


Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Ill., has barred priests from performing sacraments for people in same-sex marriages. Above, Paprocki testifies against an Illinois same-sex marriage bill in 2013.

A Catholic bishop has instructed priests in his central Illinois diocese to deny communion, last rites and funeral rites to people in same-sex marriages – unless they repent.

In the decree he sent to priests, deacons, seminarians and staff in his Springfield diocese last week, Bishop Thomas Paprocki sets forth a set of norms on same-sex marriage and related pastoral issues that he says are the policy of the diocese.

Paprocki’s decree bans priests and parish staff from performing same-sex marriages or allowing same-sex weddings or receptions at any Catholic facilities. People in same-sex marriages “should not present themselves for Holy Communion, nor should they be admitted to Holy Communion.” A person in a same-sex marriage who is facing death may only receive communion after expressing “repentance for his or her sins.”

Finally, Paprocki writes that “unless they have given some signs of repentance before their death,” people in same-sex marriages may not receive a Catholic funeral.

The decree drew strong reactions from LGBT Catholic groups, including DignityUSA. “[T]his document is mean-spirited and hurtful in the extreme,” the group’s incoming president, Christopher Pett, said in a statement. “It systematically and disdainfully disparages us and our relationships.”

“Bishop Paprocki’s decree makes it very clear why so many LGBTQI people and their families feel unwelcome in the Catholic Church and why so many leave it,” Pett wrote.

“It is simply cruel and shameful to refuse burial or Communion to those who seek the grace and comfort that our Church offers at some of the most difficult moments of life,” added the organization’s executive director, Marianne Duddy-Burke. “This is reminiscent of the appalling practice of denying Communion, funerals, and burial to people dying of AIDS at the height of the epidemic.”

The Springfield Diocese defends the decree as necessary “in light of changes in the law and in our culture regarding these issues.”

A 2015 Supreme Court ruling made gay marriage legal across the United States, and Paprocki has made headlines with his opposition to gay marriage before. In 2013, he held an exorcism in response to the legalization of same-sex marriage in Illinois.

“[T]he Church has not only the authority, but the serious obligation, to affirm its authentic teaching on marriage and to preserve and foster the sacred value of the married state,” it said in a statement to NPR.

“Regarding the specific issue of funeral rites, people who had lived openly in same-sex marriage, like other manifest sinners that give public scandal, can receive ecclesiastical funeral rites if they have given some signs of repentance before their death.”

Observers note that Paprocki’s decree contradicts the more welcoming direction that Pope Francis has set for the Catholic Church. “I can’t imagine a cruder thing more at cross purposes with what the Holy Father is trying to do,” says Michael Sean Winters, a columnist at National Catholic Reporter, an independent newspaper.

Particularly galling, says Winters, is denying funeral rites to people in same-sex marriages. “The only time I can remember someone being denied a funeral were mafia bosses, when they were shooting at each other,” he says.
Winters says Paprocki’s decree is at odds with the message and tone of Francis’ document on family life, titled Amoris Laetitia, or “The Joy of Love.” In that 2016 paper, Francis rejected same-sex marriage, but also instructed priests to be inclusive: “I would also point out that the Eucharist ‘is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.'”

The Archdiocese of Chicago told NPR that the policies decreed by Paprocki are not its own, but otherwise would not comment. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops directed a request for comment back to the Springfield diocese.

Winters notes that “it’s considered brutta figora – an ugly figure – to speak ill of other bishops on the record.” But he predicts that “privately, 95 percent of other bishops in the U.S. are reading [the decree] and are horrified. Even the ones who are pretty arch on same-sex marriage think this is too far.”

Despite Paprocki’s decree, support for same-sex marriage is growing in the United States, especially among young people. In 2016, the Pew Research Center found that 71 percent of millennials supported gay marriage, as did 58 percent of U.S. Catholics.

“With young people, I think they’re wrong to think God is fine with gay relationships,” says Winters. “The Church doesn’t teach that. But [Paprocki]’s wrong to say this is the most important issue. I don’t think it’s a fair reading of gospels, church teachings or our culture today.”
Christopher Hale, who co-edits an online journal for young Catholics called Millennial, says the decree is out of touch with the church’s leadership and its teachings.

“Let’s be clear: Francis would give a funeral to someone in a same-sex relationship,” Hale says. “A church that excludes the LGBT community is a church without a future.”

And burying the dead is a rite as old as the faith itself, says Hale.

“No one goes to the grave without sin,” he says. “The notion that a murderer could receive a Catholic funeral and someone in a same-sex union could not is absurd. … Every Catholic deserves a Catholic funeral.”


This bishop is an arrogant bastard and should immediately be removed from office by Pope Francis.

He is refusing to allow sacraments and funerals to same sex couples in love and yet his fellow bishops and priests are daily screwing each other and everyone else they can get their willies on.

Not to mention all the children priests have abused and bishops covered up.

Every day now we are getting new examples of the hypocrisy and corruption of the RC church and its clerics.

The RC church should not be allowed charitable status or government grants and discounts if they discriminate against any minority.

We all needvto work together to bring down, in every way we can, the RC junta in our countries.

There is such a thing as moral terrorism.

The RC church is a moral terrorist organisation.


Jesus in the sacrament of Holy Communion is being weaponised yet again. Jesus sat with sinners and stood with the marginalised. Remember Jesus in this way and dont forget: Love for one another as I did for you +


And establish your free for all, do as you like, be what you want to be, have all kinds of liaisons, believe what you want…Come on Pat, we must have some moral teachings we can stand by and proclaim. Your free for all mindset is confusing, wrong, misleading and erroneous. The Bishop is right.


A perfect riposte to those comments yesterday complaining about robust criticism on this blog of anti-gay clerics. Paprocki’s predecessor in Springfield 1984-99 was Bishop Daniel L. Ryan, one of the most notorious offenders outed thanks to the work of outsiders such as bloggers like us – people who just kept hammering away. Ryan was removed amongst other things for multiple activities involving rent boys and drugs. Another diocese which takes an uncompromising stand on gay rights and other social questions is Lincoln Nebraska, where only last year the diocesan seminary was the subject of scandal owing to the long term predatory activities of – yes, you’ve guessed it – the Diocesan Vocations Director, Mgr Kamin, apparently a revered figure in that bastion of traditional Catholic values. Also in 2018 NCR reports St John’s Seminary Boston ( remember Boston? Supposedly cleared up by now ) as having “a culture of heavy drinking and illicit sexual behavior amongst students and with faculty” . Sound familiar? “Excessive alcohol abuse and behavior unbefitting the priesthood among seminarians and by those overseeing their development.” Yet Bishop Paprocki targets gay men and women who are attempting to live their lives according to the law with dignity and integrity.

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“Excessive alcohol abuse and behavior unbefitting the priesthood among seminarians and by those overseeing their development.” Now, where does that sound as though it might fit ? Oscott, Allen Hall, Venerable English College….? Probably all of them. An overarching culture of gayness, bitchiness, campness, gossip, drink, and playing away whenever possible, all wrapped up in traditional, orthodox, vestment obsessed silliness.


Here we go again. Sacraments are not magic spells and are not owned by bishops or anyone else. Nor can anyone own or control the grace of God. Used to be everyone is a saint at end of life in rcc thinking I remember. It’s not even Christmas and this auld walking Christmas tree is dropping needles full o poison hi


Personally I prefer that bishop’s approach to the one where the bishops just turn a blind eye to anything they can’t face dealing with. I wonder what his record is on clergy leading double lives?


You often find that is the case. The more homophobic and rigorous the person, the more they are trying to deny and hide what they are themselves. I usually work on that premise. Not often wrong.


7.14: How can you tell if someone looks a bit gay or is fully gay? Can you give us some pointers? And do try to be intelligent….


I really like the quote from Francis that the sacraments, the eucharist in particular, is not a prize for the perfect but a medicine and a way to grace for those who are imperfect, which is us all. I do hope that some one of the other US bishops has the sense to let Francis know what is happening in Springfield, and for this idiot to be called in and told a thing or two. The bishop must be a bit autistic, not realising how wrong is his decree, although his autism probably leads him to think that he is simply applying the law, and he has no sense of nuance, subtly or balance. These kinds of people are dangerous when they are given power. I hope also that his clergy will circumvent his decree and apply mercy, balm and love to any pastoral situation that they are involved with. When the decree is so evidently counter to the gospel of love, then they have a duty to ignore these crass decrees from their bishop. Let us hope they are brave enough to do so. And, the laity should make it clear what they think. Pretty much everybody who attends mass in that diocese will have friends, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, work colleague etc. who are gay. They don’t think of them as sinful and disordered. They know that there is goodness in them, and they most certainly would not want them excluded from the grace which the sacraments and services of the church bring.


Excellent post. It’s clear that Francis himself is concerned about the politicised past appointments of bishops in the USA. He wants pastors not men who try to shore up their compromised moral authority by allying themselves with bigotry and oppression.


Paprocki has also banned Illinois lawmakers who voted in recent abortion debates and legislation from receiving the Eucharist:

Now, perhaps I have a bit more sympathy with him in the abortion debate than I do on the sexual orientation / lifestyle debate, although excluding people is never a good way to create relationships, to make alliances, for getting things done etc. It’s just a way of entrenching oneself in to a fortress Church that become incapable of relating to the majority of people whom it is called to serve, and simply navel gazes, engages in endless culture wars, and reduces itself to a ‘pure’ elite, most of whom are just nutty and eccentric, and as one commentator said about Paprocki himself, autistic and incapable of any kind of nuance or subtlety.

The abortion debate is very complicated, and goes to the heart of how people who have strong moral views on the issue have to live with and get along with others who do not share their view, and live within a law (which is there to protect us all and from which we all benefit) which allows abortion in particular circumstances. It is the challenge of living in a pluralistic society, rather than an theocratic society. People like Paprocki don’t seem to have the skills to be able to do this, but just want to demonise what they are against and people who do not share their views or religion. Little do they realise that if it were not for the protection of the law and the healthy functioning of a pluralistic society, they themselves could well be the object of demonisation and discrimination. They need to be very careful about what they wish for. Demonising, excluding, vilifying other people is never a good way forward.


Pope Francis say, “a person who is rigid in many cases conceals a “double life.”
Invariable a gay life. Remember KOB.


The relationship between the gay community and the church is one of the burning issues of our day.


11.54: You are right Pat but your contribution to such a debate would be so skewed as you carry too much vengeance and vituperation in your heart towards Catholic clergy. You have incited so much nasty vitriol and hatred towards Catholic priests, often naming individuals and seeking to defame, shame and belittle them. While you chose to be open about your lifestyle and live it according to your standards, you have scant regard for those who genuinely struggle with their sexuality and who are very dedicated in their ministry.


Actually, the debate is not just about LGBTQ+ issues, it is about the wider issue of moral and ethical matters, and how we handle these things when confronted by situations and people who think differently. LGBTQ+ matters may be the vehicle for the debate, although @11:39 points also to the debate about abortion, but the wider issue is the greater debate. How to live in a society governed by law when the views and ethical /moral stands that you take are in opposition to that society and law ? How to find a way to co-exist ? How to respect people who think and act differently ?


This debate about people with particular strong moral and religious views, and how that relates to a pluralistic society, is alive and kicking in the UK, as we have seen in the LGBTQ+ debate taking place in some schools that have Muslim children. The law of the land says clearly that children are to be taught in school about respect and equality, including educating them about LGBTQ+ issues, and religious parents have to accept that as part of the deal about living in a pluralistic society, where they are also respected for their religious views. But, their religious and moral views do not trump the law of the land, and they have to accept that. It’s a point of friction between some of those communities and the law which isn’t yet fully resolved, and so we still see Muslim communities in particular taking very excessive views and actions in this debate. Again, they do need to realise that the law is there for their benefit as well, and all the good things that they receive in respect of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, respect for their communities, etc., is predicated on the law, which they too must respect for others, even for those that they do not agree with. Failure to do that is dangerous for them for others could apply the same attitudes to them as they apply to people with whom they do not agree. It is only the law, and respect for it by all, which keeps the balance.

It is noticeable that this debate does not raise its head to the same degree in Catholic schools in the UK. The Catholic Church does have a definite teaching about particular moral and ethic issues, including LGBTQ+ issues, but seems very wisely and carefully to have created a culture that respects the law, equality and diversity, while at the same time being able to hold its own moral and ethical teaching. I think that is to the credit of bishops, clergy, headteachers, teachers and all those involved in these matters. Rather than digging themselves into the trenches and carrying on a culture war that isolates them, they appear to have been able to engage and reach out, trying to do justice to all side of the debate. I think that’s a good thing. Some of the Muslim communities could learn a trick or two from the way the Catholic Church handles these matters in the UK.


I agree that there is little conflict in Catholic schools re sexual ethics particularly LGBT issues. I suggest two reasons for this. Firstly there is virtually no difference in the attitudes to these issues between Catholic parents, teachers and pupils, and the secular mainstream. Secondly the bishops know full well that if they were to insist on their bigotry, which many of them don’t believe or practice either – viz. KOB – that would be the end of their state subsidised VA status – cp. what happened with adoption agencies. However this uneasy stand off for the sake of expediency is not in anyone’s interest. It is a version of “don’t ask, don’t tell” which is a stunted miserable way to live. I passed a highly successful local comprehensive the other day where the Pride flag is flying all month. What a marvellous joyful statement of inclusion and integrity. We don’t have that in the Catholic Church as is daily made all too apparent.


Well, “don’t ask, don’t tell” can be a halfway house towards full transparency and honesty, a stop along the way. I think it’s interesting that you say that most lay Catholics, at least in the UK, just don’t see sexuality issues as a problem with their faith, and are pretty accepting and inclusive. That’s ‘sensum fidelium’ to me, and perhaps the bishops have noticed this and taken it on board. So, maybe we are on a journey to full inclusion. At least I hope so. In the meantime, with the exception of some idiotic right wing traditionalist sects in the Church, the majority of us just get on with it and look forward to change. I suspect most Catholics in Springfield Illinois will just ignore their bishop, and hopefully most of the clergy will also. The man is out of step, reactionary, and isolated.


It looks as if she’s wearing a dalmatic under her chasuble to remind herself she’s also a deacon. I’ll leave it to alert readers to guess what other garments she is or is not wearing to express each of the other steps and sacraments she passed through on her way to episcopal glory. She’s also an enthusiastic jogger. I’d say she looks great in split running shorts.


That bishop Paprocki is an idiot. If the pastors of that diocese have any sense they will ignore his “decree”.
How does he know what has gone on in the heart of any man or woman in the last moments of their life before they meet the Lord?
If Paprocki sticks his nose in, all the priests have to say is “he/she showed signs of repentance at the end”. Period! End of!
(And maybe add, “now feck away off with yourself, Bishop Paprocki and mind your own damn business. And, remember, you’re not God, you fool!”).
The Church always ALWAYS gives the benefit of the doubt to everyone. “Judge not, that you be not judged. For the judgement you give IS THE JUDGEMENT YOU SHALL RECEIVE”.


Elsie and Carmel not happy there mentioned again today. With this amount of attention the caravan holiday up north will be cancelled. I have heard that Carmel is not happy with two being ordained deacons in her cathedral in two weeks. This could lead to a bust up.


At last we are at the heart of it Elisie lets Carmel decide what happens in many cases due to the
relationship they have – The Clergy do not like it one bit , and look forward to the day they retire to
the ONE bedroom flat .


Concerning the photo of the Bishop I think Bishop Doyle may be interested in him.
Now the big Northampton “secret” has been mentioned – Perhaps another email will be
sent over this and more steam come from Bishop’s House ! What my brother Priest from
Westminster said is true – It is known in many Diocese and about Vincent , and the Nun.
Vinccent does not wear the trousers .


+Cushley tried to move him from a vibrant Parish full of young people where he was doing a great job to a Parish out in the sticks with very few congregation. Why move him? Because he was taking the limelight off others. He said he didn’t want to move, Leo told him he would send a file to Rome to remove his PP faculties, so said Priest told him to eff off and went back to Malta to live with his family. Tens of thousands of pounds of Parishioners money training him down the toilet again thanks to Cushley and his bullying tactics. St Andrew’s and Edinburgh Archdiocese is in a total mess, Priests leaving or retiring early and none have a good word to say about the Archbishop – apart from one who has secret info on him ……..


+Leo is not well liked. When Brother Bishops voted for a new President of the Scotland Bishop’s conference, he scored NIL points! I’m afraid that under his leadership the Archdiocese has gone to the dogs.


Not a bit of truth in this article.
The Archdiocese was in a terrible state in Finance all these Directors and Staff.
The gay clergy sleeping with each other and with KOB but only one left of the gang in active ministry now.
Archbishop Cushley has put the Archdiocese on a strong footing.
As for Father Curuana it is nothing like it was said above he could have transferred diocese but time will tell and full story will come out.
the parish he was in he should have been a curate as the parish is linked.
Time will tell.
Archbishop Cushley is a Faithful Holy Priest and Archbishop.


Carmel rules supreme. Does anyone remember the photo of Carmel wearing the red cardinals hat in the car. After this was published Elsie lost it and sent an email to all the priests about gossiping. Do you still have the pic +Pat


Well, + Vincent and +Doyle, I would say that if you don’t like the heat, then get out of the kitchen. It seems to me that you were content to take on your respective roles, even if under the protestations of being obedient to the Holy Father and wanting to be of service to the Church, but you will no doubt have been happy to receive preferment to the episcopacy, with all the privileges it brings. So, you should have understood also that every thing about your episcopacy would be subject to scrutiny, and even criticism. It is a public office, after all. And that is what is happening here, even if you think it a bit unfair and hard on you. Huffing and puffing and sending out threats to your clergy is not designed to endear you to anybody. So, I suggest you just keep a dignified silence and suffer away quietly. That’s life, not just for you, but for the majority of people, and they just get on with it. So should you. Stop being so precious !


+ Doyle is awaiting retirement.
He issued prayer cards to all a few weeks ago to pray for his replacement and said it will likely take around 18 months so let him retire.
+Smith and + Hopes are in front of him and now + Burns has joined the race to retirement so interesting times.


ROFL nothing that Vinnie does is designed to endear him to anyone. The only time someone else is considered is if he thinks it will get him something. I honestly don’t know why there is gossip about him and the nun, to have a relationship of any sort with someone else you have to be able to exchange with them at an I and Thou level and he just can’t. Yes there are lots of people who can’t relate in that way but their relationships remain on a superficial level without real human contact and will be driven by something else, in Vinnie’s case by what he can get from someone else.
And in case anyone is wondering, yes, this is sour grapes, and yes I am someone who has been screwed over by Vinnie on his way up the greasy pole. The only sad thing is that he will either have no recollection of me, or be unsure of which of the many people he has screwed over I am.
I would never have dreamed at the time (before the internet) that I would have this golden opportunity to give him public feedback so thank you Bishop Buckley.
And to Vinnie: xxxx xxx


But Elsie will be in big trouble from Carmel about all this attention. We priests think Carmel has too much influence on decisions. Reason why joleary left Sec position to make room for a younger boy from Carmel and Elsie to share.


But Elsie will be in big trouble from Carmel about all this attention. We priests think Carmel has too much influence on decisions. Reason why joleary left Sec position to make room for a younger boy from Carmel and Elsie to share….


Recently in Dublin, a Dominican refused Holy Communion to someone who presented themselves for the sacrament while wearing a form of the rainbow emblem.


Stupid, idiot, Dominican ! After Mass he probably went back to him room to wank himself stupid over some gay porn. But, at least he held the line against the gays.


6.17: Pure ignorance of a comment. Do you ‘get off’ with such fantasy? You idiot.


Go an see a psychiatrist – he would need to be a good one – you are a very sick fella!


Talking of Bishops where did Kieren Conroy of Arundel and Brighton slope of to after his
extra activity was exposed ? Anyone know where he is ?


All gone very quiet. But, I’m sure he’s being funded by the Church and his mates the bishops. + Vin was furious with him, though, for being caught out. Kieran was a bit bemused about the whole thing, I suspect. His only excuse was that he at least avoided talking about sexual morality matters in order not to be hypocritical. So that’s okay then ?! I knew him over the years, and one always had the sense of a golden boy, from the day he was in seminary, who was going to go up and up. He did all the right things, said the right things, knew the right people, looked the part etc. But there was always something very private and a lot of avoidance about him. He had a good knack of being present, but really not being present and being off away. Especially when he was the Cathedral Administrator. The ladies swooned over him. I believe he always had one, if not a couple of them, on the go at any given time. He was just one of those people who was very plausible and could get away with pretty much anything. Because everybody was in thrall to him. Until….a spurned husband took it further. I don’t wish Kieran any ill will and hope that he is settled somewhere and happy. But, he did leave a trail of destruction behind him. I don’t think he will reappear publicly, and will simply live out his days in obscurity, supported by the Church. I don’t think he’s been laicised, I think he wanted to continue being a priest. So, maybe he’s off on the missions, or living quietly in prayer and penance. Has he given up the ladies. though ?


He even took a girlfriend to the English College villa at Palazzola and walked around the grounds holding hands…..!!


He has not been laicized, but he must be one of only a handful of straight priests in the world, although he still loved Judy, Liza, and Barbra.


Pat Mullaney rants in a similar fashion to you at the end of the blog when people oppose gay marriage.


Another thoughtful contribution at 3:39 – one of many today. Sometimes though we all need a laugh and heaven knows there is plenty of rich material.


I see a comment from an S Gilhooley
on ere. The same one who had a relationship with a certain Archbishop and then complained he’d been taken advantage of? He instigated it and loved it!


Well said and how true but some have short memories.
Strange times how the band of Three down to one in active ministry.


Re @7:20 walking hand in hand in the grounds with your girlfriend must be a first at the VEC! The official line used to be that all the lads had left their sorrowing girlfriends behind.


I heard you took a massive payout to keep the local church underground!
It seem to be the truth as youve mellowed this past while with nothing local, typical really the pound can work wonders!


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