

Jimmy Evans

From: bishopssecretary <>
Date: Saturday, 14 November 2020
To: bishopssecretary <>

Dear brothers,

Due to an unfortunate administrative error on my part, an incorrect report was attached to the Ad Clerum sent out earlier today. Please can you immediately DELETE and DESTROY this report. The correct report is attached.

I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this has caused you.

With prayers and best wishes,


BIshop David Oakley’s new priest Secretary, Fr James Evans, had to apologise to clergy for sending them the wrong IICSA report.

He ordered them to destroy the original copy sent to them because of his own incompetence.

He didn’t really want to admit to it.

What did they want to hide?

He was incompetent before getting the job.

Now the incompetent bishop’s Secretary has now sent the unofficual docunent.

Elsie is said to be totally furious with his suffragan diocese.

Was he Fr James too preoccupied looking after his pussies at the Marriott Street Mansion?!ApoENRiZ4057iy_qi87CYqRT8tL_


Dear Bishop Alphonsus,

Enclosed for your consideration is the e-mail that I sent last evening to the Abbot General, Dom Eamon Fitzgerald and Dom Michael Ryan, the Abbot and Ordinary of Bolton Abbey. The latter the Father Immediate of Mount Melleray Abbey. It is extraordinary to consider that Dom Ryan appeared to be unaware of the allegations that have been made against Dom Richard Purcell.​

While, I appreciate you have no jurisdiction in the internal governance of Mount Melleray Abbey, however, you can preventively suspend the priestly faculties of Fr. Purcell, OCSO, in the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore. Are you now going to render a Decree suspending same? If not – why not?​

If Fr. Purcell was without blemish, he would relish and indeed welcome the opportunity to vindicate his good name and refute the allegations that have been made; his on-going silence is surprising. Both H.E. Cardinal Pell, who needs no introduction and Bishop Zubik, the Bishop of Pittsburgh, both voluntarily stepped aside in order to facilitate independent investigations into allegations that had been made them — both men emerged completely exonerated with their reputations conspicuously enhanced. Why, then, does Fr. Purcell, not embrace a similar opportunity to vindicate his good name, and prove the allegations to be baseless? That, I respectfully submit is a legitimate question.​

Yesterday, the electronic copy of the letter you received from our canon lawyer addressed was sent to Dom Eamon Fitzgerald from the Vatican post office. It has the following tracking number: RR 080 174 087 VA. You may wish to discuss the contents of this letter with the Abbot General.

Intimately connected with the above is the involvement of Abbot Brendan Coffey OSB, of Glenstal Abbey. His behaviour raises serious questions and evidences behaviour that is wholly unacceptable for an Irish Benedictine Abbot. This afternoon, following the recommendation of Dr. Caroline Cullen, Area Manager Mid West Area for Tusla, among others, I shall be bringing the behaviour of Abbot Brendan Coffey, OSB in this matter to the attention of the Minister for Education, Norma Foley; she is also my constituency, TD.​

I, do, because, the e-mails from Abbot Brendan clearly evidence that he was actively seeking a statement of exculpation for Richard Purcell. Why was Abbot Brendan seeking such a statement for a monk that did not have stability at Glenstal Abbey and belongs to another monastic obligation? Was he facilitating a cover-up? Is this a pattern of behaviour that is acceptable for an abbot of a monastery that oversees a school? It is one that I am happy to have officials from the Department of Education to make an independent assessment.​ This evening, shall we see on the Cistercian website a statement that Abbot Purcell has stepped aside and a new interim superior has been appointed? That is what is required, and it is surprising the Cistercians are so reluctant to do the right thing — why is that? That, too, is also a legitimate question.

As ever, I am copying this e-mail to the Abbot General, his silence is deafening; the Apostolic Nuncio, so he has a complete picture on behalf of the Holy See; Dom Michael Ryan, the Father Immediate of Mount Melleray Abbey, and Pat Buckley, who will probably publish this correspondence on his Blog, unless, I hear back from this office with a request not to publish same.​


Robert Hourigan​

From: Robert Hourigan
Sent: 16 November 2020 18:14 <>; <> <>
Subject: Mount Melleray Abbey / Father Immediate.

Dom Eamon,​ ​

​ ​

According to the website of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, since September 28, 2020, Dom Michael Ryan, the Abbot and Ordinary of Bolton Abbey, Moone, Kildare, is now the Father Immediate of Mount Melleray Abbey. This evening, I rang Dom Ryan in his capacity as Father Immediate to seek his immediate and direct intervention in Mount Melleray Abbey in light of the accusations that have been made against Dom Richard Purcell.​ ​

​ ​

To my great surprise, Dom Michael Ryan “appeared” to know nothing about the accusations. In fact, I think he was quite shocked to receive my call, but not as shocked as I was to learn that he appeared oblivious to same.​ ​

Dom Ryan, further “appeared” to be unaware that you, Dom Eamon, have been aware of these allegations for some time [over two (2) months]. I reminded him that you have been repeatedly contacted about this matter and your silence and failure to respond to correspondence and/or act does not inspire confidence. I apprised him of e-mails had been sent to you as the Abbot General, which he did not consider acceptable; I further apprised him that a letter has also been sent to the Cistercian Generalate.​

I appreciate a call that highlights allegations against any Cistercian Abbot is an unpleasant surprise. Thus, Dom Ryan was rightly guarded; but he was courteous. In fact, I entirely appreciate and have sympathy with his position, despite the fact that he referred to me on more than one occasion as just a voice at the end of the phone; in the same manner, he, too, was a just a voice at the other end of the phone.​ ​

I respectfully part company with the observation of Dom Michael Ryan that e-mail in the contemporary age is not an acceptable form of communication. The Cistercians are more than capable of utilising their website to apprise the world of developments within the Congregation. Moreover, on the website of the Order: the e-mail address: “” is proffered as a means of contacting the Order, so the observations of Dom Ryan on this matter, I respectfully submit on this matter have the credibility of a forced syllogism.​ ​

In fact, your silence, Dom Eamon, suggests an on-going, sustained, and deliberate cover-up. This is even more the case when you consider that Abbot Brendan Coffey of Glenstal Abbey was seeking a statement that was exculpatory of Dom Richard Purcell. All this can be evidenced with e-mails from Dom Brendan e-mail address: “”.​​

Dom Ryan suggested that if an allegation had been made that the appropriate people to contact were the Gardai. However, the allegations made against Dom Purcell are NOT criminal. They pertain to his repeated contraventions of his monastic vows. Dom Ryan appeared to be oblivious to the fact that it is asserted that Dom Richard Purcell when he was the Abbot of Mount St. Joseph Abbey in the monastery guesthouse had consensual anal sex with an ex-priest of the Diocese of Killaloe (the then Fr. Neil Dargan), and that Richard Purcell is well-known on the Irish gay scene.​ ​

​ ​

Regardless of who has knowledge of these allegations, by the present, Dom Michael Ryan as the Father Immediate can no longer deny any knowledge the allegations that have been made against Dom Richard Purcell, the current Abbot of Mount Melleray Abbey. ​

Therefore, it is incumbent for proper procedures to be followed, forthwith. Thus, it would behove Dom Ryan as the Father Immediate to directly intervene in the situation at Mount Melleray Abbey by making an immediate public denial of these allegations and/or by appointing a superior ad nutum until a canonical investigation into the allegations made against Richard Purcell can be convened, and a thorough investigation undertaken (Canon 1717) with the findings made public.​ ​

​ ​

The situation at Mount Melleray is not going to ameliorate by inaction or with the passing of time; so, it is in the interests of all concerned particularly for the greater good of Mount Melleray Abbey for this to be actioned, now.​ ​

​ ​

Sincerely,​ ​

​ ​

Robert Hourigan​ ​


Robert have you been corresponding with all these secular and ecclesial authorities about the money side of all this? Also why don’t you use the phrase “duty of care”? It’s neglectful higher ups that are abusing the houses’ memberships and aspirants and not us.


Yes, I have been in contact with some people, however, what I am doing at the moment is evidencing the cover-up. Nonetheless, those who exercise oversight of the Irish church would do well to bear in mind the observation of Lord Phillips in the judgment handed down by the UK Supreme Court “The law of vicarious liability is on the move” — Various Claimants v Catholic Child Welfare Society [2012].


11.42: After a long day’s work, I read this gobs***e stuff. More self important and self obsessed nonsense. Not anywhere near resembling the Cistercian call to humity before God…a virtue which your holy forebears didn’t impress upon you. Sadly.


Not only are moneys of Silverstream “missing”, they were allocated to it rightfully or wrongfully for specific purposes and also they have gone somewhere. Both incoming and outgoing, they could be unnecessarily salami sliced. Some prime movers boast obliquely, to test how quickly you piece the jigsaw pieces together. They know how to make it complicated for police to sort out, hence the importance of all other channels. I have witnessed very similar: the owners got their property back minus expensive costs, while the culprit (who gets to be called by his initials) retired comfortably, his other spells as “fixer” having worked for him better.
“Funny” how hundreds of millions in Dublin which we read about get waved through. Then I read about the poor s*ds with their 83,000 that spend half their life in the slammer for it. Very odd the Bishop of Meath has spun this out for so long for five million. People far away from his or Coffey’s usual locality probably heard snippets, which they can now pool to help us helpfully put the Church of Rome to rights.


From CCR website online list of Trustees of school. Dom Malachy’s BA focused on moral theology so Roscrea is safe.
Dom Malachy Thompson entered Mount Saint Joseph Abbey in 2006 making solemn profession in 2011. He has since completed a BA in Theology in 2013 focussing in the area of Moral Theology and an MA in Theology focussing in the area of bioethics. Both degrees were awarded with 1st Class honours. Dom Malachy at present is the Vocation Director and Prior for Mont Saint Joseph Abbey. He also manages the external communication of the monastery via the website and the different media platforms as well as being the monastery librarian.


3.29 Dom Malachy Thompson not the Prior as the Prior is Fr. Aodhan McDunphy.
Father Malachy Thompson is the Monastic Superior and also Vocations Director.
But he has nothing to hide a Very holy Man.


Why is college referring to Malachy Thompson as Dom? Was Malachy Thompson bit appointed superior regardless of who is prior or is Roscrea now a Priory?


More clerical child abuse and gay clerical sex, this, it would appear, is what defines the catholic church today.


5:45 am. Indeed you are correct, but could we please not criticise both child abuse and gay sex within the same sentence?
They are worlds apart and two very distinct entities, if you please x


Ooer! The two pairs of shoes! I wonder what’s going on there 🤔

Maybe it is a ghost 👻 Boo!


Bp Pat, poor, insolvent Silverstream is becoming something of a standing joke; it was already in Queer Street.


I see Rev Purcell has been a bursar; and has been in Oxford. Do these explain his appointment to a Visitation?


When do the E&W bishops meet to discuss the IICSA report ? I do wonder if there will have been phone calls between bishops talking about Nichols determination to stay, using the Pope as cover and justification ? Maybe some of them will have the guts to tell him that the time has come for him to resign because to continue he will do incalculable damage to the Church in E&W. Nichols is not the man to take us forward. He is the past, a past that concerned his own career, his own ambition, protecting the reputation of the Church at all costs, and failing to show leadership and compassion in the matter of abuse. A pretty damning report card as he comes to the usual retirement age of 75. I hope his brother bishops have the balls to tell him to go.


Tomorrow by Zoom. Nichol’s turned the letter from Pope Francis to his own advantage.
Pope Francis replied before his 75th Birthday to stay on and then the next week this horrible report arrived.
Well done Vinnie for turning it around yes
Pope Francis asked you to stay but you turned it to your sick advantage
Go Now.
The bishops will be like mice as they will not wanting to be seen as wanting Westminster.


Yes, but they could grow a pair of balls and tell Vin he is a busted flush with little respect or integrity. We simply don’t trust him or his motives any more. Be needs to be nudged aside.


Rather COVID gives an opportunity to consider our values across a whole range of issues, and make changes where necessary. It is not an excuse for doing nothing.


8.25 another pass the parcel what has Vinnie promised you.
If Catholic Bishops went to the House of Lords Vinnie would be first in the queue


Is the version NOT meant to be seen redacted? How does it differ? How can two versions exist and why send it to priests? It is freely avalable to download at


9:31 am. Ooooh, girl, I know how you feel!
I’m gonna pop the kettle on in a short while but the cats are using me as a chaise longue so can’t bloody move lol x
More revelations of cover ups and exposure, ey?
May all victims and survivors begin to find true solice in this light of Christ which is dispelling the darkness of their fear and doubt x


That Oakley one was the Rector at Oscott, she wasn’t that bad you know. She was quite relaxed I heard. I wonder how she will deal with this? Maybe she was sent there because she was a good soul? They always shit on the good ones!

Isn’t Precious Preston at Oscott now?
She is one lazy bitch, that Precious!
Literally could not boil an egg!
When the girls went bk to seminary she would look like a rake 🤣 🤣


Robert, Brendan is well known to the Holy See and was seen as future Bishop.
Remember the Holy See appointed him to look into Ampleforth in 2018.
The investigation, due to start in the coming days, will be conducted by the Abbot General of the Sylvestrine Congregation, Michael Kelly, an Australian based in Rome, and the Abbot of Glenstal Abbey, Brendan Coffey, from Ireland.
So he knows he should step aside pending enquiries.
Rome will NOT be pleased Ireland again


I was not aware that Abbot Brendan had any involvement in Ampleforth; but in light of what has followed as above what it does not come as a surprise, because the situation is a complete mess.

Of course, Coffey should step aside; in fact, he should resign. However, when the e-mails that he wrote a presented to the Department of Education; he would have no choice but to tender his resignation — if the reputation of Glenstal School is to remain intact.

Also, those e-mails will be presented to the Apostolic Nuncio and the Congregation for Bishops, to ensure he is never appointed as a ibshop. The days of cover-up in Ireland are over. Abbot Brendan destroyed his own career by actively seeking to protect Richard Purcell.


Brendan want’s a Dioceses and if the Bishop of Limerick Brendan Leahy goes to Dublin Abbot Coffey was highly thought.
I hope you pointed out to Cardinal Marc Ouelett at the Congregation for Bishops that Archbishop Okolo is ignoring you and is useless.


Why should a monk become a bishop? You wouldn’t make a diocesan priest in a parish an abbot.


In the year 2000, Rev Neil Dargan mentioned above was a member of the community in Roscrea and Br Richard was also a member but a brother. Did Neil Dargan then leave Roscrea and plan on enter it again many years later when Richard was Abbot as the allegation contained in posting of today’s blog is confusing. According to the New Ross Standard dated in the year 2000 and available online. “Monaincha is one of Irelands most ancient and important ecclesiastical sites, with links with St Canice and St Cronan. The pilgrimage ,in which several hundred people took part, was from St Cronans Church at 2-45 pm arriving at Monaincha for Mass at 4 pm. Bishop Walsh was principal celebrant of the Mass , with Right Rev Dean Cuddy , Right Rev Mgr.Patrick Maher, Right Rev Dom Colmcille O’Toole OCSO, Rev Ciaran OSiabhaois OCSO, Rev Kevin Daly OCSO, Rev Laurence Walsh OCSO, Rev Neil Dargan OCSO, Rev Seamus Horgan CC, Rev Colm Hogan CC, Bro Richard Purcell,OCSO. The monks sang the Magnificat , Credo, and at conclusion , Salve Regina …”


According to that extract in that paper Rev Dargan was in Roscrea in 2000. Did he leave and return again as today’s posting alleges something happened when Abbot Richard was Abbot. I’m sure Abbot Eamon can put you right on this matter. Br Richard did his theology in Maynooth and appears on the 2005 class piece and if you’re ever on the cloister in Maynooth look out for the classpiece with Rory Coyle in it since they both appear on the same one in 2005.


Abbot Eamon was very forthcoming with me about Purcell and Roscrea in our phone call on September 13th last.

He said he was telling me this because I was a bishop.


Joe Coffey left Killaloe diocese around the same time Neil Dargan did late 90s but Neil appears to have gone back to the diocese.


I have been wondering about this too. Neil Dargan was ordained in 1988/89 for Killaloe. He entered the Cistercians in or around the late 90s/2000. He later left them and went back for a time to diocesan priesthood and is now left the priesthood.
When exactly is Dom Dick alleged to have ‘entered’ ND? If it was 2000 Dick wasn’t even ordained, never mind the abbot and he had no authority. If they did what is alleged, it was still immoral of course and not befitting their professed vocations.
Bear in mind too ND is much older than Purcell – Dargan being now in his late 50s. Dom D is in his 40s. So back then, ND was in his late 30s and RP was in his early/mid 20s!!
Something doesn’t add up in the timescale of alleged events???


This fact (that RP may not have been Abbot at the time) calls into question the accusation made by Mr Hourigan that there was an abuse of power, something that he has repeated in several communications (e.g. Q2 in letter to the Principal of Cistercian College; para 1 of email to Dom Malachy Thompson; Q11 of letter to Abbot Brendan Coffey etc.). He ought to review the timeline of events before making that accusation again.
I find it troubling that today the other party (allegedly) involved was named on this blog. I see no reason why they should have had their name added to the cast list in this particular drama.
It is hard not to wonder what good will come of all of this.


What exactly did the Abbot General say to you Pat? Do you think he was referring to something other than what happened when fr Richard was Br Richard? He wasn’t ordained until about 2005. The person named on today’s blog was gone from a Roscrea by then. This now calls into question actions taken by then abbot(s) to proceed with his ordination. Also we know he was regular in Boilerhouse as Abbot as well as a myriad of other places.


If there was a story with some scandal I am sure it was in the orgional email sent out. Why didn’t who ever passed this email onto you pass on the orgional. The contents of the above only makes a person wonder what was sent out first.


KOB has had nothing to do with Scottish Dioceses since February 2013 yes over Seven years ago.
And Edinburgh is flourish with the debts great reduce and parishes amalgamated unlike Glasgow.
Glasgow is a mess keep using their reserves yearly accounts always in Debt yet nothing done but to be honest + Mario left Glasgow very health but NO Leadership now.
As for rest all are doing well financially although lack of clergy in most diocese but Paisley has constant Debt since Bishop John arrived and struggles to tackle it with too many parishes in Paisley.
Only real Leadership is + Toal who tackles it head on.



‘Poor churches in Scotland.’? I very strongly doubt whether churches there, or anywhere else, are poor.

History is flushing this waste down the pan of irrelevance. Thank… I was about to say ‘God’ through force of brainwashed childhood habit, but he doesn’t exist, does he?


Bishop Pat, for what reasons would a local, a d other national papers, not respond to or report on vast amounts of evidence which has been handed to them?
Really, though? Anybody any ideas? x


You forgot about the one that they are shite scared of bishops, Pat at 12:05pm. Journalists in modern Ireland literally soil themselves when a bishop so much as looks crooked at them. Ain’t that the case?


Pat is it the bitter elderly priest who informs you. The one who keeps blaming certain clergy for overlooking him for promotion. He has been saying really nasty things publicly about Oakley and the diocese in general. Ambition with the clergy is a horrible trait.


Or is your Northampton informant the priest who retired early back to Northern Ireland?


My Northampton informant is not a priest at all – but very close to the centre.


Bishop you said you thought the Orders were different to dioceses. Maynooth Alumni include Fr Abbot Brendan Coffey and Fr Abbot Richard Purcell. Why or how could The be different


@2:32 they brought Maynooth and its cloak and dagger with them and destroyed Glenstal and Melleray


Oh, give us some news about the lace queens, the up their own arses young self important clergy, or the antics of reverend power bottoms or ginger Roreees.


Off topic I know Pat but how are you/ the Oratory coping with the lockdown?

How will the oratory look when the restrictions are lifted?

Just wondering how the future of the church will look like post-Covid.


Patsy McGarry in 2009 wrote the extract below in the Irish Times but left out the Maynooth bit where Richard did his philosophy in Maynooth and Maynooth obviously included him on the 2005 classpiece to make it look like more were ordained from Maynooth. Maynooth was part of Fr Richard Purcell’s life regardless and he does appear on the 2005 classpiece.
“The new abbot entered Mount St Joseph Abbey in 1997, having completed a degree in music and French at UCD.
In 2002, he read theology at St Benet’s Hall, Oxford, and, on return to Mount St Joseph in 2004, he was appointed abbey bursar. In 2005, he was ordained a priest and, in 2007, he was appointed prior at the monastery while continuing as bursar”


How could Evans have sent out an “incorrect report”? Is there another report that wasn’t meant to be seen and he sent that out? The report is available online so he didn’t need to send out anything!! And what exactly has our Else got her pantaloons in a pandemonium over??


Hi Bishop Pat, it’s a very good job I used recorded delivery, just like they did with me!
They even took a photograph of my front door…
I think that was to prove, beyond any doubt that the documents were in fact delivered.
Only I went one step further; I opened the file in the foyer, recorded ALL exhibits and other pertinents, too – then handed over to them. Full 1080P HD video @ 60fps with audio.


James Joyce, do try and keep up there, good chap. And no need for bad language either. Nanny would not be happy. It’s all very simple. Abbot of a monastery is having unprotected anal sex in a gay sauna in Dublin called the Boilerhouse. He is the insertive / top partner. One assumes there was an exchange of bodily fluids, which is medically dangerous. Next, said Abbot also has sexual congress with an ex- priest at the monastery of which he is abbot, reportedly in the environs of the kitchen / dining room. Said abbot is also reported as having quite an active sex life outside the monastery, visiting various al fresco cruising sites for anonymous, although consensual, sex. At the same time, this abbot is a monk who has taken a solemn – yes solemn ! – vow of chastity. So, I’m sure even you can see that something is a little amiss, askew, in this picture that I have painted ? Surely ? Simple. see, when you pay attention !


Most of the gombeens who visit here will have lost you once you mentioned Finnegan Wake, So for the unwise The following is Finegans Wake 101

Finnegans Wake is a book by Irish writer James Joyce. It has been called “a work of fiction which combines a body of fables … with the work of analysis and deconstruction”. It is significant for its experimental style and reputation as one of the most difficult works in the Western canon. Written in Paris over a period of seventeen years and published in 1939, Finnegans Wake was Joyce’s final work. The entire book is written in a largely idiosyncratic language, which blends standard English lexical items and neologistic multilingual puns and portmanteau words to unique effect. Many critics believe the technique was Joyce’s attempt to recreate the experience of sleep and dreams.

Owing to the work’s linguistic experiments, stream of consciousness writing style, literary allusions, free dream associations, and abandonment of narrative conventions, Finnegans Wake remains largely unread by the general public.

Despite the obstacles, readers and commentators have reached a broad consensus about the book’s central cast of characters and, to a lesser degree, its plot, but key details remain elusive. The book discusses, in an unorthodox fashion, the Earwicker family, comprising the father HCE, the mother ALP, and their three children Shem the Penman, Shaun the Postman, and Issy. Following an unspecified rumour about HCE, the book, in a nonlinear dream narrative, follows his wife’s attempts to exonerate him with a letter, his sons’ struggle to replace him, Shaun’s rise to prominence, and a final monologue by ALP at the break of dawn. The opening line of the book is a sentence fragment which continues from the book’s unfinished closing line, making the work a never-ending cycle. Many noted Joycean scholars such as Samuel Beckett and Donald Phillip Verene link this cyclical structure to Giambattista Vico’s seminal text La Scienza Nuova (The New Science), upon which they argue Finnegans Wake is structured.

Joyce began working on Finnegans Wake shortly after the 1922 publication of Ulysses. By 1924 installments of Joyce’s new avant-garde work began to appear, in serialized form, in Parisian literary journals The Transatlantic Review, under the title “fragments from Work in Progress”. The actual title of the work remained a secret until the book was published in its entirety, on 4 May 1939. Initial reaction to Finnegans Wake, both in its serialized and final published form, was largely negative, ranging from bafflement at its radical reworking of the English language to open hostility towards its lack of respect for the conventions of the genre.

The work has since come to assume a preeminent place in English literature. Anthony Burgess has lauded Finnegans Wake as “a great comic vision, one of the few books of the world that can make us laugh aloud on nearly every page”. The prominent literary academic Harold Bloom has called it Joyce’s masterpiece, and, in The Western Canon (1994), wrote that “if aesthetic merit were ever again to center the canon, [Finnegans Wake] would be as close as our chaos could come to the heights of Shakespeare and Dante”. The now commonplace term quark – a subatomic particle – originates from Finnegans Wake.


‘Finnegan’s Wake’ remains largely unread by the general public because it is pretentious shite, which sycophants, like you, typically laud as a work of literary genius; you know no better.
I can hear Joyce’s bellowing with laughter, all the way from his burial place in Zurich, at the fawning intellectual pretension of the beau monde, who wouldn’t know highbrow literature from a comic strip.


@6.53 pm

An excellent critique. I only add that at the time of the guesthouse incident – the ex-priest in question was well-respected and well-liked priest of the Diocese of Killaloe.


Mr Hourigan was the well liked priest already a monk of Roscrea at one stage and have you read the extract written above from the paper in 2000?


If anybody’s a Gombeen it’s you Joyce was an overrated ejit if you think Finnegan’s Wake is a laugh on every page you’re mad. It’s almost as bad as Ulysses which is also a dreadful read.


Pat, it must be time for your elevation to Archbishop. You have been a bishop for a long time now and the promotion is overdue.


Pat has done more for the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland than any bishop or Archbishop in recent times. He’s rid it of hypocrites. Thank you Bishop Pat. Incidentally Pat I know you and Phonsie don’t get on but at least he replied to Mr Hourigan.


@ 4:34 pm

The e-mails that Abbot Brendan sent seeking to engineer a cover-up will be sent to the Congregation for Bishops with a letter explaining why he is wholly unsuitable to be appointed a bishop in due course by the Rome-based advocate.

In the meantime, I have been in contact with the parliamentary aides to the Minister for Education. More on that next week. Thanks again to priests in Meath for that information.


Robert it is only faith Brendan gets a copy of anything that is about him.
I am sure you will.
Would not be surprised if someone from Glenstal reads + Pats blog.


If the Department of Education has any business with adults engaging in consensual sexual activity in this instance the sex life of every teacher and special needs assistant the length and breadth of the country would be liable to be similarly scrutinized.
The DES will not touch this case with a barge pole – and rightly so.


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