


A woman denied an education and left malnourished after being forced to work at the age of 11 when her father died has won a battle for compensation.

Mary Cavner, 80, who lives in Hampshire but grew up in County Cork, was sent to work in one of Ireland’s notorious Catholic-run Magdalene Laundries.

She said her six years at the workhouse affected her “throughout her life”.
She was initially told she was ineligible for compensation but will now receive €76,000 (£69,500).

The Magdalene Laundries, which were initially institutions for what were described as “fallen women”, saw 10,000 young females pass through them between 1922 and 1996.
The women and girls toiled behind locked doors, were unable to leave after being admitted and received no wages.

In 2013, then Irish Prime Minister (Taoiseach), Enda Kenny, formally apologised on behalf of the state for its role in the scandal.

Image copyrightIFIImage captionFor decades thousands of women were forced to work in the Republic of Ireland’s Magdalene laundries

Mrs Cavner, a mother-of-five, was initially denied compensation and the payout comes almost 70 years after she was first placed in the Good Shepherd Convent in Sunday’s Well, County Cork.

She was separated from her siblings and despite only being 11 when she arrived, she received no teaching from the nuns and experienced long-term hunger while working into the night looking after babies, cleaning, working in the laundries and preparing meals for the nuns.

“They held me there and worked me until I was nearly 18,” said Mrs Cavner, who now lives in New Milton.

“We weren’t allowed to talk or associate with anybody else.”

The Irish government said 770 former residents of the laundries have so far been awarded more than €29.8m (£27.32m) in compensation.

However, Mrs Cavner said she was told by the authorities she would not receive compensation because the laundry she worked in was not eligible under the government’s redress scheme.

A lengthy legal battle ensued and she complained to the Irish ombudsman, which went on to recommend that the redress scheme be extended.

“I had never mentioned what happened to me to my husband or my children, so it took all of my courage to admit what I had been through and then they called me a liar,” Mrs Cavner said.

“My experience in the laundry left me unable to communicate properly.

“I have had really low points as they have made me live this again and to be accused of not telling the truth made me feel rejected.”

What were the Magdalene laundries?

• Originally termed Magdalene Asylums, the first in Ireland was opened in Dublin in 1765
• Envisaged as short-term refuges for “fallen women” they became long-term institutions and residents were required to work, mostly in laundries on the premises
• They extended to take in unmarried mothers, women with learning difficulties and girls who had been abused
• The last Magdalene asylum in Ireland, in Waterford, closed in 1996

The Irish Department of Justice and Equality awarded Mrs Cavner a lump sum of €50,000 (£45,800) and a further €26,000 (£23,800) which will be given to her in incremental payments in the future.

She said receiving the payment was “bittersweet” and her fight was “never about getting compensation” but to “hold those who made me stay in the laundry to account”.

A spokesman for the Irish Department of Justice and Equality said the government “recognises the sensitive nature of these cases” but could not comment on Mrs Cavner’s specific circumstances.



At the time I did not realise it and nobody ever told us we were visiting a Magdalen laundry.

It was Waterford 1973 – 1976. We used to visit single old ladies in a row of cottagems for elderly retired Magdalens as part of our pastoral training.

The seminary never told us who they were and neither did the ladies themselves.

It was only in later years I realised where I had visited.

As a deacon in my final year I used to take turns celebrating Benediction for the younger Magdalens in the actual convent.


The whole Magdalen Laundry is a

very dark stain on Ireland, its political leades and its bishops, priests and nuns.

These poor young pregnant girls were gieven a lifetime sentence of hard labour.

What I cant understand about it is the faact that the bishops, priests and nuns dI’d not realise it was against the teachings of Jesus in the Bew Testament.

They were so blinded by their man made rules and conventions that they behaved in an anti Christ way.

It’s a situation that shows religion can be evil and its spirituality that counts.


All of these women are entitled to significant compensation and all those in the church and state who carried out or were complicit in the abuse carried out in these hell holes should be charged with abuse. These institutions were nothing more than concentration camps by the gestapo of the rc church. Christians my backside. They were run by evil twisted frustrated women aided and abetted by the state. A dark stain? That’s putting it mildly. Serial torture camps. Nothing less. What these women/young girls faced was a bloody nightmare and disgrace. Thank God we no longer allow ourselves to be conditioned nor governed by this hate filled institution that calls itself a church. The head honcho in Rome should be on his knees begging forgiveness from these women. Mrs Cavner is a hero for standing her ground. There is more humanity in her wee finger than there is in the whole shower of the abusers within these laundries . Hateful evil twisted women masquerading as brides of Christ. More like brides of Frankenstein. Why did society let them away with it for so long. I don’t care what age they are. If any of these despots are still alive they should be charged and imprisoned bloody SS guards the whole lot of them . But that’s the good old Catholic Church for you that some idiots wish to go back to. That church which I was once a member of makes my blood boil. It is a cesspit of evil, greed and corruption. The sooner it falls the better. Jesus may have said to Peter that upon this rock I build my church but that did not mean this shower of charlatans. It meant upon his teachings. Abusive nuns, abusive “Christian” brothers, abusive priests and spendthrift bishops. Damn the whole lot of them. Dictators and hypocrites is all they are


12.07: I don’t know what age you are but there is a fuller social and moral history to be considered in this awful reality in our Country. These women were shunned by all. Local doctors along with Gardai, psychiatrists, families, society and deeply flawed church dogmatism and moral certitudes ensured that these women were put out of sight for their social sins. I have personal experiences of accompanying some women in their traumas. So many of us in society knew what went on behind the high walls. There were many remarks and whispered conversations about these gulags. I believe these women, many now elderly should receive instant compensation. There should be no need for court assessments: we know what we have to do. All institutions and agencies of the state used these launderies for cleaning their wares. They were imprisoned, unwanted, deemed morally repugnant and we all walked by on the other side of the road…..even myself as a teenager and adult. Why were the ‘fathers’ of these children not answerable for their role? This is indeed a dark stain (Magdalen Laundries along with the abuse scandals) which will stay forever on our national soul.


I agree with most of your comment. However, …’ we all walked by on the other side of the road…’!
Unpack that statement. For a very good social historical analysis of Madgalene laundries see Dr. Francis Finnegans book …’Do Penance or Perish’ . Dr. Finnegan, who lectured in Waterford, was speaking out on this issue in the early 1980s. Most people were powerless to do anything about these gulags.
Question; What happened to middle class and upper class women who transgressed the moral, social mores in vogue during most of the 20th century? What laundry were they placed in to be washed clean for their transgressions? What about the men who transgressed the moral social mores in vogue?
In what gulag were they placed ?


I worked in Waterford city for many years. I’m familiar with the Magdalene Home Pat mentions in his piece. There was also a residential home for children as well as a home for older teenage girls called Gracepark, but separate from the Magdalene home. I think some of the girls may have been placed in Gracepark by the courts. I can recall passing Gracepark on several occasions and seeing a red Ferrari sports car parked outside the building. I assumed the Ferrari car was owned by a prominent Waterford psychiatrist named Denis Lane O Kelly, who drove one. Ferrari sports cars were like hens teeth in recession ridden Ireland of the 1980s.
O Kelly was subsequently named in the Murphy Report into the Dublin Archdiocese as having assessed priests who had sexually abused children, but on O Kelly’s clinical recommendations, were reappointed and then went on to reoffend, sexually abusing more children.
In 2002, O Kelly died supposedly of a heart attack two weeks before he was due in the High Court on charges of sexual assaults and rape of patients. He was also a member of the Knights of Columbanus, obviously well connected with the Church.
I now often wonder what he might have been up to in Gracepark, other than playing the psychiatrist.


Anonymous yer jacksie we all know who ye are at 12:07am!!!!

I think if you want to prosecute anyone it should be the parents and families of these fallen women. it was they who put these women into the laundries and didn’t pay a penny for their keep. No one else would take them in as in those days it was a disgrace and condemned by all of society not just Catholics. Non-Catholic, and State run mother and baby homes were all run in the same way. The inmates had to work for their keep and the maternity services they received. They weren’t going for a holiday, if they had behaved like the majority of decent Irish girls they wouldn’t have been in the laundries in the first place. Their families just wanted rid of them and dumped them on the religious because of the disgrace, so let them compensate them. Not to mention the men who put them in that condition let them also compensate them.
Evviva Maria!


I don’t normally want to get involved in debate with MC or Bellarmine but is the comment @ 1:32pm actually suggesting that the inmates of the Magdalen Laundries and similar asylums deserved the treatment they received?


Do a little bit of research. You’ll find there are places in Ireland where these retired ladies are living with religious sisters and caring for one another. Like all one-sided views, the reality is much more complex, more nuanced and more interesting than the caricature depicted by you.


2.53: An excellent observation. Many women, still shunned by families and relatives are being cared for in very comfortable settings by the nuns…the voices of these women were shunned in the public debate about the Laundries. I have personal experience of these care homes. So, in the hype, spin and untruths, let’s not forget these “cared for” women nor the nuns who are their companions.



‘Nuanced’: you absolutely love the word, don’t you? It’s your way of refuting a comment, without actually having, er, refuted it. But you don’t ever tell us how something or other was ‘nuanced’.

G’wan! Break a habit by telling us HOW nuances here (if they exist at all) refute the other poster’s opinion.


2:53 & 7pm
Fr. Nuance, is so nuanced, interesting and complex, there’s nothing left to say about anything!


The women you refer to are old women who spent their lives working in Magdalen laundries.
They are now living in community settings with the religious, since most of the religious orders sold the institutions.
Whose caring for who, and whose companions to who? Who funds religious orders? Are these women on a state pension? Do the religious sisters bear a moral responsibility to support these women, who worked for them all their adult lives and were institutonalized? Where’s the hype, spin and untruths?


9:13. I agree totally. We lived in fear of the RC church. It had its dirty hands in conditioning every aspect of our lives. We too share some of the blame for looking the other way. Still there are those who look the other way when evidence of current abuse arises. These women should not only receive instant compensation they should be awarded medals of bravery from the state. All of us should be humbled by their bravery. The unspeakable abuse they received under the guise of catholic teaching was disgusting in the extreme. God bless each and everyone of them. The perpetrators should face the courts regardless of their age. Public flogging would be too good for them. Please please folks wake up to this evil institution. It is still morally bankrupt and anti Christ.


Eight new sems in Oscott. Any word on Maynooth?


God help them being trained in splendid 19th century neo-gothic isolation, in a pretty much all male community with emphasis on outdated sexual ethics and lifestyle. Designed to develop the integrated, healthy, sane men we need to be holy priests if the future ? I think not. Instead it will turn out entitled, inflated clerical egos who will perpetuate the idiocy of the priesthood we have suffered under for centuries. Good luck to them ! And shame on those who have encouraged them in to this myth. One day these eight new seminarians will hit the buffers and realise what they have got themselves in to. I feel sorry for them giving themselves over to such a failed and damaging prospective


I am not Irish or Catholic but like reading and commenting on the blog. I was blissfully unaware of such places until I saw The Magdalene Sisters film. However, I seem to remember there was also a BBC play based on the Magdalene laundries, but I cannot remember what it was called. It was equally harrowing.


“Killing Me Softly With His Song”
Composed by Charles Fox and Norman Gimbel
Sung by Roberta Flack (Album ‘Killing Me Softly, 1973)

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

I heard he sang a good song
I heard he had a style
And so I came to see him
To listen for a while
And there he was this young boy
A stranger to my eyes
Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

I felt all flushed with fever
Embarrassed by the crowd
I felt he found my letters
And read each one out loud
I prayed that he would finish
But he just kept right on

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

He sang as if he knew me
In all my dark despair
And then he looked right through me
As if I wasn’t there
And he just kept on singing
Singing clear and strong

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly with his song

Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me
He was strumming my pain
Yeah, he was singing my life
Killing me softly with his song
Killing me softly with his song
Telling my whole life with his words
Killing me softly
With his song


Were sisters or relatives of doctors, solicitors, politicians, priests, professors. etc., placed in these gulags?
If not, why not?
Maybe, Bella has a view, considering his hankering for the past on yesterdays blog, re. Arch. JC McQuaid’s Church.


Anonymous 11:25am
It didn’t matter who you were all respectable families got rid of any girl in that condition by dumping them on the nuns, who were expected to look after them. You cannot judge those day’s by the non standards of today. Now they feel a sense of entitlement no matter how they behave and expect the tax-payer to pay for it. You’re right I was thinking back to those halcyon day’s. If you lived a decent life you had nothing to fear and life was great, it was only
the miscreants who didn’t like it. When I think back to the Dublin of those days such as The Novena of Grace at Gardiner St. with the Church packed and hundreds in the street, give me that any day, yes and John Charles still at The Palace in Drumcondra what a joy!
Evviva Maria!


Bella, like I said, you’re high maintenance.😳 You’d give God, a headache! 😟
I’m not going to waste my time reasoning with your illusory, delusory, ill -informed notions of the church and world,
viewed through rose-tinted glasses. 😉 ( Just sayin, like) 💘


Bellarmine, maybe you were over-conditioned in the way you think back in those halcyon days of old.


Bishop Pat, you mentioned the seminary faculty never told you or your colleagues who the women were, re background…etc. Why do you think the faculty didn’t mentioned it?


Magna At 3:36pm

Anony I don’t think so, with all your imoges or whatever you call them, if anybody is ill-informed and illusory it’s you it might be the gargle, so I’m not going to waste my time trying to correct you, as you are beyond the pale and I would be wasting my time, but I will pray for you.
Evviva Maria!


I hope the Protestants are paying out too. The first Magdalene institution was founded in late 1758 in Whitechapel, London. A similar institution was established in Ireland by 1767. The first Magdalene asylum in the United States was the Magdalen Society of Philadelphia, founded in 1800. All these were Protestant institutions.
This is on top of the dissolution of the monasteries, the theft of Catholic cathedrals, the Penal Laws, the Mission to Achill, soupers during the Great Famine, and in our own lifetimes the discrimination of the “Protestant Parliament for a Protestant people” at Stormont.



Yes; and the Roman Catholic Church was so intellectually stunted, so emotionally at first base, so spiritually on milk food food rather than solids (so…that’s enough, I think) that in its raw, overall immaturity, it would inevitably follow the example of its much junior (chronologically speaking) sibling, Protestantism, rather than its parent-founder, Jesus Christ.

Shame on the Protestants! SHAME ON THEM! They are responsible for every historical sin within the Catholic Church, from Magdalene laundaries, to ideological colonisation (What else was missionary Catholicism?😕), to oppression when that ideology was challenged (Papal Inquisition), through clerical child-sexual abuse and its cover-up.


Have you ANY idea how moronic (and yet, how familiar,) you sound? Like Pope Francis’ blaming the Devil for criticisms of the institutional Church for concealing child abuse in the Church and his demonising those who dared complain about it as being the Devil’s agents.

Have you ever loooked up the word ‘sectarian’? When you do, follow it by looking up the German word ‘dummkopf’.

Yes, Roman Catholics are nothing if not moral cissies: they haven’t the backbone to own their sins. It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault.

Grow up, for pity’s sake.😩


2.00: Magna – the giant of moral, spiritual and ethical perfection speaketh again. I wonder which strret corner he stands at? Oh, I forgot: he’s an anonymous, keyboard bully boy, vulgar, ignorant and hate inciting. The bull***t from his big mouth would compel the onlookers to castrate the fool…..that’s of course if he was courageous to stand…which we know he would not do. Safer and easier to be a bully boy in private…


The German word Dummkopf requires a capital letter. If you’re going to use Wikipedia you’ll need to double check each entry. But then again, you are unable to evaluate your sources.


M.C. at 2:00pm
What was that rant all about? will you ever stop giving out with your hatred of Catholicism. You’re such a bore and such a bold bhoy altogether. I’d have no hesitation in placing you in Goldenbridge if it was still open.
Evviva Maria!



No, ‘dummkopf’ does not require, in English, an initial capital, since it is a common noun rather than a particular one.

You might want to memorise the rule, in English, for initial capitalisation: a capital for the particular noun, but not for the general one.


6.41: You’re a Bitch, Miss Carta. You remind me of Maggie Smith in the Prime of Miss Jane Brody –
“now girls…you must always do what one’s teacher says…”!! You’re a right Madam, Miss Cartwheel but a Bitch of a one!😉😉😉😁😁😁😏😏😏😣😣😣



You are a classic example of ‘dummkopf’.

You berate me for posting anoymously while you, er, do precisely the same. 🤔


6.46: Demented, foolish, infantile and utterly crap comments from you yet again, Missie Gin Carta!! You’re a crazy snake: go back to your cave…..take your depression pills.


Compensation is a step in th right direction. To say the authorities were continually Linder in thpast is bull. Bats are blind but they know where they are going hi. Past is gone hi. How the hell are oppressive practices being addressed in th Ireland of today and not just fancy words hi


Afternoon fly hi @ 1:34pm

Bang on the money again fly. How the hell are oppressive practices being addressed in Ireland of today.
There’s plenty of scandals in plain sight and nathin done such as- homelessness- discrimination of impaired and disabled people- human rights abuses of people with mental health difficulties- discrimination of travellers -a health service gone to pot-abuses by the establishment to god knows how many citizens- a legal system gone to pot –
look what happens to whistle-blowers as in the McCabe case. You’ve got me going fly!

I’m off.

Bye bye fly hi.


5.49: Get a proper perspective. The treatment of these women was and is morally repreprehensible. Justice demands instant compensation. Yet, all of Irish society turned their backs on these women. The Laundries became the place to hide these women out of sight. Did any one shout “stop”? Did any one protest? No. The church should have been a refuge of care, compassion and security. The nuns did our dirty work of judgment, harsh punishment and discipline. They failed, sadly, not for all women, but for the majority. All agencies of this state conspired to make Ireland a cruel place for those who sinned against social, moral and religious norms. The Church institutions did not offer Christian compassion, to its eternal shame. But all of us who lived in that time should hang our heads in shame. We cannot now just say “it was the Church’s fault alone….” That’s a shirking of collective responsibility.


You are right. It was a shirking of collective responsibility of society as well as the christian community, who were predominantly catholic. Political power, ecclesiastical power, along with powerful organs and agencies of the state, such as police, legal system, judiciary, medical professionals, created and conspired to maintained such a system. It’s very difficult to challenge such power! People are shouting stop in relation to injustices in contemporary Ireland. Their voices are being ignored. There is nothing new under the sun.


Bella. In the name of God grow up. We are talking about women who were abused by the church and you want to prosecute the parents. I seriously fear for your mental health. Blame everyone but the church is becoming your motto. If you all know who I am then publish my name. You haven’t got a clue about who I am and neither have you a clue about compassion, justice or morals. Your comments everyday are morally bankrupt. Either that or you are just a crank wind up merchant. The Roman Catholic Church controlled Ireland. They influenced, for their own ends, every aspect of our lives. We lived in fear of them. We feared death and hell if we did not obey them. We foolishly turned a blind eye to their practises. In hindsight We were moral cowards. This is the last time I will address any of your posts as you are truly blind to the truth.


5.49: We foolishly turned a blind eye against their (Church’s) practices, so you observe. Indeed we did but we also turned a blind eye against the political, medical, gardai and psychiatric elite who made decisions and who also ensured the locking away of these women. Today in our society we are turning a blind eye against state agencies re: their responsibilities for children in care, their accountability for the many young people who died when in state care, families and children who are homeless, children in poverty, over 10,000 homeless, children and vulnerable adults with special needs…families in poverty…We are still turning blind eyes to contemporary abuse and unacceptable treatment of thousands of vulnerable people. Shame on our government…shame on the Church for its past horrors.


Anonymous at 5:49pm
How dare the likes of you address me in the first place. Are you thick or something it was the parents who put these girls into the laundries dummy and washed their hands of them, not The Church you moron, but the religious houses were expected to keep them without a penny from the parents. Of course they had to work for their keep and rightly so.
I do know who you are, you’re just an other lapsed Catholic with a chip on your shoulder everything is the fault of The Holy Church in your eyes. I never lived in fear so you must have been up to no good if you lived in fear. The Church to me was a loving Mother full of consolation at times of trial and still is. You are blind to the truth and on your way to perdition so you should be afraid. Stop blaming the Church and look to your own life that’s why your mental health is not good.
Evviva Maria!


I have never, EVER, come across a SINGLE Roman Catholic priest for whom I could, honestly, have even a MODICUM of respect.

Filthy, stinking, workshy., financially SPONGINGING Roman Catholic VERMIN priests.

God bless the days of Nero, and the Spanish Civil War!!!!!!!👍


You really are one very sick puppy ain’t cha M Carta at 8:23pm?
And it’s all so predictable.
Vicious rant from “Carta” which provokes “attacks” on “Carta”.
“Carta” comes squealing “martyrdom” and how it, the agent provocateur, is being so badly treated by the whole world.
Buck goes “there there poor Magna you’re so wonderful when you are “at your best”.
The “Carta” composite will post something mildly conciliatory and Buck will coo at it “now that’s you “at your best” and you’re so amazing Magna I don’t want to lose you as a poster” ass kiss, brown nose, ass kiss.
And so it goes on and on and on. 🙄


9:47pm spot on. And then equally predictable is Vivvy Maria Bellend with its equally pathetic riposte. The two of them should be tied up together in a padded cell 🤪


Magna Carta at 8:23pm
OMG! Polly that’s some rant even for you, time for rehab again ya poor crater. I can always tell when youv’e over done it with the GARGLE and youv’e certainly done it today, you start foaming at the mouth and giving out about the Spanish Civil War which you and your cohorts lost and Catholic Spain was saved God Bless that day when your commie friends tasted the steel of the Falange. Oh and by the way let us also thank God for our ontologicaly changed special priests of whom you are so jealous, you’ll need them one day so calm down and go and sleep it off.
Love and prayers B
Evviva Maria!r



No rants yet another vulgar rant at me.
You think my place is in Monto. Where’s your place?
No wonder the catholic church is falling apart.


Monica at 8:45 pm
You started it Monny you insult me and I will retaliate and by the way The Church will never fall apart it will be here till the end of time O ye of little faith.
Evviva Maria!


@11:50 PM
Bellarmine, what age are you because you sound childish. Oh Bellarmine of little faith! Read carefully my comment.
I didn’t say the Church will fall apart. I said it’s falling apart. You must be very frightened at what’s happening in the Church of 2019. Didn’t Jesus say when the son of man returns will be find any faith on earth. Bellarmine , do you believe in the existence of the devil? If you do maybe some people in the Church in the past and in the present are doing the work of the devil, without realizing it.


8.23: Drink, Drink, Drink. What a rotten person you are Magna. Every word of this comment is vulgar, filthy, dangerous and crazy. It’s the epitome of hate speech. But by now we know your psychotic, psychological dysfunctionality. However deranged your thought processes, this is HATE SPEECH and totally unacceptable. There can be no equivocation about the deliberate ugliness of this mad rant. Pat, you have promised so often to edit or not print this type of hate commentary. It is unnecessary and leaves your own moral integrity in shreds and compromised. I’d like you to explain why you allow such derogatory, inflammatory and vulgar bigotry to be spouted out from Magna?


Not an explanation dear sir or madam, but something for you, and Anon10:56 and 11:07 to reflect on.
Would it be reasonable for +Pat to restrict Magna’s comments, yet at the same time, continue to permit hostile and at times crude ad hominem vicious remarks such as your own and others who berate him? Yes, Magna by times goes through phases of very OTT comments, and I have criticised him directly here for that. But amidst his by times OTT outbursts he contributes very insightful and knowledgeable information to current issues on the blog.
I have to say that that is much more than can be said for some of his critics who solely make personal attacks while adding nothing of value to the debates. In that respect I have Bella particularly in mind.


8.23: Magna: You are lying. Of course you met some very kind, good and wonderful priests. The problem is that in your permanent state of drunken madness and derangement you wouldn’t know man from woman, your arse from your mouth or your mother if you met her. You’re sinking into a self made piece of crap each day. What an offense and insult to the God who created you to become this piece of utter depravity. God help you to get over your unresolved angst and brokenness through being rejected as a child and rejected from the seminary and from all the rejections of your life.


8.23: Pat, didn’t you promise to prevent Miss Craparse Carta spouting her venom, poison and hatred? She’s gone bananas with the booze. Seriously Pat, you shouldn’t facilitate the public self humiliation of this old mushroom baghead to be witnessed by the rest of us. Can you not find out where this thing lives and come to its rescue?? Please…Or throw a hatchet at it!


The crack ‘A team’, (abuse team) absent all day with no comments to make, appear to abuse Magna Carta.
Nothing else to offer, just like Bellarmine.


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