

Within the past week I have been approached by a young man who claims he was drugged and raped by a Northern Ireland priest within the past 3 years 🥵

I have told the victim, as I tell all victims, that I believe his story.

At the same time we ourselves do not have the right to find the priest guilty. That can only come after a police investigation and a court case.

The story has a strong ring of truth to it as the priest in question has a strong reputation for homosexual promiscuity and also a strong reputation for the abuse of both alcohol and drugs.

The young man was about to write to the bishop of the diocese involved and I strongly advised him not to do so.

I told the young man that the bishop would immediately spring into action and put in place a strong defence for the priest.

The priest involved is somewhat a “pet” for the said bishop.

I also told the young man that the bishop, the priest, the priests friends etc would also launch a strong effort to attack the victim’s reputation with accusations of being unstable, rejected and seeking monies.

My advice to the young man was to go straight to the police with a prepared statement that would form the basis of a formal police statement.

I have offered the victim to go with him to the police as a support person – or to find someone else to go with him if he preferred.

If needs be I will contact the appropriate police unit for him and make an appointment for him to talk to two professionally trained police officers.

After he informs the police I have advised him to write to the bishop and request that the diocese pay the cost of his counselling – with a counsellor with absolutely no church connections.

I can recommend such a counsellor to him as I have found an excellent one that I have referred other church victims to.

I have also advised him to retain a very good solicitor to protect his rights – again a solicitor with no church connections.

Again, I can recommend one to him if he needs it.



Absolutely right, Pat. I know you are the veteran of endless attempts to talk to the church.
The thing about talking to the police is that at the time it feels traumatising over again but that isn’t as traumatising as seeing the priest being protected and promoted for years.
If he gets a conviction for rape the ‘good’ priests who knew all about him will all suddenly be forgetful.
The only way to deal with the RC church is with the law.


And you can bet that more than a few ‘good’ priests knew of this man’s behaviour and proclivities well before (and possibly after) the alleged rape and, yet, did SFA about it.
Yes, we can be thankful for all ‘good’ priests.😅


I bet so too. It’s been mentioned a few times over the last few days about how priests protect each other, either explicitly or implicitly. There will be a lot of so called ‘good and holy’ priests who know what has gone on, but have convinced themselves to do nothing about it. Shameful. If you are part of the system, you are also liable for its sins. Simple.


Catching up.
I see the suggestion that McAqueer is in Belgium.
Nice to see the University there change it’s calendar from the academic year to the calendar year just to suit one priest…
Nice to see he travelled to Belgium to attend (online) lecture in person.


Accepted that maybe he might get his semesters out of sync… but do you know about remote learning during a Covid pandemic that would discourage travel from the UK to Belgium except when absolutely necessary?

All my classes are online. All my library sources are on line. All my submissions are on line. All my results are on line. I enrolled last semester and completed everything required of me while remaining in Ireland and completing 100% of my paid employment.


If, as seems from this initial account, a crime has been committed then it quite rightly should be reported to the PSNI or whatever Police Force, who will take it very seriously and look at it carefully. It has nothing to do with the Church at this stage. Once the Police have made their assessment, and decided to take action, then it is right that the Church should be notified so that they can take the necessary disciplinary action which is within their remit. I most certainly would not, if I were this young man, have any contact with the Church or bishop or priests, or anybody connected with the Church at this stage. + Pat is right to say that the clerical protection league will swing in to action and they will do all they can to dissuade this young man from taking his accusation forward – subliminal threats, psychological and emotional manipulation, spiritual manipulation, offering inducements….you name it. It is in the Church’s interests to frustrate truth and justice, because the truth often runs counter to what they believe are their best interests. So, young man, go cautiously and carefully, and take the advice that + Pat has given you.


Why does anyone continue to doubt that this filthy institution, the Roman Catholic Church, was not willed by Christ?😕


Among others, those who remember that the RCC was the only institution defending the Irish against their genocidal neighbours in centuries gone by.


It’s mainly those with a vested interest in maintaining the farrago of the “Holy” Church who defend it. In the minority are the naive who blindly cling to childhood indoctrinated beliefs. The defending majority’s imperative is purely self interest, preservation of privileges, and concern at the potential exposure of their own misdeeds.



Yes, the institutional RCC has always been ambivalent about the sanctity of human life.😕 On the one hand, proclaiming sacred unborn human life…while moralising its slaughter outside the womb.😅

I suppose this explains why it didn’t give the proverbial about its priests raping or sodomising youngsters, and its bishops moving Heave… Hell to prevent its public disclosure. If this institution can rationalise the taking of human life outside the womb, in direct contravention of Christ’s command to love even enemies, I suppose it was intellectual small beer for it to rationalise sexual assualts on children, and their concealment.

As I asked, why does anyone continue to doubt that this filthy institution, the Roman Catholic Church, was not willed by Christ. After all, God does not back losers. 😂 And the institutional RCC, even by the most lax moral criteria, is an almighty loser. And a very sore one at that.😃


Because unlike you we have faith, I absolutely agree that if any priest is guilty of any abuse he should be handed over to the Guards for investigation. However Polly, not all priests are guilty as you say because of your own hateful agenda. The One True Church was instituted by Our Divine Lord wither you like it or not.


Yes! This is perhaps best seen in the current US situation where Trump’s neglect of the virus has led directly to huge loss of life yet Cathbots make Biden out to be the anti-life.
If you claim to be pro-life it must be across the lifespan and a body claiming to be holy should be visibly so.
Holy mother church should be actively modelling pro-life ethics to the world but is not.


“Faith” is a childhood indoctrinated imposition on impressionable minds. It is subsequently nurtured by familial adherence to community expectations and practices to the point where psychological and emotional imperatives shackle an ability to make any discerning assessment of ………..well really all the absolute hogwash that is religion, and especially the RCC.
Think about the development of your own faith beliefs, then consider the following.
Are those born into the religious beliefs of the Muslim , Shinto, Hindu or any of hundreds other worldwide “faiths” similarly convinced that their “faith ” is correct and all others are in error? Well they can’t all be right! Yet what distinguishes them is mostly accidents of geographical birth location. Such is the nature of faith beliefs. And those other “believers cherish their “faith ” equally as strongly as any devout Catholic.
Finally I summarise from an earlier comment: “Research shows the higher the level of education and intelligence the less likely the belief in religion: 77% of most eminent scientists are atheists, 20% are agnostic, and only the few remainder believe in a personal God.”



It’s ironic, rich and mildly amusing to read your reference to sore losers when it’s clear that the bile and invective and incitement to hatred coming from you is a function of a single, simple fact: you want to be a priest and the authorities charged with admitting candidates rejected your application.



I debated with you yesterday; I recognise your avatar. You have posted as much nonsense today as you did then.

What you call ‘invective’ and ‘hatred’, I call ‘truth’…about the institutional RCC.

Like the Pharisees and Sadducees, most priests do not want to hear the truth about the foul institution they freely pledged to serve over Christ at ordination. If you are one of them, or a lay apologist for them, the nature of your posts attacking me do not surprise in the least. Those that hate the truth about the institutional RCC, like you, will use every and any opportunity, and all means fair and foul, to deny that truth. Even the further lie that I want to be a priest.

You are losers, all of you, like your spiritual forbears, the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes.


How many bishops of the Catholic Church have been convicted, worldwide, if aiding and abetting priest-paedophile rapists?


Agree as well you may 12:25. But if required to choose, I would much prefer the intelligence and education of an informed free choice than the suffocating chains of imposed religious faith


None that I know of, because of the level of proof a conviction requires as I comment below. The bishops’established policy of writing down nothing, using euphemisms when forced to and of using shredders mean that level of proof is never achieved.
A public sector body or business recording their business like that would be incredibly dodgy, but then as I keep commenting the church is primarily a Boys’ club with sexual favours on tap and any religious stuff is a cover designed to convince the naive.


What a totally stupid comment. Why would you name anyone if a police investigation will/is taking place? You sound like a gossiping fool wanting all the gory details. Perhaps you want the name of the young man who was attacked too? Jog on fool.


If you are a moral example of the effects of that faith on the person, you’re a very poor reccomendation for it.😅


@1:25: Really? Informed ? Do you REALLY understand what has been said about us subscribing to the accidental faith of our family and community origins? And how, by the time we come to the maturity of self determination, our whole outlook and understanding has been sucked into a completely imperceptible conformity?


It is interesting that this awful story does not seem to be attracting the volume of comments that other stories seem to attract. Is it that we are no longer surprised at this account and what may have taken place ? We’ve heard it so many times before. We know many priests behave like this and abuse people. It’s nothing exceptional to us. How sad a reflection on the state of priesthood, how we perceive it, and how we expect it to behave. They should be ashamed.


Yes it’s remarkable how the narrative of bias and hate always quietens down on days like this. The comment about priests above is also interesting – when are these people going to wake up and realise that sleazy sex, drugs, porn, alcohol and others are the norm for priests, not the exception!
The way the RC press refers to the scandal as if it is in the past is biased reporting intended to perpetuate the holy mother church delusion.


Well don’t read this blog then. It’s full of it. It’s a peculiar perversion of RC clergy, their customary response, and their sole defensive tactic when faced with evidence of……….Well the usual really.


Pat, I am mystified why you are allowing MC to post anonymously on here again. Any idiot can recognise the venom he spews and his language. He will only drag this blog down yet again like last time


An attempt to control the discussion here. Very much along the lines of telling people they shouldn’t protest but go through the proper channels when those channels are firmly controlled and closed.
Pat’s liberal moderation policy allows what people actually think to appear here, but some people, like you, don’t want to know.


Would it because Magna (assuming it is Magna) has something of value to say. I don’t agree with him but when he reigns in his invective he makes intelligent and coherent comments.


He makes the blog boring, though, by saying the same things every time. To save time, Pat should just put a pinned post at the end of every blog reminding people that Magna states that:

Priests are filthy, money-grabbing, Christ-deniers who promised obedience to a bishop, not Christ, they belong to a church whose other priests are compliant by their silence, that the laity are duped sheep who don’t know that there was only one Mass ever and that the Church is not truly pro-life because it said the death penalty was legit.

Cutting and pasting that every day, Pat, would save MC the effort of typing it, and give my scrolling thumb a rest.


You could say the same about the gospel at mass. He says it because there are still people who don’t get it


Has the Church in Ireland ever published a list of those clergy over the decades who have been credibly accused or found guilty of sexual abuse ? They have in the US and you can pretty much go through each diocese and see its list. It’s quite surprising who and what is locked away there, often from decades back. Some of it will have resulted in criminal conviction; some of it not reaching that threshold will have been dealt with in a disciplinary way by the Church – removal from office / ministry / priesthood etc – depending on the seriousness of the act. In more recent times it looks as though stricter and more defined measures have been taken by the Church against credibly accused priests. It would, however, be very interesting to see such lists for dioceses here in Ireland. Oh, I can hear the clergy screaming about false accusations and being targeted and victimised ! I think, though, that any list would only include those ‘credibly’ accused and those who have been prosecuted and found guilty. It would be interesting to see.


There are gaps in the list, not least the two Frs McCabe of Clogher diocese.


I’ve had a look at it. Evidently it is not complete. There are many more, I think. I know one or two who are not on that list. Is there no Irish list from an Irish organisation ? This bishop focusses more on the USA.


The notable thing about the US lists is many were forced out of the dioceses by the courts and are usually disputed by survivor’s groups as not including enough people.


MMM @ 11.58am. Where do “converts” to the different churches and faiths fit into your equation, please, especially if they have come from a position of atheism or agnosticism? I buy what you say about those “faith” is an accident of birth and location.


@12:14: I don’t think there’s any absolute answer to that. We humans can be weak, fickle, and many of us make seemingly illogical choices, especially under pressure. A need to believe, to have hope and significance, is compelling to our insecurities.
I recall Conor Larkin’s dismay at finding out that his father, Oul Kilty, lifelong opponent of the RCC, had apparently repented on his deathbed. He accused the priest of having tricked his Dad. (Leon Uris’s marvellous book Trinity)
Yes, individuals do change beliefs with new understanding. That is as it should be.

And +Pat, with reference to your 11:59 comment: “Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes” Vergil’s Aeneid (Beware of Greeks bearing gifts)


Oscar Wilde converted on his death bed it has emerged plus many others we don’t yet know about. They were clever enough not to be tricked. You don’t seem to have absolute answers to many things MMM.


@1:41: I am not so presumptuous as to believe that I have answers for everything, or that there are “answers” to many things we don’t understand: unlike most religious believers!
Therein is the wonderful nature of being an atheist.
As I pointed out previously: atheism is definitely not a set or system of cogent beliefs. It’s hallmark is simply a lack of any belief in God, gods, or any supernatural being: in particular, the notion of a personal God with an interest in humankind. (And some would emphasise an “interest in what we do with our ‘bits’ when naked!)
An atheist sees no convincing evidence for religious beliefs, and a multitude of factors explaining religion’s origins and pervasive hold on humankind.
An atheist asks believers to provide evidence, and in its absence, remains “a theist”; ie. a non believer.
An atheist is guided by best available information backed by reliable evidence.
Similar to the scientific methodology, atheists welcome fresh ideas and information to constantly re-appraise their position.
I have to say, that concerning religious beliefs, faith, or the existence of God, any convincing evidence is greatly lacking. In four or five years following this blog, I haven’t seen a shred of any cogent argument for the existence of God. Most clerical contributors seem entirely preoccupied with who’s jockeying for hierarchical privilege, defending an indefensible perversity of an institution, or venting their frustrated spleen.
“By their fruits you………..


Patsy said a few days ago he regarded Armagh as the worst diocese in Ireland for naughty priests involved in sex scandals. Given that this alleged assualt/rape involved a North of Ireland priest can we deduce it’s an Armagh clergyman?


North of Ireland means Donegal so you are talking about Raphoe, Derry or Clogher dioceses. Armagh diocese is mainly in Northern Ireland.


You are right large parts of Derry and Clogher diocese are in the north of Ireland as well as Armagh and Down & Connor.


Armagh, Clogher, Derry, Down & Connor, Dromore, Kilmore and Raphoe are all located in the north of Ireland.



Laudabiliter was a forgery. Almost a millennium later you’re still peddling an untruth.


Anonymous @ 9.29am and Anonymous @ 10.03am:

As Eldridge Cleaver is reported as putting it, “There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be part of the problem.” Any clergy or anybody else please take note.

Maybe it is additionally worth noting that perverting the course of justice is also a criminal offence which can bring a heavy penalty, up to to a life sentence, depending on the original crime being investigated. Those who try to protect rapists, abusers etc from arrest and conviction should take note, whoever they may be.


Yes they should – morally. For a legal conviction for perverting the course of justice of course there has to be evidence proving it beyond reasonable doubt and that is what many criminals rely on.
Those claiming to be moral leaders should not rely on an absence of proof for their misdeeds but not do them at all.


You assume an air of authority. Please put your comments into a more realistic perspective. You tend to speak like a torrid bishop. We all know the law. Why repeat what statute affirms?


Because 👏 many 👏 a 👏 bishop 👏 has 👏 claimed 👏 not 👏 to 👏 know 👏 child 👏 sexual 👏 abuse 👏 is 👏 illegal.


Pat. Is it right that you put this story on your blog before the man has gone to the police? Would be interested to know why you have taken this action. Thanks


You must be the man in question then if you know if he has/has not gone to the Police. Has he shared his story with you too?


6.09pm I am not the person, but I can read Pat’s words. To quote

I have offered the victim to go with him to the police as a support person – or to find someone else to go with him if he preferred.

If needs be I will contact the appropriate police unit for him and make an appointment for him to talk to two professionally trained police officers.

So clearly he hasn’t been to the police at the time of writing. Hence my question to Pat.


What a terrible situation you describe Pat. I hope to God it is not true. But, time will tell. It has been quite a nice day here today. The rain clouds went away, and the Sun came out. That is what we all need a bit of I think.


Yes, Tommy, the sun is shinning through the grey clouds. It’s rays, hopefully, burning
what remnants of themis virus which have come into contact with surfaces and the likes.
You have your finger on the pulse, Tommy, my good man.
God bless you, Tommy x


Peter’s nan has a top of the range alarm system and security lights with sensors that come on when anybody goes near her house.
She has CCTV.


Pat, it’s Friday night again. I usually go up from here to my woman’s in Belfast on Fridays. But alas not at the moment. Usually go out for dinner then back to hers for a bit of Mr and Mrs. But all these restrictions have put paid to that!
Anyway the compensation is that as my church is closed so I don’t have any horny temptations with the girlies at Mass on Sundays.
I pity the fella in a nearby parish. Friday has always been his day for spending the whole day with his paramour. They were in Maynooth together. But he is having to isolate now as well. Poor guy.
Anyway Pat, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Deo gratias.


Lol if you are a pastor you’re a Protestant pastor. Any remaining priests who fancy women are so ancient they are well beyond celebrating mass!


I suppose she was a B.A.Theol at the same time that he was doing the B.D. He’s probably a few years older.


You sound more like pastor begbie from bbc Give me head Peace. He was an aul eejit too making up stories.


Bishop Fintan Monahan just posted a video for his fellow bishops on Instagram. Your Lordships, Put all your cares about horny clergy into your “worry box”! 😂


I note the young man claims he was drugged. It seems that some of the younger generation of clergy are into drugs. I remember someone saying in a parish in the north a few years ago he suspected the young priest had a few lines of coke up his nose in the sacristy toilet before Mass. I now wonder if this was true? Was there not a young priest arrested for having coke parties in his house some time ago? Perhaps there is more of a problem with clergy and drug taking than we realise.


A good question. I can’t imagine her a priest could get involved with drugs. Drink is different, it is legal for a start.


A dromore priest had drug parties in his parochial house so it is going on despite your scepticism. He was removed not long after when it was on the front of a Sunday red top.


Priests have been extensively involved in raping children, which is illegal. Mainlining heroin is relatively innocuous in comparison.


10:28 is an advocation of heroin from the biggest troll on the blog. It may provide some explanation for his posts.


Younger adults may well be “doing” drugs, but the phenomenon “normalisation” and “acceptance” could be a byproduct of modern society.
Drugs are wrong, very wrong.
Even recreational use – where a person has “control” over such use does not make it better in any way.
I have seen drugs destroy not only people’s lives, but their families.
Drugs are a bit like the devil in disguise: they give a veneer of being “cool”, not too bad because “everybody” is doing them.
They are not only a sin, they are more…


Lines of coke before mass -;would the people not be aware. Issues meriting investigation should rightly be handed over to the gwards or the polis . The part of being a priest is a whole other saucer of cats milk


Coke is rife here in Scottie land. the 2 notorious motherwell and paisley sems are well known for it after a night in the Glasgow gay bars.


Bishop Pat, I know for a fact there is a youngish priest in a Belfast parish snorting charlie on a regular basis. He gets his supply from paramilitaries and you can tell when he constantly is sniffing, sneezing and rubbing his nose. Put enough white up your nose regularly and it’s bound to affect the lining of your nostrils.


There are very few youngish priests in Belfast anymore and the very few that there are definitely do not snort cocaine. Stop your mischief making and lying.


10.42pm You really have no idea!! I hope you can stand by your claim that no priest does not take drugs in Belfast. I tgink the term used was young ish not young. There are places outside of the city that still class themselves as Belfast. You need to think on.


@ 5.47pm. True! I have observed that, too. The legal maxim “Ignorantia juris non excusat” can be applied to such a case. To plead, in defence, that one was ignorant of the law won’t wash.


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