
Church reopening could be ‘unsustainable’


by Sarah Mac Donald

The Catholic Church in Ireland has warned that a government-imposed cap on the number of people allowed to attend public worship could make it unsustainable for some churches to resume Mass.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin called on the Irish government to review its “blanket restriction” limiting participation to 50 people, calling instead for the numbers to be “proportionate to the size of each church”.

He said it seemed “strange” that a church with a capacity of 1,500, scrupulously prepared for social distancing, would only be allowed to have 50 people present, while there are “large retail outlets brim- ming with people”.

Bishop Kevin Doran suggested that the Taoiseach’s announcement has given rise to “confusion and concern”. The Bishop of Elphin said the cap makes “absolutely no sense where churches are concerned as it is not even remotely based on physical distance”.

Our Lady of Victories on Ballymun Road in Dublin could seat 1,700 people prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. “After many weeks of planning, coordinating and observing all protocols,” parish priest Fr Frank Reburn tweeted, it was now ready to seat 280 people with social distancing. However, under the latest guidelines, he can only welcome back 50 when the church reopens.

Another parish priest, Fr Aquinas T Duffy, told The Tablet he had been shocked by the limit and called for better communication between the Irish episcopal conference and the Department of Health. His own parish church in Cabinteely, Co. Dublin, can hold 70 people with social distancing in place. “We had been preparing for reopening. That is going to be challenging but we cannot work with the limit of 50.”

Fr Duffy said his parish had planned to open for weekdays and Sundays after 29 June. “But now we will only open for the weekdays and continue with the online Masses for the Sundays until the end of July.”

In Clonmel, Fr Michael Toomey said Friday’s announcement meant that all the preparations done in churches to safely accommodate people would now have to be revisited.

With social distancing, he said, “many churches can hold up to 150, others less than 50”. He warned that a “blanket” number would cause “huge challenges, especially at funerals”.

Fr Toomey said: “If this is not reviewed it will be a logistical challenge and I wonder if we should reopen for Mass now on 29 June?” 
A spokesman for the Taoiseach said the government would revisit the cap with expert guidance.

Separately, the Association of Catholic Priests has warned that there is “widespread unhappiness”, unease and anger among priests that they are being “manipulated, and in some cases effectively being bullied, into organising and ‘carrying the can’ for the reintroduction of public Masses and for whatever fall-out emerges in time.”


We must all abide by the law in this time of pandemic.

These times are life and death times.

In times of crisis like this there is only authority – the authority of the government elected by the people

These measures have impacted negatively on us all whether it comes to income or indeed emotional health.

But we must put up with these things that have the capacity to take us back to “normality”.

Sadly  the RCC in Ireland, has been used to getting it’s own way.

But that day is over.

The RCC is bound by the same law as the rest of us.

121 replies on “Church reopening could be ‘unsustainable’”

Now, now! The Irish bishops are not suggesting that we break the law, but they are asking for a review of the guidelines for the return of public masses, and giving reasons for the review. Seems quite reasonable to me.


You know very little Pat about the enormous amount of preparations which have taken place in Catholic Churches, which with all guidelines and protocols in place, gel sanitisers provided, masks, gloves, sanitiser wipes, teams trained to clean after every mass, social distance signage all over our seats…all relevant ministry groups trained as stewards etc….we are the safest space to be. So far the church has followed vigorously all government guidelines but to cap a figure at 50 is crazy. Just look at our shopping malls and local shops and supermarkets…and pubs and restaurants next week…no abiding protocols. There is a hope that the number allowed will be proportionate to the size of the Church. Think Leo needs to visit our Churches. Of course, auld petty, nasty Pat, can’t bear to see Catholics return to their true home for the celebration of the Eucharist. God is good to his people. You ought to rejoice Pat for a new beginning.. The RCC speaks for a huge constituency of the population, unlike you. A handful. Throw your poisonous arrows elsewhere.


1.55, don’t be disingenuous. When you said that the RCC speaks for a huge constituency of the population, what you meant was that the clergy and Cathbots do so. Arrogant as well as disingenuous.. They do no such thing; they only presume to.
Go and sit on the naughty step.


Isn’t it fortuitous that religion, in all hues, is being brought into compliance under the heel of secuarism in these terrible times?
And may it long continue.😊


Careful what you ask for, Pat. The Evangelical Alliance told the NI Assembly yesterday that there were growing demands for the communication of faith teachings to be treated as abusive by the criminal justice system if a hearer is offended by them, rather as racist remarks are treated as hate speech by the courts. That sounds very much like censorship and a new form of the Penal Laws.


3.15, so you consider telling young children that if they don’t be good, don’t believe and follow what the priests tell them, that they’ll burn in a place called Hell, forever and ever, tormented always by demons to be a form of child abuse?
Hold on! Isn’t this what priests who raped youngsters told their victims: that they, and their families, would go to Hell if the victim told on Father?
The sooner the liberties of religion are curtailed, the better for society.
Society needs the goodness of God, not the horrors and tyranny of religion.


“brought into compliance” – wow! Same for the judiciary, private and public sectors entirely etc! Why did you single out religion and why is Buckley allowing this extreme view to prevail without challenge?


Because religion has a history of pleasing itself and being exempted which the other groups you mention don’t.


Pat Thankfully The Country went to the polls and do not want this Government. Mehole Leo and Diesel are going to put themselves in power. Sinn fein won the election because the People want change and Mary Lou Mc Donald should be Taoiseach. Mehole Leo and Diesel are liars. Cowards a total failure and despised by the majority of the Irish People. The Republic is going to be brought to its knees. The Irish People must do everything in their power to get another Election and get these muppets out. Fianna Failure and Fianna Gaga have had their Day. Power to the people now.


Given her rank, what does the +Aul Doll say about it all, Bp Pat? The last time I read anything she was still pleading poverty and appealing for people to be generous when mass resumes.


7.11: If you go to your l8cal church you’ll find out….I suggest you do this as each church has arranged the most respectful way possible while adhering to guidelines given by each Diocese. Pat will. obviously have his arrangement, albeit a much easier one since he has a wee congregation.


Yeah you’d like that wouldn’t you? Not if we use sanitizer and take all necessary precautions.


Hi Pat. That is why I asked the question – how is the risk of infection addressed? Also, is it possible to receive communion and maintain the required distancing? I can’t see it.


9.47: Pat – we have to ensure the safest and best way possible. Covid-19 can return anytime through anyone….it is a time for the greatest of care and responsibility.


Covid can be transferred on communion hosts. I dont know how that can be avoided.
Given the promiscuous lifestyles of many priests I understand your fears.


Well the Catholic Church has got its way. The Government have done a U turn on this decision last evening. The maximum number of 50 will no longer apply.


7.44: The Catholic Church hasn’t got its way…not at all. Common sense has prevailed. Isn’t it time that our “catholic” politicians spoke up for their communities who are hungering to return to their Eucharist and devotions under the strictest of careful protocols, ensuring the well-being of all. Where is Mother Josepha Madigan – who stepped into a role of responsibility in her church when her parish priest was ill? It seems to me that the Church was at the bottom of the pile in discussions about gatherings. We have followed with utmost responsibility all guidelines. Parishioners in their hundred have emailed, phoned and written to their TD’s. Catholic people matter.


In this instance I agree with Church. Not even half a million killed (Spanish Flu killed about 50 million) The associated deaths from lockdown including untreated illnesses and suicide from destroyed livelihoods and relationships doesn’t bear thinking about! Mahatma Ghandi said there are bad laws the same as there are bad people and I think behind all this are some very clever bad people, the majority have just been mass hypnotised by the Main steam media and equally hypnotised politicians. We kind of think that all the bad dictatorial, greedy, power crazed people and eugenecists died at the end of WWll but is that really credible that these ideas / sins have gone away?
There probably will be a second wave, be that allowed or engineered and by the end of sporadic or national lockdown people will be begging to have whatever ghastly snake oil “Vaccine” they come up with which will either contain identity and tracking technology and or come with “Immunity Passports” If you don’t have it, you wont be able to re-access the hellish “New Normal!” Heaven forbid it might even be forced. I think the new corona laws allow for forced treatment, certainly for mental health detention with the reccomendation of only one doc now, instead of two (UK)
What Hitler and Geobbels would have made of todays tech… they’d of been doing somersaults!
Tech should be used very cautiously as an aid to life, not for the sake of it, often taking peoples jobs and way of life with it, but more worryingly, when it might be used by Government gone bad to remove or seriously hinder the chance of organised resistance.
We desperately need socially minded libertarian leaders to coalesce the resistance.
I see people beginning to wake up, but will enough and will it be quickly enough to stop the nightmare becoming reality! ..?
Good luck to the church, hope they win this one…it will be a welcome start back to good old “Regular Normality” which by no means perfect is a start to carefully, considerately and conservatively building something genuinely better.
Lord, May Thy Kingdom Come, On Earth As In Heaven! Amen!


A blanket number makes no sense. Churches set up to be socially distanced. In England there seems to be uncertainty as to the figure of 30, as to whether that’s just for weddings or for all liturgies. I know of some churches that are small enough to mean that socially distanced at 2m results in fitting in less than 30. Very different from having 30 in Westminster Cathedral.


Now is not the time to be deliberately critical of the church’s readiness to reopen. All guidelines are followed assiduously to ensure the health and safety of all, including staff. We most definitely will not take lectures from a non-church outfit in Larne who has no difficulty in performing all kinds of ceremonies!! Our Church in readiness will surpass all requirements, such is our attention to detail. The crushing pessimism, cynicism and hopelessness of some is quite amazing! Thank God Catholic Eucharistic Communities will be gathering in their churches from Monday. It is a wonderful moment but tinged with much sadness because we lost so many parishioners since Mid March, some wonderfully, Christian, good and holy people. We will remember all of them and their families from Monday onwards.


Father, your numbers will continue to decline. The RCC is now acknowledged internationally as one of the most corrupt organisations ever. Your folk are still the blind following the blind.


9.49: As ever the selfish, gleeful, hopeless pessimist. Your outfit hasn’t benefited in any significant way, dearie. And never will. Our church at a given weekend has 2, 560 parishioners who attend 5 masses, often much more for various anniversaries. Of course numbers will decline – that’s a sociological and anthropological reality for all religions…we’re not stupid, Pat: we know reality only too well but we work with what is given and do our utmost, just has I presume you are doing, with great change and challenges. Let’s be positive in the challenge.


Mornin all. The church pressured by the law? Can they take what they attempt to take. Social Distancing = less pennies. The brigade of skirts need to roll thauld sleeves hiup


Sean Page, your so-called Church of England (lol) is an Established church and is told what to do by Parliament and the PM appoints Anglican “bishops”. It is entirely under the law of the land and Parliament even votes on changes to the Prayer Book. Stay in your lane.


3.30, at least it’s a democratically elected parliament.
Who tells your church what to do? Hmm Let’s see. A medieval absolute monarch, the pope, under the delusion that he is God’s mouthpiece.
I know which I prefer. 😀


@5:21 so it’s better to have athiests, non-Christians and assorted adulterers (I know they overlap) headed by serial adulterer and abortion-pusher Boris Johnson setting doctrine and liturgy and appointing “bishops” for the self-styled but laughably misnamed CofE?
The UK Parliament isn’t democratic, btw.


5.50, because a person professes Christianity it does not necesssrily make him Christian. Words and actions have to syncronise. But they don’t in your church, do they? Look at its history: persecution of Jews, of so-called heretics (Cathars, and so on), the rape of the New World under the Conquistadors and their friars. The most sadistic forms of torture, savage and cruel death..all with the approval of your popes, your bishops, and your priests. And in recent decades, exposure of the sexual abuse of innocent children by your bishops and your priests, all of it concealed from civil authoriteis by your popes.
In 1969, a UK parliament, so-called godless and atheist, abolished the death penalty. It took a further fifty years for the Catholic Church to follow suit. Fifty years. The so-called secularists and atheists were doing God’s will long before his so-called disciples in Rome.
Your post is a total evasion of what I said in my earlier comment.
If another poster can mock the C of E for its relation to Parliament, then it is so much easier, and so much more enjoyable, to mock the abject subservience of Roman Catholics effectively to a dictatorship under a medieval absolute monarch.
You’re in a glasshouse, so stop chucking stones.


Fr. Derwin and Fr. Puck Jones were close in seminary. Do you know if Fr. Chris is still a priest?


Pat have you heard Fr Gerard Quirke who you wrote about on your blog about Tuam has been seriously injured last night in a bike accident. Pray for him


I believe that Bishop Pat is starting to see through the web of lies that has been promulgated by a small conservative cohort against gay men.


Don’t see your point Buckley. They are asking reasonable questions as are the hospitality, leisure and travel sectors also! Reasonable questions in an usual time is not a challenge to government authority, surely they are exercising democratic procedures in asking and questioning; the same questions as other sectors in society! I suspect you are being very unreasonable and paranoid! Many people need the Church door open, they need Mass and they need community despite your desire to have people turn their back of Church.


10.51: You are so right. Pat cannot vearbthe Catholic Chyrch being so respinsibly ready to ooen Churches again. All sectors affected by reopening protocols and guudelines have a democratuc right to argu and debate about the conditiins attached to reooening of businesses and places of worship. I cannot fathom Pat’s paranoia with all the reasonable questions asked by the Hierarchy – they are responding to genuine requests and concerns by parishioners all over the country. Our politicians aren’t representing ourvdeeply held beliefs and the significance of the Eucharist for Catholics and other denominations. Pat doesn’t have to worry as he has just a handful of devotees. So, he should butt out of our affairs. Look at thine own self, Pat!!


It’s all very well for you Pat, not alone for more than a few hours in your sheltered and peaceful province, while retired singles get cold shouldered for months on end no matter how responsibly they are prepared to behave. What about small business people that were prepared to do their homework only to be permanently deprived of any liveihood, and the schools that carefully organised safe classrooms only to have their efforts trashed. And the millions of employees of big companies whose directors don’t press for better government. On the mainland, the “conservative” party doesn’t believe in the rule of law nor in case making. It’s true that the Roman church squandered its standing since the Great War in more ways than one but that doesn’t invalidate responsible constructive activities and statements at any time.

It is orthodox, but presumptuous, to make out this is to do with hankering for “communion” ceremonies. Catholics should do what they want, it being crystal clear they are responsible and constructive, irrespective of what the padres tell them they must and what a mindless government tells them they mustn’t. Everybody should be speaking up about everything, on behalf of everybody. In my young day over half the congregation sat out of communion at any time anyway. I get the impression faith was something that was lived out (more so in other families than mine). RCC was something you dropped into and out of on purpose, like other denominations.


I agree I was quite sharp but your remarks came over as if you didn’t care about the religious aspects, but as if you just wanted everyone to be oppressed for the sake of oppression.


What if a priest has been with other men for sex the night before Mass. He could be infected with Covid and pass it on by touching the host he will put on people’s tongues or hands.


11.09: Abdvwhat if you, big dickhead, have sex the night or morning before you have casual sex or whatever and touch a host simply receiving it, you too could potentially infect the minister of the eucharist or celebrant!! Not impossible. The unknown unknowns!! But you are a big dickhead. Thick as two planks…Who knows who you’ve slept with. I suggest you stay coccooning….


One time receiving communion in a Dublin church I thought I got the distinct smell of semen from the priest’s hands. I never went back there.


I remember we had a Franciscan Parish Mission in St Peter’s Belfast and one young monk got young women to suck his finger while he masturbated. He was immediately sent packing.


Sicko fantasists in great supply today with their fairy stories. Best one yet is smelling semen from the priests fingers. Where do we get these loonies from.


1.22, the only sick fantasy here is your delusion that such things aren’t possible and that there are such things as holy priests.


At 12:56pm – I’d say you know all too well “the distinct smell of semen” on fingers. A connoisseur without doubt.


What exactly does “the distinct smell of semen” smell like? I’m a nun and I’m curious. Sr Mary Never-Enter.


@11.09, and to think people used to believe those priestly hands anointed with holiness. I wouldn’t take a sweetie from those hands now, never mind a consecrated host. God knows where they were the night before. Communicants should insist on receiving from a eucharistic minister. Much more likely to be hygienic.


1.09pm What a weird sweeping conclusion from a weird mind. What about the married men distributing Communion who have had gay sex in laybys and cruising spots.


12.24, what’s sick or perverted about that post? The poster is right. Priests are breaking their vows and are screwing gayly. Their hands shouldn’t be anywhere near consecrated hosts.

Remember those hygiene signs: untouched by human hands? Churches should give communicants similar reassurances : hosts untouched by priests’ hands.


We all know that once the aged Spririt of Vatican II priests go, it’s all over for that ACP generation, who presided over decline and who failed to attract new priests and new people to the Church.
They will be replaced by orthodox young priests (and before anyone starts, Rory and McCamley were liberals, not Latin Mass celebrators). The future is traddy and that feeds a people starved of order, beauty and clear teaching.
Here is some evidence, in this case it is the thriving Irish Dominicans. Remind me when the likes of the Redemptorists and Passionists last had a novice.


The trads did a better job of it. The churches were full and baptisms, conversions, marriages, vocations were all increasing. Maynooth was full and it wasn’t a pink palace.


3.20, I’m chortling while I type. If they were doing a better job of it, then why did the spirit of Vat II emerge at all?


Happy silver jubilee to Fr Frank King, Motherwell Diocese. Plastered all over their diocese Facebook today. If you google him, you will find that he joys the company of younger lads……


What an unpleasant and petty thing to post on this guy’s anniversary. Your ‘good wishes’ are clearly not sincere.


It’s not my fault he was in the papers and suspended for harassing a former altar boy by text for drinks and meals. Actually, my best wishes are sincere as he apologised and has turned a corner.


Dear Jeith, hopefully he will not stalk altar boys anymore. It all about self control.


Wasn’t it ever? And it could never have been otherwise. Because it all started with that thirty pieces of silver. 😕


Church bosses axe parish priest for stalking former altar boy online

FATHER Frank King was rebuked by the Bishop of Motherwell Joseph Toal over a series of messages he sent on Facebook to Tony Moore.


Father Frank King, who was said to be ‘very upset’ about claims(Image: Pressteam)

A PARISH priest has been removed from his post after a complaint was made to church bosses that he harassed a former altar boy online.
Father Frank King was rebuked by the Bishop of Motherwell Joseph Toal over a series of messages he sent on Facebook to Tony Moore.

The 29-year-old yesterday told how he was stunned when King, 50, started bombarding him with messages asking to meet up.
The priest contacted him online and repeatedly asked him to go out for dinner or meet up at his house.

When Tony, a hairdresser, didn’t reply to the messages, the priest at St Aidan’s church in Wishaw, Lanarkshire, tried to call him several times.

Tony had a meeting with Bishop Toal, where he showed him the messages and raised concerns about King’s behaviour.

Shocked: Tony Moore(Image: Pressteam)
Church bosses yesterday said King had been warned about his use of social media and has been relieved of his duties.


You posted this in 2017, Pat.,The parishoners backed the priest’s return. Why are you raising it again now?
A 29-year old is hardly a ‘younger lad.’ & 12.12.


5.36, that priest should have been laicised (raised to the lay state). He’s gay, isn’t he? And there is no place for gay men in the priesthood. That’s according to popes Benedict and Francis. Fr Marsden, too.

A little consistency isn’t too much to ask, is it?

All queer priests should be laicised without delay; they should never have been ordained in the first place.

As for the added shortage of priests this would create, so what?

That vile priest’s parishoners should never have welcomed him back. There is total inconsistency here. They should have demanded that he be taken from their sight.


The TOP Scientists, TOP Clinicians, HSE and TOP Government advisors has advised the Church on Covid 19 and the recommendations have all been taken seriously.

Health and Safety Teams, Cleaning Teams and everything all in place to abide by the Law.

And the Bishops, Clergy and Laity are all coming home they cannot wait.

It has not been cheap for all the precautions to be put into place and will continue to be in place to make everyone safe.

Gloves are not safe for cross contamination so hand sanitisers will constantly be used.

It is expected more Holy Masses will need to be said to outstrip the demand.

Do not forget the High Insurance Premiums that now need to be paid to the Churches insurers.

The Web Cam will make sure places are Covid 19 secure or I am sure the Police or HSE will be informed.


@1.56, so TOP (no less) scientists, clinicians, advisors have all been giving the government no doubt TOP guidance. How do you know? Have you peer reviewed their work? Or were you just informed of this by the Orish Catholic?


Well it is a very important subject Covid 19.
And everyone was interested in the daily briefings and advice it is all on the appropriate web sites.
And Covid 19 has Not gone away.


Perhaps priests should be supplied with tongs to distribute the host, so there would be no arguments about where his hands have previously been.


Actually there can be no doubt that some priests would find a sexual use for those tongs, so while well-intentioned this plan cannot be relied on.


8.00, the most awful image of anatomical stretching entered my head as I read your post. Does this make me a pervert?

Most def, a bad idea to give priests tongs.


If the churches carry on broadcasting Masses, I wonder how many people will used the Chinese Flu as an excuse and stay in the comfort of their homes, having got used to it? My wife makes a cup of tea when the homily starts.


3.38 ‘dirty pagans…filth’? 🤔
You may as well stay away too, then, because your attendance there is clearly harming your spiritual health. 😀


I go out for a ciggy during the homily and drink my coffee through mass. I think Jesus would be fine with it.


@3.23, I think you may be right. The fact that people can gather for Mass, so to speak, in the comfort of their own homes and no one bat’s a canonical eyelid makes this convenience too inconvenient to give up. It’s cheaper, too, no priest to give money to. AND the bonus of not having to listen to a homily (most of them are drivel), but to have a nice cuppa instead. A biscuit, or nice piece of chocolate, too as an accompaniment. Yum! What’s not to like?


It’s a bit like how people have got used to working from home and don’t fancy at all the idea of going back to stuffy old offices, dressed up stressed out from commuting. Similarly, people have got more used to getting their groceries online, rather than traipsing round supermarkets. How many will prefer to stick with e-Masses?


Pope Francis and the Bishops have made it very clear for All to get back into the Churches.
Do not be surprised if the parishes get informed it has to be cut back or stopped.
It is the Real Presence not a screen that matters to us devoted Catholics.


7.50, then you go back if you want, Jimbo, and have the good manners to allow the rest of us to decide for ourselves.

Besides, Jesus on the screen is still Jesus, Jimmy. Really.


5.37: Yes, dirty pagans! Erect your golden calf in your back garden: probably boxes of wine and beer followed by wild sex….Enjoy your heathenism.


The Irish Catholic is making out that Dermo is some sort of swashbuckling hero who stood up to Leo Veradkar and got the churches opened. Is that right?


2.20: You don’t live in the real world Lots of married men are bi-sexual, homosexual and transgender and a pot pourri of all sorts….they seek sex in many places. If we are to expect clean, pure, undefined hands, minds and bodies, we’d have no open Churches anywhere.Get a grip.


Married men like that are cheats and they got married under false pretences and tricked their poor wives who thought that they were marrying a straight man. They are the lowest of the low. At least the out gays have integrity.


Yes, agreed.
I know of one poor woman whose husband came out as a poof, went off with another poof, and left her with a rake of frightened, embarrassed, confused, and betrayed kids.
Yes, out gays have more integrity than those gutless poofs.


Instant annulment because the men did not mean it when they got married. It’s not like a straight man who later commits adultery. He had good intentions at the start, wheras a gay man who marries a woman has bad intentions from the start. A woman is used as cover (I think in Hollywood they are called “beards”) for men who don’t or won’t come out. It’s a grave sin to do that to a woman; think of that shit Philip Schofield.


6.20 Well said and it goes for clergy as well who hide in the Church.
Anyone entertaining a married man or women is on the wrong road.
Nothing wrong being gay but a cheat and Liar is not good.


Or JPL … he’s much sexier than Littletwat. I doubt if Littletit could be a power bottom ? He’s be shrieking more than he does when he’s preaching. No, I’ll stick with John Paul, thank you.


The Irish Catholic……lol….like most on this blog including myself… ” Catholic ” speak….we are all intrinsically disordered …..The Irish Catholic….is essentially a Jansenist….a Puritan…a Protestant ……Mediterranean Catholicism is the real deal but its almost extinct….soon will be !!!!!!


Super Slav killed it off and turned a beautiful church of 300 years….Tridentine…..the best of Vatican 2 and that wasn’t much was from the progress of that time…he turned it ….into a sluggish Polish Parish….the whole church …now collapsed in a heap in what is called Europe…it does not really exist now except in fiscal terms and Human Rights….Europe that is…because Europe was in fact Christian….they have essentially cancelled each other ….and The Irish Catholic has nowhere to go !!!!!!! If you can’t follow it…dont knock it….the logic….!!!


William Mulvihill – now there’s a name – he was gone by the time I arrived in Roma but his reputation was still there – the incandescent with fury, wee Northern Ireland man, who seethed rather than spoke. When he did speak it was through gritted teeth and in clipped tones. Developed a great interest in the Antipodes and motor bikes by all accounts. Rode off into the sunset. Spectacularly re-emerged in summer 2018. Hey Bill, you got good coffee?


He was in Maynooth in my time. He seethed there, too. Many seminarians were afraid of his sharp tongue. I think he did an MA and because of that he lived in New House for an extra year, and he skulked around in a long coat, looking angry.


5.36 – he was 29 and openly gay. Father new him as an altar boy at 13/14 and hadn’t seen him since – ok to stalk him then?


NO the priest should have been thrown out and just shows how weak the Scottish Bishops are.
On saying that I hear Archbishop Cushley has made a few retire.
The 29 year old took him mammy along to see the Bishop too.
But yes makes you think how true some of Despard’s stuff is in his book.


As I’ve said before, +Leo is not cut out to lead a Diocese, he’d be better off in Rome running a Department, and he knows it. Most of his clergy can’t stand him and want out asap. Early retirements and sick leave running at all time high. He has lost the dessing room, pure and simple.


My goodness all this talk of clergy taking advice from TOP scientists. Does this mean the clergy concerned are BOTTOMS?


7.59: It’s the government who takes advice from Top Scientists – bishops can confer too with advisors! Can’t they, Mr. Top!!


Whats the betting that priest, dear boy, was glad he was wearing a very loose fitting alb in front of all those semi-naked, handsome young men and….. Ohhhhhh! 😥


8.04: And…..the message of your photo is… ???? Are you just another shithead comedian?? Stay in your day/home job!!


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