

Cartoonist Gary Varvel

This is a very sad and troubling documentary.

7 % of Australian priests abused children.

4 % of priests in the USA abused children.

Databases on the topic record 4,400 priests globally about whom “credible accusations” have been received. And that list is not exhaustive.


It has been proven that Francis supported and protected priest abusers while he was the archbishop of Buenos Aires.

He also tried to put a lean on judges and others in Argentina.

No wonder he never went back there.

Since 1990, 75 paedophile priests have been transferred from one country to another.

Thats 75 too many.


100 feet from family homes !!!


I purchased this documentary some time ago.
Watch, in particular, where Pope Francis is questioned by a journalist, in St Peter’s Square, about his support for paedophile priests in Argentina. He has the look of a cornered rat. Francis pretends not to hear, or not to understand, what the journalist is driving at; but he knows perfectly well.
He is lying. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ


Get an early night every now and again. It will do wonders for your perception and powers of judgement.



Do wonders for my perception? Iโ€™d take you up on that if a good nightโ€™s sleep would allow me to perceive water as wine the next morning, but alas, it wonโ€™t.

Should I retire for the night knowing that Pope Francis has been a total s**t, heโ€™ll still be a total s**t come the dawn chorus. ๐Ÿ˜’


Yes,he’s a lying toe rag and as recently as two weeks ago arranged two dirty clerical perverts to be transported to Rome from Mexico.
We’ve lost count of how many are hiding in his walled compound ,protected by diplomatic passports. How Italian’s continue to tolerate a rogue state within its capital city is infuriating.


It is curious, but obviously, there must be concerns about the sort of reception the pope would receive if he visited Argentina.


Breaking News…. I see Little Father Peter or Tooting Bec is moving to Sevenoaks, after his sojourn at Wandsworth. Farewell gift offerings welcome in little brown envelopes, please. He’s been conspicuous by his absence the last couple of months, and some of us thought he’d taken some time away to go back to Cornwall to help the family with renting out the caravans which are part of the family business – you know, chamber maid stuff. Lovely image ! He used always to make his own bed when he was in Wonersh. Hospital corners and all. Anyhow, hopefully he will continue to provide us with much diversion in his new parish, and we look forward to those lovely sermons.


Why ? Tell me why I should leave him alone, please ? Father Littleton has put himself out there, on YouTube, on his own website, and publicly touts for people to listen to him and to watch him. So I have. Now, he cannot do that and not expect the likes of me to have a view. I choose to express my view, just as he chooses to express his view. He has a particular ecclesiology, theology and liturgical style, including odd additions to the vestments which are highly worthy of comment, even ridicule. He wants us to see these and to note them. He wants us to take a message away. So, I choose to note what he is saying and what he is doing and to comment, to critique, to have a view, and if I wish to take the piss. That’s not stalking. That’s giving as good as receiving. So, he has nothing to complain about. If he doesn’t want attention, other than the adulatory which he prefers, then he should just shut up, keep low profile, and keep his head below the parapet. Otherwise, people like me who think he is a twit will have a pop. That’s what the world is like. He needs to learn the ways of the world and feeling sorry for himself, and people like you need to stop defending him by telling us to stop commenting. If you want to defend him, then do so. But, I choose to take a view on that as well. Otherwise, wind your neck in @ 1017.


It will suit him better there as Seven oaks has four Churches.
It is also part of the Latin Mass Brigade and we are all waiting the New norms for the Latin Masses to be announced by Pope Francis soon.
Father Peter Littleton is a Dedicated and Very hard working Priest but sadly had to watch his back from this blogs stalker


I think the article linked here is fascinating. I’m just waiting until it comes out that the church is profiting from abortion clinics. They’ve already profited from publishing porn so it’s only a matter of time.


At least Fr Peter knows his destiny, poor Monty may still be in the dark. His departure has been announced, but not his destination. He might be envious of soon-to-be Fr Marco, who is going to Kensington under the beady eyes of Mgr Jim.


Just seen a picture of him on his Twitter account looking like the Infant of Prague with his Roman vestments and birettaโ€ฆ The truth will set him free.. even ifโ€ฆ


At 11.27, ironic. Your description of that priest. Looking like the Infant of Prague figurine.
All priests are infantilised.
Well said, I say.


I watched the full video. Thank you for sharing it Bishop Pat.
Good clergy and parishioners abhor these heinous crimes. Bishops worth their salt have to cleanse the Church of those who are not fit to be in clerical state.
The system has to change. That is where the combat lies. Those guilty should be expelled from the priesthood through canonical law as mentioned in the video.


Seamus you say that good clergy and parishioners abhor this and also that the system has to change.
How do you think those clergy and parishioners are good when they are part of a thoroughly evil system rotten to the core, and in fact help this system to continue by being part of it?


Youโ€™re right, 11:28. The mafia has many good members who are kind to their mothers and it is perfectly possible to handle pitch and not be defiled.


At 11.28, OK, we got your knee-jerk reaction, but what is your counter-argument?
Where’s the fallacy?


You live in fantasy land Seamus.
Most clergy don’t give a damn about the abuse, it’s why they refuse to put their necks on the line about it by challenging the woeful failings of bishops and the systemic inadequacies of church governance.
You won’t understand any of this, but it’s true all the same.


You wish the Clergy would not give a dam about abuse and that could not be further from the Truth.
No one wants abusers in the church and Bishops need clergy to speak out instead of being in the โ€œboysโ€ club.
This is a disease that constantly trying to eradicate but everyone needs the truth.
Bishops Conference this week top of the Agenda Safeguarding and Clergy.
However the bloggers of this blog sit being your keyboards with your hidden agendas or be like Bishop Pat and a few stand up and be counted.
Ger Fitzgerald it has been said has had many flings but they have not come forward and it is making it very difficult for Fintan Monaghan.
And the school is bending over backwards to say what a lovely Priest Jerry is.


Anon 10:07 & Anon 10:15,
The evidence of the work of good clergy and parishioners is visible for all to see at a parochial level. They have their houses in order and are an inspiration for others.
I have said it many times before and I say it again; Bishops worth their salt must cleanse the Church of those who are not fit to be in clerical state. The video in itโ€™s conclusion agreed with what I have said many times.


You say they โ€˜mustโ€™ cleanse the church. How do you then explain that far from cleansing the church the evidence is that the filth extends right up to the bishop of Rome? Given that the bishops are not doing it, what should the laity do, Seamus?


Who, Shammy boy, is going to MAKE the bishops do as you suggest? Their consciences? ๐Ÿ˜‚ You? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Shammy, you didn’t distinguish yourself yesterday… well, you did, but not as you’d planned… with your comments about lay folk, and you’re not improving your reputation today with your Pollyanna expectations of romanist bishops.
Take some time out, there’s a good fellow.


Magna at 12:05, he won’t reply because he’s a troll, posting comments whose sole purpose is to provoke outrage. Nobody sensible would comment on a post saying that the bishops continue to fail in their duty, that the bishops must clean up the church! It’s like when he said Yvonne tempted Fr Ger. He will say abused children tempted the priests, sooner or later.


MC 12:05, watch the end of the video there again. There’s a good fellow!
P.S. Some wayward sheep have appointed you as their shepherd! Best of luck in guiding your posse! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Seamus at 5:37: saying that children tempted the priests who abused them has been a recurrent motif from I think several bishops, but certainly Cardinal Mahoney without checking, right up there with claiming not to know that child abuse was illegal or have any awareness of abuse in their diocese at all.
It is a pleasure to acquaint you with the utter scum that are your divinely appointed superiors in your church.


“saying that children tempted the priests who abused them has been a recurrent motif from I think several bishops”
Disgusting comments from the Bishops you are writing of. Direct your anger at the Bishops please.
Anon 4:00 hit the nail on the head: “Itโ€™s very clear that the only thing which will force the church to respect human life is the prospect of bishops going to prison for failing to report or engage with authorities.”
Quite a few comment makers on here who are critical of the Church appear to be scared of the Bishops. These cowardly comment makers are engaging in lazy potshots on the good clergy and parishioners who are doing great ministry at parochial level. Corrupt Bishops will only be pleased by the spotlight being shone anywhere else.


I watched a Tom Baker Dr Who last night, The Face of Evil. In it the doctor asks someone whether what they are saying is merely religious gobbledygook. How strange that aeTV show from 5 years ago should be so prophetic of Seamus’s comments here. A prophecy has been fulfilled! Let him who has ears to hear, hear!


That comment is the lowest of the low.
You can you compare to Adult to innocent Children get a grip.
Ger went to Yvonne’s so both new what they were doing however Ger thinks he will take the Church for a ride if he is clever he should be looking at Uni or doing Job Searching as there is NO way Bishop Fintan Monahan will forgive him any time soon.
just let us be christian and say Ger and Jerry are NOT economical with the TRUTH.
but to relate them to innocent children is so sick.
The TRUTH will set them free even if it is revolting.


the HOLY PRIESTS are the men that the HOLY GOD has put in charge of the lowly people to lead them to HEAVEN it is a SIN to talk about them and say bad things


Not you again: the HOLY GID fellah has at last learned to spell that three letter word!
Things are improving.


12.05: Magna, you didn’t distinguish yourself yesterday either – in fact you fail to do so frequently. You must learn respect for other people’s point of view. Then try to argue cogently. You make a habit out of being graruituosly offensive, thus rendering your words ineffective. We can only hope that our Church leaders will act truthfully and resoinsibly. Persinally I feel the the church as an institutiin is too centralised in Rome. Each Bishop’s Conference should act independently but with the proviso that they employ professional, qualified specialists in the area of child safeguarding, training of seminarians and also privide a more thorough vigilance and transparency about Diocesan guidelines, appointments, meaningful, full time ministry roles for lay people, information about all abuse realities and criminal offences. I truly believe that only when we are all accepted equally by the Church re: our gifts, abilities, talents, potential to lead and guide, spiritually and otherwise, that we mught witness a true renewal of some kind. My aspiration may just be a dream but we as parishes, with people and clergy working together, can make them truly caring, welcoming and Christian places.


Father do NOT pass the buck to Rome as Bishops Conferences have more powers under Pope Francis than they even have had and the Irish Bishops conference cannot even make up a dress code for their clergy as you cannot tell the difference between a RCC Priest and a Church of Ireland one.
However Rome is very slow on Canonical trials however the hanger on clergy should really walk as although they are being kept by the Church Canon Law cases going to Rome cost Thousands from a dioceses.
Look At recent three cases Ger, Jerry and the Abbot do you really think they should walk or would you take them as a curate I think not.
Irish Bishops need to grow a pair and manage their dioceses and to be fair some are.
A lot of policy comes from Bishops Conferences approved by Rome.


By dress code you mean a prescriptive form of dress. Who would want that today!
You are almost 1,000 years out of date. The Second Lateran Council (1139) was mostly devoted to clerical dress and clerical marriage.
What does it matter if Church of Ireland, Presbyterian, Catholic and Methodist clergy dress similarly or even identically? All are giving witness to their faith.



I value your opinion about the quality of my posts here withโ€ฆ to an extreme and inordinate degree. ๐Ÿ˜€

I am not required to respect nonsense, regardless of its source.

Nonsense does not need โ€˜cogentโ€™ counter-argument: by nature, it provides the seeds of its very own. And it positively commands ridicule; Aristotle would agree.

You โ€˜hopeโ€™ that โ€˜our church leaders will act truthfully and responsiblyโ€™ ?? ๐Ÿค” So THIS is your answer and aspiration? A fingers โ€“ crossed attitude to the chronic, characteristic and criminal negligence of romanist bishops over the welfare of vulnerable children in the developing world, with far fewer safeguards for them than those here in Europe and the USA?

Iโ€™m gobsmacked; I really am. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ You HOPE?! ๐Ÿ˜ต

And you wonder why I donโ€™t respect certain points of view and express my utter offence at them?

Youโ€™re a priest, arenโ€™t you? One of those who mumbles a few prayers before a plaster saint and pleads with God to do something, anything, about the moral rot you KNOW exists in the institutional church? But your motivation is not primarily the welfare of endangered children; itโ€™s your own safety, priest. You donโ€™t want to jeopardise your physical comforts through sticking your neck forward and publicly calling out the institution you actually and willingly serve, KNOWING that it is an insidious danger to children. But you console yourself, donโ€™t you, that youโ€™ve done your bit with your prayers to God that he do something instead? To save YOU the bother and risk ? The stuff of heroes. You make Jesus proud.

Youโ€™re a ducking moral coward priest; you make me physically sick.

Your aspiration isnโ€™t just โ€˜a dreamโ€™ ; itโ€™s an absolutely forlorn hope.

Er, no offence.


1.37: You, Magna, have demonstrably proved my point about your propensity for always graruituosly offending others, for misreading and rewriting the content of almost everyone’s comments. You construct a narrative into which you simply place the same vitriol but in different verbiage. Your absolute inability to respect perfectly well argued and expressed opinion is non existent. You are not genuinely concerned about any issues of abuse but are more concerned about your obsession with insult, hate speech, vengefulness and any opportunity to show your contempt for the Church and it’s personnel. You are entitled to your views but you do not deserve respect for your venomous hate speech and gratuitous violence of language. From my position as “you’re a priest, aren’t you” (yes), I know I do much more for the many hurt, wounded and damaged people than your faux outrage could ever do. You are passionately in love with yourself only, whereas I reach out with care and compassion through my work, thus effecting the prospect of healing and peace in the lives of others. And yes, Mags, I pray to my favourite saints and I trust in God that he will continue to work through my ministry. If you cannot accept my comments in their genuineness, tough shitty on you: That’s your problem, not mine. At ine level, thete’s sorrow for you that you are full of angst and will be for eternity, while on the other hand you deserve only disdain because of your selfishness in always wanting attention by appearing so often on this blog. Compassionate action speaks louder than your violent abuse and hate speech. God bless all priests in their daily ministry.


Mr Ger Cough aka Magna Carta loves to verbally Ger Cough. Itโ€™s called verbal onanism. Best ignored as an adolescent phenomenon.


Oh grow a pair. Magana is hilarious, so funny. Do be so negative just accept him as the joker character in a Shakespear play. Hilarious


1.37: No Magna, priests donโ€™t make you physically sick: Thatโ€™s impossible but what will make you permanently sick is the irrational hatred and poison you carry in your heart. At this stage of your โ€œhatred lifeโ€ I donโ€™t believe any vaccine will ever heal you. Ever. The hate virus has eaten like a cancer into every fibre of your psycheโ€ฆ.But remember, God is good and merciful.



There is nothing irrational about hating priests who rape, sodomise, or terrorise children.

There is nothing irrational about hating priests who protected and enabled these crimes by not reporting them to the police.

And there is nothing irrational about hating priests in general, since they are members of, and loyal to, an institution that oversaw crimes by priests, literally for generations, to the criminal detriment of childrenโ€™s physical, emotional, and spiritual welfare and happiness.


‘father’ at 3:52. You have the bizarre idea that going around saying ‘I do so much good’ is a suitable answer to Magna Carta, meanwhile roasting him with your nagging, indignant tone.
I have been wondering when any RC cleric would respond in Christian charity to any claim of the utter abuse and corruption of the church. The classic response we see here of reinforcing the supposed good of the church is not the Christian way to respond. I have been wondering this for three decades so far and it is evident that I will not find the loving Christian response I seek from you.
And I’m not interested in hearing your protests that Magna is a hater or provoking, I’m interested in when you will grow a pair and actually act like a Christian priest.


Pat at 6:56 the problem with the hate the sin love the sinner approach to my mind is that it too easily morphs into the approach the bishops have traditionally taken to abusers. Certainly where child abusing priests are concerned, the main difficulty is that their manipulation makes it well nigh impossible to be firm on their behaviour without them then making out that you are being hard on them.
There is also the nonsense spoken about mercy these days โ€“ make no mistake despite protests to the contrary Francis shows far more mercy to abusers than their victims.
I would also make the point that many of the priests who comment here are asleep. They are firmly convinced they are the good guys and donโ€™t rock the boat โ€“ loving those sinners means waking them up to the reality that merely belonging to the RC church is propping up an international criminal organization. I think you will agree that loving anyone determined not to see the reality of their situation unfortunately involves acquainting them with that reality.
You yourself frequent ly say that the revelations of the churchโ€™s behavior internationally are far from over. I think they will become more shocking from here on in.


I understand what you say. Part of “loving” the sinner is letting him or her admmit everything they have done, confess to the police and the courts and fulfill their sentence.

They need tough love as well.

And if a priest, dismissed from priesthood.

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Thanks Pat. It also disturbs me that despite Fr Fitzgerald telling the pope that paedophile priests could not be cured and should be dismissed, a contrary policy of covering up was followed for decades. Not only does this seem to be continuing with Francis, but it disturbs me that not one bishop stood up to this as far as I am aware. Any bishop who actually believed the Catholic faith would be very clear that there was no room for paedophilia but they all just rolled over and did what Rome told them.
And these were the pastorโ€™s!
I am loathe to contrast any religious group with another but if you speak to Moslems they are very clear that there are things wrong in their religion and that these things should not be tolerated. You donโ€™t get this whining of โ€˜but we do so much goodโ€™ nonsense.
So much as one child abused when it could have been stopped is a witness against all the good the group does.


True. But look at the rings of Muslim men in England who abused young white girls.

Muslims dont always abuse young muslims.

But they can do what they want to young infidel girls.



Be sensible, Pat. That is not how human nature works.

โ€˜Love the sinner, but hate the sinโ€™ is an irrational, unrealistic, romanist platitude. From an emotional point of view.

If someone murdered your beloved Eddie in a sadistic, homophobic attack, would you not hate them for it? Or would you clutch at that platitude like faux pearls and deny what you really felt? Make a liar of yourself?

Why didnโ€™t you make the same point to the priest at 3.52 today, who wished me in Hell with the words: โ€˜You are full of angst, and will be for eternityโ€™. Now THEREโ€™S an expression of personal hatred which you published unremarked, even though you refused to publish my comment in which I mentioned his pious hatred of me; you know, the comment that contained no abusive language whatever.

Hating a person for doing hateful things is honest, Pat; itโ€™s also healthy, psychologically AND spiritually.

But it doesnโ€™t necessarily mean being driven by hatred.

I emotionally hate romanist priests; thatโ€™s it. Do you want me to lie by saying I love them in this way? After what we now know they did, and are still doing?

But if I saw such a loathsome excuse for a man lying injured on the ground, I should, without hesitation, help him as best I could, because that is the way Iโ€™m wired.

If I saw a romanist priest in need of food, or comfort, I should, without hesitation, feed him, or comfort him, because that is the way Iโ€™m wired.

There is a difference between FEELINGS of hatred for another, and hateful actions against him or her.

Know the difference.


Pat @7:33 that was why I was loathe to make a comparison! But I think my real point was to contrast the behaviour I described with the comments here.
Something I have wrestled with for several decades now is how should a person, or a Christian to be more specific, respond to the knowledge that their religion or denomination has been allowing or encouraging crime.


How come my comments about you photo of Martin Kerr and that friendship is being silenced on your blog ??
Tut tut
Thought you were bigger than that
Just take his photo down and grant the sex monster no airtime


Kerr does not want his picture up.

Thats a good enough reason to kerp it up.


At 3.50, faith is first of all act of the will? What? Like if you believe in the Tooth Fairy strongly enough, that’ll make it real?
Faith, for the vast majority of Catholics, is first of all a matter of upbringing, especially the fear factor, eternal damnation.
Very few Catholics believe in God because they have actually experienced him in any way.


Scapegoating is defined as ” a process in which the mechanisms of projection or displacement are utilized in focusing feelings of aggression, hostility, frustration, etc., upon another individual or group; the amount of blame being unwarranted.”
It’s easy to scapegoat MC to avoid dealing with uncomfortable issues as well as arguments he makes. When I told my parish priest what had happened to me I got deafening silence. So much for compassion. What pastoral compassionate response or instruction has come from Rome? Zilch, nada, nothing!


Very good documentary. Its on par with other documentaries such as ‘Mea Maxima Culpa’ .
Grassi due for a conditional release in 2021 before free on 2026.
That psychologist Fr hans Zollner in Vatican child minor panel interview with a woman reporter there.
His answers had the hallmark of evasion and avoidance of telling the truth. Don’t touch him with a bargepole.


Are you having party bunting as well to celebrate the 12th July.
they are trying to have their parades in the UK however Covid restriction should not allow them.
God The Our Pope.
God Bless Our Queen.


Oh lol, I thought it might have been to celebrate the Eve of St. John Baptist’s birth; traditionally the Eve of his birth was celebrated with communal bonfire.
When we were kids, late-1980s-90s, me my brother and our friends would get an old pram or a shopping trolley and go round collecting old pieces of wood for bonfire night — for us it was all about the fireworks, sparklers and jacket potatoes (a spud, some butter with salt wrapped in tinfoil and cooked at the base of the fire). And cooked marshmallows cooked on the end of the twig ๐Ÿ˜‹
Lol that piled up wood does look rather large! I guess they don’t just celebrate it passively—just something to do with the family, like we do of bonfire night? Lol
As long as there is still a fun and celebration side to these things than too stronger a political, then it’s not necessarily a bad thing I think.
I’m sure both Catholics and Protestants love jacket potatoes and cooked marshmallows ๐Ÿ˜‹
Anyhow, celebrating Halloween — All Hallows Eve — is supposed to be considered sacrilegious.
It didn’t stop us from trick or treating when we were kids lol.
People used to always chose ‘treat’ — possibly because eggs and flower were often what they got if they chose ‘trick’ lol ๐Ÿ˜‚
Jokes aside, it’s not as safe as it was years ago to let kids go trick or treat on their own these days. We used to walk round with my cousins when they did trick or treating, we would end up coming back with shit loads of chocolates and sweet and stuffing our faces silly lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ x


"Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again"? Luke 14:34says:

Seamus, child sexual abuse, its cover up by bishops and protection of clerical abusers
is in the public domain for over 35 years. I think we can safely say, for whatever reasons surrounding this issue, bishops are not worth their salts. None of them. They burn
candles in cathedrals once a year, a tokenistic public relations gesture of solidarity with victims/survivors. Meanwhile,last week a poster to this blog claimed cover ups continue.
Two days later he retracted the statement. I have no idea how heโ€™d know if cover ups continue or if they donโ€™t continue.It seems to me, until bishops are brought before the
courts for covering up criminality this issue will continue indefinitely. 35 years of experience speaks for itself.

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You chose your words I did not say there were cover ups at all I was trying to inform you that the younger Bishops are more on the safeguarding route than the older Bishops as this is horrendous situations the Church is finding itself in it is totally repulsive.
There are NO intentional cover up as first port of call is the Police / Guarda and totally correct however the younger Bishops are more clued up.
When did you every hear of Christian organisations having to have a huge safeguarding teams so it is sad and shocking.
There is NO room in the RCC as they are not wanted.
All the clergy for whatever reason who are c/o should really walk as they have failed in their Ministry and more so Child and Vulnerable abusers.
I will till my dying day always protect people from any harm as it is my Christian duty forget I am a member of the RCC and a member of society.
Sadly for the selective choice of my words can I reassure you the RCC has survived and will continue to survive but slimmer and cleaner.
However I do not hide behind Anonymity as I stand up and be counted No Matter What.

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@ 5:34pm

You were asked two question:

I have two questions for you as you seem so au fait with matters concerning cover up:
1) Are there any historical unresolved cases of RCC abuse in Ireland?
2) Are any Bishops who inherited problematic cases still covering up for the sake of the Church, finances, as well as the reputation of their predecessors?

Your answers:

Q 1 Yes there are many cases unresolved and most bishops is trying to deal with them as well as they can also I can inform you some bishops are broken when they read the reports and then the lying clergy make it worse.
Q 2 I am not that naive to say some Bishops are still not economical with the truth as that is the case however the younger Bishops will cover up for no one and that is a fact.
The Catholic Church is not short of money the real estate is worth millions so there is no need to cover up abuse because of money or reputation.
There is no getting away from the truth and that is theses Bishops who in the past covered up for filth will need to face God.


Would you like to tell us how you know?


It’s very clear that the only thing which will force the church to respect human life is the prospect of bishops going to prison for failing to report or engage with authorities.

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Agreed, at 4.00pm. But I think the authorities are loathe to act, or act severely enough, for political reasons.


Any accusations of any abuse is straight to teh police / Guards and also the Authorities not to Bishops that was pre 2000 that you are going on about.
Safeguarding evolves all the time it can never stand still.
However you cannot accuse everyone in the organisation both Clerics and lay staff aas covering up as that is not the case now.

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I look forward to a lovely new gay scandal, Bp Pat. Itโ€™s been a good few weeks since Carey had tongues wagging and comments galore on the blog.


6.39: Magna, you just don’t ever get it..๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž..You complain about Pat publishing what you see as “hatred” towards you – yet you dish out bowls of hate speech, insults, vulgar and offensive comments. Get real about your abusive behaviour. Your life, sadly is full of angst. Incidentally, at 3.52 I didn’t wish “hell” on you. You are rewriting the comments, as you frequently do. The word eternity was used in the context of saying you will FOREVER be full of angst unless you are healed of your inner wounds. Your constant angst is so counter productive because hatred or anger NEVER achieve truth, justice or reconciliation. Your permanent mode of being is all too full of madness, abusive commentary and gratuitous vitriol. Try to listen to the wisdom, calmness, intelligence and rational responses of others. When you are personally named as the bully that you are, that’s a legitimate view to hold. As for you being “wired” to helping those who fall and fail. A pity you don’t practice what you imagine you believe rather than the complete opposite. Yes, “wired” – to the moon!! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ …



An โ€˜eternity of angstโ€™, priest, is Hell by another name, but as I said, youโ€™re a moral coward, and such cowards will not face up to inconvenient truths about themselves.

It is pointless clutching at straws when, for someone like you, there are none to clutch.


5.55: Your comment is about as useless as tits on a bull as Pat would say. Crappy and irrelevant. You seem like a Magna clone. God help us. ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ‘ฟ๐Ÿ‘ฟ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ‘น..


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