

Is DAVID MARSDEN more to be pitied than laughed at?

That might be the truth if his crazy beliefs were not being taken in by vulnerable Catholics.

He talks about a Christian Anthropology. I think some very experienced anthropologist needs to study a man with a strong Liverpool accent believing in 16th century theology / man made doctrine.

He traces the current crisis back to artificial contraception.

Obviously, Marsden has swallowed the old RC doctrine that sex could only be engaged in by validly married Cathbots using their bits to populate the world with mini Cathbots.

He totally ignores the very valid moral theology that acknowledges that the sexual act expresses the bond of love between two people.

Marsden is denying that the sexual act between two loving and committed men or women expresses love and companionship and in that sense is pleasing to God.

“Wherever there is love, there is God”.

We know from his Maynooth and Oscott days that Marsden has a massive problem with homosexuality.

The problem with sex between seminarians, priests and monks is not the sex part – it’s about the hypocrisy between men publicly professing chastity and celibacy and in private having the sex lives of rabbits on Viagra.

Sexually active gay priests, monks and seminarians accuse this blog of homophobia – which is total nonsense.

I am a publicly professed gay man. I am in a gay partnership for 23 years.

I have been celebrating gay and lesbian blessings for 34 years.

I have and do minister to LGTB persons in all kinds of situations.

I support LGBT charities.

But what I do object to is clerical, religious and seminarian hypocrisy.

Gay men making public promises of chastity and celibacy and yet having secret gay lives in saunas, toilets, truck stops etc.

I wish Marsden would get over his sex obsession and concentrate on all the hypocrisy of all kinds in the RCC.

10 Points to Ponder as 2020 draws to a close …😆😜

  1. The dumbest thing I ever bought was a 2020 planner.
  2. 2019: Stay away from negative people. 2020: Stay away from positive people.
  3. The world has turned upside down. Old folks are sneaking out of the house & their kids are yelling at them to stay indoors!
  4. This morning I saw a neighbour talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came to my house & told my dog…. We had a good laugh.
  5. Every few days try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pyjamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.
  6. Does anyone know if we can take showers yet or should we just keep washing our hands?
  7. I never thought the comment, “I wouldn’t touch him/her with a 6-foot pole” would become a national policy, but here we are!
  8. I need to practice social-distancing ….from the refrigerator.
  9. I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip out to the bins!
  10. Never in a million years could I have imagined I would go into a bank with a mask on and ask for money.🤣🤣


Pat this Marsden needs a sock put in his gob a good kick up the old arse. May I wish you a happy new year. I had the problem with the tight trousers, but I got the covid which made me lose weight as my apertite went a bit. Covid gone now. Night night.


10.01: This fool Fr. Tommy needs, not socks in his mouth, but for it to be permanently zipoed up…What inanities he splutters!


I trust your “problem with the tight trousers” was of a different kind than some we’ve heard about. I enjoy your cheery comments.


Oh, I forgot….the Christian anthropology he speaks about is based on stories and myths created by a wandering crowd of goats herders in the deserts of the Middle East 10,000 years ago. And that’s what still informs his view of the world and of people ? I’m sure in Liverpool they would have some apposite expression for that… !


This arose because of Aquinas’ lying ontology about transubstantiation. If there were no “communion queues” we could counter the bullying with common sense.


Fr. David “Martyr” Marsden theorises that men and women do not make sense when solely taken on their own, yet presumably he is man on his own. His Christian anthropology does not make logical sense when taken to its’ logical conclusion. He would probably argue that he is giving himself to the Church but in saying that – he inadvertently negates his original premise. What is the difference in giving yourself to the Church and giving yourself to a person of the same gender? Following his reasoning – both physiologically do not produce new life, therefore both would be wrong.
I would theorise that he has deep unresolved issues himself. I think you are right Pat, he is to be pitied rather than mocked. One thing is for certain – he should not be counselling young seminarians who may be struggling with their sexuality. His fervent desire to properly “educate” reminds me of the language frequently used in conversion therapy. It harkens back to the language of “reorientation” which is widely condemned by reputable psychologists.
I fear “Martyr” Marsden has become a “one issue” priest. Does he put the same energies into condemning :
1. Church corruption?
2. The SCJ’s handling of abuse?
3. The poor who are starving?
4. The sick who dying?
5. The migrants in Rome with no homes?
He strikes me as a man who has never done any real pastoral work in his life. He has jumped from seminary to seminary living an easy academic life. Now he is in Rome living a sheltered life and indulging in his own ideological fantasies – all at the expense of the SCJ order who are struggling to control him. I fear this will end badly.


Marsdan is a nutter – So artificial contraception gave rise to homosexuality and pornography?
Is he talking about the ‘pill’?
Doesn’t he realise both porn and homosexuality are as old as mankind. As is artificial forms of contraception.
His thinking throughout the video is very muddled and confusing.


I see from yesterday’s blog you have let Magna back. If his sick comments are allowed such as the one in praise of Cromwell you will upset your regular readers. How can any Irish person praise Cromwell? There are still statues of him in London.



Absolutely only the sick mind of the Arch heretic and apostate M.C. could praise the murderous Cromwell responsible for the murder of countless Irish lives. May he soon get his reward.


Barking Bella you do not really believe in these Romanists do ya.
You would lie to a parasite in a purple stole and just be like one of your Latin followers
Time will tell 🙂
Just Saying 🙂


Did you not notice that he hadn’t gone away you know. One of his amusing shibboleths is a fixation on a moment in the ordination liturgy where the candidate promises obedience to his ordinary. This shows he never understood sacramentality. Another is the word ‘Romanist’ which he intends as a denigration but which for many is an intrinsic layer of the Christian story, especially of the early martyrs. Another is his delusion that a Christian denomination with c.1.6 billion members is numerically negligible. A fourth is an irrational antipathy towards clergy, a calling to which he once aspired. A fifth is when the reader realises the man has run out of arguments and regardless of what’s up for discussion introduces the subject of CSA ad hominem. A final tell-tale is his sensitivity about geo-political terminology as it relates to the north of the country.

Put all of these considerations together and you see the result.


Well, I like MC. He tells it like it is, unlike priests, who put out whatever line is opportunistic.


I too am always delighted to see Magna. The reason the clergy are so against him is obvious.


Woof! Woof! Polly ya poor demented parasite. Of course I believe, I know you long to hear those wonderful words Ego te absolvo, and I pray that you will some day when you get off the gargle come to your senses and return to the bosom of The Holy Church.
Time will indeed tell.
Just Saying.


Interesting he credits this to contraception. Natural contraception is nonsense because a woman feels most like sex when she is most likely to conceive – men don’t get peaks and troughs of desire because they don’t have a cycle in the same way.
I wonder if he drives a car? They’re unnatural because God obviously intended us to walk.
I have long thought the clergy’s real problem with sex is because marriage is the only sacrament not completed by a priest. The poor things have to be involved in everything and can’t stand that they have been theologised out of this sacrament.


@7:18 “I wonder if he drives a car? They’re unnatural because God obviously intended us to walk.”
Good one!
I always say that humans stopped being “Natural” when we swung down from the trees!



The clergy have been theologised out of ALL sacraments, because grace comes directly from God to the recipient, not through a Romanist priest.

These guys are a luxury people cannot afford, and do NOT need.

Make up for the privations of 2020 by vowing to give the boot to every Romanist priest-parasite in 2021. 🎉😅😁

You know it makes sense.😕


Oh I do!
The point I was making is even the clergy admit they don’t administer that one 🤪


Having read so much self absorbing and self indulgent philosophies and “do as you like” (it’s my life, my body.. ) behaviours, I prefer the depth and clarity of Fr. Marsden’s theology and morality. It provides necessary parameters and boundaries which we need in our interconnectedness with one another. We see the consequences all too often of a freedom without correslonding consequences, particularly in the free for all gay world..


@9:29 – I too have a tendency to order and predictability. I too recognise that for the majority of people the complementarity of man and woman is a right order of things- but not necessary the right order of things in every situation and for every person. We see it as the dominant way of being from human nature and from the natural world. HOWEVER….. what disturbs me is an order that is interpreted as having no room for any exceptions or differences, and what is worse when there is such, to vilify and demonise it. Marsden goes for all the old tools to hand – pornography, homosexuality, promiscuousness, birth control – in his efforts to do that. We know that there are exceptions and differences that abound amongst human beings, and some of those are not capable of being shoehorned in to a monolithic theory of one size fits all. I am homosexual, and for decades believed that I was “intrinsically disordered” and even when not sexually active that I was sinful simply by my thoughts and my existence. It was only when I was able to reconcile my sexuality with my being that I become happy and settled. I still don’t think that the Church in its teaching is able to embrace me or how I am – there are continual subliminal messages of evil and sinfulness at the root of who I am that I continue to hear, not least from the likes of Marsden who is part of that messaging. He should be ashamed of himself for marginalising and demonising people of difference. If he and the Church were truly Christ-like they would find it in themselves to include rather than to exclude, to love rather than to demonise. As he presents himself and his thinking, I would suggest people avoid Marsden. He is dangerous. As Maynooth and Oscott have done in the past.


9.28: Here, here, well spoken. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍. In Patsy’s world only his view is relevant. Perhaps Pat should go find his psychology and philosophy notes and find too the s6oirutual notes from college. There he will discover a greater depth of wise teachings that he could never be able to match. “Anything goes” mentality has proved to be a deathly attitude for many, many people, both within and outside the gay community. When you remove the depth, reflectiveness and wisdom of the learnings of philosophy and psychology, you pay a price. May I suggest you read “12 Rules for Life” by Jordan Peterson, which provides a brilliant antidote to the chaos of “do what you like philosophy. A super book as are most of his writings. Controversial but a very cogent and clever man….


I think Fr David Marsden thinks of himself as a modern martyr, vilified for his upholding of christian anthropology. He will continue to hunker down with the few likeminded people that follow his thinking. An odd bunch. Isolated. Full of victimhood. Zealots. Judgemental. Believing themselves martyrs for the cause. There is nothing more dangerous than that mindset.
I am no psychologist or sociologist or medic myself – and I suspect that Fr Marsden is barely any of those himself. One has a sense listening to him that he has a veneer of psychological training and practice (and his practice does not seem to have gone down too well at Maynooth and Oscott !), whereby he has learned a few buzz words and theories. “Congruent” is my favourite ! I would love for someone with a background in the disciplines he presents himself as having to address his presentation of the conflict between gender theory and a christian anthropology. I suspect he would not be able to stand the challenge with any credibility. Although, he would see that as evidence of his being martyred !
Fr Marsden’s presentation is based on a 10,000 year old plus biblical narrative that has to be interpreted in the light of knowledge and science as we know it today. He makes no effort to do that, but just cuts and pastes a scriptural theory on to life. He acts fast and loose in making all sorts of connections which have little or no grounding in reality – note the introduction of contraception, homosexuality, pornography et al. All of these hot topic buttons are pressed in order to bolster his rather thin and inadequate theory. Possibly because they are the issues that dominate his mind and life. As we see from Maynooth and Oscott !
The damage that Fr Marsden can do to individuals is immense, leading them in to a black and white, unsubtle understanding of the human being. He has the ability to do incalculable damage to people. It is particularly worrying that he is encouraging educators to adopt his stance and to impose this narrative and theory on young people in schools. If it were not so, then his presentation could be considered comical. I do hope someone on here with the right background and skills will be able to undermine and debunk Marsden’s presentation. I know instinctively that he is wrong. I just don’t have the background to do a deconstruction job on him and his theories. I do, however, know how dangerous he is.


I actually don’t feel that it’s too much of a risk in schools. Our RE teacher always spouted this crap and it just stopped the last of us going to mass. It’s a huge own goal.


I have a friend in the SCJ order who told me that “Marsden is a huge problem!”. He informed me that Fr. Marsden’s own formation was lacking and that he was poorly formed by them. He said they did not have the resources to form him adequately so he just sailed on to ordination; he said there were “crystal clear issues that needed to be addressed”. He informed me that he grew up without a father so he believed Marsden has been overcompensating for that all his life -possible unresolved anger at his mother for it?

They apparently sent him to Rome recently to get rid of him for a few years. His letter to the Bishops of Ireland and his subsequent letter to the Bishops of England & Wales have not gone down well. His order suspects that no university or bishop will take Marsden on after “the stunts he pulled”. He further stated that he has become a burden on them. Marsden’s intention is to find work in a conservative seminary in the USA, but I have it on good authority that even they have reservations about him.


Fr David Marsden is getting a rough time of it here today. Rightly so. Let him creep back in to his odd corner of the Church, inhabited by all the traditionalist, loony, hard line nut jobs that you find in those corners.


He should join up with Glasgow’s very own Fr Stephen Dunn. They could found a new order. The Society of Looneytunes.


Indeed. The man is the most despised Priest in Glasgow and is unpopular with laity, clergy and brother Priests. Trouble maker from day one.


Father Stephen Dunn is a most respected priest in Glasgow. He stands heads and shoulders above the duffers.
He was parish priest in orange Bridgton in the east end of Glasgow. Not a nice area for Catholics of any description, Roman or Larne.
Father Stephen has also written on this blog. Unlike you that takes some courage as well as living in Bridgeton. You take the cowards way out by posting anonymously.
All the very best for 2021.
Garngad Lad


You are correct one of our own Father Stephen Dunn certainly no loony tune.
Honest and Sincere and speaks the truth.
He does not want a fake Parish as he tells the truth and the parishioners do not like it.
No use having double standards and running to confession that is pointless


I have watched this video and am considering removing part of My Body as a result. That part is definitely unhealthy though…


He is called a clinical psychologist here – if he actually is he must be registered with some professional body.


hahaha Pat!
On a serious note, he should be reported to whatever clinical body he belongs to. Did he not break a professional seal by going public about his work and findings? How could a person trust him?


No. He is a psychology advisor to the Deputy Ayatollah in matters if psychology and homosexuality.


I haven’t found him on the public register of either the BPS or HCPC, so it looks like he isn’t a clinical psychologist unless he is on a register abroad. Possibly it could have been a mistake I suppose.


He can also trace his Liverpool ancestors back to two Biblical tribes – the Shitites and the Girgashites. That’s why he talks the way he does.


Undercover fags are often the nastiest type of person, whether they are priests, monks, or seminarians. The term “evil queen” was often used to describe them in my day.


Byrne and Marsden’s fights were legendary. Handbags at dawn!
Marsden once asked the class: “should priests be able to marry?”
Byrne replied: “only if they love each other!”
The class laughed, Marsden had an existential crisis.


That’s priceless! I do love MJB. Glad he is doing great work, but I do think the Church could still make more use of his very considerable talents. Just compare him with a sad specimen such as Father Marsden, and ask yourself who is doing more for the Gospel in our time.



What considerable talents? He was a promiscuous, lying, unfaithful poof.

You gombeen man.😠


It’s clear Fr Marsden didn’t imbibe the fullnes of Augustine on marriage. If he had studied at Maynooth he would have been introduced to this subject by Professor D. Vincent Twomey SVD, by no means a looney liberal. Among Augustine’s ‘goods’ of marriage is fides – the so-called ‘unitive’ aspect and s recognition by Augustine that marriage is more than offspring.

Marsden studied in Milltown. I don’t know who was responsible for teaching sexuality and marriage there. Whoever they were it looks as if they could have done s better job.

It’s not pleasant reading about his early life experiences but he is looking for happiness in the wrong place.


Nothing yet Pat from that one who writes in capital letters about the HOLY GOD bringing punishments. She always brightens my day 💅😆😆😆


you willnlaugh on the other side of your farce one of these finest days you wait Marsden is the HOLY PRIEST and he is the deputy of the HOLY GID who will PUNISH the ones that hoje fun at the wirds if DR FATHER Marsbar his time is coming and yours is going the other ways you wait you will take the WRATH if HOLY GOD the crying tines are coming


Fr Marsden’s honest description of some of the most obvious problems at Oscott led to his removal, the Archbishop of Birmingham stating that it bore no resemblance to the Oscott he knows and the College Rector appointed a Bishop. Leaving aside his views on sex which I would not share, his criticisms still stand and the reaction of the hierarchy is staggering “No truth nothing to see”. There are serious problems linked exclusively to homosexuality in Oscott and they are deeply entrenched back to the days of Kelly. There is a dominate culture of heavy drinking, porn , obsessive crushes and threatening behaviour. The formation is in how to be as lazy as possible, the academic standards are a joke and Birmingham University should not be recognising the three years of plagiarism that the students produce as equal to their BA in Theology


No never been a student there but a good friend to others. Do you think if someone is too ugly for predatory homosexuals then they would somehow make up stories to denigrate a place of Christian love, intellect, prayer and discipline ? Hardly


Does Father Marsden have a licence to practise as clinical psychologist? I find it worrying that he claims medical competence. The man is a dangerous obsessive, yet he is advocating an alternative “Catholic” anthropology, which undoubtedly influences Catholic education programmes. Why does the responsible state permit this indoctrination? The local council in the Scottish Western Isles recently approved a Catholic programme over and against the LEA course – on pedagogical grounds or because they deemed the RCC course suited their brand of prejudice and exclusion?
In fact I do agree with Father Marsden that the gender debate was started in academia by Judith Butler and others, and has only recently become “fashionable”. I have my reservations, along with distinguished feminists such as Germaine Greer, Suzanne Moore and J K Rowling, but I think it entirely legitimate that different approaches should be introduced and discussed freely certainly in secondary schools. The hysteria that Father Marsden is attempting to whip up that Josef Mengele-type medics are on the prowl to persuade young people to have their bodies mutilated betrays a level of paranoia such as he demonstrated in the pursuit of masturbators. No wonder Michael Byrne ran rings round him.
As an earlier poster remarked, RE teachers get the same treatment, at least behind their backs, when they spout Theology of the Body nonsense. On every level and in every situation the RCC has a fundamental problem with credibility. Hardly surprising when you get so-called experts such as Marsden claiming that humanity’s original sin is its failure to acknowledge the “prophetic truth” of Humanae Vitae.
If a Catholic anthropology is not also a fully human anthropology, it has failed; and so it has.


What?! JK Rowling a feminist?😅😅😅😅
You’ve lost it, sweetheart. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅


Byrne did not run rings round Marsden; that is apocryphal nonsense. I was there on those occasions, and Byrne looked a total, philistinic fool.😅

Consider where Marsden is now, and contrast this with Byrne’s lot: a cheap, clichéd ‘hospital chaplain’, because the fool, through his own stupidity, brought this on himself,😅


Did Marsden not admit that MJB was the reason he left Maynooth? Your erroneous recollection of events leads me to believe you were not present at those seminars. You are also operating under the assumption that MJB will not be ordained in the future by Farrell; MJB is not the fool you believe him to be my dear boy.


I think that Marsden fell foul of the liberal staff at Maynooth and Oscott and that was his own doing in great part.

Farrell is a company man and a safe man. It’s unlikely he will do anything controversial.

I would have thought that MJB would have a better chance of ordination with Diarmuid than with Dermot?

My informed source suggests that Diarmuid deliberately distanced himself from MJB?


‘Dear boy’? Really? You old queen. 😅
Do you affect ‘Wildeism’ for highbrow queerness?😅
Marsden said no such thing; that claim, too, is apocryphal. In fact, it is completely bogus. Marsden left Maynooth because he was one of the very few straight men among a clutch of camp poofs.
I totally expect that Byrne, to be ordained when the dust settles on Maynooth.
The Catholic Church is on a steep decline.
Some day Byrne will undoubtedly preside in a parish … of decrepit, dying off, dementia -ridden old dears, because this is the future of the Catholic Church in Ireland. And it can’t happen quickly enough for me.


Word of the day – apocryphal. Please know your facts before you use it, my dear boy
“It was after this encounter that Fr. Marsden knew it was now not possible to conduct proper formation in the seminary as such widespread dissent of Church’s teaching was blatant amongst the seminary council and the spiritual directors. It was at this point that he wrote a letter to Mons. Connolly tendering his resignation.”


‘My dear boy’?😕
Ah, Jeez!😅 Even Quentin Crisp never ventured this camp and coiffed far.😅😅
Well, what can I say that won’t sound harsh and belittling … for you? Quite a lot, actually. But I shall content myself with this tidbit: my comment about Marsden at 2.44 (that he did not resign his position at Maynooth because of Byrne) is confirmed even by the article you cited. How careless of you?
Apart from the clear fact that the article does not identify the seminarian who alledgedly spoke so dismissively to Marsden (You PRESUME that it was Byrne.), it is additionally clear from the content of the unnamed seminarian’s words that the reason Marsden threw in the towel at Maynooth was not the seminarian himself, but that Marsden finally learned there was no point in doing anything else, since the odds of his having any formation success at Maynooth were now insurmountably stacked against him:
With such people not only in the know about the unnamed seminarian’s ‘disordered lifestyle’, but apparently approving it morally, I’m not surprised that Marsden packed it in. This had nothing at all to do with the seminarian himself, but with the strength of those alledgedly backing him.
You credit Byrne with far too much kudos, my dear, dear boy. But then, your type is always swayed by a ‘cute’ face when the facts bear it an unfavourable conclusion. (Those eyebrows, though.😞)


The Mengele types are actually active, on and off, but they were only given the go ahead by the mutant Schelerism JP foisted on us. Since his time Romans have stopped relating altogether. Seminarians tell us the only reason they are seminarians is that their only way of becoming christian is to be an alter JP. The Roman machine is solely interested in reaching children at “catholic schools” (in most places a joint enterprise with the state). Its lip service towards reaching loose bods is to leave us to the “movements” (a mixed bag) to pick on. The only important call, laity, is not a vocation.


Met a young man from Ardoyne today pat. He told me his family is so poor that on Christmas morning if he hadn’t had an erection he would have had nothing to play with !!


Never in a million zillion years will Byrne be ordained by DF. Byrne should also be formally dismissed from the diaconate. MJB sums up everything that is wrong with places like Gaynooth, Oh Scott, Up Holeland, Alice Hall, Wankersh, etc.

Liked by 1 person

It is much more fun with him in it. What else would us old queens talk about on New Years Eve…Fr. Sean Jones? Fr. Chris Derwin? Trolly Dolly?…..I think not!
MB is a modern day Buckley and like Buckley he is not going anywhere fast.


If MJB has moved on then he should ask to be removed from the Deaconate.
Anyhow Archbishop Elect Farrell has said he is up for the challenge so watch out Dublin.
The interesting thing to watch is if DF asks for Auxiliaries and who his VG is.
Vicar General have a lot of say due to the work pressure on the Bishop.


3.09: You haven’t a clue what you’re talking about, you auld wagon. Get yourself a boyfriend! Grow up. God bless MJB…Jealousy of others is astounding.


I hear that big porky pie Monty Montgonery is being moved in the New Year. His parishioners are talking behind his back. Apparently he is upset that every time he googles his own name the first entry describes his unfortunate incident at the Beda college.


Poor Monty will never learn. He’s been to Elsie complaining about the blog. How do I know that? He can’t keep his trap shut telling others about it and how Elsie has saved his bacon.


Fr Montgomery needs to be reminded that the parishioners who he alledges “talk behind his back” are the same parishioners here in Middlesex who have supported him financially and in other kind ways. We are fully aware of his past and have supported him but it saddens me he has tried to throw that back in our face. I know His Eminence has concerns but people here will be making their concerns about him more vocal in light of this.


5:48 have you talked behind his back? If not then you have nothing to worry about. Or is that your guilty conscience speaking?


Fr. Montgomery went to a family recently in South Harrow and got plastered on booze at a meal where he criticised his PP in a nasty way. Lots of people now know about it here. A letter was sent to Cardinal Vincent who never replied.


7.46 you or someone is lying His Eminence Cardinal Nichols does reply to letters and emails and the least you would get is Acknowledged and “please pray for me”.
He is under a lot of pressure by many for him to ask the Holy See to let him retire as Archbishop of Westminster.
The Papal Nuncios Secretary has resigned so awaiting a new appointment then things may happen.
Who could they send as Wales needs filled soon as well.


Some facts. Marsden will not get a job in a mainstream seminary in the future, given his sacking from Maynooth and Oscott. Marsden has been sent off for further studies in order to solve a problem and get him out of the way. Marsden is woefully ill educated and experienced in his self chosen field; he’s an amateur with no credible standing. The christian anthropology he is touting will find itself increasingly constrained as governments squeeze it out of what is taught to youngsters, be it in religious schools or not. There is no place for such a damaging, narrow and exclusive culture, and the state has a responsibility to ensure that it is countered. Marsden’s allies in this claptrap stuff are non other than odd bod right wing catholics, various branches of Islam like the Iranians, and fruitcake US evangelicals.


the HOLY PRIEST Marsdan is talking the WILL OF GOD in putting it about in CHRISTIAN ANTHOLOGY this needs be listened to like it was the WORD OF GOD in the BIBLE men are for wemon and wimon gor men it is not the man for the men and the men for the man and woman for the wimon the HOLY GOD is not smiling when HE sees the man on a man this is troublingbyo HIM and brings on HIS ANGER so look out HES about to come all over the world and it will know the WRAITH of G-O-D


Are there any nice followers of this blog? Everybody seems so unpleasant and nasty and like the sort of people who didn’t like PE in school.


Oooh, I loved PE at school. All that exposed flesh in snug-fitting t-shirts and shorts.
And as for those post-activity communal showers….😎💓


Why does ‘Dr’ Marsden sound like a YouTube video automated voice in his Gender Theory talk?😅
And why does he keep looking rightward and upward while doing so?😮
I find these features much more interesting than his views on… 😩 What was his subject-matter again?😕


4.52: What silly speculative theories you proffer! Supercilious observations…You just don’t like this priest. That’s your pathetic problem. You are not, I’m certain, a prifessional, behavioural analyst?? No….you idiot. 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠….



Ha ha ha 😅

I ‘proferred’ no theories in my post at 4.52; I just made observations.

Do try to concentrate on the posts themselves rather than your silly perceptions of them.😆


@6:07 I’m a professional behaviour analyst and your comment indicates a high level of defensiveness manifesting in an attack. It also makes no sense and is unrelated to the comment you reply to which indicates you were solely driven by emotion to make such a knee jerk reaction.


Marsbar looks like he is struggling NOT to think of big sweaty men when he pauses between his incoherent thoughts. LOL


I was thinking there’s no reason to doubt he’s hetero. I mean, look at him. A gay man would shave his head and get rid of the beard.


Bishop Pat, any recent info on J P Lyttle? Will he be still longing for trackies and truncheons in the New Year? Let’s hope 2021 will bring us all better health and happiness. God bless you and your work.


6.34: Hope some cop with a real truncheon pops into you to beat you with it…..You perverted, sleazy fool. This thought will give you a “fix” – gombeen!


Quite a number of comments on this ghastly man, Bp Pat, do you think he could end up in Silverstream one day? Elijah may need his guidance.


I’ve got another question having looked around UK Sacred Heart Fathers on the internet. I didn’t find anything outrageously liberal or trad and the priests look like regular religious. Can it be there is no heterodoxy in the order and how does Fr Marsden cope with it having found two mainstream seminaries to be hotbeds of liberalism?


I think @6.34pm raises an important point. J P Lyttle is a public figure and should be under public scrutiny. What are you hiding I wonder as you are being so defensive on the matter – I do wonder?


Happy new year my friend Pat Buckley. He’s not perfect but I admire and respect him greatly. God bless one and all. 2021 can only be better. I’ve got myself a nice bottle of wine (which I’m on already 😆) and the dog a lovely treat from the pet shop. The only way is up!


6.44: You most definitely are not a behavioural analyst. Definitely not. You simply made silly, juvenile observations about Fr. Marsden, rather adolescent in nature. If your comment as written is to be “analysed” grammatically, you are not the most elucidating of writers! Perhaps a refresher course in English might prove useful! You trot out the usual word “defensive” when unable to cogently make an argument. I am not at all defensive: I’m very happy in my skin but I abhor all abuse levelled against people who are of good integrity and conscience, people who are deliberately smeared on this blog for no justifiable reasons. I do not know Fr. Marsden but I respect his intelligence. P.S. – your psychology isn’t elucidating either… Wikipedia might help you….


Tell me +Pat. What are the priests of Meath doing for male fun in times of lockdown? It was so handy with Tullamore to Dublin road links. But now saunas et al closed. Where do they go for fun? Answers anyone?


9.00: Since you seem concerned, why don’t you rent yourself out at some lay by? I’d imagine your hunky body would have appeal..Go on, perverted, sleazy whore.


Bishop Pat, according to the Catholic Hearld headline (we know all about it’s wide mouth editor) the aul doll says we can’t have a united Ireland without bringing the Unionists on board. Hello!!! Has she suddenly woke up? This has been a viewpoint and reality for ages. The Unionists have ensured a united Ireland because of their brexit stance faux pas resulting in a border in the Irish sea. Most political experts now predict that the border is not Forkhill, Aughnacloy or Derry but Larne port.


Any unionist with a scintilla of gumption knows the clock is now ticking towards a United Ireland. The marginalisation of the RCC, the calibre of political leadership ( as opposed to the badly wrong footed narrow minded parochial lot called the DUP) allied to the commercial possibilities which will now open up must make a UI an increasingly attractive proposition.
The big question is will they want “loyal Ulster”


Dream on, DD. 😉
Irish nationalists/republicans have spouted similar nonsense for generations. I suppose we could call it ‘a coping mechanism for their ideoligical ‘bridge too far’: a united Ireland’.😅


My God, the mention of that border crossing at Aughnacloy 9.07pm brings back awful memories and still gives me the creeps. I was crossing with my elderly parents in the early 90’s from Monaghan and we were directed into a huge corrogated shed with steel shutters at both ends by the British Army. They tore the side panels out of the car and all the seats. My elderly Mother was so distressed she wet herself. They found nothing but I always remember that day. The total insult was they made me put back all the seats and side panels plus the boot. My only hope now is they can’t do this in the middle of the Irish Sea. How would anyone like to watch your Mother pee herself because of fear and for what?


Notorious area for smuggling, that, and for hit-and-run terrorist raids by the IRA.

The Republic of Ireland police frequently turned a blind to its murders.


The area is irrelevant in the argument. We were law abiding and I wont stoop to your pathetic level. Would you like to see your Mother standing in the cold shed and wetting herself in front of you. Would you enjoy watching that 10.41pm.


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