

Denis Cairns

Bishop found there was ‘insufficient evidence’ to support claims dating back 28 years

Donna Deeney Belfast Telegraph. October 28 2020

A man who alleges he was abused by a priest in Londonderry 28 years ago has criticised the Catholic Church’s investigation.

Denis Cairns was just 13 years old when he claims he was abused by a priest attached to the Nottingham diocese.

He has now received a letter from the Bishop of Nottingham, Patrick McKinney, in which the Bishop said he was “unable to reach the required moral certainty” demanded of him after considering the evidence from Mr Cairns and the priest at the centre of his allegation.

Bishop McKinney said: “It is the case that it was impossible to discern the degree of proof that is required, therefore I have decreed that due to insufficient or conflicting evidence no penalty can be applied to (named priest).”

Mr Cairns reported his alleged abuse to the then RUC in 1997, when a file was sent to the PPS. It did not pursue a prosecution on the grounds that it was Mr Cairns’ word against that of the priest he alleged abused him.

He reported his allegation to the Derry Diocese and in 2002 to Nottingham Diocese, when the priest was “monitored” and “supervised” for two years but not removed from his church duties.

Mr Cairns was never interviewed by anyone from the Nottingham Diocese as part of this investigation, nor was he even aware of it until years later.

He raised his allegation with Nottingham Diocese again in 2019, when a preliminary investigation was carried out by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome. The investigators concluded there was grounds for a full canonical investigation.

Mr Cairns said this should have been completely independent from the Diocese of Nottingham and now wants the matter referred to the Vatican.
Mr Cairns said Nottingham Diocese had been vocal in its public support for the priest at the centre of his allegation.

“This priest left his Nottingham parish a few months before the start of the canonical investigation because he was diagnosed with cancer,” he said.

“In a letter to the priest’s congregation in Nottingham informing them of this investigation, Bishop McKinney said that ‘it may seem cruel’ to begin an investigation of a priest who is seriously ill. He also allowed a request to parishioners to pray for my abuser to appear in the church newsletter every week despite me telling him many, many times how much anguish this caused me.

“I told my story to the Bishop of Derry, Donal McKeown, who then recommended me as the perfect person to represent victims of clerical sex abuse to speak to Archbishop Eamon Martin ahead of his attendance at a summit in Rome on clerical abuse. I did that and after talking to Archbishop Martin, he told me he would personally deliver a letter I had outlining my abuse and all the pain, anguish and trauma I have lived through since that time that I wrote to the Pope.

“It is documented on a file held by the Derry Diocese that Bishop McKeown believes me and that Archbishop Eamon Martin believes me and yet the Bishop of Nottingham is unable to come to a conclusion because of insufficient evidence.
“To me that is proof enough that this matter needs to be taken out of Bishop McKinney’s hands and taken to the Vatican.”

Belfast priest Fr Paddy McCafferty, who has been supporting Mr Cairns, said the investigation should have already been referred to the Vatican under an Order put in place in 2001 by Pope John Paul II.

Fr McCafferty said: “Since April 2001 an Order known as the Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela Edict instructed that all allegations of abuse of minors were to be referred to Rome so it wasn’t just Bishops making decisions.

“Generally Rome’s test will be ‘semblance of truth’ which I believe Denis has clearly shown.

“He has been consistent all these years since he first reported it when he was 18 – whether he was telling his story to me, Bishop McKeown, Archbishop Martin, Bishop McKinney and the canonical lawyers who took his evidence for the investigation. This investigation should have been referred to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome for a final decision – not left to the Bishop of Nottingham.”

In a statement to this paper, a spokesman for Nottingham Diocese said: “The investigation has now concluded, and the case has been examined by the Bishop of Nottingham, Rt Rev Patrick McKinney, with the assistance of two assessors, canon lawyers who have many years of experience in examining these matters.

“Having carefully examined the allegation and all the evidence before them, both lack of evidence and conflicting evidence meant that they were unable to reach moral certainty that the priest had done what he had been accused of, and so he was found not guilty.”


I’m afraid poor Denis has experienced what many poor victims have experienced at the hands of the RCC.

They have been given the run around.

Donal McKeown of Derry is an ass hole.

He wasn’t always an ass hole.

But he has sold his soul to the institution.

You give them you soul.

They give you a mitre.

To paraphrase Thomas Moore’s statement:

“What would it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul – but for Derry”.


This blog remains focused on the goings on in the above three monasteries and their abbots, priors and monks.

The Irish monastic scene is about to explode.


The priest was a native of Derry diocese who used to come home from Nottingham diocese on holiday. He is now retired and living not too far from Derry.


Lots of Irish men in the past joined English speaking dioceses and were funded by bishops and ordained for such service. The seminaries other than Maynooth trained many such men, and All Hallows, Dublin was specifically for that purpose.


Elsie sits on the Congregation for Bishops and will tender his resignation as required but it will only be a formality. He has already been told by Francis that his resignation will not be accepted and he will be expected to stay put for the next few years. Vincent has already told his Council this. Those hoping that next week is curtains for His Eminence will be sorely disappointed. So keep on with your silly speculation regarding any immediate successor. His good health is a major factor along with his strong wish not to let go.


At a time of national emergency, we do not need Nichols et al trying to undermine the Government advice and to sow dissension. He needs to realise that there is more a stake here than people going to church, or not, for a few weeks. I’m ashamed of him, and he doesn’t speak in my name. I am a citizen first and a Catholic next. I know to whom I should listen at a time like this, and it is not the likes of Nichols. He needs to wind his neck in.


12.02pm Wait while Vinny goes out and shits himself at what you have to say or think. Your bitterness shines through and your stupidity is clear for all to see. You keep being an obedient little citizen dearie and place all your trust in Boris, Hancock and Gove.


In May Nichols said that the churches must be closed even for private prayer as the temptation to travel might be too great, we should stay at home and prayer even a Hail Mary will do the church is not a building. The government was happy for the churches to be open for private prayer but the bishops did not want the liability or the responsibility of the priests to keep opening and closing the churches. Now they want to mobilise to have the churches open ? What can be the difference ? Two things a growing lack of unity that it’s a wise move to close and a consensus that the money is draining away. So far Dark Marvis has issued a statement that’s a complete repetition of Nichols other than to talk about mental health, Marcus Stock has written to the Prime Minister again identical except he introduced a novel use of the word spirit rather than the soul ‘ spirits need hope’! John Wilson has obviously just done a Vatican Two wordsearch his letter is a passionate plea for the Eucharist , never the Mass, because it’s where people come together and it’s for the common good, churches provide diverse and essential care apparently. Don’t worry they won’t be asking for public penance or fasting, no great rosary rally in the Dowry of Mary, regrettably the churches will close but remember we are Easter People who are Church and we’ve made it even easier for you to donate online


Great Britain. It’s the mainland as far as the majority of people in Northern Ireland are concerned.


Very hard to prove something like that after 28 years, usually there is more than one accuser? Where is the monastic scene going to explode Pat? In the Boiler House? No one cares.


Am I missing somethng? Why was McKeown singled out for attack in your summing up? Didn’t he refer the issue to the right people?
He mightwell be an asshole. [ surely, as a bishop you could use more befitting language]
Calling the man as an asshole in the light of your printed article appears wrong.


I hope Denis Cairns will receive the truth and justice he deserves. He seems to be a man if great integrity and principle which stand in stark contrast to the stonewalling he is getting from church authorities. Although I am encouraged by the response he received from Bishops McKeown and Martin. It is a pity that you, Pat, diminish all serious issues by your sneering contempt for any bishop. You always, sadly, use any occasion, even the hurt and abuse of others to score cheap shots at bishops. Your reference to Bishop McKeown as an ass***e is ignorant and will not serve Denis’s search for truth and justice. I wish Denis every blesding and am glad that Fr. McCafferty, who has experienced the pain of abuse, is accompanying him in his experience. He knows how to empathise more compassionately than those who play games…


That might well be the case but your summing up of your regurgitated news singles him out for namecalling.
Why him in particular ? Especially in this case when he appears to have done the right thing.

Referring to him as an asshole does no justice to him or indeed to yourself.


Pat: It doesn’t excuse foul language abuse in context of this public blog! Simple! By all means you can voice this view to him in a personal way, face to face, or in a personal communication. But not on your blog, please. It sets no good example.


Reply to Mourneman Michael at 11.50am
I do not always agree with your attacks on the church. But you are entitled to your opinions, sometimes a little over the top. But forgivable.
However you are so right on the foul language. It does this blog and blogger no favours at all.
I did like your defence of social workers some time ago. They are damned if they do and damned if they dont. A close family member (social worker) was held at gun point rescuing children from a domestic situation. This is a regular occurrence.
I look forward to your posts even if I disagree with some of them.


10.46: During early Sept I was in Derry for 3 days and went to mass in St. Eugene’s which was celebrated by Bishoo McKeown. We found it a l8vely, welcoming experience and the Bishop net parishioners after mass. We chatted with him and found him to be very pleasant, affable and friendly. We also heard from Derry people whom we met that this Bishop, the one you call an a…..e is very much liked and respected by the people. He walks through the city frequently and cgats to all whim ge neets. Stop your silly imnaturity Pat. Grow up, you jealous fool.


I hope Denis Cairns will receive the truth and justice he deserves. He seems to be a man if great integrity and principle which stand in stark contrast to the stonewalling he is getting from church authorities. Although I am encouraged by the response he received from Bishops McKeown and Martin. It is a pity that you, Pat, diminish all serious issues by your sneering contempt for any bishop. You always, sadly, use any occasion, even the hurt and abuse of others to score cheap shots at bishops. Your reference to Bishop McKeown as an ass***e is ignorant and will not serve Denis’s search for truth and justice. I wish Denis every blesding and am glad that Fr. McCafferty, who has experienced the pain of abuse, is accompanying him in his experience. He knows how to empathise more compassionately than those who play games…


Dennis now has a civil case against Nottingham diocese. He says that the safeguarding officer for Derry diocese has left that job and not been replaced. Perhaps +Pat could look into that?


10.46: During early Sept I was in Derry for 3 days and went to mass in St. Eugene’s which was celebrated by Bishoo McKeown. We found it a l8vely, welcoming experience and the Bishop net parishioners after mass. We chatted with him and found him to be very pleasant, affable and friendly. We also heard from Derry people whom we met that this Bishop, the one you call an a…..e is very much liked and respected by the people. He walks through the city frequently and cgats to all whim ge neets. Stop your silly imnaturity Pat. Grow up, you jealous fool.


Bp Pat, did the alleged “financial mismanagement” at Silverstream also extend to VAT returns? I wonder.

As a registered charity, presumably, they were claiming VAT refunds on construction works as well as fixtures and fittings plus everything else VAT rated. I don’t know about ROI, but you have to maintain very accurate accounts for the VAT man elsewhere.


No need to bother your precious little head. If you knew as much as you think you do then you would know that a charity does not reclaim VAT. It is not possible for a charity to operate the input output scheme or even register a VAT tax head with Revenue. They can reclaim VAT under the new compensation scheme but that is not input output based.


In the UK, as a charity, you must register for VAT with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) if your VAT taxable turnover is more than £85,000.
Of course, I am sure the visitators have the mean to put readers’ minds at rest.


I was listening to Diarmuid on RTÉ with Miriam O’Callaghan. He is very sincere. He said he has an idea who will succeed him and it will most likely be by Christmas a new Archbishop of Dublin will be announced. He was recalling a story of a son trying to find his mother. He was crying telling the story. I hope his replacement will have the same compassion and warmth that Diarmuid has.


Peter in Liverpool -- Don't frig about with the Chucky egg - because the Chucky egg don't frig about! xsays:

There are some good ones in Liverpool, however, the Liverpool S.S. have a great deal of power. And everything they do is clouded in a mind of mystery.

They claim to be there for the most vulnerable : the facts tell us another story.

They have a great deal of power : and some people don’t like to question them. Afraid even?

Unless you are like me and my mother- we will question them : and until the cows come home.

Are the cows home? Have the chickens come home to roost? 🐄🐄🐄 🐔🐔🥚 🐣 🐄🐄🐄 🐔🐔🥚🐣

Watch this space: you may possibly see what the community spirit is capable of x


Bishop Dermot will serve in the Archdiocese for 10 years. He has experience, he can make difficult decisions and he is a safe pair of hands. There is no such thing as ‘idle speculation’ when you are in the know.



Bishop Pat,
I know where AB Martin is going to live too. It’s Aughrim Street parish. The house has been fully renovated and it was completed this week. He is moving all his stuff over as we speak. I personally delight in welcoming Dermot Farrell as new Archbishop.

How is that for information Pat?


With all due respect, I think we will have to wwait and see if your info is accurate?

I would regard Dermot Farrell as a bit of a non entity?


I thought informing you about the AB’s new residence would be proof that know a thing or two about private matters. I am close to the source. I will refrain from sharing more. Surely your high ranking Dublin source should know all of this? He will be able to verify my statements.


Hi guys and dolls, sorry haven’t been on for a while, but I have been a bit busy with some community work.
I can’t say too much at this time, but what I will say is this: nobody likes them- and for good reason. The Archdecievers.
My own experience tells me not to trust social services, however this is my own personal experience.
Your experiences may not be too different from mine- however, they may be very similar… I would guess the latter.
There is a massive difference between calling
up a victim of abuse to tell them you have “arranged for counseling because of the trauma you have been through.”
Only to get a phone call from the hospital, saying: “We have been sent a letter from ….. asking us to call you up to arrange an appointment for a psychiatric assessment.
Then to be told by the person from the hospital that this woman, who has arranged the appointment on my behalf, is categorically nothing to do with the hospital.irbtgeur trust.
After she told me she was…
I don’t like being lied to, neither does my mother. But my mother is a wise woman.
My family are wise people.
The community hear the cry of the poor : blessed be the poor!
Bishop Pat, your blog is a light which shines in the darkness, dispelling the darkness from every corner.
Keep up the good work on should Ning the light on those who abuse our children and vulnerable adults.
God bless you, Bishop Pat x


Pat you’ve got the bitter holy brigade out in force today. They are obviously worried their income will suffer under any future lockdown.
The cure d’Ars ate only cold potatoes and they could follow his example 🙏


Pat – I don’t think you should publish anything from Peter Cusick for his own sake! He could be imprisoned!!!!
For your information following on from the statement of 19th May this year.
Peter Cusick
Today at the Liverpool Family and Civil Court Peter Cusick was sentenced to 9 months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years, for breaching an injunction preventing him from spreading malicious and mendacious comments about people in the Church.
The civil injunction against him was obtained by the Archdiocese of Liverpool in July 2019 following a false and malicious campaign launched by Mr Cusick against people in the Church. It has been repeatedly breached since that time.


I am very sensitive to Peter and his situation. I have been in contact with him for a long time and visited him in England 13 months ago.

Peter MUST obey the court order or indeed he will find himself in trouble.

Its a balancing act. I don’t want him to think that I’ve silenced him.


3:32 – All those FB comments from presumably good Catholics celebrating the misfortune of someone who is clearly troubled. Oh, they don’t like it when someone has a go at them, and they hit back viciously. Suffer little children…….not ! Evidently !


Agreed. @7:41 We have to pray for Peter and encourage him to keep his nose clean. Pat I think what you say is very sensible, but you too need to be careful (as I am sure you are aware!)


Whatever the outcome of the tour of inspection at Silverstream, it seems the visitators took the allegations seriously enough to sideline Kirby due to long term health reasons. Mental health reasons, presumably.

Also, I notice from one of their online newsletters, that other great pillock, Cardinal Burke has been a visitor to the priory on several occasions.


Imagine all the luggage Burke must bring with him when he travels. All those bits and piece he needs to say Mass and to dress up in. Lovely !


I took a look at random at their Newsletter Lent 2017, which lists an astonishing number of trips taken by monks who are supposed to value stability and cultivate their cell. The Prior preaches a sermon at a clothing of “those who choose to disappear” which suggests renunciation of the world, wheres the clocking up of air-miles tells a different story – as in every other aspect of that fraudulent set up. As to dictation from the tabernacle, Kitty must have taken in his iPhone to get it all down for him to transcribe later.


Fr Peter Littleton preached such a lovely sermon today and celebrated his Mass with such devotion. We need more priests like him. God, give us holy priests !


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