

A Dublin priest contributor to this blog, who comments under the name BRUNO has raised concerns about the Meath Diocese hermit priest Father David Jones.

He raises these concerns after watching the hermit’s many contributions on his own YouTube channel.

These films have titles such as







Apparently he also tried to de a diocesan hermit in the Diocese of Wrexham in Wales. The bishop refused.

On his videos he talks a lot about perpetual silence and seclusion – yet he is all over YouTube and is seen out shopping at least three times a week and driving a car.

Bruno wonders why has he been in so many monasteries in so many countries.

Especially since monks make a fourth vow of STABILITY – meaning to stay in the one place.

Bruno calls out attention to his video on Italy where he says he gave a girl the kiss of peace on the lips because she asked for it!

Bruno wonders if the Meath Safeguarding Office has checked him out as he often says Mass with boys and even has boys serving him in the hermitage.



Bruno also brings up the question of David’s conversation with Cahal Daly advising him to stay away from Kilnacrott till the mess dies down.

Of course it was Daly who had dealings with the Norbertine Abbot General in Rome about Smyth.

Daly knew all about Smyth for a long time before the rest of us did.

Bruno also wonders who pays for the professional videos that appear on YouTube?

Bruno wonders who “manages” Jones’ activities in the Diocese of Meath?


I must say that Father “Bruno” makes many valid points and asks many valid questions.

It seems to be that Jones has been from pillar to post all over the world.

What is at the heart of all this moving and instability?

Are we dealing with personality disorders or mental health issues?



Is he a self managing independent catholic priest? If so Tommy Deenihan might not have anything to do with him. Then again don’t all priests report to revenue as “self-employed” so that bishops can avoid paying social insurance for their (non)employees.


His telephone call about Yoga is an honest effort to teach, even if you may find him over-critical of Yoga and Ouija boards, and even if you don’t believe in demons. The anonymous Bruno has no authority to judge Fr Jones, who has the courage to be himself and to share his thoughts openly.



Jone’s phone call is an honest effort to teach? What? His own peculiar take on things? That’s not teaching, but propagandising.

And where’s the honesty? Is he really on the phone to someone? I don’t think so. But if he is, does the person know that their private concerns are being posted on social media?

Jones talks ( or, rather, bumbles) a lot about demons, which is extremely odd for someone who would claim to have sought an eremetic path to Christ. And it isn’t a path he’s content to stay on for too long, given the time he spends with others, both on and off social media.

Jones is clearly bored with an ‘eremetic lifestyle’ (if ever he truly sought it) and craves company…to lecture on his own peculiar take on spirituality, both dark and light, and then to frighten all with his apparent insider-knowledge about demons and how they operate.

This man isn’t spreading the peace of Christ, but is scaremongering…much like the roving tribunals of the Papal Inquisition, or Matthew Hopkins, Witchfinder General in 17th century England. Why do they do it? For power, for control of others, for staus. Oh, yes! And for money.

I’ll wager that Jones attracts much bounty from grateful but gullible folk happy that Jones has steered them from that broad, dark road to perdition.😕


You are judging this holy priest based on a video online. I have had the privilege of knowing Fr David Jones for many years now and I can confidently say he has inspired me to sanctity more than any other priest. He is extremely intelligent and very Christ like. The Bishop says he has to be available to the public, that was the condition. Father would love more silence but he would always put a soul before his own welfare. My grandmother was completely anti Catholic for years, but after a visit with Fr David she had a complete conversion and she kept saying how pious Father was for months. She ended up dying a holy death, I am eternally grateful for all Father has done for me and my family. Anyone who utters a bad word about him has never met him and it is a terrible offence against God to insult a priest, for you are ultimately insulting Christ. Christe Eleison.


TBH in return, I have never met anyone in the Charismatic Movement that held Jones’ views, even remotely. (I was involved in this movement for a number of years.)
Charismatics are about joyful celebration of the charisms (or ‘gifts’) that mark any genuinely Christian movement, the emphasis being on ‘joyful’.
Jones, on the other hand, seems less about joy, and more (much more) about complaining, frightening, and warning. His interest is more demon than divine.
He is, in my opinion, not a completely helpful influence, at best, and at worst, a worrying example of confused (and highly personal) Christianity His frequent appearances on social media seem the antithesis of historical eremetic example.


Thanks for being honest Magna! It’s interesting your experience is the exact opposite of mine. I was told by a religious priest who must remain nameless because he’s dead and can’t defend himself, that there was an evil spirit in my family. He was a big name in the charismatic movement locally but I ran away from that parish very quickly because I found it was exactly about frightening and the other things you talk about.
Ironically my own life only improved after a motherectomy so I don’t think he was that far off!
And I’m not even generalising,. I have found similar scary tactics in the charismatic movement elsewhere.


A mischievous comment! It’s clear you don’t think so. But you don’t put forward any reason. Therefore you reduce the issue to one of personal preference.


And what is humour if not an expression of joy?
Some here find my posts humourous, but not you, I suspect. Even if you did, I doubt you’d admit it.😕


Interesting Father David Jones is giving off about Yoga.
I did a bit of Yoga. The only side effects I noticed were it made me a little more chilled out and more sympathetic to people not like me: Foreigners, Gay Folks, Protestants etc.
And they say it’s a bad thing! 🙂


Your article refers to the Carthusians in the USA
It may be as well to contact them to determine what is happening with this individual
perhaps someone might like to make an inquiry


It is not a crime to have a car for a Hermit depending on location as
they may need it to get the food in .However the Hermit would avoid going out to
many times .But if a Hermit needs everyone to know
he is in solitude than that is an issue . I would think a true Hermit would prefer
to remain hidden away , and flee from being a public figure . Having been
an Exorcist for years I think he is very wrong to talk about spirits that stay
forever . That is not correct . His very fast talking and never looking directly at
someone could indicate deeper problems . There are clearly serious safe guarding concerns here , and certainly a lack of judgment being alone with children .


I don’t understand diocesan hermits. Some people naturally like silence and solitude. Why do you need the bishop’s permission? Why would you want anyone to know? Most people who not understand the Interior Life. It just a matter of being true to yourself, not about being special.


I would hypothesise that he is one of these people who have left a couple of communities when he is young, for perfectly sensible reasons at the time. The trouble is this alone makes it difficult to settle in another community.
There isn’t necessarily wrong with these people, and I can think of at least three who have later settled in other communities. Personally I would be far more critical of people who stay in a religious community regardless of what is happening in it!
Then if the person may be considered eccentric or difficult to live with, other places will make it more difficult for them to stay.
On the other hand, always pursuing a different or deeper or more perfect monastic life is a problem which arrives for many monks – I can again think of several who have gone off to try to be Carthusian or whatever, and gone back where they came from.
I do think a hermit making extensive use of social media is bizarre. Also most clerics should be wary of how extensive unsupervised contact with children will look, even if innocent!
The only thing I do find very strange is his liturgical preference seems very trad but yet he talks about involvement in the charismatic movement! Perhaps no monastery can contain the breadth of Fr Jones’s interests?


Father YouTube. Lots of words around a very complicated area. Fact fantasy and God knows what. I wonder who was on the other end of the phone if anyone. Too many top oth head answers makes me wonder hi.


Sadly their are to many lonely hemit Priest’s, it’s a strange profession for even stanger men in this modern secular society.
We need to take lead from the way our sister churches are run and operate, that is were by the minister/ priest is EMPLOYED by the people on the ground, not the priest putting in place his puppet pastoral/ financial bodies and chairpersons that play to his tune.
To many parishes fail in this area, we need strong women and men with empowering leadership skills that can stand up and face these bullies down!
Good people are often placed in re-cycling bins because of a personality class with their power ego priest’s.
Radical change is needed from the top down’ to make our structures work from the bottom up only then shall we see a new beginning in our Church.


Any good point you may have to make is lost because of your many misspells and lack of indication where sentences begin and end.


You must be brightly educated?
Clown could best describe you Fr …….!
But lets be informed that I’d just be slightly more educated and informed than you Fr!
Prick of the year award for you😉🤣😉🤣😉


12.18… Again we see the priesthood being brought in disrepute by an ego headed brother Priest that thinks he towers above others!
The bubble has burst many years ago!
A tosser I’d say to you!


Thauld challenge is to discern the meaning in the words. So many are dismissed because they don’t fit in or seem different. The church might be grammatically and linguistically accurate in the literal sense of the term. What about the underlying message? That’s my point hi. I don’t want to marvel at the beautiful chocolate box. I want to ate dasent sweets hi See?


Apparently Stylite monks were hermits who lived on top of pillars, and at one point, there were so many that they could be close enough to yell to each other and argue about their theological differences.


Pat, the ridiculing photo of Cardinal Daly is unnecessary. It does no favours for you. Let the man rest in peace and get over your bitterness. The video of Fr. Jones is indeed very worrying. I hope his superior, whoever it may be, is supervising him. I think he is extremely eccentric and fundamentalist. However, posing questions as suggested by Fr. “Bruno” will subject this man to being stripped apart and unless the implicit nuances can be validated, we need to be careful and charitable about Fr. Jones. Why do you choose some very vulnerable people to ridicule, mock, jeer and ridicule them?


That hideous pic of Cahal Daly made my day. Brillant. It conveys the ugliness of the inner and outter man.


8:16. Spot on. Excellent idea. Sadly the dioceses will not adopt this. They would rather stick needles in their eyes than let parishioners have control. Your idea would soon separate the wheat from the chaff


Excellent 8.16. You seem to be a person with passion for our ever struggling Church but also have vision and direction for the future.
Wouldn’t these structures be much easier for a Bishop to manage.


The Congregationalists and Presbyterians allow the laity to have full control officially though the Minister and the Elders and Session have a lot of status and power informally. Have you tried them or thought of moving house there? They are Christians too and your manifesto is delivered in full. They are most welcoming and better to be a fulfilled Protestant than an unhappy Catholic.

It’s not all plain sailing though. Small market towns in NI tend to have several Presbyterian churches reflecting past local schisms in which congregations split and went their separate ways. There is a loose ecumenism among them but there are deep divisions so beware of lay leadership.

PS Jesus has a different model for his Church, as Vatican II reminded us of its heirachial nature and the leadership of the bishops in communion with the Pope and the Pope also acting alone.


I agree with you Keith, oddly enough. You actually, for once (but better once than never) managed to strike a nail squarely on its head.
Yes, Jesus most certainly has a distinct model of church, and it is expressed in the Gospel: servanthood. Elsewhere in Scripture, it is clear why this model is absolutely essential (Mary, for one, makes it obvious in the Magnificat) for God’s communicating truth to his disciples: God deals with the humbe, not with the proud. But there is nothing humble in a clergy structured on self-aggrandisement and self-promotion (ontologically different); nor is there even a whiff of humility in such worldly clerical titles as Excellency, My Lord, Princes of the Church, Holy Father, etc. So Vatican II expresses a concept of hierarchy decidedly, and shamefully, at odds with Jesus’ more humble model of church, doesn’t it?
I don’t think Christ would feel even remotely at home in today’s Roman Catholic hierarchy.
Don’t you, Keith?😕


The Father’s House has many mansions. Surely a good, inclusive liberal such as Bishop Buckley would allow the likes of Fr Jones a place?
Fr Bruno should be much more concerned with his Dublin parish, where attendance is bound to be catastrophically low and falling. Having sorted that out and the myriad abuses in Dublin diocese he can attend to Fr Jones.


Judging from his interview with the Meath priest a while back I’d say Fr Jones reaches many more souls than any Dublin priest and satisfies their longing for liturgies that elevate them to the sacred.


Liturgy doesn’t elevate anyone anywhere, except in an ebbing emotional sense.
But love unites us to God, something liturgy, however ostentatious, can never do.
As for Fr Jones’ reaching ‘many more souls’:if he is reaching them, it is not in a good way. Anyone who scaremongers, who impresses people with the belief that God can be reached (God can never be reached anyhow: he condescends, lovingly) only, or most effectively, through certain forms of liturgy is misleading.


That’s your mantra, Karen/Keith. If someone makes a suggestion about improving the structure of the church, your spontaneous reaction is to send them elsewhere. That way the church postpones or avoids reformation. Ecclesia semper reformanda. Nos et in illa reformemur.


I don’t mention the Keith insult normally because that’s derived from MC who maintains I must be a man because I comment here. The great joy of the Redeemed is that we are female and male both and we have both have plenty to say. Remember that the big old Church has mostly lay members, sons,daughters, brothers, aunties, uncles, Disputing it is tiring so I don’t


A good post, 5:48. Not least for its accuracy about oor Keith.
Keith, I’m afraid, prefers to live in the spiritual shabby-chic of today’s Roman Catholicism.
Keith does not want necessary reform; he prefers the comfort zone of an undisturbed status quo.
Keith’s catchphrase could be: ‘My way, or no way.’
Not only is Keith not ecumenically minded, he opposes the filiality commanded by Jesus: ‘Love one another as I have loved you.
Keith is a slow learner.


You are some shower of gobshites “Magna Carta”. Karen has the measure of ye all though.


5.33: A very stupid comment. A venerised judgment. Fr. Jones probably touches the hearts and souls of some people undoubtedly but so do many clerics. You need to widen your views beyond what you read on this blog. In other words – get from behi d your laptop or mobile phone and experience the real world or pay a visit to your local church, that’s if you’re a believer! A little prayer for yourself won’t go astray……


You can dish it out to me (yesterday at 5:10), can’t you Keith? But you gurn like a spoilt brat when I dish it back.

S’not fair, Bishop Pat, so s’not. (Sniff😢)

Grow up, Keith. 😐


You are some shower of gobshites “Magna Carta”. Karen has the measure of ye all though. Especially the acid-tongued queen from Dun Pádraig 😉


I’m not the one beating a retreat with tail rigidly between legs.
If Keith has the measure of anyone, it’s himself. And he knows he just doesn’t measure up.😉


Contact the various institutions mentioned in this blog concerning Jones

I find it implausible that such a person would be permitted access to a Carthusian charterhouse


Big party planned for Clogher diocese this weekend…….the ordination of Lawrence Duffy as bishop has sucked the life out of everything else. Life in Clogher has been put on hold since the announcement was made. The sooner it’s all over the better. What a waste of time and money.


10:37 Another poster with ill will towards someone most here know nothing about. Grow up! Do yourself a favour and deal with your resentment in a constructive way!


I don’t know anything about Pat Mullaney either, but I am disgusted by the constant smearing of him by a small groups of sneaky anonymi on this site. I really think Bishop Pat is courting nemesis by his encouragement of this effort to destroy so many named individuals. There is no defense aginist poisoned tongues and poison pens, but those who wield them are courting disaster.


“Pat Mullaney” doesn’t exist. It’s a bit of a skit – not an actual real person at all and I have no idea how it started.
BUT! … I will tell you what IS REAL! Very real!
A national seminary presided over by highly questionable individuals that has become a laughingstock – that’s real!
Where one “director of formation” was quizzing students about erections, masturbation and wet dreams in a manner that only be described as voyeuristic!
Where there are allegations of serious sexual assault perpetrated by seminarians on other seminarians!
Where a recent president was caught lying about the state of affairs on national radio (Hugh The-Dog-Ate-Me-Homework -Cowboy Connolly in July 2016)!
Where there have been “strange goings on” reported in the national and international media!
Where there are practically now hardly any seminarians left!
Where there are allegations of promiscuous homosexual genital activity among seminarians, who are supposed to be living chaste Christian lives, in preparation for a life of celibacy!
Where a seminarian complained to the Garda about sexual harassment by a faculty member!
How’s that for starters? You see where this is going?
So, 10:37 and 8:45am, if you want to get up on your feckin high horses and feign righteous indignation, why not turn your ire in the direction of a national seminary and it’s staff that is obviously dysfunctional and unfit for purpose, instead of skits and jokes, involving the fictional figure of fun, “Pat Mullaney”?


12:25am and 8:45am, why don’t you two prigs arrange a wee meeting – maybe a bite of lunch in Cafe Bum Bum with “the few drinks”?
And invite Cowboy Connolly, Pauly the Pry-er, Mick the Extractor & the real Mullaney (affectionately called “Fanny” Mullaney) and, over lunch and “the few drinks”, you could discuss why the national seminary of Ireland is now mockingly called “Gaynooth”, etc?
Maybe you could find out about “the strange goings on” to which the Archbishop of Dublin referred?
Maybe try and ascertain why it is being alleged that a seminarian was gang raped by other seminarians?
Etc., etc.
I’m sure we would all be most interested in the outcome of your discussions.


Some satire and a bit of ridicule seem quite an appropriate response to the Maynooth debacle and it’s dramatis personae.


12.09 and 12.41
On the contrary why don’t you put up or shut up.
If you have evidence of criminal activity you know what to do, and, more specifically, where to go with it.
Innuendo and anonymous allegations are not worth the paper/pad they are written on. Let them be tested in a public court of law and have your views vindicated, or experience how libel and defamation are regarded in a civilized society.
Put up or shut up.


Bishop Buckley, I have been reading your blog for over two years, and I have furnished this blog with accurate information.
Would you ever consider doing something on catholic schools? As an educator I cant begin to tell you how the catholic church holds patronage of catholic schools yet these schools are not catholic in nature. in many ways it is disingenuous to promote a caring christian environment when bullying and intimidation are rampant.
I myself have made 3 attempts to meet a catholic bishop in order to address a very serious issue, and this bishop has not got back to me despite me telling his secretary I had a ‘very serious issue’ to discuss. so much for the bishop being at the service of the people.
(an isolated issue could become a very serious international matter)


Why are we wasting time on this strange, autistic, incoherent idiot ? Honestly ! He’s an odd ball with wacky views on things. I mean, a hermit who spends his time on YouTube ! Really ! Let’s move on and not give him the oxygen of publicity. He will be loving it ! There are much more important things to be worrying about. Please !


Pat Mullaney says would ye not keep her waiting of a night for till put up your blog on d’internet and her sitting up in the bed till all hours and the few drinks in her like a mad thing.


At 6:14pm, strange isn’t it, Pauly Pry-er’s solicitor’s letter to Pat Buckley came to nought? And Éamon Martin’s too? I’m sure PB could paper the living room with such letters.

Why don’t wee Prying Pauly, Mick the Extractor, Cowboy Connolly and Fanny instigate legal proceedings? Is it because they know full well they would open “Pandora’s Box” and things as yet unheard of, could come leaping out of that closet?


From the security of anonymity you name several people in derogatory terms including innuendo. If you have information to justify what you are implying or alleging approach the appropriate authorities. You condemn those you name for not doing the very thing you fail to do: issue legal proceedings. What’s preventing you?


In relation to Fr David Jones – How does he support himself i.e. pay for car , house and food ? Also I hope that the Meath diocese would have done all relevant safeguarding checks on him before he was allowed “to set up camp” in Meath…… seems abit of fellow with serious issues as far as I can see


Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I do not understand why a priest and bishop of the Catholic Church are openly attacking a member of our church on social media, and in such a personal and disrespectful way. As a member of the church I am disgusted with this sneering and mocking attitude which is in no way Christian. Have no schisms among you. Divide and be conquered. Keep your quarrels among yourselves lest ye bring disrepute on your own religion and your own lord. Seriously, accusing someone of having a personality disorder or mental illness as well as instigating child safety concerns?? That’s defamation of character and slander against your own brother. Shame


Reading the comments here made me realize why the Catholic church is finished. All this passing of judgment without even giving him the right to defend himself. If David Jones bothers you so much, this means he’s on the right path. Kudos to him.


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