



Dear Bishop Pat,

I am writing to you because my grandmother was a parishioner of Saint Peter’s and I know for a fact that her and her friend were robbed effectively by various priests in Saint Peters. I know for a fact that it was not you as relatives remember you going to Saint Peters as caring compared to the others.

There names were Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx McXxxx and they lived in the Lower Falls and were extremely religious.


I replied:

Father McKinley?

Xxxxx replied:


I replied:

He fooled many old ladies out of their money



Vincent McKinley was a gambler and gamblers can go through a lot of money.

The way it worked was that he asked these old ladies to lend their parish their savings and it would be returned to their relatives when they died – but not to tell the family about the “loan”.

The money was never returned 😦


There was a long standing practice in Ireland for priests to encourage old people to leave their money and farms to the parish or parish priest. Some of the old people thought it would get them into Heaven when they died. In many cases children and other relatives were done out of money and land that was rightly theirs.

Maybe readers will know of such cases?

I dont think it happens just as much these days – but probly does still happen.

I know priests who have been left money and land by widows with the family members being displaced.


I know of one Down & Connor parish priest who specialised in visiting old people’s houses and coveting possessions like old valuable clocks and antiques. Often the old person would say that they would leave it to him in their will. But the priest would say: “I’ll take it now in case your family do not honour your wishes” and off he’d go to the car withy the item he coveted.

There is a book or a Ph.D thesis to be written on the topic of priests, money, wills and possessions.

I know that priests were not the only ones to take advantage of people.

But I think its particuarly bad when a priest goes after old people’s possessions.


Of course it’s despicable when a priest seeks out vulnerable elderly people and benefits from them materially and financially. That to me is a crime, a horrendous abuse and should warrant a civil and church investigation. Such utter greed and behaviour is reprehensible. To solicit benefits of any kind through pastoral abuse should incur immediate dismissal and a return of benefits to the benefactor. There are very strict guidelines about the Safeguarding of Vulnerable People and when infringed in any way by any person working in the name of a parish requires immediate investigation. Sadly, in today’s society, the visitation of the sick and housebound by professional carers, home helpers, medical personnel, clergy and others is fraught with potential overstepping of boundaries and abuse. Pat, that letter looks suspicious. Did you not cover this issue some time recently? Why repeat?


a friend once asked me to get a Mass card signed and I went to the priest house to get it signed. He left me at the door while he went inside and got a pen and when he came out he handed me back the Mass card in the envelope and went ‘you’re five euros short, a mass is 15, not 10’. I felt so embarrassed and I gave him the five euros. I never told my friend as she was an elderly lady. but I always thought what a greedy man.
Incidentally, this friend had a sister who died many years before. at one point in history there was a family fued and the sisters fell out, but in the latter years they mended the rift. The sister who died had changed her will many years ago during the rift, and left her house to a priest. When she died they discovered the priest had inherited the very large house. They went to him to explain the rift, but he was adamant the house was his. fair enough you might say, the law is the law, and the sister made the will in good faith. but he took the family to court seeking the deceased belongings and any money she had left, stating he had been promised this by her. I always thought it was very greedy of him to do so, given he had just inherited a house.


I think “Mass cards ” for the deceased is just another of the RCC’s financial scams. What is their purpose according to orthodox RC teaching or beliefs? Any clear concise reply from an RC
priest would be appreciated. I’m neither interested nor impressed with vague “for the soul of the deceased ” type of response vacuity. And can any RC priest explain and justify the practice of RC clergy bulk signing lots of such cards which are then “sold ” in both religious shops and other commercial outlets?

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From the usually speedy responses here to some juicy bit of clerical scandal or gossip it’s quite obvious that this blog is monitored by many clerics both here in Ireland and elsewhere. Yet when I ask straightforward questions focused on the interface between RC religious belief practices and the clergy’s dodgy materialistic financial practices there’s not one of you even attempt to make ANY response let alone a sensible one.
Now what does that tell me?


Thanks Tony. I just checked back here now. Am I surprised to find no response even four days later? Not a bit. As you say, an unscrupulous shower who know that any attempt at justifying their greedy practices would just incur more ridicule.


Don’t you just love Romanist priests?! Christ’s integrity shines through them.
One of these men visited my mother (now deceased) while she was suffering with Alzheimer’s, and she gave him not insubstantial sums of money on each visit
I despise Roman Catholic clergy, all of them, since Christ is not in ANY of them.


Magna darling, I think you may not be well yourself. And those monies were actually bribes. Why do you think you did so well in your School Cert?


I hope that McKinley is ROASTING in Hell.😈 Now THERE’S orgasmic food for pleasurable thought
What was it that cross-eyed weasel, Daly, said of McKinley? That he was a ‘holy man’?
Why do human beings pathetically cling to these parasites and vermin, Romanist priests? Why do they cling to priests at all, including you, Bishop Buckley. There was NO ministerial priesthood in the very early church.


12 54: Whow!!! Pat Buckley being questioned about his validity and necessity in being a Bishop. Never thought this despicable butch bitch and drunken liar, Magna, would slap Pat down so hard. The only parasite and vermin by definition is MAGSY EASY. A waste of humanity. Didn’t the Church miss out on Mags not being ordained? We’d have the perfect church and who knows he may have become Pope – Pope Shitsalot the 1st.


You need an education. History questions that validity, not I.
There was NO ministerial priesthood in the early church. Jesus’ followers simply met in one another’s homes to commemorate him through a meal, during which bread was broken and shared in his honour, and wine was poured and drunk from a communal cup.
Otherwise, these people remained solidly Jewish: they did not see themselves as Christians. And they remained committed to Temple liturgy and worship.
Ministerial priesthood began to evolve only around the beginning of the First Century.
Jesus did not found a ministerial priesthood; men did. Literally.


Everything Magna says above is true.

The question arises – was the development of bishop priest and deacon in line with the thinking of Christ and the will of God?

Cardinal Newman wrote a lot about the valid development of doctrine.


I’m sure your questions are rhetorical Magna, for as most of us recognise, the RCC has promoted itself as the sole conduit of grace and salvation, capitalised on the insecurity and dependence of the frail and gullible, especially the elderly, and selfishly allowed its ‘ontologically changed’ priveleged caste to acquire vast wealth, …….all for benefit of Holy Mother Church!
Anon @ 11:03’s advice for relatives of the deceased to challenge any suspicious bequests is very sensible.


Bishop P. at 12.01
True, Newman wrote on the ‘development of Christian doctrine’ (he coined the phrase), though whether the word ‘development’ is accurate in every instance of change and whether these changes were indeed morally valid is quite another matter.
It must be borne in mind that Newman was engaging in apologetics when he penned his essay on the subject in 1845: he was defending the doctrinal history in the RCC against criticism of its teaching by Anglicans, and by other Protestants.
Apologists, almost by definition, are not neutral and are, therefore, less likely to see any log that might be lodged in their own eye.


Magma, that comment about hell is not fitting, Christians hope and pray that not one soul shall be lost (or at least I do). When Christ accepted Calvary, He did so as an act of pure love; an outpouring and self-giving of one’s own Will: unconditional love.
This is His example we are to strive to follow – not always easy I can tell you.


My remark about McKinley was hyperbolised anger, not an actual wish. And it was prompted by my mothers’ exploitation at the hands of another priest, of which the memory was brought on by McKinley’s preying on elderly, vulnerable parishoners. I despise priests who behave in this way, and I make no apology for it. Sadly, they are not few.
Some years ago, an uncle of mine, a religious priest, handed me, unsolicited, a record of his bank account; there was around £15,000 in it (worth approx £22,000 today). My uncle’s order was not poor, and his every financial need, and whim, was taken care of. So he had no call for such personal funds. I didn’t say a word to him about the sum, but I marvelled at how much money priests like him could accumulate.
Though I am not certain, his money probably compromised a welter of donations from ordinary families and from well-wishers. These gestures exclude the probably countless times he was fed for free (That’s ok father: your money is no good here.) in fancy restaurants, etc.
Romanist priests are financial parasites, and even too much is not enough for them.


A Pat hi. The poor auld priests sure what comfort have they. Give us a loan would amount to stealing. But sure the auld clock was only resting on the mantelpiece.


In the 1990s the then PP of Enniskillen, Mgr Sean Cahill, used to visit my widower father every Friday. Every Friday my father gave him £10 for his trouble, and the PP took it. He visited other pensioners on the estate and presumably had a similar arrangement with them.


Normally those visits were monthly? The older generation insisted on giving the priest a donation. Hopefully in most cases it was voluntary.


Makes you realize how much those shysters were raking in in the good old days. £10 was a lot of money out of an OAP in the nineties. I agree with Magna: vile parasites, who, even if they are not on the make themselves, collude in a corrupt system. Added to the existing RC clergy you also have the dreaded ex-Anglicans who played the system outrageously to secure pension compensation from the C of E when they could stand the idea of women priests. Why the hell should they have been compensated for their own bigotry? Different in scale and horror, but compare the vast sums the British government had to borrow to “compensate” slave owners in order to get abolition passed in 1832. That debt was only finally paid off in 2015, and, needless say, slave owners included the clergy.


It’s a terrible thing to wish anyone should be in hell. May God have mercy on all souls, because the one without sin should cast the first stone. But I notice that you only name priests who are dead, cannot answer or defend themselves, and further cannot take legal action for libel. Very convenient for a blog based on gossip, hearsay and glorifying in scandal. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed….


10.32…And what an arrogant, horrible bastard you are, Mr. Perfect. You are a hate filled person. There is little, if any, of Christ in you.


I reported what a relative told me. Simple. Obviously, you do not like the truth.


Down and Connor diocese own a whole swathe of land in co Antrim which was left to them in wills. What are they doing with this land? I know they are selling off or have already sold off property for substantial sums, including the former St Patrick’s home for boys on the Glen Rd. Given the abuse that many suffered in this institution has bishop Bling set aside this money for the victims? I can bet that he has not and will use the money to replenish the diocesan coffers. Meanwhile the homeless and poor suffer. Why didn’t he hand this land back to the community for much needed social housing? But then again that would be the Christian thing to do and we can’t expect Down and Connor to do such a thing.


When someone, particularly an elderly person, makes a will that leaves everything to some institution like the Church, I think the alarm bells should start ringing. If there are people who would expect to be benefactors, like children etc., then they should contest the will and make absolutely sure that the person was not encouraged to make over everything to the Church at a time when they were vulnerable and frail. I think the courts are much more open to these kinds of challenges, and will reverse a will if it thinks that the person was constrained or ‘persuaded’, as does happen so often. It’s not just the Roman Catholic Church that is up to this. So, everybody, when someone dies that you are related to, make sure that you see the will, and if there is anything dodgy about it (like huge sums being left to the Church), then challenge it.


This really is nonsense. The only reason Catholic priests would have to be obliged to be celibate would be if it was part of apostolic tradition. It obvs is not.
What makes me laugh about this though is the secular press are screaming that Catholic priests have to be celibate except former Anglicans and everyone is busy ignoring the fact that Eastern rite priests marry, creating a massive contradiction. The BBC in particular is going on about a shortage of priests, like having any more of them would help in any way.
Could this refusal possibly be because if the rules change, nothing would change because any priests really interested in marrying a woman have already left and done so? 🤣


Where’s McKinley buried because I was a friend of his and never knew he died? Would love to go up to the grave to pay my respects, I am sorry he may have had his shortcomings.


If you were a friend of his you wouldn’t be calling him by his surname, would you?? If you were a proper friend you would have known he had died. You are full of shit.


I own several properties and I intend to leave 90% to the diocese and 10%to SVDP. I apologise to no one.


Should you not be leaving the 90% to the poor. That’s what Jesus would want you to do. And… may have to apologise to Him for your actions!


I’m not asking nor suggesting you apologise Anon 3:32. I’d just like you to explain to us your reasons for having made this decision. If you really think this to be a wise and sensible thing to do, by explaining your thinking for it, perhaps it might persuade others to make similar decisions and you could take some additional credit for that.


Hi Bishop Pat,
As a child I was brought up in Cargin. The parish of Moneyglass and Duneane, I believe it was called.
When I was young it was the custom for an ‘offering’ to be made to the priest at the time of a funeral.
We were a poor family and I well remember once when a relative of my fathers had died the priest said to my poor mother that the ‘offering’ she had given might be seen as insufficient especially as the amount tendered by each family or individual would be read out at mass.
My mother, by that time a widow, actually borrowed money so as not to be embarrassed in front of the parish.
The priest played on people’s pride and fear.
I never forgot that incident and several others in a similar vein with other families.
The priest I mentioned in our incident wasn’t the only cleric to carry on like this.
I formed an opinion, rightly or wrongly, but I could only go by my personal experience, that these people were money grabbing blood sucking parasites. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING I have seen in the decades since with priests I’ve met has changed my mind.
In fact my experience in the main has been that priests I have met are liars, duplicitous and two faced bastards.
I accept that is a strong generalisation but it is my experience.
Metropolitan Police 32 years service.


Yes, oh the Met, where can we start with the corruption associated with them and their attitude to the Irish and other minorities. You should be ashamed coming from Duneane writing that codswollop.


No shame at all. I and all those I served with served with distinction and pride keeping the streets safe for good people from all over the world. Yes, agreed there were and probably are some bad apples but the men and women I served with in the Bill were decent dedicated individuals. Whatsmore I received commendations for saving 3 kids in a fire and a lady from drowning in the Thames. At great personal risk.
So, my friend, I have no shame. I have immense pride. I’m proud to have been raised in Duneane parish as a child. Left there at 11. Proud of the life and career I have had. And just for the record a good friend, originally from Magherafelt and a cop too once told me, when he was on a course in England, that the only thing that outnumbered terrorists in Toome area were touts !!!
So codswallop to you me old cock.
Come over to London away from your goldfish bowl, assuming you still live in the Toome area, and see life lived in all its shapes and shades. Might broaden your narrow little horizons.


Very well written and again congrats on your public service and in particular your saving of those 3 kids and that woman. At least no ones blood is on your hands.


4.18: Sir, look to the corruption, bigotry, wrongdoing and racism that once characterised your metropolitan force!! Lots of horrible stories of police brutality, abuse, harrassment or minorities and fellow colleagues in the force – need I mention other horror stories that still occur? What did you ever do to prevent or speak out about abuses, racism, brutality and corruption? Let us know. Police forces do not always have behave appropriately, justly or ethically.


There has never been a police force that did not have it’s fair share of corrupt officers. All kinds of negative personalities are attracted to armies, police and prison services. But let’s not write off this Duneane’s man life. He did good.


8.03: Well expressed. That very blinded cop from the Met force should look more honestly at the regimes he belonged to….Seriously. He’ll find horror stories of abuse, corruption, lies, fraud, brutality against protesters and discrimination against ethnic minorities. Mr. Ex Cop – look and you’ll find the truth of your former employers.


With all due respect there were many folk from the Toome area who were involved in crimes and behaviours far worse than anything you have mentioned about the Met.
Don’t recall anyone from the met shooting folks illegally in the back, the head and dumping their bodies in lonely fields. Don’t remember anyone from the Met blowing up innocent people in pubs or clubs.
Where to I stop?
I’d trust the man from the Met before any of Ireland’s Own Hero’s from Toome


Staffordstown Seamus, I have met coppers who left a lot to be desired as professionals and human beings. I don’t write off policemen in general though because of those experiences the way you do with priests. Thank you for your service.


Same old toxicity on here – day after day after day. Your hatred and vindictiveness,
Buckley, reach even beyond the grave. Mc Kinley was not a good man. But then neither are you. You are not a good man.


Why do you say McKinley was not a good man?

Am I not allowed to publish a complaint from the close relative of an old lady who was badly taken advantage of?

Surely the family, who will never get the money back are entitled to truth and the truth on record?

Or maybe you prefer COVER UP?


How is Bishop Pat a nasty piece of work? For a start he is kind and actually tells people about whats going on, unlike every other Bishop and priest. Bishop Pat actually deals with people instead of ignoring various letters! He is the only Bishop I accept!


Lol @ another Cathbot moaning about the same old toxicity on here day after day. It’s just another one who wants you to shut up.
These people refuse to see the plain fact that the so-called Catholic Church is not a religion, it is a racket, whose sole purposes are making money and giving jollies (whether betting, drinking or sex) to an inner circle who are its ‘clergy’.


7.19: Insults are continually thrown about on your blog. Many offensive, unkind and harsh judgmentalism are tolerated too often. I don’t think this serves the cause of truth or justice. You often stir up and allow this toxicity by printing some hate inciting comments. Anger is appropriate and understandable when discussing serious issues of concern within and about the Church and priesthood. I share that anger and yes I’ve resorted to nasty commentary at times but I do not encourage it. I also believe you serve as an important forum for necessary debate. Sadly too many people use your blog to viciously attack named individuals. That is dangerous. I don’t believe you deserve all critical assessments of you, some of which are very crushing. It’s this kind of being crushed by nastiness that is unacceptable.


Very very interesting the comments attracted by an ex-Met police officer above. Turn it round and say how their church is notorious for its corruption, child abuse and torture, and the sheep are moaning they’re oppressed!
They don’t like it up em!


Pat I’ve said it here before, you cannot trust the church to look after anything, not buildings, not its clergy, certainly not children, and not even its own altars. The cult’s twisted value of only being concerned with life in the womb (and not at any other time) means any other person or property is game for abuse. To the man above leaving his estate to the diocese: you fool. They will laugh at you after your death for your foolishness and immediately forget about you. You will not be prayed for and frankly why would you want them to? The priests of your diocese might make a show of muttering a few prayers before going off to a slap up dinner at your expense and then on to shag their boyfriends and girlfriends.


Your comment at 8:50 nicely summarises the view many of us now have of the RC clerical con artists and their shenanigans.


Good to see Pat @8.13pm agreeing that the PSNI like other police forces has its fair share of corrupt officers.


This disgusting excuse for a man “buried” my stillborn brother in ballymoney. Came waltzing out of the parochial house still eating what i presume was his dinner and barking at my distraught mother and father to hurry up as he had somewhere to be. I served on the alter under him and never liked him. Fr Moore was a far better priest


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