

SOUTH BEND, IND. — U.S. Catholics “have to be prepared for another wave of traumatic narrative” regarding the clergy sex abuse crisis, Archbishop Charles Scicluna said Nov. 13 at the University of Notre Dame.

Scicluna of Malta is adjunct secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Vatican’s chief investigator on clergy sexual abuse. He spoke at the University of Notre Dame as part of the school’s 2019-2020 forum titled “‘Rebuild My Church’: Crisis and Response.”

The archbishop’s remarks were made in a conversational format, in which he first answered questions from moderator John Allen, longtime Vatican reporter and editor of Crux, an online Catholic news outlet. He then fielded questions from the mostly student audience.

Scicluna made his comment about “another wave of traumatic narrative” in response to a question from Allen, who alluded to the 2018 abuse revelations surrounding now-disgraced former U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

Dismissed from the clerical state by the Vatican in February, he has been accused of abusing seminarians as a bishop and abusing children early on in his career of more than 60 years as a cleric.

At the forum, Allen acknowledged Scicluna could not comment on the McCarrick case, but he noted that many Catholics wonder if anything really has changed since the U.S. bishops issued their “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People” in 2002.
Scicluna responded that “it is not the case that the church in the United States has not done what it should do,” he said, but “the deficit” of the 2002 charter was that the bishops did not include themselves as possible perpetrators.

He added that the church in United States has done a good job since 2002, “and was a prophetic church in doing so,” but, as happened in Pennsylvania, specific reports of past abuse will continue to be revealed.

In that state, after a months-long investigation, a grand jury in Pennsylvania released a report in August 2018 alleging abuse by church workers and claims of a church cover-up in six Catholic dioceses over a 70-year period starting in 1947.

In his job at the doctrinal congregation, Scicluna reviews incoming cases that include the testimonies of the victim survivors of clergy sexual abuse.
“Nothing prepares you for the hurt and the shame you feel, being a priest, when you read the narrative,” he said, and this trauma will be shared by the faithful as more information is released about the abuse.

“I tell you from experience, it is not easy reading,” Scicluna continued, “and we have to help each other manage the anger, the frustration, the shame one feels on two levels: when we realize how innocent people have been hurt and the effect on the families and communities; but also, at times, the dysfunctional way in which we, the leaders of the church, have reacted to cases.”

These stories also will help people understand why there is so much anger on the part of victim survivors, the archbishop said, after describing earlier the “egregious” spiritual as well as physical and psychological harm done to victims by priest abusers. The stories also will help people realize we are all in this together, he said, for when one member of our community suffers, we all suffer.
While it is acceptable to feel anger and frustration about this situation, Scicluna continued, that anger should be transformed into “a determination to get it right; and that each and every one of us needs to give witness to the Gospel wherever we are, because at the end of the day, that will be the way for rebuilding of the church.”

He went on to praise steps the church in the U.S. has taken to engage victims and set up independent review boards, audits on child protection and criminal background checks for those working with minors.

Archbishop Charles Scicluna, adjunct secretary of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, speaks with John Allen, editor-in-chief of Crux, Nov. 13, 2019, at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind. The Vatican official addressed the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church during a Notre Dame forum. (CNS/University of Notre Dame/Matt Cashore)

Since we are a global church, he continued, the U.S. experience will help the church in other parts of the world. And he noted several times during the evening that the papal nuncios to the various countries should be vigilant in monitoring how well local churches put into place the new directives issued by Pope Francis to combat clergy sexual abuse.

A priest in the audience asked how to handle the feeling of “bereavement,” “spiritual emptiness” and “orphanhood” when a cherished spiritual father figure falls.

Scicluna responded: “I think that we leaders, we ministers, you and me, Father, need to be humble enough to tell our people: ‘It is not about me; it is about Jesus Christ. Don’t believe in me; believe in Jesus Christ. Don’t follow me; follow Jesus Christ.'”

The church leadership needs to bring people to this maturity in the faith, he continued, or else there will be cult figures who will abuse and hurt the community.

“People who walk away from the church because they are scandalized … have invested all their emotional loyalty, almost faith, in a human being,” but “Jesus has to be the center of faith,” Scicluna advised.

When a Notre Dame student asked if there was a connection between clergy sexual abuse and celibacy, the archbishop responded that he could not blame celibacy for the crisis, for if priests followed chastity and celibacy, there would be no misconduct.

“What we are facing here is not only a deficit in the understanding of celibacy, but it is also a betrayal of the commitment done before the people of God,” he said.

After reading hundreds of cases of priests failing in celibacy, the archbishop said he realized that most often, the failure was because the man was not in love with Jesus or the people of God; the “soul of celibacy” was not there.

“In order to be chaste in celibacy, you need to be in love: in love with Jesus and with the people of God,” Scicluna said.
In going forward, he stressed that in addition to papal and local church regulations, local communities need to be empowered to protect the young and vulnerable, so all Catholics should ask themselves what they can do to be part of the solution to sexual abuse.


A second wave of abuse stories, worse than the first?

More bishops and cardinals abusing?

A pope who abused?

What are we looking at?

Children murdered by bishops and priests as part of ritual abuse?

Minors buried under the Vatican?

It’s hard to work out how much worse it will get?

I suppose we will just have to wait.

For how long, I wonder?


What was the point, if any, of the big gathering Francis had in the Vatican about the usual? Nothing changed.


Done and dusted and reviewed often. Our Diocese was particularly singled out for excellent and robust child protection.


He doesn’t get it, at least where he says about people who walk away because they have been scandalised, putting their faith in the church not Jesus.
It is possible for faith just to fall apart as a result of the trauma, in addition to other aspects of life falling apart.
He comes across as a safe company man.


When a so-called ‘church’ identifies the will of God so indistinquishably with that of its leaders, then it is rightly called ‘a cult’.
Roman Catholicism is a cult, not a church, since it has historically demanded unswerving obedience from its members, using threats of eternal damnation to enforce compliance.


U.S. Catholics “have to be prepared for another wave of traumatic narrative” regarding the clergy sex abuse crisis, Archbishop Charles Scicluna said Nov. 13 at the University of Notre Dame … as part of the school’s 2019-2020 forum titled “‘Rebuild My Church’: Crisis and Response.”
Here’s a video of the event.


What strikes me about the archbishop’s talk is that it’s still all about the RCC policing itself.
The Civil Authorities need to make that illegal.


Yes, the civil authorities should never again allow this evil cult (and it should be regarded as a cult) to police itself, since the Romanists, every one of them, has forsworn Christ for canon law.


Scicluna took absolutely no account of the aphrodisiacal effect of power imbalance in the Church between clergy and laity, much more pronounced when it involves minors and children. This comes down to a theology of priesthood that ontologically differentiates between clerics and non-clerics. Until this fundamental link in the chain of abused is removed, the link will continue to lead to abuse, though perhaps not always sexual.


They don’t have to be in love with Jesus they need to recognise that sex and the erotic is part of human nature and is an expression of desire and love not a personal sexual frustration, they need to see that unequal and abusive sex is wrong which requires no religious belief what so ever, their religious life should train them further than others to recognise evil, avoid causing pain and practice self discipline not excess ‘ the golden rule ‘ and ‘the golden mean’ , not at all impossible. It’s the covering up and the exuses that needs ending and that doesn’t require faith or charters or independent scrutiny.


This Archbishop’s comments about a new wave of abuse stories is cryptic and chilling. He may well be in a position, given his access to information about abuse, to warn us of this. Who knows, he might be hinting at even the Pope becoming entangled in this mess. We already know that there is much speculation about how Francis dealt with abuse cases, victims and priests during his time in Argentina. The prospect of seeing a Pope having to resign over these matters would be truly traumatic.
He is, however, disingenuous in his claim that there is not a connection between clerical celibacy and clerical sexual abuse. His reasoning is rather naive, namely that if priests had kept their vows of celibacy then there would not be abuse. He neglects to point out the complex psycho-sexual character surrounding mandatory celibacy, and the damaging shoehorning of people who are not suited to celibacy in to a lifestyle of duplicity, lying, self-denial and double lives and standards, and the deep psycho-sexual harm that does to an individual and an institution. When coupled with other damaging elements of clericalism (which have been well rehearsed on this blog) the harm done flows out in to the whole Church and in particular in to the sinful harm done to the innocent by sexual abuse and dysfunction. To deny so simplistically any connection between clerical celibacy and sexual abuse is part of that clerical mindset that is incapable of being able to challenge long held beliefs of the Church and to see beyond what is clearly a handicap to the priesthood and the Church. This Archbishop is a product of that self-perpetuating clerical culture. It requires others with an independence of mind and vision to be able to see the evident link between discredited mandatory celibacy and dysfunction, including abuse.
As we come to the end of the Church’s annus horribilis 2019 with the Feast of Christ the King, it will be interesting to hear the homilies of our bishops as they look back on this year and all that has happened. I am sure that + Nichols in Westminster will try to rationalise and minimise what has for him been traumatic appearances before IICSA, and what came out of that, namely that he still does not get it, and is not equipped to deal with the grave situation that our Church finds itself in. It’s time for him, and many others to go, stand aside, and let others take us forward. But, who….?


The big thing about married clergy is that they’d have wives to keep them in order.
Also those wives would soon form a gossip-network. That would put a stop to at least some of the funny goings-on.


I’ve know married Anglican Clergy who look for gay nooky on the side. That rather disproves your theory. There are many married heterosexual men who lead secret gay lives. Go to the laybys, truck stops and public toilets and you might learn something. Marriage is not always what it’s cracked up to be.


The Anglican ecclesial communities allow married “priests” . Yet they have plenty of child sex abuse scandals, too. In 2016, the Australian Anglican Church was busted for its own pedophilia problem so serious it justified a Royal Commission to get to the bottom of it.
In England, former “archbishop of Canterbury” George Carey was forced out of an honorary church role after details emerged of his alleged cover-up of child sex abuse in the church on his watch. In Texas, a child sex abuse scandal plaguing clergy in the Episcopalian church came to public attention in 2009.


Anonymous 24th Nov 2019 — 11:41 am wrote, … There are many married heterosexual men who lead secret gay lives .. “. ??? So what ???
I think you’ve missed the point.


Not the most flattering of photo of the good archbishop! He’s a heavy man and this picture shows it all.


11.13: ….followed then Magna by hatred, bigotry, venom, pride: You surpass the Cardinal after gluttony and sexual impurity. You, Miss Mags Cartwheel, who personify all traits, are in no drunken, abusive state to moralise about others. Once a reject, always a reject but Jesus loves you. Take comfort from this truth instead of looking for affirmation and importance through your hate speech.


Whoo-hoo hullaballo! 😅 What’s got your ire, then?
Don’t worry: your dark little secret is safe.
For now.


10.28: A mad drunken fool let loose on a Sunday evening. Poor Miss Carta. Satan has entered her bosom and damage is done by the Snake Carta. God help you.


You are such an immature individual @ 9.12am with clearly unresolved sexual issues. Most probably an ex Seminarian who needs to grow up and with lots to learn. With smutty comments like that you were obviously found unsuited for ministry and rightly so.


Yeah…..that “jockstrap” pose was hot! Seems like a long time ago now. Wonder how Fr. Jones is getting on in Kerry?


It is too late in the day for Scicluna (or for any other Romanist hierarch) to advise Catholics to place their faith in Jesus Christ rather than in any such cleric: the nature, and the history, of Roman Catholicism DEMANDS that Catholics do the very thing against which Sciculuna cautions.

Frankly, Scicluna has an almighty cheek by doing so.

Historically, the Roman Catholic Church is a cult…of the papacy primarily, but also of the episcopate. So it shouldn’t be a wonder that abused Catholics turn their backs not only on the Church, but on Christ himself, since clericalism has conditioned them into thinking them one and the same.


I can see this as yet another Sunday when you will have to keep scrolling through every time you see the name Magna. I’ve perfected it nicely and I highly recommend it.



What’s the matter, ‘Father’? Is the truth too much for you and for your evil cult?

There is no doubting the truth that your cult is evil, ‘Father’: just taste its fruit. Many have, especially those raped or sodomised by your kind.

You are one reason (a very big one) blogs such as this are so important: you don’t respond to conscience, since you are devoid of it. But you do, like all cowards, bend under pressure.

Brace yourself, ‘Father’, for that pressure will come hard on the heels of those forthcoming revelations of sexual abuse. 😆


You obviously have not perfected it nicely. 😆
I recommend openness to all commentators, particularly those with challenging views. 😊
Well said, MC.👍



They would be neither, but the Roman Strumpet refuses to make the necessary sea changes, particularly in relation to her so-called ‘Theology of Priesthood’. Until she bends that proud knee (and she will, either by choice, or by force of unrelenting public pressure), the narrative with which we all are now familiar, will have to be told again and again.

Unsurprisingly, Scicluna (the institutional Church’s man on a global walkabout) did not address any of the fundamental issues here; instead and astonishingly, he tried to shift responsibility, and focus, from the Romanist hierarchs (who have all the power to change, but none of the will to do so) to the laity, who have absolutely none of this power. A slick PR move to deflect criticism from the institution Scicluna is forsworn to serve (and, apparently, paid handsomely to do so).


You need to get out more and see a bit more of life if that’s your view @12.37pm. I suspect, however, that you are Magna caught in the act of self praise. How can abusive and foul comments be regarded as ‘reasoned’?.


Oh it’s obvious, Magna’s comments are reasoned because they are the best thought out. They also have the best grasp of the facts, something you yourself don’t have at all, since there isn’t one iota of abuse in his comments today, merely statement of facts.


MC Hammered @12.22 interesting use of emoji’s in your comment – the exact same ones employed by Magna.


Not so long ago on this blog clerics claimed the crisis was a media narrative from the USA. WRONG.
I wonder if Fr. Scicluna is flagging a major scandal to erupt in the near future. The Zanchetta case comes to mind.
Prosecutors in Argentina have issued an International arrest warrant for Bishop Zanchetta. Zanchetta is accused of sexually abusing seminarians. He denies the charges. Zanchetta is close to the Pope and lives in the Vatican.
One to watch.


That is precisely what Scicluna was doing, flagging further, and shocking, reports of rape, sodomy, and sexual molestation by Romanists on adults, minors, and children, along with their concealment from the public.
But in addition, Sciculuna was trying to draw some of the sting these reports inevitably will cause once they are made public. The fact that he appears to have foreknowledge of their nature and seriousness suggests that they will come from the Vatican itself.
If anyone here is naive enough to believe that Sciculuna was not briefed on the nature of the questions he was asked, then he is naive indeed. Not one of the questions Scicluna was fielded was particularly awkward for him, and the host, that effete pretentious American author, was fawning in his praise of the archbishop.
This was a PR exercise from start to finish…for the institutional Church.


No doubt, MC.
There’s a new tsunami of abuse scandals to hit the Church in Latin America.
Media attention is likely to focus on Latin American scandals, including cover ups,
in the near future. Argentina will likely be of major interest for obvious reasons.


There must be little of interest going on in your life.
Are you a budding conspiracy theorist?
Why don’t you put your forensic skills investigating clerical corruption.
Report back any findings.


I think there is at least two “Magna Carta” posters – one who makes sometimes reasonable and thoughtful contributions – and the other polemical nutcase whose posting a lot today. It could be the same person maybe though with a split personality. Happy Sunday!



Ordinarily, I don’t suffer fools easily, especially when they come with a pedigree like yours; but I’m always prepared to make exceptions (generally, for my own amusement).

There is only one Magna, and he does not post under any other name.

I almost daren’t ask for fear of eliciting an answer stupid to the point of sublimity, but how could you reasonably have married ‘polemical’ and ‘nutcase’?


“Magna Carta” is a made up character in some bitter cleric’s head. He gets “Magna Carta” to say what the cleric himself would not dare to say.

Or he just gets it to act up and be outrageous to get an outraged reaction. And invariably he succeeds.

You might as well argue/debate with Cruella Deville or Mr Pumblechook. Don’t get your knickers’s in a twist over some troll.

For all you know Maggie Carta could be Diarmuid Martin venting. 😉🤔


O very easily “Magna Carta”. A polemicist engages in controversial debate and a nutcase is well, er, a nutcase! Both of you are both 😂


Same person without any shadow of a doubt. Keep on scrolling and you will feel the benefits of it. As Bishop Pat said before, if you don’t like it then don’t read it. Scrolling is great.


You’d have to admit though the whole “Magna Carta” thingimmybob is quite clever and entertaining.

I think what the author(s) does (do) is take on the traits of various well known personalities. Today, for example, the bellowing rhetoric of the Rev Dr Ian Richard Kyle Paisley can be distinctively heard.

Other times, it’s been as if Baroness Thatcher was speaking imperiously from beyond the grave.

Indeed, I have heard the snarlingly furious invective of former DUP leader Peter Robinson on occasion.

And then of course, at times, “Magna Carta” has all the characteristics of that bothersome drunk down the pub, who keeps butting into your private conversations and falling on top of you spilling your drink.

I tell you this though – his/her/their old Maw is a ride. A GILF if ever there was a GILF (that’s Granny I’d Like to F..k). Old Maw Carta (Magsy’s Mumsy) is streets ahead of Iris Robinson any day of the week.


Well observed at 6:48pm 😃 Though I’m not sure about Maw – I suppose there’s no accounting for taste 🤢


Magna darling, you can tell your friends on Bishop Buckley’s blog that mummy is available, but only for archbishops and above…


Mommie dearest, it is in your most charitable of natures to give of yourself, for and to the Church, again and again. And then again.
Your Magna is so… proud. 😎


6:35 pm
It’s seems likely to be indicative of ‘splitting’. The poster is likely to be unconsciously psychologically projecting
unhealthy defensive processes to protect against latent anxiety in him or herself. This blog ruffles clerical feathers! 😳


Well girls!
Is the lipstick applied and the glad rags and high heels on? I’ll meet up later.


You might be right, @7:12pm.
Apparently, some dioceses in the USA had ‘routes’ for ‘seminarians’ from Central and South America.


I’m pleased you said ‘apparently’, because that bit of (fake?) news came from Church Militant.


Girls, hold tight.
Pull up the pinnys, batten down the hatches, and wait for the next tsunami to blow over. Pray.
We’ve been warned.


It will show up the failure of the Church to safeguard its members as it assures everyone it does. It will show up the failure of safeguarding coordinators who will become the scapegoats for the church’s failure. All safeguarding personnel should resign and make sure that the blame is laid at the door of the hierarchy.


Extract from: ‘The Buenos Aires Times’
Journalist- Carly Graf

‘Victims of alleged sexual and emotional abuse at the hands of priests and educators at the Instituto Antonio Próvolo in Mendoza may finally find justice Monday.
After nearly three months of gruelling closed-door testimony, plaintiff lawyers from the Mendoza-based human rights organisation Xumek asked Tuesday for the maximum sentence possible under Argentina’s current penal code for those in the dock. If judges agree, that could see sentences of 50 years in jail for 61-year-old Argentine Horacio Corbacho, and up to 15 years for Nicola Corradi, an 83-year-old Italian priest who ran the institute, and the site’s former gardener Armando Gómez, 50.
Collectively, they are accused of rape, sexual abuse, the corruption of children and mistreatment at a Catholic school for deaf children. In total, the priests face a total of 28 charges. Victims total around 20 minors.’


Anonymous 24th Nov 2019 — 12:26 pm said “Thank God IICSA is also examining the grotesque abuse in the “Church of England” in which 930 ministers have been convicted in recent years.
??? Where did you find that figure of 930 pervert-clergy ???
The article you’ve quoted says, “The Ecclesiastical Insurance Office (EIO) had received 231 formal letters of claim against the C of E, the Inquiry heard, of which 217 fell under an insurance policy.
Until December 2018, 122 involved abuse carried out by clerics, 30 by deceased clerics, and 86 by non-clerics, including volunteers.
Of all claims, 215 involved male perpetrators; 199 were made more than 20 years after the abuse took place; and 36 perpetrators had more than one claim made against them.”


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