

Some people think that after the Maynooth Gay Sex Scandal, the Kildorery Altar Sex Scandal, etc, that they have heard the worst of it.

Don’t kid yourselves, please.

The worst is still to come.

I’m already working on some cases.

Nearly every week now I have new people getting in touch with me – people who are the victims of sex crimes and behaviours by priests in different Irish diocese.

It can take the victim / survivor of a sex crime by a priest, a monk or a seminarian, many months and even a few years to come forward.

Such people have many feats:

1. The fear of admitting that one was a victim.

2. The fear of not being believed.

3. The fear of public disgrace.

4. The fear of hurting or being rejected by family, friends and local community.

5. The fear of the Catholic Church, it’s powerful bishops and priests and it’s limitless money and lawyers.

6. The fear of having the tables turned on you and ending up looking like the guilty one.

It takes great courage and strength for a victim to step forward and take a stand.

But such people need to remember that THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS THE TRUTH and that in the end THE TRUTH WILL WIN OUT.


1. Never approach the church or a bishop as your first port of call.

You will be giving them too much warning and they will use that time to build a defence for the priest and build a case against you as a trouble maker, mentally unhinged, a sore loser, a money chaser.

2. Let your first port of call be to the police to make a formal complaint and a formal statement.

3. Bring a trusted non-church person with you to the police station as moral support.

4. Next go to a solicitor and appoint him / her to look after ALL your legal interests.

5. Make sure the solicitor has no church or clerical connections.

6. Preferably appoint a solicitor with a reputation for taking cases against the Catholic Church.

7. Make sure the first time a bishop hears about the crime is when a neighbouring priest telephones the bishop to tell him the priest has been arrested – it’s called the element of surprise.

8. Never trust a Catholic Church safeguarding person or any counsellor / therapist recommended by them. Always find a counsellor / therapist with no church or clerical connections.

9. Take all the love, help and support you can get your hands on.

10. Sue the Church for every penny you can out of them even if you end up giving the money away.

11. Always remember that the CHURCH, and PRIESTS etc are not God. In fact they are the antithesis of God.

12. If you’re angry with God don’t worry. Let God “have it” with all you’re strength. He is a Big Fella. He can handle criticism.

13. Always remember that your FUTURE will be everything your PAST was not.


Totally right, Pat.
In the UK, AO advocates have a good reputation for pursuing abuse cases. You have to get a good firm used to dealing with the church’s evil machinations – the Spotlight reporters noticed that dealing with the church was exactly like dealing with the Mafia.


+Pat: This is an excellent advice blog. I see in it key advice points for a person abused by a cleric, and similar to research findings on child abuse in general, predominantly the worry of not being believed. You rightly highlight the main fears, again, so similar to that of the abused child.
I much hope that this straightforward practical advice will encourage those who have been abused, and hesitant, to speak out as you suggest, and that they will be supported.
It might be helpful if supportive experienced legal practitioners could be identified by yourself or other blog readers.


To their employer or to their registration body. Unlike you clerics they have a clear code of accountability.
Guess what – you’ll even get a response, not like you do from the church.


Thank you Anon@11:49.
The fella who keeps making such remarks as at 10:09, seems to have a bee in his bonnet , but little capacity to explore and examine the conflicting pressures on public service workers facing service demands far outstripping available resources. So he keeps up these sneering repetitious requests.
I suspect him or her to get their information and opinions from the likes of the Daily Mail or Sun.
I couldn’t be bothered responding, but thank you for pointing out the contrast of responses.


Thank you @2:13 for that link.
I’ve read of the proposed review with interest, and welcome It, particularly prospects for the service users, primarily children and those formerly in care, to be key participants and shape recommendations. Key too is for the review to be broad in scope as so many agencies policies ( e.g. education, housing, social security, law enforcement and courts, social services) are decisive factors in providing joined up effective support to children and families.
But in the end, it will cost, and therein is the nub, and why so many review recommendations end up gathering dust on politicians shelves. I hope not in this case.


Dear Fianna Fail/Fine Gael
You commissioned the religious orders to run the mother and baby homes, you paid the wages, you did the inspections and your state-run homes were far worse.
You owe us some money.
Queen regards


The patriots who were dealing in murder daily during the War of Independence and the Civil War turned to their priests for absolution, so what was more natural for them but to look to the same holy men to punish the misdemeanours of infants and girls. This was an emotionally fraught area of family matters which required much tact and understanding for which their previous occupation made them ill fitted, and this religious sector were all ‘mammy’s boys’ who until then never had to get their hands bloodied by reality.
The clerics, on the other hand had the opposite problem They raged weekly from the altars about morality and the fires of retribution and damnation in the afterlife, but found their passions in this ethereal world abstract and unsatisfying until they were presented with this heaven-sent collection of living sinners that they could exercise their righteousness on. And they went at the business with a will, trashing, incarcerating and humiliating their charges and were paid by the state to do it. And the beauty of it to a parsimonious government was It never required any invigilation by the state, as who could be a better overseer than God himself. it would be harder to find a more complimentary partnership of patriots and patriarchs and the arrangement went on for some seventy years! And now we have to clean it all up.


@John Toland.

Purple prose alert. It’s like the peroration of a first-year’s speech at the L&D in Maynooth.


Dear Ireland
You owe us money for all the abortions we’ve carried out on women who knew they wouldn’t get compassion in their own country.


God Bless You, Pat Buckley. Indeed, the truth will set you free, even if it’s revolting. Unfortunately, many times it is revolting. Yes Pat, they have all the money in the world to fight any legal battles. I always remember being told: “Listen to how a church prays.” In the case of the RCC, it’s the Pope first, then bishops, then the laity. The Laity are way down in the pecking order, it states much. The truth. How can any good God-fearing person put their faith in an institution such as the RCC? Thankfully, I have left them and I leave them behind me, knowing I was duped by them for all of my life, indoctrinated, brainwashed. I now have opted for Sola Scriptura and I inform my own conscience with free will. I thank God for waking me up from my slumbers and granting me the power to break the shackles, free from the RCC. Pat Buckley, God Bless you and your work.


May His Soul and Souls of the Faithful Departed Rest in Peace
Archbishop Tartaglia was never referred to as “Auld Tarty” not like the Bishop William, Bishop John both Archbishop Tartaglia and Archbishop Cushley have Kept their name for the office they hold.
Only Bella or Bellarmine has ever referred to His Grace as “Auld Tarty”
The Rosary offered for 8.45 am
God Bless


10:54am Auld Gossip Alert

Here she goes again with her sickening faux piety, she has a short memory Auld Tarty threatened her with Police if she contacted him again. You can’t blame him, can you imagine how annoying it must be for Bishop’s Archbishop’s and Papal Nuncio’s to put up with Jim S’s unsolicited mail.


The late old queen’s “uncompromising terms” on civil partnerships and same-sex marriage were preposterous considering all the alleged faggotry that went on in her archdiocese. Patricia of CTS was never done bringing her attention to it.


Bella you are not worth the effort however for 18 months I have been working for the Dioceses of Scotland.
And never did Archbishop Philip threaten me i seen him almost daily before lockdown.
Your two years out of date.

And if the Latin brigade or the closeted gays thing Archbishop Philip was bad wait till Bishop John arrives in September.
As the SSPX Fathers say please pray for Bella a lost soul


More and more people wanting Bishop Keenan for Glasgow. Looking out at the howling wind and the beating rain and savouring a wee dram of tobermory.


As I said last night Bishop Keenan is not a good choice for Glasgow. He cannot sort out his misbehaving clerics and students in paisley never mind heading to an even bigger ship in Glasgow. He is a careerist. Bishop Brian would be a better appt


I hear John Paul could be a contender from A&I to Glasgow and Joe Toal is pushing JP’s name forward.


Is that currently? And is that also the case for the past? I read somewhere Ferns was the worst, but of course you have inside knowledge 😳


Like the Golden Rose of Montreux, Bp Pat, you should announce an annual winner of the worst diocese in Ireland for a sex scandal, e.g., the Golden Dildo of Larne award.


You could just put your latest crop of clerical Grindr pictures up and readers can vote on the one least likely to sleep his way up to the episcopate.



You poor delusional soul there is no way you’re working for the Dioceses of Scotland. You’re a parasite you’ve never worked in your life and if you have I’m sure The Dept. would like to hear about it. As for the poor priests you’ve been annoying with your poison pen they have been informed about your mental health problems, that you’re not just MAD but BAD with it. Suffering from a compulsive malicious letter writing complex to all and sundry. You need help, but we’re all praying for you, you sorely need it. God Bless.


HAHA it is laughable stay of the wine or the married men.
I have a Degree went to Uni and yes I was medically unwell for a couple of years however been working hard for past two years and reside in Glasgow’s West End.
never do poison pen in fact very seldom use a pen usually only to sign my name but usually emails.
The SSPX Father’s from Carluke are desperate to see you once Coronavirus is over and I am more that willing to come along.
If possible can you give Carluke a call.
I would thing that Bella was actually Magna but from the same mould.
Bella keep this up and sadly it will be Courts.


I am sure that there are many clergy out there who go to bed at night worried about the knock at the door at dawn from the police. In some ways, I think that is a form of poetic justice as a minimum that keeps them worried, awake and fearful of what is going to happen. Sadly, many will get away with it, for all the reasons + Pat has outlined as to why victims find it difficult to reveal what has happened to them. However, some, when ready, will come forward, and the knock on the door will come for some of those abusive priests. In the meantime, let them worry and wonder when it will happen ! Good priests who have lived a holy life have nothing to worry about. Only those who have done terrible things to the innocent and the weakest – they are the ones who can wait for the knock on the door.


Actually that’s not how it works psychologically in the case of criminal behaviour. There is a well established pattern of how the abuser justifies what they do in their head – we’ve all seen how they lack remorse when they get to court. This also goes for other crimes like burglary etc. The ones most likely to get the police at the door will be least worried.
When it’s consensual sexual acts, these people are more likely to worry, unless they have quite significant personality disorders and wouldn’t take responsibility for their actions anyway.
The fact that you would worry about the consequences of wrong actions would tend to stop you doing them.


‘Good priests who have lived a holy life have nothing to worry about?’ I could laugh and cry at that one similtaneously…and would…were I a two-headed human hydra.

I don’t doubt that you sincerely believe that unmitigated rubbish: the unthinking and self-seeking tend to believe anything. Whatever suits, eh? Whatever adds a chapter to the narrative of self-delusion and deceit about Catholic priests.

Any man who foreswears conscience on the day of his ordination to this priesthood forswears Christ himself, in order to replace him with the real Supreme Being … a bishop, and his worldly successors. ‘Good’ and ‘holy’ do not, cannot, feature in any way thereafter, except as part of that atrocious narrative.

These ‘good’ and ‘holy’ priests have kept down their collective head during the latest, and darkest, chapter in a long succession of such about the history of the Catholic Church. Many of these ‘good’ and ‘holy’ priests probably knew at least something about ‘Father’ So-and-So and his ‘fondness’ for kids, especially boys. And yet, they dismissed everything they knew personally, or heard, in order to mind their own business and, of course, to protect their livelihoods in the Church.

Good and holy priests? The notion belongs in the world literary fiction. Nowhere else.

The institutional Roman Catholic Church is an evil entity, and any priest of it cannot avoid its moral contamination, not least because he freely entered into it.


1133 – your black and white absolutist portrayal of the Church and all priests is…..well, it evidently comes from a deep well of resentment and anger. I accept that some, though not all, priests have been complicit by their silence and looking the other way. I accept that the institution of the Church at times can act as a malevolent power. But, that is not the case completely and absolutely. There are good and holy priests – I have met them in my life – and the Church does do some good. There are evil priests as well, and sometimes the Church does evil,l too. Being so completely black and white and certain as your portrayal is, simply is not the reality. I think you probably know that too. However, your anger and resentment evidently prevent you from expressing a more nuanced and realistic view of priests and the Church.


The problem with you @11.33 and your biased argument is the fact you couldn’t be a priest.



Would you ever give us peace from the same auld anti-Catholic rhetoric. If you hadn’t been rejected you would have sworn obedience to your Ordinary as is required at ordination. So don’t give us yer auld guff.



(Long sigh😩) You might have a small point were it not for an inconvenient and universal fact: ALL ordinands for the Roman Catholic priesthood either vow or promise obedience not to personal conscience (to Christ), but to other human beings.

No matter how you cut this act, the fundamental principle of following personal conscience (the aboriginal vicar, and upheld by St Paul himself) is ritually forsaken at this point: this is no ornamental gimmick, morally speaking; it is real, and a bishop will treat it as such should he find himself in, say, a legal sticky wicket, like the sexual abuse of children by his priests. Even if you insist on arguing that ‘Father’ never violated his conscience throughout his being a priest😅, you will not be able to get round the fact that ‘Father’, at his ordination, freely and willingly forsook this fundamental principle, of conscience; this is accomplished when vowing or promising obedience to one, a bishop, who is not your conscience. And if ‘Father’ at his ordination was sincere (that is, ‘not lying’), then he was, freely and willingly, prepared to go beyond the violation of personal conscience in principle (in moral terms, a violation and sin in itself), and to enter the moral concrete by violating conscience (by sinning) in more specific ways during his ministry, should the institutional Church require a demonstration of his already pledged loyalty.

My earlier post has nothing whatever to do with anger, resentment, seminary rejection, or whatever other lie you ‘good and holy’ priests, and your cathbot apologists, prefer to present as counter-argument. Even were I all those things (which I am not), there would be no need to make them my motive, because this concerns something more fundamental, telling, and persuasive: one cannot serve two masters, for either he will hate one and serve the other, etc. Ring a bell?

At ordination, a Catholic priest maintains, at least in his own head, the fiction and self-deceit that he can serve two masters, morally and spiritually, when he commits himself to the institutional Church through a bishop, while implicitly not commiting himself to Christ through upholding the primacy of persobal conscience. He is prepared, as it were, to ride two horses similtaneously, despite knowing that such is impossible, for good and evil cannot co-exist.

Historically, the institutional Roman Catholic Church has committed appalling evil in the name of Christ, expecting its priests to be complicit by calling in that loyalty through the ordination vow or promise. And heavens! Did these priests comply?! Maybe not always willingly. Maybe sometimes sadly. But they did comply, not least when children were being raped or sodomised by their fellows.


There is another thing here which is that, as is so often the case in Roman Catholicism, the plain meaning of its tenets is not how they are understood by its clergy and followers.
For example their clergy are supposed to be celibate but they justify their sexual activity by interpreting celibacy as being unmarried.
In this case 11:33 is interpreting their ordination promise as its plain meaning, which is what any normal person would understand. The priests concerned are making out it means something else which is deceit of the sort which Protestants have called Jesuitry, although it is clearly not limited to Jesuits.
Their morals are then made abundantly clear by their abuse of 12:33 and their laughable claims that he is jealous!



Well said re personal conscience. Sometimes you would be better off not as a priest as God hadn’t intend you to be for reasons unknown. Way back then one Vincentian priest deceased sent few of us to a ‘ vocation’ weekend. We went there cos free foodie etc. It was in Dublin somewhere I can’t rem. After that weekend, we realised it wasn’t for us cos communication problems, being sidelined by rcc for long time except for 1 person who was in the closet that time. He told me he wanted to be a priest especially in religious orders. He came out and applied. He was open to them re his homosexuality and deaf. Think it was the Dominicans as he got rejected. I have tried to dissuade him not to join priesthood cos I saw him unfit for black and white collar. That was some 20 years ago. He met priests in gay sauna place in Dublin which I thought it was astonishing. It showed me now that I was out of touch with the realities of priesthood and their lifestyle. He was v aware and alert to any opportunities that may arise. Now he had no desire to become a priest just a full blown homosexual who accepted it. He remains fanatical to Latin Mass and all sundry.

Rem not everybody is predestined for priesthood. Rem one story re padre pio when monks were delighted with 35 entering the capuchin order. But St Pio said only 5 will become ordained at the end. It turned out as predicted.

You might be bitter that they turned you down or kicked you out or whatever. It’s for your own good perhaps although I could be wrong there. The way the seminaries are in a sexaulised environment now. I wouldn’t recommend any men to go there at all. It’s become a bit of gay ‘profession’ routes. You might appreciate it where you are now and be grateful.

Finally was there any proof that jesus never intentioned the priesthood as I couldn’t find it in the bible unless it was changed.

Met few decent ones, also some authentic priests and also bad priests as well. What I found out re my chats with them, they said they discerned their calling around age of 6 to 10 re priesthood as opposed to age of 18. Rcc went off the rails very long time ago as its consequences had arrived hugely momentous and at times, devastating.



DG, you’ll find evidence for the redundancy of priesthood in the Letter to the Hebrews. Admittedly, the author is referring to the Levitical (Jewish) priesthood; but the principle, of priestly redundancy, applies just as readily to Roman Catholic priesthood.


Can those who say the same things repeatedly please try to do so briefly? You know who you are. The finger’s wore off me from scrolling.


9:39 – Talking of those who have received the knock on the door, does anybody know if Joe Quigley of Birmingham has been sentenced yet ? He was convicted and remanded, but I’m not sure if he’s had his sentence handed down yet. I suspect it will be something pretty long. As it should be…….


10.00 Joe Quigley was one of Vincent’s cover ups as he sent that monster to USA for 6 months and then brought him back.
Describing the perverted priest as “a sexual sadist and voyeur”, Judge Peter Cooke remanded him in custody while a report is prepared on him to assess the danger he poses in the future.
Due to Coronavirus sentencing has been delayed
Expecting a few years and Archbishop Longley is taking it through the Canonical procedure just now with hope for a June removal from the Clerical State.


Quigley was considered the great authority on Catholic education at one time, then again Birmingham Archdiocese thought that one of their priests was the greatest communicator on how to explain the Eucharist to first holy communicants that he travelled from primary school to primary school to wide acclaim, his name? Fr Penny. Maryvale’s head Fr Eddie Clare has also vanished into thin air without any comment or explanation


Sam Penny?? Gosh, that’s going back. I believe a very few Canon Lawyers at that time wanted to totally laicise him but Couve dragged his heels. He was laicised.


I think Sam Penny got serious religion in prison. Anybody know where he is now ? No doubt pulling the wool over eyes. A most plausible bullshitter if ever there was one.


Yes, Big Eddie has just disappeared in to thin air. But, that seems to happen to lots of people in Birmingham. I can count at least 10 who have disappeared or are in prison…..and that’s from the post 50s age group. As for the young ones who are taking over, they are certainly suspect, and I think lots of them live double lives. Seems to be the norm these days. Some cover themselves by being ultra orthodox and traditionalist in one part of their lives, then change the lace for 501s and gin when they are chez vous. Nice life, if you can get it. Most of us have to beaver away looking after our mortgages, family, jobs…….


Dear clergy
Just so you know, most people do not live in fear of a knock at the door, do not see their sex life as a problem, and go through life knowing that our actions require us to be accountable for them, whether in family or work contexts.
We also don’t get people screaming’paedophile’ at us in the street and drawing their children away from us.
It is called adult life and it’s what you’re missing.


Well well. Crimes report them. Non criminal issues. Show the sleezebags up for what they are – manipulating asswholes Happy New Year all


I can only offer support to those who ask and accept support from me.
If course I believe they should have their sufferings exposed and receive all they need to recover.


This blog is terrible for given people female names can they not accept there sexuality or are they just camp and queenie.
Or is it stupidity referring to male guys as she.
God Bless you all Male and Female.


Look at the state of that, and people wonder why us homos still get lots of abuse. Take me back to the days when gays acted like men, we didn’t state our pronouns and we all hung around public toilets or parks after dark to get some action after a night out 🤣


7:16 You don’t need to act like men – you are men. If anything, the “camp and queenie” stuff is a legacy of when you had to pretend.


I sense not so many Clerics on here today Pat because quite a few of them are quietly reflecting if the Guards or the PSNI will be coming knocking on their door


Good summary and plenty of common sense advice on this blog for those who were abused by priests.
First port of call would be police as I couldn’t stress it more importantly. I learned my own mistake of going to rcc instead of the police. Ruc now PSNI was way, way better than the garda cos they went all the way to get Fr Smyth arrested.
Now my concern is towards healing where monk is the chairperson as he might have access to information which he could or might divulge some important information outside to bishops or high ranking prelates as a warning re some priests or religious orders. Someone said its associated with St Luke’s that I don’t follow. Could anyone expand or elaborate on this and thank you.


Anon @ 2-30. Can I ask who is JP from A&I who you claim Bishop Joe Toal is backing for Ab of Glasgow?


I presume A&I is the diocese of Argyll and the Isles. Brian McGhee is the bishop. No idea who JP is that anon @ 2.30pm is referring to. We need clarity.


This is the Bishop of Argyle and the Isles, Joe Toal’s old diocese. Joes could be onto a winner here but I take yesterday’s published comment about Hugh Griffiths very seriously indeed. He may very well be set for Glasgow.


Do your research @3.45pm more carefully. A clue is formely of Barra and is tipped as an outsider, Big Joe T wants him at St Andrews.


A few years ago I would have been prissily appalled by Patricia McKeever of CTS, but have to say I have warmed to her, and thank her for service and vigilance. She is certainly on the ball regarding Bishop John Keenan. Unlike the old trouts we’ve had in England banging on about this and that, she has a sense of humour. Good work, Patricia!


Good answer, Patricia. I have often thought that people who turn up their noses at gossip and tittle-tattle are the very ones who are in denial of reality. Strength to your efforts. Incidentally, does Father Sebastian Wall of SSPX celebrate Mass in Scotland? I find his homilies compelling.


Brian McGee would be an excellent choice for Glasgow. I have no doubt he would make a much better job than Keenan.
That said I still think Ab Leo Cushley is the man.


4`38. Are you talking about big Fr John Paul, formerly of Barra and one time star of tv’s An Island Parish. Ummmm….nice man but……
Don’t discount Hughie Bradley, the Administrator and former VG. He has an impressive track record and as former secretary of the Bishops’ Conference he is already well in the know.


Hugh is a great man and a great Priest. Too many health problems. Cannot walk 200 metres bless him. Fr Tom Kilbride now favourite with Clergy.


Jardine your out of touch a little.
It has to be a current Bishop of the Scottish Episcopate otherwise that would say none of the other six Bishops are not fit to be a Metropolitan Bishop
So it seems Bill Nolan from Galloway will be the safe pair of hands at 67 same as the new Archbishop of Dublin.
Father Tom Kilbride would be an excellent Auxiliary however he maybe going to Rome as the Rector of Rome has been there too long.
It seems it will be after the Summer.


I read your blog this morning Pat, but it did get me quite upset. Nothing that you wrote, just the fact that it needs to be said got me down shure. Any case, I’m fine now. Seeing Brother Sun come out for a bit lifted the old spirits. May I also say that the people I live in fear of knocking my door are those scammers. And after that the Jehovan Witness crowd. Though they are harmless enough in some ways.


Many twitchy clerical bum cheeks as a result of this blog today I’m told. Many phone calls between parochial houses and presbyteries, covering their arses, backs and other bodily places. Who will be getting that knock on the door? Pat, keep the heat up on this please.


I need another bottle of cheep vodka to get me through the day, but I’m still on duty.
Oh fuck it, I’ll just turn my Airwave off – it might as well be switched off anyway – I’m too pissed to use the thing most of the time!
I spilt vodka all over my portable terminal, didn’t I – that fucker never gets turned on, either! And when it does, it’s to do my own fuckin thing.
I wonder whether there will be Alcoholics Anonymous in prison?
Saying that, I’d rather stay on the voddy than go to AA!
T.P.E. N. Might get one of his high ranking friends to sneak a few bottles in when he gets a visit – but how will I get them from the nonce?
Oh, that’s right… I’ll be on the nonce wing with the others, won’t I? Stupid, silly, pissed old me!
Dya reckon she’ll be joining us, too – the big one?
They’ll have to knock two cells into one for that fucker! Or maybe three!
Christ! That fuckin’ won’t know what’s hit it!
Lordy, Lord! T.P.E. N. Will still think he’s running the show!
Mind you, the other one can turn one of the spare/guest cells into a chapel! Save on the heating instead of using the main prison chapel.
Lordy! Lordy! Will have to use non-alcoholic wine because of my taste for voddy… Oh well, at least there will be a resident Quack on the wing 🤣


Tried to get help, but it was blocked by the most shockingly, disgraceful and biggest obstacle you have ever seen. Huge! Like the back of a double decker bus! Bigger, even!
… Good job I know a few people with an industrial, articulated crane…!
A big one! 🙄
Man, these monsters be Big and tall
Ghostbusters! Who you gonna call?
They roll up to my house, they’re knocking on my door…
They come busting in, catching all the ghosts…
It’s so strange in my neighborhood
Look out the window and it ain’t too good
I ain’t afraid of no ghost, so let’s get to it
Man, it makes you feel good. Ghostbusters! 👻


The funeral of Ab Philip Tartaglia will take place at noon next Thursday in St Andrew’s Cathedral Glasgow. Cathedral restricted to only 20 indoors so Requiem Mass can be viewed on stream link.


Patricia will be delighted by the sight of McIlroy, former Provost of Canons and Conroy both now departed. Them old girlies again !!
My money is on Cushley


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