

CATHY HAYES @IrishCentral


The Bishop of Clonfert Dr John Kirby has admitted he made out-of-court settlements in the 1990s to two victims of sexual abuseat the hands of a Catholic priest in his diocese.
Kirby spoke after the publication of seven reports by the National Board for Safeguarding Children (NBSC) into child safeguarding practices in the Catholic Church.

He said, as he remembers, the payments were made in 1994 and 1998. Including legal fee they totaled “circa IR£130,000”.

At the time Kirby shocked with comments about his understand of what pedophilia was. He said he had thought this sexual abuse was just “friendship that crossed a boundary line”.
The out of court settlements which Kirby referred to were in relation to accusation set against the clergyman indentified as “Priest A” in the reports, according to the Irish Times.
The report states that there were “five separate complaints were made against priest ‘A’ between 1990 and 1997”.
The priest was convicted in court and served a jail sentence. The review revealed that when Kirby had been made aware of the abuse allegations against “Priest A” and another priest he “moved the priests against whom allegations were made to different parishes”.
In defense of his actions Kirby said “I literally thought, and you can put it down as gross innocence and naivety, that if I separated the priest and the youngster, that it was a friendship that crossed the boundary line. I literally thought if I separated them I would have solved the problem.


John Kirby retired as the RC Bishop of Clonfert in the past few days and the Irish hierarchy, clergy and Cathbots are praising his work and service.

Of course we wish any elderly man a happy retirement.

But John Kirby made a fool of himself and his colleagues by

  1. Moving abusing priests from parish to paris and letting them loose on new parishioners and their children.
  2. Kirby thought that child sexual abuse was a friendship between a priest and a child going too far and crossing boundaries. 

What adult in the 1900s thought that abuse was taking a friendship with a child too far?

How can Kirby even think that a priest, or any other adult, can have a friendship with a child that does involve parental permission and oversight.

I’m afraid that Kirby was just like the rest of them – putting the reputation and monies of the RC church before child safety.



Bishop Daly, Londonderry, though heterodox in many aspects, forbade his clergy from wearing Protestant clerical, on the basis that it would confuse the flock.


Yes. It’s called diversity! Things are no longer black and white. There are many shades of grey!



I never trust a priest because he’s a priest, forsworn against Christ and pledged to institutionalised mammon.


I never trust a priest in communion with Francis abuse and liberalism goes hand in hand.


A sur sure the poor auld bishop didn’t know hi. Sure if twas all innocent why did it cost £130g and why hush hush. Did said bishop say what the boundary was so it could be judged. A policeman was recently arrested for indeacent images and got jail. The poor church can’t be seen to do wrong or can it. Keep the uniform clean lads but for how long hi


I wish Bishop Kirby well in his retirement..I know that he carries deep shame in his heart from the awfulness of clerical sexual abuse scandals. I know too that he regrets ever saying what he did and that he has worked relentlessly to do his utmost for child protection in his Diocese. It was a huge failing and is for any bishop to have responded in the way that seemed the norm: try to minimise the effect of scandal for the protection of the reputation of the institution. That was wrong, is always wrong. Bishop Kirby has worked tirelessly on many issues and was a kind man with a social and justice conscience. I hope that those abused, victims, under his watch may be able to engage with him, if he hasn’t already done so, and begin to find hope, light justice and healing.


Never mind about the crass inadequacy of his understanding and appreciation of the pathology of child sexual abuse (surely even in the ’90s it would have been as clear a day that sexual activity with a minor was evidently wrong, damaging and dysfunctional ?), the question I would ask is: Where did the £130,000 come from ? That is a lot of money nowadays, it would have been a huge amount of money 25 or 30 years ago. So, where did it come from ? And, I suspect it came from Diocesan funds. Those funds are not private funds of the bishop. They will have been governed by all sorts of charitable covenants and trusts. Was it right that this money should be used for this purpose ? Perhaps the Charity Commissioners should be asking these questions and having a look at it. It’s not that victims / survivors should not be compensated and helped (they surely deserve that), but whether it is right that protected monies should be used, or monies from other sources – like out of the pocket of the man who has done the abusing, or the bishop himself ? Just asking. I think there are a number of Dioceses who are being asked the same question about the alacrity with which they dipped in to charity money in order to solve a problem that was largely of their own making by their ignorance, their coverup and their corrupt handling of wrongdoing by their priests, never mind about their creation of and support of clericalism and hierarchy that have been clearly seen to be dangerously dysfunctional.


What a lot of resentment-fuelled nonsense combined with defective and deficient judgement! Judas’ concern for the poor is high moral principle by contrast.


John Kirby knows and cares a lot more about children than you, @ 8.06, having spent his life before assuming a bishop’s role, working superbly effectively in a school.


9:55 @ 10:00

So the apparent theft, by a Roman Catholic bishop, doesn’t cause in either of you even a small ripple of disturbed conscience?

Do you have conscience? Or are you both Roman Catholic priests?

I’ll tell you what you are for sure: poor debaters, since you both chose strawmen in defence of this morally (and legally?) questionable and controversial use of money. The fact that you did makes the claim of that other poster now highly plausible.


I am horrified to think that my first reaction to this post was to think ‘so what, that was how they all thought about it and dealt with it’, so normalised has this become.
Then my second response is to wonder what he would have thought of any other sexual sin heard in confession, for example would rape have been a crossing of boundaries? Then my third reaction is mixed, to think that I expect these guys to have some understanding of human sexuality because of having studied moral theology, but then to think that they will probably have learned that maturation and abortion are very wrong indeed, but never having learned a great deal about actual people’s sex lives.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that a bishop who thinks that child sex abuse is just a crossed boundary is poorly formed and has a deficient moral sense… So that goes for the whole lot of them, including nursey and Elsie.


The Bishop like his colleagues were following orders from Rome.’ Relocation therapy’
was the done thing usually to working class parishes.


Archdiocese of Armagh’s changes have been announced along with the names of new Canons. They are not being published on the website because of Pat Buckley.


This is just a real gossip as the changes are NOT out as they are being in the process of being finalised and will be announced on the Web site and in parishes as it is only right that parishes are informed first.

Now this is Factual by the staff at Ara Coeli and last night (Saturday) by the Archbishop.

The Archdiocese has been to busy with the statue of Saint Oliver Plunket and the new Auxiliary Bishop.

So keyboard wizard @ 11.28 give us your dream changes.


Bishop John Kirby is a well loved Bishop and certainly a hard working Bishop.
Not like some of the current ones that do not understand that at least they should administer the sacrament of Confirmation not delegate it and if they need to delegate it then it is to another Bishop not a VG or PP.
It is the nasty evil ex clergy that brought this filth into our Church.
It was the way problem clergy got moved around not they are shipped out.
Who at 81 years of age would still be running a diocese only John Kirby.
btw where is Cardinal Brady not be around for weeks we will see if he is there at 3pm tomorrow for the new Auxiliary Bishop.
Bishop John Kirby will be a hard act to follow he worked day and night for the Dioccese


I’m afraid that performing a traditional episcopal function, Confirmation, doesn’t give John Kirby some kind of moral pass in this matter. What’s a dramatic analogy? It’s rather like attempting to overlook Dr Crippin’s murdering his wife with the defence that he was a conscientious GP.😕


FYI Magna. Dr Crippen wasn’t a GP. Although he had a medical degree of sorts from the US he actually was a purveyor of herbal remedies and ‘quack’ medicines.
I cannot vouch for his proficiency or otherwise.


12.07: Magna, you write the same narrative about every Bishop, the only difference being the name. Aren’t you a well learned man about so many things Catholic! Shows how you still long for the GIFT of priesthood, denied to you for reasons already discussed here. What a pity you don’t at least try to disguise your deep hatred towards the Church that threw you out. Your words, per usual, reveal a deeply flawed, dysfunctional nature. Though you do at times appear moderate, mostly your viciously unpleasant, nasty side dominates. I’ve known people like you and, sadly, they never found any joy, contentment or happiness in life. It’s as if a heavy boulder of hurt pinned them to a particular place in life from which they never moved on. Despite all lifelines held out to such people they prefer to dwell in their world of bitterness. Magna, despite Bishop Kirby’s obvious failings and wrong decisions, which he profoundly regrets, his moral, spiritual and ethical stature towers over malcontents like you. God bless him and God bless all survivors of any abuse.


Well said, Camden Cyril! The analogy, which isn’t really an analogy makes a laughing stock of the intellectual who isn’t really an intellectual. Full marks for your razor-sharp observation.



Have you been diagnosed with attention deficit?

What was the point of your post, except to miss the point of mine? Crippen was in general practice in the community and, therefore, was at least the equivalent of what we now know today as a GP.

Your post is a quibble. And another strawman contribution to the blog.😕

Try to focus on what is relevant


Mr or Mrs Magna.
Can I reiterate my statement earlier the Crippen was Not a GP. Nor was he a proper medical doctor and he DID NOT work in the community.
He was at best a homeopath of sorts and at the time of the murder of his wife he was actually running a home for the deaf.
I would respectfully request that you accept in good spirit this correction from someone who once worked in the World famous Black Museum at Scotland Yard.


How come so many child rapists were given the GIFT of priesthood? Who was the giver of this GIFT, God?


3.53: Magna, the give away words of a bully – ” I’ve upset you, haven’t I”. Why the constant efforts at putting people down? Why the continuous nastiness? That you denigrate others so often is a sure psychological indication of your inner need for feeling useful, And bullies abuse others by always gleefully and sneeringly saying “I’ve upset you, haven’t I”. When the children in school playgrounds behave t like this, reports are made and parents are called immediately. Sometimes a psycholigist is called to assess the repeat pattern by some children. Just a thought……



It is, actually, an analogy. The fact that it went right over your very small head really doesn’t figure as refutation.


Evidence, at 4.34, if any were needed, that the pseudonymous Nagna Cartax is talking to their composite selves.
Camden Cyril, full marks, once again, for your irrefutable retort.


Camden Cyril at 5:20
I’m going to give this one more shot. Whether you worked at that museum (or were an exhibit there) is really of no relevance. What is relevant are the facts.
Crippen did qualify as a homeopathic doctor in the USA (I did not state that he qualified in conventional medicine; you inferred it.), and he did enter general practice, IN HOMEOPATHY, both in New York and, later, in London (England) in 1897 for Munyon’s Homeopathic remedies. He did, therefore, work in community homeopathy for a time, however short, both in the USA and in the United Kingdom.
As I clarified in my post at 2:06, ‘Crippen …was at least the equivalent of what we now know today as a GP’. And in homeopatic terms, this is incontestable, in light of historical evidence.
You are wrong about Crippen’s employment timeline: he was not managing a home for the deaf when he murdered his wife: his employment here was terminated, in 1908, when the home went bankrupt.
Crippen’s wife was murdered approximately two years later, in 1910.


Talking about missing the woods from the trees. Why does this matter so much to you, MC?


‘Just a thought’?
Well, here’s another: Did YOU give any thought, even momentary, to the sarcasm, lies, untruths, and misrepresentations of me in the post at 2:26?
No? Hence my thought at 3:53.


7.00: Magna: keep reading my post re: just a thought….TRUTH HURTS ….DOESN’T IT?…….


7.00: Magna, as you give out do shall you receive in return. When, by implication, you demean, degrade and abuse others by your nasty wirds, don’t be surprised to be the recipient of same. When you LEARN to respect others, you will be respected too. Points made by various contributors today may butbyour the bone. May I suggest as wise advice, for which I’m known: take a break from this blog. RETHINK. RE-EVALUATE YOUR THOUGHTS. LOOK INTO YOUR HEART. You are very capable of making reasonable arguments, but why the nasty put down of others? Why the driven hatred towards clerics? Some of us are very decent. So, again, to use the words of Jesus: “The amount you measure out is the amount you will be given back”. The good you do for others, the good you try to do will yield its own harvest of riches. QED!!! TRUST ME…..


7.00: Magna, 2.26 is spot on. You are not the cleverest of us all. You can be evaluated and seen for “who you are” on your own words. You are not a nice person.


Sarcasm, thy name is M. Carta.
Lie, thy name is M. Carta.
Untruth, thy name is M. Carta.
Misrepresentation, thy name is M. Carta.
Karma. What goes around comes around. Do unto others as you would done unto you.


And oh what a difficult demanding and onerous job this confirmation work must be, no doubt requiring a high level of training to achieve professional accreditation. Oh the effort of being a bishop! Or maybe it’s another “ontological ” RC God given facility requiring little personal or achieved ability, but only the magic touch?
Frankly the whole facade of the RC institutionalised farrago is so unbelievably groundless that the gullibility of its adherents can only be explained by psychological emotional and often physical enslavery: the latter for the poor saps trapped in continuing to promote c☆ap many of them no longer themselves believe in.


Did you ask Camden Cyril the same question? It was, after all, he who kept raising the subject.
Why didn’t you ask Cyril Camden the same question?
By the way, truth does matter to Magna (Bless the goodness in his innocent heart!), yet he was said by Camden Cyril Camden to be in error; of course, Magna was in no such unthinkable state. (Questn off: Were you hun?)
Magna (whatever persona he happens to be manifesting on any occasion he comments) is always very particular about checking, AND EVALUATING, his sources before he comments, which is why no one has ever turned the tables on him in debate (and why jealous and schooled posters here, in their desperate attempt to restore self-pride resort to ad hominem against him). I believe my Lord Buckley is equally maligned.


+Pat: Oh how I chortled on reading this, and some of Magna’s recent comments. I’m very glad you didn’t ban him way back when he was in an OTT phase.
It’s revelatory that while criticisms of him are virtually all ad hominem personal attacks, none give any intelligent or coherent response to his comments.


I am shocked to read (yesterday) of Archbishop Longley proposing the latin language as suitable, indeed ideal, for IICSA deliberations. How still can a bishop wish to leave us uninformed and misinformed. He was considered to be a likely next Archbishop for Westminster!!


Yes, Robert Sarah probably adores him. And is possibly his ecclesiastical guarantor. Which means (if true) that Longley’s chances have already been kicked into the long grass by Pope Francis.


Yes, unfortunately.
Nathan’s the blackest sheep of a black family of them.
We don’t mention him much…only when jealousy of his showbiz success overtakes us.


The mother has already booked for Knock and Lourdes. I can’t get the time off work for either Lourdes or the Holy Land.


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