

There is a small cohort of Anglo Irish priests, monks and seminarians who are going around posing as BBV’s – Bishop Buckley Victims.

Let me introduce these “victims” to you 🀣

“Victim” A:

After years of heavy drinking and putting it about, Victim A invites a young bobby to a meal over three bottles of wine, admires his trackie bottoms, tells him that is a regular turkey choker and porn oficionado, that the PP is away for the night and invites him to stay over. As a result the bobby is an abuser and Bishop Buckley a co-abuser.

Calling Hounslow….Calling Hounslow….

“Victim” B:

After many years as a gin slinger (Cork Dry to be exact) and Big Mac and Solero oficionado Victim B touches the hindquarter of a big straight Aussie and ends up negotiating a steep stairwell and a with a broken leg. As a result the Aussie is an abuser and Bishop Buckley a co-abuser.

“Victim” C:

After many years as a boobs, aficionado Victim C makes a parishioner pregnant on a pilgrimage. Months later he goes out to dinner with friends while the woman loses their baby, alone, in her bathroom. As a result the woman is designated his abuser and Bishop Buckley his co-abuser.

“Victim” D:

After some years as a crown jewels aficionado Victim D ends up in hospital with a broken wrist and a ripped anal canal. The doctor who stitched his canal back together is an abuser and Bishop Buckley his co-abuser.

“Victim” E:

After many years as a Lourdes aficionado Victim E goes on social media from the presbytery at midnight and shows his erect “miracles” to a young male parishioner. As result the is boy is his abuser and Bishop Buckley his co-abuser.

“Victim” F:

After many years as a Jameson and twink aficionado Victim F exclaims “Introibo ad altare Dei“(I will go on to the altar of God) and ” stabs” a well known seminarian there. And Bishop Buckley is his abuser for making the desecration known.

“Victim” G:

After many years as sex detective Victim G enters the Society of Jesus and in no time at all is accused by several young men of quizzing them about erections, wet dreams, sexual fantasies etc and finds himself installed as the incumbent of Mullagh. The young men are his abusers and Bishop Buckley his co-abuser while his patron Sean Did You Enjoy The Abuse Brady weeps in the shadows.

We could go on and on retelling the fairy tales if these poor, poor clerical victims.

They play the predator by night and pose as victims by day.

They are hard done by because they say they are God’s Holy Anointed and have undergone an ontological change.

They must not be questioned!

They must not be challenged!

They must not be held to account!

They scream: “Do as we tell you, not as we do”.

They are wolves by night and pretend victims by day.


What a sight those legs. And the image of an Australian hindquarter. Now where are my blood pressure pills 😜 Well that’s it lads, the first day of the New Year over. Just finishing a glass of the good stuff here before bed. I think I’ll need an extra blanket.


The blog on the Dominican β€˜formators’ and the Dominican studium will be useful for those delegates attending the Dominican Irish provincial chapter in 2021.


Don’t mind the haters Pat, keep up the good work, from a straight layman. Don’t let them into your head.


Catechising in the last 55 years is too little, too late and the wrong kinds / inaccurate anyway. Just from being told one has a “catholic identity”, one doesn’t owe anything; it certainly doesn’t fit one to join a “movement”. Of sacraments only baptism and extreme unction make sense (and laity can administer those). When I came across a book by Chautard (a very modern author), I didn’t dare have it because I thought it is cursed. Religious authorities that post snarling comments have ruined our nerves.


1.48 because it is Catholic teaching. You can like it or lump it or go elsewhere to somewhere better aligned with your needs. I bet you haven’t been to Mass in years, like all the other lovely people who post on this blog.



No, it is not β€˜Catholic teaching’. What bullshit!

It is the teaching of Romanist clerics, who want to reserve to themselves the prerogative and privilege of sacrament. An expression of the exceptionalism and arrogance of a category Jesus did not found since he required no priest craft for the celebration and commemoration of the the supreme sacrament, the Eucharist.


There is a third option to liking or lumping: changing. Have a look at Newman’s essay on the development of doctrine.


I administered extreme unction to a man who had been hit by a speeding car at 80-plus-mph in 2016 outside of a church in Liverpool.
I lay on the ground, holding him; I was covered in his blood and engine oil from the car and reassured him that all was going to be well and he would be good as new once the ambulance arrived.
He was in such a bad state that I was, still am, both shocked and amazed the human body is able to survive such physical trauma.
I slowly anointed him and prayed quietly to myself, while all the while, reassuring him he would be alright.
He quickly began to gain calmness of mind and spirit, and I convinced him he would be alright — and I told him the truth.
I held him in my arms and he slowly drifted off to God.
I was privileged to have shared in his transcendental passing from this life to eternity and oneness with God.
I will never forget it, it was almost as if God had allowed me to share in his experience of entering heaven — however I just know that what I experienced was not even a glimpse, but non the less I experienced something beyond human understanding or explanation.
Only my faith in Christ and His Gospels allow me to know it was real and it was beautiful (the religious experience we shared together). That’s good enough, more than enough.
I was not, still not, an ordained priest; however what mattered is that he was being held as he passed from my arms into the Lord’s arms.
What was more important? The scented olive oil or the being held and reassured that he was loved and cherished and, that I would tell his loved ones he loved them?
After what I have both witnessed and experienced in the last two l-years, I can honestly say that I would be horrified, saddened and defiled if a Roman Catholic priest attempted to read me Last Rites at the time of my death.
And if I had the energy to stop him, believe me: I most certainly would!
Likewise, I would never, ever leave any of my younger cousins in the trust of a Roman Catholic priest; not incase they were hurt, because the majority are not that way: however, if another priest were to hurt them, then I know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that all would attempt to deny the facts.
… This is clericalist– this is evil– this is an outstanding safeguarding issue!


Life at Silverstream:
IMHO this is a step too far in terms of reparation, towards physical mortification and things like the discipline. I think nowadays we have a better awareness that these things can be sexual and thus should be treated with huge caution.
Plus it just looks weird and borderline kinky.


It’s an attention-seeking stunt.
This isn’ spiritual ascetisism; it’s spirtual pride and narcissism.


Comment from a silly bint called β€œMissanaasko” says, β€œLovely image. Is he tied to the candle in some way?”


What was it Jesus said of the Pharisees’ wearing broad phylacteries and long tassells?
The Romanists are clearly no better with their narcissistic chauvinism.


Anonymous 2nd Jan 2021 at 7:32 am
– a step too far in terms of reparation, towards physical mortification and things like the discipline. I think nowadays we have a better awareness that these things can be sexual and thus should be treated with huge caution. Plus it just looks weird and borderline kinky.

the promotion of mortification, or self-mortification, might be classed as Spiitual Abuse – – and even be illegal β€” for example, in England the Serious Crime Act 2005, section 76


Thank you for posting that very interesting and thought-provoking link on spiritual abuse. I think those principles needed to be extended to Religious and Personal Education programmes in church controlled schools, which, while not exactly demonizing certain groups of people, certainly make them feel excluded. For β€œexperts” such as Father Marsden, this β€œCatholic” anthropology is the only way to go. I wouldn’t want him anywhere near any kind of formation.


Yes, I’ve noticed this tendency for some commentators – easily identifiable as angry, denying, and fulsomely complicit clerics – to blame the messenger rather than listen to the message and notice those who lives are shining examples of hypocrisy and duplicity. ” How dare you”, + Pat, they are screaming out, “pull aside the veil on what we all know is amiss and adrift with the clerical class and culture !” The vitriol and strength of their response reassures me that you, and the rest of us, are spot on the mark with our focus. They do not like the light of truth shone on their dark corners, they do not like transparency, accountability etc. So, they scream out like wounded animals and adopt the stance of the victim. I say, for 2021, let us keep going and continue to shine the light on them and hopefully cajole them, prod them, kick them in to seeing that the way so many of their clerical brothers live their lives is dishonest, duplicitous, lying and undermining for them, as well as doing grievous damage to the Church as a whole. They might then, I hope, clean up their act, or ship out and do what they want to do elsewhere where they can be open and honest about who they are and what they get up to. Rawhide Purcell, take note !


What I don’t understand is why priests and bishops who are faithful to their promises / vows and live a holy life, do not act more decisively about those in their ranks who are living lives that are wayward and sniff ? They know who these priests are. Is is that they have a misplaced sense of priestly loyalty ? Is it that they are fearful of the bullying gay cabal that exists within the clergy ranks ? Are they complicit ? At the best they are implicitly complicit by doing nothing. Perhaps some of them are explicitly complicit in allowing this behaviour ? I’d have more faith in priests and bishops if I saw them taking some action, of course always just and fair action, but where there is clear evidence of wrong doing on the part of a priest that they act to ensure that the priest is challenged to change, and if he does not change then he is moved on to another way of life. Sacked !


For the umpteenth time, because not one of them is living an actual holy life. The ones who aren’t actually putting it about themselves know full well who is and if anyone actually challenged this situation we would have more clergy in Pat Buckley’s position. They are all compromised and all opting for their comfortable life.


10:41 – I do and have known some very holy priests who inspired me. However, as time goes on, I do continue to wonder about the lack of willingness on the part of good and holy clergy to call out the misbehaviour and sinfulness of their clerical bothers. Is it something to do with β€œhe who casts the first stone…”, is it blindness, naivety, or just turning a blind eye for an easy life? I’m tending towards the latter. I think they work out that they just have too much to lose and life on the outside would not be a cushy as it is on the inside. So they collude, quietly, But, that is still colluding.



You β€˜do continue to wonder about the lack of willingness on the part of good and holy clergyπŸ˜… to call out the sinfulness and misbehaviour of their clerical brothers’????????πŸ˜²πŸ˜•πŸ˜¨πŸ˜©

Well wonder no more…except about your inordinate inability to detect irony.


Good grief! How dimwitted can some people be?!πŸ˜•


For heaven’s sake, how often must this be said about Romanist clerics! They each vow or promise obedience, at ordination, to an institution which they know is ‘corrupt, and riddled with corruption’. This guarantees their loyalty, and guarantees also their silence about clerics they KNOW are raping or buggering kids, and about clerics they KNOW are breaching celibacy vows or promises in non-criminal ways.
These men are NOT servants of Christ, which is why they behave like monarchs, or princes, or lords, or overseers.
There is NO such thing as a good Romanist priest, because his moral compass is set in only one direction: away from good, and towards evil.
For goodness sake! It isn’t rocket science.


You make no mention of your north-of-the-country provenance. Apart from that omission, all of your neuroses are refuleing nicely.


10.51: Sadly, for MC, 2021 will just be a continuum of hate incitung speech. The content is well rehearsed. It is disappointing that Pat facilitates MC’s vitriolic poison. It us so unfair, so disillusioning and unjust. I thank God daily for priesthood and pray that I do justice to it by seeking and trying to be faithful.


Pointless thanking God for RC priesthood, since the Gospel makes clear that it was never intended by Christ: ‘Do this in nemory of me.’
No mention here of priesthood, or priest craft.πŸ˜•


10.51.. Awwwwwwww….which page of your repeat essays is this chunk copied from, Magna the Poison? Our prayers aren’t working….they never do when Satan enters the spirit, as he seems to have with you, dearie!: it must be a cruel, lonely start to 2021 for you. I’m just opening Christmas presents that are still arriving at my door, some wuth very generous donations accompanied by words of support, good wishes and gratitude. Oh, how blessed I am….God bless all priests in this new year and guide them in all the work asked of them. Marge, I don’t drink…I got at least 10 bottles of gin…I’ll give them to you for free if you promise to lick my ass!!!! β˜»β˜»β˜»β˜»β˜»β˜»β˜»β˜»β˜»β˜»β˜»β€¦I’m only joking. Wouldn’t want your pernicious virusesβ€¦πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆβ˜ β˜ β˜ πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘Ήβ€¦


You’re wrong as usual, there are wonderful Roman Priests, but bigoted people like you don’t want to see it. There moral compass is so far away from a degenerate like you. They silently for the love of God serve their people bring us the sacraments and so much more. God bless our wonderful Romanist priests true servants of Christ. they are a warning to keep us away from evil Satanists like you.


Despite an otherwise terrible year, Bp Pat, you have cheered up so many people, especially the oldies, during lockdown with your entertaining and informative blog. Regular readers will easily identify the “victims” of your “abuse,” all she-wolves, of course, except one dirty-dog. All the best for 2021.


Yes Polly there are hundreds of them who you wont hear of on this blog because it does not suit its or your agenda. But all these lovely Romanist’s exist I know you don’t like it but too bad. O Roma Felix.


11.28 I asked Pat if he was open as I have decided to close my church. I wanted to see what a responsible pastor would be doing. This third wave of covid kinda seems worse than the first one.


Lily has written to Granada television to voice her upset at the news of Bet Lynch’s departure from the nation’s favourite soap opera – that is Coronation Street.


I did not want to risk putting anybody in harm’s way.
Our weddings are limited to 8 people.
We have the use of a large church in Belfast so that 25 can attend weddings.


11.41: Pat, in the South only 6 can now attend a wedding: I really believe risks are being taken with weddings and with funerals but we have to minister to people. We’ve had 5 funerals and 2 weddings this week……Really worried and anxious now with the virus being out of control. We each must exercise great caution and care. Let’s pray for everyone. .



Marriages and civil partnerships

Marriages and civil partnerships ceremonies are limited to 25 people.Β This number includes children under 12 and the celebrant.
A risk assessment for over 15 people is required.
Face masks must be worn by all other than those party to the marriage.
Receptions or post ceremony gatherings are not permitted.


Funerals are limited to 25 people.
Pre and post-funeral gatherings are not permitted.
The remains of the deceased may be taken back to private homes, but wakes are not to be held and funeral services in private homes are not to take place.


Pope Francis gives a thumbs-up during his visit to the St. Francis of Assisi Hospital in Rio de Janeiro’s Tijuca neighbourhood, where he visited recovering drug addicts and alcoholics on Wednesday night.
Who are we to judge? Vatican looks into pope’s β€˜like’ of bikini-wearing model

The Vatican is looking into how Pope Francis’ official Instagram account came to β€œlike” a photo of a Brazilian model given to wearing thong bikinis.


In an interview with Irish Times the New Archbishop Elect Dermot Farrell has said (and I summarize):-
Parishioners have lost jobs.
Priests have no real bills to pay. They continued to be paid during pandemic and shops are closed so they had nowhere to spend it.
He also maintained that priests who went online and were present on cam or Facebook every day were rewarded by people contributing money to parish.
Say what you like Pat, he has his finger on the pulse and the semi-retired priests of Dublin will have to work going forward! It’s all online.


Yes he doesn’t appear to have any sympathy for his priests after their savage 25% pay cut his attitude seems to be get up off yer arses yes lazy bastards and perform online to bring the cash in.


Wait for Farrell to cut the pay of clergy especially the retired ones. This is his introduction of that, like here in England where the retired guys have had their pensions slashed by 50%.


Not a good start with his Priests. He is callous with money but not when it comes to himself. A bishop should show concern and empathy with hos clergy so he is going antagonising them instead. Foolish man and fools and their money are easily parted.


Time, I think, for me to name MC (Robert McCambridge) on the real Pat Buckley blog, since you refuse to do so on this.


‘ “Seek and ye shall find”, saith the Lord.’
But the Lord was wrong. πŸ˜€


1.47: Pat, there should of course be an all Ireland aporoach. We are paying a huge price for different approaches. Our government was warned by NPHET before Christmas about reopening and the consequences but chose to disregard the advice – not for the first time – so that we could β€œenjoy” Christmas….Now the same government is spinning the advice given. Outrageous behaviour and reckless decision making.


I doubt it. The RC who applied to several monasteries and who figured here recently had character and style. The pseudonymous neutotic MC has no chacter and bile.


I wonder if Patricia is watching the Blog today. She is ever ready to defend her friends. Just look at yesterday. But it makes the Blog more interesting a bit of banter. And she can take banter in all fairness. She’s no pushover.


You are right. She is no pushover. After all she is from Glasgow.
No filth from our CTS Editor. She does not mince her words.
Happy New Year!!!
Garngad Lad


Those grey trackies gave me an erection Pat. More youngsters are turning up to Mass dressed in them grey ones. Major distraction.


Do you ever feel compassion for the souls in Hell, Pat? They remain, after all, loved by Jesus, since God is love. And Jesus is God.



I hope you are right; I truly do.

I worry sometimes about the souls supposedly there.

When I was a very young boy, I used to ask my mother whether when I died and was consigned to Hell I would be elevated to Heaven on foot of a sincere Act of Contrition.

Charitably, she always answered β€˜yes’.

I have suffered much in this life. The thought of another suffering endless torment after death haunts my dreams sometimes.


Have we learned nothing from the mishandling of abuse cases? If people report that they are victims and survivors they should be believed and not have their suffering added to by being called liars. My pain is not your pain; my suffering is not your suffering and my reality should not be taken from me.


There are liars out there who fabricate stories because they do not get what the want.
The victims are the people who have been falsely accused AND the children/vulnerable adults who have been physically and sexually abused. There are people who have boulders on their shoulders.
It is not right to just accept one person’s word against another. That is lynch mob mentality. Evidence is the key issue, and if proved the punishment must be severe. It should also be severe for liars in such cases.

Garngad Lad


What are ye having for your supper Pat? I cooked myself a piece of cod in butter, with a few peas and bread and butter.


7.06 pm .Who is the pat you are referring to. It certainly is not pb and it certainly is not CTS.
I am male, over 6 feet tall, very Glasgow with a little bit of Irish in me which goes back many generations. I am certainly not pat (male or female version).
Garngad Lad


Garngad lad. We all know who you are. We know you like a bit of Irish in you. Tell you mate John Sweeney we are praying for him.


You certainly don’t know who I am. John Sweeney is not my mate. He does not know me and I have not met him. I only know of him. I would not know him if I saw him.
I am certainly having a laugh at your speculation. I do facts and figures, fair play and justice for all and ensure that credit is given when due.
I do not like to dwell completely on the negative side of things.
Happy new year and God Bless.
Garngad Lad


What in Hades has your height to do with anything? It is brain and spirit that matter here, not physical stature.
So you don’t matter, even in the least. πŸ˜•

Like has a nice article by an Orthodox priest living in Ireland. It’s good to read positive remarks about the Irish for a change.

Perhaps Holy Moscow will save Ireland from the various false religions that threaten her.


Fr Pat my Mother met you in hospital in Belfast just before Christmas as you were both havin a operation. She has not shut up about it over Christmas as she loved Sseing you after all these years. She remembers you from the falls and all that – you know what I mean. Annie told me to write and say hello. She lived up by Clonard but went to the big chapel up Milford way were you were.


I was so pleased to meet her especially on a disappointing day for her. A lovely lady.

Give her my live.

She has suffered a lot


Fr Pat that was not me that replied but someone trying to be me. I will pass on your wishes to Annie thanks. She lives near Divis now. We wont hear the end of it for a weak or more now.


Pat we didn’t know you were in Hospital for an operation. I hope all is well. Call up sometime. Fra & V.


Good to hear it. I had my 2 cataracts out 18 months ago, Bad eyes since the day I was born. No need for contact lenses or glasses. Vibrant colours. I can see for miles. Pity the procedures were not done years ago.
I do not agree agree with some of your things. But keep well and safe.
All the best for 2021.
Garngad Lad


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