


The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has killed a great many philosophers.” (Denis Diderot, Political Writings)

Recently the father of a young family said to me: “When I meet a priest for the first time I presume he is a bad one until he proves he is not”.

A lot of people think like that nowadays and who can blame them. In recent decades so many priests and bishops have proven themselves to be liars, rapists, rampant homosexuals, thieves and betrayers.

As that young father again said me to “If a priest is capable of raping a child, he is capable of absolutely anything”


A good priest is

A priest who truly believes in God and prays everyday.

A priest who makes himself freely available to all – but especially to those in any kind of trouble or distress.

A priest who lives his life by the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament.

A priest with a very healthy aversion to Canon Law and man made teachings.

A priest with a very healthy suspicion of the RC hierarchy and establishment.

A priest who has respect for important rules and also the ability to bend or break rules when human need and suffering is at stake.

A priest who is not living a double life and not practising things he preaches about as wrong or sinful.

A priest who is not a member of a cynical clerical clique.

A priest who can say both YES and NO to authority.

A priest who prefers to work in a challenging parish and not in an office.

A priest whose life’s motivation is not sex or money or power or praise.

A priest who regards his people as his masters and himself as their servant.

A priest who can smile and laugh – especially at himself.

A priest who has his own narcissism and ego on a short leash.

A priest who works 6 days and takes 1 day off rather than working 1 day and taking 6 off.

A priest who can tell his bishop the truth and not just what he wants to hear.

I invite readers to add my list………………………


Beside the chapel three boys were playing football.

At the forge door an old man was leaning Viewing a hunter-hoe.

A man could hear If he listened to the breeze the fall of wings

How wistfully the sin-birds come home!

It was Confession Saturday, the first Saturday in May; the May Devotions

Were spread like leaves to quieten The excited armies of conscience.

The knife of penance fell so like a blade Of grass that no one was afraid.

Father Mat came slowly walking, stopping to Stare through gaps at ancient Ireland sweeping

In again with all its unbaptized beauty:

The calm evening, The whitethorn blossoms,

The smell from ditches that were not Christian.

The dancer that dances in the hearts of men cried: Look! I have shown this to you before

The rags of living surprised, The joy in things you cannot forget. His heavy hat was square upon his head, Like a Christian Brother’s;

His eyes were an old man’s watery eyes

Out of his flat nose grew spiky hairs.

He was a part of the place, Natural as a round stone in a grass field;

He could walk through a cattle fair And the people would only notice his odd spirit there.

His curate passed on a bicycle – He had the haughty intellectual look Of the man who never reads in brook or book;

A man designed To wear a mitre,

To sit on committees

For will grows strongest in the emptiest mind.

The old priest saw him pass And, seeing, saw Himself a medieval ghost

Ahead of him went Power

One who was not afraid when the sun opened a flower,

Who was never astonished At a stick carried down a stream

Or at the undying difference in the corner of a field. II The Holy Ghost descends At random like the muse On wise man and fool

101 replies on “WHAT IS A GOOD PRIEST?”

To be consistent (and, indeed, to be truthful), there is absolutely, no way, any such thing as a morally good Roman Catholic priest. These Strumpet-mongers traded in their consciences on the day of ordination as priests, not of God, but of the vile, Christ-betraying, Roman Strumpet.


11.17: Magna, you have said this so frequently. You have expressed these ignorant, hate inciting words before. You add nothing to rational, intelligent, meaningful debate. There ARE good priests: most people with reasonable decency and intelligence acknowledge such. Tough luck if you are incapable of recognising the presence of good priests. Despite my many failings, imperfections and sinfullness, I can say I am a good priest insofar as I seek daily to follow Christ. My vow of obedience to my bishop has never come between me and God. It has never stopped me from being CHRIST. I regret your constant, deeply embedded bias, hatred of and dangerous vengeance towards priests. I regret too that Pat allows your daily venom and poison. God bless our many good priests, including Pat. Try to be a little more original.



Polly Strumpet a11:17pm

Poly you certainly are consistent but in no way truthful, you are so consumed by jealousy of all priests who made it to ordination when you didn’t as you were found unworthy to be admitted to The Sacred Priesthood. We should thank Almighty God for all the good holy priests we have, who silently and for the love of God minister to the faithful every day. We never hear of them, only of those who have not stayed loyal to their vows and betray Our Divine Lord. So stop betraying Christ yourself by your constant ant-Catholic rhetoric. Go and make a good confession and return to the fold where deep down I know you long to be.
Evviva Maria!


I would like to thank God for all the holy priests.
Let us pray
Well that didn’t take long.

Eviva Espagna!




Yet another disciple of Satan on her way to perdition along with Polly aka MC.
Evviva Maria!


@10:51 am
Bella, do you seriously believe all priests who ‘made it to ordination’ were worthy?
All bishops ordained worthy? All Cardinals elevated worthy?


Anonymous at 7:51pm

Of course I don’t you cretin, they may have been flier than you and managed to fool their Deans and Bishops but God is not fooled and He will deal with them in His own good time. However the likes of MC were recognized as rejects even at that early stage in their formation and got rid of Deo Gratias.
Evviva Maria!


it sounds very much Bella has lost the plot and not the full shilling.

After all Bella is always casting stones on people with vile words towards the less fortunate.

Do not cast stones and be Holy.

Not many on here been to Holy Mass today then.

All hung over from pride…..


If you, really, are a Roman Catholic priest, I’m beginning to warm to you, despite the idolatrous vow you took at ordination. This is high praise indeed from Magna, because… Well, let’s say just that ‘his opinion of Roman Catholic priests in general isn’t, er, favourable to them’.😆


Father Peter at 6:35pm
Father Peter sounds more like Auld Mother Gossip aka Paul aka Stephen and all the rest of her titles, most be very hung over from pride she hasn’t remembered that pride go’s before a fall. Can’t be much happening to have prised her away from her net curtain and we know she hasn’t been to Holy Mass she’s to frightened she’ll miss something.
Evviva Maria!


Pat, are you really saying that you epitomize or represent totally the meaning of a ‘good priest’? That I don’t accept. None of us is so perfect that we can say we’ve got it all!! You do not have the fullness of goodness and I’m sure you don’t presume you have. But, I do believe you strive to be a good human being and a good follower of Christ as a priest/bishop. You take a different stand and approach than most of us would dare to. However, I am disappointed that you fail frequently to acknowledge the presence of many, many priests who I believe fit your definitions. To your list I would add that being a ‘good priest’ means not tearing others to pieces by nasty, vengeful judgments; by trying to emulate the totality of Christ’s compassionate heart; by having humility; by not dismantling people with cynicism or abusive language; by never being afraid of truth; by having respect for people; by always seeking what is best for others; by constantly asking “what would Jesus do?”; by never thinking I’m better than most; by believing that at the end of our lives God is our ultimate judge. If you and I and all clerics possessed a little of these ideals, the ones you list and those I’ve added, there is the possibility for genuine renewal we so desperately need in priesthood and Church.


Pat, overjoyed to see you and Mullaney leading the pride march in Dublin today. Fantastic to see the church moving forward, great to see David and the lads out cheering.


“Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
― Denis Diderot


We would have got along, Diderot and I. A wise fellow. (Well, who wouldn’t be, with such healthy disdain for Roman Catholic priesthood?)


Guilty till proven innocent hi.Tis the way of the world hi. A good Priest a good Police man/woman. It’s more about the job than the person so tis. Was Jesus a good priest hi or was he a good man who happened to be a good Priest Prophet and King hi. Some yobs spend more time looking at themselves in the mirror than living as Jesus challenges. Look at the picture Are ya a cartoon or a real person hi


Good Evening hi Fl

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom not fear of the bishop while living a cowards life.
You ‘d be weary of hypocrisy double standards woren out religious jargon basket passing,
as well as the holier than thou brigade who can’t see the wood from the trees,
who love to play god made in their own image and likeness, while missing the point of Jesus life and news.
Yur right fly some ladds spend more time looking at themselves in the mirror.
Love one another as I have loved you has run off like water off of a duck.
Now the Church is stuck.

Bye bye fly hi.


Priests, by and large, have a much vaunted and exalted opinion of themselves. Set apart. Special. Signed in some way the rest of us are not. Etc. Etc. It’s probably not their fault, that’s the way they were taught by those who trained them from early days. However, they certainly use it to their advantage in providing for themselves a comfortable and affluent life. But, such a priestly caste is a recipe for disaster, as we have seen. Especially in the recent scandal of abuse, coverup and corruption. There is no doubt in my mind that there has to be a complete revisioning of what it means to be a priest, as well as who can be a priest. Until that is done, this set apart caste of self regarding priests will simply continue and lead us in to ever more dysfunction. It has to go. Let’s start with married clergy, with women clergy, with clergy who reflect what is the Church, a diverse group of people of different types, genders and sexualities. The priesthood and the Church is rapidly becoming irrelevant to the world. Remember, Christianity is only 2000 years old, a mere eye blink in history, and will undoubtably disappear in time, as so many great religions have in the past. It is not permanent, and is only part of the movement of history, perhaps the way the Creator engages with us in these few thousand years, but not the only or permanent way that can happen. Oh, yes, I know many will talk about the millions who are Catholics in the Third World. Give it 50 years and they too will see the corruption at the top of their Church, and their eyes will be opened.


Anon@ 9:01. Thank you for a realistic and sound historical perspective.
If this world survives another 10,000 years, and intelligent beings continue to exist having evolved out of current humanity, or replaced it, they may well consider Christianity, along with other Abrahamic religions as simply one of many paths taken by humanity’s attempt to understand and make sense of its environmental existence.
And consider too that 10,000 years is simply the blink of an eye in chronological time.


He did have scruples. He was actually a holy and prayerful man with issues as everyone on this blog has.


A mature man on all levels. A man authentic of integrity and genuine. A good human being in touch with all aspects of his humanity, including his brokenness. He can then genuinely empathise with others. A man who walks by the Holy Spirit, who lives in Spirit, who has an authentic spiritual life, having experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in his life. A man who puts the company of Jesus Christ and His interests, before the interests of the Catholic company HQ in Rome.


I have never yet met a single priest who fulfilled this description. There are a few who aim at this ideal, but it requires wilfully ignoring the plain fact that the priest is pursuing his own and others’ sanctification in a cess pit. It’s like trying to be clean in a pigsty.


And here was I thinking that Utopia was, well, utopian.

You’ve been taking Henri Nouwen much too seriously.


So many spoiled priests and seminary rejects out in force today. Their bitterness, rejection and bile is palpable. You can spot these malcontents a mile away as they are attracted to this blog like flies are around shit.


So, why are you here then ? I think it is more a case of people who have a realistic view of the malaise of the Catholic Church are expressing a valid view. You are probably still stuck in institutional loyalty, incapable of thinking outside the limits of the institution which owns you and pays you and demands your loyalty. You are no better than an indentured servant and incapable of breaking away, even if you wanted to. I pity you.


Did we touch a raw nerve with you? Obviously so. Keep your pity for your sad self, another example of a typical disgruntled loser with nothing to offer.


@11.51am. Yes and the biggest reject and malcontent is the slime and scum that calls himself MC. This reptile is always the first one out of the trap with his predictable tripe.


11.51: ….And the s***e being Pat, Magna and their cohort of deeply dysfunctional critics…who want tital freedom to abuse all before them, those they deem to be s**t!! If it’s spewed out, be prepared to receive back the same….This blog mostly elicits nasty, vulgar and poisonous comments. Magna, the reject and ex seminarian personified the ugliness and pure s***e of commentary.


@ 1:02
This blog mostly elicits nasty, vulgar and poisonous comments
And your stream of expletives is different how?


The population of Easter Island collapsed suddenly and disappeared because they did not see the writing on the wall, in their case deforestation in order to transport their Moai. Well, the Roman Catholic Church cannot see the writing on the wall for its hierarchy and clerical culture. Christianity, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, will survive, but the institution will not if it carries on in its present form. Perhaps it needs to die and pass away in order for Christianity to flourish ? Institutions come and go. So it will be with the Roman Catholic Church. Vain attempts to keep the show on the road, fingers in dykes, misguided loyalty, the institution at all costs….these will just bring about its demise. Whereas, if somebody appears who can provide he vision and leadership for the future, the Church in some renewed form may survive. There will need to be another reformation. Now I understand why the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century was so necessary. Another reformation is necessary now.



Anonymous at 12:18pm

There was no protestant reformation as it is incorrectly called, it was in fact a rebellion led by mostly renegade priests and freethinkers such as Luther,Calvin,Knox and a despot King whose new church was founded on divorce, and not just one! What is needed is a return to the counter reformation and true Catholic Doctrine that is what is necessary now.
Evviva Maria!


You poor uneducated fool. Undoubtedly happy wallowing in sectarian, anti-Protestant, bigoted ignorance.
Poor, stupid fool.😆


Oh, F**k, a return to the counter reformation, and true Catholic Doctrine?! Are you serious ? That is precisely, you dimwit, what has got us to where we are. Oh, well, I’m happy to leave you in your little full on world of stupid isolation, away from the rest of the world and reality. Happy times !????


A good Priest leads their flock: collectively and individually in the right direction.
Having said that most Parishes don’t seem to help their Priests. They make a lot of demands on the Priests who in turn often retreat to the parochial house.
There’s sometimes a very sad situation builds up where chatting to people is “work” and people burn out very quickly this way.


Polly Strumpet aka MC at 11:05pm
Polly always the same personal insults, so boring but the fact remains it is you are happily wallowing in sectarian,anti-Catholic, bigoted ignorance.
Poor ignorant fool!


Anonymous at 11:28pm

Your disgraceful language tells us you need to improve your vocabulary you dimwit. It is precisely the liberal garbage foisted on us since the dreadful Vat.11 that has got us to where we are now. You sound just like the auld apostate Polly, tell me are you on the gargle too, you cretin.


Fintan Gavin being ordained for Cork & Ross at 3:00 pm. May the Lord bless him and keep him and his ministry among the People of God!



Another freeloading, Strumpet-serving parasite. What’s not to celebrate?

But I’m afraid the Lord can’t bless what is not committed to him, and this man betrayed Christ by vowing to follow another.

Yes, this man will surely be an asset…if only to himself.


Polly Strumpet aka at 3:35pm
Come off the gargle you’re repeating yourself. Your the biggest freeloader and parasite in the black North and an asset to no one.
Evviva Maria.


Good one, Magna.
What has made me laugh most today is the priest who commented that his vow of obedience to the bishop has never stopped him ‘being’ Christ!
What self-aggrandising twaddle!
If these ecclesiastical functionaries didn’t see themselves as their own god the world would be a better place.
It must be a hard life being both president of the assembly and the object of worship.
Should have been a civil servant, you would be more cut out for it.



‘It must be a hard life being both president of the assembly and the object of worship.’

Now why didn’t I think of such an arresting and memorable sentence?

Wisdom and truth in a nutshell.👏


3.01: Thick plonker. Let me say it again, loud and clear: I HAVE NEVER EVER BEEN PREVENTED FROM BEING CHRIST-LIKE BECAUSE IF IRDINATION. EVER AND NEVER WILL BE. There is something really thick about you and your like who have such stupid thinking. I couldn’t give a s**t about your silly twaddle or what you think. I thank God for the opportunities given to me as a priest. I thank God that we priests are capable of being immensely kind, good in our service to others and helpful to many who call upon us. Your hatred is sickening.


As is your semi literate aggrandisement!
You’ve really no appreciation of how your comment demonstrates your inadequacy.
Try harder, …..or just……Don’t bother.


Haha oh it’s only ‘like’ Christ now is it? That isn’t Catholic theology of priesthood and well you know it.
I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to realise how thoroughly confused that theology is. Of course I knew how far up themselves priests are, and I knew why, but I hadn’t twigged that there was that much confusion in the theology.
Have a look at your church, Father. What’s at the centre of it when Mass is going on? You are.
It’s all about the priest because the priest is a little despot divinity. He becomes such at his irdination.



You thank God for the opportunities given to you as a priest?😅 The world wouldn’t agree with you, and your self-regarding kind.

Such is your sense of privilege, you vile parasite, your sense of self-worth and self-satisfaction, that you are totally and wilfully blind to the immense human harm committed by your rapacious caste.

You are indeed ontologically different, but in a very evil way. You scum opened your self-promoting souls to Satan when you were ordained, because you pledged fealty not to the Holy One, but to his Adversary, through a likey bloated (both physically and psychologically) ‘man’ in a medieval, feminine costume.

Your very presence in the world dishonours the name of Christ, you vile human being. Do you not wonder why God is allowing the exposure of the evil and filth perpetrated by your verminous kind? HE IS CLEANSING HIS TEMPLE OF ITS MODERN SANHEDRIN.

You can’t see this because you won’t.

May God lead you to repentance before the opportunity for it runs out.


MC Your understanding of obey is defective. The biblical and ecclesial concept is to listen – shema beqol; hupakuo; ob audire. That’s what a priest promises. What he does, having listened, will be determined by his conscience and judgment.


No, it isn’t; and well you know it. It’s root lies in Jesus’ gospel instruction to his disciples: ‘If you love me, you will obey my comnandments.’ (Jn 14:15) The connotation, ‘do’ (‘put into practice’), is clearly expressed.
Jesus makes it indisputably clear, here and elsewhere in Scripture, that listening involves readiness to follow whatever is being listened to.
Stop corrupting God’s word, priest. You hirelings have done more than enough damage to Christ’s assembly.



Polly Strumpet aka MC at5:03

Polly such a pity you’re not up in front of The Sanhedrin, you could almost be talking about yourself your sense of privilege,your sense of self-worth and self satisfaction being a vile parasite and totally and wilfully blind to the immence harm you commit with all the lies you spout ad infinitum. Your very presence in the world dishonors The Holy Name you vile human being.
You can’t see this because you won’t.
May Almighty God lead you to repentance before the opportunity runs out for you.
Evviva Maria!


‘Pharisaical’ and ‘hair-splitting’ are your words for nuance, biblical scholarship. You know nothing of Christian theology or tradition if you don’t understand that conscience is paramount and that living by one’s conscience, having listened to all sides, is a human being at his/her best. Produce the evidence that doing another’s will is intrinsically good, not to mention ‘better’ than doing one’s own will per se! The ‘obedience’ you promote, like MC, is a military concept and has nothing to do with the evangelical counsel of the same name.


You, very silly, risible poster. I should pity and humour you, like a village clown, but I can’t, such is the evil inherent in your semi-literate posts.😆


MC at 4:20. You are misquoting scripture. John 14:15 does not contain the word ‘obey.’ You are so fixated on your misinterpretation that you see the word even where it is not. The correct quotation is: ‘If you love me, AND IF YOU KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS…’
Secondly, we know from Jesus’ teaching methodology, especially evident in his parables, that he wished his hearers to draw their own conclusions, as their intellects and consciences told them. To obey (i.e. to harken to the voice of) does not include a commitment to act in a particular way. A Christian will listen to every side of an argument and will decide how to act.
In sum, your two errors are:
1. A failure to understand the biblical concept ‘obey,’ and a habit of confusing it with the military term ‘obey.’
2. Your fallacious interpretation that to listen means to act upon.


A typically pharasaical and hair splitting rationalisation of how the promise to obey means something other than obey. It’s right up there with the explanation that celibacy just means not being married so the priest can roger away.
You are also volitionally ignoring the venerable Christian tradition that it is better to do the will of another than ones own.
You are sounding and being ridiculous.


Ooh where shall I start.
Rule of St Benedict just for a start.
Then there is the theology that Christ became obedient for us even to death on the cross.
Your convenient rationalisation of obedience ignores the traditional understanding of it, and your use of conscience is also contra to the theology that conscience per se is not paramount, but it must be a formed and educated conscience.
The whole purpose of the Christian life is to undo by obedience the original disobedience.
Your theology is Protestantism pure and simple, and yes I do know more theology than you.


Jesus Christ! How long am I to bear with you retards.
Stop splitting non-existent hairs.
You are not academic enough to debate me, nor erudite, and I shall destroy you…kindly, of course.😆
The Decalogue was not offered a la carte for admittance to Heaven, you transparent, unacademic chancer. Nor were Jesus’ words, you utter fool
JC! I hope you aren’t a priest, or (and I suspect you are) seminarian.


11:23 at M. Carta
You obviously have no inkling of biblical scholarship and I’m afraid Wikipedia won’t help you in this case. In fact, the point at issue here illustrates very well the problem with someone like you using Wikipedia: you do not have the ability to evaluate your sources. That’s one of the plethora of primary weaknesses you labour under. It is also most likely a direct result of your not having progressed to First Divinity. There is a world of a difference between your misquotation of John and the ipsissima verba of the Gospel itself. And since you have been provided with the etymology of the Hebrew, Greek and Latin words, each of which is commonly translated into English by the word ‘obey,’ you have failed to make the connection, or reach the conclusion that ‘obey’ in a biblical and ecclesial context is as far removed from ‘obey’ in a military context, namely, the semantic field of the word ‘obey’ used ad nauseam by you, as to merit being translated into English by completely different words, such as, for example, ‘to be attentive to,’ (biblical) and ‘to carry out the orders of ‘military.’

To summarise, your mistake is to confuse both semantic fields of the word ‘obey,’ whereas, they are so unalike that they cold be described as ‘homonyms.’ i.e. ‘each of two words having the same pronounciation and/or spelling, but different meanings and origins.’


I am having the loudest, deepest, merriest laugh of my life reading the clerical brown-nosing comments (some of them clearly self- brown-nosing) on todays blog. 😅
Good priests? Hah, hah!😅 Not one of these financial, social, psychological PARASITES vowed to serve Christ the day he was ordained.
The self-lionising cleric at 9:44 has practically canonised himself with his self-congratulatory claim of uninterrupted moral goodness, yet is too stupid to see the contradiction between vowing to serve Christ and vowing to serve a bishop. Like many of his colleagues, he is hardly cerebral; indeed, the degree of intellectual retardation among them is almost amusing.
Remember ALL Roman Catholic bishops promise to uphold Canon Law on the day of their consecreation. If they do so, then so must their priests. It is under these vile laws that the centuries-old ‘privilege of clergy’ (Privilegium clericale) is maintained through the ‘Pontifical Secret’, a code of conduct premised, at least in part, on the presumption that priests are not like ordinary fellows (ontologically changed, doncha know?😅) through ordination.
These priests commit grave sin against Christ on the very day of their ordinations, and the vile fruit of this is all around us. But they don’t want to make the connection. Their clerical comfort zones are just too cosy, too comfortable; in short, why risk upsetting a very convenient lifestyle. And this is what Roman Catholic priesthood is today. Discipleship? JESUS, NO!! A lifestyle not of service, but of self-service.
How many of these ‘holy servants of Christ’ 😅 have gone public about the behaviour of the institutional Church, in particular, of their bishops? I can’t think of any; so I’ll add ‘coward’ to ‘parasite’ and ‘Christ-betrayer’ when referring to these men.
Two of those priests lionised above (self-lionised?)😕, Keenan and Sheehan, are Down and Connor priests. Did either of them publicly protest the obscene amount of diocesan money spent by their bishop, Noel Treanor, on his home and offices. Not to my knowledge.
I am sick to the back teeth of reading the phrase ‘good priests’. I have honestly never met one that wasn’t prepared, mentally, to cast a backwards glance to see if any proposed conduct on his part would accord both with his bishops wishes and with Canon Law. Consciense here? Never got even a look-in.
Away with the utterly useless lot of them!😆


My goodness, Magna! That was quite a blast.

Here’s the second barrel.

The most lenient thing I can say about Roman Catholic priests is that they are decidedly ANTISOCIAL.

(Sigh) Where’s an ASBO when you urgently need one?😅


2.49: Magna you are out of your trolley with booze that to feel relevant are now responding to your own comments. Magna, please be assured of my prayers in your turmoil. Tomorrow being the Feast of St. Oliver Plunkett, I’ll remember you, although not the most suitable saint for you. Maybe St. Anthony or St. Padre Pio. Night, night.


3.15: Magna, you tell us that you are suck to the back teeth of reading the phrase “good priests”. (Didn’t think you had any teeth left with all that drink!!). You must look gummy at this stage, not just with drink but the hatred you spew out must be rotting your mouth – if it isn’t rotten already. And let me add to your woes and angst. I am a GOOD PRIEST: I KNOW: I’VE BEEN TOLD IT SO OFTEN!!!! God is good to me. Are you jealous? Again, I thank God for all the GOOD PRIESTS I know. Now Mags, go and vomit….vomit.. vomit. It might get rid of the vile crappy s***e that’s trapped in your mouth. 😚😚😚😚😚.🍓🍓🍓. All my love, dearie.


Yes, doubtless you have often told yourself that you are a ‘good priest’.😅 And here you are, doing so again, on this blog.

You absolute retard.😅😅


Anon “GOOD”priest at 4:56: Have you ever stopped to think if others might well think that you’re NOT a ‘good priest’ whatever that’s supposed to be? No? Obviously those dependent on your clerical role would associate with what some call the ‘holy water hens’ in praising you; telling you what you want to hear. But the others? Perhaps your intellectual and perceptive faculties don’t permit such reflection. Never mind.
Furthermore should others think that you’re not a good priest, and tell you so, what is likely to be your reaction? We can but guess: fairly accurately I would suspect by the tone of your comments.
And to go even further; …….do stretch yourself; apart from your position of ‘clerical power’ (big fish in small pond syndrome!), what characteristics in your personality and public persona might inhibit parishioners from presenting you with an alternative reflection of your functioning as their minister?
Well that’s enough homework for now. Go think it through.


3.15: A lot of aggression today Magna! I wonder why?? Would it be the awareness of that oft repeated and wonderfully desctiptive phrase “good priests”, (which mummy once thought might be said of you!)? I know you are of a delicate kind (nearly said delicious! God forbid) and that your poor drink-bloated tumsy and ulcerated mouth is fragile and in pain. All self inflicted, sadly. But I’m sure your mumsy will let you suck from her breast some nourishing milk, happy that your teeth, almost rotten, won’t hurt her anymore! Off you go and suckle mumsy’s nipples.. (P.S. I Hope you choke). Only joking……of course.


Polly Strumpet at 3:15pm
I’m so glad your laughing Polly enjoy it while you can, you’ll not be laughing at your judgement. You sound just like your hero the auld heretic Paisley you could almost be quoting him with all your anti-catholic rantings. I’m sure he is keeping a seat warm for you in the hub of hell.
Evviva Maria!


Magna at 3.15: How many pints of gin did it take to help you express such vulgar and ignorant words? You’re gone utterly mad. It’s sad to witness you make a fool of yourself . Your piss must stink with all that booze. You should go to a cliff edge and bid farewell……


And you’d be the ‘good’ priest/Catholic who’d push me off it, wouldn’t you?😅
Another absolute retard.😅😅


6.11: Yes, Magna: I’d gladly help you over the cliff, you utter buffoon. Don’t you have a sense of humour? You’re a mad man, easy to wind up, a hate merchant who should have no place on any forum. Thank God for the many good priests. in our parishes. Bless them Lord but also Lord, we ask your healing grace for Magna. He’s in permanent inner pain and a deeply disturbed man. Bless him. Magna, I COULDN’T care one iota about you. (I’m only joking!!!). Your BUFFONERY is out of control, you retard….(just using your word back at you…).


6.11: I love the use of the word “retard” but it applies perfectly to poor auld Mags. It’s the demon drink that’s escalating his ‘retardness’…….he should cop himself on.


I’d hesitate if I were you…before telling any one to kop on.
I mean: from someone who calls herself ‘Lollipop Josie’.😆


5.09: Magna: it seems one has to repeat onself many times for one to be truly heard. One learnt that message from you. Your incessant, repetitive hatred of others and an overestimation of your own superior knowledge provokes one into unnecessary negativity and nasty criticism of you. See how your nastiness finds its way into other people’s style and expression , unconsciously of course!! Have a sense of humour dearie. All that angst will give you a hernia and high blood pressure. Relax….go and have a hot bath. And before you lay your pretty face down to sleep, remember all those GOOD PRIESTS in your prayers. Instead of counting sheep, count GOOD PRIESTS instead.


8.55: If you are a regular on this blog, you will notice that many commentators have noticed the abuse which Magna throws out to others. His vile comments are totally unacceptable and incite hatred. If Magna is so hostile and arrogant he should expect similar in return. Even Pat and MMM and others have issued their utter rejection of Magna’s violent, vulgar rhetoric. We are each responsible for how we react and speak and how we express ourselves. Magna deserves contempt and rebuking, not that it will effect any changeable decent behaviour in his approach, but he needs to be reprimanded.


Pat, why are you tolerating this Magna guy and his vicious critics and giving them so much space? They are behaving like school yard bullies and are tiresome and destructive. The topic for today was bound to provoke Magna into a volcanic rage, but a dangerous rage. There’s little point in any priest trying to make relevant comnents as he will only be subjected to the horrid bullying of Magna.


The only RELEVANT comment a Roman Cathoilic priest can make is the honest, and obvious, one: that he vowed to serve one who most decidedly was NOT Jesus the Christ.
Hence the disgusting moral mess that is institutional Roman Catholicism today.
I am impelled to say this again: there is, and never can be, such thing as a morally good priest, since, on the day of his ordination, he forsook GOODNESS to serve a fat, blubbery, worldly child-abuse enabler/facilitator (quite possibly a child-abuser himself, e.g. McCarrick).
THIS IS THE TRUTH. Not one of these priests, not even Bishop Pat, can honestly deny this. If they do, they are cowardly, self-serving liars, because they did, each of them, precisely as I said.
The one redeeming feature in this morally arrid clerical landscape is that one of these Strumpetmongers, Fr Pat Buckley, found that he had moral balls and rebelled against the idolatry. For this reason (and for many others since), he has my deep and lasting respect and admiration.


Oh does that mean they’re finally getting the message that this blog is a place where their accustomed clerical privilege counts for nothing?


4.51: Ballianti Kieran or whatever you call yourself, who are you and what’s your problem? Have you graduated yet from kindergarten? Or are you only learning how to write late in life but with many challenges still ahead for you? You’re not exactly the most illuminating or poetic commentator….


Hi Fly hi night hi hi Fly.
I wrote ye a wee song this time hi Fly to celebrate my love for you butt hi.
Achy well truth be towlt hi a got help from a young kub called George. He’s a nice ladd. Ya would like him hi but. It’s not finished yet and it needs a bit of tweaking but hi, here goes:
My Fly (my Fly)
My lover, lover, lover
I’m in paradise whenever I’m with you hi butt
My Fly (my Fly)
My f-f-f-f FLY
Well it’s a paradise whenever I’m with you
Ride on (ride on)
I will ride YOU on down the road
I will find you, I will hold you, I’ll ride you sideways hi butt
It’s long (how long?)
Well it’s a mighty long Ladd
But I’ll find you, I will hold you and I’ll be there holding your Ladd
I know you heard it from those other kubs
But this time it’s real
It’s something that I feel and
I know you heard it from those other boy kubs in Gayenooth
But this time it’s real
It’s something that I feel and but hi
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins but hi
You know it’s love heading your way
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it’s my Ladd heading your way
My time (my time)
My t-t-t-t-time
Well it’s a never ending helter skelter
We’ll be out whatever the weather
My heart (my heart)
My boom-boom heart
It’s a beat and it’s a thumping
And I’m alive but hiiiiiiiii
I know you heard it from those other kubs
But this time it’s real hi
It’s something that I feel and
I know you heard it from those other Gayenooth kubs
But this time it’s real
It’s something that I feel and
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it’s my ladd heading your way but hi
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it’s love heading your way hi butt
Paradise, roll on roll on
Meet me there, hold on hold on
Paradise, roll me over in the clover
Meet me there, hold on hold on
Paradise, roll on roll on
Meet me there, hold on hold on hi Fly
Paradise, roll on roll on
Meet me there, hold on hold on
Premature ejaculation, roll on but hi roll on
Meet me there, hold on hold on
Paradise, hi butt roll on roll on
Meet me there, Fly I can’t hold on hold on
If it feels like premature ejaculation running through your bloody veins
You know it’s love heading your way
If it feels like paradise running through your bloody veins
You know it’s love heading your way


Good Morning Fr. L.J. de Ladd.
What were you doing up so late last night ranting.
It was way past you’re beddy bye byes.
Oh… be good for goodness sake…
Give up yur aul sins.
Yous didn’t grow up in Gayenooth.
It’s never too late.
Bye bye. Fr. Ladd. Bye.


Just you leave the Ladds alone Fr Magwa. Stick with your own Ladd and stop interfering with others’ Ladds including Hi Fly bi hi.


Hello ladd eile @ 10:36am.

Another former Gayenooth
ladd with a one track mind. Youse
Ladds from Gayenooth have too much
time on yur hands. Get a job.
Be a good ladd and give up yur aul sins.

Mind out. Bye ladd. Bye.


‘To undo by obedience, the original disobedience…..’
From this brief sentence it’s clear you take a literalist view of Genesis 2-3. If that is the case your theology is creationist and not Roman Catholic theology.
Secondly, your denial of the primacy of conscience and your substitution of a defective alternative indicates that no, yours is not Roman Catholic or orthodox theology.


From this brief sentence it’s clear you take a literalist view of Genesis
No. Not clear at all, and also not true. You have missed several logical steps there.

Secondly, your denial of the primacy of conscience and your substitution of a defective alternative indicates that no,

You haven’t actually read my comment have you? And if you have you didn’t understand it. Read it again and you will see where you’re wrong.


It follows as the night the day, that you are a creationist. The revelatory detail is in the phrase, ‘original disobedience,’ as I have already indicated. There’s no intermediate step, logical or elliptical. Not Roman Catholic. Not orthodox.

A fortiori, your articulation of a (defective and deficient) qualified form of the primacy of conscience and your attempted substitution of this for the res ipsa.


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