

Conversion therapy for gay people, or others, is based on crass ignorance and wrong understandings of medicine, science and the Bible.

One big question that is always asked is: “Are people born gay or are they affected by their early enviornment and experiences”.

In my own case, I was sexually abused by a young man of 18 + when I was only 6. Did that experience damage my emotional and sexual development?

The honest answer is : “I don’t know,”.

What I do know is that my mother had two uncles were gay ( in secret in those times of ignorance ).

In fact my granduncle Jimmy was quite effeminate and was a servant to the Queen Mother.

Also interesting is the fact that I have several cousins, male and female, who are openly gay. In fact I married my cousin to her partner in Tullamore, Co Offaly, a couple of years ago. It was an absolutely wonderful extended family day.

Even the scientific and medical communities cannot answer the question.

But whatever the answer is the use of Conversion Therapy is barbaric.

I would imagine that no one, at birth, would choose to be gay, especially in the past, given the amount of suffering and rejection people had to undergo.

My orientation certainly caused ne a lot of struggle – especially between the ages of 13 and 40.

My distress was greatly added to by the Catholic education I was subjected to and the amount of uslesss guilt that was placed upon my shoulders.

Through excellent psychotherapy at 40 ish I cast off all those chains and became truly free for possibly the first time in my life.

If I was asked now if I would prefer to be heterosexual my answer would be a firm NO.

I am very much at peace with myself.

Conversion Therapy should be outlawed everywhere.

Tired after the march yesterday


This type of question only arises because of Catholic teaching. Catholicism has time and time again proven itself to be sexually dysfunctional – mainly because it is a near guaranteed way to infiltrate the mind of each person in the pew.

Control the young via sex thoughts.
Control the middle aged with school places for their children.
Control the old with the offer of eternal life.
Control the priest with his wallet.
It is all about mind control.

God made sex. He also made love. They work best together. Neither is gender specific.


Dear blasphemously named spoiled priest TG, how do you explain this evo Belfast doctor’s account of conversion therapy? No sign of Catholicism anywhere.


“Praying the gay away” just doesn’t work, Bishop Pat– I tried it many times with my ex, he kept coming back 🤣 haha x


One of the ethical controversies around conversion therapy is whether it is ethical to carry out conversion therapy on Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) if pedophilia is to be considered a sexual orientation in its own right. It could be argued that it is for this reason that conversion therapy isn’t being totally outlawed as public opinion would be sympathetic to conversion therapy in these cases.


I forgot to say: you look very smart and dapper in your sash and bowler hat there, Bishop Pat. I do hope the good celebrations went well, as always?
A joyous occasion all round, said Mary from the village shop, so she did 😉
God bless you, Bishop Pat,


The Holy Scripture nod to (mainstream) Roman attitudes is just an oblique allusion (all letters were read en route). Ye WERE top & bottom men (which at the time meant obsessives, rather like the usage in much hilarious commentary we get here) until Holy Spirit power came after Ascension to help us figure out our lives deliberately. Such (obsessives are meant) will not inherit the Kingdom of God which is different FROM being saved ANYWAY (so nobody got excluded). The Kingdom of God is about trading the talents with each other to benefit the integrity of others, hence obsessives tend to place themselves in the sour grapes (burying the talent for that nasty God) ball park.
Orientations were known, but the obsession by proxy is something the Vatican City only bought into (needlessly) after JP II and Ratzinger abolished prayer and belief in 1959-69. They made church solely about marital sex which not only breaches my friends’ privacy (the harm of which they are slow to admit) it leaves no room for theology or religion for singles and miscellaneous “human beings”. And just at a time when the Vatican City and its allies are seizing hegemony of the electronic media. This is the whole situation which the Seamus Eight won’t criticise.
Fusspots should stop messing with the habitus and privacy of others. Your doings are different from your “apparent desires”, and your being is different again. “Unwanted feelings” are safest treated as a non-concept. Your psychology is your business and your field of work. Pretend religious maniacs try to get into our lives for their own “importance” and we shouldn’t give them the time of day.


Another Gay Day in the blog! Although having said that Ireland’s only heterosexual priest Ger Fitzgerald has been done to death over the last few weeks


Something unwholesome and worldly about having a heraldic coat of arms emblazoned on sacred vestments. Wasn’t the old cottage creeper and nancio + Bruno Heim an expert on Heraldry.


Nancio Heim was the Vatican’s first Apostolic Nuncio to Britain and was one of the most prominent armourists of twentieth century ecclesiastical heraldry. He was also known as a personal friend of the Queen Mother, and he liked to gossip like all nancios do.


All the white missionaries brought to Lwanga and his chums was death. Very violent death.

If poor Charlie and those others had been left unmanhandled by the priests, they wouldn’t have known that what they were doing was supposedly wrong, and they would have lived in blissful ignorance.


Wasn’t there a French pseudo intellectual and Catholic priest – adored by Bendedict XVI who was into conversion therapy who was subsequently found guilty of sexual assault against his so called ‘patients’ – he was prone (no pun intended) to give them a helping hand (pun intended) regarding the hidden pleasures of their sexuality.
Conversion therapy my arse (there goes another pun) a cloak for repressed homosexuals to accesss vulnerable people, manipulate and abuse them.
You can tell I’m a fan – any civilised society should ban it.
Ah yes the priest was Tony Antrella (something like that).
Pope Bendedct could sniff out the gay ones couldn’t he – funny that.


Bruno Hein now there’s a story!!
Bezzy of Kieran Conry – like Hume and Worlock to Elsie – strange how promotion is all part of the deal.
Heim v close to Pope John XXIII – weird that one – Martel suggests that Pope John XXIII a friend of Dorothy – who knows and can you judge a man by his friends.
Heim was bezzies with the Queen Mum – one old Queen enjoying the company of another old Queen.
Bummer with Pope John XXIII is he signed off on Crimen Solicit… can’t remember the Latin or Italian finish of that word but the one that ordered bishops all over the world to keep child abuse on the down low and threatened excommunication if they went to the police.
FFS what was that all about?!!
Crafty bugger was Pope John XXIII.


The commandment is Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife. Coveting thy neighbour’s husband is allowed.


Pat your blog is turning into an echo chamber for nasty little queens. ☹👎Why do homosexuals have to keep telling everyone how happy fulfilled proud they are? Me thinks ye protest too much…🤣


The presbyterate of most dioceses is filled with nasty little queens, gossiping about other clerical queens, whilst condemning lay queens and feigning chastity. Peppered up to the ceilings on their days off at the Boilerhouse or the Vault in London.


12.20 couldn’t agree more. Priests and Bishops talking out of both sides of their mouths. Any claim that they intend the best for people young or otherwise in their care is rendered completely moot by their duplicity at every level, not even just sexually. Who would trust such a person or group to guide them regarding their intimate lives or indeed their vocation?


People are not born with a gay gene. Conversion therapy is barbaric. Genuine committed love is beautiful.
The blessings of love in Germany recently is good progress. Green shoots. May all people of the LGBT community love and live in peace! 🌈☮️🙏
Is mise le meas,


Rock on Seamus… I feel like I am back in the 60s smoking dope doing LSD protesting against Vietnam when I read your comments man. Free love with who and whatever you want 😘 Let’s have a race to see who can get as many std’s the quickest…🤣🤣


Homosexuals won’t be happy until the whole world has become quare🤣 suppose its good solution for human caused climate change 🤣🤣🤣😘😘😘😘


Yez better get off our children Sheemus… Don’t worry about the daffodils now…👊


Mrs and Mrs X told a group about 30 people I was with for devotional purposes, that an individual not present was a “repressed homosexual”, do you think they had some motive in saying so during our devotions? I’m not convinced he had specifically asked them to talk about him.


On a serious note: the sacred scriptures condemn unnatural sexual acts: that is people of heterosexual orientation performing homosexual acts just for fun. There is no idea or concept of homosexuality being an actual orentitation.
On the question of nature Vs nurture, if people are born with a homosexual orientation then the churches teaching is incorrect: gay sexual act are not ‘unatural’ but very natural if your homosexual orientation is in-built.


I always predicted that this could become another Gallello situation, if homosexuality were every proven to be naturally in built, rather than a consequence of environment.

On another serious note, if you will indulge me: it is a very sad period for those of us who invested time and love into being members of the Catholic Church. The good memories, the joyful moments, the spiritual fulfilment and challenge the came with being a member. Now many of us are forlorn and left wandering in the desert.


@3.01pm. Interesting! Were you told to write one hundred lines about the “sin”? Or is a brainwashing chant to turn you? If you are truly repressed, I hope you can find liberation.


And do you @3:01 pm follow to the letter all the proscriptions, admonitions and requirements of the Holiness Code in Leviticus? I doubt you even know them; only this one line strikes you as normative. Funny that. As for Canon Fire @3:46 pm, I share your sense of alienation and loss. Catholicism, despite all its riches and wisdom, has been reduced to a check list of where one stands on a few shibboleths unrelated to faith.


Now why do you believe that the ancients did not know that homosexual orientation existed? Because the latter two words don’t appear either together or apart in Scripture?
Come off it! ‘Queerdom’ was as much a feature of the ancient world as it is now, but by other names. Homosexuality as an orientation didn’t suddenly make an appearance with a 19th/20th century glossary of terms.
The biblical authors are not concerned with sexual orientation, or with the circumstances or motives for such acts; they did not need to be in order to judge the acts themselves, any more than you or I need to know the circumstance, motive or purpose of murder or theft to judge that these acts are morally wrong.
To put it plainly, to the biblical authors, gay sex is never right. It does not matter whether this is a person’s proclivity, or whether it was done from love, or for whatever purpose : what matters is the act itself, and in Scripture, these are invariably condemned, either on ritualistic (Old Testament), or on moral (New Testament) grounds.


Magna at 4.10, if there is no ‘gay gene’ (and according to Seamus, there isn’t), then logically there is no hetero-gene either. This means that sexuality is neither genetically nor epigenitically determined. So where does it come from if not from the genes, or from genes interacting with a person’s environment (epigenetics)? Did you give this any thought, Magsie you know all? Sexuality’s origin is obviously more fundamental than human DNA, it comes from the very ontology of a person, the part we call “soul”.

Join the dots here, Magsie. It means that hetero AND homo sexualities must be GOD-GIVEN, since there is no obvious other source.



1.08pm That is the key point. Gay people say they can be no other than gay and have felt that during and sometimes since childhood. The evidence is that it is a natural orientation and doctrine should follow.


I’m starting a novena to St Andries Wouters that he will turn Magna Carta gay for me. If that doesn’t work I’ll pray to J H Newman – guaranteed conversion.


3.46: Surely you can still find joy, peace and spiritual fulfilment by attending mass and studying various saints and spiritual journals engaging in prayer!! Don’t abandon Catholic spirituality – it is amazing.


How about this for an idea – just throwing it around like – they say the sun has 4 billion years left before she burns herself out and say we manage to not destroy the planet and the Catholic faith looks back on say it’s first 2000 years and says, ‘Jeez did we cock that up with all that focus on sex and sin, sin and sex, straight and bent bollox, cuz looking back now over a billion years we see that in Christ male and female, slave or free, good or bad doesn’t matter one drop or iota, what matters is the love of God poured out into our hearts and Jesus loves and died for everyone.
I think then all that hatred, condemnation, judgement, hypocrisy etc will be just a tragic and painful footnote of history swallowed up by the love of God and the truth that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Even our sexual orientation or gender.
They say the church thinks in centuries so give it time – say 1 billion years – that should do it – hey then 2000 years will look like a spec of sand on the seashore.


Well it’s been 2,000 years now and if your scenario happened there’d be a lot of disappointed people.
The new testament is best read keeping in mind that the early Christians expected Jesus to return imminently.


And believing that heaven was not up in the sky but would come down to earth on Jesus’ return visit and that we would all live happily ever after in it. No physical death to spoil the party. No colds or flu, or haemorrhoids.

And to think some, like Maggie Carter, set store by what these people said.


Bishop John Shelby Spong, retired episcopalian bishop, believes that Paul of Tarsus was a repressed gay.



Ah my friend for Providence a thousand years are but a day or moment in time, a blink of an eye – one billion years from now we will laugh at what vexed us then and mock our forefathers for their poor sexology – and still we pray, ‘Come, Lord Jesus, Cone.’


6.35pm anon
Did anybody report him to Rome re his huge BLING spend😠
This is another example of using other people(parishioners) money without any accountability.


For the record, I am opposed, totally, to so-called ‘Gay Conversion Therapy’, even more so when it is intended for minors. If anything is an abomination, it is this.

Pope Francis, however, supports it for minors, a morally disgraceful position.

Again for the record, I see nothing wrong with loving, monogamous gay unions (not so-called ‘marriages’), provided these refrain from any kind of sexual expression. In this circustance, these unions can be the seedbed of personal holiness.


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