

Father Jeffrey F. Kirby Mar 15, 2020

With the current pandemic of the COVID-19 throughout the world, we have an opportunity to unite as a human family, serve those in need, and ask some broad spiritual questions.

Such questions include: Why do such viruses occur? Why does God allow such harmful things?

The Christian tradition traces all evil, disease and suffering to the original fall of our first parents. When Adam and Eve rebelled against the goodness and benevolence of God, our human nature and creation lost their harmony. The interior balance within the human person was thrown into disarray. The tranquility of creation was disrupted and no longer in the order ordained by God. As a result, disorders of the body and soul – such as threatening viruses – emerged and reemerge throughout history. The human family suffers from these evils.

Christian belief, therefore, sees suffering and illness within the theological context of the Fall from grace and acknowledges them as evils within human life. They are not seen merely as the consequences of the actual sins of any one person after the Fall, but as a dark inheritance from the original sin of our first parents and the subsequent fallenness of human nature itself. From the Fall, human history now includes the sorrow and drama of illness and suffering.
As such, the human story is marked by questions about evil, inquiries about suffering, debates over human dignity and quality of life, medical battles against illness and the care of the sick, and struggles with faith and understanding about moral goodness and responsibility.

For the Christian believer, answers to questions about evil begin with the Fall as the source and cause of suffering and illness in human life.

But, God sent a Savior and Redeemer to us. The divine Son became a full human being and experienced all things truly human.

No discussion of human life, or the presence of a dangerous virus, would be complete without addressing the full array of suffering, not only within the soul but also in the body. In experiencing the fullness of human life, Jesus Christ understood and accepted all forms of suffering, and he desires to teach humanity the scope and truths surrounding human suffering.
From humanity’s Fall from grace, suffering is an evil within human life. In taking on our human nature, Jesus Christ accepted the suffering of humanity, body and soul.
From his life of poverty, to living as a refugee in a foreign land, to being hunted down as a criminal, to the frustration of learning a trade, to the death of his foster father, to his experience of being tired and thirsty, as well as misunderstood, rejected, and unloved. All of his sufferings culminated in the cruelty and torture of his Passion, and the humiliation and asphyxiation of his Death.

In all these sufferings, Jesus Christ chose to accept, enter, and use suffering, which has been such a pivotal dilemma and source of anguish in human history, as the very means to manifest his love and self-donation for humanity. Suffering itself would become the instrument of salvation.

In taking on human suffering, the Lord Jesus went directly to sin, understood as the source of suffering in human life. He sought to destroy sin, and its consequences of suffering and death, from the inside out. He endured the totality of harm, shame, alienation, grief, confusion, and the full panorama of darkness caused by sin, and converted them all into a means of grace, a source of light, and a summons to selfless love.

And while the ministry of Jesus Christ has destroyed the kingdom of sin and death, the consequences of sin still remain in the human experience. We still get sick. We still have viruses. We are still afraid. We still suffer.

The difference, however, is that suffering – while an evil caused by original sin in its core – can now become redemptive for the person and the community. Rather than seeing suffering in merely negative terms, the example and ministry of Jesus Christ now shows the human family a positive way in which suffering can be seen and accepted in human life.

Suffering can be a share in the work of the Redeemer. The very things that once beat up and robbed the human spirit are now means by which we can encounter and share such spiritual gifts as eternal wisdom, hope, thanksgiving, and love.

In these ways, the work of the Lord Jesus allows for an abundance of surprisingly good things to come from even the worst and most fearful of evils.


Unexpectedly my colleague Fr Paul turned up for yesterday at 12 and we concelebrate.

The first reading was very apt to the situation we find ourselves in today:

First reading
Exodus 17:3-7

Strike the rock, and water will flow from it

Tormented by thirst, the people complained against Moses. ‘Why did you bring us out of Egypt?’ they said. ‘Was it so that I should die of thirst, my children too, and my cattle?’

    Moses appealed to the Lord. ‘How am I to deal with this people?” he said. ‘A little more and they will stone me!’ the Lord said to Moses, ‘Take with you some of the elders of Israel and move on to the forefront of the people; take in your hand the staff with which you struck the river, and go. I shall be standing before you there on the rock, at Horeb. You must strike the rock, and water will flow from it for the people to drink.’ This is what Moses did, in the sight of the elders of Israel. The place was named Massah and Meribah because of the grumbling of the sons of Israel and because they put the Lord to the test by saying, ‘Is the Lord with us, or not?’

I think it is a very appropriate question to ask “in this Coronavirus, is God with us not”?

Rationally, intellectually and logically there is no evidence that God is with us at this time.

In fact, intellectually, as MMM might say, if there is a God, he must be a cruel and monstrous God to allow so many innocent and good people to suffer and die with Coronavirus.

Father Kirby above, spells out the answer to this question that comes from traditional Catholic and Christian doctrine.

I was brought up with that doctrine and I subscribe to it somewhat in faith.

But it does not seem to be a good and full answer.

The Garden of Eden and the Fall allegories are just that – allegories.

The scenario is this:

1. God created us perfect and placed us a perfect place, with one big instruction and freedom to chose.

2. We made the wrong, bad choice.

3. We were then banished to the earth and because of our first primary choice all people, for all time, would suffer in various and horrible ways.

4. Coronavirus is the latest result of our first primary choice.

5. Jesus was the only one who could save us and he had to do this by spending 33 years of poverty, rejection and finally death to achieve this.

6. And even after he had that victory, we all must still suffer all the consequences of our primary decision for the rest of our lives in this world – and everybody is in the same vote.

7. This doctrine would suggest that Jesus carried Coronavirus on the cross along with all the other all time disasters.

But are we allowed to ask if the First Adam caused all the disasters until Christ came, they should have ended with the death if the Second Adam on Calvary?

Because, if the disasters kept happening after Christ, was his death really a victory?

Or, we have to wait for the victory impact on us AFTER we die and in the next world?

Maybe someone with a better theology and a better brain than me, might help us today.

Or, like Cardinal Newman said, must we say: “Lord I believe, help my unbelief”.

Or like my great hero, Father George Tyrrell SJ, do we pray:

“O God, if there is a God, save my soul, if I have a soul”.

This doctrine of the Fall and suffering only makes sense if you approach it with blind faith.

And if we do this, are we just fools or are we fools for Christ?


Mock Chist in that video ?! Stop being so stupid. Christ has nothing to do with that video. It’s a piss take at the clergy and the traddies. Who deserve to have the piss taken out of them. If there is a God who laughs, then he will be chortling away, I’m sure.


You’re easily shocked.
The institutional Church has been mocking Christ for centuries, through the atrocious conduct of her priests. And it still is. The degree of this mockery is much, much more severe than any scourging, any crown of thorns, any nail-piercing. It is far worse than even the betrayal of Christ by Judas Iscariot.
Funnily enough, I never heard you express shock at this, not even in passing.😕



Ha haaa 😅

These men will always find a way of squeezing money from people to finance their indolence; they’ve had 2000 years of practice. Despite this longevity, their banditry remains no higher finessed than a grasping hand and a moral threat of grave obligation on parishoners to ‘support’ their ‘pastors’.

Dick Turpin was a rogue, but at least he wasn’t a pious fraud. 😕


There are lots of camp nicknames for the hierarchy and clergy used on the blog comments, for example:
Archbishop Eamon Martin (Amy, Amy Turtle, Abp Turtle, or Amy d’Armagh).
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin (Coddle, or Mrs Shufflebottom).
Archbishop Vincent Nichols (Elsie, Elsie Westminster, or Mrs Garnet).
Archbishop Leo Cushley (Annie Walker).
Archbishop Philip Tartaglia (Abp Tagliatelle).
And more recent additions:
Fr Ray Kelly (Sugar-Ray Kelly)
Fr Ray Lyons (Fr Ted-Ray Lyons)



I believe there was a character called ‘Amy Turtle’ in an old telly soap called ‘Crossroads’.

‘Amy’ is a pejorative corruption of Archb Martin’s first name, Eamon.


Oh get a life ! If you can’t take a bit of joshing about current Church issue then you seriously need to take a chill pill. It’s called humour, and it’s a commentary on the idiotic situation the Church and its clergy have got itself in to and how it is now viewed by so many as a discredited and dodgy institution. The Church should be glad that people can be arsed even to find some humour in its doings.


Father Kirby’s question (Why does God allow such things as Covid-19?) is the immature kind I should expect from some of the dopier posters to this blog. Either these, or today’s seminarian. The question ranks with such infantile inquiries as ‘Why does God permit abortion’? And it is just as pointless.
The answer to both questions is, of course, that God permits neither Co-vid 19 nor abortion respectively, because this world is not under God’s control; at least not yet. Despite what Gabriel reportedly said to Mary, some things ARE impossible to God.
In the Middle Ages, it was almost universally believed, particularly by RC clerics, that Bubonic Plague was a punishment from Heaven, especially for… lasciviousness. What else?😕 And Kirby’s silly question about Covid-19 is just a musing (no pun intended 😆) from that very conclusion. Close on its heels would undoubtedly come the ‘spiritual counsel’ that we must all repent, must all return to the RC sacraments, which of course would put the priest, not Christ, centre-stage of people’s attention, wonderfully rehabilitating him from the fallout over child-sexual abuse in the Church As is said in modern media, today is a good day to bury inconvenient news.
But what Kirby does suggest about the impermanence of human nature, in all its respects, is more disturbing: that Jesus chose to manifest his love for humankind through suffering, and that suffering became the instrument of human redemption. This is staple RC fare (‘nonsense’ is a better word), and it hasn’t improved any in over 2000 years. It has made many a nutjob among RC clerics, and others, eager to show their devotion to Christ by, for example, starving themelves during such times as Lent, by wearing the cilese in one or more of its hideous forms, by flagellating their backs, and, in the extreme, by rushing to ‘martyrdom’ in such places as the Colosseum. And so depressingly, and pointlessly, on.
Love redeemed the world, not suffering.
If we must ask questions of God about human suffering, a better one would be: Why does God permit the institutional RC Church, given the evil its clergy have inflicted, for so very long, on children, on vulnerable other youngsters, and on the intellectually disabled?
Isn’t it shocking that a RC priest would ask such a question of a micro-organism (that will do far less damage than that suggested by the hysteria surrounding it), but not of the macro-organism he serves and supports, and which has damaged so many bodies and minds, and has led to the deaths of so many people, and the murder of so much faith and spirit?
Perhaps it shouldn’t shock anyone: the question, naturally, wouldn’t occur in such a mind as Kirby. 😕


Brevity and succinctness are literary virtues. Contributing such prolix verbiage is indicative of a life with nothing worthwhile to do in it. Length and sense are in inverse proportion.


8.14am: Our Magna Wikipedia thinks we’re all illiterate and unable to scroll through websites fir infirmation. He is the one who’d fight with his toenails. He is an artogamt and ignorant offensive sub species. He is jealous and envious of priests since rejection from the seminary and then only coping mechanism is to vitriocally spew out hate filled rhetoric. He lives with himself, himself, himself only (with lots of gin….). God bless our good priests at this time.



What you really mean is ‘I’m not clever enough to understand such highbrow thought’. 😢

I almost feel sympathetic. 😅

Just for you, from now on, I shall try to post monosyllabically. I know you’ll start to feel better about yourself then.


No, in fact. My students wouldn’t dream of handing up such drivel. They know better. Your diarrhoea of words and constipation of wisdom make for nauseous and bilious indigestion.

It’s the classic case of ‘Dear Mother, I’m writing you a long letter because I haven’t time to write a short one.’


2.20: More gin speak from a rotting corpse. A lethal human virus emerges from his shithole and craps over everyone. You absurdity. You know quite well the abhorrence and contempt in which you are held but you hate being seen and named for the nasty piece you are.



Produce the evidence for your ‘I’m really a jealous little boy’ claims.

I shall wait. 😅



Your students? 😨

YOU have students?😲

Here’s another question about human suffering and God.

Why does God permit young, impressionable minds to be ill-educated, corrupted, and mislead by perpetually smarting, vindictively garrulous and dogmatically ignorant, supposedly mature, other minds?

What your students submit to you for scrutiny is, no doubt, utterly worthy of you.

I’m sure we can both emphatically agree on that.



Still awaiting the evidence for your statements about me.

Do hurry, old boy.

Or are you just another of the many here who post lies about me?

I suppose you’re a good Christian, too. 😅


7.14: Your own words Whore Carta are enough definitive proof of your lunacy and depravity.


Anybody know if the Traditionalists / Latin Mass types etc. are still insisting on receiving HC on the tongue ? I must make a little visit to the Brompton Oratory and see what they are all up to. I bet they are still insisting on their right to put themselves and everybody else around them at risk, just so that they can stick to their principles !!!! Selfish lot.


How long am I to endure the mediocre?
Do you know anything of Celtic history? The Celts were ferocious warriors, many of whom fought naked, thereby heightening the risk of their own death in battle. There was no intrinsic fear of death in these warriors; they actually welcomed the prospect of it as a badge of honour.
Likewise the Vikings.
And modern-day Muslim fanatics.
The protests I am hearing about this salient fact (that fear of death is learned) is likely coming, to some degree, from Romanist clerics unable to come to terms with the psychological and spiritual damage that their church has inflicted on people, and through which it has pecuniarily exploited them. In fact, it is almost certainly doing so, right now, in the hysteria surrounding Covid-19
Just as it exploited sexually, and for centuries, the young and others,


Pandemics have been around for centuries, the Spanish flu killed more people than WW1. They are a means of culling the population.



Give yourself a break.
You’re wrong about media hysteria re covid19, you’re wrong about the 12th,
and wrong about learned fear of death.
I’m an apologist for no one.
Don’t be showing your ignorance.
Stick to your area of compentance.


Was up in NI yesterday all churches open and full, shops and pubs open. True believers do not fear death as they believe in ressurection. The blacks churches in Dublin were full as well and for the same reason.



Jesus’ apparent eagerness to get to Jerusalem for that fateful Passover (‘Get behind me Satan!’) suggests that your theology is just as questionable.


Poster at 2.31
To claim that Jesus was eager to die is a selective and glib reading of the evidence. It fails to take into consideration Jesus’ actions in the Garden of Gethsemane, his instinct to survive, and the context of the Markan passage (and Synoptic parallels) you refer to.
On the contrary, Jesus’ reciprocal rebuke of Peter was in reference to the latter’s resistance to the so-called first passion prediction. We know from Qumran pesharim that post-eventum predictions were employed by authors to emphasise a truth they wished to convey. In this instance, writing in the late 60s of the first century CE, Mark wished to integrate the fact that Jesus suffered and died, with God’s continued acceptance and vindication of him. There is no evidence in this passage that Jesus wanted to die, much less that he was eager to do so.


It’s not a matter of not fearing death. The instinct to survive placed in us by the Creator makes it clear that life is God’s gift which is not to be squandered by irresponsible actions. Your theology is highly questionable.


I’m inclined to agree with you.
The other day, I asked a priest who had posted on this blog why people were so fearful and anxious, even distressed, over Covid-19. I knew he wouldn’t answer (and he didn’t), so I suggested a few things myself.
First, I said that people were afraid, not of Covid-19, but really of death. And then, why afraid of death? It is because priests like him had created a monster post-mortem (which they called ‘God’) and that they, consequently, had put their parishoners hardly in love with it, but in fear and anxiety over it. Qualities which, naturally, would deepen as their time of death grew near. This all endears clergy to the people they emotionally enslave: the clergy create the monster…and then offer themselves, via the Sacraments, as the bulwark to it. All very convenient, for the clergy. Since they get off on having power over others, and this power provides them with their status and their wealth.


The one not driven to get to the bottom of things is you. You’re wrong, again!.
Research on dead anxiety between Hindu, Christians and Buddist monks, surprisingly
resulted in the most fearful of death were the Buddist Monks.
Existential dread is not learned. It’s intrinsic to all humans,regardless of race, colour or creed.


At 2:47pm How do you know you were arguing with a priest? Everyone on this blog who disagrees with you, you snarlingly excoriate as “priest”. And that is just a further sign of how utterly and totally deranged and crazy you have been made, by your hatred, “Magna Carta”.



You’d make a poor detective: you’re not driven to get to the bottom of things.

Fear of death is learned, not existential.

People fear suffering, yes, for obvious reasons. But death itself is painless. So why is it feared? It is feared because of what is said to exist beyond it: the Judeo-Christian God, the one traditionally attributed, by clerics, more with demonic than angelic qualities.


In humans, fear of non- being, annihilation. Not necessarily God, although many Christians probably fear God’s judgement. God is love.
Near death experiences (NDE) research is worth checking out.


Magna: Agree with much you say above, particularly your analysis of the way clergy manipulate the inevitability of death to their own power and pecuniary advantage. Many of them are so RC institutionally indoctrinated that they really believe their mumbo jumbo utterances have intrinsic intercessional value with the divine. They regularly attribute their useful rite of passage MC function as having some priestly significant divine intercessional value.
You will know by now of my lack of religious faith beliefs. I enjoy the way you dissect and annihilate the charade of orthodox RC practices and cathbot type beliefs. But I note you do have strongly held belief in the significance of Christ. I would be interested to read a resume of your own religious or faith understanding.
I ask from genuine interest but
acknowledge that your usual critics will probably continue their derisory attempts against you. They never learn do they?


Before commenting on Scripture, you need to read with at least passable comprehension. I did not state in my post at 2.31 that Jesus was eager to die: I referred to his ‘apparent’ eagnerness to do so.

The evidence for this understanding is indeed there, and elsewhere in the Gospel, but you either chose not to reckon with it, or to dismiss it altogether as (What was that pretentious, latinate nonsense you said to make you appear erudite and intelligent? 😕) a ‘post-eventum’ prediction. Well, prove it. 😕

Incidentally, if Christian tradition about the authorship of Mark is reliable (and it is commonly believed so among biblical theologians), this gospel is a summary of Simon Peter’s preaching in Rome. As that rebuke by Jesus (seemingly of Simon Peter) presents this apostle in rather a poor light, the information, then, is more likely than not honest and reliable. And it does indeed express Jesus’ willingness, perhaps even eagerness, to proceed to Jerusalem, in order to fulfill the will of his Father, through Scripture, and to redeem the world. Remember God so loved the world… Presumably then, his Son did likewise.

Moreover, Jesus’ reaction in Gethsemane to those who would, by the sword, rescue him from imminent death is met with stern rebuke by him, especially in Luke. And in John, this determination by Jesus to accept, perhaps eagerly, what he knew was coming his way, savage death, is made explicit: ‘Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup which the Father has given me?” ‘ (Jn 18: 11)

Your assumption that Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane to forego death was his survival instinct kicking in is completely out of step with everything else we know of Christ, and his mission, in Scripture. You have no idea whatever that Jesus’ motive here was self-interested self-preservation.


By way of response to the poster at 7:02.
I’ve glanced over the most recent blog posts and I find that your contributions are unsavoury. So, I have no intention of engaging with you beyond this one:
You are clearly not au fait with the rudiments of N.T. scholarship. The term ‘post-eventum prediction’ otherwise known as ‘vaticinium ex eventu’ or ‘vaticinium post eventum’ is such a well-known literary phenomenon in N.T. and cognate literature that your ignorance thereof assigns you to a place among those whose opinions are not to be taken seriously. If you had put your name to this post you would be a laughing stock.
Additionally, your connecting the historical author of first Gospel with Peter, a link originally made on the basis of a statement by Papias, has been abandoned by N.T. scholarship for almost 100 years.
I don’t consider self preservation to be indicative of self interest. Do not accuse me of attributing such a motive to Jesus in Gethsemane. All one needs to debunk that fallacy is to read the next verse of the pericope.
All in all an unsavoury incursion in matters beyond you.



Is that the best you can muster?
Unwillingness to acknowledge when wrong, again!
Humility, is the foundation of all virtues, especially of charity, and it’s fruits.


MMM at 6.38
I did, once before, answer the same, or a similar, question by you; but Bishop P. accidentally deleted it, for which he apologised.
Yes, I do believe in Jesus, but not now because of the Roman Strumpet, and her priest-pimps; these parasites take people away from Christ to their egocentric selves.
I should love to provide you with a more detailed answer, not to evangelise, but just to be personally honest. However, as you yourself acknowledge (sort of), my critics would have a field day.
I truly wish I could meet you in person: I should think we both would be pleasantly surprised with the other, and enjoy a drink and a chat.


Thanks Magna. We might well get round to that. Mind you at 76 it looks like I’m corralled for some time!


Day 3 of Diarmuid’s Dublin isolation. Roma is a distant memory. He has not been there in over a week!!! More on this ground breaking news later in the day.


+ Vin will be in the same boat. Stuck in Ambrosden Avenue. They should have planned ahead and got themselves out to Rome before the closedown, then they could have had an excuse to stay there and not go home. I’m sure they’d have been well looked after in the VEC and the Irish College respectively.


+Pat: “Where is God….?” asks Fr Kirby. I regard his attempted “explanations” as utter tautological convoluted tosh!


Visiting the sick is probably best avoided. A phone call to check in with them and reassure them would be best a present.


11.44: In our parish have set up neighbourhood caring groups to look in on elderly people who live alone. We are also contacting family relatives of our sick and housebound to let them know our plans as we believe this situation is critical and we must all know who needs our support most. It is imperative that we contact all our sick and housebound and talk with relatives before visiting. We are all in this crisis together and it’s a time for solidarity in caring for one another. It’s not a time for scoring cheap shots at anyone. Some comments today are so nasty but I thank God that priests are acting caringly, kindly and Christ like. Pat, I am at a loss as to how you can facilitate the clerical haters at a time when there is much concern, anxiety and worry in our parishes. Our Parish has 5 funerals for this week. It is a time of great anxiety and sadness for families and it is very distressing to witness the grief of bereaved families. We need the prayerful support of one another.


I greatly respect the good work your parishioners. May God reward them and you.
The sad fact is that many people now hate what clerics world wide have done. When clerics misbehave so badly anticlericalism rises.
While I am ultra critical of the hierarchy and clerics I do not hate them.
I am trying to moderate the hatred expressed on the blog without restricting freedom of speech.
Incidentally, when I was sacked 34 years ago most clerics treated me like a leper and have done so since.
That experience does not help me to love priests and hierarchy.


We certainly do need prayerful support, as well as practical support, when and where possible.
It is a time for social solidarity in caring for each other. It is also a time of great anxiety, worry and
sadness particularly for bereaved families.
I’m not trying to score points, but please remember, huge numbers of people died prematurely due to abuse,
including sexual abuse by priests. Many lives have been ruined. That is a very sad fact. That sadness particularly extends to their families, relatives and friends. Solidarity also needs to be shown to survivors of clerical abuse, by the Church, priests ,religious, and the Christian community.
The Church has also compounded the trauma of abuse by covering it up and re-traumatizing people who come forward. In my experience, it is an uncaring Church in practice, when it comes to the issue of abuse perpetrated by Church personnel.
For many, the Church, as well as the Gospel, have been discredited. It’s all very sad.


How could you be so cruel…to all our ‘good’ priests? Don’t you realise that it is in such moments as these (times of biblically proportioned national distress) that these ‘good’ priests are in their element? In high demand from fearful people (and fearful people are heightenedly generous people for ‘Father”s tender ministrations and platitudes)?


3.05: Proof again that you are not just a sicko (in the worst meaning of this word) but also a psycho. Today, MC, I have visited the housebound and the sick with the permission of nearest relatives, who, much to your anger and disappointment, were delighted that we care, that we keep spiritual closenesscwith them. You are so deep in hatred that I believe you are beyond normal and human: rather a grotesque aberration of humanity. Words often give us insights into people’s psyche: the insights given by you are scary. But, as said before, if your arrogance and savage hatred, bigotry and twisted jealousy give you happiness, good luck to you. I find my joy in knowing that despite my human flaws, I am doing the right thing by God. And, if you want beautiful prayers to use at this time of challenge for our country and communities, look at the Kildare and Leighlin website. I draw you attention to these good, prayerful resources.


3.05: Your HATRED buttons are actuvatedcagain. My God, what trivial concerns you have, worrying about good priests!! Get it Mags the Rot, God blesses our good priests. You should pray hard for yourself – sad, deformed human being. Hatred, envy, pride, selfishness have destructive effects and how they have destroyed you!!


Jesus’ excoriated the priests of his time; he certainly did not bless them.
How would he react today?
There were no reports then… that we know… of sexual and financial corruption among priests to the degree that there are nowadays. So if Jesus’ fuse was lit in those days by what he experienced, can you imagine the BANG! from him today over Romanist priests?


Where’s the proof, priest, that I’m a ‘sicko’ (whatever that is), and a ‘psycho’? Does calling out parasites like you for who you really are (but piously pretend not to be) a flaw in my psyche?
I was wrong, wasn’t I? Parasites, like you, aren’t into truth at all, especially home truth; it’s just too close to home to be comfortable, isn’t it? 😆
Tell me, priest, how much money was pressed into your fat, mock-reluctant hand today by frightened, but ever-so-grateful-for-‘Father’ parishoners? I’d bet you didn’t return to your presbytery bolt-hole empty handed, you exploitative leech.
How many poor old dears did you rip off with your promise of ‘hocus pocus’?
Not that you give a damn, priest. 😕


Pat, it’s all allegory, not only the story of Adam and Eve. St. Paul tells us in Chapter 6 of his Epistle to the Romans that the death Christ died was a death to sin, and the life he leads now he leads to God. He also says says that if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will be united with him in a resurrection like his. Since the people he was writing to were still walking around and active, the death and resurrection he speaks of are not physical events. The poetical Paul is unfolding a beautiful allegory for us. He is encouraging us to change our lives for the better; put away what is unhelpful and adopt a new way of life. Consider yourself dead to sin and risen from that death to a life of virtue. If we do that, we will nurse our sick and work to find a cure for all the ills that beset us, corona virus included. That seems to be the way God is with us; by us being Christ.


Where is God hi O He is there all right! God did not send the virus but the virus does show where priorities are. Money Me Everyone else. I hope the virus is managed But if so much effort can be put into this task. Why were so many left to suffer so long in other areas. PS who came first God the Pope or……


Pat, I need a new scroll down button as I’ve worn the present one out – passing by all the Magna comments!


4.32: God forgive me, but that virus bastardo, Satan Carta, is dominating this blog. It must suit Pat as it keeps his blog feeling somewhat useful. The commentators are now repeat ones every hour of the day. Many of the mirecreasonable and balanced contributors are gone. Magna’s cyber bullying behaviour is morally disgusting.


God won’t forgive you…can’t forgive you…until you make restitution for calling me ‘virus bastardo’.
I’ll accept your apology…with good grace. 😆


can we all practise self isolation, and act as if we have the virus, thus reducing contact with others, as much as possible. please be mindful that coronavirus is particularly deadly for those in the following groups

– Patients undergoing treatments for cancer
– Patients undergoing treatments for autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS)
– and inflammatory bowel diseases
-Patients with HIV
– Anyone who has had organ or bone marrow transplants


We can argue all day philosophically, hermeneutically, theologically about “where is God in all of this?”. I cannot answer that question satisfactorily but I do believe in the Gospel imperative of “love one another as I have loved you”: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them” : “where charity and love are, there is God found”. Thriugh our loving and caring presence God is revealed….even in darkness and trial.



And I agree, with the proviso that love brings with it intuitive wisdom and knowledge to challenge whatever darkness there is.


Pat. The Scottish Bishops met for their conference today and cut it short so that they can “support their clergy and laity through Coronavirus”. I’m sure their support will be really appreciated 😂 Oh, and by the way, they monitor your blog closely and their lawyers are watching your every move.


How are they planning to support their clergy and laity through coronavirus?
Any details, other than platitudes?
Are they heading for the frontline to support laity in hospitals? I doubt it.



Yes, platitudes are all these men can offer. They are too self-interested, too self-indulgent, for anything else.

The truth is, what have they to offer? Really? They have no skills of any note; in fact, they have no skills at all.

They are, in a word, ‘useless’. Again in fact, they are worse than useless, since all they do is feed off people’s fear, especially in present times, feed off their apprehension, their anxiety; feed off their general insecurity as human beings, unable, therefore, to exercise full control, either of themselves (hints of mortality), or of nature.

And of course they feed off their wealth, because these indolent parasites are too posh to work and support themselves.


Paul whatever happened to that fool in Monasterboice in Armagh Diocese. The one who renounced his Baptism. Are the bah-bahs in That diocese still funding the little shit ? An Update would be a bit of a distraction in these days of self isolation.


This pandemic is likely to last a few months.
What are clergy going to do about money if diocesan funds run low?
Would they be entitled to draw the dole?


But-but! 😯 To join a dole queue means ‘presenting onself as available for paid employment’. 😨 These parasites aren’t so available, since none of them is actually prepared to work…but t’ SPONGE. 😅


9:45 pm

Supplementary welfare payment, so. 😢 Available in the South.😊 But big demand in store. 😱


8.50: Since priests are categorised as self employed, paying their taxes and other liabilities, I’m not sure what their entitlement are….However, from my perspective right now, miney is the least if my concerns as a priest…I get sufficient. Much to the annoyance of Maggots Carta, parishioners both yesterday and today brought home orepared meals for my freezer!! Salt of the earth people. Maggots might do that same kind act for someone instead of wasting his energy on HATING…such an ugly pastime .


Good for you.
However, money is a major çoncern for the 140,000 made unemployed in the Republic today.


To the best of my knowledge the self employed can avail of supplementary welfare in the south.
I think the usual restrictions are lifted due to this unprecedented situation. Details probably on



A-hah hah hah 😅😅😅

You’ve just confirmed my long-protested point, that Romanist priests are spongers.

Thank you, ‘Father’.


10.26: I understand money is an issue for thousands but it is not a priority for me. I try to help people with what I have. Thank God our parish has a charity fund with considerable money and we are aware of needy families in our community, so with St.V. de Paul, we will respond. My comment at 10.16 was not meant to be flippant. I have family members in hospitality business and I know their anxieties now as they close doors.


There are different types of suffering in the world. One is due to lack of money (material goods, food etc). There is no valid reason for it – there is more than enough available to share. Why do we allow our governments to perpetuate this?


Pat I can confirm Michael Byrne is furious, Boiler hse Sauna is closed until the Pandemic is over. Byrne is losing money rapidly, maybe Fr Mullaney can help him like how he got him ordained.


Maynooth Seminary is on lockdown. Imagine no more tea parties, no more mid night musical knocks at the door. No more BDSM sessions with broken wrist. it is safe now.


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