

Sarah Mac Donald Irish Indeoendent

August 18 2020

More new bishops will be ordained in Ireland this year than new priests, amid a crisis in vocations, a well-known parish priest has warned.

Next Sunday, Archbishop Michael Neary will ordain Rev Shane Costello to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Tuam at Knock Basilica, Co Mayo.

It is understood that this will be the only ordination this year for the country’s 26 dioceses.

“This is not sustainable – we have nobody coming after us,” said Fr Paddy Byrne, parish priest of Abbeyleix and Ballyroan, Co Laois. He described the number of ordinations this year as “abysmal”.

Fr Byrne, who at 46 is the second youngest priest in the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin, told the Irish Independent that the Catholic Church was experiencing a “real vocations crisis” and that this had become clear as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. “In our diocese and in every diocese across the country priests continue to give selflessly and many of them are taking full responsibility of the management of parishes well into their 80s.”

The lack of priests and ageing profile of clergy was accentuated by the coronavirus lockdown because the majority of clergy in many dioceses were over 70 and so had to cocoon.

Fr Byrne stressed that his comments were made as an individual who was “passionate about my ministry, and very worried about my future”.

Describing priesthood as “deeply fulfilling”, the parish priest who will shortly mark 20 years since his own ordination, said this summer he had taken on responsibility for a third parish.

In the past, seven priests would have overseen the ­running of these parishes.

“In rural Ireland, we have seen the loss of the pub, the post offices and very soon we’ll lose the priest,” he said

The priest has, by and large, always been a good community activist and he meant something to people.

“We know, as a society, the cost of the thousands of funerals that haven’t been able to be celebrated in the way that they were previously because of the pandemic. There is a real need for clergy in Irish society.”

Admitting that many priests were “blue in the face talking about the vocations crisis”, he called for “a radical reappraisal and an honest dialogue about what has gone wrong with vocations of priesthood”.

Acknowledging that Church scandals and a more secularised society have contributed to the problem, he said church leaders now needed to “be honest, brave and courageous enough” to “name new realities”, including the ordination of women as deacons, otherwise they risked being “foot soldiers at a graveyard”.

“The Church has a huge opportunity to be present in the bits and pieces of people’s broken lives and to do that with great fulfilment,” Fr Byrne said.

But it is very sad that we are coming to a moment where the presence of clergy will be no more unless we do something to bring about real change.”

A spokesman for the Irish Bishops told the Irish Independent that the ordination of the new bishop of Achonry, Bishop Elect Paul Dempsey, is due to take place on August 30, while the new bishop of Kilmore, Bishop Elect Martin Hayes, is due to be ordained at the end of September.


What a situation – only ONE priest being ordained for the whole of Ireland this year!

And, there are more bishops being ordained than priests!

More chiefs and fewer indians.

The good thing about this is that it poses a major challenge to clericalism.

In the Anglican Church, as well as having full time priests they have other priests called Non Stipendary Priests.

These men ( and women in Anglicanism) work in various types of jobs, trades and professions. They have their own salaries and do not need to be paid a wage by the church.

The RCC will need to introduce such Non Stipendary Priests who will be responsible for leading worship etc.

The parish committee, made up of lay men and women, can take care of all the admin work alongside a paid parish secretary.

There will still, perhaps, be a number of full time priests and the bishop will be the overseer.

This will lead to a much less clerical church.

And, eventually, the Holy Spirit will see to it that we have women priests.

This will not please the Catholuc Traddies and indeed will affect the RCC’s relationship with the Orthodox Church.

But, obedience to God comes before obedience to men.


and everyone will want to be a Non Stipendary Priest – including Jimmy and Tommy who ALWAYS do the readings at mass, the collection, and open the church doors, and GOD HELP ANYONE that would volunteer to help them out, because the Jimmys and Tommys of the lay world would die 7 deaths. Then we’ll have the Ann’s and the Marys who ALWAYS clean the parish hall and are sacristans and have been members of the parish pastoral council since immemorial, and GOD HELP any lay people who might like to volunteer their skills and talents, because Ann and Mary would cause quite a big fuss and their noses would be out of joint to think someone might want their ‘jobs’.
No, I’m happy with Fr John and co leading the show, even if the co are dwindling. We gave a good number of priests to America, now they can return the favour.


We have an Ann in the parish who goes into the sacristy before Saturday evening mass and gets the parish bulletin and distributes it at the various entrances. Well one day a friend of the sacristans -Mrs A – left the bulletin at the various doors. When it came to the sign of Peace, Mrs A reached out her hand to Ann, but Ann wouldn’t accept. She took the bulletin thing very personally and never spoke to Mrs A since 🙄


There is not only one priest being ordained this year. I wish journalists and Pat would do proper research. There are already lay led services happening in dioceses like Clogher. It’s not all doom and gloom.


When I was in Kilkeel 1983/84 a posh lady objected to me introducing lady lay readers. I told her that Jesus’ best female friend was Mary Magdala and if she gave me the name of the local Magdala I’d get her to read the following Sunday.


Priests like Fr Michael Voris? Can you imagine him lecturing Chantelle and Rodney on their co-habitating and having 6 children and claiming the children’s allowance!!!
***Chantelle and Rodney are fictional characters who are used to illustrate an example. They bear no relation to anyone living or dead nor are there any similarities intended between living or deceased individuals***


while the solicitors and the accountants run each other ragged, we mice in the pew can get back to being us (behind their backs) like we always were


When will we ever have factory workers as permanent deacons, instead of the barristers and retired school principals?


Unfortunstely, factory workers (and the rest of the so-called ‘working class’) don’t have the wherewithal to finance themselves in such ministries. The Romanist Church has virtually ensured that these ministries will be dominated by the well-heeled chattering classes of suburbia.


‘Everyone will want to be a Non-Stipendiary priest.’ Why is this? Because Roman Catholicism is fundamentally a clerical hierarchy that encourages not service of others, but jockeying for positions of power in the Church. It is the antithesis of the Jesus model, and the main reason the Church has been driven, by priests, into a Red Sea of moral degeneracy.


Thank God for the Catholic church. Because otherwise these sad little people and the sad little clerical narcissists they serve, would be out here bothering real people.
Priests on here moaning about their flock is the high point of clerical derogation.


We hear what you say, but wouldn’t that be miles better than Paul, Grant, Macolm, Thomas and Gerard, and Patricia, to name only a few?


Sustainable Tis a great word so Tis. It goes beyond colour,creed, affiliation denomination and any other ation ya can think of. Sooo what is sustainable then.


We have a crisis of understanding a more fully, realistic, necessary and Spirit-inspired sense of gospel ministry. In this serious debate there should be no insulting, sneering or demeaning comments, as in the end of Pat Says…Those of us on the ground for decades have anticipated this time of crisis, all exacerbated by the clerical sex scandals. There are many factors accounting for few, if any, “priestly or religious” vocations. We need a more comprehensive, visionary and contemporary way of understanding gospel ministry and of being a Church community, gathered in and around Christ in the Eucharist and in the absence of Eucharistic Celebrations.The present pandemic has highlighted the paucity of imagination from our Bishops who seem adrift, apart and leaderless. We are indeed without prophets. I do not subscribe to all of Pat’s notions as they are too personalised against too many priests and Bishops and unfairly dismissive of much good pastoral initiatives by some Bishops and many clerics. We will, ultimately, die to what “is” and “was” bad for and within the Church community of God’s people, but his Spirit will lead us to a new birth. I trust that those who care will engage meaningfully in debating this issue as outlined by Fr. Paddy Byrne. I share his vision and hopefulness…but I am getting on in years.


Well done 10.21 for mentioning “and the absence of” because those ceremonies are not the main point, in a “faith” that should help us do things for each other in the rough & tumble of all the weeks.


There are no transitional deacons in the forthcoming Maynooth academic year, so there will be no priests ordained from there in 2021.
Looking beyond that, the only candidate for diaconate in 2021 will be Stephen Wilson of Armagh. If he perseveres he will be the only priest in 2022.
In summary:
2020: – 1 priest (Shane Costello, Tuam)
2021: – 0 priests, 1 deacon (Stephen Wilson, Armagh)
2022: – 1 priest (Stephen Wilson, Armagh); 1 deacon (Stephen Ward, Derry)
2023: – 1 priest (Stephen Ward, Derry)
Apart from Shane Costello it is not certain whether the others mentioned will be ordained.


Is there priests going to come out of Rome or other seminaries in Europe. If there is, into what dioceses will they go. Wasn’t it said that Bishops took their seminarians out of Maynooth a few years back.


Pat, you realise that a lot of this is down to you. If you hadn’t exposed the summer of love there may have been more ordinations.


I think it will get its own chapter when the next official history of Maynooth is written.


Who is this Fr Byrne he’s always on tv or papers. Where did he come out of don’t remember him in Maynooth. Where did he go to college etc?


What do the classpieces look like in Maynooth now? Is it just a big portrait of one person?
How discouraging and lonely it must be for Shane to be the only diocesan priest ordained this year.


“Acknowledging that Church scandals and a more secularised society have contributed to the problem …” which Church scandals exactly? The ones from years ago? Or the more recent ones which are listed in this blog ad Infinitum eg., gay priests, priests doing things with their willies and being photographed, the scandal of bishops keeping the faithful in the dark etc etc


They forgot about Michael Crotty, the new Archbishop of Lindisfarne. That’s 3 bishops this year.
Don’t forget the Cong Orats ordained two Irishmen this year. I wouldn’t be surprised if the FSSP, the ICKSP and the SSPX don’t have more Irishmen too.


I wonder how many men will he attract to the seminary. I saw a mass he celebrated in Mitchelstown during the week on the Church Services TV website. He seems to be a very traditional kind of fellow. He had a number of priests with him at the mass. He had two servers sit either side of him at the while at the Chair, one holding his staff the other holding his miter. He had one priest come up and down to him to put on and take off his skull cap and his miter at different times during the mass. After the mass he came came out into the church wearing a biretta. I was not around in the days of Vatican 1 but I thought while watching them I was watching an Irish film set in the 50’s or early 60’s. I thought these days were well and truly gone. Surly it is wrong to be making some sort of gods out of these men. I wonder what would Jesus Christ say and do if he was to walk into a church and see such goings on. He never asked for his apostles and disciples to do something like this for him.


If you don’t understand the ritual of a Pontifical Mass the problem lies with you and not the ceremonies. Your faith would be at home amongst the Methodists that’s where Jesus is calling you


If Jesus really is calling that poster to Methodism, then it can be only because he isn’t happy at ‘the ritual of a Pontifical Mass’.
I suppose it is because being humble, Jesus prefers the simplicity displayed by Methodists to the self-styled grandeur and pomposity of Romanist ceremonial self-aggrandisement.


No, there’s no problem at all. If your spirituality is better suited to Methodism then embrace the change John Wesley had to break from the Church of England. You will never have to see a Pontifical Mass or have to consider if it’s what Jesus wants ever again. I’m Catholic and quite happy with Pontifical High Mass it doesn’t cause me any distress or doubt, follow your own heart.


The American deacon for Meath, Norm Allred (Beda College, Rome) is due to be ordained on 20 September in Mullingar.


If the PP of Abbeyleix and priests like him spent less time dressing like a Presbyterian minister and campaigning on political matters we might not be in the state we’re in.


10.42pm: Utter nonsense of a comment. Truly, you are very impoverished and easily upset. What do you do for the outcasts in our country, even in your community? Probably nothing nothing. Such a stupid, uneducated comment.


Fr Tetchy has woken up and leapt on t’internet to have a pop at anyone not respecting his dignity.


Nonsense and stupid are not expressions that come from anyone who genuinely shows some humanity you can simply say you disagree


Did you mean to put obedience to women in the last sentence? What a lovely slip!
It sounds like the decay is far more advanced in Ireland than here in England. There is someone who comments here and refers to it as ground zero of abuse and I wonder how much that has contributed to the decline. At least in people seeking ordination.
To compare this with the films of full seminaries within living memory is mind blowing.


Dream on. The problem with non stipendiary clergy is that they do some tin pot weekend training once a month. Get ordained then suddenly get appointed as stipendiary a few years down the line.
The Anglican Church is so xlericalised it’s untrue. Anybody who shows a bit of umph gets a collar slapped on their neck.
The last Bishop of London was heard to say “All I seem to be ordaining nowadays are dinner ladies”.


I heard Elsie’s name mentioned today, Bishop Pat. Elsie and her secretary to be precise.
I wonder what all that could be about?
My nanner, God bless her soul, used to say: “You can take the Scouser out of Liverpool – but you can’t take Liverpool out of the Scouser.”
“When Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
Simon answered, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have not caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.
When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ feet and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners.
Then Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid;
from now on you will be fishers of men…”
So they pulled their boats up to the shore, left everything and followed Him.”


Yeah, what is it with the same people on the parish pastoral councils, year in year out. They have some some of exclusive monopoly on doing the readings, flower arranging, sacristy, etc


1:36 am
Maybe some people feel they have a particular job or role to contribute in building the Kingdom of God; yes, sometimes this may not be the case, I grant. Sometimes you get those who like to be in control, rather than contribute.
If people want to shine, then let them shine is what I say, but there really does need to be an overseer within the parish community.
Old ladies are wonderful and they have lots of great gifts which make for great contribution to the community. It is all about balance and working together, PCC meetings and votes, that sort of thing.
We all need to belong, and it in nice to belong.
Family is important, and families have their characters, so we have to put up with eachother lol x (to some degree… 🙄)
– Poem by Fr. Michel Quoist The Bricklayer –

The bricklayer laid a brick on a bed of cement,
Then with a precise stroke of his trowel, spread another layer,
And without a by-your-leave, laid on another brick,
The foundations grew visibly,
The building rose, tall and strong to shelter people,

I thought, dear Lord, of that brick buried in the darkness at the base of the building.
No-one sees it, but it accomplishes its task and the other bricks need it.
Lord, what difference does it make whether I am on the roof-top or in the foundation of your building.
As long as I stand faithfully at the right place?


You can’t build the kingdom of God “My kingdom is not of this world”, what would the Kingdom of God loom like on earth? A place where everyone worships Jesus Christ as King? Then it’s the mass conversion of the Jews , Moslems and atheists that needs to be the target not switching the microphones on and who’s saying ‘ Blood of Christ’ next Sunday


Gosh! Thank you for that blast from the past! Michel Quoist was often read out in my school assemblies and caught my imagination so that I devoured his writings. It seems another world that in the seventies you could still get 650 boys together to listen ( apparently ) attentively, sing lustily wonderful hymns and shout out the prayers without any self-consciousness or embarrassment.


Bishop Pat, you’re a great man for the news! I never renewed my Irish Catholic subscription last March, I can get all I need to know right here. More power to ya


Bishop Pat, I too find Michael Quoist inspirationional.
I have a book an Anglican friend gave me some years ago on my shelf called Prayers of Life.
It is a lovely book x


Of course, you are partly to blame for the situation, Bp Pat. Closet candidates know they could end up featured on there if they as much as visit a restroom.


Brendan was hotter before he gained weight. Puck looks better since he lost weight.


A greater saint that Newman, John Paul and Paul VI it’s time someone wrote a definitive biography


With many in the aviation industry facing redundancy, Bp Pat, there could be an influx of flying mattresses applying for the priesthood. Many will have… well, let’s just say, the skills to satisfy the bishops.


A blend of things – divert some seminarians to Permanent Deaconhood, and others to Non-Stipendiary, replace Nuncios with the more sensible Pro-Nuncios we used to have – would improve the balance of the RCC somewhat and then having “women in lace shawls” would work quite well – and I’m sure lady students will sort the seminary faculties out quicker than the usual “trustees” do.


Today in the EF is the Commemoration of St John Eudes. In a sermon earlier “… he consecrated himself to parish missions because he realised that much more than physically starving, the people were starving for God and the right Catholic doctrine …. realising therefore how important the figure of the Priest is, who must conduct, instruct and sanctify the people … he was aware that the worst in harming the people did not come from outside the Church, it was inside the Church of France, it lied in its the poor and apathetic clergy, in the ignorance of too many priests. John Eudes is convinced that the first and most urgent need is to remake the clergy …. dedicated to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary …..”.


Eudes was a man of his time, when ordinary Catholics were very poorly (if at all) educated and the priest was the only educated person in a parish.

Times change. The priest is no longer such an important person.


Pat Buckley you have taken the whole joy out of Maynooth. It was great before you stuck your nose in. Stick to your own side of the street.


Surely a place of discernment such as Maynooth includes discerning your whole self? That importantly includes exploring sexuality in a safe environment with other adults.

Who is harmed if we do that? We are talking here about adults, consenting adult sexual partners, who may be other seminarians, lay students, priests or lay staff in Maynooth University?

Is it not better to have sexual expression in the seminary and discover your true sexual self, disclosing it to your spiritual director and vocational growth counsellor, rather than bottling itv
all up?

The reality is that some, many or most seminarians are gay. Get over it. That is the reality but now, no gay man will want to go to Maynooth because the risk of having his personal life splashed all over the blog. That’s a big part of why we have a vocations crisis. It would do Pat well to reflect on his role in that.


I do not agree with this stupid and frankly silly comment. I do, however, think that Pat must take some responsibility for his unchristian behaviour towards a certain cohort of young seminarians who were unlucky enough to be in Maynooth. Many of them did not know any better and were stuck in a defunct system, given over by their bishops to be ‘formed’. Pat singled out individuals but the seminarians were never the issue, it should have always been directed at the staff and the institution itself which IS the issue. Most of the seminarians mentioned had their vocations destroyed, they were mocked, bullied and vilified; often these were unsubstantiated allegations by anonymous blog readers. Yet, it was all for nothing, the institution still remains unaffected and unchanged to this day. Maynooth will carry on, new people will join and it will happen all over again.


Imagine believing going to a seminary was to help you be formed as a priest and instead you’re the audience for other people’s sexual exploration zzzz


Explore your sexuality before going to seminary.
As if the laity are going to fund your explorations.


Well, if they will allow young gay men with lots in common to live together in Maynooth what do they suppose they’ll do of an evening? Play cribbage or shove ha’penny?


That is not a vocations crisis, that is an achievement. If a man is too young (are you for real?) to be aware of his own sexual instincts he is too young for seminary because he is too young to be in a parish situation where people will tell him difficult things and he will be exposed to people with crushes, and may well have crushes on any young policemen in the congregation.
It has struck me over again how young the candidates talked about here were – I thought dioceses and orders had stopped taking people straight from school years ago, but no.
I see the problem being with unsuitable behaviour by people who should have been weeded out before starting, so it’s the selection that’s wrong, followed by the bizarre nature of the seminary.
The reason there are more ordinations in the trad groups is, well, who wants to risk being shown one of the formators’ underpants collection?


Wow, my comments at 2:46 seemed to prompt outrage but no answer to my question on what harm is being done if it involves consenting adults and the spiritual director and formators are informed?

That has been the mature attitude of the authorities in Maynooth, where it is considered much more problematic for a seminarian to be exploring his sexuality secretly than in the open. I am not advocating clandestine relationships, quite the opposite. I hope that if there are issues to be worked through that will happen in the secure, supervised environment of the seminary, with fellow consenting adults with no boundary crossing, and not in secret seedy places, or delayed until arriving in the parish.


Look at the source you are using! Enough said!
You are obsessed with this seminarian’s case. Get over it! He’s here and he’s not running away.


7.03 – Pope Francis says gay men should not be allowed into seminaries. Bishop Stock is defying the Pope.


I see Fr. Shirley Bassey seems to be permanently out of the priesthood. He is now a Certified Counsellor but he seems to spend most of his time on Twitter. @RichardGeogheg9


When the demand for services (eg. Blacksmiths) declined, the ability to service the demand declined at a slower rate. The result would have been lower prices as remaining blacksmiths competed for reduced demand.
The odd thing is that while the demand for Catholic religious services is declining, the ability to service the remaining demand is declining even more quickly.
I think there is a lesson here Pat for your pricing strategy….


I provide specialist services. For instance yesterday I had a couple whose PP told them, because of special circumstances, it would take 18 to 24 months to marry them. The bride’s father has cancer and she wants him at her wedding. I can look after them in 28 days. They are not in a position to pay my normal fee of £ 300 as they lost their jobs because of Covid. They will put what the think they can afford in an envelope.


OK with the discernment. That is part of the decency of your ministry. The original post was to say that with a decline in the ability of people to conduct the services, prices should go up. As you practice, this is only for people who can afford it. But look at most modern weddings, and £300 or £600 is neither her nor there in the overall cost. Pat – fill your boots (when they can afford it)


In response to anonymous at 9:10 pm I absolutely don’t believe, Pat, that you should provide your services “gratis”. All men are entitled to a fair day’s pay for their work. You have a learned (over a long time) skill set, and just like a joiner or a plasterer you have the right to a decent reward for your effort. And, to be fair, most of the people you provide the service to probably believe they have had good value and don’t resent the fact that they have to pay for it. A man has to make a living, and to my mind Pat makes a more honourable living than many. In addition, as a free agent, he can make decisions over whether he needs to take an amount from people who are in need. Exactly as it should be. What a decent man.


The much smaller Anglican “Church of Ireland” has 31 ministry students in its theological college, which is about 10 more than the number of sems in Maynooth.


Many of them have boyfriends and will probably enter civil partnerships somewhere down the line without having to resign, or disappear like Catholic priests usually do.


Well, every second or third person is a cleric among the Anglicans, in whose churches you often see more people poncing around in clerical gear in the sanctuary than you see in the pews.


Paddy Byrne is a poundshop Dermo in that he is long on analysis and moaning, and short on realistic solutions. Presumably Abbeyleix is a model parish, with such a sage as their PP. They’ll be putting an extension on the parish church next.
I don’t remember him in Maynooth.


I think the Anglicans now call it Ordained Local Ministry rather than Non-Stipendiary. It means that someone typically serves in their own locality.


I think it is Self Supporting Ministry (SSM) Ordained Local Ministry meant that they could only function in one church (and not help out in others unlike SSM).


@3.34pm. The use of the word faggot clearly turns you on. It’s also obvious you are a faggot yourself as the gay community now finds it quite hip to be referred to in that way. One exception to the word is to be found in the black country in the west midlands of England where you would serve faggots with peas and very tasty they are too.


With only one solitary ordination and just a handful in formation, it might become increasingly difficult to keep the blog readers entertained with all their strange goings-on, Bp Pat.
Concerned OAP.


there are strange goings on in Killala but I think Pat is compromised and being threatened, hence Killala is treated with the greatest respect on here.


Killala and all therein should know their silence is golden….best left so……


OAP at 5.21, are you the but who keeps calling to the local P.P.asking for a bit on the side?🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡…You clown.


The crucial detail is, Diarmuid had made the decision to transfer his couple of students from Maynooth to Room quite independently of Maynooth. The sequence speaks for itself.


Every now and then someone pipes up with the same tired comments about gorgeous, marshall, puck and wilson. Get help son! You are living in 2016.


@7pm The question is, are you Marshall, MJ Byrne, Puck and Wilson trying to deflect It’s an old classis tactic is that – tis!.


8:09 – deflect from what exactly? Many of them had years of exposure blogs, an inane comment is hardly a reason to deflect, surely!? Many of them have moved on, but, it appears that there is an obsessive person who continues to bring their names up for nefarious reasons. If the person has a problem with any of them let him/her come forward – put up or shut up! The only reason this person remains anonymous is because they probably fear counter-exposure. He/she can only throw rocks from afar…how sad and pathetic!


The auld doll is courting Marshall to rejoin at Armagh HQ after persuading him to keep his head down and do a journalism course paid by auld doll, namely Armagh Archdiocese. Marshall has found a life now outside of the journalism course and Armagh with a great deal of freedom. Hangs around Derry now after reporting for a short stint on the Derry Journal. Who has big Derry connections – auld doll from the bogside.


Suggestions that +EM is courting Marshall? How absurd! Get a life @ 9:50! He works for Radio Foyle! Get your facts right! More lies on this blog and obsessed nutcases!


The ‘Irish Catholic’ journalist, Greg Daly, pointed out that 20 sems started in this year’s ordination class, so a massive attrition rate.


With the prospect of many redundancies in the aviation industry, Bp Pat, I think there may be an influx of former air stewards aka flying mattresses applying for the priesthood. I am sure they would have… well, let’s just say, the necessary skills required to satisfy the bishops.


Maybe you should care. You might learn something. Then again, you might not like it, especially if you are who you appear to be.


Silverstream’s policies on overnighting male guests and its introduction of an upper age limit (30’s) are both deeply suspect and deeply flawed initiatives.


Pat, auld doll is giving the PP’s faculties to conduct Confirmation. It highlights the fact that bishops are not needed for Confirmation. Sticking some auld doll Auxiliary, Monsignor or Episcopal Vicar is a cop out. Amy is becoming less and less relevant.


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