



I love The bishopbuckleyspodcast | Nov 8, 2020 14:34 THE MONTH OF THR DEAD, let’s play it!


The Poppy has always been difficult for Irish Catholics and nationalists to embrace.

We have always seen it as a sign of British domination and the devision of Ireland.

When I was elected to Larne Borough Council as a Councillor in 1989 I always attended at the town’s cenotaph.

Incidentally, I got the second highest vote after Paisley’s DUP – in an 83% Protestant town.


The church services afterwards were always held in Anglican and Presbyterian churches and NEVER in the Catholic Church- even though so many Catholics perished in the two wars.

In Northern Ireland the poppy is a unionist and loyalist symbol.

That’s sad.

Marvels of the human body

Tuesday April 12 2011 THE NATION.

It has baffled doctors and scientists for centuries, and research continues on the engineering marvel that is the human body.

It has baffled doctors and scientists for centuries, and research continues on the engineering marvel that is the human body.

Not only is man (and by β€˜man’ we mean both the male and female of the species) a stunning artistic creation, but the way he is wired; the functionality of every organ in his body; the simple yet sophisticated operations of every muscle, every joint make him Creation’s best output yet.

However, your lifestyle choices could affect the functionality of the engineering wonder you haul around, bringing to spot the adage β€œyou are what you eat… and drink”.

From the strand of your hair to the tip of your toenail, DN2 brings you intriguing science facts about your body that you may have taken for granted. Read on.


Men lose about 40 hairs a day, women about 70. Your hair grows at 4 nanometres per second (0.000000004 m/s).Hair on the head grows for between two and six years before being replaced.

In the case of baldness, the dormant hair was not replaced with new hair. It is found exclusively in mammals, and human body hair is barely visible as it is thinner, shorter, and more translucent than the hair of other mammals


The human heart has a mass of between 250 and 350 grammes and is about the size of a fist Your heart beats 101,000 times a day.

During your lifetime it will beat about 3,000,000,000,000 times and pump about 400,000,000 litres of blood.

Monday is the day of the week when the risk of heart attack is greatest Even though your heart is inside you, there is a cool way to
Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s Heart.


You have about 3,000 taste buds on your tongue, which is also the strongest muscle in the human body. Not all our taste buds are on our tongue; about 10 per cent are on the palette and the cheeks.


Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents. Human beings have a very weak sense of smell, and it doesn’t always work well.
However, humans can discriminate between thousands of different odorant molecules, each with its own structure.

As mammals, our DNA contains about a thousand genes that code for different odour receptors. But as humans, only 40 per cent of these are functional, which may explain why dogs are better at detecting odours than we are.


Your mouth produces 1 litre of saliva a day.The muscle of the human jaw exerts a force of over 219 kgs. You’ll drink about 75,000 litres of water in your lifetime At least one in two people yawn within 5 minutes of seeing someone else yawnΒ·

If your mouth was completely dry, you would not be able to distinguish the taste of anything.


The human head contains 22 bonesΒ· A newborn baby’s head accounts for one-quarter of its weight The face consists of 14 bones, including the maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw).

The human brain consists of more than 100,000,000,000 neurons (nerve cells) through which the brain’s commands are sent in the form of
electric pulses These pulses travel at more than 400 km/h (250 mph), creating enough electricity to power a light bulb!


Blood accounts for 8 per cent of the human body weight The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres, composed of plasma and several kinds of cells.

About 55 per cent of the whole blood is blood plasma, a fluid that is the blood’s liquid medium, which by itself is straw-yellow in colour.

The first human-to-human blood transfusion was done in 1818 by James Blundell, a British obstetrician who transfused four ounces of blood from a man to his wife.


The brain is a pinkish-gray mass that is composed of about 10,000,000,000,000 nerve cells The adult human brain weighs on average about 1.5 kg with a size (volume) of around 1,130 cubic centimetres (cm3) in women and 1,260 cm3 in men, although there is substantial individual variation.

The brain operates on the same amount of power as a 10-watt light bulb!

Eighty per cent of the brain is water. One-quarter of the brain is used to control the eye. We actually see with our brains, with the eyes basically being cameras.

The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body and the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body.

The entire brain is enveloped in three protective sheets known as the meninges, continuations of the membranes that wrap the spinal cord.

Your brain will stop growing in size when you are about 15 years old.


The approximate field of view of a human eye is 95Β° out, 75Β° down, 60Β° in, 60Β° up The human eye can distinguish about 17,000 different colours.

On average, you blink 15,000 times a day. Women blink twice as much as men The retina contains about 125 million rods and 7 million cones.

The rods pick up shades of gray and help us see in dim light. The cones work best in bright light to pick up colours. Our eyes are always the same size from birth. Babies are always born with blue eyes.Β·

The first cornea transplant was in 1905, when a day labourer who had been blinded by accidentally burning his eyes with caustic lime got cornea from an 11-year-old boy.

Large intestine

The large intestine (or β€œlarge bowel”) is the second-to-last part of the digestive system. It is about 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) long, which is
about one-fifth of the whole length of the intestinal canal.

The large intestine takes about 16 hours to finish up the remaining processes of the digestive system, and houses over 700 species of bacteria that perform a variety of functions.

Small intestine

The small intestine in an adult human measures, on average, six meters in length The surface of the small intestine is increased by its special structure, and it is about 200-250 meters. The small intestine is the site where most of the nutrients from ingested food are absorbed.


Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toe nails Your middle fingernail grows the fastest


In a lifetime, these seemingly feeble things will carry you the equivalent of the length of five times around the equator. That’s about
200,000 kilometres, or 400 one-way trips from Nairobi to Mombasa!


The sperm is the smallest cell in the human bodyΒ·

A diet high in saturated and monounsaturated fats, such as those found in bacon, processed meats, sausages, ham and butter, can lead to poor sperm health.


When a baby is born, tit has 300 bones in its body. But by the time it reaches adulthood, it is left with only 206 bones. This is because the smaller bones eventually join together to form stronger single bones.

The bones in your body are not white β€” they range in colour from beige to light brown. The bones you see in museums are white because they have been boiled and cleaned.

The first documented successful bone transplant was in 1668, using bone from a dog’s skull to repair a defect in a Russian soldier’s skull.

Prostate gland

The prostate gland is a walnut-sized gland and is only present in The mean weight of the β€œnormal” prostate in adult males is about 11 grammes, usually ranging between seven and 16 grammes.

Men who eat at least 1.5 cups a week of cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, can cut their risk of prostate cancer by more than 40 per cent.

The main function of the prostate gland is to store and produce seminal fluid, a milky liquid that nourishes sperm To work properly, the prostate needs male hormones (androgens), which are responsible for male sex characteristics.


In adult humans, the stomach has a relaxed, near empty volume of about 45 ml Because it is a distensible organ, it normally expands to hold about 1 litre of food, but can hold as much as 2-3 litres.

The stomach of a newborn human baby will only be able to retain about 30ml.

The acid in your stomach (hydrochloric acid) is strong enough to dissolve razor blades. You get a new stomach lining every three to four days.


Upon birth, a baby will not have a conventional knee cap, but a growth formed of cartilage. In females this turns to a normal bone knee cap by the age of three, in males the age of five.

In sports that place great pressure on the knees, especially with twisting forces, it is common to tear one or more ligaments or cartilages Doctors performed the first successful transplant of an entire knee joint in 1908.

The joint came from a cadaver. The ligaments surrounding the knee joint offer stability by limiting movements Knee pain is caused by trauma, misalignment, degeneration as well as by conditions like arthritis. Age also contributes to disorders of the knee.


Pat, what am I going to do, tomorrow? 😱😱😱 πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“ πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

I wild like a savage Kerryman hunt for raw meat πŸ₯©.


@9:15: Hear hear!
But how do we hear? Since many don’t realise, if I may add to your comments on the body Pat, but in very simple terms.
It’s not our ears that “hear”: it’s the brain that hears by learning to interpret and understand sound which is simply airborne vibrations of different frequencies funnelled through the outer ear to the eardrum membrane. This is linked/attached to small moveable bones activating thousands of hair like nerve receptors triggering and conducting electrical impulses to the brain commensurate to the frequency vibrations received. The “computer brain” deciphers those electrical impulses into intelligible sound. It is common with age, for some of those hairlike receptors to die off leading to common hearing impairment in the elderly as the hairlike nerve receptors do not regenerate.


12.38: What – MMM – A biologist -. We can read Wikipedia….how many pints did you have before this comment??πŸŽ΅πŸŽ΅πŸŽ΅πŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ»πŸΊπŸΊπŸΊπŸΊπŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚…


Is it true bishop Pat that your friend Bill Mulvihill is joining the Discalced Carmelites? That’s the news on the grapevine here in Drogheda. He’s on a long retreat in Wicklow, we hear, and is much calmer than he was. The local priests won’t tell us anything, but then, they are afraid of what will go back to Ara Shay Li if they gossip.


3.04: The Discalsed Carmelites would make thorough investigations about Mulvie. After his disgraceful antics on this blog, it’s a straitjacket he requires and a lot of counselling and therapy….After this let him live as a hermit!!


The poppy is a symbol of mindless brsin washing sentimentality. A load of nonsense. Britain’s wars were all imperialist, using millions of young men as cannon fodder for no good reason. All this ould nonsense anout God, king and country and honour, the establishment couldn’t give a flying toss about any of the maimed and killed. Remembrance Day is a fig leaf, the only thing left that binds Brits together. No other country goes on with this rubbish year in and out 100 yrs after a war about nothing more than showing off their latest toys. Tiocfaidh ar la!


@3:11: There is historical truth in much you say. I’ve always been perturbed at the symbolism of military victories found in CoE churches. Some thoughts:
Perhaps historical British preoccupation with class differentiation has led to dominance of political and military structures by an elitist cadre of individuals with concerns exclusively geared towards continuing pre-eminence of their privileged grasp on wealth and power. Their established church lends a perceived respectability of having God on β€œtheir side.”
It could be said that as much of the poppy and remembrance day commemoration is to confirm those sentiments as it is to respectfully honour the fallen.


Yes, we should instead remember Mr de Valera and his going to the German Embassy to offer condolences on the death of Hitler. The Free State stood idly by while other countries bravely fought fascism. No Surrender.


De Valera, Hitler & the visit of condolence May 1945
Published in 20th-century / Contemporary History, Devalera & Fianna Fail, Features, Issue 3 (Autumn 1997), The Emergency, Volume 5

A terse paragraph in the Irish national dailies on 3 May 1945 started the avalanche of international protest. Under the heading β€˜People and Places’, the Fianna FΓ‘il-backed Irish Press reported laconically that the Taoiseach and Minister for External Affairs, Γ‰amon de Valera, accompanied by the Secretary of External Affairs, Joseph Walshe, β€˜called on Dr Hempel, the German minister, last evening, to express his condolences’. The condolences were for Hitler who had committed suicide on 30 April. The Irish Times was prevented by the censor from publishing the following report from Reuter on 3 May: β€˜Γ‰ire delegation mourns Hitler. Lisbon, May 3. The Γ‰ireann Minister in Lisbon today hoisted the German swastika at half mast over the legation as a sign of mourning for Hitler’. While the report that de Valera had condoled with the German minister was accurate, the Lisbon report was incorrect on one count. The swastika did fly at half mast over the Irish legation in Lisbon; but it had not been placed there by an Irish diplomat. While the Irish occupied the ground floor, the headquarters of German intelligence for the Iberian peninsula was situated on the floor above. They, not the Irish, had hung out the swastika in sympathy.
Both pieces of informationβ€”one accurate and the other falseβ€”were sent by the international wire agencies around the world. Γ‰amon de Valera, the leader of neutral Ireland, was widely interpreted internationally as being pro-Axis and personally sympathetic to Hitler. The swastika at half mast was further proof, if proof were needed, that the Irish diplomatic service abroad had been instructed to show respect for Hitler and his fallen Reich. No such instruction had been issued by the Department of External Affairs to its mission abroad. One Irish envoy, Leopold Kerney, had, without instructions, called on 3 May at the German embassy in Madrid to express his condolences. The reports of his visit were carried by the Spanish news agency, EFE. Fortunately, for Ireland’s tattered reputation the letters of gratitude he received remained unpublished. A former Spanish foreign Minister and philo-Nazi, Ramon Serrano Suner, wrote with embarrassing warmth to Kerney about de Valera’s action:

The brave, Christian and human attitude of President de Valera [sic] moves me to write you these lines to express to you my admiration for your country and to assure you again of my friendship.

The Conde de Mayalde Jose Finat, who had been Spanish ambassador in Berlin, wrote to Kerney:

The sympathy which both as Spaniard and as Catholic I have always felt for the noble people that you represent has continually increased during the war before the Christian and dignified attitude of its government. Today, in the presence of the noble [cabelleroso] gesture of Mr de Valera, president of Ireland [sic], I desire to manifest to Your Excellency my admiration and respect.

In the meantime, Michael McDunphy, the secretary of President Douglas Hyde, had been reported on 4 May as having β€˜called on the German minister [yesterday] to express condolence on behalf of the President’. That report, too, was carried in all the Irish dailies and sent around the world by the wire agencies.

Unwanted international attention

Within forty eight hours, de Valera’s Irelandβ€”which had managed to remain below the radar for the duration of the warβ€”was the subject of unwanted and unwarranted international attention. De Valera had been β€˜begged’ by Frederick Boland, the assistant secretary of the Department of External Affairs, not to go. Although Walshe’s position is less clear, he probably took the same view as Boland. It is likely that de Valera was more influenced in his decision by the advice of cabinet colleagues who viewed the issue in its narrow, domestic context. The counsel of the professional diplomats, as was evident within hours of the ill-fated visit, proved the more reliable and trustworthy. Nevertheless, de Valera continued to try to rationalise his action and justify what he had done in the teeth of the international protests. He wrote to his close friend Robert Brennan, the Irish envoy in Washington, that he had β€˜noted that my call on the German minister on the announcement of Hitler’s death was played up to the utmost. I expected this’, and he added:

I could have had a diplomatic illness but, as you know, I would scorn that sort of thing…So long as we retained our diplomatic relations with Germany, to have failed to call upon the German representative would have been an act of unpardonable discourtesy to the German nation and to Dr Hempel himself. During the whole of the war, Dr Hempel’s conduct was irreproachable. He was always friendly and invariably correctβ€”in marked contrast with Gray. I certainly was not going to add to his humiliation in the hour of defeat.

De Valera felt that shirking his visit would have set a bad precedent. It was, he thought, of considerable importance that the formal acts of courtesy should be made on occasions such as the death of a head of state and that they should not have attached to them any further special significance, such as connoting approval or disapproval of the politics of the state in question or of its head: β€˜It is important that it should never be inferred that these formal acts imply the passing of any judgements good or bad’, he concluded. In DΓ‘il Γ‰ireann, de Valera stated that his visit β€˜implied no question of approval or disapproval or judgement of any kind on the German people of the state represented here’. He added that there was little publicity given to the fact that the DΓ‘il had been adjourned on the death of President Roosevelt.
Dev myopic and naive

De Valera appeared to be both myopic and naive. His considerable political skills deployed during the course of the war had won him the grudging respect of the US envoy and amateur diplomat, David Gray. The British representative, Sir John Maffey, understood de Valera better than his US counterpart. Exasperated as he had been on many occasions by de Valera during the course of the war, Maffey had come to admire the Irish leader. Both Maffey and Gray were fully aware that de Valera was not pro-Axis and that he had been of considerable covert assistance to the Allies during the course of the war. He had never shown any admiration for Hitler or for the Nazis during the 1930s or during the war years. Yet, Gray’s immediate response on confirming the news of de Valera’s visit was to suggest to Washington that he should be recalled in protest. He also encouraged Maffey to persuade London to follow the same course. Neither the US nor the British felt it necessary to take such an extreme course of action. But de Valera was left in absolutely no doubt about the depth of the anger of both Churchill and Truman. The victorious Allies knew how to exact retribution and the coldness of Washington and London was felt by Dublin when it came to trying to procure scarce supplies in the difficult months which followed the ending of the war.
Although Frederick Boland had strongly advised against the visit, the Department of External affairs could hardly have anticipated the deluge of international criticism which descended on them. The Irish envoy in Washington, Robert Brennan, sent a telegram to Dublin within hours of the visit:

Radio Commentator announced item in bitter and caustic tone. Although similar action by Portugal is reported Chief gets headlines in all papers seen. Particularly because of horror atrocity stories of German prison camps during past months. Anti-German feeling was never so bitter as now.

The latter was a reference to the photo and film coverage of the liberation of the concentration camps which had, in the previous months, brought out the hidden horror of the Holocaust.

US press coverage

The major US papers reported the visit and carried scarifying editorial comment. The New York Times, under the heading β€˜Mr de Valera’s regrets’ wrote that de Valera may have merely been following β€˜what he believed to be the protocol required of a neutral state’. However, the editorial stated caustically: β€˜Considering the character and the record of the man for whose death he was expressing grief, there is obviously something wrong with the protocol, the neutrality of Mr de Valera’. The Herald Tribune was even more forceful; it entitled its editorial β€˜Neutrality gone mad’ and commented:

In this time of the breaking of nations when the stream of history becomes a rushing millrace, there is much to arrest the attention of the world. But, despite all preoccupation with greater events, there is still time for a glance and a gasp at the spectacle of the prime minister of Eire marching solemnly to the German legation to present his government’s condolences on the death of Adolf Hitler while the pious Dr Salazar places the flags of Portugal at halfmast to mourn the passing of the enemy of the human race.
If this is neutrality, it is neutrality gone madβ€”neutrality carried into a diplomatic jungleβ€”where good and evil alike vanish in the red-tape thickets: where conscience flounders helplessly in slogans of protocol, and there is no sustenance for the spirit but mouldy forms of desiccated ceremonies… Obviously, for all the colourless connotations of the word, neutrality can go rancid when it is kept too long.

The Washington Post headlined its editorial β€˜Moral myopia’. The paper did not question the β€˜correctness’ of de Valera’s action. Concluding that the visit provided an indication of β€˜why diplomatic usages have fallen into such disrepute’, it added:

The neutrality which these governments practised throughout the course of the war was dictated by expediency… Now, however, the war in Europe has been won; the neutrals need no longer fear Hitler or the Reich. Can it be that the moral myopia they imposed upon themselves in the face of danger has now blinded them to all ethical values? Or is it merely that a preoccupation with protocol has atrophied their emotions? In sober truth, there could be no real neutrality in this war… Even in death, Hitler forced a choice upon the neutral governments. By their response, they have judged themselves and that judgement in the case of Γ‰ire and Portugal is a condemnation in the eyes of all free people.

What de Valera had quickly come to discover was that he appeared, at that time, to be unique in his action among the leaders of the Western democracies. Neither Switzerland nor Sweden had adhered to the protocol. That left the Irish leader in the dubious company of the Iberian dictators, Salazar of Portugal and Franco of Spain. All inquiries by the Department of External Affairs to their envoys abroad yielded the same answerβ€”de Valera was alone in his adherence to the protocol.
Brennan confirmed the gravity of the Irish situation in a telegram on 5 May:
Among general public, incident has attracted more attention than anything else arising from our neutrality. There is considerable adverse criticism among Irish and some defenders… I know how to answer all this…but I am not sure it is wise to have controversy at the present moment and think that I should wait for a few days, subject to your opinion.

That proved to be very solid advice. De Valera’s action was not capable of being understood objectively or sympathetically. It had been indefensible. But to engage in public debate with the leading US newspapers would simply have been foolhardy. The depth of antagonism among certain Irish Americans may be gauged by the following letter from Angela D. Walsh of New York:

Have you seen the motion pictures of the victims of German concentration camps, de Valera? Have you seen the crematoriums? Have you seen the bodies of little children murdered by Nazi hands? Have you seen the flourishing cabbagesβ€”cabbages for German foodβ€”flourishing because of the fertiliser, human remains of citizens from almost completely Catholic countries like Poland? These were citizens of a conquered countryβ€”and Γ‰IRE might easily have been a conquered country, neutrality or no neutrality. Have you seen the living dead, de Valera? Skin stretched over bone, and too weak to walk?

Angela Walsh was not alone in her condemnation of de Valera. Irish American politicians, many loyal friends of the country, felt obliged to express their outrage at the visit. Those views were shared by their counterparts in Britain where the Irish High Commissioner, John Dulanty, found that his job had become all the more difficult in those early weeks of May 1945. Speaking to an unidentified senior politician [it may also have been a senior civil servant], described only as β€˜a mutual friend’, he reported on 15 May that he had β€˜shown a rather violent reaction to the visit of the Taoiseach and yourself [Joseph Walshe] to Herr Hempel’. He had been appalled at what struck him as β€˜the diplomatic lack of wisdom of the Irish government’s action in regard to the death of Hitler’. The case was outlined in the following pragmatic terms by their β€˜mutual friend’:

His point, which he put vehemently, was that England had won the war, that she now had it in her power to make conditions more easy or more difficult for Ireland in the future and that, consequently, it should be one of the first objects of the Irish government to please English opinion so far as it was consistent with its own interests.

While Dulanty attempted to explain the Irish position, the arguments failed to have any impact. The β€˜mutual friend’ believed that in the circumstances surrounding the visit there had been no moral issue at all and no principle that mattered a damn:

Protocol was not principle. It was made for man, not man for it. Nor could he see that any question of dignity arose. Even if it did, the practical advantages of doing what our government had done would have seemed to him so immense that he would have brushed aside any question of national amour propre.

That source then proceeded along the same pragmatic line of argument:

He could understand a policy which, so long as Germany was unbeaten, avoided offending her. But Germany was now beaten. The German State was in dissolution and it was not unlikely that any government of Germany during the future would curse the memory of Hitler. The effect of paying compliments on his death would, unless vigorous counteraction were taken, be to antagonise not only England and America and most of Europe, but antagonise German opinion as well.

Appreciation of the British Union of Fascists

That unnamed British voice said very much what Frederick Boland would have also been telling de Valera in the Department of External Affairs. And, if further proof were needed of the dubious company into which the visit had placed de Valera, it was supplied by Dulanty who sent the original of a letter to Iveagh House on 11 May with a laconic minute, β€˜no comment’. From an underground address, came the following missive:

The British Union of Fascists, which is still in existence, although it had to go underground for the time being, have instructed me to write to your Excellency, and to express their deep appreciation of the news that the secretary to the president of Eire has called on the German minister in Dublin to express condolence on behalf of the president on the death of Adolf Hitler. The British Union of Fascists begs of your Excellency to convey its gratitude to the government of Eire for thus honouring the memory of the greatest German in history.

Bubbling over with excitement, the letter further informed de Valera that the BUF had had β€˜wonderful news from our comrades in Norway’ that the β€˜Fuehrer is not dead’ but had escaped in a submarine together with other leading Nazis.
Well, with friends like that…! Salazar, Franco and the British Union of Fascists were hardly the company to be keeping in May 1945. But de Valera’s visit had, quite predictably, placed him and the country in their society. He had worked successfully throughout the war to maintain Irish neutrality. He had clandestinely supported the Allies in a very active fashion. Ironically and paradoxically, he had made a decisionβ€”perhaps without deep reflection on its wider implicationsβ€”to visit the German Minister to express his condolences on the death of Hitler. That actionβ€”and not his pro-Allied wartime record fixed his place in history for many tens of thousands of people who knew littleβ€”and cared lessβ€”about the Irish leader. The decision to visit Hempel may have been the first serious evidence that the man who had been born in 1882 and served as Taoiseach since 1932 was losing his diplomatic and political sharpness.
Outside of this country, the arguments about the justification for the visit to the German legation get very short shrift. In Ireland, one finds people who will defend the act. In a review of my book, Ireland and Europe, 1919-1989, the late Brian Lenihan provided this formulation:

The terms β€˜idealism’ and β€˜realism’ do not tell us, for example whether a given decision is marked by moral integrity, a consideration which I believe was fundamental to de Valera’s thinking. Dev’s visit to the German legation on 2 May 1945, may be questioned, as Dr Keogh questions it, on a certain view of political realism, in a world in which Germans and Germany were at their lowest ebb.
Perhaps one day we will all come to see the two world wars as a great European tragedy, and de Valera’s observance of protocol in the case of the German ambassador, Dr Hempel, will be understood as a far-sighted recognition of the inextinguishable rights of the German people, as of any other people, even at their darkest hour.

Perhaps, but for me that day and the dawning of that realisation has not yet come.

Dermot Keogh is Professor of History at University College Cork.

Further reading:

D. Keogh, Ireland and Europe, 1919-1989 (Dublin 1989).

D. Keogh, The Jewish Community and the Irish State (Cork 1997).

R. Fisk, In Time of War: Ireland, Ulster and the price of neutrality 1939-45 (Dublin 1983).



We could speak similarly of the Cross down the centuries.

The poppy does not honour war, or imperialism, oor anything else your tiny and embittered fenian mind could conceive: it honours honour itself, courage, self-sacrifice.

And speaking of going on and on about events years after they occurred, isn’t this what Irish fenians do? Endlessly moan, whine, and whinge about the so-called β€˜British occupation’ of this island?

The British were the best thing that ever happened to this intellectually backward and emotionally retarded little island. But alas, some arseholes, like you, managed to avoid their civilising net. And boy does it show!

As a Northern Irelander, and a cradle Catholic, I’m wearing my poppy with enormous pride, remembering real men who fought with a good purpose, but who don’t denigrate, moan and whinge, like old harridans, about their former enemies.

PO you miserable, old, Irish fool!


The usual crap about poor old Dev that ignores what he did for Jews and the Allied cause. It’s so easy to wind you up and draw you out of the shadows, West Brits and Unionists. Just having a laugh like, about the rancid poppies and you all fall for my tiocfaidh ar la. Lol, lol, lol,



As I said, β€˜intellectually backward and emotionally retarded…arseholes’.

And as I said, too: β€˜And boy does it show!’.

Thank you for proving, again, a delicate point about Irish fenians.


I think I prefer the posts about bonking monks and abbots. Have you started to build a case against the Abbot Of Farnborough yet?


One day off is enough, mind, Bp Pat, otherwise, they’d be right back to their scummy ways.
For example, spending €4,595,645.23 in charity donations over six years with no apparent benefit for the public. That would be illegal in the UK.


We are not under Britain’s yoke so it’s irrelevant what happens there. None of the money came from you so I wouldn’t worry your pretty little head about it.


I imagine the β€œpretty little heads” at Owen McDonough & Associates Ltd might be worrying though.


You forgot to include the Arsehole:
A narcissistic individual with power who covers anybody and everybody with shit to cover up their own sins.
A good example of one is currently sitting in the White House.


9.38: Scummy ways is a very apt description for Trollopes and haters like you. PURE SCUM. TRAILER TRASH TYPES. Evil.


You are fooling nobody + Pat with this meaningless post.
We all know it is a smokescreen. You and your collaborator are up to mischief.


12.16: Yes, Buckley and Hooligan, evil personified. Both of you are despicable. Not of Christ ever. A pair of haters.


Pat your liberal comment moderation policy once again allows the pampered clerical pups to show how threatened they are by the threat of their misdemeanours being exposed.
At this rate the wonder is that anyone listens to these clowns, certainly as far as morals are concerned


β€œYes, Buckley and Hooligan, evil personified. Both of you are despicable. Not of Christ ever. A pair of haters”.

I have just had a simple lunch. It consisted of a toasted sandwich, which was very tasty. At that time, I was on the phone to Pat. We were discussing information that was received earlier this morning, and correspondence that I was drafting. I was edified that certain aspects of the blog are now being openly discussed in the Irish Cistercian houses.

During the conversation, I apologised to Pat, because I, being from the bogs of Kerry; I was speaking with food in my mouth. It is incredibly uncouth. But, when you come from the arse-end of nowhere β€” you were not unduly perturbed by the finesse and sensibilities of fine dining. It is a miracle that I know how to use the knife and fork, correctly.

Then, because I was feeling peckish; I decided to have an ice cream, and that too was also lovely. Then, I read your nasty hate-filled comment; I felt so upset; so I decided to have a second ice cream. And, then I felt immediately better.

While I have no degree in theology, I do have a basic understanding of the Catechism. Here in Kerry, it is also a miracle that we can read and write. Because, I am a simple soul, it is my understanding by virtue of Baptism, I have been imbued with an indelible mark, so I retain a Christ-like virtue. #feelingrelieved

I sense you are feeling stressed. Perhaps, you are feeling a little claustrophobic due to the on-going restrictions to combat the Covid-19 pandemic? My advice to you this afternoon is: sit down, read, have a mug of coffee, do some deep breathing, have an ice cream β€” perhaps even go for a walk, and you will feel much better. Do bear in mind we are in the midst of Level 5, so do not stray more than 5 km for your exercise. I am sure a member of the Garda SΓ­ochΓ‘na would not accept that you are angry at the lack of Christ-like behaviour on the part of Robert Hourigan – if you were found further than 5 km from your home.

However, if you do find yourself in a spot of bother, I am sure the incomparable drafting skills of β€œLegal Eagle” with his encyclopaedic knowledge of procedural law will come to your aid. Tell him, Robert sent you…

Have a lovely afternoon.


Lol I love your riposte Robert.
It doesn’t take a degree in theology to see that your interlocutor has identified himself as being of Christ so obviously everyone who even slightly disagrees with him is of the devil. This is exactly the mindset which is behind the whole abuse scandal – the holy priests are the lord’s anointed so must not be touched, allowing them to rape and steal.
It is also exactly the mindset which allows a monk who can’t keep his willy in his pants to be ordained and made abbot, rather than being told he needs to stop and consider.


2.10: Mr. Hooligan, may I respectfully suggest that you desist from apportioning an over β€œegged” (Varadkar’s new word) sense of humility or importance to yourself. β€œHumility” as a virtue is insulted by your arrogabce. May I also suggest that humour isn’t your gift. It’s as dry as the Sahara sands! As for self reflection: that I know how to practice, the art of it being given to me by the visits to Cistercian Abbeys, including beautiful Mt. Mellary. I am saddened that you are psychologically terrorising the elderly monks with your behaviour. While you conclude that you want the Abbot’s head on a plate to placate your wounded sensitivities, the elderly men cry in their hearts that you, Mr. Nasty, have encouraged a tsunami of invective against them and their legacy. You are tearing their life, holiness and integrity to shreds in your selfish pursuance. You do not know how the Abbot may be discerning his life And vocation during their time of retreat. I wish him and all the Cistercians God’s blessings and pray too that you too may allow CHRIST dwell in you. Yes, baptism confers a unique dignity on all of us but it only takes a moment to undo that dignity through the ugliness of harrassment, intimidation and legal threats, done in a sneering, contemptible manner. Dominus tecum invenire Iesus filius! Lebe in Christus!!


I had to check to see whether any of what you talk about was in Mr Hourigan’s comments but found it wasn’t. You’re deluded.


Begorra I’m another bogman from the wild wild west.
Galway bay ye can’t beat it. What a view.
In my neck of the woods us wild men go savage
for bacon and cabbage.
Ye can’t beat a aul stew.
About to have the grub.
Chuck chuck on the menu. The poor poor chicken.
And all those in a stew.
May The Force Be With You. +


6.09: Mr. Hooligan from the Kerry bogs would love a rendez vous with you…plenty of bacon, cabbage and spuds…If perchance you meet him, bring calming pills too. He’s going bananas after the monks! 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌.. πŸ†πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ˜ˆπŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“β€¦.and causing serious distress and disharmony…the brat!


Pat, just been reading your blog again. Skipped it for a few days. Apart from yourself and Mr. Hourigan, there are at least 3/4 repeat commenters, along with the infrequent MMM, Magwa, Magdaw…etc. What strikes me is the forcefulness of some nasty pieces. Some are reay so anti clerical as to be an incitement to hatred which I believe to be wrong. The Mt. Mellary monk must by now be in a pretty low place in his life. I hope he is reflecting seriously. I also dislike the sneering contempt against priests as a particular group, a contempt which is unfair to the majority of priests. There are those who delight in the flaws and moral failings of others, those who laugh mockingly at the ignominy of someone’s public humiliations. I believe that every time this happens you should allow, in fairness, the protagonists who argue for a kinder understanding. God alone knows the depth of failings, wrongdoing and hypocrisy of the Church – for which we need mercy – and – in the scenario of personal flaws and morally shameful truths being exposed, can we justify a continuum of stoning through nasty invective and venomous commentary?


Here we go again. 😩 Another soft Arthur, bleeding heart, pull- the-wool-over-my-freakin’-eyes-why doncha, do-gooder making moronic excuses for the likes of that arch- hypocrite and shirt-lifter, Purcell.
Are you stupid in a way that would attract scientific interest?
Purcell, by all accounts, is a dirty, lying piece of caca. F… him!
There are NO excuses for parasites like him. He deserves to be run out of town, along with every other priest-parasite who defends him.


ROFL @7:24.
Look, dear, until the unholy abusive mother church leaves everyone else’s morals alone and doesn’t expect special treatment (like you do) for the clergy, this is going to continue.
This has been created by the clergy themselves and every one of you who don’t live by the church’s standards is fair game. It’s only fair payment for every child abused by a cleric of your evil cult, who has not been believed because the priest was too holy, you pathetic piece of shit.


7.21: If Hourigan is so bloody perfect, he’d be useless in bed!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁..He’s too holy for sex!!..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΉπŸ‘Ή..


@ 8:33 pm
In light of what I have learned in recent days, it would seem that those who are monks, clergy, and religious other people who are having all the β€œaction” in Ireland.


I hope you are well rested after your day off.

I am still getting over +Mandy-Rice’s oil painting, Bp Pat. Just go to show their inflated sense of self-worth. It must have been the artist’s most challenging commission he/she ever had.


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