

Bishop Pat,

I’m alerting you to serious breaches in health and​ safety guidance in Kilbeggan Parish.

Our Parish Priest is conducting eucharistic ceremonies on a daily basis.

Screengrabs attached will testify. Copy of this weeks parish newsletter and a screenshot from yesterday’s holy communion ceremony.​

Is the new Bishop of Meath aware that one his priests is breaching the government advice to keep churches closed and church activities suspended.

It is a serious breach of trust.​



Another Covid 19 clerical fool.

Does he not realise that he could pass on the virus on the communion host.

And he is obviously not observing government regulations.

Is it cynical to think that there is a collection box open in the church everyday from 2 to 4 pm?

Some of these guys need to be reported to the authorities and fined



Agreed, Pat. These rogues should be reported to the Garda (police) and fined. But don’t the Garda already know of this? Are they deliberately giving these men a pass because they are priests? If they are, it smacks of the historical, and highly dysfunctional, relationship between the institutional Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, and the State.

There is no reasonable way in which these breaches of Irish Government guidance could be construed as ‘exercise’.


10.22: That’s a complete over reaction. If a church is open and all relevant restriction guidelines are followed as in shops and supermarkets and at chemists and banks, with proper responsible supervision, what’s your worry? This is just another opportunity by you, vicious troll, to attack, attack….We opened our church for 2 hours last Sunday when about 300 called in, 5 At a time for 4 minutes each…even 3 local Gardai called in and expressed gratitude for the moment of quiet prayer for loved ones who died, including a former colleague and the father of another. They were also impressed with our responsible way of organising the opportunity. All relevant guidelines were followed. So Magna, we will repeat same responsibility again this Sunday. Our parishioners are adult, caring, responsible people…..not goons like you. The only virus you should eradicate is yourself.



No, it is not an overreaction: it is fully in compliance with government guidance. How can it be an overreaction?

Pharmacies, shops, etc are ESSENTIAL in these times; church visits most definitely are not. God is not confined to a church building, or a tabernacle.You know this as well as I.

Stop being irresponsible. Your church has a reputation for this kind of cavalier attitude that endangers people, especially children. And your absurd reply confirms that this attitude remains part of the mindset of the institutional Church.

You are putting people’s lives at risk, you irresponsible fool! This isn’t about ‘trolling’; get a grip, man! It’s about caring enough to save lives.

If you truly cared about these people, you wouldn’t even consider doing such things.


Well said. Yes a complete over-reaction. But that’s par for the course for a sociopath who hasn’t much of a life or he wouldn’t be filling his days with vulgarities, inanities and fake research and showing himself up albeit under the cover of pseudonymity.



Your obduracy deepens your wilful defence of the indefensible.

You clearly do not mind putting people’s lives at unnecessary risk, which marks you, not I, as someone with sociopathic tendencies.

You’d probably call yourself ‘a Christian’, but you don’t behave like one, since Jesus would hardly do as you are unconscionably prepared to do: endanger the lives of elderly and infirm people by encouraging non-essential church visits.

What kind of person are you?

Oh, hold! You’re a Romanist priest, aren’t you? It would explain both the high-handed oduracy, and the social indifference.


At 10.58
The least offensive aspect of your contribution is the bad grammar also referred to by a poster yesterday.

For ‘which marks you not I..’ read ‘which marks you not me…’



‘Less (not ‘least’) offensive’.

And ‘incorrect (not ‘bad’) grammar’.

And the poster yesterday, like you, was grammatically incorrect about more than a few things as well. Perhaps you are related.


At 12.03
I assure you ‘least’ is the correct form of the adverb when comparing three or more. Less is used of two. And the number of offensive elements of your posts far exceeds three.

All incorrect grammar is bad grammar.

However, one could tolerate bad grammar if the subject matter were not vituperative, vain, vicious and vulgar and, more than anything else, the result of fake research.



You’ve assured me of nothing except your lack of erudition, and common sense. 😕


You’re an ignorant idiot@9:40!
Your second sentence says, “If a church is open……”
That is the issue you ignore. According to legislation widely publicised and possesion of a moderate amount of intelligence, awareness and common sense, IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN OPEN!
I’ve put that in large letters for benefit of those unable to see the obvious.


Pat, you hate on priests for acting like priests. I commend that priest for acting like a priest and dispensing the sacraments instead of depriving them. As for the informant, it’s probably another embittered cowardly priest, too afraid of his shadow to do his priestly duties



Quite right. These men are acting as priests…as if they are above Civil Law. This is the arrogant attitude of the institutional Romanist Church, that as God’s so-called ‘anointed’, they can behave as they see fit. And stuff everyone else! It is why they concealed, for generations, the sexual abuse of children by paedophile Romanist parasites.

Yes, this man is behaving exactly as I should expect a Romanist priest to behave…with high-handed arrogance.

I hope this irresponsible bastard is prosecuted.


8.32: More arrant apoplectic nonsense…you are such a self absorbed narcissist and full of hatred….all faux outrage.



People over the age of the 70 or extremely medically vulnerable

The government is urging people over the age of 70 or who have underlying medical conditions to cocoon.

Cocooning means protecting people:

over 70 years of agewho are extremely medically vulnerableliving in residential care homes or long-term care

The symptoms of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) can be harder to notice for people who have underlying health issues.

If you’re in one of these groups, you must take extra care to reduce interaction with other people. You can go up to 5 kilometres from your home for exercise as long as you avoid all contact with other people.


He’s one of your co-diocesan’s is he not, Maggie? Why not drive over to Kilbeggan and remonstrate with him face to face? You’re less than eight miles away. Oh that’s right – brave keyboard warrior in cyberspace. In actual reality, scaredy-caca pants! 😆


8.32: Psychopath par excellence….have you been tied from your bed today and ket loose? Magna comes with a health warning…mothers and fathers, chikdren, senior citizens, keep clear of this crack pot.


8.32: Mr. Hate Bag is back again. Spluttering like an ancient car engine in need of a major overhaul of better still to be placed in a museum or dumped into a crusher and all lufe be squeezed out if it. This conglomerate of hatred is a danger. A raving fool, and all because his mummy didn’t nurture him at the breasts and approved of him being put out of the seminary…..Poor thing!


12:28 am
More frightening ignorance.
Is there any leadership in the Irish Church or can clergy do what they like regardless?


9:45 am

You are unconsciously projecting yourself. Grow up.
Develop self awareness and self insight.


8.38: More cynicism. Pity about all these hating critics. Why don’t you have a look at your local supermarkets…and queues….the Churches I’ve visited recently which are open are all implementing the guidelines responsibly…and it’s a joy to spend time in quiet prayer..all relevant materials are supplied…and a supervisor to ensure there’s never more than 6 at any time, all at required distances. In one door, out another. I feel safer here that at my local Tesco Express or Local Spar…



How many more times must this be said before fools like you take notice: church visits are NOT essential?! They represent an unnecessary risk to public health.


1 11: An excellent comnent. Marge thinks she’s Miss Jane Brodie…..Now “gurls” !!!! …The auld bitch hates being found out as wrong…and fallible. 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋..She’s a bitter lemon…😁😁😁😁😁🎃🎃🎃🎃😆😆🤣🤣🍌🍌🍌….


Nearly all the people who have died are elderly or have underlying health issues. People should be able to make their own decisions as to where to go based on their personal circumstances. What we have is an unelected government trying to create a police state. My mother is 82 and is still going about her daily business as normal. Her attitude is that she hasn’t a lot of time left and wants to spend it as she sees fit, if she dies, she dies. Two of her friends got it and were dead in 2 weeks, another got it and recovered. People I know who got it in their 50’s 40’s and 30’s had minor symptoms, some had none. I’m sick of this nanny state we should make our own decisions.



You are being selfish.

You may think that people should decide for themselves what to do amid the Covid-19 Pandemic, and many, therefore, would decide to act in their OWN interests, rather than in the interests of themselves AND others.

Government hasn’t the luxury of planning and acting in this way: it must consider ALL citizens collectively, not just the bolshie preferences of parochially minded individuals, like you.

The arrogant and dangerous disobedience of the Romanist priest in this video should be punished with a hefty fine.


Well, clear off then to the USA and join the gun totting idiots there insisting on their freedom to do what they want when they want, with blatant disregard to the greater common good. Your dear mother may be happy to take the risk, get the virus and possibly die, but in the process she will infect many other people who aren’t so careless about their health or the health of other and would prefer to stay healthy, and have a right to do so. You and your mother need to get some cop on. Think of the common good. Stop just thinking about yourselves for once.


My, My My. What a collection of frightened and faithless old men. You are all going to die at some stage lads, the virus is going to be around for a while. There is no vaccine. Getting it once doesn’t mean you are not going to get it again. You either have some degree of natural resistance to it or you haven’t. If you haven’t you are most likely going to die. People are sick of the poverty and enonomic collapse caused by lockdown and frightened of the recession that is to come, look at the increase in traffic, businesses are reopening and people are going back to work. Lockdown isn’t designed to stop the virus, nothing can, rather to slow its advance so the health service can cope. To put things in perspective the world population is 5.5.billion, only 200,00 have died from the virus, 64 million people died in WW2. People don’t have to visit the church in Kilbeggan, they are choosing to. It looks as if social distancing is being observed. Stop cowering in fear lads and enjoy the beautiful spring weather, get out and about, play some golf, do a bit of gardening, walk your dog. Cowering in your home in fear isn’t good for the body or the mind. Don’t be afraid to meet your maker, we are all going to have to meet him at some stage.



Don’t be childish: no one is cowering in fear. Acting responsibly isn’t acting fearfully. You’re an adult, presumably, and should therefore be able to tell the difference.

Are people really ‘choosing’ to make non-essential visits to churches? Or have they just been catechised, badly, to believe that Jesus is ‘real’ in a Catholic church tabernacle, but not really ‘real’ elsewhere. 😕

Whatever the truth may be, these people are putting not only themselves at greater (and unnecessary) risk of contracting Covid-19, but also of infecting a broader network of people, who in turn will infect others. And so laboriously on. Yes, I know you find all of this terribly tedious, the kind of thing that someone as obviously urbane and intelligent as you can dismiss with a tired flick of a bourgeous (Romanist?) wrist. But here’s the thing: life does not revolve around you alone. Really. There are other people to consider, people at much greater risk than most.

Have you seen anyone gasping for breath through Covid-19? Did you see the terror in their eyes when their struggle to draw oxygen into their lungs was futile, and when they finally, desperately, realised it? Now THERE’S fear. It’s like drowning, and as someone who once nearly drowned, it is not a death you would wish on any other.

So for the remainder of this day, reflect on the utter, nonchalant but irresponsible tripe you posted. And reflect, too, on the fact that your apparent bravado would soon disappear the moment YOU knew that the final struggle for breath through Covid-19 would be moments of sheer, unadulterated terror. 😕


Go outside into the sunshine and take a deep breath of fresh spring air Magna, you’ll feel better.


10.06: Magna, I know you have many wounds from the past, seminary rejection being the worst one, but go and seek therapy or go to AA…lick your self inflicted wounds but don’t vomit on them…that might be fatal.


Can’t see what the problem is, looks like social distancing is being observed, less of a crowd than at my local Aldi, Lidl or Tesco.



That is not the point.

What happened was a breach of government guidance and put at greater risk of Covid-19 those at higher risk of contracting more severe symptoms.

This priest arrogantly set a terrible example: his misconduct could inspire others to behave similarly. And all for an activity that was non-essential, not only in terms of behaviour permitted under government guidance, but also in theological terms. If those parishoners were truly open to God, then his presence was already with them; there was no need for them to visit this church.

The Roman Catholic insistence on the ‘Real Presence’ of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament downplays the presence of God elsewhere and has Catholics believing that if they do not receive Christ sacramentally, then they either do not receive him at all, or only in a less meaningful way. This is heretical, as well as a high point of clericalism that has priests controlling the presence of God.

This stupid, arrogant Romanist priest has unnecessarily put lives at risk. I hope that he will be prosecuted as an example others.

These elderly communicants are SOMEONE’S parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents.


Magna: Your comments above are spot on. But individuals commenting like @ 2:17 do not realise the risks they bring to others by “doing their own thing”. Maybe they’re too stupid,, selfish, or plain arrogant, or maybe all three.


8.25: Go back to your cave bed, master enemy….devil possessed…recovering from a hangover – undoubtedly…You are enraged about all the wrong things. Do something really useful.


Magna’s (back on better form) third paragraph from the bottom (8.25) is the point. JP II sparked off the mania for package dealing. In my childhood most catholics would sit out, most Sundays (tactful for politicans too, incidentally).

VDs are strange confectioners (of confections) who lure boys to open a smarties shop of their own – snacketeria as 8.33 aptly terms it.

Few denominations share as much Scripture on weekdays, as the RC – which can be done by lay people and deacons, and 6 ft apart.


Pat look more into the real reason for Paul Prior’s exile from Maynooth. The secret legal agreement from the Kilmaley Parent’s and Fr. Iggy. The settlement included a cash compensation and agreement to never return to Maynooth or be in one meter of xxxx xxxxxx.


The problem is he is breaking the required regulations as set down by the state. Hopefully the police and prosecutors will take a look at this and make an example of him, ‘ pour encourager les autres’…..


For it is not an enemy who insults me— I could have handled that— nor is it someone who hates me and who now arises against me— I could have hidden myself from him— but it is you— a man whom I treated as my equal— my personal confidant, my friend! We had good fellowship together; and we even walked together in the house of the Lord!
Psalm 55:12-14

If a narcissist knows you have a strong bond with your friends and peers, they will seek to destroy this bond by worming their way in and causing issues from the very centre… Chaos!
In my experience, you will notice strange — mostly subtle — nuances in your day-to-day- life; people begin to doubt you, question your sincerity (and sanity…!).
Doors begin to close–opportunities, goals and dreams begin to dissipate–and for no apparent reason—-to you anyway!

… When your world begins to fall apart at the seems, guess who is there with a sewing-needle — and some medical twine… to ‘pick you up…’ and to tell you — in. Ever. So. Minute. Detail — where You went wrong…? (Yes, I am being serious).
I will leave it there.

I am now looking for a solid foundation to build for the future; security is important in this respect. Oh Lord, hear my prayer…

Happy Easter. Love must, and will, conquer all.

Daisy x

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According to the following article a couple of days ago, Bp Pat, churches were ordered closed in the United Kingdom under the lockdown order. However, the Northern Ireland Executive has “leeway” in this area.

There must be some flexibility in the rules allowing the Bishop of Meath and the parish of Kilbeggan to keep the church open ostensibly for the sacrament but primarily to generate income seven days a week.

The primate, Dr Turtle, may have to overrule the See of Meath.


Sorry, Bp Pat, I thought Meath was in Northern Ireland, but I understand lockdown restrictions are even more strict in the republic of Ireland.

However, I am sure Dr Turtle will investigate this matter once he reads your blog this morning.


Cathbots care for Churchianity.
Jesus Christ, charity or morality can be suspended when finances are threatened.
It is blatantly obvious following 35 years plus of ‘crisis’ ‘ scandals’ and ‘ cover ups’.


Dispensing sacraments is totally different from listening to Scriptures and a sermon. We public have absolute discretion to attend the latter, where we want (if it is held), socially distancing. This is always easy on weekdays, which is when catholics should be practising their religion.

My legs weakened because I was afraid to go out. I’m improving from going out, for all sorts of reasons, socially distancing. Needed human contact occurs, at more than 6ft distance.

Catholics should place Scripture and belief higher than “communion” ceremonies. There are higher priorities (7.45).

Air the church before and after. Get church staff to hold public handles through a cloth bag.


Begorra remote viewing exposition. Harmless. Pick up communion on way past? Wear gloves. More chance of getting thauld virus from a pound coin hi


Oh, please, those of you defending this priest as doing what holy priests do, providing the sacraments, spare me ! And the notion that we are so desperate for the sacraments that we will make a special trip in these times to a eucharistic snackateria – spare us ! What is important to individuals and to the common good of the nation and our fellow citizens is to follow the guidelines about social distancing and suppressing this deadly virus to the best of our ability. That does not mean finding ways around it so that we can appease the guilt that has been inbred in us by – yes, the clergy. For public figure like this priest to encourage people to find ways around what is required in these times is egregiously irresponsible and dangerous. Yes, I know his defence will be that he as only giving the people the sacraments which are essential to their lives. No, they are not ! Not right now. What is essential to their lives is avoiding this virus. In any other organisation a man like this who is blatantly flouting the requirements laid down by the state would be sacked. What will his bishop do, do you think ?! I am fed up of hearing about self-aggrandising fuckwit clergy acting idiotically and dangerously.


9:33 am
‘ …acting idiotically and dangerously ‘. They were literally protected by their bishops.


Might there be potential legal consequences, for example, in the event of it shown a person contracted Covid-19 and subsequently died, following a visit to a non- essential venue, open in breach of Government guidelines which are implemented on public health grounds?


A priest with non symptomatic Covid could pass the virus on the communion host – which the communicant puts straight into their mouth!


9.34am: MMM, people who have dropped into our Church in a Dublin parish, admittedly a big Church, are behaving responsibly. The procedures are similar to those at supermarkets, chemists, banks….social distancing and only five allowed in at any guven time. We enter one door and exit by another. The large area at back of church is disinfected and cleaned every half hour of a 3 hour period, sanitised and cleaned. It is monitored carefully by 4 parishioners. The local Gardai are close by and haven’t approached anyone. In fact 3/4 have popped to say a quiet prayer. Many callers are wearing masks. Yes, We are totally cognizant of risks but all is being carried out with guidelines. Nothing wrong. I’m sure when your local pub reopens you won’t give a damn about keeping apart!! This narrative today, as all throughout the pandemic so far, is to find fault with the Catholic Church and priests and wherever possible to condemn, ridicule and mock their pastoral efforts. The majority of us are responsible people as are grown up parishioners. I was at a Lidl supermarket recently and felt totally unsafe….likewise at Tesco Express and Local Spar…


A visit to a church is a non essential visit. God can be visited in our homes. Supermarkets are essential. That the difference.


Pat, you spend your time lecturing Catholic priests on a daily basis. We don’t need such pompous stuff from the safe space of your home in confinement! Anything that gives you a moment to condemn and ridicule all priests for their pastoral efforts in this pandemic, you have availed of, even though their ministry has been carried out with the utmost responsibility. For many people the sanctuary of their local church is a refuge, a comfort. When such church opening times are carried out responsibly, I believe we are right to do so but with the greatest of proper supervision. It would be encouraging if at some time you tried to be constructive and positive!!


At this time church visits are non essential and pose infection danger. God is as present in your sitting room as he is in any church. In fact, I think God would not go near a church where bad things are happening.

Your problem is that people are now realising that you are not necessary to their relationship with God.

You are worried about redundancy



The provision of food, from whatever source, is of course essential. The sale of alcohol is helpful psychlogically.

But sacramental confession is not essential: a person can confess to God in his livingroom and be forgiven. God sees al,l and forgives all that is repented of, immediately and directly; he does not require assistance from a priest.

And prayer can be made from the same livingroom; no need, then, of visits to churches.

The institutional Church’s canonical insistence on sacramental confession unjustifiably, even blasphemously, has people dependent on clergy for reconciliation to God, not on Christ. And likewise its teaching on the ‘real presence’ of Jesus in the ‘Blessed Sacrament’.


When the Archbishop of Armagh goes on TV concerned about collections (money)
the weekend after thousands were put on social welfare, he set himself and colleagues
up for ridicule.


10.27: Well spoken. That Mournful Margie from the Mourne has fallen off his home bar stool. She too, like her mentor, lives to judge, condemn and lacerate all things Catholic. But her wirds are silly – all repeat as if all the days before…Mournful Maisie, stop the whiskey crap.


Anon@ 10:27: In addition to +Pat pointing out that visits to a church are non essential, there are the legal requirements imposed (for very good safety reasons) by the ROI government. Other comments above point this out too. So while I read all your rationalisation and justifications, I am somewhat bemused as to what you do not understand. Unless of course your clerical specialness and sense of entitlement induces you to believe that the clerical fraternity are above the law, …….and plain common sense.


The suggestion here, made more than once, that Garda (Irish police officers) are not only aware of non-essential church visits but are actually participating in them is disturbing. It allows the inference that the historical deferential relationship between the Garda, and the institutional Romanist Church in Ireland, remains firmly in place.

If these officers are empowered by Irish Law to order such venues closed and yet refused to do so, then their negligence is at least a matter for disciplinary action, and quite possibly for legal proceedings.

I wonder if any journalists have investigated these apparent breaches by Garda.


Some few years ago I went into Garda Station in Co. Meath. In front of the reception there was a big poster which read HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF BECOMING A CATHOLIC? The parish priests name and phone number was also on the poster.


What is your point Buckley? Anyone can advertise on public Garda notice boards…you just ask them silly.


I do not think any state agency should display religious propaganda material.


I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word PUBLIC. Anyone can ask to promote their services in Garda stations, public libraries etc. Once the material is not offensive it is allowed and yes religion is apart of the PUBLIC domain.


I dont think the Garda should be promoting g the RCC. The two organisations have been too close for too long. The Garda turned a blind eye to decades af abuse in Catholic Ireland. If religion is public then so is Islam. Can Muslims canvass for Jihads in Garda stations?


Muslims can advertise their religious services like any other religion. Not all muslims are terrorists and not all priests are paedophiles.

You are blinded by hate.


Could Catholic priests advertise a Priests Gay Night in a Garda station then?


11.11: Pat, how long is some few years? Just curious because I’m imagining you are talking about a very distant past but you use this vignette as a sledgehammer to crack the church. Aren’t you just pathetic?


11.08: Get a life outside your mean, small selfish world. Magna is all about Magna, no one else. You are a pathetic individual. You are, as said before, worse than uselessness. A dark mind. All faux outrage but morally bankrupt.


At 11:08, poor Mags stuck in an arsehole of a bog in the wilds of Westmeath climbing the walls, guzzling firewater, stewing in hatred and spite, frightening the local children and wildlife. Sure what else has she to do? And to think she once traipsed the streets of the Eternal City and chastised presidents. How has it come to this? A wee bouquet of mimosas might lift her sodden spirit?



(Yawn 😩)

Try being novel, like that virus. Perhaps then I’ll take you seriously enough not to laugh at you, my customary reaction. 😅


I believe I think I know whom you are referring to in trying to identify MC. But I believe you are wrong.

The one you are thinking of got a first in classics, has a theological qualification and is s bright man.

MC, on the other hand, can’t lay claim to any such lofty heights. Which doesn’t prevent him from expounding any day here from undiluted wikipedia sources.


That’s right, not all Muslims are terrorists. Likewise, not all terrorists are Muslims or even remotely adhere to what the Qur’an or hadiths teach or preach.
What really annoys me over all this confusion between Islam and terrorism is that peole keep associating all the war, bombings and beheadings with Islamic quranic jihad. That is just nonsensical and damn right racist! Islam is a religion of peace – and if people just stopped watching the news then we would all begin to believe this.



I’ve really got under your skin, haven’t I? You never miss an opportunity to try to show me up. Well, patience is a virtue, and you might succeed one day.

It is good to know that I bother you so often, and deeply. I can envisage your poring over every one of my posts to find something, anything, to criticise. It would be amusing were you thirteen or fouteen years old, but you are, sadly, old enough to know much better.

Keep slogging away, so I can keep knocking you back.

It’s such fun, ‘Faaather’ .😄


11.08: Have the courage yourself Magna Hater and go to the Gardai and PSNI…but then you are only a spoofer and moral coward spouting hatred from behind a laptop, all anonymously. Grow those man balls.



Like you, I post anonymously, but from a Samsung tablet or a smartphone, not from a laptop.


You don’t post anonymously. You post pseudonymously.

You didn’t get as far as First Arts Greek or First Divinity Greek.

And you boasted here some time ago you were the recipient of two doctorates!


The amount of senile old queens on this blog is astounding. Faux outrage from a butch of malicious bitches who have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives. End.


11:40 am

Don’t be ridiculous. Anyone can’t advertise on public Garda noticeboards.
It depends on what’s being advertised. Silly.



What a stupid comment Pat. As long as the material is not offensive it can go up on a public noticeboard.

The local yoga, religious service’s, helplines etc. Grow up man!


I agree that it would be better if priests did Yanga instead of BDSM. Could you advertise a BDSM club in a Garda station I wonder?


11 42: What superfluous and petty concerns. My Good God! What a pity you don’t try listening to God, you blind fool!


My parish priest is having an affair with a local Guard who is married. We wrote to the bishop and got no reply.


12.06: No doubt Bishop, you’ll get your strong arm lovers to traipse around and stalk the Garda and priest. I hope if you intrude that you’ll be brought to court for your menace.


Is the Guard a man or a woman ? Or do I even need to ask ?! If any of this is true, then it just flies in the face of the public stance priests and the Church take on vows, promises, what is expected of those in an a position of responsibility, how you relate to those for whom you have some pastoral responsibility…….I could go on. It’s the sort of thing that any business or institution has already worked out for itself and expects those who belong to it or work for it to abide by. And if you don’t then the matter is looked at and action taken. But, not in the Church. Oh no, just keep quiet, ignore it and hope it will go away. The Church shows itself time and time again to be a bunch of amateurs who have not a clue what they are doing


12.13: If true, surely both people in this situation have moral responsibilities? I know of teachers, Gardai and priests who are in other relationships….I trust they know their reslinsibities…ALL OF THEM.


No, just a letter the the local bishop and super on behalf of the scandalised parishioner – and maybe a Blog.



You are turning out to be a right pain in the arse.

You sound like an ethical reprobate whose get-out-of-jail card which, (s)he believes allows him/her to adopt the moral high ground is based on the fact that only those in public office may be legitimately publicly vilified. In which cases you are happy to be onlooker, commentator, judge, jury and executioner.

Clearly you, if you are working, consider that the rest of mankind in private occupation or none, like you, are above public scrutiny.

A sickening combination indeed!


12 13: A TOTAL PAIN IN THE ARSE….try something different from your boring shit!


12.04: Gossip is alive and well. Disgraceful that you should be so malicious.Pat loves people like you. Have you gone to the Garda Inspector? Or do you have courage?


Why would the Garda inspector be interested? He is a grown man, is not doing anything illegal and can mess up his marriage at his liberty.
It is the situation for the priest which is different.


Eamon Martin must be encouraged to lead an Audit into Armagh Seminarians. The reason for the protection of Our Schools, young people and vulnerable individuals.


I have written to Eamon Martin about all these matters. If people have proof and evidence now is the time to produce it.


1.24: So, should all gay people studying for teaching, nursing and other caring professions be supervised simply because they are gay and in your mind are a potential endangerment to children? I have worked with gay teachers, gay doctors and gay Gardai…gay priests…Wonderful salt of the earth people and I am enriched by such encounters. You have no idea what you are talking about. Go and read clinical research re: being gay/homosexual and child abuse. You fool.


If you have ten minutes to spare during lockdown, this rather amusing story of “the handsome priest with a secret” demonstrates how history tends to get rewritten, and we see what we want to see.


Amazing parallel with “deformation” – and a press ambush – I was witness to.

Thank you so much Daisy 4.15.



Thanks for this video. 😅

So the Romanists have been promoting the cause of a communist or a Jew in the mistaken belief that he was a Catholic priest.

Priceless! 😅😅


12.03: Your grammar is often poor and expressed wrongly. Makes little difference because you are still the pernicious, odious, putrid creep that springs up all too often. When your drunken state is revealed – 7/ 24 – you go into a raving madness. Thank God you are in isolation. The auld booze must have you scuttered….and mentally cracked up.



Look up the word ‘tautology’, and then apply to the first sentence of your post what you will undoubtedly have struggled to learn. 😕


6.55: One doesn’t require a lesson from a found out bully. Margaret dear, you are a pitiable piece of humanity. I love that word ‘tautology’ – a grammatical fault of generally saying something twice using different words in one sentence. Let me make it simple for you: Your grammar is at times is wrongly expressed. Irrespective of my ‘tautoligical’ error, the TRUTH is a bully is a bully no matter how he tries to camouflage it by fancy words. “Com a corruptor, saevus, semper a corruptor, saevus….” (Latin).


Paul was given a nice parish to keep him quiet. Demott is a smooth operator that way.


8.04: The typical comment of a bully. Enough said. Who the hell would allow themselves be smarted by you? You hate being defined for what you are as revealed by your words. Bully…Bully…ain’t you?


Why were Wilson and Marshall accepted for a diocese and a seminary if they hadn’t sorted adolescent issues by that time. Most embarrassing for those responsible for their selection, admission and indeed for themselves. Most unedifying to see them being mentioned here in the terms they are.


12.58: What world are you living in? If a Garda, priest, doctor or any individual makes and solemnises vows, civilly or sacramentally, those vows are binding and carry a responsibility to be faithful to that person for life. A huge commitment and not to be discarded when things get tough or when temptations arise, as they will. We are all capable of living a lie and duplicitous lives, priest or otherwise. The Garda is as culpable as the priest, his/her responsibility perhaps even greater if he/she has children. So, the moral responsibility is equal for both.


What do you think the Garda Inspector is going to do about the matter?
Arrest, caution or sack the Garda under the breach of sacramental vows act?
Do the Gardai operate under canon law on the quiet?


Rofl 3:59 I hate to break it to you but merely having an affair is not a disciplinary matter in today’s workplace.
It is not illegal, it is not likely to affect the guard’s work because it isn’t with a colleague.
The only time it would influence would be if he came across the priest in a professional capacity.
They will not be interested – as you rightly say it is a moral matter and in today’s workplace will be seen as being between the man and his wife.
The days when you could be sacked for having an affair or being gay are decades ago, and I really think you need to get out more.


5.33: I agree with you. My point at 3.59 was in response to a 12.58 who seemed to think that the priest was primarily the person with a greater guilt and blame/wrong. Both people in the situation are equally responsible for the affair. Being gay or having extra marital affairs, thankfully, are not reasons for terminating employment. The notion that Bishop Buckley should now begin an investigation is outrageous and morally reprehensible. This bishop doesn’t know when to cease crossing boundaries. His behaviour is despicable. He doesn’t care who gets hurt.


Thank you, 19:00.
Yes neither is the more culpable. I would however say that while the guard is in a sense a public figure, because his employment is ‘secular’ the expectation on him is different. The priest is also a public figure but in a ‘vocation’ where celibacy is expected and where it is reasonable to expect clergy to teach and promote the church’s teaching. A recurrent feature on this blog is priests who don’t do this.
The priest can therefore I think reasonably expect comeback from his ’employers’ – whether he will get it is another matter.


Pat is it just an acknowledgement of receiving the email or does Eamon clarify he will conduct a transparent inquiry into the matter and publish his findings with clear specific evidence.


Pat I think you do an expose of my local police station. I popped in to ask them to advertise my bisexual transgender Jewish swingers night and they laughed!


The UK Government has said it is far far to early to open places of worship that was at 5.45.

Eire has said churches can start to open with social distancing and other measures in place from 20th July and weddings can start from 10th August.

But very restricted numbers



As you’ve learned from today’s blog, Romanist priests in ‘Eire’ (Republic of Ireland) are flouting government guidance here because some of them (perhaps many) have already opened churches for … I was about to say ‘for people’, but I don’t believe anyone sensible accepts that apparent selfless motivation on the part of these social leeches.

No; what is actually driving these scroungers is the hope (and I’d bet that every one of them has ‘prayed’ more plaintively than ever for this 😅) that their parishoners will take the opportunity to make a generous donation for ‘Faaather’ ‘s customary indolence, and utter uselessness, not to mention his increasingly obvious ‘increasing irrelevance’. 😄


7.28: Now Magna you are plagiarizing other people’s concepts. “Increasing irrelevance” is revealed from many referring to you as “worse than uselessness”. Marge dear, the donations are pouring in like fast flowing waterfalls. God is good. Now I must count today’s offerings and you can enjoy your lonely gin party with your shadow. Ha, ha, ha, 😎😎😎😎😎🦁🦁🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌… then suck a banana!


Judging by the number of ad hominem posts today (from Romanists, and their Cathbot apologists), this blog is clearly on target with the truth about the unnecessary danger that Romanist priests are putting their parishoners in. I have no doubt that pecuniary advantage is at least an ulterior motive in this, since Romanists have been whining for some time now about the fall off in donations to their coffers.

There is nothing like the lure of easy mammon to raise a Romanist from his, or his boyfriend’s, bed. 😅


6 34: At least we have a bed – and are in meaningful relationships…aren’t you so, so jealous, o rejected one, o breastless one. All your faux rage has its foundations in all your experiences of rejection from your mother’s womb till this very day. Your life is totally accentuated by misery, anger, unfulfillable desires, lack of intimacy, empty interior life – and you rage not against others but fundamentally at the worst that is in you – all those unfulfilled potentials for love, for purpose, for relevance, for meaningful human connections. But – if it’s a comfort…I’ll pray for YOU..


So, I was out for my permitted exercise today. And my activity takes me past a nice little cruising ground – I include it for extra diversion in my exercise. I am a gay man, but not a priest, not under any promises, and well liberated from the usual religious nuttiness and hangups about sex. So, a bit of al fresco activity is quite within my orbit, and I enjoy it. Not in these social distancing times, however, but I still pass by this little place for old times’ sake. There is not often much going on there in these days. However, today was a sunny, nice day, and some of the boys were out. I saw this one middle aged guy, well coiffed, smooth skinned, well dressed, black trousers and shoes and a cream shirt. He had a Slavic look about him – you know, flat back of the head stuff. Polish probably. He was quite come on-ish, not shy, and making it quite obvious to all and sundry that he was there for activity. I noticed the shirt – short sleeve, breast pocket, and, well a collar that is one of those ones where you just slip in the little bit of clerical plastic. No doubt he was a priest, taking time off from virtual Mass, confessions in the car park or through the church gates, and processing around the streets with the monstrance poking from a car’s sunroof. So, I reckon Polish priest out for a bit of afternoon fun. Now, I have no problem with this by and large. Although I would have expected him to dress down a little for the activity. I suppose what I do have a problem with is, being Polish, and from my experience of that ilk of priest, he will when in role be hardline, rigorous, black and white, and certain about things and about people and what they should do and shouldn’t do. And not shy about telling people, and giving them a hard line. And probably full of that Divine Mercy nonsense and Medjugorje malarkey. But, this afternoon, he was out looking for some cock to gobble. Bless ! Isn’t life strange ?


7.05: And life is indeed strange! As strange as you!! You surmise from a distance that this man was a priest. Pure guesswork but it fits into a pattern of innuendo and speculation on this blog. That aside, are you telling us that your curiosity wasn’t fulfilled? And more truthfully, tell us you are a priest, gay, hetero, trans…couldn’t care for you Dorothy but you went there obviously hoping to get some meat of a big kind and thought the Polish come-on was super. Bet you pissed in your queenie knickers…and i’d say, by reading your comment, you have quite an international taste for men – all the rainbow colour types! C’est la vie gay…..quelle surprise…


6.34: You just haven’t a clue, you clueless, ugly bastardo. Magna, you’ve been good with your grammar today: not much booze so far?? You are a disgrace to the word “humanity” and an affront to God. You justify all your crazy, immoral, poisonous outbursts and attribute the worst possible motives to any good work carried out by Catholic Priests. I salute the many priests who, in the face of bigoted and hate filled vitriol, from spiritually empty vessels, like you and Pat, serm to delight in downing others. Your repeat hatred and craziness makes the world a sad and dangerous place, a world to which you bring darkness and little light, if any!


Nothing about Fr Sugar Ray Kelly hearing confessions or monstrating in public, Bp Pat. Nothing about charity donations either. However, he is still going on about “it being his dream to represent Ireland in the Eurovision.” Also, harking back to his time on DWTS, “I remember going into Kylie, and I just broke down and went hysterical for a bit before saying I can’t do this anymore.”


7.05: Was that you in the pink shirt and right jeans today at our secret rendezvous? Your sunglasses were dark and your head, bald and a big fat belly. Too ugly for me….yuk. Anyway I prefer real men, not your type, priest!! Yes, mr. priest….🐱🐱🐱…be careful.


7.03: You don’t get it you dumb fool. What’s wrong with your brain? What virus invades your psyche?


Is a priest having an affair no longer considered a cause of scandal to the Catholic community?


7.31 Are you having a laugh of course it is a scandal and will always be seen as that.

The problem being is the Bishop’s need evidence and then they are C/o but it needs reporting.

Poor Wife and Parishioners for trusting these two.


9.57: You should read Magna’s comments more frequently on this nasty blog. No one comes close to the horrible hateful, poisonous and unchristian behaviour as exhibited by him. Pat facilitates his hate speech. So, don’t comment unless you read all Magna’s viciousness.



Don’t make assumptions. I’ll comment if or went I like without a little juvenile dictator telling me went to or not to comment. I hope you are not a priest. Your knowledge and insight into Christianity is borderline clueless.


Eamon is a well educated man, how in the name of God he can’t manage to control his Clergy in a gay network.


Fr. Thomas McHugh has an obligation to come forward to provide testimony against the network. Thomas has in extensive knowledge on how they operate and select their Prey. If Thomas has a true vocation he will freely report them to the PSNI.


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