



They come from clerical people – priests, former priests, seminarians, and ex seminarians – annoyed at the exposure of them and their rottenness over the past five years.

Its Its perfectly clear to me that these men are wicked in the extreme and have serious mental, emotional and sexual disturbances.

Its also abundantly clear that they have no place in ministry or in any kind of work with people. They are too sick and and too dangerous.

It also justifies this blog’s work in exposing them and their utter sickness.

And, of course, they are simpering cowards, pouring out their venom from the dark corners of the hell which is their minds.

Get behind me Satan!


Sadly when blogs allow anon comments this may happen. Sados shout from the shadows. Sados shouted at Jesus too; they even arranged his death.

+Pat; I say to you, Merry Christmas. Thank you for your work here. Thank you for your support with my struggles – you much loved, strong willed, determined advocate for those cast out into the wilderness and the frightening freedom it brings.

Liked by 1 person

Bit of an outcast and a troublemaker hi Pat? Sounds like JC to me. Told the truth and was labelled possessed. He just told it as it was- “whitewashed tombs”- no judgements- “brood of vipers”- no slander- just get real folks! Forget your image and your ambitions lads. Now is the time to convert before it is too late. The Kingdom of God is close at hand. Dust you are and to dust you will return.
The carnival is over!


Great powers of deduction aren’t needed to figure out who is the most likely source of that vitriol.
Enjoy the rest of the Christmas season, Pat.
Thank you for all your help.


As I keep saying here, you cannot expect the church to care for anything because it is not holy. It is an abusive mafia and the clergy who will comment today about how wonderful their parish is are fools.


That sick and sorry comment: yet another reason I don’t believe in God Almighty, except as a blight on human history.


1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths than Judaism or Christianity.
Fascism and communism – both of which were atheist ideologies – murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th Century alone.

Communist and other godless regimes have continued to kill hundreds of thousands since. Add the millions of rapes, tortures and enslavements by these same godless regimes, and you’ve got yourself a pretty ugly picture.

The atheist’s favorite ‘go to’ accusation against Christianity includes the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and the church paedophilia scandal. However, even assuming that all such wrongs occurred as a direct result of church doctrine (they did not, but let’s assume so), the numbers dwarf in comparison to what atheism has wrought.

The Crusades involved the deaths of approximately 1.5 million people. Most of them were soldiers on both sides, as well as people who died of disease and other peripheral causes. The Inquisition resulted in less than 5,000 deaths over a span of approximately 300 years. The Salem Witch Trials spanned just four months, resulting in a total of 19 killed.

There are other so-called ‘killings’ that occurred as a result of religious fervor (the French Religious Wars, the 30 Years War, and so forth), but even adding all those up, you could not even reach ten per cent of the numbers of deaths that godless regimes have caused.

To argue that “religion has caused more death than anything else” is a quip that has no basis in fact.

2. Hitler was not a Christian
Atheists routinely urge that the Nazis were Christian, invoking Christianity to justify their horrors. This is false.

Nazism and fascism never held themselves out as Christian enterprises. More particularly, Hitler himself despised Christianity. He saw Christianity as “meek” and “flabby” and sought to destroy it “root and branch”. He bemoaned why Germany was “stuck” with “feeble minded” Christianity and preferred other “strong-arm” systems.

Hitler’s writings and speeches are so full of passages dripping with contempt for Christianity that to argue he was Christian is like arguing George Washington fought for the British during the Revolutionary War.

3. Atheism is an ideology – whether you realise it or not
The most common argument is that atheism is not an ideology; it merely reflects the absence of faith in religion. They just don’t believe in God. Why can’t we please leave them alone?

But it turns out they don’t want to leave you alone. On social media most atheists are bizarrely vocal about their contempt for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, for their beliefs. They believe these religions frustrate progress. They argue with great passion that we’d be better off if we just eradicated God once and for all. Godless regimes have always sought the eradication of God with passionate zeal, deadly efficiency on a mass scale, and unspeakable cruelty.

Such thinking is an ideology. Such “non-belief” has devastating consequences. Not believing in God is like not believing in seat belts. Or better yet: it’s like not believing in the police, the judiciary, medicine or fire stations. You don’t have to believe in them, but living in a world without them has consequences.

4. People of faith are responsible for a huge amount of good in our society. Atheists don’t give credit for what the Church and Judaism have done for civilisation: the creation of our notions of justice, the hospital system, the university, public schools, charity, progress, truth and freedom itself.

Who fought against and ultimately destroyed the evils of slavery? The Christians and Jews. Who were the only ones who fought against the horrors of eugenics (forced sterilisation of those the state deemed inferior), and China’s horrific “one child” policy? The Christians and Jews.

5. Judaism and Christianity created civilisation. A world centered around God has allowed us to pursue the great blessings of God: beauty, justice, truth and freedom itself. Such things mean nothing without God’s presence.

Atheists may enjoy such values, and even benefit from them, but they are only living off of what others have created. There is no real reason to pursue any of these values without a sense of purpose. Purpose itself is meaningless without God.

Without God, there is no reason to have children, or to hope for the continuation of our family name or our values. There is no reason to die for our country, or for freedom. After all, what’s the point? In a world without God, we need only do what the animals do: mate, eat, and make sure not to be eaten. We need only live for today.

This is contrary to the notion of “civilisation”. By definition, civilisation contemplates a future that is better than our present, and we derive lessons from the past to do so. Civilisation does not mean we just have a good time on the planet while we are here; civilisation means we seek a better vision for our collective future. We know this instinctively, but many never quite incorporate it into their worldview.


Were not the Crusades a defensive war after nearly 300 years of invasion, slaughter and, finally, the seizure of the Holy Land?
Just saying… does it take two to tango?


The priest who posted that execrable comment does not believe in God either BAS. He is incensed that he has been exposed and obviously has no belief in a God Who sees and hears everything.


The poster at 1.02 likes to make nice (but objectively non-existent distinctions) between nominal and non-nominal Christians. It’s Christianity’s very own philosophy of convenience: when bad things happen, blame the messenger, not the message. But then, the messsge moulded the messenger.
That priest has been taught by a perverse theology that he is superior to non-priests. Pope Emeritus Benedict has even described him as a ‘gift’ to humankind. You cannot come up with more head-turning, navel-gazing drivel than this. And that book, the Bible, confirms this ‘specialness’. No wonder, then, the priest behaved like a spoilt brat denied his latest fancy: your ‘holy’ book and your ‘holy’ Tradition have, like a potter, moulded him as he is.
Don’t deny your own, because you birthed them.


1.02: How do you know It’s a priest who.posted that comment? Pat has many contributors who are non clerics and horrendously sick in mind re: gay sex and its related illnesses. So don’t presume all horrible comments are from clerics. It’s dusgusting to make so sickening a comment about gay sex, HIV/AIDS illnesses. Outrageous.


Dear 1.56 p.m,
So many things could be responded to in your post. On the basis that one point at a time is sufficient to be going on with, here’s the first:
The Bible is a library within the covers of a book. Depending on your religious tradition, there are 24, 66, 73 or more books in that library with so much difference between them of date, provenance, authorship, language, genre, theology, anthropology etc. as to make them strange bed-fellows of one another, to be found between the same two sheets, as it were.
It may help you to realise that your generalisation is just that, a generalisation and a woefully inadequate one from which to begin to understand what the Bible is and what the Bible is not. You could usefully begin my investigating the variety of literary genres in the Bible.


Those kinds of comments are undoubtedly against the law – most certainly in the UK and Ireland, and perhaps even in socially and diversity backward NI. So, + Pat, I would bundle them up and give them to the PSNI. They may well say that they haven’t the resources to deal with them, but at least you have let them know, and one day they might be able to track down the authors and take action. Also, I’d let the platforms know what is being said. Again, they will probably say it’s all in the cause of free speech, but in the future it may have some consequences for helping to prevent this kind of vile abuse. I’m sorry that you have to put up with this kind of stuff. No doubt, you are adept at deleting and binning it. Don’t be intimated. There are lots of us – priests and laity, Catholics and others – who value your blog. It’s not perfect, you are not perfect, and I don’t always agree with you, or with some of the commentators, but in general you cast light on some very dark corners and behaviours in the Church, and that, sadly, has to happen before we can move forward. And, you serve a good function in keeping the “pezzi grossi” uncomfortable and on their toes, which is very valuable It’s good that they know that they can’t fool you and will be called out. Keeps them keen and careful !


If you have the slightest inkling that this kind of disgusting and threatening comment is coming from a priest, then you should gather your evidence and send it to the guy’s bishop. It will be denied, and you will probably be told that they are going to sue you, but if you are on good ground they wouldn’t dare because in court it most certainly would be revealed. And, even if the bishop denies it, just planting the seed that one of his priests might be up to this kind of thing will have consequences for the priest. Fight fire with fire ! Don’t be afraid. The best form of defence is attack. + Pat, you always say that you have nothing else to lose – your life and all your failings have been laid bare so many times already – so be bold and go for them ! They deserve it.


If it can be assumed that the author was a priest it is also possible that the author was a bishop.
I am not saying it was; rather just observing that it may actually be anybody – lay, priest, bishop , cardinal etc.


Against the law? Which law? There are some passages in the Bible where the author expresses himself in similar or even more vicious terms. Look at Psalm 83, for example, or Psalm 109,


It’s a powerful and liberating position to be in when you are not accountable to anyone, except God and your own conscience. I love it ! I spent so much of life having to “yes and no, and three bags full” to people, when I really wanted to tell them where to get off. But the power differential was too oppressive. And there were always consequences. That’s life, I suppose ! But, you + Pat are now in a very powerful position and can say and confront whatever you want to. What can they do ? So, on behalf of all those who can’t speak out, you can speak out for them, and powerfully so. That’s a great service that you do for us. Thank you.


+Pat: I agree with the comments above approving your role in confronting hypocrisy, whether in the RC church, its institutions, or elsewhere. It’s clear you’re on the right track when approving comments, like above, are well articulated, informed and intelligent. The contrast with the often expletive ridden inanely expressed personalised abuse is very telling.
Keep up the good work, and a Happy New Year.


Bp Pat, a short extawct from Abp Turtle’s Christmas message 2019:
“Our country, north and thouth, truly needth the rekindling of wholethome relathionthip – thocially and politically, nathionally and internathionally – and our prayer thith Chrithmiss that men and women of integrity will find the generothity and courage they need to lead and take the initiative in making theth crucial relathionthip work. +Amy”


Christianity (notably a denomination of it, Roman Catholicism) is a creed uniting very many, and has of itself driven very many to atrocious acts, not least to attempts (often successful) at ethnic and racial cleansing.
Atheism is not a creed and has not, therefore, had the same effect. It has not sought to (ahem) evangelise others; Christianity has. And this has often expressed itself in violent coercion, intimidation and discrimination.
Individual atheists have done appalling things, but this was down to evil personalities, not to an evil creed.


BAS: Like you, I noted the above criticism of atheism. I too was initially tempted to respond by pointing out the essential nature of atheism, and my own understanding of it as not in any way a proselytising stance with adherents advocating actions, moral or otherwise. I’d recommend however that those interested might find the Wiki entry interesting for it’s wide treatment of the issue and understandings of it from a multitude of perspectives.


2.16: The good without GOD codologists are back. Proving and doing nothing but thrilled to express their total intolerant against religious believers.


2.16: Mick the Clean – not at your local tiday or did you have too much vino-gino on CHRIST-MAS day???


4.23: Mr. Septic Tank trash – where is your legacy of goodness, truth and justice to be found? You’re hardly an advertisement for the perfect human being with all your vomiting on this blog!


Thanks BAS. It’s worthwhile to consider that the vast majority of comments here critical of the RCC and its acolytes, clerical and lay, are invariably articulated intelligently, and while forceful, are not crude, rude nor personally directed. The reverse is regularly true of what are now referred to as cathbots. By this I refer to that cohort of intolerant ” believers ” thinking they alone hold absolute truth, in consequence of which all others, as disbelievers, are, …….. to be personally vilified, ridiculed , and seen as followers of some mythological great satanical enterprise.


Vomiting is good for the constitution: it rids the body of excess, what would do it harm.

There is much excess in Christianity, much that is toxic, not least the preposterous notion that at its center is a loving deity dispensing justice rather than coercion and control.

The more I read mean-minded and bilious posts like yours, the more I am confirmed in my scepticism. It seems Christians just can’t quite reach their own moral benchmarks.

Excuse me, but I may need to vomit again…


8.16: SEPTIC TANK….Be careful that tour OWN vomiting Doesn’t choke you…..thriugh tour words you seem to stink!! See a doctor orvswalliw some disinfectant.


The unmistakable language of Magna Carta under another pseudonym, presumably in search of a less toxic reception.


1 20: A very selective and partisan view of history. Nazism and Communism – a creed and philosophy with millions of adherents and responsible, through murderous despots, for unimaginable cruelty, misery and death. But your blindness prevents you and MMM types from real truth.


Nazism and Communism are ideologies that incorporate atheism, in its literal sense, (disbelief in deity), but neither is atheism.


You are adding nothing to the debate except diversion.
It’s obvious that communism or naziism are not atheism.
The more interesting and pointed question in each case is: what is the extent of the intersection between the system and atheism? In the ideologies of the Soviet Union, nazi Germany and China, the answer is: so great as to make it difficult to differentiate between them.


The therefore in your second paragraph is a classic non sequitur. Your passion exceeds your logic. 1.20 p.m.
A basic familiarity with the colonialising tendencies of atheistic communism under Stalin, atheistic national socialism under Hitler and atheistic Marxist-Leninism under Mao Zedong would be useful as a starting point.


Belated Happy Christmas and New Year Blessings. The comment amounts to cyber bullying and needs to be reported. Even if it is never published it is dangerous no matter what you say. There are enough martyrs in Christian History without adding more


Sounds like a a bishop. Probably just come in frustrated from an unsuccessful late-night troll around the parks and roadside truck stops. You know what they’re like, Bp Pat.


The absence of the spirit of Christ in many comments is mind boggling. Back to the same old mantras of faux indignation. Take such comments to your PSNI..And those who have been viciously defamed and slandered on your blog should do likewise as so much horrible abuse, bigotry and hate incitement against clerics fills this blog very frequently. Any comments written to you can come from any source, clerics or non clerics…..thevaboce is totally unacceptable but many are subjected to worse on this blog.


The absence of the spirit of Christ in Romanist priests is par for the course.

You cannot and will not be allowed to pick and choose truth about youselves.



Very good. But not good enough.

You’ve replicated my avatar, but not my username: the type is too dark.

Besides, I always post Bishop P. my email address; he can confirm that YOU are the impostor.

Nice try, though. 😅


In-between the black and the white and In-between the wrong and the right, there’s a hassle full to be found


La la la, the usual RC mantra – stop looking at us, you’re as bad as us, don’t criticise, you’re a sinner, la la la.
This is exactly the argument used to justify promotion of child abuse by the hierarchy and the fact it is still being recycled shows that the so-called ‘good’ priests haven’t learned.
It’s also notable that all these people telling you to look at yourself are not following their own advice, of course.
Keep going, Pat, good work.


I wouldn’t be surprisedf afew guys here at Wonersh, both formators and seminarisns, are behind such comments.
The more the truth about this rotten seminary and clerical system that you show the world the more those responsible for the abuse and bullying here at Wonersh will try to destroy you and others exposing them.
Keep up the good work Pat and don’t give up! One day the abuse and bully scsndals here at Wonersh will be on the headline news on tv and the ftont page of the paper, and your blog was one of the first to report about it.


Pat Mullaney down in the Roost pub and the few drinks in her crying over the heresy trial and she worried if she be found guilty and the faggots piled up high around her on the Auto Da Fe in Mary’s Square said Mullaney Pat and the brussells sprouts playing havoc with her after the festive feasting


+Pat, that email is very shocking and disturbing to the core. The past year or so I have for myself seen what these people are really like: beneath that sheen of the servant priest and, how dangerous they are to the faithful; those who have been entrusted to them.
Personally, It has been a very painful and shattering realisation, but it has-on the other hand-been both a very necessary and important lesson in the reality of the inherent evilness of the RCC.
Those words in that email can only come from one place – and it is not a place of Christ or His love!
— Pray for these wicked people that they may truly find the light and love of Christ from within their darkness, bitterness and blindness. What they have done is also a hate crime.
Love must, and will, conquer all x


Love is based on truth. You have no idea who the poster ism 8.26.
Shame on you for rushing to conclusions. Rash judgement is a sin.


If you read my comments properly you will find that I do not say it was a RC who posted the disturbing comments; rather, I simply highlight my own personal experiences of the evils of the RCC; experiences and pains which I will never stop talking about: nor will I be bullied into doing so
(For clarification: I am not accusing you, 1:08am, of bullying).
I simply tell of my own experiences, then-in relation to the nasty email-say as follows…
‘’Those words in that email can only come from one place – and it is not a place of Christ or His love!
— Pray for these wicked people that they may truly find the light and love of Christ from within their darkness, bitterness and blindness.‘’
I hope this helps.


I know we cannot talk about specifics, but I was told by a seminarian at Oscott that the Liverpool Safeguarding department have just been “sussed” out by the authorities (it is official and therefore now a matter of public record).
Honesty is an important thing, that is all I can say!!
Not mentioning any ex seminarians names but I will just use the words Justice and Vindication to a person with learning difficulties is just around the corner!


+Pat, your blog is a light that shines in the darkness; a place for those who have been abused – in various ways – to come to the realisation that they are, sadly, not alone and, can begin to heal while making other unsuspecting people aware of the dangers possibly ahead.
Your ministry and blog give great strength and encouragement to victims, including myself.
It takes only one good person to do nothing, which, in turn, allows evil to flourish… Not on my watch!
Keep up the good work and don’t ever let anybody put you off speaking up for those who do not have the strength or capacity to defend themselves from the dangers and evils of this world.
God bless x


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