

I was very sad to hear of the death of John Hume. RIP

John and I had a number of conversations some years ago.

They took place in Kealys pub and restaurant in Greencastle in Donegal, where John and his family had a holiday home.

At the time my mother and I had a little cottage not far from Greencastle, in the village of Gleneely.

We used to over for one or two nights a week and sometimes had dinner at Kealys.

On some of the occasions we met and talked John was obviously under pressure.

The political life he led took it’s own toll on him, as you would expect.

It involved a lot of pressure and a lot of stress.

And of course, it ate away into his family and personal time.

I think that John was fond of a drink – and nothing wrong with that.

He seems to have been a fairly committed catholic but retained a strong ability to think for himself.

He once rowed with Bishop William Philbin over whether Catholics should join the RUC.

At the time Hume felt they should not.

How would I sum up his life?

He was a good man.

He was a peace maker.

He had a quiet charisma that people recognised and liked.

He left Ireland and the world a much better place.

We may not have had the peace we have without him.

No man lives a perfect life.

But I think that John Hume could have met his maker with not too much to worry about.

As a peace maker he was a son of God.


In my 40 plus years in Northern Ireland I have never voted for the SDLP.

For most of the time I voted for Sinn Fein and for the last couple of times, in return for great services rendered, I voted for Sammy Wilson.

I always found the SDLP too “Catholic” for my liking – the political wing of the RCC – very like Fianna Fail in the Republic.

And now the SDLP and FF are political partners.

And the SFLP leader is now besties with Me- Hole Martin.

Traditionally I would be an Old Labour type.

But in the Republic it has been Fianna Gael that has modernised Irish society and smashed the grip of the RCC.

People like Garret Fitzgerald and Leo Varadkar have been great leaders.

The biggest problem that the SDLP had / has is that there was only one John Hume.

Hume was a great.

The rest are only average at best.

116 replies on “JOHN HUME”

Pat, I think your reference to John Hume as being fond of a drink is an intrusion too far. It is suggestive of it being a “problem”. You should delete that reference. Your geography around political parties needs a re-routing…you seem all confused and a little unlearned and flippant. Not at all an intelligent analysis…


Why is it ok for John’s son to say at the funeral that his dad like Crunchies and not ok for me to say he liked a drink?
Is this not Irish hypocrisy?
My opinions on political parties are simply that – my opinions


10.02: There’s a big difference between crunchies and being fond of drink…anyway, you do not have the right to say what you like about other people’s life.


Pat does have the right, legally. If you’re insinuating defamation – tough. It doesn’t apply to dead people. There’s no character to defend.


11:11 pm
I’m fond of a drink, and me and my mates are fond of a pint down our local.
This is not Communist Russier, dear.
In addition, I do believe Bishop Pat was speaking openly about the demands of political life.
I’m not having a go, 11:11 pm, but maybe Bishop Pat is just trying to tell us that he has lost a friend who did a lot of good, and how doing good in this world can be a full-time job.
I can honestly say that personally, from my own recent challenges with legal battles with Babylon that the odd wee drum has done me the world of good: a good night’s sleep, thins the blood and good for hypertension: in moderation say doctors.


Ah +Pat are you for real – Leo the best leader? He’s a useless attention seeking idiot. He only cares if a camera is rolling and posting pictures of his colleagues “beach bod” are a joke which is the sum total of him and his leadership.


Leo is indeed a triumph of style over substance but he is light years ahead of Mehole Martin and his gang. They are not back in power a wet week and we have scandals, corruption, cronyism and wage hikes for politicians in the middle of a national emergency. Google Barry Cowan debt, it makes an interesting read. The same man bought a Range Rover, made one payment and spent two years driving it on a provisional licence while dodging the grip. How can he be adjudged fit to be a minister???? Mehole and his gang are a cancer on Irish society, hopefully they are going the same way as the RCC.


Mehole and FF are part of the classical corruption of Irish society aligned with the RCC, the farmers and the professions.

Old Ireland at it’s very worst.


I think Varadkar has been a great leader and taoiseach and has moved Ireland forward.
The same sex marriage legislation was a great human rights achievement.
Personally, I regret the introduction of abortion.
I think you are a homophobe.


9.39: Pat, the same sex legislation may be a great social success for Leo but as for being a great leader? It’s quite clear that you don’t live in the 26 counties. You judge Vradakar on his sexuality alone – crazy. Interestingly, It’s same sex marriage that gets your attention. This guy is a narcissist, forever seeking attention. Even now he’s acting as a taoiseach in the shadows, and has kept many of the privileges and more for his glorification and self importance. He may be suave and clever but very Machiavellian and did little to alleviate poverty, homelessness and the misery for thousands within our health system. He created a greater divide between sections of society. That you ascribe the word homophobe to anyone who objects to Leo is ignorant and absurd. Take your blinkers off, Pat!!


I used homophobe because I had to edit the comment makers comment as it was homophobic.

I disagree with your analysis of Leo.

I think a lot of people are secretly homophobic about Leo.


he was opposed to abortion, same sex marriage, and gay coupes adopting. All of which he stated on public record in the Dail. Then he saw himself rising to the top and decided to be carried along with the masses. This isn’t a conviction politician, this is an opportunist.


Why is the Fine Gael party, descended from the blueshirts, so woke? Don’t they see the irony?


The Catholic Church in Ireland is as much responsible for the legalisation of abortion there as the pro-death activists. Come to think about it, the Catholic Church is probably more responsible, since it had been promoting a culture of death for centuries, not just in Ireland, but throughout the rest of the world.
And all in the infallible name of Jesus.😕


I thought the same-sex marriage referendum was an Enda Kenny initiative. The +Aul Doll was fuming at the time.

As for Leo, Bp Pat, Theresa May couldn’t stand him. I also read he has retained some of the trappings of his former position, including a diplomatic aide de camp, butler and valet.


You’re joking Pat? Leo failed every exam in first year at Trinity. He used the civil service to learn Irish before he stuck the knife into Enda’s back.


Many university students do poorly in first year university with the freedom of being away from home and exploring the social side of uni. Leo is a bright man, ot a perfect man, but streets ahead of Mehole & Co.


I agree about Mehole & Co. the Irish need to get the whole lot out. The entire Oireachtas is composed failed useless wasters.
Unfortunately we will never see an Irish Thatcher. That is what Ireland really needs. Someone with conviction, intelligence and courage.


All very interesting, Bp Pat, but I hope there will be a few titbits in the comments about priests and seminarians or even a bishop to keep our peckers up.


I always like to read about errant priests and seminarians, Bp Pat, and their fondness for… well, you know.


John Hume was a former Maynooth seminarian. He could have been Fatger Hume.


It is a beautiful little cottage and it looks like a heavenly place.
I hope to buy a little house in the country one day, a few sheep, chickens and a couple of cats about the place; a dream come true.
I would affectionatlly be known by the posty and the locals as the gal with all the cats and hens down the lane who loves bingo nights lol.
God bless your friend who has passed, Bishop Pat. May he rest in peace.
God bless x


It was totally relaxing and we shared it with many struggling people over the years. Like myself, my mother was a people person.


Used to be fond of a fag or two meself.
Once had three, one after the other. But that could only be a very rare event, since it took the puff outta me.


10.10: A people person – what the hell does this cheap phrase mean? That you’re a wonderful human being? Shit…..and I thought you were!! Far from it Patsy dear. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡👺👺👹👹👹👺👺👺☻☻☻🤠🤠🤠😸😸😸😸👅👅👅👄👄👄👄👄…



A number of people are asking questions about the Donegal cottage. My mother bought it after she sold the family house in Dublin and she moved to me in Larne. She got it, on three and a half acres in 1990 for 10,000 Irish punts. I raised a loan for the renovation.


do you still own it. I’d love a little cottage like the poster above said. I live in a city and its very noisy and I’m more of an introvert, but I need to live central due to work.


There is far more corruption in Southern Ireland politics than in England. It’s all “pull”, backhanders, shrewd deals and cute hoors. Look at the bungalow blitz that’s destroyed the Irish countryside and the tribunals they keep on having. During the formation of the recent Government there was a big fuss about individual counties being represented by appointing a minister, just on the basis of what county they came from.

As for the Seanad, what a joke.


What about the system of heriditary seats in the Dail, whereby spouses and children of TDs become the chosen party candidate when the da retires.
Isn’t it the case that Leo Veradkar is autistic? I don’t think someone like that should be a leading politician because they cannot empathise. Similarly, leading female politicians (eg Merkel, May, Sturgeon, possibly Arlene Foster & Michelle O’Neill in NI) are childless, so how can they understand fully the impact of policies on families?


‘Similarly, leading female politicians (eg Merkel, May, Sturgeon, possibly Arlene Foster & Michelle O’Neill in NI) are childless, so how can they understand fully the impact of policies on families?’ Indeed. Totally agree with you. We should have more leaders like Alexander Johnson with his brood of seven children and Donald Trump with his own nest of five plus any unfortunate abortions along the way.


At 10:19 am
“What happened”? Sex or fiscal discrepancies; however more likely to be the former and the latter– combined 😂
— (On a sensitive note: I apologise in advance if it does transpire to be more serious in nature and I am happy for the above comment to be removed).
… Or did he simply go to Specsavers and seen the light?


11.27: What lunacy, what madness to suggest such a motion…utterly potentially ruinous for our country. They need to change much more radically.


I don’t want the Country ran by a bunch of British spies, double agents and informers like the shinners


I’m praying a novena right now, Patsy.
I’m off the gargle, thanks to a hundred Memorares. I’m going to prsy the same number for Patsy’s return to Rome. One hundred is the magic number.
You won’t be able to resist, Patsy!
Eviva Maria!


The Daily Telegraph obituary mentioned that John Hume liked a drink. They were not condemning him, in fact were saying it was part of his rounded personality.



Hi Patsy you do know that was not me, it was you know who on the gargle again and on a Sunday too! Sarcastic low life but in charity I will still pray for the poor tortured soul.
Eviva Maria!


Definition of sermon. 1 : a religious discourse delivered in public usually by a member of the clergy as a part of a worship service. 2 : a speech on conduct or duty.


Irish Christians managed to hold on to their faith during the oppressive regime of the 17th and 18th centuries when Sunday mass was impossible.
There’s no contradiction or competition between physical, mental and spiritual health.
You sound as if you’d like the Lord to be less merciful than he is.
Go back to the drawing board.


Definition of Irish Christian: someone who wouldn’t tell a dirty joke, but would put a bullet in your head, or a bomb under your family car.

Heard that one on tv.


Everyone IS going to Heaven, otherwise Jesus died and rose for nowt.

Even Bishop Barron admits there is a fighting chance of this. He won’t go the whole way, of course, and admit the certainty of it, since this would make him and all clerics redundant.


+Pat I saw someone say on your blog the other day that Dermo went to Italy. I don’t think that was true as she did the Coddle Waddle in the Pro today and delivered a lovely sermon. It was better than the one on the mount.

He’s negative – so negative about the Church – he’s banging on about the “Church of Jesus Christ” but he’s a Catholic Bishop – the Catholic Church and their princesses are not representing the Church of Jesus Christ in any sense.

Dermo is not in Italy and I didn’t see any tan lines but I heard he did have a back sack and crack recently and looks fab.


+Pat I do always recall your story about the evilness of Cackle when I see the clip on Reeling in the years on RTE. It’s the one where Cackle and Belinda Darcy are engaged in a debate swinging handbags.

Every time I see Cackles rotten little peanut head I think back on how he portrayed him self as the little soft bishop concerned for the “entire church” and behind the peanut shell he was a evil little bastard.


Fr Brian D’Arcy on confronting Cardinal Cathal B Daly | The Late Late Show | RTÉ One

Feb 17, 2017


Can anyone find a copy of that row? I’ve never seen it and would love to.

I’ve popcorn and pop the ready.


Don’t bother clicking on that. I thought it was Cackle and Darcy’s encounter. Why does Pat allow these stupid music videos?


7:02 pm
Must be good if you don’t want people to click on it. Are you part of any clicks mentioned?


4.25: Your hateful and spiteful comment, probably from a disgruntled cleric, says more about you than Cahal Daly. Can you idiiiiiioootts not just move on in your lives? You fools. Cahal is at rest and you are still moaning and groaning about him. God help you….Grow up.


Now-now, Bella. 😕 Temper?
Offer it up instead of giving way to your irascibility.


I remember that on the news. they interviewed parishioners on the street and one fella said ”sure he’s a lovely singer, hes always singing at mass’. That somehow makes up for it all.


the wicked stories about the HOLY PRIESTS theres a big cost and the prices having to be paid to the HOLY GOD who is going to PUNISH the storytellers the ANGER of the HOLY GOD is what we dont know


Oh just shuddup ye eejit! Ye keep coming on here with same codswallop. Take yer holy god and priests repetitious nonsense to nearest institution catering for deluded cathbots like yerself, and ask them to give you a triple strength injection 💉 of reality.


Mgr Mark Langham, chaplain to Cambridge, told me that he heard a confession in Westminster Cathedral from a man who confessed to cottaging. Mark told me that he did not know what it meant and was too shy to ask, but he gave a penance of three Hail Marys, just to be on the safe side.


Mark Langham was being economical with the truth on that score. He’s not that innocent. Ask some of the older altar servers that served at Westminster Cathedral some years ago. Nicely dispatched off to Cambridge


4.13: The establishment needs a serious shake up! That we know, but Pat – are you for real – to be facilitated by SF… You’re nuts! The party is good at mantras and shouting and learning by rote – a well spun party….


The complete disregard displayed for the safety, health and we’ll being of the public recently by SF at a funeral of their comrade renders them arrogant, selfish, me feiners….not to be trusted with the welfare of others. Until theybtellbus where the DISAPPEARED are buried we cannot give them a place in government. They broke all health and government guidelines while decent families had to bury loved ones within the painful restrictions. They, SF, are big mouths.


It wasn’t like that in John Hume’s time. He was in Maynooth before Vatican II and lay students ruined it.


Bishop Mark Jable has left Elsie’s residece in Westminster. He moved there after retirement as Bishop of Menevia. Elsie gave him a parish first in leafy Oxfordshire and then he moved to live in Archbishops House Westminster. Another retired priest suffers at the hands of cruel fiend Elsie. He was basically told to get back to his community at Belmont Abbey. Seems Elsie had no more use for him in his advancing years.


How could you possibly know the elements that combined to reach that decision? It could have been Jabalé who was acting prudently. After all it’s possible the new resident would prefer not to have to ask him to leave.


1.50: That comment sums you up Pat – you have become a god…believing in your own given divine rights to smash others.. That surely is an evil..


4:49pm mentioned pedophile rings.
How many more pedophile rings exist in dioceses – what dioceses and how many involved?


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