


This is a very good interview with Marcel and he gets to the heart of the matter.

He talks about the whole RCC system as a lie.

The homosexualisation is part of the lie.

The abuse of power is part of the lie.

The monetary corruption is part of the lie.

He talks about the cardinals and bishops being stuck in a 1950s and 1960s mindset.

The gay “twinks” we see entering seminaries these days are running away from living their homosexuality openly in the world. They want to hide in a place of dressing up and double speak – and be on a pedestal.

It’s all dysfunctional and becoming more dysfunctional by the day.


Seven years in formation at seminaries. Nigerian students leave with a greater privilege about themselves. Surely this should be kicked out of them?


Whoa there you troll. My best friend Analeke is Nigerian and a lovely guy. So don’t be soo unchristian and dont generalise. Not everyone generates those sorts of reaction like John Promise has done. These sorts of bitchy remarks should be reserved for the private soirees among you girls!


What’s facinating is that, before I was born, “chastity” was something open to everyone to apply, at individual informed discretion, but now it is a non-existent concept in public. The Vatican has entrenched gaiety as an ontology, such that there isn’t even any pastoring of “persons”. Meantime turning clergy is portrayed as the only way to be a christian.


Next the Vatican has used a superficial meme (sacraments) to enforce its will, squeezing out any Holy Spirit service to facilitate grace. It has sucked the life out of relating outside nuclear families (a JP II hobby horse), replacing relationships by the media and schools (Paul VI), high demand movements (JP II) and quangoes (PF). Everyone that simply calls for everyone to treat each other as normal whatever one’s attractions or institutional position, is portrayed as a square peg.


How many times during my time as a seminarian wasn’t I asked by priests if I’m “in the parish”. Or other priests and bishops talking about who “is in the parish” or not.
“Oh I heard father X is in the parish!” Stupid me thought that, of course a priest is in the parish!
Not until I read Martel’s book did I understand what all this talk about being in the parish meant:
In the parish – a code for being gay.
So who is in the parish and who isn’t?!


I am a bit confused.
You see this as a problem yet
offer no suggestions to remedy it from individual causes.
Which is it?


Brad, a very good question. As a layman it’s easy for me to detach from sacraments. (In my young day over half the congregation sat out from “communion” so politicians felt themselves to be in excellent company. The sheer tact and imagination of those days before JP II got heavy about “going up” gets forgotten.) By good Providence Pat now has the Oratory.
Everyone else including clergy have got to spend time thinking for themselves. Maybe an attraction in being a priest-academic is to not have to be seen in person pushing sacraments (while careful to emit the right level of sacramental propaganda of course). Ordinary priests probably comfort themselves that quite a lot of parishioners don’t focus on the intergovernmental aspects of the communion ceremony.


Some mighty ponderables here from Martel. Had he been able to express himself in his native tongue, I suspect they’d be even more telling.
So when did the rot in the Church set in? Martel doesn’t say, but from his observations, it can only have been at the clericalisation of the eucharistic celebration (the Mass) and the other sacraments. Remember there was no clerical caste in the early church, certainly for most of the first century.
With clericalisation came elitism, came hierarchy/monarchy, came absolute power dressed as authority, and came temptation to abuse others through misuse of power. The future, and moral downward, direction of the Church was virtually predictable from this point, but its deviation from the goal set by Christ, service of one another (servanthood), would certainly have been obvious.
Where the Church is today is the destination of a 2000-year journey, largely of ignominy and shame. And its moral and ontological misdirection was almost exclusively driven by those in the Church who had accrued to themselves power and privilege (the clergy), legitimised under the banner of divinely bestowed authority. This in turn was premised on questionable and selective readings from Scripture, especially from the Gospel.
Priesthood was, and remains, the single, most baleful influence in and on the Church, and it continues to misdirect her from the evangelising mission set by Christ for his first followers.
Every priest who remains part of the institution is complicit in its continued moral degeneration and diminishing appeal, the very antithesis of its professed purpose, evangelisation of the world.
There is no middle ground here: no possibility of compromise. It simply is not conceivable (in fact, it is delusional and a denial of history) that the Church can be rescued through the reform and continuation of priesthood, because a priesthood was never envisioned by Christ and is a usurption of his will.

Liked by 1 person

The resultant power trip is just as unsuited for the majority of gay and ungay laity as for the remnant of clergy who have shared their heartaches with us recently. The birth control debate was lost (until further notice) 100 years ago, hence a “genital fixation”. This is why power wielders are stuck in a mawkish, immature fin de siecle Thomas Mann – Proust mindset, transferring all their blinkered guilt (about their abuses of power) onto us. Those interviewed by Martel were formed by bosses from the fin de siecle period.
Far from “infallibility” applying only to the odd “ex cathedra” thing as allegedly first intended, now all critique of the dicasteries is defined, in PF’s mission creep regime, as blasphemy. And seminaries are no longer for turning out clergy generally, only Vatican look-alikes. Hence being a Vatican look-alike is the only way to be christian – either an Alter John Paul, or an Alter My Lord, or an Alter Moet guzzling wannabe nuncio. It’s essential for seminary to have lots of lengthy beer sessions to occasion “flashing” and even alleged “passes”, for the melodrama.


PF deflects judgment from poor conduct by intimating we are judging ontology. The revolution began in the centre, in the period Martel studied and just before, but is now engulfing us all at the peripheries. It is becoming difficult for mere mutterers about innocuous devotional tropes to stand out from the infinitely more evil power trippers using them as human shields.
Carefully critique the lack of arguments: pretended opponents of the establishment are supporting it as we saw. Predation can be mental as well as bodily, and can be by proxy. The machine has a tendency to pick on those of manic temperament to perpetuate it. Martel flags up homoerotic atmosphere as a sign of gaiety in the clergy and the occurrence of predation as evidence of a prevalent sexualised atmosphere at the Vatican.


What a lovely time all the anti-Catholic trolls on this blog are having today. They are all reveling in the gossip of that oul Queen and apostate Martell. Everything she writes is just gossip she has garnished from her own kind, how they love it!


And it’s ‘her own kind’ who are running the Church.
Look beyond the shortcomings and other criticisms of Martel’s book. Even if the gossip Martel relates isn’t true, it is coming from those who would claim to be other Christs. Can’t you see that the book exposes this other layer of moral corruption?


Illegitimate power over our consciences is big in the Vatican now. If we didn’t get belief from God when we had the chance, we’ll not get it from the church organisation now. On the money side, Pell’s reforms were on, then off, now (allegedly) on again solely because convenient for image. Martel is “outing the system” which connects the innate cover-up of picking on the voiceless with the prelates’ lying to themselves. The personage that went on cycling tours has meantime had a very bad influence throughout England and Ireland. Who says so much beer must be drunk? Do bureaucrats in CBCEW have brewery shares?


so what if they’re gay? are you saying there is something wrong with gay men in a profession?
when you write headlines like THE MAJORITY OF VATICAN CLERICS ARE GAY, there is a subtext behind that. You’re saying its awful, it terrible, its an unspeakable thing.


No one is condemning gay men but, given the Vatican’s stance on homosexuality, it is surprising and hypocritical that there should be so many gay men there.


11.08 the important part to their ringleaders is the duplicitous, so some dispense with the active promiscuity because they know a few others are flying that – less important – flag for them. Then you have a fair number of types who in good circumstances would be innocuous who form the plausible cover or decoy; while aware of shenanigans they hoped they had remained “sufficiently” aloof from all that.


People have lots of problems, both physical and mental, with sex, and negative religious edicts only add to those problems. Gays are the focus of most sexual agonizing in the religious world today, but the transparent gayness of the church authorities is undercutting their influence on the sexual front, which is all to the good. Martel is very convincing, and without any axe to grind.


All this info over how many years and posts on two platforms. That’s just you Pat. Have we got to wait for second coming to get the shit out of the shithouse


10:53 am
Jesus was a troublemaker. He was a source of division. That’s why he had to be murdered.
He was a loose canon.


Syndicate’s online symposium on the Frederic Martel book about homosexuality and the Vatican. Syndicate is home to burgeoning intellectual community working within the humanities. It is a rapidly expanding network of scholars who are interested in not merely reviewing one anther’s work, but engaging it with substance. It is a discursive space where mutual inquiry and collaboration are encouraged and nourished.
From Sean Larsen in the introduction;
“The following symposium will eventually consist of 11 essays by scholars and practitioner, who engage the book from a variety of disciplinary perspectives: sociological (Guhin), journalistic (O’Laughlin and Martin), pastoral (Martin, Gioia, and Alison), psychological (Hayward), moral (Ford), ecclesiological (Flanagan), and various other theological (Heaney, LaCouter, and me) perspectives. Each wrote in response to our fairly open-ended invitation. Though the panel is far from exhaustive or representative, we have tried to begin a responsible conversation about the book in some of the ways we think are important.”


9.09, I take it you share Winter’s sniffy disdain (in fact, its a well-mannered sneer) at Martel’s book.
Winters stopped just short of calling the book ‘pulp trash’. But if it doesn’t actually affirm many of its more salacious homosexual claims, it does expose the gossipy, backstabbing (indeed bitchy) world of the Vatican: this alone renders the book a valuable addition to our compendium of knowledge and understanding of the tiny city state, made more credible by the fact that much or most of this information was shared with Martel in untypically unguarded moments by Vatican apparatchiks (cardinals and others).
Through this rarefied window on the Vatican, we can see an organisation not only in competition with itself, but at war with its members; and decidedly unfit for its professed purpose, of evangelising, in the name of Christ, the peoples of the world.


I have not seen the book, but to judge from the interview it’s about much, much more than the Vatican city state. I does go to the heart of the matter as regards the current endgame between the church and sexuality.


11.48 “at war with its members” including ungay; you are spot on; the Vat. was long like this but what’s new is it has turned the force of media on us (Re and Ouellet) and also that in the last few years they are brazenly admitting it.
The 1950s mindset Martel describes was an Italian one; each country adds its own flavours to bad (or even good) dynamics.


I have no doubt that the majority of Vatican monsignori and preti are of homosexual / gay orientation. There are two questions that flow from this fact:
1. What is it about the priesthood and the clerical way of life that seems to attract so many men of homosexual orientation ? I think at the beginning of such a ‘vocation’ there is a real sense of denial and attempting to ignore his orientation on the part of the young man. He will have been brought up bombarded with all sorts of messaging at home, at school, in education and also in society that it is a disordered state of being and something that is tainted and sinful. Even his Church has been telling him that he is ‘intrinsically disordered’. so, he tries to sublimate it, push it to one side, even minimise the energies that his sexuality will exercise on him. And, what better way is there to do this than to side step out of normal life where sexuality and sexual energies impact, and jump in to a sanitised, supposedly asexual environment where it is ignored, denied, and left to one side. That way the young man can live a virtuous life. But lurking underneath is still that homosexual orientation. It will out in one form or another.
2. Are these legions of homosexual clerics celibate ? Many of them will be. They may find other ways to manifest their underlying sexuality, like rather camp behaviour, dressing up, taking an interest in arcane liturgical stuff and vestments etc. A good number of them will eventually move in to some kind of gay behaviour sexually, and this will necessarily have to be subterranean and hidden leading to a double parallel existence. Not healthy.
Both of these issues point to a very unhealthy, dysfunctional culture and climate that inevitably does damage to the individuals and to the institution of the Church. Both of these issues have their genesis in the Church’s warped and obsessive concern with sexual, genital sex and who does what, with whom, and how. I wonder does God really care that much about all that stuff ? If the Church wants to have a healthy and integrated understanding and theology of sex and sexuality, then it needs to do a lot of rethinking and move away from a negative and judgemental view of sex and sexuality in to a world where these energies are embraced and celebrated in a positive and open way.


@ 9:23 says – “They may find other ways to manifest their underlying sexuality, like rather camp behaviour, dressing up, taking an interest in arcane liturgical stuff and vestments etc”. Perfect description of our old friend Littlelace……


What is tragic is that they are not told to critique the contradictions before buying in. True truth is more logical and more rational and no less genuinely “mysterious”; usurped authority always wants to short circuit straight to some sort of “mystery” bypassing honesty.

Perhaps Dom Chautard could have showed us how to manage our emotions and relationships in Holy Spirit power but his book Soul of the Apostolate was effectively suppressed almost as soon as he wrote it. Then the organisational big wheels (including Ratzinger and Wojtyla at the time) started twisting time honoured principles, entrenching habitual bad dynamics while claiming to abolish them.


Every Nigerian seminarian I have met has a chip on their shoulder. After years in seminary this should be removed. Where are the humble men. Not talking about john promise Alone. Many others in East Anglia, Westminster, Brentwood among other dioceses.


Brian Coyle for East Anglia!
Umeozuru for Auxiliary – somewhere! (Over Lord Simon’s head) (The CBCEW are running low on quango quotient these days)
The impish Gentleman Of Verona, with the eccentric hobby, will surely oblige.


9 23: An excellent comment. Lurid headlines and shallow, sound bytes, like those of “Pat says” do nothing for rational, honest or intellectual debate about the future relevance of priesthood with its mandatory celibacy requirement. Shallow, nasty judgments by nuance and innuendo have us precisely in a cul de sac. Priesthood, human sexuality, particularly homosexuality, need to be thoroughly analysed in our church and societal culture today. There’s a blindness to the myriad of human misery experienced by priests vis a vis sexual intimacy and connectivity. Many of us simply survive because an “ideal” was placed upon us as a wonderful grace, which we know we cannot achieve – humanly at least – though some priests are remarkable in attaining peace and fulfilment in priesthood and celibacy. We must of course have ideals but in 2020 with a quickly changing church, society and priesthoid, the efforts to be a truly, authentic human being is a battle. The past few months of this pandemic has deeply accentuated the anomaly and incongruity of celibate priesthood. Where are we to go from this juncture? I simply don’t know. In the meantime, I continue to minister as if there were no real questions and serious problems. We desperately need a new visionary, poetic, prophetic and inspiring leadership – of men and women. The emotional, mental and spiritual damage done to men in priesthood is incalculable. We keep going in the hope that we remain balanced, whole, human and Divinely embraced so that we don’t damage others intentionally or otherwise….


+Pat: The blog is certainly worth following now with the level of intelligent informed contributions such as above. Naturally the “oul atheist” in me disagrees with some points made, but the inquiring disposition part of me reads them with interest in trying to understand their perspectives. So thank you contributors, especially @ 1:13.


The quality of comments on the blog has gone up, definitely, though occasionally the comments descent into farce.
I think Pat likes light and shade and the anarchic, knockabout, unpredictable, “Wild West” aspect too.
Talking of which, we haven’t heard much lately about the former Dean of Belfast, Hugh “The Breadman” Kennedy.


10.16, how have the past few months in particular accentuated the ‘anomaly and incongruity of celibacy’?


Will gay men get it into their sex-obsessed skulls that the priesthood is not their plaything, hobby or profession of choice. As it is, the Church is feminised enough, and as Cardinal Heenan predicted when he saw the New Mass, congregations are old ladies and children.
Fathers going to Mass is influential on the children, especially boys doing the same.
Straight men don’t go to the New Mass, so, unsprisingly, they don’t go to seminaries either.


When I was a young man and muscular and good looking, I was stared at by priests during Mass, to to point of making me uncomfortable and self-conscious, and when I went to a gust night in Alan Hall a priest made a clumsy pass at me in the house bar there.


And this is the problem. This is dysfunctional. This is amoral. The Church creates, created much of its problems with negativity toward heterosexual dating, 13 year old boarding school seminarians. Mandated Celbacy (that’s sometimes non celibacy) This is a problem to with heterosexual priests harrassing girls or women to. Homosexuality is Not genetic or very , very minimal. There is a large developmental component to it environmentally…(broken homes) and in some other cases In Utero from the mothers womb chemically during gestation. Homosexuality is not AOK. It altars the essence of ones life, can confuse and derail the funcitonal maturation of the young, impact ones identity, sense of self and welfare. When it’s made powerful and desirable in a religious community, it can destabilize the health, clarity and functionality of everything under its control. Deviant or criminal behaviors get minimized to just “human factors” and Moral goals and actions get confused.
Needs for adequate ministering fall by the wayside.
Latin Mass isnt going to fix this. An honest reassessment of Traditions, preventions and
system changes will eventually have to be made otherwise, more people maimed or


What is being proved on mean?

Does it mean someone finding you attractive?

Or does it mean being drooled over sexually?


“Straight men don’t go to the New Mass”. Do straight men make such absurd comments? And don’t we all know of the huge attraction of the Old Mass for gay men?


I’ve never see any at the Masses. The theology doesn’t suit them. They might be asked to go to confession.


Following your blog Pat I find myself drawn to comment. I have great empathy with the two young men ousted from Wonersh. I had a similar experience many years ago at the hands of a clique of bullying liars at another institution. To both of them I would say you have been crucified like Christ and THEY will look on the wounds of the one they have pierced! Do not lose heart-Blessed are the poor in spirit–Blessed are the meek–Blessed are the gentle–Blessed are the pure in heart–Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice.
If you haven’t done so already, make detailed sworn statements with a solicitor. If you ask Pat I will give him contact details for the right QC and Danny Sullivan and you should send the statements to them.
John Thomas is reaping what he has sown himself. Every priest needs to be corrected if he is discovered to be living in vice. In fact we all have a duty to do so, whether that be McCarrick or a bullying seminarian.


11:16 am

Those two young men are not alone. My story is shocking.
What happened to me for the sake of protecting moral
corruption within the priesthood and institutional church was life destroying.
“Father forgive them for they know not what they do….”
Nor do they care.


feel free to contact Pat in confidence. You are not without influence and you deserve justice. Again a sworn statement from a solicitor naming all the parties and witnesses is all that is needed. Your life is important and valued. God loves those who suffer like his son!


What a disgusting comment on the admirable Dr Lash. I almost feel physically sick at a post that combines slander, misogyny, disrespect for the dead, and deep bigotry in seven nasty little words emanating from a nasty little mind.


4.01, the author of Hebrews was not referring to Roman Catholic priesthood or priests, but alluding to Christ, not a a priest, but to him as one who could and did fulfill the functions of the Levitical priesthood. This reference in fact points up the utter ineffectiveness and futility of priesthood.
The RCC has manipulated the meaning and referents of this passage to justify a man-made clerical elite.


I wonder if any of the D&C desk priests mentioned yesterday will say Mass in St Agnes’s this weekend? It turns out that Niall Coll is not MIA. He’s returning to his native diocese of Raphoe for his first parish assignment, some 30 years on from his ordination.


Brendan Devlin, one of the parish dodgers of Maynooth, decided when he was about 59 that he would go on sabbatical from the French Department and be a PP in a country parish in his home diocese of Derry, in which he’d never served in a parish. He lasted three months before scuttling back to Maynooth.


Does anyone know where Fr Peter Devlin (Derry) is these days? Last I heard from him he was studying at Cambridge for a doctorate in Moral Theology.


@12:59, there’s a Fr Peter Devlin who is PP of Malin. If there is another Fr Peter Devlin in Derry diocese he’s MIA.


3.07, thanks.
The Peter Devlin I knew was ordained in or around 1983. This would put him in his early sixties.


Do you think there are many Power Bottoms in the Vatican ? Would it suit JPL once he’s finished his special project for Portsmouth Diocese ?


2.19: So I’m assuming you still have a dirty bottom mark on your forehead from some filthy hole – from a gay sauna or cruising adventure. You dirt bag….


Is he also in the parish, if you understand what I mean?
There was another ex Norbertine mentioned a few days ago who definitely is in the parish so to say, *cough cough*


12.59: Your concern being… .for the welfare of Fr. Devlin??….If you are a priest, total shame on you – go and find more useful things to do…if not a priest, shame on you too, you trouble maker..


2.42, my goodness! Such paranoia and hostility! Are these qualities typical of you?

I knew Peter at Maynooth in the early eighties and was just wondering about him. We were friends, and had many a laugh.

I haven’t had much contact with him, certainly not since 1984 or 1985. My name is Chris L. He should remember me.

Don’t be so touchy.


Heads Up: For anyone interested in a perspective on the “Glorious Revolution of 1688”, particularly those of us in the Wee North who usually this weekend endure the Orange triumphalist flag waving.
BBC2 tonight Sat 11th @ 8:15 has historian Lucy Worsley’s take on William of Orange’s coming to power in GB and takeover of the British crown.
She’s usually very good, and delivers with a mixture of cold logic, historical facts, and wry humour.


Dermo comments as the Dublin Aul’ Wan – “are ya well? Are ya well in the head?” That’s Coddle Martin from Ballyer


I see Paddy ‘I’m an angry gay man’ Manning is attending a protest outside the Dail today, and he even gave a speech.


Of course, the majority of Vatican clerics are gay. Bp Pat, you were probably arrested for not being gay or queer enough.


AN ALDER LEAF, LOOSENED BY THE WIND, IS DRIFTING OUT WITH THE tide. As it drifts, it bumps into the slender leg of a great blue heron staring intently through the rippled surface, then drifts on. The heron raises one leg out of the water and replaces it, a single step. As I watch I, too, am drawn into the spread of silence. Slowly, a bank of cloud approaches, slipping its bulged and billowing texture over the earth, folding the heron and the alder trees and my gazing body into the depths of a vast breathing being, enclosing us all within a common flesh, a common story bursting with rain.

From ” The Spell Of The Sensuous” by David Abram ( 1996)


4.31… Then you go and spoil it all by naming the author!! There was I thinking we had a Pulitzer prize-winning author on the blog!! Ahhhhhhhhh…..what a disappointment!!


The author and title as pertinent as the piece….in relation to the blog title today.
Pearls before swine


Brendan Devlin once chastised me for making noise….he later apologised…..he had the wrong man. He had no idea how much noise I would make. He spoke French better than a Burgundian……he was kicked out of Maynooth as a student for attempting to educate himself with some literature that did not approve of…lovely anecdotal story about that with a biblical backdrop.
The man was a Gentleman. And a Scholar. Thats where Maynooth went down the tubes….sometime in the seventies both were banned from appointment in that place.


It’s no surprise that gay men end up in the Vatican. It’s a bitchy man’s world, with patronage, beautiful surroundings, dressing up, nice apartments, anonymous, no work to speak of, and hot sems and hot Swiss Guards on tap.


I don’t think that there are secular equivalents of all-male, predominantly gay communities such as the Vatican and modern seminaries and High Anglican theological colleges. No wonder gay men are drawn to them like bees to honey.
The only secular equivalents I can think of are naval bases, submarines and prisons, but even with those it’s mostly a case of men going gay temporarily in the absence of women.


‘…a case of men going gay temporarily…’? I suspect that most men are bisexual, but for many of them, this sidenof their mixed sexuality does not express itself unless their circumstances are propitious, e.g. being in prison.


Martel book was a god send re the vatican. Don’t think jesus set it up re rcc. He preached and healed many people as there was no mass, no confession (just merely your sins are forgiven), no marriage sacraments, no HC et al). In early Church no hierarchy at all whatsoever merely ‘elder’ status. Women were the forefront of the early Church. Healings happened outside the church which makes us wonder if rcc is not the true Church at all. Imagine all the political power wedded by gay priests at top tier nothing to do with christ. It leads me to think that RCC is possible a not true church. Their main motto is ‘mammon’. Nothing matters to the bigwigs in the vatican except for money. I stopped contributing long ago and instead contributed to local charity that are in need of such as homeless,housing for the homeless. Vatican is driven by money and sexuality nothing to do with christ teachings. You ask yourselves, is that the church that jesus set it up in the first place??? I could hazard a guess that the Vatican is ‘anti christ’.


Niall Coll…..singularly almost of his class and in his life…..had integrity…….nobody ever ‘owned’ him…..Brady hated him, for one reason and one reason only…he was not malleable to him. A decent man…….

The dross of his class have risen to “dizzy heights”…..not to mention the classes in front of his…..same reason as Brendan Devlins kind were after the 70s kept off the plains of Kildare…and Joyce got that place right !


6.22: Mullie, who are you to talk about “dross”? Are you some kind of supreme enlightened one? I don’t think so. You speak out of anger and complete disregard for others. You have left, but it doesn’t make you a better human being. Sometimes our struggling humanity in all its failure, brokenness and dysfunctionality can make us more empathetic to others, but not you somehow – abd I’m not talking about serious moral or criminal behaviour. You have far too many axes to grind. Perhaps you might tell us what trajectory or pathway your “career” is taking and what you are doing to enhance humanity!! Tell us.



I have opened a Router making factory for the internet business. I have opened 6 pubs and 66 hotels… that’s 666 projects to enhance humanity…. and that’s all in cyber – space where the gods don’t do illusion or enlightenment.


Tom Stack in a book he wrote opined that Patrick Kavanagh was writing his poetry in direct opposition to the anti-happiness league that was being exported out of Maynooth. That place has done a lot of harm….and s tremendous amount of good.


William Mulvihill: if you want to contribute meaningfully and intellectually to a debate about priesthood, celibacy and any dysfunctionality in the presbyterate, telling porkies and gossipy news about other clerics does not help infirm any such debate. You behave like a teenage girl whose raging hormones make a her an utter bitchy type!! Get over your angst.



I consider the debate you refer to as trite….

I concur almost entirely with 1.13am above…….Schillebeeckx and Rahner attended to the shredding of your points along time ago….catch up !


Pat, is Mr. Mulvihill hoping that some publishing company may be reading his proliferation of comments recently to notice his Joycean allusions? Illusions more aptly!! He is crazily bizarre at times, indecipherable..


Bishop Pat, I’ve terrible back pain most days. It’s acting up a lot lately. It’s so painful that it wears me out and I’m exhausted in the evenings that I have to sleep. Do say a prayer for me


I shall note your comments….there are no porkies in my contributions….none….if you point out one I shall expand on it extensively ?


Bee-leen Mulv-eeee-hee-leen don’t flatter yourself about conversing with “central office”. They know not of your existence and care less. Grind your little teeth over that one, you deluded little man-yeen. Little did we know, watching you strut around the streets of the Eternal City, that you would go so spectacularly bonkers in a Louth bog. 😛


You are the hand of a Mitred personage ( not the Mitre itself)…like others here……readers would be surprised !


How many of me are there ? Lol..Lol…Lol….The RCC is the dirtiest empire on the earth…no accident the Argentinian Criminal is aligning with its mirror : The Red Flag….the fiery dragon



The answer is usually in the question…if the question is decent at all.
My own opinion is you answer yourself in the words that precede your second question mark…hope that is de siph r abble for the other commentator….some of the contributions this evening are from the same source….made to appear otherwise.


Just looking in after a break. I notice a new nuisance with lots to say in strange language. William Mulvihill is raving as he did before when he featured on your blog. I’m not sure what his present status is vis a vis the Catholic Church. Not a good relationship judging by his archaic expressions. Would he tell us in readable words what his greviances are?


8.30: Mulvihill, you’re not as discerning or as clever as you think you are….you are way off the mark, you buffoon.


Hi Bishop Pat. Prayer request please. Inspector Taggart has unfortunately relapsed back to the demon drink and is in hospital. He was doing great and it wasn’t unexpected this time. He asked me
to post for him to let your followers know that he is more determined than ever this time. Scottish news has gone quiet in his absence I suspect!


+Pat, I agree with this comment. The blog improved with absence of some regular contributors of a quasi nuisance obsessive overly repetitious nature. Mr Mulvihill is becoming tedious with indecipherable comments. Can we be spared by some restriction please?


The Mr. bit gives ye Frs away….all the time….your tedious obsessive repetitious concern with title ( your own…invariably its all you’ve got) is incredible….much like your morals.
No restriction needed….it is complete.


My merciful God, does Mulvihill have any self awareness at all? His blathering and inane, stupid comments is turning into farce. Pat, you’ll have to treat him like the way you treated Magna – zero tolerance. His waffling is embarrassing. Get a grip, Willie Dear. Grow up.


A blog by Mulvihill about Mulvihill about Mulvihill about Mulvihill. 18 comments so far and all nonsensical. Utter banality. Poor old Millicent is lost.


It used to be that whenever I saw the name Magna Carta I used to scroll on by – now happens with Mulvihill, Why does this blog come to be dominated by one particular voice?


Well at least when Magna was “sensible “, he regularly wrote some highly informative knowledgeable stuff. Pity he couldn’t maintain that sensible equilibrium.
Mulvihill, just continual far too frequent blathering.
I agree +Pat. Limit him to two per day to enforce some coherence, if that be possible.


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