

In 69 years of life and 45 years of priesthood, I have had three occasions on which I met a PHYSICAL manifestation of Satan.

One of these incidents happened at the grotto in Lourdes, pictured above.

The other two happened in a parochical house in the diocese of Ossory and in the chapel of a retreat house in County Tipperary.

I was leading a pilgrimage of 120 pilgrims from Northern Ireland To Lourdes.

The feast of the Assumption of Our Lady on August 15 th occured during our pilgrimage.

The Troubles were very bad in N. Ireland at the time and I decided to do an all night vigil at the grotto for peace in N. Ireland.

All 120 pilgrims decided to do the vigil with me.

We began with a Mass of healing in St. Joseph’s chapel in Lourdes at 11 pm.

After Mass all 121 of us went in procession to the grotto.

For most of the night we had the grotto mainly to ourselves and I led the pilgrims in prayer some of the time and the rest of the time was spent in silent prayer.

About 3 am we had planned a break and all the pilgrims went across the river to have a snack of flasks of tea and coffee and some sandwiches.

I intended to join them but just remained for a few minutes at the grotto to read from my Office book.

Within a few minutes a deformed hand was on my right shoulder, pressing hard enough to cause me severe pain.

I presumed it to be one of those mentally ill people you often see at Lourdes who like to touch priests.

But the pain got so severe I reached my left hand up o pull it off me.

At that point I was pushed to ge ground face down, my prayer book went flying across the grotto floor and I lay unable to move with what seemed like a cold concrete block on top of me.

A nun on the vigil with us ran into the grotto whipping her veil off and screaming “God is not here. Only the devil is here”.

Out of out pilgrims across the river saw me collapsing and shouted “Fr Pat is having a heart attack. Ring an ambulance”.

I then heard a scream coming from the pilgrims across the river.

I was able to stand up and quickly made my way over the bridge to find the pilgrims very quite hysterical.

They told me a big black dog with flaming red eyes had run through them.


We Christians HAVE to believe in Satan and Hell because spoke about those topics in the New Testament.

99.9% of the time Satan or the Devil uses human beings and worldly circumstances to accomplish his mission.

Only VERY RARELY does Satan or evil manifest itself in a physical form.

He does this when he is angry/frustrated at good being done.

That night, 121 of us were staying up all night praying for peace in N. Ireland.

We were doing good.

Evil intervened.

Where there is GOOD, EVIL is always near.

Incidentially there were 18 genuine apparitions at Lourdes.


There were also 18 false, deeply disturbing apparitions.


That is a powerful, self-testimony, Pat, and it confirms my opinion of you expressed two days ago: that you are a sensitive.
I don’t doubt anything you’ve said here, nor do I doubt that the others saw that dog. Whether the dog was a manifestation of supernatural evil, too, is questionable, since it could suggest that evil there was on the run, but from what you said about the reason for such appearances (Satan’s anger and frustration), I doubt whether it was evil put to flight.
The strange nun, on the other hand, I suspect was supernatural manifestation: Satan’s proclamatory voice that night, in case you misunderstood the menace of the hand on your shoulder, and the weight on your back.
By the way, hurry up with that book on the supernatural in your life. You have a potent story to tell.


Good post, MC.

Pat, have you started a draft on the book on the supernatural in your life ?
A potential blockbuster!


A well written comment. I believe there are certain doors in Maynooth Seminary locked due to ouiji board use, suicides…
I’m not referring to the blood stained floor in Rhetoric House.


This seems an extraordinary experience. Ghosts, paranormal, vampires, angels and now satan – all inextricably linked in Pat’s strange experiences of life. I have often been very fearful in particular moments of sheer solitude and silence in lonely places but I’ve never had an unusually different, stand out experience of Pat’s nature. I have though witnessed evil – the deliberate hurt, abuse, harm and vile acts caused to people which leave them scarred for life or fatally injured. When we see others take delight in their deeds of violence, ugly, personalised, continuing harrassment and intimidation of others – this is a clear case of evil, satanically motivated. The ugly, violent hounding of people through social media with the intention of destroying them is evil: the deliberate hatred, bigotry and racism against those we target or dislike are all evil. We must believe that there is a force of evil at play in the psyche of some individuals. Jesus speaks about Satan, the evil one who likes to divide, harm, disturb and crucify us and networks its way into our hearts to make us hate God.


Im afraid we have left reality here – we are back in the crazy ireland land of 1950s Ireland. Apparitions, spirits, souls, devils, virgins, nodding statues, angels, ghosts, apparitions. Ive had many mistaken impressions in my life where I took a bottle cap to be a half crown, a cloud to be a camel, what I took to be a clear road when it actually contained a guy on a motorbike, but when I realised my sensory mistake i didnt give any of these further substance by talking of them as if they had any moral meaning. Im afraid, Pat, you are heading towards being ‘away with the fairies’ and it undermines all your other judgements. Next thing you’ll be taking your ordinary perceptions to have spiritual meanings, to be other than they are. You will soon move to seeing infants that dont have the proper spiritual rituals performed on them by people like you to being devils and sinners that can be beaten and imprisoned as not really human. And why worry about using them as sex substitutes? Bread and as wine can becomes flesh and blood, devils and apparitions will appear as dogs or hooved humans, a hand on your shoulder will become an attempt to strangle you. We are going to the land of the crazies that need to be incarcerated and the country will be filled with plaster grottos to virgins, women who by definition can give birth to nothing.


+Pat: The word “understand” you use is key.
Many people make false assumptions that strange phenomena always have an explanation we humans can understand. You too have made assumptions in line with your emotional/psychological and religious background. You have filled the lack of explanation and understanding with, in this case at Lourdes, the “Devil of the Gaps.” And the others you referred to as having “seen stuff”, have gullibly followed your lead.
You may recall my previous comment referring to widespread human beliefs in God originating in mankind’s “creation” of gods to fill the gaps/lack of understanding of natural phenomena (lightening, floods and the like) modern science has since fully revealed as entirely natural occurrences. Our “survival of the “fittest” evolutionary journey has created both the “evil god” , the Devil to be avoided, together with the all powerful God to be feared and placated.

On reading your Lourdes blog last night I was tempted to write just as John Toland has, for ” away with the fairies” is the very expression sprang into my mind.
And thank you John: well put.



Its not the 1st time it happened to a priest as I read it somewhere.

Can you expand on what happened in parochial House and also in Chapel of retreat house?


10.30: MMM – I rarely agree with you as I am a person of great, religious faith – a questioning, reflective and searching faith. I don’t live in the realm of certitudes. I am inclined to agree with your assessment of Pat’s experience. I feel Pat is a little all over the place and I find his stories to be of the fairy story genre….a little too much to be “believeable” ….These past few days witness to Pat’s confusions about true faith in God…Evil comes in a myriad of ways and through a myriad of strange people…I do, though believe in the supernatural…having had unusually wonderful moments of enlightenment through prayer and meditation and stillness…


Do you not believe that the Devil appeared to Jesus during his 40 days in the desert and tempted him?

If Satan can attack and tempt the Son of God surely he can do similar things to us sinners?

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C’mon Pat: Devil in the desert! I can’t be bothered checking up on where the New Testament recounts this alleged event. But I have to wonder who witnessed it, spoke of it, passed on the story to whoever wrote it, and how many years after the alleged event.
Like so much of the Bible: fabulous folklore tales for which there is extremely little separate independent reliable recorded history.


And you +Pat, think the Gospels can be relied upon? They are certainly not regarded as reliable, accurate and objective accounts of actual events by countless historical scholars who continue to debate their authenticity


The Gospels, as well as the rest of the Bible, should not be interpreted literally. They need to be read with knowledge and understanding.

I always say: “The Bible is the word of God written in the words of men”.

There is a golden thread of truth running through the Scriptures and that golden thread has to be distinguished from the mindset and cultural baggage of the actual writers.

Its a bit like cherishing the baby and disposing of the bath water.

Of course this is a matter of faith.

For those with faith it all makes sense.

For those without faith it is irrelevant and meaningless.

I have faith and a thinking faith.

It matters a very great deal to me.

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Pat@1:47: You mean, “Take the good bits that make sense and support the narrative”, but ignore the other bits as irrelevant. Naturally only those “with knowledge and understanding ” , by which you mean the clerics, will know the “good bits ” from the bad!
You’re really struggling now +Pat.


The desert scene with Jesus in the New Testament, Pat, is likely symbolic, but of what precisely we will probably never know; it will always be a moot point.
The number ‘forty’ appears in both the Old and New Testaments to indicate periods of collective or personal trial, with motifs of malevolent influence (sometimes through personification of Lucifer)) to highlight their intensity and difficulty. Perhaps the most notable of these is in the Old Testament, where the Israelites spend forty years wandering in the desert.
What we MAY safely say about Jesus is that before he began his public ministry, he wrestled with severe internal temptation to the contrary.


I would be happy with that explanation.

But find the Biblical stories inspiring and don’t feel the need to put everything under a human microscope.

I I recall the story of a man who was accepted into heaven by St Peter who asked two theologians to show him around.

As they showed him around one of the theologians put his arm around the man and said: “Of course you do realise you are not going to really see God”.


2.30 that would be the Teilhardianists, was there a safeguarding officer up there in those days (or was the age limit 16)?


For +Pat@ 2.06.
Not cynical Pat. Just hard headed in that I’ve long moved on from my ‘cathbot’ days of indoctrinated unquestioning RC religious belief. I now realise how most of it is ridiculous. I understand how it is perpetuated and supported initially by familial experience and is subsequently reinforced by community external social and cultural factors parasitically influencing our personal human insecurities and desire to belong. The fog of faith clouds all sensible assessment of the likely truthful nature of religious beliefs. The comforting aspects of religion tend to predominate our thinking and actions to reinforce religion’s shaking sands.
That’s not cynicism Pat: it’s facing up to reality, and asking, as always, for evidence and proof as opposed to following the herd of unsupported conventional beliefs.


@ 12:03 pm : Are you speaking with ‘forked tongue’; from three sides of your mouth? Sounds like it!


“We Christians HAVE to believe in Satan and Hell because spoke about those topics in the New Testament.”
Christians SHOULD believe in Satan and Hell otherwise they are not followers of Christ.
People who voted for abortion were guided by Satan. The likes of Mary McAleese is in absolutely no position to preach to the church. She is currently some form of misguided false prophet.
When people have love in their hearts for God and others, they will naturally obey the 10 commandments. Any priest worth his salt will warn people about Satan. The healthy do not need a physician. Sinners need priests to guide them on the right path.


If Christians only believe in God as you say, have love in their hearts and are following the 10 commandments, surely out of love for their neighbour, they will warn them if they are on the wrong path?


8.47: Miss McAleese wants to be the new Queen Maeve of Ireland…She’s on a personal odyssey to make herself greatly remembered. Silly auld one! Nauseatingly shrill and loud.


@10:28, will people who voted in favour of abortion ever be able to wash the blood off of their hands? A bishop was criticized for saying those who voted in favour of it should go to confession. I thought he was being generous. It’ll take more than confession for through repentance. The best apology is changed behaviour.


Well seamusviii I’m unrepentant and am unlikely to go near confession so you needn’t worry about me showing sufficient repentance.


I believe in God and the Devil because the Bible tells me so – but I honestly think Pat is the exception many. and I do mean many clergy (bishops and presets) believe neither in God nor the Devil.


Says it all: because “the Bible tells me so….”
And may we assume that you believe all the rest of that gobbledygook collection of weird and wonderful events as well?


In the earliest writings in the collection called the bible, namely in Job, evil is seen to come from God and there is no devil.


Misinterpretation of the story surrounding the Job material. It’s a fictional narrative not a dogmatic statement.


The Job story is very important for many of us. Whether it all happened as described or not is irrelevant. The story helps and inspires.


Even in Jesus’ time, the Jews believed suffering to be divine punishment for sin: ‘Who sinned, Lord? This man, or his parents?’
The causal link between sin and suffering is a feature of Judaism in the Old Testament, from the Creation Accounts through the Flood and the Exodus desert wandering to the Jewish diaspora chronicles, and, indeed, right up to the time of Christ. It naturally features, too, in the Book of Job.
Jesus himself broke the link: ‘No one sinned. This is for the glory of God’. In other words, it was not a punishment for sin, but an occasion for God to show mercy.


Heyyy Pat
Fascinating story. I have met a demon in my spiritual journey it resided in the bread box on the altar in a Catholic Church. I can send you some protection crystals if you want?


You and Pat maybe having a laugh at our Bread Box but that Bread Box has the contents of the centre of Our Faith.
Jesus present in the Tabernacle.
I am proud and delighted to say that Bread Box even in Pat’s Oratory has brought great Faith in people and please God we are coming out the worse of this Pandemic.
Maybe if you all wore a Crucifix then Satan would not arrive and he would be frighten by the Power of Our Lord.
I have seen many insults on here towards catholic now we are at the centre of their Faith you certainly take the biscuit
This Sunday for most Catholics is Trinity Sunday then on Thursday 3rd June Corpus Christi and the Bread box will be well used that day.


Dear Anonymous I am really sorry for offending you. I am not a Christian and I am not clued up on special names for religious objects. I came to this site from a well known spiritualist and ghost hunting site.


My only encounter with dogs in Lourdes is on The Plain at night…..and boy, are there some old dogs there ! Sorry, don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I very much doubt the physical presence of the Devil was what you encountered, + Pat. More like some imagination in a very emotionally charged place, lack of sleep, etc. There will be a rational explanation for it. Just as there will be a rational explanation for the apparitions that allegedly took place in Lourdes – eg., young girl, on the verge of womanhood, sexually frustrated, emotional, hyper etc. etc. No wonder she had visions. In this day and age with all that we know about the human and physical world, we really need to see these things in a new light and not give them significance which they really do not have.


12.33: Lisburn Bulldog: Pat has unleashed a few mongrels of stupidity and danger after his dig story from Lourdes.. Pity these troll mongrels don’t fly away…into oblivion, hell preferably.


Anon@1:10, who has neither the wit nor wisdom to ID him/her self:
I believe trolls seek to injure or distress another. Wishing Lisburn Les to go to hell simply because you don’t like his comment seems a good example of troll behaviour, so thanks for the demonstration.
I suppose you’re an upstanding example of Christianity too?


The song “Ave Maria” sung by Perry Como, translated over clips of the movie “Song of Bernadette”. St Bernadette was the visionary from Lourdes, France, that seen the Blessed Mother. St Bernadette’s in-corrupt body can still be viewed today, 131yrs after her death.

Ave Maria translated into English


@ 11:08 The body of St Bernadette is far from being “incorrupt”. The face and hands are wax. This is trickery of the gullible.


@ 2:40 pm: See, ‘The Incorruptibles’, by Joan Carroll Cruz, for hundreds of researched detailed cases of incorrupt Saints and Beati. (1977).


Sorry but you are wrong: a thin layer of clear wax was applied to the face – and maybe the hands by some Bon Secours sisters to stop discolouration when the saints body was exhumed.


The Devil masquerades as an angel of light – less horns and sulphur more 3 piece suit, boardroom and thick Roman collar with a penchant for luxury, comfort, money, property and a loose even promiscuous relationship with the truth.


Bloody heck, is this the same parish the so-called head of Safeguarding in Liverpool Archdiocese is from?
A paedophile living on the same grounds as the school, but to lock a connecting gate as a possible “safeguarding” solution?


BREAKING NEWS: You heard it first here. Wonderful news and a tribute to the English Church.
The Holy Father has appointed as prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments Archbishop Arthur Roche, bishop emeritus of Leeds, until now secretary of the same Congregation.


I am sorry you felt it necessary to be so critical of what, in fact, was breaking news and very important news at that.


Fr Victor CP told me that he met the Devil one night outside the Graan. He also told that that a evil presence appeared at the foot of his bed in the form of a large, talking fish.


Pat the idea of Satan gives me real problems because it too easily becomes an opportunity to blame sins, failings, or anything we’re uncomfortable with, on something outside ourselves rather than take responsibility for it. It also encourages an us and them mentality so that we see ourselves as the goodies and others as the baddies. For example there are no doubt endless people in the church who would make out that your exposure of their thorough badness is itself satanic.


I take your point.

We must take full responsibility ourselves for our failings and wrongdoing.

But there is grace from God and temptation from evil.

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@1:07: “…it becomes an opportunity to blame sins…..on something outside ourselves etc”
That’s a very apt comment @1:07 on what Freudian psychology describes as one of the ego defences. Elements, primarily of projection, allow us to excuse ourselves: “Ah shure t’was the Devil in me made me do it”, ……….Your Honour Sir!


MM at 1.54pm
Very good point which I hadn’t thought of. You are better than most layCatholics or priests if that’s the truth.


Since MMM mentioned Freudian psychological defence mechanisms, what about introjection, MMM? Any relevance to today’s topic?


Yes @ 3.54. Internalising others voices or ideas ( either real or imagined) is indeed a common phenomenon in devout individuals. Some might call them suggestible.



Good point.

Didn’t Pope Francis, during a homily in Santa Marta, blame Satan for the valid criticisms of Catholic bishops over their abysmal failure to protect the young from sexually predatory priests?

His comments were practically an exoneration of the bishops’ lamentable negligence, including Francis’ own as Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires and as pope.


MC at 1.07pm

Indeed as I recall Ratzinger letter to people of Ireland was something like that. He sidestepped the issue of abuse as if they didn’t want to know nor face the reality inside the rcc.


@7:42pm : I’m surprised,MMM. You are barking up the wrong tree. Ever hear of unconsciousness behavioural processes, both Jungian and Freudian? Ever hear
of circular causality, a concept used in family therapy? Ever hear of ‘the sins of the fathers visited on the third and fourth generations’? I’ll leave that to Biblical scholars! By the way, why do you only include’ Internalizing others voices or ideas ( either real or imagined) is indeed a common phenomenon in devout individuals that might be call suggestible’.
It’s part of the human condition, MMM. As If you didn’t know! Why such depth of prejudice?


When people make a mistake, they are corrected through love or belittled through evil. People will accept the correction through love or spite the correction through evil.

People make mistakes. The best apology is changed behaviour. If someone has been corrected for a mistake and they repeat the mistake, they no longer have any excuse. Repeated mistakes are a decision.

Some people sadly are caught in a spiral of repeated mistakes. They fall a first, second, third and many more times. There is no guarantee of a mercy get out of jail card for evil actions. If people have love in their hearts it will speak out through their actions.


Are seminarians taught about the devil in seminary?
I’ve never met a Roman Catholic priest who believes in the Devil, Hell or the Second Coming.
It’s as if they feel these doctrines are old hat, old wives tales, mythology or a management device that is no longer effective.
I think they are embarrassed by them and couldn’t engage on these things if you paid them – ok yes I agree they would if you paid them.


What perks of the job can Roche look forward to?
Increased Salary?
Penthouse in the Ethiopian College?
Expense account?
Fat Pension?
Signs the cheques?
Unlimited travel?
Private Health Care?


@1:31 pm And a life of service to Christians around the world. This nastiness must stop.



Word from the wise – don’t go round assuming otherwise ya gonna make an ass of ya self – and yes as it happens I do believe in the assumption- be then again me ain’t as klever or sophisticated as ya – and I’m a trusting soul – if da Bible says so I ain’t gonna disagree cuz days how faith works.



Darling my grapes are as sweet as can be – if your a religious person ((and my money is on your a Roman Catholic priest) may I caution you about calling anyone a fool, if I remember correctly from the Gospel of St Matthew and the Sermon on the Mount calling someone a fool can get you, shall we say, in a little bit of hot water in the afterlife.
Instead of putting all your energy into calling me a fool why not respond to my query regarding the perks that come your way on being made a Prefect of a Congregation.
I’m interested – I’m curious – and of course it’s my business the Vatican is a State and what it’s ministers are paid should be in the public domain me thinks.


Pat, had the nun who proclaimed Satan’s presence at the grotto any recollection of her behaviour? Could she explain it?


MC at 3.33pm,

Few questions :

How did she arrive there or did she magically appear there?

Was she part of 121 members of the group.?? If so, does pat know her?
Was it part of tiredness re staying up late to 3am might give away to fairy tales? It’s known that 3am is Satan time as opposed to jesus dying on the cross.

Its not the 1st time if it happened to a priest.

Nor did pat explain what happened to two other incidents🤔


DG, your questions are better answered by Pat, for obvious reasons. However, from Pat’s blog today, I can answer one of your questions: the nun was part of the pilgrimmage led by Pat.



Yes, I am.

Thanks for answering those questions.

Compulsion here is an indication of demonic prompting, not of possession or obsession, but of a transitory, malevolent influence. It was not coincidental, but was aimed primarily at you as leader of the pilgrimmage.

I dont’ know what happened to the pilgrimmage afterwards, but if you had lost your nerve, the others likely would have, too. Your vigil, then, would have lost its potential for prayerful efficacy.

Clearly, collective prayer has a particular potency, not least when it is directed for peace; Satan’s activity that night should be taken as a powerful testament to this.


Can you answer, without breaching any confidences, the questions I asked earlier about Sister S? Had she any recollection of her behaviour at the grotto? Could she explain it?


She remembered it vividly. Her words were: “Something came over me”.


3.33: Jesus Christ- being tortured by the nonsense of Mags Carta who is pretending he is genuinely interested in Pats stories about the supernatural or satan.. Come on Magser, stop being the silly little boy.


Would you kindly do one, or else, desist with your back of the classroom type nonsensical interruptions.


What I found striking here was the idea that good and evil have a natural tension. There’s a profound truth in that observation. As Christians we believe that this is personified and can be manifest in the dramatic ways we read about here, but also that each of us trying to do the right thing will find ourselves being thrown down in small and subtle ways. The measure of faith, I think, is the ability to continue undeterred even if it means by a path less trodden.


@ 4:23 pm: I like your comment, DI. Indeed, the measure of faith is the ability to continue undeterred even by a path or road less travelled.


5.31: Pat, you shouldn’t attach relevance to Magna’s admiration of you. That’s too much to expect from him – he ain’t genuine. He can turn vicious at a moment’s notice. Just wait…..


2.35: Sweet and Sour Grapes: It’s irrelevant whor or what I am. Presume all you like. I am more interested in helping my neighbour in need – as the gospel asks of us. I am happy for those who make it to the Holy See and don’t waste my time worrying about all those earthly things that seem to bother you. Read the gospel story where Jesus speaks about such matters…and yes, “fool”, as used by Jesus illustrates the silliness of those who forget about their own rightness in God’s eyes, rather than be consumed about other people’s lives. Look after your own soul’s needs and be also a good Samaritan than a nosey old fool!!


5.16: Sweeter and Sourer Grapes: I think you’re shooting something worse than the breeze! A light hearted blog! Are you in cuckoo land? As I said, carry out the wedding out of your own sins, flaws and failings…You’ll be a better person. Think you must sit behind net curtains…twitching, knitting and crocheting… 😁🤣😅😆🤣…


Problem with stories like this blog cos Catholic people tends to take his story at face value without any questions. It’s being replicated at various Marian apparitions where Catholics believe it almost straight away without examining and checking the true facts.
Whereas people with no religion or another religion don’t take value at it instead they deride it as they ask questions just like MMM did.


1.41: Kelvin Kevin – are you expecting us to believe this is your real name? Really? How silly of you! Since no one on this blog knows you or has any idea who you are, you may as well be anonymous. That any commenter doesn’t print their real name doesn’t devalue their contribution. Get a grip, Kelvin…sorry your wee sensitivities are upset..yours is a demonstration of absurd commentary. C’est la vie!!


Anon@5:01: What are you on about? My choice of nome de plume, a pseudonym, is irrelevant. At least I try to follow a courtesy common in intelligent individuals to allow other readers to ID them in responding. More than can be said for Anon & Anon & Anons


Wow feel that venom bubbling over like a saucepan on a hot stove.
You make the Holy See sound like a mountain they have bravely traversed to reach the promised land as opposed to a greasy pole they have climbed (no not Stefan). the ladder of ambition (James 3) so to speak.
In case you haven’t noticed this blog is about calling out corruption in the RCC – and the Holy See is definitely corrupt – as long as your arm in fact – I’m just asking what the job delivers package wise as Prefects aren’t especially renowned for living the simple life.
I’m not jealous, or envious nor am I worrying about it – I’m curious and interested. oh and it’s a light hearted blog! and we’re shooting the breeze, right?
How about this for an idea – why don’t you lay down your invective just for a moment, otherwise your going to give yourself a splenectomy and put a little bit of that negative energy into answering the questions Father!!


I have just read The Tablet’s report on Uncle Arthur’s elevation. What a load of bull! It seems we are now going down – as in so many areas – the Anglican path of endlessly fiddling around with liturgy, sacraments. protocols … you name it. I was perfectly happy with Paul VI’s “New Mass” for forty years until Roche and other self-promoting busybodies got to work on the dire revision we have today. Significantly, one of the main architects of this bastardized rite, Mgr Andrew Wadsworth, only celebrates the Tridentine Rite these days, having opted to remain in Washington DC after his labours. His example motivates me to attend SSPX Masses, where at least the priests have the courage of their convictions.


Why worry about which Roman Catholic translation you use? You keep reminding us that you’re not Roman Catholic


7.16: That’s rather strange.. You rejected the Catholic presbyterate and yet you use all its beautiful liturgy and prayer. The Roman Catholic tradition of prayer, liturgy, art, music, philosophy, mysticism, spirutuality and theology are magnificent. Glad you acknowledge that but it’s strange that as an apostate, you rely so much on Roman Catholic Traditions…


The Devil is very real, and he wonders about searching for innocent souls to devour, causing destruction and calamity it his wake.
The evil one can manifest himself in many different ways, even in form of a cleric – a cleric with a greasy, baldy head; glasses, and an evil and twisted mind — masquerading as a man of God, but really a ravenous wolf.
“Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.”
— Romans 8: 28


I hate to say this, but it absolutely fucking stinks of a peadophile ring in Liverpool — all the classic signs. Very powerful paedophiles with power and control in the area of the legal arts!
I hope it’s not true!



Darling where I live it’s raining men and as dear Mae used to say is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me!! Sweet dreams Sweetie. x


I think MMM’s sharp mind has totally put Pat in the spotlight intellectually, theologically and philosophically and probably the rest of the religious belief fraternity. I am not a fan of MMM sometimes but as a believer, I am very challenged by his critical thinking today. He couches his arguments very cogently. Even Magna could not put up a surefooted defense of “supernatural” or “satanic” events. As a person of deep faith, I have grappled with the reality of pain, suffering, famine, world divisions, poverty and needless violence and have frequently wondered about the reality of God in all of these situations. But I’ve also had unique “deeply spiritual” experiences at times of desperate seeking, searching and questioning and some incredible blessings given to me through others, when least expected. Some such revelatory moments were and are like wellsprings. Thank you MMM for the challenges…We should always be open to critical thinkers.



‘As a person of deep faith’, you preumably believe in Jesus as ‘the way, the TRUTH, and the life’. He himself spoke of Satan’s existence; he even cast out demons. What more reason do you need to believe in a supreme malevolent power, at war with Christ’s disciples. You do believe that Jesus spoke the truth here, don’t yyou?

Maybe your ‘deep faith’ could be deeper.


9.12: Yes, I accept that lovely description by Jesus of himself as the way, the truth and the life. Of course my faith could be deeper but we gradually grow into faith and prayer: it is a life long task. Our life as believers is often beset by doubts. Just makes us search more. The reality of evil in the world confirms my acceptance that there is a powerful dark force – Satan. I think you misinterpret my comment at 7.02. My faith world is not a finished project…it is a continuum of discovery, thank God and I believe in a God of surprises each day.


The ‘reality of God in those situations’ was denied not by God himself, but by the choices others made for evil.
God’s reality is not an imposition; it’s an option.


9.29: Magna, it is my contention too that where there is evil, it’s not of God, but is present because of the choices people make to be evil, supremacist, racist, bigoted, hateful, divisive, ugly and violent. These realities are to be found not just in deeds – often murderous – but in the words we use. We are often blind to their destructive and negative consequences. However, I still ask questions about the presence and action of God when faced with the paunful sufferings of others. It is natural to question the whereabouts of God. Isn’t it?


Yes, it is indeed natural to question the presence and action of God amid terrible human suffering; God is not unreasonable about this, otherwise God-on-the-Cross, Jesus, would not have cried so plaintively from its beam. People are mistaken when they think of Jesus alone on that cross: God is one, and one God, in the person of Jesus, was stretched for humanity that day.
But there are laws governing the existence and expression of love, and they may not be broken except at the price of Love’s supremacy, and our salvation. Satan knew this, which is why he tried so damnably hard to tempt Jesus to deviate from them.
As for personal suffering, I do not believe that God is ever indifferent to it: the Gospel bears this out more than once. But people are often disadvantaged by the fatalism of their circumstances: God will never help me. He is useless. His promises are all empty. The situation is not helped either when people fail to pray for one another, refusing to sacrifice their time to do so. Prayer, by nature, is self-sacrifice, and God will not ignore it, any more than he ignored the self-immolation of Jesus. Any more than he ignored the self-sacrifice of Pat, and his fellow pilgrims, when they denied themselves sleep to further the cause of peace in Northern Ireland. Satan knew the power of their simple acts because they were driven by love, which he as the Lawless One, could not tolerate.
Believe that God will act, and he will act. Faith is love in trust, and love begets love; in other words, begets a response from God.


9.39: What are you on about? Sorry to disappoint you – have no idea about your query but you sure are misguided. Keep being bitchy.


Thank you @7:02.
I don’t think of my comments as arguments FOR anything other than that we should be critically looking at and for reliable objective evidence. Exercising my free will, I prefer to follow evidence rather that blindly accepting other’s opinions on faith beliefs, no matter how prominent or highly regarded they may appear to be. And this is more vital when so much conventionally accepted “truth” is plainly ridiculous and unsupported hogwash.
And lots don’t like it. C’est la vie.


No shortage of advice today – and listen to you with your liberal advice on how I’ll be a better person – leave it with me and I’ll get ‘weeding’ – I mean there’s nothing more helpful than an anonymous blog for dispensing helpful pastoral advice.
Oh come on this blog has lots of easy going light hearted bance – take a chill pill darling, relax and enjoy at least that’s what I say to the men in my life! x


10.19: Share with us your enlightenment and reflections instead of counting comments..Perhaps you have are misguided.


Has anybody ever heard of Crime Stoppers telling a caller that they are unable to take down any intelligence / information of abuse and cover up and then pass it on to the Police?
Anybody have any answers or impetus here?
Very bizarre indeed. . . 🤔


7.08: Sweet Sour – now I know why you are crazy! It’s the men in your life or is it, as Mae West said, it’s not so much the men as the “life” of the men that matters!! Hopefully they’ll keep your spirits high! Any men to spare, Sweety?


No, it’s CRETE TOWER BLOCK, off Nethefield Road, Liverpool L5 5EB where Grant has personal access to a little flat for seedy uses…
Why would a man get sexual gratification from wearing and obsessing over women’s pantyhose? Foot fetishes the same?
It doesn’t make much sense to me.


The Divil is a quare hawk and evil has many faces, I believe Lourdes can be a bit of a nokkin shop where the vulnerable can be taken advantage of and the shytehawks-not just priests canseek them out


Do you not get it the Roman Catholic Church is covered World Wide by Safeguarding.
But I will agree some are excellent and others become dependant on the paymasters and that should never be the case.


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