


The three short films above are worth watching to understand what went on in the Magdalen Laundries and how much the victims.

A common theme is the local priest coming to the family home and personally taking the child and driving them personally to the Magdalen laundry.

Another theme is the theme of school-age victims not being allowed to continue their education but being used as slave labour by the nuns in the laundries from early morning to late evening.

One of the women in the films escaped and hid among the Irish Travellers who were very good to her.

Shame on the priests who kidnapped these children from their homes.

Shame on the nuns who enslaved and tortured them.

Most of these nuns and priests are dead now

I cannot imagine God giving them an easy passage into heaven.

And part of me thinks that as the creators of hell on earth they were suited to hell over there?


How could anyone link this enforced drudgery and shaming with the Nazarene?
This is what happens when you allow the Church of Rome hegemony; this, and so very much else.
ALWAYS beware the Church of Rome, and her obedient, bloodsucking servants. Ultimately, they all will do evil’s bidding, because the institution they serve is not of Christ.


11:34 am
Repent and believe the gospel. Let your hearts be broken not your garments torn.


The Nazarene has already rejected the impostor who poses as his bride, and he is exposing her criminality and shamelessness to the world, along with the idiots who defend her. People like you.

Couldn’t you have worked this out for yourself?😕


The one great thing about these life histories is that for those who share them they cauterise the pain of the past. I have no need to abuse or call any of the other contributors abusive names or use unbecoming accusations about their activities. The past is the past and the nuns and priests who committed these callous acts of taking our parents away so that we didn’t know who we were. And the often disgusting and abusive anonymous blog contributors appear to actually belong to ordained priests ensure that few of us will ever return to that great collective self-deception again. These remarks are our insurance against the illusions that once dominated Ireland.

Of course we victims have to find other answers to the spiritual deceptions we have endured and these are usually to be found within some form of secular or spiritual humanism that has mutual human love at it centre not abuse or children, and this takes time and reflection. To many of us it a project that sustains us in life so it is life giving.

Yesterday’s blog of a lecture by the Catholic sexual abuse investigator, Mr Doyle, was in that sense wonderfully inspirational. Although he worked for the Church, his proposals for the dilution of the ontological priestly cult by including women and democratic decision making, will effectively end Roman Catholic dogmatism. Every new life story is another step towards its ending. Even those poor Magdalen laundry ladies who have tried to cling on to the old faith, which was so cruel to them. means that we can judge the self sacrifices they have had to make, and few of us would wish it on them again. It is over and nowhere is that more obvious than in modern Ireland.


These stories touch on the same issues of unrestrained use of power and authority over the People of God (which these poor people most certainly were), and the arbitrary and unaccountable use of that power and authority by those who were part of the instiutuonalised and clericalised Church that we were talking about yesterday. Not only was the original sin of abuse allowed to flourish by the institution, but even when called out the institution did not / does not ask itself the fundamental systemic questions about why and how, and even more importantly what to do to ensure that there is healing and this never happens again. The initial response was to minimise, to deny, and then to cover up, thus leaving unchallenged and unchanged the underpinning theology, thinking, mindset and structures that were the foundations and framework on which abuse and clerical dysfunction flourished. I think that we are still at the stage. All we hear are the occasional formulaic words of concern (which Bishops now seem to learn by rote), the belated action to remove priests from ministry (whereas before they were just moved around the chessboard and facilitated in their ongoing abuse), and a requirement that such things are now reported to the secular authorities (belatedly imposed on the Church, kicking and screaming, and which is still frustrated by opposition to the removal of the statute of limitations, legal avenues, financial settlements etc.). All of this suggests to me that the institutionalised and clericalised Church is incapable of learning any lessons and of any fundamental change, so invested are they in the status quo and so ingrained are centuries of this culture and theology that they are likely incapable of change. This rotten culture is still being taught subliminally to the next generations of clerics in seminaries. So, it will be more of the same under that management. From where, then, will change come ? In the meantime, I have distanced myself from the Church I have described, physically and financially. I do not want to have anything to do with such a Church, which is toxic and dangerous to the health and wellbeing of me and so many others. I will find my spiritual sustenance elsewhere, until such time as I see the Church in to which I was born and raised take a serious and long look at itself and commit to fundamental change.


Each of us can bite the fruit of temptation.
Priests, brothers, sisters, nuns were tempted by power. Some bit.
Today we know better than them so we are tempted with judgement, the comfort zone of hatred.
It is right to highlight the wrongs which are yet to be properly fixed. It is right to hold firm that this was wrong, for it was. But we need to tend to ourselves at the same time. Pray for those who preyed on the vulnerable – pray that they may see the error of their ways before they condemn themselves to hell. Do not enjoy the realisation of what they currently deserve.
They hang on the cross alongside Christ – some will realise the need for forgiveness, others will not. Our job is to pray they ultimately and genuinely fall into the former category.
The sheep shall be separated from the goats.


10:07 am
HG, I agree with your appeal to pray for those who preyed and persecute…
However, while some clerics hang on the cross, and other clerics will
hang on their cross in due course, hierarchs still knowingly keep some
Rcc victims hanging on the cross. And, only Christ Jesus sustains them! Not the Rcc.
What’s the parable of the Good Samaritan all about? Or is that parable applicable?
Who is the father of lies or does it matter?
Does the imperative not to harm little ones matter? Is the gospel to be cheery picked to suit the ecclesiastical establishment? The gospel itself is being brought into disrupt, being discredited in the interests of power/money and a theological hegemony that has reek havoc on this Nation. This can never happen again, never!
There is no forgiveness without justice.
Hierarchs, take all victims of Rcc abuse off the cross.


Please 3:47, don’t ask Navan Rd any difficult questions. His regular repetitious seven word comment already severely taxes his brain so go easy on him: we don’t want him, or her, to have a breakdown. He might not get “rectified!”


You mention the victims persecuted on the cross by the hierarchy.

They are represented by the other thief on the cross. He looked to Christ for comfort. Stop looking at the pharisees. You are a victim of Satan’s false promises if you think shouting for an apology from bishops will result in anything but dashed hope and frustration.

Jesus alone brings true comfort. Plus, it is undeniable that the presence of a bishop in these victims lives will always link them to their suffering – regardless of the bishop’s action.


10.52: I agree. What an amazing woman is Dianne considering what she endured. Her spirit of forgiveness is so Christ-like and so inspirational. I think I would find that kind of forgiveness very difficult but she is a beacon of light for all followers of Christ. Her forgiveness allows her to find healing and the strength and courage to move forward in her life. She should be imitated by the nasty, angry, unmerciful lynch mob of many on this blog. Pat, above all should copy her spirit.


Of course, the clergy and hierarchy would exploit Dianne’s forgiveness.


3:47 pm

Contact your local AA fellowship group or see an addiction counselor privately if you can afford it.



Len, 3:47 needs to be taken seriously just in case he or she is masking an addiction problem. There’s also sex addicts anonymous Ireland for any sex addicts in the Priesthood. There are drug treatment centers around the country. Dublin has St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services for those with dual addictions. We’ve had enough problem priests.


@ 8:10 pm
“I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you hid these things from the wise and intelligent, and revealed them to little children” Matt: 11:25.
You are right, HG.
Jesus alone brings comfort. I’m not looking to modern day scribes and pharisees
for anything. I’m calling out their hypocrisy, duplicity, abuse, moral corruption and
criminality, in order to prevent this happening again to future generations.
These people are discrediting Christianity- they are like the money changers in
the temple- and Jesus took the whip to the hypocrites of His day. Tom Doyle highlighted
the chasm between the theory, rhetoric, theology of church teaching and its practice.
And by God, what a chasm. What did Fr. Ratizinger call it: ” FILTH”” in the priesthood.

Magdalene Laundries in Ireland
“An estimated 30,000 women were confined in these institutions in the 19th and 20th centuries, about 10,000 of whom were admitted since Ireland’s independence in 1922.
Though Ireland’s last Magdalen asylum imprisoned women until 1996, there are no
records to account for “almost a full century” of women who now “constitute the nation’s disappeared”, who were “excluded, silenced, or punished”, and whom, according James M. Smith in “Ireland’s Magdalen Laundries and the Nation’s Architecture of Containment” (2007), states,”did not matter or matter enough” to a society that “sought to negate and render invisible their challenges, to conceived notions of moral order.”


11.50: I wholeheartedly agree. All of society acquiesced in this cruelty. All who passed by expressing in whispered tones how horrible they knew these places to be!!! Seriously.


12.11, Bella conveniently ignores the fact that priests often called at the homes of pregnant unwed girls to forcibly take them to these hellholes.
Bella’s “Holy Mother Church” is being exposed for the hooker she always was. And Bella cant handle it.



Wrong again the parents had to sign for these girls to admitted,.They were free to leave at any time if their parents or a family member claimed them. The fact that very few did this is the fault of the family’s. Only those who were sent by the State for prostitution couldn’t leave and that was States fault. I hope you can handle that.


No, not wrong again, you simpleminded fool.
‘Holy Mother Church’ created the moral climate of the country at the time. It was this strumpet who judged these unfortunate women harshly, and the frightened, deferential sheep simply followed her example.
Why did these institutions exist in the first place? And continue to exist? Because ‘Holy Mother Church’ approved them, along with the religious orders that operated them. They would not otherwise have been, you brainless berk.
It would have been a courageous parent who went against ‘Holy Mother Church’ and signed release papers for any of these kidnapped and imprisoned girls, then turned into slaves.
Had the Church been a TRUE mother, she would have opposed any such maltreatment of these girls and women, her supposed, and highly vulnerable, children. BUT SHE DID NOT. Instead, she sent her priests to their homes to ensure that the moral judgement and condemnation she had already made of these wretched human beings was respected by their parents.
This was the time of religious terror in Ireland, the tyranny under Romanism. This is the moral hooker, the Bride of Satan, who abused and battered Ireland’s children so brutally, and without any real remorse.


Brilliant post, 3.25.

Ireland needs to erect memorials to the religious tyranny of this period, to name and shame the cruelty and mercilessness (ostensibly in the name of Christ) of the supposed moral guardians of the country, much like other countries have erected Holocaust memorials/museums.

It is important to remember what happened, first, BECAUSE it happened and, second, because it will serves as a reminder never to let it happen again. In Ireland’s case, that an effective theocracy, by ANY religion and its ministers, should never again be allowed to hold such judgemental and savage sway over a people, especially its most vulnerable.

Religion, as history shows again and again, can be very detrimental to a nation’s welfare.



‘…to conceived notions of moral order’?

And who had the power in Ireland to dictate those notions that caused so much wickedness and psin to others?



6.49:😁😁😁😉😉😁😁🤣🤣😁🤣😁😆😆😂😉🤣😋😋….thanks for the laugh if lies..😂🤣😄😅😂😁😎😎😎


Cardiff could well be Mark O’Toole. You heard it here. East Anglia ‘s appointment is coming soon and it will be John Sherrington, Westminster Auxiliary.


Glasgow is Hugh Gilbert. How many more times do you have to be told about that certainty. For goodness sake read and take note. Westminster is rather more tricky but Bernard Longley is number one at the moment and very likely to remain so. Longley, remember the name, preventing you from having to ask once again on here.


It is you who is ignorant of basics, such is your blind hatred of The Church that all we hear from you is the same old vitriol over and over again. So boring and tedious.


12:27 pm
Are you brainwashed in need of intensive debriefing or just plain thick?
The nonsense from you is way beyond boring and tedious but I live in hope,
even for you, Bella. I’m praying to St. Jude on your behalf! God bless.


I’m afraid Bella is very thick, and very unrepentant. The second part is a one-way ticket to you-know-where.😈


Auld Gossip Alert @1:03pm

Teresa spare us your faux piety again, your prayers wouldn’t reach the the sky never mind heaven. You live in your own wee made up world telling us you are training for the Permanent Diaconate Ha Ha Ha I wonder what name your using as you have so many, you’ve really lost it this time.God Bless the mark.


What utter nonsense. You obviously have no knowledge apart from hasty speculation. Please refrain from this misleading clap-trap.


He might be moving from one presbytery to another in Paisley but no further.
The man in Edinburgh is heading to the West.


12:47 pm

Is it yourself Eamon trying to offload the ills of the Ecclesiastical establishment, the professional Christians, onto society as a whole. Stop it, now. Seriously.


1:46 pm
Bella, my honey bunny, God hears all my prayers. Is the green eyed monster getting to you. Do you want to train for the Permanent Diaconate but can’t make the grade. Lack of Latin the problem? I’ll continue to keep you in my prayers, Bella. God Bless you.


Joe, how can there be an update when an answer has been provided on this blog? I think you are asking if an appointment has been made? Is that correct? If it is correct you might consider further post on this blog as an act of clarification of your query?



Teresa ya dummy you don’t know English never mind Latin and since you can’t make the the grade in anything. It’s a figment of your imagination that you could be a permanent anything your so thick, I’ll say it again God Bless the mark.


4:15 pm

Are you a wee bit jealous Bella. Don’t give up hope on training for the Permanent Diaconate and doing parish work if you would like to. God works in mysterious ways so you might make it no matter what stops you. God bless.


Cushley is a shoein for Glasgow. Gilbert then to Edinburgh. After that a red hat for Glasgow .
Easy peesy


Once again, a comment from somebody who does not have an real information. Speculation does not set aside the truth that Gilbert will go to Glasgow.


Red hats? Do you not study the way Francis distributes these since 2013? The only constant is their unpredictability. Anyone who says otherwise is a bluffer.


12.29, you are recycling old “news”. It was written on here a while back that O’Toole is having Welsh lessons. It was also written on here that Norwich is closer to Sherrington’s home town, Leicester.


Please refrain from this rather critical comments. I was the origin of that information and published first. You should know and respect that.


JimS. is at 1.16.
He can’t be expected to get the names of Welsh dioceses right. He’s the gay Irishman living in Scotland who’s getting enough sex, thank you, and who needs to get a spell check on his laptop.


Bella that old rope can you not get my friend Jim S out of your mind he does not come on this blog.
Also be assured he knows every dioceses and every Priest and Deacon in the UK and Ireland he has access to all directories.
STOP the hatred to a Christian after all for some it is LENT.


A fundamentalist RC who takes it upon himself or herself to go around telling people they’re going to hell. The last time I read the creed someone else was going to judge the living and the dead, so I guess Bella doesn’t have a missal with a translation


Bella is a Harrington Rd groupie who loves latin lace and the true Catholicism of Trent.
He thinks the Holy Mother Church can do no wrong. I’m keeping him in my prayers.


Bella is guy who is a Traddie and likes all the lace and silk but also like the XXXX.
Just Saying like 🙂 🙂 🙂


Peeps, let’s all live and move in the real world. Leave the make-believe and the let’s pretend to the clerical classes. Their individual and institutional cognitive dissonance assists them in their making sense of the abject abuse in the RC organisation. Now their minds’ can settle and latch onto a fake sense of “all is well.” Nonsense!


Oh hon most of the people who comment here have at best a tenuous connection to any world outside their own narrow interests!


Pat thanks for posting these videos.
And thank you again for your liberal comment moderation policy which once again allows us to see
1. The faithful trying to blame anyone standing still for the laundries and taking no responsibility at all
2. The bitchy atmosphere which has returned with more clergy and holy water hens posting
3. Their obsession with who is going to be bishop of where.
It would all be rather sad if their cult wasn’t also a statelet claiming diplomatic relations with sensible states and that they are so apt to brainwash people with their nonsense.


3.21: Pat is ultimately responsible for all commentary on this blog. He allows a certain few – ugly, dysfunctional, hate inciters, disgruntled, Church bashers – have their say, some responding to their own comments, some just plain abusive and bitchy. Among these few may be 2/3/4 clerics whose language is a giveaway and the remainder, just f*****g fools. All they want is trouble, nastiness and but for tat crap. Don’t blame all clerics who comment. Pat, sadly, facilitates the worst of human dregs to dominate: MC being a prime example who already today has made several, hate inciting comments. Pat needs to be more discerning and honest.


Not just Magna but Bella also two of a kind no Love towards other.
Must be the great unloved so sad for both.


No one is bashing the Church, you illiterate fool: it’s the clericalism of priests that is being bashed. And rightly, and delightfully, so.😊


London is closer to Norwich than Leicester. So perhaps the Bishop’s Palace is moving to City of Culture Peterborough!
Are you Mark’s Welsh teacher?


God how pompous some clergy are, kindly refrain from this, faux that, phone for the fish knives Norman.


12.29pm & 12.26pm
Unless you are the Papal Nuncio for England and Wales or privileged and privy to the Private and Confidential Terna – both of which I doubt – and if you are either of the aforementioned then your not busy enough – there is no way on Gods good earth that you have any insider knowledge (think trading) about the Sees of East Anglia, Cardiff or Westminster – Elsies resignation on grounds of retirement was not accepted by the Pope she will be the Cardinal Archbishop for a while yet – better get used to that one me thinks – Nursie is damaged goods because of findings of child abuse enquiry and Quigley prosecution – poor Nursie had to fess up that he didn’t write letters of apology to child abuse victims the insurers did that for him – and your telling us that a factor in a bishops appointment is proximity to his home town – are you having a laugh? The perfectly named Peter Principle that you promote a man to his level of incompetence will ensure that O’Toole has reached his in being appointed to Plymouth by his bezzy CMOC!!
I’ll eat my red hat if any of your forecasting is on the money – truth is no one really knows and you know what? no-one really cares -except you!!


An extraordinarily rude and impertinent contribution. I know what I am talking about and have revealed information you deride. That is less than honourable. Shame on you.


5.56 is delusional if she/he believes she/he has any inside information that’s not in the public domain. You couldn’t possibly have the remotest idea who’s up for promotion. The system doesn’t work that way. And as for predicting who’ll become a cardinal, Francis plays those cards close to his chest.
Try predicting the lotto – it would be less wasteful of your time and energy.


God she will be on attacking this saying it is Jim S.
Jim S is only 56 and if that is Auld God Love us.
So sad Bella (known as Lady Ina de camp) is in love with Jim S and he does not even use this blog now as he was warned to stay off it.
He is too busy with his studies and parish work.
Jim S is in the South Side of Glasgow.
Here is the laugh Jim S has never seen Bella so how would he know if she was a fat bitch but she is 🙂


Probably. 20 to 30 stones in weight, I’d say. Locked in her own miserable world, projecting her pain, rage, and self-hatred onto others.
A priest in my parish once did this: took his self-loathing and guilt out on penitents, especially over so-called ‘sexual sin’. Turned out, when he had been moved to a different parish, that he had been downloading kiddie porn onto his device.
Never trust any of these collared paedos.


Anyone, anyone but Keenan for Glasgow. The wee careerist will empty the pews and the presbyteries.



Sadly I’m no stranger either to rudeness or impertinence, a bedfellow with shame to be sure and at times, I confess, less than honourable, however my gog is truly aghast at your ‘revealed information’ is that similar to ‘revealed truth’ – i fear not, simply clerical tittle tattle masquerading as divine revelation!!


Aud Gossip Alert@5:50pm
Yes indeed it is Jim S now under Celtic Bhoy a title she has used before, It is so sad she is usually known as (Auld Mother Teresa) also The Beast, she lives in a fantasy world, never worked in her life, a parasite living off the tax payer. Now kidding herself she is studying and doing parish work it really is sad that her mental health has deteriorated so much that she actually believes her own fantasy. I’m sure that the Dept. hasn’t been informed of her change of circumstances, change of address etc. They will be, and the fat lazy bitch will kop it, she could well be sewing mail bags soon.


So if Bunty has been a naughty girl, she is stuck in Birmingham. She and Hopeless are known as the Bishop Twins, as they were ordained together as Westminster auxiliaries.

Please do not send Boring Marcus to Westminster, although he is a safe pair of hands.

There may never be a replacement for The Mighty John in West London. Elsie doesn’t care. It was supposed to be one of The Two Rogers.


What a very strange comment on a matter of importance. Clearly, you know little or nothing about the qualities of the Bishops to whom you refer. In light of that situation, I find your views a distortion of the high quality discussion that should prevail on this blog.


“HIGH QUALITY DISCUSSION!” When? Where? I’ve seen little evidence of this recently apart from a few regular commentators. And when they make a sensible or informative comment it has immediately attracted far too many illogical frankly stupid hostile replies. It used be quite different, interesting, and informative.
I’ve been fed up for at least six months with the utter banality of so many hostile juvenile like comments and a preoccupation with bonking monks, or clerics denigrating one another like squabbling playground children: or jealously guessing clerical promotions.
Regrettably, +Pat you too degrade the potential value of the blog by permitting both highly inappropriate comment and pictures which seem to me to serve no useful purpose other than to titivate those seeking such. This, and the continued reference to clergy by female names creates an impression of the blog as “lightweight” and certainly not as useful a vehicle for change inducing debate as it might otherwise be, despite its commendable highlighting of clerical impropriety.
I chose not to make my usual comment on the blog in December, and again for February. If it continues as at present I see little value in it.
No doubt this comment will give rise to the customary responses.
Feel free. Water and duck’s back comes to mind.


There are some wrongdoings that history or ignorance is no excuse for. B’Stards are B’Stards in any reality


Let’s get back to the subject. The treatment of single mothers and their unfortunate offspring has been an appalling guilty secret since long before the Magdalen Laundries were even invented. I had always had enormous respect for the Corum Hospital in London – quite independent of Church control, but it too houses shocking secrets as this recent book exposes:
Make your own minds up, but why society scapegoats the innocent to somehow atone for its own sins is a much bigger question than involving the usual sadistic nuns – guilty though they too undoubtedly are.


Scapegoating is due to ” POWER”.
Church,State, as well as Professions, scapegoat the innocent because they
in a position to use,abuse and misuse power.



Christianity’s ‘elder brother’, to use the precise phrase of the Polish pontiff.


Both in terms of moral strictness (especially on sexual matters) and moral condemnation and punishment, they were of one blood.


Escape from the sexual abuse horrors of Maynooth. Senior seminarians in Theology grooming and sexually abusing junior seminarians The Maynooth Armagh Seminarian coordinated the abuse on St Mary’s corridor. He preferred BDSM with the first years and then progressed to Bot.


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