

THE SAFEGUARDING OFFICER FOR THE THE JESUIT IRISH PROVINCE HAS INFOMED THREE MEN THAT THEY ARE SETTING UP A PANEL IN JANUARY TO INQUIRE INTO THEIR ALLEGATION INTO FATHER PAUL PRIOR. Father Prior was involved in the formation of seminarians in both the Irish College in Rome and in Maynooth. He left Maynooth last year and instead of returning to pastoral work in Kilmore diocese opted to become a Jesuit novice Those in the know in the clergy say that he is a protege of Cardinal Sean The Wounded Healer Brady. One of the complaints to the Jesuits is from an ex seminarian of Maynooth. The other two are from young lay men Fr Prior met since joining the Jesuits. All allegations allege inappropriate sexual conversation or inappropriate touching. The ex Maynooth seminarian has given me permission to publish his complaint


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Oh dear, Paul Prior looks like he might be toast. Once one person comes out and starts to give his story, others will follow, as seems to have happened, and the floodgates will be open. Faced with this, the Jesuits, his current superiors, will have no option other than to begin a process to look in to these matters. What surprises me is that the SJs had no inkling that this kind of thing could be in his background. Surely, they must have done some probing before they accepted him for the noviciate ? Ireland is not that big a place that somebody, somewhere, would have the necessary intelligence and information on Prior that would have helped the SJs make an assessment. If they did make an assessment, then it looks like somebody may have made a mistake in taking him so readily. I’m surprised, because of my, somewhat limited I admit, knowledge about the SJs formation system, it is miles ahead of anything else used in these islands, and pretty professional. This is going to be a touch Christmas for Prior. However, in the current climate, I’m afraid any whiff of impropriety or misbehaviour in these areas has to be subjected to the current protocols and Prior is going to have to be looked at closely. I predict that there will be lots more to flood out now that the dam has been breached.


He can always go back to Kilmore, though that might mean being a priest in a parish, which he is not used to.


It was all over this blog about his behaviour. Didn’t he threaten Pat Buckley with legal action which came to nothing? The SJs must be living on Pluto if they hadn’t heard anything about his proclivities before accepting him.


I can;t understand why _Pat and the rest of you here are so concerned with Rev Fr Prior and his funny little ways.
Were none of you ever told, “Never criticise a priest”?
It’s terrible to think that a previous item on this blog might have caused Ireland’s Jesuits to divert efforts away from their great battle against Lucifer and his cousins Beelzebub and Boris Johnson.


Mentioning the fly-over was standard fare for seminarians since it was constructed.

The principal of my school would have called such a reference a smutty joke.

Objecting to a person making such a double entendre is scraping the barrel in search of a reason to complain. The phrase ‘holier than thou’ springs to mind.


It was only a little part of the whole complaint 10:45.
Anthony McGorian was asked by Prior how he “brought his erections to prayer”
Matthew Dillon was asked which experience he found to be more superior between masturbation and wet dreams.
Fr Prior was in no way suitable to be a formator of priests.


Paul Prior treated Maynooth as his own private laboratory with the seminarians being his guinea pigs on whom he used to get his kicks through an array of questions and interrogations which had nothing to do with priestly formation but had everything to do with Prior’s own sick obsessions and fetishes.


Expecting a fair outcome from Hugh Connolly, Michael Mullaney and Paul Prior is a triumph of hope over experience. Hugh was depressed even as a IV Divine, when he was a First Year Monitor on Long Corridor, Paul Prior was doing private exhibitions of his keks in the same building that year and Michael Mullaney was busy designing and getting printed holy cards for when he received acolyte. What a strange crew.


A few observations –

It is truly shocking that a seminary Dean would question a student on intimate matters.

Prior had concerns raised about him in Rome and yet he was appointed to Maynooth?

Sean Brady’s role in the preferment of Prior: Paul Prior was a simpering little pansy in his student days in Maynooth; sniggered about for displaying his underpants collection to some of his fellow students; he wasn’t the brightest – didn’t do well enough in his Leaving Cert to be accepted for the NUI and did the “sem course”.

And yet, somehow, he caught Brady’s eye and was promoted and preferred, never worked in a parish and yet was entrusted with the formation of priests?

He clearly used his power over students to satisfy his own prurience.

The likes of Fanny Mullaney and Cowboy Connolly saw no problem with his quizzing a seminarian in a sexually inappropriate manner?

I think they should close Maynooth down and sack it’s staff. I doubt if Fanny, or Cowboy, or Collins, would be of any use in a parish among real people. So give them all early retirements and chaplain them maybe to convents, to whisper sweet things in the ears of the fast dwindling number of nuns in their 80s and 90s.

Pervy Prior I very much doubt could be trusted in any parish. The even more quickly dwindling numbers of young men, in their teens and twenties, would not be safe from his sexual curiosities.

Is it any wonder there are no vocations and some deeply dysfunctional men are being ordained? That some recently ordained are leaving after a year or two years? That you have the ilk of Michael Byrne, Chris Derwin, Jockstrap “King Puck”, and the whole ugly crew causing scandal left, right and centre?

Clearly the ecstatically narcissistic buffoon Dolan’s “visitation” of the Irish seminary systems, in Rome and Maynooth, was as useful as a chocolate teapot.

God help us all.


Regarding the appointment of Prior to Maynooth following his removal from Rome – it was a panic appointment.
‘The Anorak’ was forced out of Maynooth (due to other serious complaints) before his replacement could be trained. The logical available option was Prior – both experienced and trained as a formator. Maynooth was an option for him to redeem himself after Rome. The Anorak had no real option to redeem himself as he gradually slipped from ministry.
The common pattern with Fanny, Cowboy, Prior-boy, The Anorak, Serpant King and The End-a-time was that they were all bad managers. Sadly people are allowed be bad at their jobs; however when managers are bad at their jobs it is those who are managed that suffer until they can find a place that appreciates the gifts they offer.


It would be more helpful for those of us not part of what could be seen as an in-house clerical caste to have these various ‘gentlemen’ (sic) referred to by their names rather than nicknames. We wouldn’t want to criticise the wrong person now, would we?


Seems like a good anaysis to me @ 12:01. I’d thought that the Jesuits required a higher level of IQ/education than “ordinary ” priests. If that’s true he probably won’t be up to their standards anyway.


Sean Brady is a very obstinate man and, if Paulette the Pry-er had Brady’s backing, then come hell or high water, Pry-er was safe to satisfy his perverted curiosities on seminarians, in Rome and Maynooth, as he saw fit and with no one to stop him.

The “formation” system in the Church is thoroughly rotten at many levels: Boston, Maynooth, Oscott, Wonersh, “Alice” Hall, Rome.

Scrub it all out and create a system that is not peopled with degenerates seeking their jollies at the expense of those in their power.

Has nothing been learned from McCarrick and other perverted prelates who preyed upon seminarians?


The problem is 12:11 that Prior has his carbon copies in Catholic seminaries all over the world. The problem is endemic.
Just look at all the recent scandals in Chile:

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The RCC’s Seminary system and the idea of ‘Spiritual Formation of Priests’ is mandatory.
It was set up by the Council of Trent more than four hundred years ago.
The RCC should scrap it and go over to the idea of Theological Colleges, with Bishops only accepting applicants into their dioceses AFTER they’ve been ordained.


The sheer level of cover-up, deceit, lies and cowardice manifested by many catholic priests, bishops and cardinals is truly shocking.
It is no wonder that millions of laity have/are walking away.


Speaking of jollies, I wonder how Matthew Jolly is getting on in prison? A far cry from last Christmas one would wager.


A farmer’s son from Armagh went home from WYD a few years ago with only two pairs of underpants. The farmer was furious. Underpants don’t grow on trees you know!


Joining the Commandos must be very tough physically. I can’t imagine they would accept a sissy like you @ 4.31pm.


You are right… about qualifying for admittance to the Royal Marines Commando. It took me two attempts to earn the right to wear a green beret. Two attempts to complete that 30 miles run, at night, with full kit. (The first time I hadn’t used sufficient vaseline… no joke here… on my nipples, and they were rubbed raw by all the clobber I was carrying til they bled.)


A dean out boozing with seminarians is an example of professional boundary crossing and a bit creepy. It must be a recent thing as I don’t remember it happening in my day.
The deans never asked prurient questions. They didn’t ignore sexuality in assessing a seminarian’s suitability, but there was no creepiness, touching or lewd jokes. Instead there were occasional questions at the start such as whether or not you’d had girlfriends before entering the seminary and whether you had lay friends outside the seminary (the deans were concerned about seminarians who only had friends outside the seminary or whose only friends were fellow seminarians.
Fr Frank Duhig, last of the old type deans, did ask one or two seminarians if they were gay. If they said yes they were asked to leave.
The senior dean when I was there was Tom Clancy. I was regarded by many, mostly by me, as being handsome. Tom one time said to me “you’re good-looking. That can be a problem in parishes if you get or seek out attention because of it. Have you thought about how you might react if that happens”.
I took that as wise advice and appropriate from a dean preparing me for ordination. None of Paul Prior’s questions are appropriate.


Yes that’s just thinking sensibly about the effect you might have on other people, and how you would deal with crushes. I only became aware as an adult that some of the reason for what I considered an unhealthy environment in my childhood parish was the clique of women of a certain age who all had a crush on the PP – and the way he didn’t deal with this.


Anonymous at 1.19

Joseph Nicolosi was himself a deeply repressed gay man who peddled the junk science, Gay Reparative Therapy.

His views on homosexual relationships are highly questionable and are rejected in most states of the USA, where so-called ‘Reparative Therapy’ has been ruled illegal for minors.


Adultery was deliberately excluded from the grounds for dissolution of civil partnerships, at the insistence of the gay lobby, who said it would apply in virtually every civil partnership.


That’s nonsense. The reason “adultery“ was excluded from civil partnership legislation and dissolutions of civil partnerships was because, unlike marriages and the rather questionable historical notions there, such relationships do not have to be “consummated”.


Anonymous at 3.16
I don’t believe that.
Even if it were true, it is an unsupported generalisation to suggest that adultery is applicable virtually every civil partnership. You’ve taken licence with the truth.


I remember hi a priest or two who had a sexualised sense of humour that to the least was unhealthy. It would be used in safe environments However it does show a pre disposition which has manifested as unacceptable action and attitude in many of the becollared and befuddled species


Not exactly the Christmas spectacular I was hoping for, Bp Pat, just some old hat from ten or so years ago. The guy should be over it by now, surely, but it sounds like he is still holding out for some sort of compensation.


So you want a pic of Mother Prior touching his nether region? 🤔


@9.03pm that is a legitimate interpretation. However it is not the only one.
It is self evident that the ex-seminarian feels hard done by. It is also well known that the church never admits it’s mistakes. Aside from the liability issue you raise this chap may be struggling to accept that the powers that be in the church have not acknowledged that he feels wronged.
The lack of acknowledging his suffering may keep him mentally entrapped into the experience of 10 years ago. He will remain entrapped there until he finds the mental ability to let go.
If he is reading this that I say unto you; I acknowledge you suffered. I acknowledge that the church you found did not live up to your expectations and beliefs. But such disillusionment comes with life. It results in divorce, resignations, career changes, college drop out, etc, etc. In short it is part of living.
You are not responsible to fix Maynooth. Those in charge of it are perfectly aware of its failings and accept it for what it is. This does not mean I agree with Maynooth being the way it is; nor does it mean you should. It means you have played your role in highlighting it to the responsible parties and should now try to regather yourself and live in your present. Use the tools Fr Myles or Fr Lawrence will have developed with you. You have fulfilled your responsibility to the Church. Now go forth to fulfil your responsibility to God by living the full life he gave you.


Crackin’ advice, HG.
Some of these guys just love wallowin’ in self-pity.
Man up and move on! It’s what ne dear ole mum used to say.


9:03 pm – I am not holding out for any compensation and I have moved on fully with my life. However, what has happened in Maynooth stretching back to Ledwith and what has hopefully ended since the latest 2016 scandal must never be allowed to happen again.
I have already given Prior, Connolly, Mullaney, and anyone else for that matter, the opportunity to put their names to their comments and challenge me , like real men, in the open. Nobody has accepted that offer.
I was asked to support Prior’s two recent complainants by providing the Jesuits with my own experience of this priest.
My only goal is to see the Church which I love cleaned-up and for Maynooth to be a safe and transparent environment for any man with a genuine desire to discern a calling to the priesthood.


And the Tooth Fairy exists ‘cos Mummy told me so. And if I can’t believe Mummy well who else can I believe? And anyway I found a euro under my pillow while my tooth had gone so what better proof than that?


I think the training required of aspirants to be Royal Marines Commandos, as so eloquently described at 10: 24, should be made mandatory for aspirants to the Catholic priesthood. It would separate the men from the ladies.


I think the people criticising Paul Prior’s intelligence might not be quite as intelligent or as informed as they think, he has a licentiate in theology and graduated summa cum laude


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