



Hello Pat and hope you are well. I’m reliably informed that the Rector of Wornesh has “resigned”. You probably know already but the seminary has been in meltdown for some years. Things came to a head with the police turning up and arresting a seminarian (from the Clifton diocese) for allegedly uploading child sexual abuse images on the college computer. Archbishop John Wilson has had a root and branch investigation and the result has been the rector being given the heave hoe – so my impeccable sources have informed me this very afternoon. Much love, Xxxxx

The other day I had an email from a seminarian;

“Please don’t use my name.
For your information/ research .
Brian coyle is leaving wonersh after 3.5 years at Easter. Not finishing his 5 year contract.
Some rumors say he’s becoming a bishop others shipped out. Can you find out?

Wonersh is another RC seminary in disgrace.

And sex is at the heart of it.

And poor formation or malformation is one of the big causes.

Of course Archbishop Wilson of Southwark should make a public statement, stating the facts.

That will not happen.

Cover up is the default RC position.



151 replies on “RECTOR OF WONERSH “RESIGNS”.”

Thank God that you, Pat, are not a formator of any student. Think of the erroneous morals they’d be burdened with for life!! Why do you wear a ring..or (rings)?????


+ Pat’s ring is an episcopal one. Any other could be a sign of his civil partnership. About which he is honest and open and transparent. Delargy et al don’t have it in them to be honest and open and transparent. They mostly live a lie. You might not like + Pat’s lifestyle, but he is at least honest about it. I know whom I would trust.


Bishop Pat is a Catholic Bishop and a genuine Pastor. If +Pat was in charge of a seminary we would have far better and more human formation. These bastards who are currently in charge are ruining the people’s lives, and the Church. Get real for god’s sake.


If I was in charge of a seminary my very first priority would be to introduce seminarians to a robust and genuine prayer life and spirituality.
That’s the primary thing lacking.
Prayerful and spiritual people do not hurt God and others.


9.36: Utter crap. Many men wear rings. What’s your beef? Stop making issues out of silly, superfluous things like a ring. Go out and mind the poor in your community.


”If I was in charge of a seminary my very first priority would be to introduce seminarians to a robust and genuine prayer life and spirituality”
Yeah :/, all very good and well. But HOW would you introduce that. What practical measures would you take? you’re just repeating what’s in every seminary handbook !


I would place prayer and spirituality as the number one study, before philosophy and theology.

I would introduce monthly retreat days and the 30 day silent Ignatian retreat.

All staff would be required to attend all spiritual exercises with the sems.

I would get the best team of spiritual directors together.

Over the 6 year period it would be possible to discern who is prayerful and spiritual and who is not.


obviously! you’re technically not married! you have signed a piece of paper, that’s all, like 😝


11:13 pm
Worry about morals, or lack of, in catholic seminaries. Child rape is a burden on the child for life.


Doesn’t the Church say Married couples / homes make for better parents and healthier environments all round and, that those brought up in married environments make better rounded human beings?
Or wait, does that require a willy and a vagina? 🤢
If some of these tin-can cracked dictators experienced familial love, maybe this would be reflected in the wider Church and her ministry. No?


Bishop P. at 3.08

Some German seminarians were placed in Maynooth for a short period during my time there. One of them, Kurt, was friendly with a close pal of mine. Kurt asked him: What is your degree in, John? John answered that he didn’t have one. Kurt was surprised; he seemed to place importance on academic achievement. John added that if he left Maynooth with honours in spirituality, he would be happy with that alone.


OMG! +Pat, this seminarian would have undergone psychometric testing before being accepted, the psychological testing is clearly not reliable. Thank God he was caught before let near kids.
Sadly, this is not the only seminary to be disgraced; in the not too distant future the Gagging Order over the psychopath and the torture chamber will be rightfully addressed, I am to understand.


Many priests wear a wedding ring to signify celibacy – “they are taken”. It is a long standing tradition.


No. It is a long standing tradition for nuns to wear a wedding ring. But not for male religious or diocesan priests. If they see themselves as brides of Christ there is something very wrong.


Killarney John, that Kerry born mystic whom I had the privilege of being lectured by in the 1980s, said there were two types priests who wore rings……Bishops and fools!! Methinks he wasn’t far off the mark!!


To signify celibacy?😒
A-hah hah hah 😅😅😅
Why would they have to betoken this in any visible way, since the world, and his mother, already knows that they are celibates?
This is, or was, just another Romanist, attention-seeking device. It’s saying: Look at me; at how heroic and selfless I am by giving myself to Jesus in this way.
Would you ever FO! 😬
More Romanist lies and ego-tripping. 😕
Heavenly Father, grant me a broom wide enough to sweep off the face of the Earth and into the unknowable recesses of Outer Space every last one of these parasites. To somewhere even Lucifer himseld could not locate, cos I should spare him the added hell of having to spend eternity with even one of these men.
(Just sayin’ ‘n’ prayin’, like. 😞)


Someone was asking about Mark Tierney OSB of Glenstal. What ever happened to Terence Hartley and Paul Nash?


Paul Nash is a blast from the past. He was the very prissy Senior House organist in Maynooth in the 80s and during the summer holidays he camped about on Lough Derg as their organist during the pilgrimage season.


So Wornesh has an arrest, Liverpool Archdiocese had a court case and a convicted peadophile, Oscott had a case which couldn’t be revealed and the Rector who publicly denied all knowledge of Fr Marsden’s public claims was made a Bishop, that’s just the last six months!!!!


Good question ! Even a cursory ear to the ground suggests that there is quite a bit in that man’s background and modus operandi. Enough for them to have a closer look. Maybe even think again. I suspect that they are going to be carrying a future crisis if they ordain him bishop. Things always come out. But, will they listen to us ?


Pat, I see the young and good looking Guy Spence has resigned from the DUP and wants nothing more to do with them. Is this connected with that Fr X I wonder.


Interesting about Guy Spence. He says they were out to cause him harm? 🤔 Wonder what the story is behind the story? Is “Fr X” still alive?


16 million Italians quarantined because of Coronavirus – frightening statistic. Irish Times headline today says you are more likely to get the virus in Dublin than in China. More cases confirmed North and South overnight. Very worrying.


How patronising. Why don’t you invite all the misogynists who surfaced on the McAleese thread back while you’re at it?


“Amazon” idiot at 11:21am – just because some don’t burn incense at the altar of McAleese and see through her doesn’t make anyone a “misogynist”!


11.21: Mother McAleese is on her knees scrubbing floors today….then she’ll retire to the kitchen sink….Not in a million years – this now very privileged feminist has servants at her back and call…hypocrite and nitvatball representative of real women.


If she has, she’s providing employment for people who, otherwise, would be (Have you guessed it yet?) UNEMPLOYED. 😆


3.26: Perhaps, Miss Carta, you too would, I suspect, treat women in the same manner as the elite do – merely scrubbers and maids. You have no concept of human decency or dignity. Your world revolves around you and the image (crerpy) in the mirror. Yuuuuuukkkkk.


Wonersh really does seem to have record. There are just too many indicators that something is very remiss there. The new man in Southwark should set to and sort it out. In reality, there should be a root and branch review of seminary training and the seminaries. I think even the casual observer will recognise that the training of men for the priesthood in quasi-monastic, male dominated, net-gothic splendour, with lots of emphasis on ethereal sacramental theology and history, and just enough of a smattering of personal development and pastoral work to give some quasi-semblance of credibility, is not going to cut the mustard. We just know too much about the unhealthy dynamics that go on in so many seminaries, from gin, to lace, to incense, to rubrics, to girls’ names, to sexual antics, and in particular the skills of leading a duplicitous double life…..I could go on ! This is not a healthy way to provide priests for the future. When these new priests finally emerge, many of them do not last for too long when confronted with the reality of the world and the Church in parishes. Many take refuge in ‘specialised chaplaincies’, or go for ‘further studies’, preferably abroad, and then embark on an academic, seminary or bureaucratic ministry. So many are hobbled and inadequate. No other business or organisation would put up with such a sorry, failing output. There would be a radical review to ensure that the training system produced an effective and resilient end product. Our bishops and seminaries could learn some lessons there.


Formation should lead to application. Thing is the church is now a bag of bones in the desert. The shepherds starved themselves so how can they feed the flock.
Ring ring’s the thing. Could be a parents or family members. Ask the lad rather than spew the poo hi


He is making a show of it, Bp Pat, but I imagine the ring has some sentimental significance rather than a sign of a background same-sex relationship.


Also, what a slap in the face for the Priests if Fr Sugar Ray ends up representing ROI in Eurovision after he was snubbed for the pope’s concert in 2018.


I see that Archbishop Peter Smith has died, aged 76. Poor man, he had barely a year of retirement to have some peace and enjoy himself after retiring at 75. Yes, I know he smoked, and perhaps what has taken him off was self-inflicted. However, I’ve always thought that it was a bit unreasonable to have an expectation that our bishops had to keep going until 75. In the Church of England, a bishop retires at 65 or 70, most certainly by 70. It is expected. There are plenty of others to fill the shoes. This 75 retirement expectation is an other indication of how Catholic ministry is imbued with a sense of “i’m so precious”, “I’m indispensable”, which comes from that warped theology of ontological change and set-apartness, which we know has had more sinister consequences as well. The sooner our priests and bishops recognise that they are pretty much like everybody else, then the better and the far healthier environment for us all. And, they might get a bit of time to enjoy retirement, after a “busy’ ministry.


What is warped is the Anglican Church built on rot and stile most of the Churches and land belonging to the Monasteries. What is also warped is the protestant bishops appointed by boris rhe clown and its Head is an auld doll.


10.02am. Spot on. Bishop Buckley has more credibility than any Bishop in the Church of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. They are all laymen and women dressed up. They also change their rules on a daily basis


Oh, and all that’s any worse than a Church run by Donkey Face Francis and a pile of old senile homosexual men running around in cassocks who think it’s okay to lie and cover up abuse of the worst kind ?


And to think that Cathbots comment here that the church is now a safe environment for children and you deliberately ignore anything positive.
It’s like flies round sh*t.


@10.16am The married senile Anglicans are running around the same gay cruising areas too and it could be argued that their Head is a donkey face too. Be careful aboit your criticisms. Many married Anglicans are in the closet. So don’t knock the Catholics too much. Look at your history over Church of England Bishops and Monarchs. Where shall we start


Which would illustrate the difference between your alleged vicar and the denial – ridden RC clergy, if your tale were true.


Bringing up the Church of England is a standard diversion technique on here from the subject of today’s blog, which is that an RC seminary had an active paedophile seminarian arrested.


Church of England has its own share of paedophiles. Look at Bishop Ball for starters. Don’t stupidly think this is an RC problem and even more stupidly suggest it’s a diversionary tactic. Foolish argument.


Foolish answer you idiot. This blog is about RC crime and so dragging in any other body is a diversionary tactic.
But you’d love attention diverted elsewhere wouldn’t you, “father”!


You’re not very educated are you? Have you ever heard of context? In order to be understood, context is essential.


In what way is it the “Church of England” when 1% of the population goes to its services? It is certainly not the Church of the English people.


@10:52 I heard from a good source that he was arrested for something else and no charges were held. thats why it never made the paper.


In any event, the police coming to a seminary to arrest a seminarian, is rather startling?


Arresting a bishop is even more startling and it wasn’t an RC bishop. Let’s get things in perspective here . I’m sorry if it dosen’t suit your agenda or narrative.


Is not the Rector of a seminary being arrested, then bailed, more startling, too. No?


@11:05 You’re correct. but is it right or just to report that he committed a henious crime when there is no evidence of that (or that he was arested for such) and it would seem that the police have decided not to charge him?


@11.14 I agree and that’s why we need to get things in perspective. Pat can be unfair picking on the RC Church but doesn’t highlight the abuse in other churches. Selective.


Every time Pat highlights abuse in the RC Church I will match and highlight abuse in the Anglican Churches in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. I think that’s fair. Bishop Ball is for starters. Which RC bishop abused like him?


‘Get things in perspective’
You clerics would have a very different perspective if your life had been destroyed by clerical abuse and cover up.
All done for the ‘good’ of the church. Disgusting.


Bishop Charles Drennan in New Zealand resigned following an independent investigation into unacceptable behaviour of a sexual nature .


Bishop Richard Malone of Buffalo resigned after mishandling numerous abuse cases. (covering up.)


Archbishop Luigi Ventura resigned accused of sexual assault. (Dec,2019.)
Archbishop Philip Wison resigned as head of Archdiocese of Adelaide for failing to report allegations of child sexual abuse disclosed to him in the 1970s.(July,2018).
Bishop Edward Grosz auxiliary Buffalo, resigned following accusations of mishandling sex abuse allegations.
(Mar, 2020)


Ball is rarely mentioned, Funny that. Only McCarrick. That’s even funnier. Is that the only rabbit you can pull out of the hat Pat. Try harder. Pathetic!!


No, no pathetic; just accurate.
This IS a blog about corruption in the RCC. If you can’t handle that, cheerio. 😀


12:12 pm
What’s pathetic is your comment.
Here’s a big rabbit from the hat; the current pope is implicated in cover up in Argentina. Fact.
That’s probably why he hasn’t gone back there since becoming pope.
Don’t forget Pell, Barbarin resigned this week, Coco pops parties…..and more….
Recently, a catholic commentator described Ireland as the ground zero of child sexual abuse and cover up in the catholic church, worldwide.


Sorry I thought the blog description is truth and freedom. Where you reading some other blog by any chance


They don’t like it and hate it when the prods are mentioned. First out of the trap is Magna and others -predictable.


If your looking for more rabbits from hats, take a look at at bishops accused of sexual abuse ; a global accounting. That will keep you busy. Pathetic.


Ah, howl yer weesht!
The RCC smugly presents itself as THE church of God: one, holy, apostolic… That being so, it deserves the lion’s share of public scrutiny and dressing-down.
Y’ can’t have it both ways, duckie.😆


Let’s start on the Church of England leaving aside Bishop Ball which is another story. Google Church of England to pay out Millions on Child sex abuse according to the newspapers. That’s only the start Pat.


No sorry love @2.13pm . This is a blog about anybody. If you like knocking the RC’s and enjoy it then f**k off. We knock everybody on here.


The COE don’t get reported as much. Maybe cause most don’t really see them as a ‘Real’ church. God, aren’t their garments awful 🤣


Never mind their garments what about their God awful mitres. They are total amateurs.


Rofl the Cathbots are desperate not to talk about the subject of the blog today, and will bring up virtually anything else. Why, girls, I’m surprised no-one has brought up flower arranging yet!


well now that you mention it, I’m looking forward to the summer when I can spend time outdoors with the pansy and, of course the flowers


2:10pm sweet…!💜
I’m sure some of the girls💄 would love to join your pansy club.🌻🌼🌹 😝


It’s time Maynooth was cleared out too. Fanny and Collins need to be removed. Or close the damned place down. It’s a sick joke. It’s dying on its feet and look at some of what it has produced and is producing! Pull the plug.


2.37: You should pull the manhole top open and flush yourself away with this utter shitty comment. What level IQ have you?


Are you another one of her kittens or maybe the bold Fanny herself? Gaynooth is a toxic swamp. Drain it and seal it off for good.


All faiths have a problem with sex-abuse,but the RCC especially.
Read this occasionally #


Joseph, forgive me, but it seems to only contain names of priests in American dioceses. or am I reading it wrong?

Incidentally, this evening I was been told about that a good neighbour who made an allegation against a priest a number of year ago, but there was not enough ‘evidence’ to go to trial. I regularly see this priest at local funerals and out and about. gives me the shivers now


If anyone sees any press-report on Sex Abuse – RCC, CoI, AGS, whatever – that’s up on the internet but you think that Abuse Tracker doesn’t have then tell them so they can post it.
Just email the link to
It’s what I always do.


Another Correction – That email address is now dead; and the email-links or Bishops Accountability – even for donations – don’t seem fo be working at the present.


8:10 pm

What are you doing still up!😡 It’s way past your bedtime! 😠Off to beddy bye byes. 😆 Goose.😅


A day to celebrate! This means the now infamous “Sex with father Brian” lectured will come to an end (the lectures were mentioned in an earlier blogpost)
Who will become the new rector? Will it be the vice rector that in a Sunday homily at the Wonersh seminary bragged about all the bottoms he had had?


Fr. Ray is back on the box.
Whats with the wearing of the clerical collar?
By the way, he’s not getting the votes. His dance partner, Kylee is getting the votes!


8.25: It was inevitable he would be voted out at this moment of DWTS… T. God. Well done to him for taking part. He should get back to his parish and this blog should stop harassing him.


Fr Sugar Ray said: “I’m getting a bit emotional but it’s been marvelous. It’s been one of those journies that I will treasure for the rest of life.” He will also treasure the €40K, I imagine.


I’d bet Ray is at least thinking the opposite of what he reportedly said last time a contestant was voted out: I f*****g wish it were you and not me. 😅


I should imagine that Ray, being a holy Romanist priest, will donate his considerable earnings to the hard-pressed families he has been sponging off, as a gentleman of leisure, for over three decades.


. an anonymous post, 8th Mar 2020 — 7:47 pm –
Joseph, forgive me, but it seems to only contain names of priests in American dioceses. or am I reading it wrong?
It depends on whatever are the latest press-reports.
If you scroll through the current Abuse Tracker you’ll see that there’s also some mentions of Ireland and A as as a report from Jamaica regarding Seventh Day Adventists.


7.47: If there wasn’t enough evidence….so you’ve made up your mind with the “shivers”…Pity about you. There is such a reality called – FALSE ACCUSATIONS.


5.30pm. Your argument may have some merit re: the emotiinal enrichment gained by being a married priest and bishop. However, academic research has shown – and we hear of it regularly – the majority of horrendous child abuse and neglect takes place within families – or by a close family relative or neighbour. Just an observation. Marriage may not necessarily solve all problems in priesthood but I believe the option should be there. Saying that, the enrichment brought to my life has been thriugh my friendships with married couples and experiencing their family life.


I know St John’s very well. In fact I have spent alot of time there… I can say that the rector left because he discovered that he executed innocent men. He was blinded by loyalty and friendship to his vice rector who is the puppet master, with a finger in many of the boys here….. he is the queen bee and a dangerous man…. he is focused on his self and shackles (money) some of his favourite students, cough cough, are all about the homosexual lifestyle and spending untold wealth when the world is suffering… pray for us, rev k


Proof, proof, here some proof, he joined with angry issues he openly told everyone at st John’s, then he become the rector, removed those who stood for any real truth one by one because he best friend for many years told him too. The pupper master is the one in control here.

What do I have to fear, your storys are lies… I don’t fear you or the lies you can spin.


This place needs a full police investigation, everyone’s: phone, laptop, ipad and so on needs taking in for searching…. they is a scandal waiting to blow up and more people will get hurt…. we seen innocents already lead to the slaughter…. we will see more, one of the 3 major issues remains with the vica rector. Look we know one of the questionable seminarian was caught with illicit imagines, and he was at the centre of it all. Having private meetings with the vice rector all the time…


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