

Fr. Ger Fitzgerald is still celebrating public Mass in Criost Ri Oratory in Ennis.

He is live on Facebook but not placing recording for later watching.

He is still listed as a Co PP on the Killaloe website.

Reports say that he receiving total support from Tina Whelan and many from the Cloughleigh district in Ennis.

My understanding is that Ger is telling Fintan Monahan that he never had sex with any Ennis lady!

However there is hard evidence in black and white that this is not true!

Furthermore, many know that Ger has been having sex with women before and after his ordination.

He also does not to leave his present parish placement even though its time for him to move. He is too close to Tina Whelan and others.

He is resisting attempts by Fintan Monahan to move him. He is 40 now and if he stays in the priesthood, a big IF, no bishop is going to leave him in Ennis for the next 35 years.

Every other priest in Killaloe can be moved but not Ger !!!


Ger, Tina and others are blaming the woman who named Ger as her lover!

Why are people so quick to blame the woman?

It takes two to tango and the woman had no promise of celibacy to uphold.

Ger is the one who broke his promise.

Leave the woman alone!

She in only one of many!


Since 1992 I gave been ministering to women involved with priests through a very loosely group called Bethany.

To date I have ministered to 124 such women – mainly on the island of Ireland.

In the vast majority of these cases, the initial overture was made by the priest.

Priests often “hit” on vulnerable women – women with marriage problems, women with emotional problems, recently widowed women.

Most of the priests have a history of involvement with women and often have two or more women on the go at the one time.

Many of the priests sponge off the women for money, loans, holidays, cars etc.

The priests often portray themselves to the women as needy, vulnerable – almost needing a mother / partner all rolled into one.

I wonder if any of Ger’s conquests recognise any of these aspects in him?


Ger has a decision to make.

Either he keeps “Little Gerry” in his jocks or he mans up, leaves the priesthood, gets a job and openly and honestly provides for a woman and their children.

After 15 years of doing the double Ger has to put his money where his mouth has been!


Women can be woven into a twisted web of emotional knots by an empathetic pastor who exploits their vulnerability to satisfy their own base needs. Have they not heard of ‘the sin of Enan? Why don’t they empty their sacks on the ground and leave the People of God alone? It would be a lesser sin.


Have you met Tina Whelan? Far from a vunerable woman there 🤣 emotionally and mentally stable. You have got so much wrong it’s hilarious
Do you make the stuff up as you go along?


11.48: Mr. Buckkey, in this Holy Thursday you ought to feel a great shame for yourself. Let other people worry about their shame. You are engaging in scurrilous gossip and hearsay – even putting these women in the spotlight. They will be lacerated as utter fools by your cohorts. How low will you stoop on this Sacred Day? Disgusting behaviour by you. You deface the person of Christ with your gossip.


Onan is the name of man from the Old Testament.
Onan “got off at Edge Hill Station” (Edge Hill is the last stop before Liverpool, Lime Street – the end of the line, or, the last stop).
Onan decided to care for his brother’s wife after his brother had died, however, in Onan’s particular times (Old Testament) it was a grave sin for a brother to have children with his brother’s wife, hence he “got off at Edge Hill Station.”
Incidentally, Henry the VIII also believed God would not grant him a male heir because he had relations with his own brother’s wife, if I remember my history correctly.
All aboard! Tickets, please! 🚂 🤣


Any woman who gets involved with an RC priest is asking to be taken for a ride, because he will always put his ha ha vocation first.
That said I can see it with Ger, he’s cute. I don’t see it with the majority of priests.


Well it’s not really that much of a compliment but he’s better looking than the bishops!


Flabbergasted. So the bishop takes his word for it and allows him to carry on? Not even time out for reflection? Bishop is a wuss and needs a lump of wood across his massive lugs. He clearly has nothing in between them.


Anonymous @ 11:20 pm – I imagine the Bishops are not used to pulling one of their clergy into their offices for the more “normal” adtult sexual-misdemeanours and, under these circumstances the Bishop would have been on very un-familiar ground: heterosexual ground 🤣 🙄
Remember, both women are around Ger’s own age; they are not children in this particular case, and thank God.
Needless to say: it is extremely scarce to hear of a priest “running” off with a woman. . .
Nonetheless, it is still quite wrong what Ger has allegedly done here; he is a priest charged with the pastoral care of a flock and should be somewhat more restrained with his “feelings” and “urges.”
I imagine Ger is at the very bottom of a momentous mountain of problematic paperwork on his Bishop’s desk…
I’m not making any excuses for Ger, just attempting to shed a little balance and light regarding the more seriouser issues.
Ger is not a safeguarding concern in my opinion, and would most certainly not be seen as one in the eyes of the authorities; however, this being said: knocking off two parishioners, and at the same, time is very, very foolish.
This, Tina, lady does not come across as an individual who takes very kindly to being “walked” over — but the other woman could very well possibly be a vulnerable party. Stuck in the middle.
Hurting people’s feelings is not a safeguarding issue, per se, but where you have a priest in charge of a flock there are certain NO, NOs… what is alleged to have happened here is a big No No.
Remember, if a person is hurt by a priest or a vicar: to them it can feel like being hurt by God – in a roundabout psychological and spiritual sense?
When people are hurt, depending on how deep their “wounds” are, they can make decisions… sometimes devestating ones.
Ger is still young, and I don’t mean young as in 25 or 35 years of age – 40 is still quite “young” in terms of life and learning.
It looks as though Ger is on an important learning curve here; if he does choose to remain serving the community as a priest then he will have to “grow” some more and keep an eye off of the ladies.


Sad as they are probably victims. From what I hear they are passed from pillar to post in the west of Scotland and lap up the attention


Carluke 75
This is not True at all National Safeguarding has been all over this accusation and will look at it again on Tuesday.
People on this blog are placing Evan and Ronan in state of fear and alarm so they need to be very careful.
We would like to think Bishop Pat would assist Police Scotland to allow the IP Address would be made available to the Cyber Team at PS


Big Mouth shut up you like your fame on this blog and that is all it is.
As you have NO balls to give evidence or even what you think has never arrived.
Keep your fantasy to yourself you have been reported to Police Scotland and their cyber team are looking to address the situation.
You are committing a Breach of the Peace section 38/39 with Religious prejudice and really serious allegation placing people in fear and alarm.
Be very careful


Oh dear, let’s get Alex and Albert on the case, it will be sweeped under the preverbial carpet before too long…..


Of course, Bp Pat, all these alleged Jezebel’s could be throwing themselves at Fr Ger and been given the bum’s rush, so to speak. Also, I imagine Bp Fintan is more accustomed to handling gay rather than straight situations like this. A straight man standing his ground will be rather a shock to the system, I think.


The problem you have is bringing an innocent party into all this, Tina Whelan has done nothing wrong but you decided to post about her without any proof


Fr Ger sounds like a gentle, mannered man who may like to express himself by building relationships with at least 3-4 Jezebel’s on the go at once. I am sure Bp Fintan will have the means to put readers’ minds at rest on this matter.


I think you’ll find it was Tina who posted for all to read, Tina wanted everybody to know her story. Leave her alone, she can post what she sees fit — just as we can discuss and post as we see fit.
We live in a democracy — this is not The People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, dear! x


Is Tina not grieving her Brother in Law or she too busy trying to protect Father Ger.


There was plenty of proof posted on Facebook, even worse overwhelming evidence that is pretty damning sent to the Bishop regarding fr Ger, including private messages about Fr Ger between Tina and Yvonne accusing her of being a liar among other things with no proof etc…
All speculation and hear say until people see the truth, which shall prevail, keep the faith, my friend and an open mind!


The issue here is integrity, honesty, or the lack of them, but the prevalence of hypocrisy and lying. Simple. This priest need to recognise this and the fact that he and his ministry are fatally compromised. He has to move on and out, and live a life that is not based on lies, hypocrisy, duplicity and living a secret parallel life. Have some self-respect, man, and stop living a lie. And stop expecting us implicitly to believe you and continue being taken for fools.



And maybe he is not lying and therefore living honestly. You cast doubt on that possibility, which is wholly wrong.


I never said Tina had done anything wrong. Apparently, she is well known for good community work in Cloughleigh and is a friend of Gers.

The other lady, whom I believe, is the one claiming that Ger had sex with her.

I’m told that Tina is angry with the other woman?


Ah sure Pat don’t you know that the poor lad was lead into temptation by Vonnie, or at least that’s what Tina told her.


If Tina cares so much for her Community and her Church she should have approached the Bishop and if Father Ger was getting all this female attention should have informed the Bishop.
So now Tina is accusing Yvonne of stalking if this was the case and reported to the Bishop the Garda would have visited Yvonne as this is constantly an issue people both male and female stalking the clergy.


Instead of Tina and Vonnie, I would have much preferred, had it been, say, a Terry and Ronnie.


That statement is completely false and highly untrue, if you knew vonnie, you wouldnt be making that statement, she has 6 months of damning evidence which has involved solicitors, bishops and others….
He will be out of a job soon!


That comment is completely false and never happened, Tina never said such things, your sources are completely unreliable I’m afraid….


9.51: The granny of all gossipers is out playing games again with people’s s lives. You should STFU and mind your own business and act like Christ. You are a dangerous man with information. You do not know about boundaries….


I don’t know why people are surprised. In Galway, there’s a prominent priest, now retired, who has been having a relationship with a lady, a now-retired nurse, for decades. They even go on holidays together every year and bring along a friend as gooseberry. Even the dogs on the street know about it. I feel sorry for her, because she’s given up a chance of a normal married life because he was so drunk on his position and power. Also, a Galway priest works in Cork because his child and ex don’t want him back in Galway. As for the gay ones, they’re putting it about like snuff at a wake. At least Alan Burke did the decent thing and walked away.


@ 0957 – Wrong Assumptions – Sorry, but I don’t believe the words and protestations of innocence of any cleric these days. They only have themselves to blame. They have lost our trust. I doubt if his own bishop believes Ger either. In the case of a priest in these circumstances, I’m afraid it is a case of guilty in all likelihood until incontrovertibly proven otherwise. Sorry, but that is the space they’ve got themselves in to with all their dysfunctional and criminal behaviour, coverup and lying over the decades. Once bitten, twice shy….


She is not the 1st and she will not be the last…. he engaged her in a lot of sexual text messages which have been forwarded to the Bishop and he hurt that girl with his carry on along with a number of others. He will never leave the priest hood why would he? Nice handy number and the free will to do what he pleases… my heart goes out to that girl… it takes two to tango as they say and only 1 person is being honest in this whole thing and it is most definitely not Fr Ger


There is No breaking news from Glasgow.
Archbishop Emeritus Conti said the Chrism Oil may anoint the New Archbishop of Glasgow this year.
Strange I agree as if the new Archbishop is a serving Bishop he is usually transferred in a low key event and he would already anointed.
+Keenan will not need a new ring after all if the World has heard once they have heard a hundred times he is wearing Cardinal Winnings ring.
Please God not +Keenan for Glasgow.


We are still awaiting 24 hours later and sadly no information from you.
because you are totally misinformed by your mole.


1.30: You know why only a small number attended. We are not allowed to assemble. We are, Pat, in a pandemic in the real world where we priests have to work in very restrictive circumstances. You are aware, aren’t you? Aren’t you? Get a grip.


Of course I know. I’m not criticising. Fintan announced the small attendance at the beginning.

As you’re on, what are you doing about Ger?


I am afraid you did come over as very critical of the attendance. Most organisations are legally restricted in attendances. It is not easy for most of us who have had to shield and restrict our movements. Some of us are waiting months for hospital appointments for non life threatening medical complaints.
Please be a little bit more understanding. This is Holy Week for goodness sake.
Methinks you have scored an own goal and allowed bias to rule your head.
Garngad Lad


I’m not critical. I’m either alone or with one other for my ceremonies this week as we have a small oratory and it is Covid time.


Pat, you’ve had the vaccine now? Surely some of your parishioners will have had it also?


1.40: Buckley, worry about your own perversions, sins and flaws, past and present. You are a moral and spiritual hypocrite. What an obsession on Holy Thyrsday: You hypocrite. You definitely need your body washed by Christ, your heart particularly. Leave people alone. Stop crucifying others. You are a viciously nasty person. NOT OF CHRIST.



There wouldn’t be need for utterance of any kind were there not an odious, Romanist priesthood.😕


At least you acknowledge it. Odious utterance is a synonym for something of which you are guilty.

You didn’t hold those views when you applied for the seminary. I wonder what brought about the change.


Did anyone watch Ger Fitzgerald celebrate the 8.30 Mass on Facebook tonight?? I think he’s not well or something


I watched a little. He did seem very stressed.

I’m told his bishop got a lot of new evidence last night?


Watched it all where is his Bishop he needs help big time.
I have seen this before he lost the plot forgot what gospel it was.
Very sad to watch however he will most likely be removed in the next week he is not fit.
Thankfully only 38 were watching but that was the Churches care of clergy out the window.


I see Frank celebrated the Mass of the Lord’s Supper in the home of one of the disgraced cardinals.


Bizarre. Hopefully he will celebrate Christmas Day mass with Becciu too. In the chapel of Regina Coeli prison, Rome, where Becciu belongs.


Tis a quare wan this. Damned if one does and damned if one doesn’t. Who are the victims Probably both in one way or another. Look at the big picture in terms of society. I don’t believe we will ever get a proper insight towards a solution until we go beyond seeing Fr and Ms as opponents in a boxing ring.


The truth will set Michael Collins free even if the truth of Scariff is revolting 💋💋💋💋😘😘


You are All Sinners!!!!….May God help you ALL….. The Lord Is My Shepherd I shall not want!!! Fresh and Green Are The Pastures Where HE gives me repose.


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