions. The way to the Father is through Christ, and ONLY Christ. Once Christ came, why would mohammed be needed? Why would God will that people in Syria or Turkey, for example, be led to such a cult instead of the Truth so geographically near them?
Francis is a socialist Freemason. He is certainly not Catholic. He never preaches Christ. Can you imagine St. Peter signing that nonsense? He is not meant to be a politician, but a promoter of CHRIST. The impression he gives the world is: stay where you are, do not change, any religion is as good as another – even ones as disgusting and obviously as bad for their societies as islam. So bad, they all need to flee to the west -and then bring their shit here and try and drag us down. Who would escape islam when Francis is telling them they’re fine where they are?


7:30 It’s difficult to decide which is the most egregiously false element of your tirade. If pressed I’d opt for your calumny against the Holy Father Francis, specifically that he never preaches Jesus. Penning those words is a sin against the Holy Spirit.
By way of response one thinks of the last of Matthew’s beatitudes: “Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be glad for your reward shall be great in heaven.” (5:11-12)


Kevin Connolly is to be ordained for Clogher in June. He began with Clogher, fell in with the “young conservative priests” from Meath and jumped ship to that diocese. He then discovered that they didn’t love him as one of their own so he came back to Clogher with his tail between his legs. Joe Mc Guinness accepted him with open arms and assumed that he would be the ordaining prelate! Good old papal nuncio put an end to that!


Pat Mullaney does find the Burka to be a very handy disguise and very camouflaging rendering her practically invisible when she do be in Le Bum Bum Café eavesdropping on the semen-arians the rambunctious little rapscallions


11.16 A revolting contribution despite the seemingly harmless language in which it’s couched. Grow up and get over your resentment instead of nursing them here.


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