

The editor of the Irish Catholic newspaper, Michael Kelly, has personally apologised to me for the false claim made by the newspaper which said my weddings were not legal in the Republic of Ireland.

He telephoned me yesterday from Rome to say that they got it completely wrong. He apologised and has said he will publish a full apology and correction in the papers next edition.

The offending article had claimed that I was not on the Register of Solemnisers – which is not true.

I celebrated my first Irish wedding as a deacon in 1975 – so my weddings in Ireland have been legal for 44 years.

Mr. Kelly said the young journalist got it wrong and that he is “gutted”.

Im glad the newspaper has apologised and promised a clarification.

Its very important that the couples I’ve married know that their marriages are totally authentic in the eyes of the state.

I never tell a couple I marry them in canon law.

I simply marry them in the eyes of God and the state.


Glad the Irish Cathic apologised to you for wrong information about you as an acknowledged solemniser. MIchael O Kelly is a man of principle, so his apology will be sincere. Easy to get facts wrongs and imiplictly impugn the good name of others. Strangely, it happens here on this blog all the time and people don’t go threatening with solicitors …. The other facts re: stipends is true, REALLY TRUE. I know.


How do you know what people do with their solicitors? The bishops are quick to phone their solicitor just to keep Maynooth’s victims from complaining


Good. Marriage is a civil contract which entails duties and responsibilities. Rather like taking out a mortgage, it is up to the individual to decide whether it benefits them or not. Also like property ownership, civil society tends to encourage marriage for reasons of social cohesion. After the first millennium the Church appropriated definition and control of marriage to itself, again for economic and political reasons. The ensuing theology has always been questionable given the ambiguity concerning the desirability of marriage in the New Testament. What we have today is an idolatry of marriage as narrowly conceived by the Church, which has far more to do with a right wing political agenda and bourgeois lifestyle than anything resembling the Kingdom of God. Fine to give a blessing to any human endeavour, but don’t let’s go over-board with JPII’s frankly crack-pot Theology of the Body which creepily invokes the Blessed Trinity itself in conjugal rights when played according to the rules.


This comment is spot on and basically explains pretty much every other comment on the blog. When someone first explained the theology of the body to me, I laughed because I thought they were telling me nonsense as a wind up.


I take a special interest in Daniel Seward because he baptised my son. It was a proper baptism, in Latin and using the 1962 books, with the cross on the baby’s back, salt on his tongue and his mother blessed at the door of the church. The stole fee was £50, back in 2010.


He won’t be doing anymore baptisms at St Aloysius Gonzaga if he’s disappeared, or eloped.


Marriage is a serious business and I’m glad that the Irish Catholic will publish a correction. Fair play to them!
Matrimony has always been important to the Church and has been a lay sacrament, with the clergy just witnessing and blessing it. Indeed in the old days it’s significance was recognised by the couple being in the sanctuary and receiving from the chalice in perhaps the first and only time in their lives.


In addition to the apology, I hope you also receive compensation, Bp Pat, or even an M&S hamper for all the distress caused by their false reporting.
Maybe the young journalist can now use his time to investigate the case of the missing Provost at the Oxford Oratory.


By bringing the missing Provost of the Oxford Oratory into this topic means that you are completely obsessed with this individual. Yesterday you spent all day talking about it and people showed little interest. Take the hint pet, people here don’t give two shits about the Oxford Oratory. Now back to the topic of the Irish Catholic and their false claims about Bp Pat.


Oh, but the ex and missing Provost of the Oxford Oratory is very pertinent. It has at its heart media manipulation. Think about it. Upcoming canonisation of Newman, which the Cong Orats are very happy about, and which will give them a honey pot to feed from for decades. And, now an inconvenient peccadillo by one of their leading lights. So, I reckon he’s been got away and out of sight in good time for the trouble to die down before the canonisation and so that it will not detract from their time in the limelight. You can probably expect a clearing out of a few other problematic individuals and cases in the various Oratories around the country. And there are quite a few !

What did the Birmingham lot do that last time Newman was up for beatification and the Pope was coming to the Birmingham Oratory ? They had a wholesale clear out and imported various Gestapo types to clamp down on the community. Individuals were scattered to the four winds and most of them are still in limbo of some description.

Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.


I am sure the Oxford Oratory has the means to put peoples’ minds at rest about the missing Provost.


Excellent points so far today so let’s try to maintain the constructive tone without the usual rancour. Particularly good to be reminded that marriage is a lay sacrament so we should explore and develop that. Remember also that the priest is the ordinary but not the essential minister of baptism. As for the Eucharist, Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name … “ Let’s not forget the missing Provost of the Oxford Oratory as his story, whatever truth emerges, is emblematic of the of the institutional dysfunction of the Church which this blog daily highlights. I believe and hope he is a good man, so I trust I am not being a sucker yet again, so until demonstrated otherwise, let’s wish him well. Go for it, Daniel!


I actually had an interesting conversation about this recently with a couple of conservative Catholics. It went something like this:
“The Church doesn’t recognise your wedding does it?”
“Yeah I’m pretty sure it does….”
“Like in Cannon Law?”
“Oh yeah…. absolutely. I mean otherwise it’d be like saying if I had a crack at a Married Jewish Woman or a Married Muslim Woman it’s not adultery. But it would be. Absolutely. Therefore however grudgingly the validity of all marriages is accepted by the Church”
Solid Logic!


We recognise marriages even if it’s just Anglicans taking part (m&w, no divorcees). It’s not their fault that they were born into the farcically titled ‘Church of Ireland’.


Good hi. Fair play to him hi. Priests dont marry people. They marry each other and be are blessed and witnessed hi.


Hello hi Fly hi, 😇…be gorra yer bang on the money hi fly.
I hope the bis gets a few quid from wh ever hi, at leasttt the pric of a good feeda. 😎


7.14 hi if yr not Rong ya must be rite and if yr right ya surely can’t be wrong can ya.. I need me blue bottle a medicine. Was it 2 spoons or 3. But


The Irish Catholic will, I hope, also publish a fulsome apology to the people of Ireland for the continuing abuses of the Catholic Church in Ireland. Some of the comments on this blog, trying to defend the church are sickening if not misguided. Whilst Francis fiddles his church is going up in flames and the faithful are being taken for fools. Too many clergy are on a gravy train. The amount of back biting and unchristian behaviour amongst them is revolting. None of us are perfect but these are meant to be the holy people chosen by God to lead us and the examples they set are revolting. Whilst apologies are always welcome, they are hollow without a change in practice. The RC church has reached a stage where it is doomed unless there is a sea change in its behaviour.


7.51: You obviously don’t read the Irish Cathic too frequently, otherwise yiu’d appreciate that they have very 8ften covered the abuse scandals within the Church in very critical ways. The Irish Catholic is fair and balanced, questioning and critical but is not into sensationalist spin. Try not to exaggerate your Pat Buckley narrative on everything. Discern the truth for yourself.


12:31, I read the Irish Catholic every week and I certainly do not think that it reports the unvarnished and unpalatable truth regarding the church scandals and the cowardice and coverups by the bishops.

The IC also allowed Hugh Connolly to frighten them too easily with his pathetic injunction order regarding the recent Maynooth scandals.


Migh ya be half right and half rong thoug hi Fly? 😇
That wood be 2 and a half spoons fly hi. But mayb 😊


Michael Mullaney needs to apologize to you Pat, he called you a fake BIshop during a previous reactors talk in Maynooth.


Pat Mullaney meant no harm when she said a “fake bishop” because she luuuuuvs all things fake like her fake fur coat and those fake gold earrings her granny left her don’t sue her please says she


@10.14; brilliant response.
Also; who determines who is a fake bishop except a questionable organisation who took it upon themselves to do so. Fanny and his whole church have no authority except the authority the laity give them…. so no real authority at all.


Mullaney is still the professor of canon law in Maynooth though it’s still a single member faculty which consists of just him. Gaynooth canon law courses have had to be outsourced to a correspondence course outfit in Canada.


Anybody any news of how + Elsie is getting on in Rome ? He’s a little fish in a very big pond there, and he will not like that ! I haven’t heard any news of what he’s been up to. Is he still pedalling that line about abuse being a huge thing throughout all societies and the Church is only one small manifestation of it ? See his recent BBC interview before going off to Rome, and that’s the very first thing he says. In other words, transference and minimisation. Maybe he needs another little shock to the system and be called back by IICSA to explain his comments ! That would probably bring on another attack of the vapours and a sick note and time off in the countryside getting his strength back. Why won’t he and the others simply get it that abuse in the Church (yes, in the Church, for God’s sake, which should be held to a higher standard because of the things it claims for itself !) is not a simple sideline manifestation of a greater evil in society and the world in general, is not the fault of the gays, or even of the Devil, but is a result of a hierarchical, clericalised Church that has put clergy and bishops on a pedestal, made them exceptional, privileged, entitled, and untouchable for centuries, and where obfuscation, lying, and coverup have all been part of the business plan of the Church when confronted with this. I don’t think that they get it at all ! And, if we think that what has been revealed over the decades is bad enough, you just wait until the southern and third world churches start to leak their reality about abuse. It will be existentially horrendous for the Church.


Elsie used to be a lot more media savvy. She has definitely lost her touch, as that painful BBC interview hard on the heels of her IICSA humiliation demonstrated. And we thought CMOC was bad. In retrospect Old Smithy at Southwark might have been a better choice, but he’s near the end of the line. Step forward Dark Mavis!


Cormac’s brother used to make the wry point that being born in Reading, going to public school in Bath and studying at the Venerabile had given the old fraud his Irish accent.


Anyone but Davies, he’s so false, its so funny that people think he’s so traditional he isn’t just a little nostalgic in an old fashioned English way other than that he’s exactly the same as the rest a business manager in a black suit , his seminarians are mainly imported from other parts of the country or the US he has about three from his own diocese


Archbishop Peter Amigo, after whom the Southwark cathedral hall was named, was approached by an Anglo-Catholic (sic) vicar who told Amigo that he recognised his jurisdiction. “Very well” said Amigo, “I suspend you. Good day”.


A Westminster priest told to today that the housekerper nun Carmel Wragg controls +Elsie

When +Elsie is in bad form Westminster priests say “Elsie is on the wragg again”


Can it be really true that Elsie keeps a holiday caravan outside a well known university town we’re no longer allowed to mention on this blog? The Evening Standard rattled Elsie a couple of years ago for suggesting she’d entertained the nun in this holiday paradise.


Let me explain yet again @6:57 that this blog exposes the evil known as clericalism. As Cardinal Salazar said in Rome yesterday, this is the Fons et Origo of the ills of the Church today. That is why Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller are desperate to shift the blame onto homosexuality as a smoke screen. Every now and again this blog throws up a name which embodies and exemplifies this dysfunction and cancer destroying the Church. In Ireland Michael Byrne is one and Sean Jones is another. How many times have we had pleas to “let the lad alone” precisely because their case study exposes the core truth. Nobody is obsessed with the former Provost of the Oxford Oratory; I for one have never clapped eyes on him in the flesh and didn’t even know he had gone until somebody else reported it yesterday. NB his name came up in the context of yesterday’s posting on Newman’s forthcoming g canonisation. And you think the sudden disappearance of the Provost of the daughter house of Newman’s own Oratory in his own city of Oxford is not relevant? Explain, please. Or don’t bother, as your game is clear.


You seem pretty keen @10:42 to keep us off the subject of the Oxford Oratory, even though discussion today has actually focused on marriage. Are you by any chance a member of the community? If not you are welcome to go off and play with your pudding whilst leaving the adults to talk.


For f***s sake, the Oratory stuff is damned more interesting and entertaining than some tittle tattle about a small Irish diocese like Clogher. I mean, where is Clogher, for God’s sake !


It’s good to get mainland topics discussed. It makes a nice change from Noel’s wallpaper, strange goings on in Maynooth, Stephen Douds and tittle tattle about Clogher diocese.


Pat would not know, not being a ladies man, that being on the rag (not wrag) refers to those special days every month when the painters are in/Man U is playing at home and husbands walk on egg shells and even then get the face ripped off them.


It’s said that CMOC aquired his Irish accent from his mother. If she was anything like my missus she’ll have done most of the talking in the house.


Very well said at 9:50 and delicious sarcasm at 9:52. The Oratorians deal with things that don’t suit them by carrying on as if nothing had happened- Vatican II for instance. Oh, sorry this is not relevant. Let’s get back to the real issues: so what’s the weather like today in Kildare?


Mullaney needs to rediscover Canon Law again if he says Bp Pat is a fake bishop. The Church recognises Pats Ordination as Bishop as valid but illicit.


Now you’ve got us thinking @9:50. So what’s happened to Guy Nicholls at the Birmingham Oratory? Apologies for introducing another feckin’ Englishman, but blame the Oratory intake.


Congratulations Pat!
I wondered if there was any connection between Oxford Oratory’s current difficulties and, according to Farnborough Abbey’s facebook and website, the ceasing of public attendance until further notice weekday Mass and Vespers (since w/c 03/02/19) ? They now have two other priests besides Brogan, was this really necessary? The inclement weather seemed to be the excuse at the start but now of course it is unseasonably mild. It did cross my mind that Daniel might be having a very private retreat there? Still, perhaps the impoverished monks / priests are busy with other things or trips away / abroad / study etc? It’s not a parish church after all. Maybe Brogan’s in Rome?


Lol Sadie actively wanted to be the only priest at Farnborough. Like that she gets to be centre of any liturgical action going and, most importantly, nobody else gets to wear the pointy hat. When I was a novice there she (before she was Abbot) she used to keep Abbot Cabrol’s pectoral cross in her desk all ready.
Seriously somebody could ring her up and ask about the Oratory, she loves telling tales of other people’s downfall and then tells you it’s your fault. They’re probably only closed for all the gossiping!


1. You deserve a pay out, Bp Pat.
2. A spokesmo for the Oxford Oratory should issue a statement on the missing Provost as he could be entirely guiltless of any wrong doing whatsoever.


I hope the Irish Catholic and Mr Kelly realises the distress this has caused couples married by Bishop Pat in the Irish State. To infer that these weddings were not recognised or authorised by the State is grossly irresponsible and The Irish Catholic should be totally ashamed.


I have been unhappy with the Irish Catholic for sometime. I have suspended my subscription for this sloppy journalism in ration to Pat. The lazy journalist in question didn’t check the facts properly. I believe he lasted less than a year at ‘The Irish Independent’ and less than a year at ‘The Irish Daily Mail’. Says it all, doesn’t it? However, his Editor, Mr Kelly is accountable for not checking the story and rechecking it. Terrible journalism on their part. You should be compensated Pat and the poor couples who thought their marriages were not recognised by the State.


10:58am and 12:16pm: Would you clowns ever wise up.
I’d say, to a man and woman, the couples married by Pat are entirely oblivious to this non-news in the Irish Catholic newspaper.
Furthermore – and even more importantly – I’d say not one sleep of one night did they – or will they – lose; and not two tiny little shites will they give – over this shocking mistake by this young journalist, whom you MOs would now, doubtless, like personally, to see impaled, upon the “Pear of Anguish”, to satisfy your speechless outrage and assuage your aroused dudgeon.
I’m sure the IC will go to the wall now 12:16am, it’s editor a broken man and his journalistic team begging on the Ha’penny bridge, now that you have cancelled your invaluable subscription 🤣🙄


12.16: Such utter, exaggerated nonsense. Apart from the Irish Catholic raising issues about the thousands of solemnisers of marriages in Ireland, the Dept of Social Protection has expressed concerns at the situation of all kinds of people registered as official solemnisers. It is time for the government to ensure that all marriages are properly civilly supervised by acknowledged and appointed civil solemnisers. The fees charged by some so called wedding planners is exorbitant, almost outrageous. All clerics, including Pat are Garda vetted. We have to be careful and vigilant about the legal requirements at all times.


Now there’s a blast from the past – Guy Nicholls ! Divisive, bitchy, cantankerous, authoritarian….shall I go on ? So much so that the Birmingham Oratory manoeuvred his absence from their Oratory, I think on some pretext of him going to look after aged parent(s). I think something of that is still the reality today, although he appears every now and again. Some say he has mellowed, probably because he had the ground taken from beneath him when even his confreres couldn’t put up with him and his antics anymore.
If you want a bit of fun of a Sunday, take yourself off to the Birmingham Oratory and watch the antics. All that biretta stuff, doffing ad libitum, making it up as they go along. Hobbling along aisles and corridors as if they are 90 years old, bent, hunched, and decrepit looking. That’s just the clergy ! The congregation is entertaining too. The Birmingham Oratory attracts all the odd bods of the Midlands. It’s a hoot ! The place is in need of a good tidy up and renovation. But, I think the Oratorians like living in ‘has seen better days’ kinds of places. If you get in to the house, it’s horrible, dark, dank, everything painted either a pale lime green that you get in municipal toilets, or a shade of brown or off brown shit. Smell of cabbage and boiled potatoes. And bare light bulbs. No wonder the boys there are as odd as a box of frogs.


You don’t hear it much now but a phrase coined in the eighties, young fogies, actually covers all of what you’ve described. There was even a book about it, including how to decorate in exactly the seen-better-days way you described.


Anybody know why the Manchester Oratory gets cold shouldered by the others? Priests seem decent with a ministry to the local nick and hospital in a run down inner city area, and congregation is normal enough?


Re @12:20 I shouldn’t think so, and certainly hope not. It’s not my taste liturgically but there is a warm parish atmosphere there, and I like going whenever I’m in Manchester. Usually these days I don’t bother.


Does Fr Ray still preach every Sunday about his holidays in Naples zzzzz.I would have thought the scandals in that community were so obvious that no one bothers to comment on them , strictly for the former Anglo Catholics


He does sometimes, but he’s a lovely kind man and I have never heard anything scandalous.


This Oratory nutter is asking questions and then answering them himself. The language used is the same style


It could be that there is actually more than one person on the blog able to express themselves in coherent sentences. And your contribution is what exactly?


To that loony going on about the Oxford Oratory- get a feckin life will you. Here in Ireland we couldn’t give a f**k about this boring English lot.


Bp Pat, Vatican journalist, Sandro Magister, asks the million-euro question today at a major Summit press conference here in Rome: “What about the Mo’s?”


Again, what is a ‘Mo’?

Cos I really don’t know.

And if I don’t know, then I cannot comment about, er, MOs!

And this wouldn’t be fair to poor Magna, you know.😢



Erm, is that a ‘MO’ behind Sandro? Dressed in white with his arms raised to summon other ‘MOs’?


I really don’t know, what the hell, 👿 a mo 😇is either, MC!
It sounds, like, a rash!
It wouldn’t be fair to us magwa’s, not to know what the carta’s, et al, posters, have to say on, the, mo matter! 😎😜


Slang for a homosexual – short for “homo” aka uphill gardener or fudge packer.

“You have 15 Barbra albums? You are such a ‘mo”.


It’s an English term Mo no doubt used by that English pain in the hole that keeps going on about Oxford.


3.02: Magna, ….as if you didn’t know what ‘mo’ stood for?? You, above all – don’t believe you. Don’t play innocent, you fool. 😋😋😋😋😋😎


If I’m ( ‘Magna’) a fool, then I’m at least an honest one, because I had absolutely NO idea what ‘Mo’ meant.😕


Just noticed in The Guardian that a film about the Lyons abuse case directed by François Ozon is opening in French cinemas. The title “Grace of God” is a quote from Cardinal Barbarin of Lyons in 2016 that the case on which it is based had “by the grace of God” had been brought too late under the statute of limitations. Anybody else on this blog think that we should not bore readers to death with stories outside Ireland, whether they concern the Church in France, or, Heaven forbid, in Oxford?


Oxford again ????????? Is this same individual just sick in the head keep mentioning Oxford in every post.


The film concerns Lyon. Why does every mention of Oxford have such an affect on your nerves? Your names not Daniel by any chance? Or did you just fail the entrance exam?


Don’t overlook the five new Canons of the Clogher chapter. Excellent choices by Larry Duffy and they are popular in the Clogher presbyterate, especially the saintly Michael Daly. Well done, Larry.


CC @ 4.14pm Not everyone is happy with the new appointments of VG’s and Canons. Some clergy are just nasty bitches, even in Clogher/Duffy Land.


Is it funny…there’s a ‘sex summit’ in the Vatican for an institution, whose clergy take a promise of obligatory celibacy. Says it all!


A crate of Brandy? That wouldn’t last long in Princes Gdns! A container lorry full of cognac would be more like it. 🙂


Jesus Christ! Yes!!😲
But not the kind of brandy you, Canon Heartburn, are accustomed to. (Lidl supplies it😅)
I prefer the quality of nautical brandy in which Nelson was pickled.
Only the best for Magna. 😆


Ach sure look the wee fella had the dacency to make a call and apolozise for the wee indiscretion. Mind you, I didn;t see the article nor did I ear anything about it.


Oh, the nun will be furious if her place in the caravan is taken by Daniel ! She will hunt him out quick enough. Maybe she, as well as Elsie, is beginning to think that the time is coming for them to go off to the grace and favour residence in Chelsea where CMOC spent his last years. Nice bit of turf. Worth millions. I don’t begrudge him it. But, I do worry about the lower pond life in the diocese who after a life time of quiet and faithful service have to go and beg for patronage so that they can live out their final years in some dignity. You get whatever is decided for you, and what is decided for you depends on who you know and with whom you are a mate. It’s all very subjective and favouritism and patronage rule. No proper system. No accountability. No appeal. Like it or lump it. Now, if you went to the Venerabile, you are definitely in there !


Definitely a case for Inspector Morse. He’d first want to check out the busy downstairs gents in St Giles.


I hope his final years were happy and stress free. No more than he deserves after a distinguished life of service.


2 days ago a comment was posted on the blog that Prior’s abuse of sems was made know to D.Martin, John Buckley and Phil Boyce. This is an unusual trio surely so it captured my attention. Can anybody elaborate on what was reported and why it was ignored?


Prior’s intimidating, salacious and unsolicited interrogating of seminarians regarding their erections, wet dreams, finding elderly people attractive, etc., was reported to Martin, Boyce and Buckley by their then respective seminarians.

Prior’s slanderous and untrue end-of-year reports, which were aimed at the seminarian friends of the complainant, were also reported to the above bishops.

Pat has the name of the erstwhile seminarians, some of whom are now priests, which were posted the other day but which Pat decided not to publish.

The bishops offered to and sent some of the involved seminarians to different seminaries – but took no action against Prior.


I would recommend that the SJs have a closer look at Prior before they let him go too far in their noviciate in Birmingham. Just saying. There appears to be a lot of material oozing out of the cracks at the moment about his past, especially in Maynooth, and I suspect that there is a lot more damming up and ready to come out. Why did Prior leave his diocese to go to the SJs. A sudden desire for regimented religious life ? There is something a bit odd here. So, I think the SJs should have a close look and make sure Fr Prior is the sort of chap that they want in their outfit. If they look and decide that he is the kind of think they are looking for, then all well and fine. But, I think they really should make sure. Just saying.


Prior has moved on and I suggest you do the same. Sometimes you just have to let go. You seem bogged down in the past, move on.


Wee Polly the Pry-er hasn’t moved on.

He was a man in his 40’s when he was interrogating sems about their wet dreams, their erections and prying into their masturbatory habits.

Polly is unlikely to have matured and the Jesuits are very foolish and remiss indeed, if they haven’t quizzed and scrutinised him, inside out and upside down, about these episodes of which he stands accused, by those who were committed to his care.

It is very strange indeed – his decision to flee the diocese of Kilmore and seek admission to the SJs.


7:52, I will not “move on” until that pervert is kicked out of the holy priesthood. I assure you of that.


I hear the SJ’s really like him and he’s thriving by all accounts. I think it’s time to leave the man alone. If you have evidence produce it and if not, give over.


8 38: Validate your accusations. Stop moaning and threatening. Go to the relevant authorities and file a complaint if you have one. Otherwise shut the f**k up. You are repeatedly annoying.


You, 8.38, as suggested earlier should move in. You are stuck in a time zone of rage and inner angst. Why? If you have real, empirical evidence, go to the police. In the meantime give us a break from your relentless venom.


Was the editor a seminarian?
Have they apologised online? Have they tweeted and apology? They have a big picture of Phonsie on their website. When editors contact directly it usually means they’re afraid surely? The editor should have proofed the story or it ought to have been sub-edited. Pat, would you not insist on a tweeted apology? A written apology? And a sum being lodged to your favourite charity? Perhaps the paper’s insurers might facilitate wholesome and prominent apology immediately.


The IC has a picture and article by Phonsie, banging on about nuts bolts parishioners and money! He and his colleagues need to have a good hard think as to why parishioners are walking away from the Church. Might Vatican sex and summit give them a clue or are they too thick to recognize reality?


I hear some English Sems in Rome were caught cruising recently at the Villa Borghese. Elsie was informed but all is hush hush as usual. It seems Sems from other colleges meet in the bushes there too. One American sem brazenly wears his cassock and it’s like attracting bees to pollen. Young Roman guys like priest role play so it’s a huge turn on for them catching sight of young male flesh in a cassock.


Micheál Martin has commented on one of his TD’s being refused communion at a funeral. Online on the Irish Examiner and The Independent has contacted the Catholic Communications Office for comment. Mr Martin referred to what happened as unchristian.


So CMOC moved to Chiswick not Chelsea. It was still in a house worth millions. Where do Elsie and Carmel have in mind, and will they sell the caravan? Still cannot imagine Elsie on a camp site. As for indecencies in the bushes near the Venerabile that like Lourdes has been going on for years. Nothing changes, and nothing will till the money dries up. There is some new set up at Corpus Christi Covent Garden called the Sodality of the Blessed Sacrament. Quite a few well known queens on the preaching list. Off to Rules across the road for a slap up dinner afterwards, while the suckers in the pews slip away to their council flats.


Yep, Chiswick it was. Still worth millions. CMOC had a minder, Mgr Roger Reader of the prisons. Don’t know where he is now, went off after CMOC’s demise on a sunshine tour of Spain. Is he back on the treadmill again ? Certainly, Elsie will have his eye on the Chiswick property as a fin de ses jours place for him and Carmel.
Venerabile….the Sems probably were not at the Borghese, a bit far for them to walk to in their tight Levis. Probably more like the bushes around the Circus Maximus. If they have grown back after periodic pruning. Mind you the Borghese cruising grounds are good as well.
I doubt if Elsie would have frequented these places herself when she was in Rome all those years ago, but some of her friends and companions will have, if not then, certainly now when they are back in Rome on holidays / retreats / trusteeships / jollies etc. They are getting a bit old and past it these days. But, hope springs eternal !
As for the old Anglican Queens across the road from Rules, I read such shit in their parish newsletter last November about All Souls and the Prayers for the Dead in November. Honestly, how can they expect us to believe such tosh ? Although, is Middleton an ex-Anglican ? Not sure ! Acts like one.
Ahhh, the Church is such an entertaining diversion from the dullness of daily life. I give thanks to God.


Bp Pat, I am not following the summit, but I am relying on you to monitor the great Mo herself, Archbishop Amy, and her post-summit statement.


I have just learned the meaning of ‘Mo’.
Is archicbishop Eamon Martin queer, then? Because he certainly looks queer.😲


Where’s a fatheaded, paedophile-excusing, paedophile-ennabling, and paedophile-facilitating, useless, demented Polak….when you need such a low-life from an, er, economically-emerging country?😆


Hope you’re going to do more than accept an apology from this cheerleading rag for the institutional Roman Catholic Church, especially its degenerative Irish collaborator?


Good you posted this reminder of how ridiculous the institution is dressed up in all this absurd tat. One laughs away, as I often do, only suddenly to realize it is not remotely funny. Joe Public might wonder why priests wear all that garb: well, they’re covering up!


Front page of tomorrow’s Sunday Times by Justine McCarthy:
Martin: Priest’s communion ban ‘unChristian’.


11.10: Justine is talking about Michael Martin’s comment re: Robert Troy. This FF party is full of hypocrites. They all need to look deep into their conscience re: poverty, special needs children and families, marginalization, housing and homelessness. This is the party that broke this country, flattened it unto the ground. Now they are asking about why one of their TD’s was refused Communion….They (FF) broke their promise to the people of Ireland about being pro life TD’s. But they all went on a “journey” and arrived at a pro choice conversion. They certainly didn’t go on a “journey” on behalf of the unborn child. Hypocrites all of them and now Michael is lecturing priests about being un-Christian by refusing communion to an abortionist/murderer. Perhaps Michael should repent first before he receives the author of all life!!


The so called journey that ‘shower’ went on is called a u turn! Probably by order! 😲 Don’t take politicians seriously or you’ll be sorely disappointed ☹️.


Yer man, the former Redemptorist, now Galway Diocese, apparently still under investigation, was hearing confessions at the novena in Galway Cathedral all week, neck like a jockeys bo**ix.


That would be Micheál Martin as opposed to Eamon Martin or Diarmaid Martin. Wouldn’t you think either of the Archbishops would have said something on the issue by now!!!


@9.00 & 9:03 – The statements regarding Prior were validated by different seminarians – if you read the comments – but no action was taken against Prior.
And watch your language!
You are probably Prior penning more lies or one of his malformed products.


Actually 9:00 and 9:03 have a point. If a crime was committed the only thing to do is to report it to the police. People like you will then have to put up or shut up. That will be a relief and the case will be in the right hands.


Interesting, @ 5.55 that you are more concerned about vulgar language than about the destruction of a reputation through innuendo.


Why did the wee Pry-er not follow through on his legal threats to Pat Buckley one wonders? 🤔


11:55 & 2:23 – Prior destroyed his own reputation. Many former Maynooth seminarians have testified to that to their own bishops.
An open complaint was made to the so-called “authorities” in Maynooth about Prior and a three-hour statement has been given to the Guards.
Should Prior step out of line again, his days are numbered.


Prior would not dare show up in court as he knows that all the hideous truth about his conduct in Maynooth would be brought to the light of day all over the national newspapers.

He has run off to Birmingham, which was a smart move on his behalf. Let him stay there…


PP did a marvellous job on destroying his own reputation and the good characters of those he was meant to help form for the Catholic priesthood.
We live at in a different Ireland now where clerics can no longer get away with doing what they like…


Some very critical and hurtful things appeared here over the past few days about George Stack. I met him once and found him to be an absolute and thorough gentleman. Where’s this bitchiness coming from?


Bp Pat, after the wretched downfall of Pell, do you think the grimm’s-fairy of Armagh will ‘clearly and fearlessly’ present a message that ‘goes against the grain.’ I wonder?


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