

It is very interesting to see the head chaplain of the Irish Army supporting his LGBT parishioners and saying he had planned to walk with them in Dublin Gay Pride.

Father Madigan is a priest of the Diocese of Limerick.

I wonder what his statement and support means in practice?

Does it mean he supports same sex marriage?

And more importantly, does it mean that he will preside over same sex marriage ceremonies?

That would be the logical and pastoral outcome of his public statement.

I dont think his bishop, Leahy, would give him any grief for that.

But his former diocesan, Phonsie?

Now that would be a white horse of a different colour.


On Vocations to the Priesthood, he says: “Vocations are like house plants. House plants are not the same as hardy outdoor plants. If you water them too much they die, if you don’t water them enough they die. They need sunlight. They need care and attention, but not too much. You’ve got to get it just right. It’s the Goldilocks formula (ie which one is “just right’) which nobody really knows but which is ultimately the work of God, the work of the Holy Spirit acting through people.


Father John Promise is looking forward to calling Father Goldilocks MY LORD?

So we have a Bishop Goldilocks in the oven, have we?


Pat, don’t be attributing motives or expectations on others. This chaplain did the right thing by expressing support, understanding and acceptance of all people. Do you want him to publicly kiss a soldier? Why not let his statement stand alone without you placing YOUR interpretation on them?. You are weird.


‘Vocation’? What a peculiar word. But then, peculiar people, like Fr ‘Goldilocks’, will use such words, since they have such inflated notions of themselves.
No other person uses words like ‘vocation’ or ‘calling’ to describe his job. No doctor; no teacher; no bricklayer; no engineer, etc. None of these talks of their work in such self-aggrandising, self-deifying terms. But then, none of them has the, um, humility of a Catholic priest.
‘Vocation’ or ‘calling’: what these pretentious words imply is that the god of those who self-refer in this way chooses them from among a myriad of others to be his special envoys to a troubled and wayward world. Ooooh! How special and privileged and important this must make them feel. Of course, there is a downside: it means, too, that their god has deliberately chosen every paedophile and cover-upper that ever functioned in the Church… precisely to sin, and to act against his wishes; no wonder, then, that the Church is so at odds with itself, because its god is as f****d up as it is. No wonder that poor Catholic priests find it so impossibly hard to ‘get it just right’.


In the article about Fr Simon Davies, from which Pat quoted, it was interesting to see the use of the passive voice:
“He took his vows in 2014, but when he reached the end of his time it was decided he would not take his final vows within this community.”
Who decided? It sounds like he was shown the door by the Norbertines and has been a bit of a vocations itinerant.


Wow! That news about the Irish defence forces’ head chaplain is explosive stuff. (Pun intended.😄)
But will he have the courage to withstand the withering volley he’ll obviously face in return from their lordships?
One wonders whether he thought through all of this, to the likely consequences, not to mention expectations that he’ll follow up his words with such deeds as not calling loving, monogamous, homosexual butt sex intrinsically disordered or evil. (Painful, granted, but not disordered.)
And will he bless loving and stable gay relationships?
Oh, ‘the times they are a-changin’ ‘. (One hopes.)


Fr John Promise, I believe, is from Portsmouth diocese. A quick web search will demonstrate that he has had a checker-ed history in Nigeria and this beggars the question-how on earth was he able to get in to Portsmouth and their seminary? We need to pray for him and his bishop that he will convert and that Bishop Egan will keep a close eye on him! He could become a severe embarrassment.
His adulation for Fr Davies is very telling. He seems to regard Fr Simon as his Lord and protege. WTF is going on here? Wasn’t Simon expelled from Oscott? Oh dear Lord help us!


What a nice couple!
Johnpromise ❤️ Simon Davies
When and who of them is going to propose to the other?
I’m sure their bishops understand their deep love and friendship for each other. Nobody would ever suspect them for being anything else than just friends, would they?!
Wait, where did they meet? Wankersh. That says it all!


are we jealous, Gustavo? God love ya. you’ll find love on Grindr, there’s an abundance of it there x


you say you’re not a Roman Catholic and don’t want anything to do with the institution. Then you write about it daily and say that it needs to be reformed, yet you don’t want to be involved in it, while at the same time saying you’d like to see change, but also that the Catholic Church is going to be gone in a number of years. you want this change despite the fact you goad its members and ridicule them, but call yourself a christian.
are you ok, hun?


The head chaplain is an ex-Salesian who jumped ship and incardinated to Limerick diocese. What is it with these former religious order priests who decide that, after all, they had a vocation to be a diocesan priest? Irish dioceses are full of them.


Priests claim that they had a vocation to be a diocesan priest, or a Jesuit, Dominican, Salesian, or whatever. They are quite specific and receive a particular formation according to their vocation. It’s not a job, so if they move from one to another, the voice telling them they had a vocation to one or the other must be at fault at some stage.


Your logic is false. Your theology poorer. Your common sense and humanity non-existent.

Jewish-Christian understandings of revelation show that we see through a glass darkly at the best of times. Whatever circuitous path our journey takes the one constant is that God walks by our side. As some wit put it: the journey is as important as the destination.


10.52, what pretentious, face-saving rubbish!
You’re obviously a priest stung by the other poster’s comment, but too cowardly to accept its truth.
And just as pretentious is the ridiculous notion of supernatural vocation or calling to priesthood. 😂


I used to read in pious CTS pamphlets on vocations, that even if a priest didn’t really have a calling to be a priest, at the moment of ordination God would supply the vocation at that moment.
The logic of that is that, however unsuitable, eg Fr Brendan Smyth, God wanted him to be a priest.
Or am I missing something?


2.55, you’re missing absolutely nothing, because the whole sumptuous mythology and pseudo-mystique in which priesthood is draped is only crepe paper on closer ispection. And one needn’t come too close to see it.


Hello + Pat,
You comment about Fr Davies is cruel and unfair.
His quoted remark, “Vocations are like house plants … You’ve got to get it just right. It’s the Goldilocks formula (i.e. which one is ‘just right’) which nobody really knows but which is
ultimately the work of God … ” is from an article in a parish magazine, June 2017, when he was a seminary student.
Here’s the full article
He seems very sensible.


Joseph, what’s so cruel about today’s post about Simon? Go back a 7-10 months on the blog and you will find out the truth about Fr Simon and the group of three Queens he was part of.


Simon Davies has a Checkered past. Oscott wonersh East Anglia.

Interesting that John Promise is involved a man with another dark past.

Alan Hopes current crop in seminarians also have dark pasts. Why ??


6.25, Simon Davies sounds very sensible? He doesn’t know his own mind; that suggests immaturity and indecisiveness.


The “goldilocks formula” ! What a crock of bullshit!
These people seem to take themselves too seriously. Maybe it’s due to brainwashing.
Obviously, the “away with the fairies” contagion acquired in seminary is still rampant.
Real life experience is the only vaccine for budding lords.


10:28 am
Oh! Is that the play the game to be ordained fairy story formula.
If so,why no mention of that formula?


He mentions ‘solidarity’ meaning “unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group.”
He will now either be fagbagged by Patricia or feature in the old fagbagger’s bi-monthly column “When Irish Eyes Are NOT Smiling.”


Elsie celebrates the Reuiem Mass today of his close friend, Canon Christopher Tuckwell, at 10.30am via livestream at Westminster Cathedral. The retired men in attendance will be quietly seething with him.


+ Nichols might use it as an opportunity to announce his pension cuts, since he’s got them all in one place ? Christopher Tuckwell isn’t any use to + Nichols anymore, now he’s dead, and + Nichols does have a tendency only to bother when someone can be of use to him. If not, then they are very quickly cast aside. She’s a really cruel one, that + Elsie.


Cardinal Nicholls has many money problems and has a large number of retired priests. It takes lots of money to look after these priests and the new Nuncio will be made aware of these problems. With the Covid 19 lots of parishes are not getting enough money to cope and I know the Cardinal is worried about this. He has many offices and staff to run Westminster and they all need paying. So many schools and projects too.


11:17, I wasn’t. I referring to you at 9:20am, which I made explicit in my comment.


I think the video of the Irish Defence Forces’ Head Chaplain is rather wonderful. It’s the kind of language and attitude that I hope that we can see in our Church, one of affirmation, acceptance, welcome, embrace, value, and unconditional love. It’s yet another indication to me of how much Ireland has grown from a hobbled country dominated by the Roman Catholic Church for hundreds of years, in to a vibrant, young, lively, forward looking, democratic, socially liberal society that is aware of itself and aware of its relationship with others, especially through the EU. People might be surprised that the Irish Defence Forces are so woke on this issue of diversity, equality and inclusion, but so often you find that organisations that finally see the light embrace it wholeheartedly. My experience of other organisations often shows that once they decide that diversity, equality and inclusion is something that strengthens them rather than weakens them, that it adds something to their mission, then they go for it whole hog and embrace it. As for the Head Chaplain, he will be straddling two worlds, that of the Defence Forces and that of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s clear that he is acting as the Head Chaplain of the IDF, and has decided that whatever difficulty – which I am sure there will be – from the RCC is something that he is prepared to undertake. I congratulate him and admire his forward thinking and his courage.


Yep, and there’s the tension for a country trying to be as liberal and flexible as it can be, to all sorts of groups and individuals. And the unborn are the collateral damage. Women are valued, and given rights, but one consequence sadly is that the unborn lose out. it’s horrible to think about. But, it is where we are at…..


10.24, the unborn in Ireland were nearly always relatively safe…provided they remained unborn. Once outside the womb, they were exposed to the contradiction in Roman Catholic teaching on the sanctity of human life.

The RCC never, truly believed in the sanctity of human life, since it never hesitated to approve its annihilation, in the right circumstances, of course. War, for instance. And didn’t the RCC traditionally have an entire raft of self-important doctrinal exceptions to killing what was universally taught as being sacred? The so-called ‘Just War? And here that privilege of sanctity was withdrawn even from the unborn, since they, too, were deemed dispensible…for the greater good, of course.

If you must cast blame for Ireland’s expanding social liberalism, look first, and principally (since it is, by far, the largedt denomination in Ireland) to the RCC: it sowed the seeds of ambiguity on the sanctity of human life.

And haven’t those seeds since grown tall and proud! 😲


There will, I am sure, be some foot shuffling and mental gymnastics going on about what exactly it means to welcome and embrace the LGBTQI+ community by the Roman Catholic Church. We will no doubt have more of the ‘we really love you, because you are a child of God”, but very quickly the conversation will move on to behaviour and what the gays get up to, which is something of an institutional obsession with bishops and clergy. So, very quickly, once you get past the paper thin welcome, the conversation will move on to “oh, but your whole lifestyle and the way you live in relationships is intrinsically sinful because it involves sexual, genital activity”. That will be the main criteria by which the gays will be judged. And the reason for really excluding them. Until the RCC is able to have a rethink about its theology of sexuality and sexual morality, it will find itself stuck and not able to move on to a real welcome and love for communities and individuals such as the LGBQI+.


”but very quickly the conversation will move on to behaviour and what the gays get up to, which is something of an institutional obsession with bishops and clergy”

I’m 66 years old. I grew up in Ireland, worked in England, holidayed all over Europe and been to mass in many churches over the world. I have a daughter in America that I go to see every summer bar this one, and I have yet to hear a priest or bishop say anything about gay people in homilies – good, bad or indifferent. There are some who do, and I wouldn’t expect anything less. if you join a golf club you can’t expect to play rugby on the fairway.


10.20, they say it all day and every day. In their catechism. It’s there in black and white, JJ.


I do hope when the Head Chaplain attends the Pride Parade he steers clear of the Leather Tent and the Pigs’ Tent. He might see things he’s never seen before. Or maybe not….?!


are there any drink drivers in the tent? Barry Cowan is making a statement in the Dail later today. is it the Galway tent?


In the gay world, a Pig is someone who engages in pretty hard core sexual activity, probably in a group, and it is not for the feint hearted. Usually involving leather, restraints, slings, sex toys, drugs etc. etc. Hard core stuff.


Oh, I don’t know + Pat. You might look good in a pari of leather chaps and a chest harness ?!


It’s a pretty vague term, Bp Pat, although often associated with being kinky and implying being a power bottom.
For example, allegedly, JP is an insatiable bottom, definitely into pig play.


Now, we are getting in to fine and detailed definition here. Is a Power Bottom ( a la JPL) by definition also a Pig ? Discuss !

Father John Promise. It’s a good job he wasn’t given the name John Thomas.

Any correspondents know whether + Elsie has announced her pension plans for the retired priests of the Archdiocese at the funeral in Westminster Cathedral today yet ? Oh, I’d love to be a fly on the wall during the after funeral drinks with the clergy. The knives will be out. If I was + Elsie I’d plead another engagement or take refuge in Covid 19 precautions.


11.25am Elsie is hardly going to announce that at a funeral especially online. That will be announced soon in a more subtle way. I do know ex Anglican +Alan Hopes of East Anglia was on hsnd for the final commendation. No drinks after as minimal clergy were present.


why don’t you ask them yourself. you’ve gone out of your way to look him up. you must be obsessed with the man. God bless the mark


Since we are looking at military chaplains, has anybody anything to say about the British ones ? Interesting bunch ? How many of them would be marching behind the rainbow flag ? From my experience back in the early 90s as a young squaddie, the Catholic chaplains were a camp lot, and were up to all sorts of tricks – and that was in the days when it was against regulations to be gay in the military. But, they seemed to get away with it. Where are they now, I wonder ? Oh, I particularly remember running in to one at a German autobahn truck stop…. !!!


10.13: Did you enjoy the sexual thrill at the German autobahn!! Bet you did….you that’s all male and macho!!


Hello Father. Do you remember those autobahn truck stops ? Very busy and entertaining. The German police were very indulgent and didn’t interfere as long as you didn’t scare the natives. Happy days ! Even as a squaddie I was always welcome to join the padres when they were out and about on the lash and the hunt. Oh, the stories I could tell !


12.58, you poor fool. If you’re praying for more Catholic clergy, then you’re praying for more of the same.
Logic isn’t your thing, is it?😎


So Fr Simon Davies was in Oscott, which he was asked to leave, then joined the Norbertines, which he left or was asked to leave, before ending up in Wonersh? In the not so distant past, a candidate who had been in an order and booted out of a seminary would have found it very difficult to be accepted for the third time.
He seems to have been a perpetual student. How much did all that cost, all because he felt he had that mysterious thing called a vocation, which is what pious young men convince themselves is the way to be a superChristian.


We know another perpetual student from Wonersh mentioned on this blog, don’t we ? Yes – LITTLETWIT !! Now, do you think a stint as an army chaplain would be good for him ? I wonder how he would wear a maniple and a biretta with his army fatigues ?


Captain you seem to be obsessed with biretta’s and maniple’s stop being a TWAT and leave him alone. There is lot more you could complain about on this blog.


Well stop press, Fr Goldilocks has left his vocation yet again… to pursue his ambition to sanctify the Catholic Church via studies in Canada. Canon Law diploma he thinks will give him the edge. Silly s*d


Simply untrue. The Bishop of East Anglia has sent him to Canada to obtain a licentiate in Canon Law, with a view to replacing the current Vicar Judicial who is approaching retirement. The only English-speaking courses are in Canada and the US.
hon i soit qui mal y pense


Simply untrue. The Bishop of East Anglia has sent him to Canada to obtain a licentiate in Canon Law, with a view to replacing the current Vicar Judicial who is approaching retirement. The only English-speaking courses are in Canada and the US.
hon i soit qui mal y pense


Typical RC jobs for the boys, bottom of the barrel now! A thirty something Goldilocks of chequered past is earmarked to uphold Cannon Law in East Anglia. But what of his all important vocation whilst he reads yet more books for years.


Fr Madigan is a bit chunky for a man in military uniform. No iron rations in McKee barracks!


he might be, and what’s it got to do with you? why are you obsessed with the clergy of another church? very odd


Some interesting videos of Fr John Promise on line. One Fr JP “I wank. I watch porn” Horny Lyttle features near the front of ordination procession in Portsmouth Cathedral. I wonder how all that study and research he’s doing on behalf of the diocese is going?


“Johnpromise Ikenna Umeozuru is working as a unit administrator at Social Services in London and is a spiritual leader at House of Rainbow Fellowship. Mr. Umeozuru studied philosophy and theology at Urban University Rome, Italy. He also did a post-graduate diploma in business administration from International School of Business Studies London and graduated with distinction in 2011 before completing an M.A. in business administration from Cardiff Metropolitan University Wales, United Kingdom.” Maybe that’s Johnpromise has disappeared to from Portsmouth ? Enterprising young man, isn’t he ?


you’re obsessed. going out of your way to watch these videos. are ya well? are ya? are ya well in the head?


Johnpromise Umeozuru
Unit Administrator, Social Services, Nigeria
Johnpromise Ikenna Umeozuru is working as a unit administrator at Social Services in London and is a spiritual leader at House of Rainbow Fellowship. Mr. Umeozuru studied philosophy and theology at Urban University Rome, Italy. He also did a post-graduate diploma in business administration from International School of Business Studies London and graduated with distinction in 2011 before completing an M.A. in business administration from Cardiff Metropolitan University Wales, United Kingdom.

House of rainbow


@12:23pm feck away off ya durty aul Jackeen hore. Are ya well in the head yerself? Are ya? Ya trollopey aul wagon.


At 12:23pm Shut ye aul hag or declare to God will come over to Moore St and tear the knickers offa ye.


And I thought that they didn’t have any gays in Nigeria ? Isn’t that what the Nigerian bishops say ? It’s a western problem, apparently.


Where are all the comments on the blog page for Catholic Truth Scotland? I’ve just checked, snd they are all missing. There’s just an email from CTS and a reply from Pat.
Very fishy.


I mistakenly deleted the post and when I reinstated the comments were gone.

However, on July 22nd we are having a Scotland and CTS day on the blog.


Och ah do so love a wee Scottie bloggy! Th’all be oot and aboot, in thar bonnie wee bonnets and kilts, with their wee sorrowful tales o’ woe and pure misery. Och aye Inspector Hamish McTaggart and them all be seetin’ in thar wee hooses wi a few wee drams at their wee computers and gettin all tha greetin’ and a wailin’ oota their broken wee hearts. Och, Pat, wee hen, a canny hardly wait noo til July 22nd!🥃 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🥃🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🥃🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🥃🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🥃🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🥃🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🥃 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🥃


Even today the old fagbagger writes at length in CTS about her numerous attempts to fagbag a young seminarian who later went on to be ordained a deacon anyway despite all her fagbaggery.
Of course, the old cedarchestsissy, RCAVictor, was first out the gate with his comment. Another regular Tena lady, Helen, says, “Yes, I would want to know if my PP had sodomite leanings.”
Concerned OAP


Are CTS not raising important questions?

Do we want a priesthood made up ONLY of sexually active gay men?


Are you opposed to the heterosexualisation of the priesthood, Pat?

Surely what matters is not sexual identity, but whether candidates for seminary are willing to pray, regularly spend time in solitude, and try to live lives in imitation of Christ. What has sexual identity to do with any of this? What does it matter?

You are making a feature of personality the main criterion for admitting men to the priesthood. What are you going to do? Draw up a quota of straight to gay men and admit them strictly in proportion to what you imagine is their representation in wider society? That wouldn’t work either, because CTS don’t want ANY queers about the place.

These people are not your supporters, Pat. They will use you, and betray you.


I think the priesthood should be representative of the whole People of God.

Are you saying that Christianity is compatible with a promiscuous lifestyle in saunas etc?

And RCC teachings demand that all priests would be celibate.

Are double lives a good thing.


5.35, raising important questions? It seemed to me that they baited that seminarian, and then attempted subtle blackmail to force him to abandon his plans for ordaination.
I’m surprised that you approve of these underhand tactics.
If you are going to suggest that the seminarian is obligated to abide by everything his church teaches, did you, when you were part of the Church?
This right-wing group is opposed to the ordination of ALL homosexuals, regardless of how purely they live. It would not have mattered to these people whether or not the seminarian supported the so-called ‘gay culture’ (whatever that means), they’d have wanted him booted out of seminary had they even suspected that he might be queer.
You’ll jump into bed with anyone who’ll help you avenge yourself against the Church. And please don’t pretend you care about it.


I sincerely object to the homosexualisation of the priesthood and priests and seminarians being “pigs” etc


Pat, how did you deduce from my post that I considered Christianity compatible with homosexual promiscuity? You are making arguments where none exist.
I mentioned homosexuality and priesthood purely in terms of prayer, solitude, and living lives in imitation of Christ. How could you, reasonably, deduce from this that I supported gay saunas? Seriously?
As for breaking vows or promises of celibacy, where did I defend this.
It really does look as if you didn’t take the trouble to read my post carefully.


Fr JP does. It will be good for his research and will be very beneficial to his power bottom ministry 😉


Ah, yes, the research he is doing on behalf of the diocese during his ‘sabbatical’ ! And where does he go to do this research now that all the saunas are closed down during lockdown ? Must be difficult. I’m sure, however, ever adaptable and flexible and able to think on his feet, and able to overcome adversity in any situation, JPL will be able to find willing participants for his research purposes.


So, after just a few years, John Promise has left the priesthood for a “gay ministry”? Philip Egan should be forced to resign by Rome. What a disaster and disgrace of a bishop. He certainly can pick em, can’t he? The wanking homosexpest Lyttle and this other Promise twat.


Yes, + Egan does have some questions to answer. His track record on the people he ordains is not good. And, certainly in the case of JPL, there was strong opposition to him ordaining that man. I reckon Promise will be another of whom there will have been a long list of reasons not to ordain him. But, + Egan in his infinite episcopal wisdom seems to just have gone his own pretty little way. And look what is unfolding now.


Johnpromised was ordained a priest in 2019 and is still a priest.
He brought the gay ministry with him to Wankersh and now as a priest.


From the eyebrows upwards to the buzz cut greying hair, Madigan is a ringer for Coddle Martin. Is he related to Mother Josepha Madigan?


Seminarian Liaison

“….. feedback has been very positive……blahdy blahdy blah blah blah …….”


You couldn’t make it up. They really have no sense of the ironic and the absurd 🤣


It used to be aul Joe McKeever, the former PP of Crossmaglen but he must be in his eighties now. Mind you, Clogher’s vocations director is an octogenarian.


Joe’s a decent man. He’s not in his 80’s – maybe 70s – but he hasn’t been well at all. He’s retired.


The diocese of Portsmouth is in complete disarray. Philip Egan has made a compete and utter Arse of himself, ignoring advice and warnings, by going ahead wilfully to ordain unfit and unworthy men for ministry. Morale is very low among the clergy who have no confidence in his leadership. There were red lights frantically flashing and sirens screaming everywhere around Jp Lyttle and Egan not only ignored them but actually fast tracked Lyttle’s ordination. Look at the mess now. Shocking.


Egan’s mistakes have much wider implications for areas other than Portsmouth diocese. The introduction of unsuitable candidates for priesthood contaminates and pollutes the environment in a seminary. There is ample evidence of this from Wonersh as witnessed in some of the blogs on this site. The “smoke of Satan” has been allowed to seep into the very structure of the seminary and influence the prevailing culture and formation of the seminarians. Thank you Phillip! What are you going to do to put things right?


Egan is short of Priests for parishes so he is willing to take all sorts of priests including some with a past to solve the problem. A Priest of Portsmouth told me this.


Wilson needs to close Wonersh down and cull the gay mafia. Their toxic brand of self interest has caused untold harm to those they come in contact with. Egan is not alone in scraping the barrel to find priests-Davis is one of Hopes protegees and Balkwill one of Langs. The ordinaries have proved themselves less than ordinary and their vocations directors cannot without a large responsibility.


wasn’t Gustavo one of Simons puppet boys… He been very friendly with some lads here if you get my drift 😉


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