


fROM Gareth o’ Callaghan FACEBOOK 5.11.2016 15.34

“I feel like a ghost caught inside a person I don’t recognise, stuck between this world and another; not wanting to live any longer, but not wanting to die just yet.” If you are a survivor of abuse, then I am sure these words will make perfect sense.

I spoke during the week to a man who was savagely abused by a Dublin priest for five years as a young boy. His name is Noel. Today he is in his fifties, but part of him will always be eight years of age. Noel tried to kill himself twice. Thankfully he is alive today. And hopefully what I am about to write here – the story he has never been able to tell – will help to set him free from the torture, and the awful remorse and guilt he feels, of his past.

It has taken me days to reconcile my reasoning and need for writing this post. It makes for horrific reading. Please be aware of that before reading any further here. The man at the centre of this piece has never been publicly associated with child abuse before now, to the best of my knowledge and research. His crimes against children are undoubtedly one of the greatest and most appalling cover ups in the history of clerical sexual abuse by the hierarchy that existed back then in the Dublin diocese. I am naming him for the first time today. There is a Garda file on him for over fifty years, but it has been permanently ignored and forgotten.

Noel, a victim of this monster, is slowly beginning to live again almost fifty years after his tiny, innocent life was stolen and almost destroyed by a Dublin priest called Des Williams.

In 1959, ‘Father Des’ (as he liked to be known) set up St Kevin’s Boys’ Club in Whitehall, on the sprawling northside of Dublin city. The club drew huge numbers of small boys who loved soccer. Father Des’s interest in soccer was purely a front to disguise that he was a paedophile. Once the club was formed, he quickly set about abusing its young members. Noel’s abuse started in 1968, shortly after joining the club. He was eight years old.

Once the grooming stopped, the abuse started. “Father Des” brought Noel back to a house one night. There were four other men present in the upstairs bedroom. Noel was blindfolded and tied facedown to a bed. He was then raped by the priest, and then by each of the men. This horrific abuse continued for over five years, until Noel turned thirteen. By now it was almost 1974. According to official club records which I have seen, Fr Des Williams was ‘Executive Director of Football’ (and overall owner) at St Kevin’s from 1962 until 1974. His committee appears to have remained largely unchanged during those years. The same few names appear to hold their senior positions in the club during that long period. At first I couldn’t understand why a paedophile ring within a local football could go unnoticed, despite the fact that they were targetting local boys; that was until I delved more deeply into William’s connections and responsibilities.


Des Williams, at that time during the entire 1960s decade while he was abusing young boys at the football club, was personal assistant to Archbishop John Charles McQuaid. McQuaid, it’s understood (and now known), was also abusing young boys at the time; but no one in judicial authority was prepared to take on McQuaid. ‘Father Des’ simply ran home at the end of his disgusting day and hid behind the gates and high impenetrable walls of Archbishop’s Palace in Drumcondra, just down the road from St Kevin’s Boys Club.

A couple of interesting developments took place in 1974. James Kavanagh became the bishop of that area of north Dublin city. Dermot Ryan had become Archbishop of the diocese shortly before this. Ryan was responsible for appointing Kavanagh. There was now huge disquiet in the local area about Des William’s carry on. A number of parents of young boys had gone to Whitehall and Santry Garda stations to report incidents of abuse by Williams. Nothing – NOTHING – whatsoever was done to investigate the claims or the abuser. Instead, James Kavanagh and his boss the Archbishop, once they had become aware of the extent of the priest’s abuse, came up with a plan to take Des Williams clean out of what was becoming a nasty embarrassment for church authorities.

In 1975, Trudder House was opened as a refuge and state-run home for young children of travelling families who, for whatever personal reasons, were unable to care for their children. The young children were taken into care in this huge renovated house set on its own sprawling grounds close to Newtownmountkennedy. It was a very remote location, detached from any source of local contact. When you arrived at Trudder, you were in the middle of nowhere. And you were very much on your own. The guardian and director of Trudder House was the same Fr Des Williams. Another director of Trudder was Duncan McInnes, who went on to rape and abuse the small children in his care, under the watchful eye of Des Williams, who had moved out of Dublin’s northside, and was now living in Trudder House.

McInnes beat his tiny victims with a long strip of plastic garden hose before raping and sexually abusing them throughout his five years at Trudder House. He fled the country after complaints were made in 1981. He later died in Canada in 1990 in his early fifties. Complaints continued to be made during the 1980s to an internal Health Board inquiry but Garda claim they were never informed. It wasn’t until two days before Christmas in 1994, twenty years after Trudder House opened its doors to small, vulnerable children, that the first complaint in relation to sexual abuse was made to Garda. In the investigation that followed, not one member of the long term management at the facility had to answer questions publicly about how they handled the matter of abuse of small children over the years. Galwayman Brendan Kelly was the only person to be convicted and sentenced to seven years in 1998. He remains the only person to be charged with sexual offences at Trudder House.

In 1985, Des Williams was ordained to the position of auxiliary Bishop of Dublin. He was consecrated in Rome by Pope John Paul II that year. His co-consecrator on the day, standing beside the Pope, was his friend and sponsor Bishop James Kavanagh. For many years in the 70’s, after his time with St Kevin’s, Des Williams was the episcopal vicar for finances in the archdiocese. In other words he was commander-in-chief, God’s financial controller, of all the money that rolled into the coffers of a huge diocese with quarter of a million churchgoers who contributed very generously every Sunday to two collections that he had masterminded, namely the SHARE collection, and the collection that gave Dublin priests their wages. Could this be a reason why so many of his unfortunate victims stayed quiet? Or was their silence a result of his vicious violence and his ability to be the perfect Jeckyl and Hyde when it came to his devious ways of attracting young children to him, while hiding behind a bunch of fellow bishops who were untouchable by normal standards of the law, and who went out of their way to protect one of the most corrupt of their species?


Des Williams died in 2006. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin gave the homily during the funeral mass. Martin described Williams as “a loyal and discreet co-operator of many archbishops” The archbishop went on to say “Bishop Des Williams spent much of his life helping those who were disadvantaged and who at times had the right to be angry with society”. Wrong. Having spoken to Noel this week, and also to the best friend of another victim of Des Williams’s who could not talk to me directly because his life is still so broken and shattered fifty years later as a result of what he suffered at the hands of this monster over a five year period when he was a small boy, Williams was clearly only helping himself. He wasn’t helping those who were disadvantaged. He was preying on them while his fellow bishops covered up for him. Archbishop Martin’s final words: “May God reward him for his goodness, may he free him from his sins…”

I have a question here, Archbishop Martin. Who will free up the victims of Des Williams, and Bill Carney, and all of the other predators who masqueraded as devoted followers of a man called Jesus Christ? The same man you spoke so much about in the graceful eulogy you delivered that day ten years ago to a pervert whose cover up was responsible for more suicides than you will ever know. Maybe now, some of those men who innocently fell victims will find a reason to embrace their lives, now that this filthy monster has finally been named. It’s also worth remembering, Archbishop, that Jesus was a Jew. He was long dead before the first Catholic decided to go looking for a role model. The kind but broken individuals who are reading this who have had their lives damaged and destroyed in the past by people you clearly offer kind words to in their demise makes me realise even more that the days of the flimsy Catholic church are numbered.

And I would say this to Noel, who I spoke to during the week, (and also to ‘B’), perhaps life starts today; knowing that you have both shared with me the words that you personally and painfully were never able to speak before now in almost fifty years. To those reading this who still can’t find the strength to see the beauty of life on their own terms as a result of abuse, but hopefully will in time to come: This post is for you. I feel like a ghost caught inside a person I can’t recognise, stuck between this world and another; not wanting to live any longer, but not wanting to die just yet.


(The Irish Times)

Bishop Desmond Williams: He was “a loyal and discreet co-operator of many archbishops”, recalled the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Diarmuid Martin, in a homily at the requiem Mass for Bishop Desmond Williams (75), retired auxiliary bishop of Dublin, last Monday evening.
Which is such a pity. For what things might have been told by someone less discreet and who had been secretary to Archbishop John Charles McQuaid for 12 years – from 1959 until Dr McQuaid’s retirement – for instance? But “Bishop Des”, as he became known after appointment as auxiliary bishop of Dublin in 1985, was also “the most private of private people”.
Yet this quiet man had an extraordinarily dynamic life which brought him into contact with many people. For instance, in the sporting world – an arena not usually associated with the shy or retiring – he made an impressive contribution.
In 1959 he founded St Kevin’s soccer club in Dublin’s Whitehall, one of the most successful in the country. He helped it expand into one of the largest of its kind in Europe, fielding over 40 competitive teams a week.
Boys from St Kevin’s lined the steps of the Pro-Cathedral on Monday night as his coffin was carried out. While it lay before the altar at the Pro-Cathedral during the requiem Mass, it had just two objects placed on it, Dr Williams’s mitre and a St Kevin’s jersey.
In 1980 he was appointed chairman of the Catholic Social Service Conference, now known as Crosscare, the invaluable social care agency of the Dublin archdiocese. Under Dr Williams, the agency was modernised, updated and expanded, providing help to the poor and marginalised in the city. He had the job for 10 years, though originally appointed for three.
He also had a particular interest in helping the Travelling community and towards that end he set up Trudder House, a residential home for Travellers, in Newtownmountkennedy, Co Wicklow. He lived there himself for a while.


This is a horrific story that the Irish hierarchy have been trying to keep under wraps for decades.

Why did Diarmuid Martin preside at this bishops funeral and praise him to the highest heavens?

Did he not check his file in Archbishops House?

Or had the file been doctored?

The Garda come out of this badly too.

Believe me, there are thousands of more cases like this in the Irish Catholic Church.


Bishop Pat, I was told that each diocese has a file on every priest. Every piece of written correspondence is kept. Is it true not to put anything in writing regarding the Catholic Church?


Some will find this account disturbing. Some will not want to believe it, and seek to discredit it, and you, with the customary ad hominem attacks of those “too blind to see”, and others who simply refuse to acknowledge harsh realities.
I have no reason to question the validity of your account, either from its content, or relating to your own veracity. In the past I was obliged to regularly deal with sexual abusers, and as I’ve written here before, found them, both in the professional literature, and personally, to be utterly devious . So your account of the modus operandi of this abuser has the ring of truth to it. While disturbing, it does not surprise me. The more I learn about the RC church: its contorted view of sexuality; its repressive nature and controlling structures: it becomes all the more obvious just how rotten it is.
And you do well to continue exposing it.
I do hope you find some measure of peace Noel


As I said elsewhere, every single one of these priestly hypocrites and deceivers surrendered his soul to Baal on the day of his ordination.
Whitewashed sepulchres, the lot of them.
Now expect the usual apologists for these filthy parasites to flood this blog with their sick ahd sychophantic nonsense.


Yes, you have said it before “Magna Carta” ad nauseam. And it is as much a lie and a slur this time as when you said it every other time. It’s simply not true.
The majority of priests are not “Christ betrayers” and all your other insults. They did not surrender their moral sense and conscience at ordination. The vow of obedience DOES NOT require them to do so.
There are indeed filthy parasites who became priests and bishops (just as there are filthy parasites and moral degenerates who troll anonymously on internet blogs).
We live shoulder to shoulder with the weeds and the rotten fish until the trumpet sounds. There are, despite the endless cycle of lies and insults from the faceless “Magna Carta” more good priests and bishops than “filthy parasites”. Thank God. For “where sin abounds, grace does more abound “.


Why did so many good bishops cover up child sexual abuse by clergy for so long?


Dear Anon @ 12:14: Quoting my earlier comment, I have to wonder into which category you fall: ‘them so blind as cannot see’ or those ‘refusing to acknowledge harsh reality?’
Unlike Magna I believe there are some ‘good’ priests. But how many, and the standard by which they are judged is a very moot point.
It seems increasingly obvious that “omerta ” has been far far too commonplace.


Anonymous at 12:14pm
What a pleasure it is to read your comments, I agree with every word I have always said let us pray for all the good priests we have and thank God for them and leave the others to God’s justice. God Bless You.
Evviva Maria!


12.14: By now you will have discovered the repetitive, ugly, vicious, hate filled words of Magna.There is no balance, fairness or normality in his psyche. He exists simply to abuse, debase, insult and sneer at others. Pat promised he would not allow repeat themes of abuse or denigration of others, but he makes an exception for Magna. So, my advice: move past Magna’s comments; don’t respond; wish him well, pray for him but don’t lower yourself to his level of personal abuse. You too might become as ugly as he is. Words can communicate and reveal if
we are decent, kind, merciful, caring and understanding. These virtues beling only to good people, including priests. So, rise above Maggie’s vituperative tirades.


12:14 p.m. Well said. It has been well explained and clarified for any one who has ears to hear that to obey is the English translation of the Hebrew shema beqol, the Greek hupakuo, and the Latin ob audire. An elementary familiarity with these languages will identify the common threat: to listen to. The semantic field is actively hearing with the intention of understanding.

Narrow-minded, unthinking, unreflective individuals insist on linking these wonderful biblical concepts with military obedience i.e. carrying out commands of another.

In effect the straw man fallacy is just that: a fallacy.


It was shocking to see this re Bishop Williams cos he was bishop for deaf kids boys and gals confirmations for couple of years. Thank god he wasn’t my bishop who confirmed me. Its clear that there are loads of hidden skeletons in the catholic bishop closets if for majority or all of the bishops. Is there any bishops out there still abusing kids or bishops who were abusing the kids has remained hidden from public eyes.
I came across St Kevins club in soccer many times and also chess games as well. I didn’t know that it was Bishop Williams who set it up and ran it. was it that he has the need access to young kids ????? Just wondering thats all.
SNAP guy who left ireland as programme on Fr Smyth was aired in the states last week, Guess what he wept for 15 mins after watching it cos he was a abuse survivor from Diocese of Galway i think as it was Fr O Malley. I searched high and low re Fr O Malley but found his name in another diocese which was strange even in 60;s and 70’s , Was he moved ????
You may not know that Marie Collins was placed as a director of Deaf Village Ireland by Archbishop Martin last year or two. I don’t know the reason for that but i could hazard a guess here… it was to placate her as she resigned from the Vatican commission.
Found that Bishops have a habit of dumping abusers into working class community or a community with disabilties cos they dont have the education to report it reor the knowledge of how to report it. Its’ more likely that you would find lot of priest.abusers in working class parish like for example ballymun or ballyfermot.
Finally not surprisingly , we went to the gardai (Cabra station)back in 70’s and none of our reports went to the DPP or public authorities such as provincial of CBS.


Why was the wonderful biblical imperative of Jesus NOT to harm little ones ignored by clergy and the hierarchy?
It is not credible to think, many if not most priests, didn’t know about child abusers among colleagues.
Priests do what their Bishops tell them to do. Priests are dependent on their Bishops for their livelihoods, a form of indentured servitude. Therefore, being moral cowards, and keeping their mouths shut, goes with the territory, for fear of repercussions.


Thauld collar turns ones back on the world At least it used to. But what does it turn ones front towards hi


It’s sad to live in a generation where the word most associated with Catholic is Pedophile. Sad, sad state of affairs.
Even if we spend the rest of our lives helping people and living the great Love of the Gospel we’ll not break even in the public mind.
But that’s nothing compared to what those poor children went through.
I think the only decent thing left to do is raise the entire temple because it’s been defiled. Pay out the great wealth of the church to the victims and wind up all the institutions.
We’ll start again from nothing. A blank slate. Yes we’ll have a smaller church but maybe one with purpose and dignity again. Saying Mass in each others homes. Knowing people. Making the Church a Counter-Cultural movement again as it was intended.


Rusty, when these thoughts come upon you remember Wordsworth:

“The greatest part of a good man’s life, are his little, unremembered acts of kindness and of love”.


There was a garda now deceased as he was a former General Secretary of the Garda Representative Association back then. But his relative of same name who came from same small village town. He was abusing deaf kids in bed when he was a SUPERIOR for school of deaf boys in Cabra (Dublin ) that time. Then after two years he suddenly left without any warning. Then we heard many years later that he got married somewhere in Meath with kids. For years we tried to get him reported but failed. Garda told us not to look or search for him which had me puzzled. Then i found out many years after that he was directly related to ex general secretary of GRA (Garda Rep ass) which made lot of sense to me and other deaf people who were abused by him cos they were getting nowhere which puzzled me at first but now we know. It was the top or chief commisioner Garda who protected him at all costs. It is NOT only bishops but Garda’s as well.


There’s further information on Trudder House in an article from the Irish Independent dated 10th March 1998, titled ‘ Vicious paedophile who headed a brutal regime’. It claims, one of the most vicious paedophiles ever to work in an Irish child care institution was Duncan McInnes, who was director of Trudder House until he mysteriously left the country in 1981.


An article by Jim Cusack from, May31st 2009, titled ‘ Paedophile ring ‘abused children in State Homes’.
Apparently, this well organized paedophile ring involved members of gardai, clergy , civil servants, and members of political parties, who infiltrated the childcare system.


It also involved members of the legal and medical professions. The church acted like a madam in a child brothel.


11.02: Pat, can you refer us to research or reports to validate your claims? It’s vital that the truth be established. I am deeply disturbed by this article, disturbed that this pack of abusers could wreak such hurt, abuse, misery and depravity on a child or young teenager. I am not surprised at the on-going revelations of abuse involving people from a network of backgrounds, but I am shocked. I have no doubt that in time more and more truths will be uncovered about senior, supposedly respectable pillars of society who were/are abusers. The concentration on clerical abuse, while absolutely essential and necessary, has moved attention away from all abusers other than clerics. I am certain that there are many people, still alive, who, if helped, would share their stories of abuse: by neighbours, teachers, medical personnel, farmers and other professionals!! I was abused by a well respected local guy but managed to get away from him but it still haunts me at times. A farmer tried off with me when as a teenager I helped in his farm, especially on a wet day when you sheltered in the hayshed at the far end of the estate. The experience was presented as comforting but again I ended up knowing what the comforting might lead to and told him to stop as I would tell my parents. I was quite good at school, learned and studied well and loved school but hated 2 bad (lay) teachers in secondary school who physically and mentally abused us, often for trivial reasons, but I do not forget the terror of being marched to the principal’s office to receive a physical slapping! I worked in a parish where a local guy, again held in esteem, whom I discovered was an abuser. I acted swiftly then, confronted him and had him removed when he threatened me for daring to question him! His was a bad ending. I am appalled at the revelations in today’s blog which I’m sure can be proved to be correct. It is simply horrendous and shameful. I wonder will there ever be a comprehensive study done re: abuse committed by non-clerics? Are we in denial about the truth that abuse was/is committed by people from all backgrounds and professions? It seems we are only interested in clerical abuse, allowing us to escape other horrible realities. All abuse by whoever it is carried out is a heinous crime and all perpetrators deserve the full rigour of civil law. There are many damaged prove in our communities who are afraid to share their truth, sadly. I hope Noel finds some healing and all others who still suffer the effects of abuse.

Liked by 1 person

I agree with you that there were and are abusers in all professions and places.

I suppose the horror of cleric abuse is it was done by people who claimed to represent God.

The Church would describe Williams as “a successor of the Apostles”.

It would be good if the government set up a judge led inquiry to document all abuse, even from 1922 onwards.

But even judges have abused!


How is it possible, given all that was known about him, that he became a bishop.’ ?
Good question. We know how it was possible in the American Church, re former Cardinal McCarrick et al.
Are we to believe similar couldn’t happen this side of the atlantic!


Still waiting for one of the priests who claims that he has not sold his soul at ordination to he bishop to offer best wishes to yesterday’s same sex couple. Come on now chaps, your silence is deafening!


11.11: Danny – get over your stupidity. Today’s topic is far more serious and deserving of debate than your nonsensical request. Abuse is what we’re talking about, ABUSE, not same-sex marriages. Get real. And if you choose to comment on today’s topic, try to seem intelligent.


Here we have another episode of a man who was known about being advanced and protected by the Church. How is it possible, given all that was known about him, that he became a bishop ? The information, the knowledge, the intelligence, the paper trail, the files were all there, and yet they made him a bishop ! Never mind that they colluded, along with the police, to submerge whatever accusations were made against him. It is such a pity that he did not live longer so that he could face justice, and probably end up in jail where he belonged for all the harm and hurt he inflicted on the most innocent. + Martin of Dublin must surely have known about this hinterland ? He must have taken a look at his file before writing his eulogy for him ? Surely ? And, yet he too proceeded to cover up. It is truly shocking. There is nothing that can excuse it. The Church in Ireland should hang its head in shame.


Check out the UK data base on child abuse;
They claim to have profiled the offences of over 72,000 ‘convicted’ UK and Irish child abusers from all walks of life.


Most of your comments are abusing other commentators. I will not publish abuse. Stick to the topic. Pat.



I was replying to the poster at 1:23am who as usual was abusing all priests, you’re being partial as usual because you have the same agenda allowing posters to abuse The Church and Clerics but not giving others the right of reply so its a bit rich of you saying. Stick to the topic. You say you will not publish abuse, you abuse The Church and priests every day. And it’s not the first time you have published abusive comments about me.
Evviva Maria!


Anonymous 11-27
Sorry but the two matters of today and my ‘tease’ of yesterday ARE linked. It’s about clergy acquiescence and cover up because of fear of breaking ranks and the price of the promise to the bishop.
Remember this 11-27 and remember this well. It is the silence of ‘good men’ which has allowed the evil of child abuse to thrive in the Catholic Church. The link is more than tenuous.
And if you’re not intelligent enough to work out the link then the stupidity lies with you my friend, not me.


I’m 11:27 – my question, I suppose, was largely rhetorical. I know the answer. Cover up by people who should have known better. I have developed a thick skin and am no longer surprised at the depths to which the Church and clergy can descend in order to keep up appearances and to keep the show on the road. But, the cost has been horrendous, namely the lives and wellbeing and futures of the most innocent. That is unforgivable. So, I applaud any uncovering and accounting of this behaviour by priests and bishops, even if one removed from the commission of the sinful crime, and hope that there will be consequences here on earth for them, not just in heaven. It is why I think that the likes of + Nichols and + Longley in the UK should be moved aside from their roles as a recognition that their failures in safeguarding have consequences. Pour decourager les autres. Otherwise, clergy and bishops will continue to believe that they will not be held accountable. Until, that is, other agencies, authorities, begin to take an interest and pursue these things. Then they might find themselves up in court, and some even in prison for their omissions. I think it is going to happen. And look forward to it. The Church is not able to regulate itself.


To Diarmuid Martin: Horrific. This account of the abuse of children by “bishop” Des Williams is truly heartbreaking and soul (spirit) shattering. You must have known. A lifetime of criminal paedophallic selfishness. In the later years of his life, there were widespread red-hot rumours among Dublin priests about that priest-bishop, … yes, in the diocese entrusted to your caring oversight. It seems that you may have overlooked your duty of spiritual and pastoral care. Dermot, how much did you know at the time of your now notorious eulogy? A public apology is definitely necessary. You cannot remain silent about this extreme shame “allowed” (?), effected within your diocese. Maybe it is time for you now to move out. The guilt of Dublin diocese must be publicly acknowledged. Diarmuid, if you say or do nothing, as responsible “leader”, you might as well be remembered as DiarMUD.


How many more child abusers in the clerical ranks are known of by good priests, from the clerical grapevine?
This culture of protective cover up has to stop.


“There were four other men present in the upstairs bedroom. Noel was blindfolded and tied facedown to a bed. He was then raped by the priest, and then by each of the men. This horrific abuse continued for over five years, until Noel turned thirteen.”
Why exactly are we supposed to believe this lurid story?


Bishop Len and The Craggy Crew with guest artists The Purple Gang and The Three Chancers.says:

“Gods Children”
Written by Ray Davis.
The Kinks
Man made the buildings that reach for the sky
And man made the motorcar and learned how to fly
But he didn’t make the flowers and he didn’t make the trees
And he didn’t make you and he didn’t make me
And he got no right to turn us into machines
He’s got no right at all
‘Cause we are all God’s children
And he got no right to change us
Oh, we gotta go back the way the good lord made us all
Don’t want this world to change me
I wanna go back the way the good lord made me
Same lungs that he gave me to breath with
Same eyes he gave me to see with
Oh, the rich man, the poor man, the saint and the sinner
The wise man, the simpleton, the loser and the winner
We are all the same to Him
Stripped of our clothes and all the things we own
The day that we are born
We are all God’s children
And they got no right to change us
Oh, we gotta go back the way the good lord made
Oh, the good lord made us all
And we are all his children
And they got no right to change us
Oh, we gotta go back the way the good lord made us all
Yeah, we gotta go back the way the good lord made us all


12.55: Try to offer an intelligent comment in today’s topic. Stop being pedantic and repetitive. Where’s your public denouncing of abuse apart from this blog. I’ve never heard of a Danny McMullan apart from this blog. Are you a real person? If posting under a pseudonym – shut up!!


The homophobic DUP are out in force just now in the House of Commons to try and prevent same sex marriage being imposed in N I. The slime ball Sammy Wilson who referred to gays as Poofs is there too.


Ah, Sammy Wilson of the wagging finger. You know, I’d love to do the same forensic investigation in to the DUP MPs and Assembly Members as we do in to the RC clergy (who, incidentally, deserve all the investigation that they are justifiably getting), and find out what they are really up to. I wonder where does Sammy like to put that wagging finger when he’s not telling us all off ! Answers on a postcard, please…


Well then Anon @ 4:55, if you read Martin O’Muilleoir’s book account of his time as Mayor of Belfast you’ll get a good idea. A certain individual is “associated ” with Sam the Wham.


While Sammy may be a deluded bigot there are no reports of him abusing any children.


This is well in the established pattern of protecting and facilitating and promoting abusers. And this is rife, so I will say it again: the ‘good’ priests are the rare exceptions and those who truthfully do not know about abuse and corruption are non-existent.
To claim to be doing good as a Catholic cleric and focusing on your own furrow is volitionally to ignore the fact that your neighbour is screwing the horse.


Dont be an ignoranmus. He is my local MP. If it were Gerry Adam’s I’d go to him. I am not a Unionist or indeed a Republican. I give credit where credit is due. I do not share Sammy’s views but I must acknowledge his help. His office is a few doors from me. He is very friendly.

Are you a Republican bigot?


Why is this abuser called Priest bishop….was he a bishop or not
If he was then are you implying that he abused as a priest and then went onto abuse as a bishop.
Why is this horrendous happening not all over the news this week.


12.01: Pat, there is a horror in every abuse. Sexual abuse is “horror” experience because it is such an invasion of your body and your space. It is about exploitation, power over others, self gratification, a selfish, heinous act on any individual. Sexual abuse is a “horror” because it hurts, harms, wounds and destroys a person for life. We cannot for a moment say that abuse is only a horror when committed by a cleric. All abuse is a HORROR experience. It leaves scars that do not heal quickly, if ever. Let’s condemn all abuse as a HORROR.


I agree. I was abused and later at puberty when it hit me was in hospital. I know the horror.


Just a thought.
Suppose a particular profession – say teachers – which had contact with children and so was attractive to paedophile, became notorious as the RC church has for paedophilia?
Suppose those high up in the profession actually allowed paedophile teachers to move from school to school, leaving a trail of trauma. Suppose they either felt sorry for the abusers, were compromised themselves or otherwise too weak to do what they should. Suppose this was actively covered up, evidence destroyed and abusing teacher’s actively promoted so that they could facilitate further abuse.
This would be a horrendous scandal and I am sure many parents would resort to home schooling.
Not only has this happened in the church so that people’s reasonable revulsion is to be expected.
What makes it different is that the teaching profession does not claim to be divinely founded – a body which does claim that will be judged on a higher level. So shut up about good priests, there aren’t any.
Another thing, you can tell those here who have an acquaintance with the inside of seminary or religious life. The above description is not lurid at all, in fact I could tell you things about the members of one religious community! If you don’t think that’s credible and you’re a priest or religious – where have you been hiding. 😉


You support same sex marriage and conducted one for a family member and others but you show support for an anti gay homophobe Sammy Wilson.


Where did I “show support” for Sammy Wilson.

I simply said as my local MP he served me excellently on a number of occasions.

I live in an 80% Unionist area. I’m not likely to have SF MP any time soon 😊

I know Sammy has also helped PPs in Belfast in the past.

I am simply telling the truth.

Maybe you dont like the truth?


Pat, you know how tough Diarmuid Martin is re: priests abusers. If there was or is the slightest whiff of an allegation of any kind against a priest, he acts immediately in requesting the standing down of that priest. It puzzles me that were he to be aware of any allegations against Des Williams, he would not be within an inch of that man, let alone preach at his funeral. If the author of this blog today had any credible information or any concerns, he should have pursued those concerns in 2016. If he is still standing over his allegations he should go to the relevant civil authorities. I can’t recall any journalistic article or spotlight of any kind being placed on the issues of information on the blog today. We need the TRUTH. Can you or any commentator validate, corroborate or testify to the allegations made, allegedly going back decades? I would love to know the full TRUTH. I sincerely hope that any person who was abused in anyway will find their truth, be heard, be believed and that they will also find support in rebuilding their lives. As a natiin we need to stop all abuse irrespective of the prifesdion of the perpeteatir. All abuse is egregious and dederves only condemnation and the justice of civil law.


Through the ages people like Greeks and Romans practiced strange and abusive sexual related behavior. In the middle ages it was the royal holy family on Earth with associated “rights and priveleges”
What is the underlying reason this behavior has thrived in church like institutions. Why is celibacy seen as more important than spiritually hi. I’m sure there is objective independent study somewhere hi


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