

These stories add to the thousands of others we have had to read about and listen to.

But we must never forget that each single one of these victims have had their whole lives ruined.

And many others have actually taken their own lives.

Pope Francis should make audiences with him available to the abused on a country by country basis.

In my experience of dealing with victims its very important to them to be:

A. Listened to.

B. Believed.

The fact that the pope himself met them and really listened to them would mean a great deal to them.

Bit Francis needs to go further.

He needs to dismiss from the priesthood not only the abusers themselves but the religious superiors and bishops who cover up.



Robert Hourigan


07488 374364


Nobody is safe anywhere this cult goes. And if they’re not trying to get in your pants they’re after your money.
Some clown will scream persecution and self pity to this comment, no doubt.


the HOLY PRIESTS are not doing the things that are being said here because the HOLY GOD called them to mission in HIS NAME and no mistakes are made to do so these are all LIES about the HOLY PRIESTS do not believe them because these are the men that are HOLY


@10:13 you are an absolute genius to make your criticism of these evil men so like one of their deranged followers that it makes the reader pause. Thank you.


Not all clerics behave like you think, its more like persecution of all clergy from you and your likes who think so. You should get to you bed earlier, you might get rid of your persecution complex and your own self pity


We have heard it all before. Not that it makes it any better or makes it alright. It just confirms my view that there is something definitely rotten in the Church and its clerical hierarchy. Priests, bishops – you really should be ashamed of yourselves for being part of this and for allowing it to happen, and of all you have done to cover it up and deny it. Hang your heads in shame. Don’t even dare to try and make excuses anymore. You are all complicit.


This is happening because the Romanist priesthood is entirely synthetic; it has no organic link to Christ.
These horrors will continue until this evil priesthood is abolished.
Those who contribute financially to Romanist priests are complicit in the evil of an institutional to which these men are loyal first and foremost, even before Christ himself.


Oh! do shut up and cease to weary us with your constant diatribes about The Sacred Priesthood. You’re so jealous and obsessed that you’re not part of it, you sound just like the ould arch-heretic Paisly going on and on about Romanist’s.


@11:47: “Sacred priesthood!” Now there’s a laugh.
What planet have you been on to think them so in the face of the regular consistent revelations of their disgraceful behaviour, and their hierarchies continual cover-up?


Remember so many Germans said that they didn’t know what was happening on their doorsteps, and it had nothing to do with them. Or they were just following orders. Well, if you are a priest, maybe you should be thinking about that, because no matter how benign you think your priesthood and ministry is, you are implicitly and complicity facilitating the wickedness that is in your midst. Everything from child abuse to abuse of power to denial and lying to arrogance…….you name it. You are part of it whether you like it or not. Chew on that this weekend.


Moanin Minnie @ 5:13pm
Just because an ould atheist like you judges every priest the same as the disgraceful lowlifes we read about on this blog they are not all the same, wither you like it or not there are many good holy priests. It is indeed The Sacred Priesthood when they keep to the standards expected of them so get off the hateful planet you’re on.


If a priest is living a good life being true to his vows and his vocation how is he complicet and facilitating any evil in his midst. He can’t be held responsible for the actions of others, only they are responsible for their own actions. Not all Germans could be held responsible for the actions of the evil totalitarian regime they were living under. The same goes for priests they are not responsible for the depraved actions of others if they are not part of it. So you chew on that this weekend.


Although the Mt Melleray / Bareback Sauna Abbot issue is qualitatively different from the abuse of children scandal (consenting adults doing legal activities versus criminal sexual abuse of minors), there is a constant similarity – namely, prevarication, denial, coverup, lying delay etc. We have seen exactly the same moves over the decades when it came to confronting child sexual abuse as we are seeing now in the Purcell business. The Church hierarchs are still relying on their old tricks, and will continue to do so until forced to face the issue head on. That is why it is so important that blogs like this keep battering away. Keep going, + Pat, please !


I have just finished reading”What happened to Sean Fagan”. It’s quite a shocking reading. A perfectly good holy priest was psychologically broken by the CDF. His crime was to suggest that the priest shortage had to be addressed perhaps by considering married priests or women priests. His treatment by the church was far below what we would expect in a civilised society. If you pay into the church you are colluding with evil.


Interesting summary. What did you think of the Hanley’s account of the role played by Charlie Brown?


The same all over the world Pat, lie, deny, cover up, hide. They are becoming increasingly irrelevant to [peoples lives. Even 10 years ago “Monk Has Orgy In Gay Sauna” would have been national news, now people sort of expect it and don’t care. Life will continue as normal for Richard.


The lack of uptake by the media is indicative of just how irrelevant Church and clergy life has become to the new, secular, outward looking, modern, European Ireland. I don’t think the bishops and clergy have realised this yet. They probably think that the lack of interest is in their favour at the moment, so that things like the Purcell Rawhidegate don’t get coverage. But, they will come to realise that it really means that they are irrelevant, increasingly so, and will eventually be on the far margins of Irish society in the future, an odd, antiquated, and occasionally amusing sect, with a sinister and murky past.


10.05: The reality is that in the past media outlets made serious errors of judgment by printing stories on hearsay, innuendo and speculation. They failed to properly corroborate or validate the evidence. Thus, they faced huge legal layouts for defamation. The media of all kinds are very careful. Pat’s blog is not entirely reliable. But if you have validated, clinical data to prove your accusations, go to the media. e brave. Be morally courageous and give your true name.


Don’t forget that newspapers don’t only pay out when they get things wrong.

They pay out when senior and reliable people give them information over which they are sued but have to preserve the secret identity of important informants.

I know of one very prominent case where this happened.


Okay, Okay. We’ve got it. So please go walk down your Navan Rd: keep walking, on and on. Don’t look back, hesitate, ……..or bother us anymore with your repetitious wishful thinking 😉


11.24 I am sorry to say that the description of Charlie Brown’s role does not surprise me. They sell their souls and consciences to the hierarchy. One of our parish priests was very much a company man. Someone asked me what I thought about him. I said “If he drove over me on the car park, he would charge me for the damage to the car.” What I found far more sinister was the spy in the group, pretending to be his ally and reporting him to the CDF. A most disturbing story.


Would “monk has orgy in gay sauna” have been national news ten years ago? It’s longer than that since “priest dies in gay sauna” was national news, but only for a day or two. And note that dying in a gay sauna is a more exciting story than just having sex.


It’s the same story throughout the Catholic world.
Institutional cover up, hypocrisy and duplicity.
The clerical brotherhood comes first.


Pope Francis’ remark that sexual abuse survivors are ‘nieces and nephews of Satan’ is in the same shocking vein as his comments on such survivors in Chile.

It can truly be said that the institutional Church is morally rotted from head to toe.

Away with it!


Did you not watch the video? Two survivors of child-sexual abuse by priests remarked that Francis not only said it, but did so publicly.

And it was not out of character for him either, since he also castigated Chilean abuse survivors, including Juan Carlos, as ‘leftists’ and ‘calumnisers’; these remarks, too, were made in public.

Francis was later, and ignominiously, forced to apologise.


1133 – How come you are so certain that his resignation will not be accepted ? I’m assuming he hasn’t offered it yet, still being shy of 75. Let’s see. I reckon there is a strong body of opinion that he should go having presided over a disastrous decade of the abuse crisis, and presented such a sulking, resentful and truculent appearance at IICSA where he seemed to want to explain away all that he had done, and only finally and conveniently said that he understood the pain of victims, having seen them as the problem all along for making life difficult for him and his priests. We will dump Trump soon, and hopefully we will also send Vincent packing and off to genteel retirement in Chiswick.


Smith of Southwark went at 75, but I guess he was already ill. I guess Vincent must be in rude health with all that nun care and boiled cabbage he for his meals. God, the smell of that place – fish pie or boiled cabbage institutional odour. I’d have thought he would be desperate to get out, but I suppose a life of ambition is hard to give up.


1.33pm – Cormac didn’t retire until he was 76. Hume died when he was 76 and the poor old bishop of East Anglia is still waiting to retire at 76 – there seems to be a pattern


Don’t get your hopes up, it’s over 6 months since +Coddle’s birthday and nothing has changed in Dublin.


I’m aghast at some comments in the video by the Jesuit priest, Hans Zollner. He claims the Church doesn’t understand why pervert Romanist priests were shuffled (moved around) after episodes of kiddie-fiddling.
Yes, you do, priest.. And disingenuousness does you no credit. (On second thoughts, it does, since it is all we can reasonably exoect now from Romanist priests.)
And he defends obstructive procedure in relation to reasonable requests for personal files from the Vatican by survivors of sexual abuse by Romanist priests, like him.
And to cap it all, he believes that once Romanist clergy have got their act together, the Sheep will trust them again.
Talk about living in fantasy land. 😕


Zollner has the ear of the CEO, the Pope. He’s another company man!. What do you expect!

He’s trying to give the impression of running with the hare while hunting with the hound.


Unlike that dreadful old queen Kirby, there seems to be no financial mismanagement attached to Dom Purcell, so perhaps he has been admonished in a gentle but earnest way by his superiors, e.g., no more Boiler House visits for a start, and gay bars, dirty cinemas, and peep shows are also off-limits.


@12:26 pm
Sexual impropriety is often linked with financial impropriety with the best exemplar in recent times being Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, LC. Time will tell about Purcell. At least, the entry free to “The Boilerhouse” is only €22.


3.22: Mr. Hourigan, so you do know the fee for boiler house.!! Ah!! Interesting. However, you are now beginning to subliminally plant the possibility of improprieties against Fr. Purcell.That surely is morally reprehensible? You are hugging and puff ing. You cannot even validate with reliable sources if, apart from personal moral transgressions, this monk has safeguarding issues hanging over him. You, Hourigan, are behaving recklessly by innuendo. You did say yesterday that we are not all perfect. I’m assuming you include yourself in this category!! ..Let hehe no is without sin cast the 1st stone…Words of Jesus worth remembering before we smash others further into the ground. How do you know if this monk is not “repentant” – is not now on a “metanoia” (complete turn around..) and been reprimanded by the Abbot General? You don’t know. Therein lies your moral and spiritual hypocrisy.


I wonder how Mr Hourigan could possibly have found out the entrance fee to a venue which is open to the public….
Btw the entrance fee to the Vatican museum is 17 Euro and I’ve never been there.
Some people…


Flip flops are provided at no extra charge, we only ask that Mr Hourigan returns them to reception upon leaving.


It is incomprehensible to me how any religious order whose founding charisma inspired unique work in education, health care provision, social outreach programmes, caring for the poorest and most vulnerable, could have as their membership men or women who would abuse so horrendously. There is now a pattern whuchvwe are familiar with in all cases of sexual abuse: denial, moving on of perpetrators, secrecy, unaccountability, cover up for the protection of the Church’s reputation. A To achieve all of these elements, lies were told. Many of the orders at the centre of Church abuse scandals continue to carry out great ministries, many of which are under new lay management. It is a horrible shame that the years of obfuscation, uncoperation and delay in responding with some openness and transparency by church personnel has irrevocably destroyed trust in the church and has placed all clerics under a dark.ckiyd. Worse, it us the victims and survivors who lose most, whose lives are broken and ruined for life. If only church leaders would lay claim fully to their negligence and recklessness we might find a way towards truth and reconciliation.


Actually the explanation why abusers find their way to those orders is simple: paedophiles seek opportunities to abuse children. Church, scouts, swimming, teaching, etc.
The hard bit is why clusters of abusers are found: once abuse is covered up, that institute gets a reputation among paedophiles so there will quickly be many of them. This is why clusters of paedophiles come to light and solitary ones are relatively rare.


3.21: That may be part of the reasons why many paedophiles found their way into organisations, clubs, churches etc It was a reasinably easy thing to do once you met certain criteria….In the past psychological and psychiatric assessments were not clearly thorough enough to ascertain such devious traits or predelictions of a sinister, abusive kind. Paedophiles are clever manipulators and know how to find opportunities. Also in the 70’s when I was studying psychology, philosophy and sociology there was little given to us by way of the nature and dynamics of paedophilia. Canonically there were references to serious, moral transgression against an individual, criminality of some behaviours and crossing of boundaries. We did not however in all the disciplines of human psychology ever receive in-depth knowledge of, or any theories of a clinical nature. There seemed to be a huge deficit of clinically based research and data. However, any person with a modicum of human, emotional development would know that sexually abusing any child, teenager or adult, vulnerable or otherwise, is totally, morally wrong. Because we are speaking about sexual abuse, the victim was made feel he/she was responsible, as happened to me at 13-15 years of age until I “got free”. No one but myself 50 years later knows this. I also witnessed the complete failure and negligence of a club where 3 well known and “respected” adults were abusers. It was brought to my attention by two teenagers and I acted swiftly. I knew this behaviour was and is a heinous crime. in the early 80’s I had no guudelines to follow except my intuition and awareness that this abuse was morally and criminally wrong and needed a response. Eventually I helped in the process of having all accused removed from the club and church activities. We can never be sufficiently vigilant where paedophiles and abusers when we are suspicious. It is regrettable that church authorities still play secrecy and unaccountability. Tragic and sad for victims/survivors. Tragic too for all whose faith and trust are destroyed.


I was brought up to have great faith in the Church. It was God’s Church and it could never substantially err. So we were told. I have long since gone past that simple tenet and am horrified at what I have seen and what I know. It is so clear that the Church can err very significantly, and can be the cause of great harm and evil. The vehicle for this is so often those who lead the Church – priests and bishops. I feel so taken for a fool for decades when I gave them the benefit of the doubt. While I am not a direct victim of their abuse, I too have had my faith and trust abused and trashed by them. That’s something I will not forgive easily. I will move on and around them, leaving them in their hierarchical, clerical dysfunction and sin. God help them at the final judgement.


Anon @1:19: Perhaps you were brought up as a cradle Catholic in a regime created and foisted on us by such men. Perhaps, now you realise just how wrong these clerics have behaved, you might begin to also question the religious mantras they promoted. Such basic questions as: if God exists as a supreme all powerful being, then how come that his best way of sharing his interest in humans was to hang back for 100,000 + years of humanoid existence before deciding to visit a wandering band of middle Eastern tribesmen, have himself killed, and leave his mission message in a collection of imprecise disputed writings. That’s the nub of it. Some food for thought?
Good luck and best wishes on your questioning journeys.


1.19pm. Yes people were taken for fools thinking that church was perfect and holy that they don’t err. But the church didn’t affect you as badly as the victims of abuses by the rcc. Being a victim of institutional abuses, I don’t trust the RCC whatsoever as they can’t be trusted re kids or money. They are like a wolf in sheep clothing preying on others who have a weakness or taking advantage of their isolation (away from home for months before the invention of mobile) or their weakness. I knew one Vincentian priest ogling teen deaf girls boobs after he was sent to school for deaf girls. The reason he was sent there was we warned cbs that we were waiting for that priest re seal of confession broken as he revealed our sins to cbs. Thats how one certain CBS knew who was stealing and what. That was the betrayal that we felt as deaf boys re that priest. That was first message to ourselves that something wrong with priest and the church as well. It was first of many we came across. One message is don’t trust the church especially bishops and cardinals cos they knew where the skeletons are even the abuses going back in decades as we found out.


Deaf Guy, are you absolutely sure that it was by the priest’s breaking the seal of confession that the Brother found out who was stealing? Could there not have been other possible ways?


2.27: A Mhichilin beag, MMM, did ya have your ghastly, ghoulish, halloween mask and ogre like face on when you wrote that comment? Along with apples, nuts, wine? It’s a repeat comment made so often, it’s now tiresome and silly. Find new narratives. We know you delight in frightening the bejaysus out of us…Maisie, you’re scaring us…..☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻👺👺👺👺👺👺💀👺👿👿👿👿👿👿👿😠😠😠😡😠😈😈😈😈😈☠☠☠☠💀💀💀💀👹👹👹…😁😁😁😁😁😉..


What an articulate intelligent criticism. I’m obliged to admire your compelling and illuminating analysis.
Do please continue to enlighten and inform us. And give us more of those intellectually challenging emoji.


Everywans talking Who is supporting disillusioned faithful. Some who struggle with the difference between the message of the Gospel and the decked up mumbling of fecked up cats in holy fecked up hats. P S Boo tis all Hallows eve hi


An active deaf homosexual whom I had known since school day’s. He told me a story that he and other deaf homosexual from London had sex with some priests in gay sauna back in early 1990s which I found it hard to believe at that time. I thought it wasn’t possible cos priest and the holiness etc. But now it makes a lot of sense as they knew there were priests out there as gay priests based on their experiences in gay sauna in Dublin (not the boiler house). I guess that the Vatican knew it way back in 1990 as they had the network and intelligence network as well. That’s why I stopped giving them money cos I might be complicit re money might be used to pay for gay sauna membership et al plus you don’t know where that money is going to etc.


7.33pm. Anon
Nope. Im no longer friends with ex school mate homosexual as we fell out of it due to their vile mouths. That story was when we were friends at that time as ex school mates.


I wonder what Dom Richard’s his mincing is like, Bp Pat? It couldn’t be any better than the +Aul Doll on a good day.



Yes we did double checked if priest was squealing to cbs. There was five of us as it could be any of us even though in denial. The person in question decided to go alone without telling us. He then told Vincentian priest that he stole 20 pounds which was a lot of money that time. Then cbs guy waited for a few weeks cis he didn’t want to give away the link re him and priest. This time he said to friend of mine you stole 20 pounds as how did he know that? He hadn’t told anyone inside school re 20 pounds even me or other four friends except himself. Then he made that connection re cbs and the priest in question. Hence breaking of seal of confession. He’s now In London doing well and hasn’t set foot inside the Catholic Church for years. He knows the score re RCC.



Confession took place in deaf schools only and at a certain time and place upstairs. Priests had only to come in at certain time for mass and confession so on. He can’t come into classroom anytime as it’s teacher preserve. I can’t see any deaf kids talking to that certain priest outside cos he wasn’t exactly that popular. We didn’t like him from the start when he came in for the first time. He had a disdain attitude towards as if we were aliens. He even brought out a radio during mass to see if we can hear. It was a shocking attitude as he expected us to hear what the radio spoke. It summed up his attitude towards ourselves. We can’t see that certain guy who stole 20 pounds would speak to HIM outside confession cos he’s a non persona grata to CBS. He was well known for his rep.

I doubt it very much cos he never told anyone except himself as he did rack his memory to see if he did tell anyone outside confession re this 20 pounds as it came up nothing.


Like Downton Abbey. A Christmas special. Abbot Coffey of Glenstal will be the uglyvsister 😄


The more I read Hourigan’s comments the more suspect I am of his authenticity. The high moral tone of judgment, insinuation, speculation, legal threats and his obvious arrogant self righteousness are very questionable. If he is so concerned about the monk’s behaviour, why doesn’t he go to him personally? Why rant all over this blog? Telling the truth is difficult but when It’s done in a non judgmental way and with charity, it usually effects a more positive reaction. Perhaps Mr. Perfect Hourigan might do precisely this.


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