

Activites taking place at recent Dublin Show Funerals have stunned many in Ireland and indeed further afield.

And yet there has been NO RESPONSE and NO GUIDANCE from the man who is 100% responsible for this response and guidance – Dermot Farrell, the bishop involved?

Not only has he left the public in the dark – he has also failed to support and guide his priests who may be faced with another such occasion at any time.

And these funerals pose a real danger to priests and Mass goers.

Any day a priest could be seriously injured or shot dead at one of these Show Funerals.

Just look at the footage below from the undertaker’s website.


Those instructions need to state:

1. That only a dignified picture of the deceased be displayed in the church and a dignified symbol of the the persons life be placed on the coffin.

2. That the Offertory Procession consist of the bread and wine to be used at the Eucharist.

3. That floweral displays do not contain symbols supporting criminal activity or anything contrary to the Church’s beliefs and teachings.

4. That the eulogy, when Mass is over, is delivered by a family member or close family friend, and does not glorify or justify and kind of wrong doing by the deceased.

5. That divisive or offensive activities do not take place on church property before of after the funeral.

6. If any of these guidelines are broken, the celebrating priest should immediately leave the altar and sanctuary and the undertakers remove the body for burial or cremation.

You will find that generally speaking, these young criminals and their drug and crime bosses do not attend church.

They cannot be allowed to hijack church and priests to glorify the evil they do.

Mind you, some of these people would be quite capable of shooting and killing priests and are probably only held back by community opinion.


Dermot Farrell is only interested in sorting out the finances of Dublin.

He has only become a bishop because he covered for the RCC when his cousin Ledwith was sexually assaulting seminarians.

Dermot pulled the wool over for the bishops.

Ossory and Dublin are his rewards.

We should expect very little of him.



Farrell is the invisible man. He’s a backroom, desk priest with a subdued personality and zero charisma.

At a time when Dublin needs hope and dynamic leadership we get a dull man who is already giving out the vibes of someone who is coasting along in what they know is their last job before retirement.


Pat, the new Archbishop is certainly very concerned about the future of our Diocese. He has made contact with priests in a way never done before. He is in contact with situations that require decisive decisions. He has acted swiftly. He is a little overwhelmed but I am positive so far. All that aside, the time has arrived when the Church needs to have clear guidelines about funerals of the kind we witnessed recently. The majority of priests are respectful and sensitive with all funerals but the funerals of gangsters and drug lords must now be strongly addressed. I’ve had such challenges but coped reasonably well. However, from here on I will not officiate at such funerals with a mass: probably a short prayer service or a graveside service. We certainly need firm guidelines. Also, Gardai need to be given resources and powers to stop such funerals, especially when they are aware of potential for trouble. The undertakers in these funerals need to be admonished too because of their videoing of this gangster style thuggery on our streets. Their behaviour is despicable. Archbishop Farrell is not to blame for this incident but it would be appreciated if the Bishops Conference addressed this matter urgently as I have asked them to do last year. Pat, there are stories to be told but investigations forbid expressing opinions.


Ireland is behind when it comes to funerals.
If they were are regular Mass attender the deceased get a Requiem and if not then it is a funeral service.
Eulogy is at the end with one person and four bidding Prayers.
Music is from the Hymn book so no you will never walk alone, Dany boy, my way that is for the Crematorium.
There is NO need for this Irish presentation of who the people were as those at the funeral should know
It is not Archbishop Farrells job to run Parishes that is what Parish Priests are appointed to do with their Pastoral Councils.
Liturgy all come from the Diocesan liturgy team led by Father pat so it is all there.
The three Masses were highjacked although they should have been better organised for the second two as for Funeral there is funerals in parishes everyday and this does not happen.

Diocesan Finance Teams oversee the Diocesan Finances and the Archbishop has enough worry there to keep the Archdioceses afloat and the high number of elderly clergy.

Bishop Pat would have jumped at the chance of theses funerals and he would be hight paid sadly Father Hugh was NOT.


‘father’ at 10:42 is merely demonstrating that his own attitude to family rites of passage is that they are a cash cow.


Those funerals too place over 100 miles from me and I know nobody involved.


Jim S (the illiterate gay Irishman living in Scotland and who gets plenty of sex, thank you very much) is back at 10:42am, opining on matters he is ignorant about. His grammar and syntax have not improved during his absence from the blog.


10.42: Yes, indeed, Pat would have raced down from Larne to the Unitarian Church in Dublin if any priest refused to officiate at these funerals. There is more than a whiff of hypocrisy about Pat’s attitude. He screams blatant dishonesty. Also, Pat gets well paid by stipend for his services. Absolutely well paid. Nothing is for free.


I have never objected to any priest being paid for his services. I think all priests are entitled to do this.

Before charging £ 300 for a wedding I first left it to the kindness of the those I eas serving – and was treated abysmally by many.

“The labourer is worthy of his hire”.


One must wonder what kind of sensitivities would not be distributed by the endorsement of criminality during the liturgy or on church property. There are echoes of this in the not too distant past in Ireland at certain funerals which took place during the troubles. Every diocese should have guidance on what is acceptable or not during the funeral liturgy. Such guidance would be a helpful reference for conversations in which families feel strongly about music or symbols, things of that kind. Actions can speak louder than words, there would be no greater condemnation by the church of criminal activity and its effects, than to make the funerals of perpetrators a subdued affair.


Archbishop Dermot sent an email on Friday last week about funeral ceremonies. Just because Pat Buckley isn’t on the email list no need to go on your usual rants. Oh by the way did anyone, ANYONE AT ALL, send you the list of Dublin changes that were forwarded to Deacons and Priests almost a month ago. I wonder why you are not in the loop, oh of course Coddle is gone so you don’t get the usual updates anymore.


Who cares about Dublin changes, the ranks are thinning and the coffers are nearly bare. A good leader will communicate with his troops, plan a path forward and try to bring everyone on board. Unfortunately Dublin does not such a leader, rather it has a timid out of his depth Desk Pilot with a very mediocre staff around him.


It would be best if eulogies were eliminated from all funeral services and kept for the subsequent social function. Bishop Michael Smith attempted to enforce this in Meath some years ago.
I have recently attended (via the webcam) two funerals at each of which a beautiful, and truthful, tribute was paid to the deceased by one of his or her children. But such are, unfortunately, exceptions. All too often the eulogy is an embarrassment – we have all heard the exaggeration of the qualities of the deceased, the attempt at jocularity, the inappropriate anecdote, and so on. Perhaps this all stems from the notion of ‘celebration’ which has come to dominate funeral rites.
As to the truly appalling event in Tallaght, we shouldn’t be too hard on the celebrant who found himself in a situation with which he was ill-equipped to deal. The important thing is to ensure that there is no repetition.


This “celebration of the life of” / memorial service crap came from the Anglicans, as many bad things tend to do. Our priests have helped it along by dressing in white at Requiems and turning every funeral into a canonisation of the person in the wooden box.


And where do you think the Anglicans got everything that causes them problems including their Canon law and patronage system? And of course Anglicans have canonisation.
Are you actually as foolish as you act?


Anglicans don’t have a canonisation process (or bishops, priests and deacons), for that matter.


RCs peddling their hate speech about Anglican orders is literally my favorite thing. They completely miss that the investigation before Apostolicae Curae concluded that Anglican orders were valid and the defect of intention thing was put in because our separated brethren in the Italian mission didn’t want to miss out on potential converts.
They also miss that the position of Anglican orders has become much more complex since then because of Old Catholics and Orthodox being in communion with Canterbury and taking part in episcopal ordinations, plus the subsequent changes in rites.
They also miss that the RC ordinal of 1968 has the exact same defect of intention that the earlier Anglican ordinal had – it is not intending to ordain a sacrificing priest.
I love it when they trot out their bigotry because using their own standards, by now a male Anglican priest is more likely to be a priest than any RC priest ordained since 1968.
This never fails to tickle me, especially when sedevacantist people refuse to have anything to do with NO clergy because they’re not priests!


Is “Italian mission” hate speech?
No Catholic who received pretend absolution from an Anglican “priest” would consider themselves shriven, nor would we think that we really received the Eucharist at an Anglican service. Catholics who do so act of of politeness or a false ecumenism.
It would be more your line to evangelise the 99.5% of the population of England who don’t go to a “Church of England” – 🤣 – service.


Leo XIII declared Anglican orders null and void. Benedict XVI wore one of Leo XIII’s stoles when he went to Westminster Abbey. Talk about a flex.


1:23 and 1:47 conveniently ignoring that RC orders are invalid and just having a bitch instead.


Funny how the Anglicans are so lacking in confidence in their own orders that they seek out the “Dutch touch” to be on the safe side.


Nah. You don’t know why the OCR sought out the Dutch touch do you?
Other Anglicans invite prelates of other churches to join ordinations as a mark of our shared communion in Christ. RCs aren’t able to do that with any other church on earth.



Well said.

Cannot fault your reasoning, nor your knowledge.

Don’t expect a reply from these bigots, because they’ll take too much time to recover from their stupified, open-mouthed incredulity.


… safe hands for an organisation… all management with little leadership… kept the lid on Maynooth when Hugh could not…
To busy applying shampoo to be doing the tough things you ask of him…


Yes nearly every dioceses ha PR Teams called Communications or Media.
Dublin’s Communications officer is not long in post


Dublin needed a big picture archbishop with strategic clarity, an excellent communicator and storyteller, and a sublime diplomat to bind warring factions together. Instead it got, in Farrell, a secretive micromanager.


I’d say Mc Dermott & carroll are all over the future shape, Farrell clueless, where is his pastoral vision.? September apparently….,,,


Of Course it does most Dioceses have a Communications / Media / PR team and there is also the National Team as well


Archbishop Farrell does not need a lecture from you, Pat. Nor do I believe you are being fair or balanced. You are using very difficult pastoral situations to try demolish the Archbishop. While you are right to condemn all inappropriate behaviour, this incident requires much needed debate. The undertakers must be immediately reprimanded. Imagine the younger children accessing these videos? It’s outrageous for any group to facilitate this sub culture world of thuggery. How many voices from people in authority have we heard criticising these groups? Gardai, politicians, clerics, influencers?


So you mean like child rape by priests is the fault of the child, dead bodies in Canada are the fault of social workers, gangster funerals presided over by RC clergy are the fault of the undertaker?
Hannibal Lecter had more moral sense than you.


10.55: You are deliberately rewriting my narrative. If you were a priest dealing with such incidents, you may think differently. Sadly, I have witnessed situations where undertakers behaved most unprofessionally. Your sense of logic and deduction is abysmal. Nowhere did I intimate that any child is responsible for the vile action of being raped. That’s a sinister cynicism. The undertakers should not have posted any videos nor should any undertakers decide the format of funerals in a church, as some have tried to do. I speak out of experience. Somehow, I suspect you don’t and are cynically using this incident for both priest and church basshing. Deal with the central issues at the heart of this debate, not your hobby hire issue.


I too have experienced interfetence by people during ceremonies – in my case not undertakers but singers and photographers.

The ceremony should be planned by the family and cerebrant.


10:34 it is often difficult when you have no self awareness to be faced with how you come across. I suggest you pray about it and look at the beam in your own eye.


12.01: You are caught out with your nonsense in conflating all kinds of issues without thinking intelligently. Thank God I am well possessed of self awareness. Try dearie to be smart. Stick with the issue of the blog today.


That is a very brave and kind thing to say. Not many priests would have the guts to admit that they have literally no self-awareness, moral sense, and are old queens.


And incidentally if you actually read and understand my comment you will notice the word ‘like’ very near the begining. Any conflation of issues is in your ‘mind’, ‘father’.


9.22: Dublin Priest? Who or what is the reference of your cryptic comment? Incidentally, “paid” is the correct spelling!!


Anon@ 9:35: The lack of thought and inability to spell a simple four letter word just shows the level of ability of this “Dublin priest”. Seems like he’s ‘par for the course, and typical.


@ NonnyMouse 10:44. You must be in the special needs or lower class so I will say this as simple as I can. The fact that somebody uses the name “Dublin Priest” does not actually mean they are a “Dublin Priest” With my kind regards to everyone in the slow class from one who is in the, indeed, is the Upper Class. Elizabeth R


QE11: Oh dear, that possibility never entered my mind. I just assumed it to be the same guy who comments here from time using that same pseudonym, and whose previous comments indicated clericalcodology.
So, Lizzie, I humbly apologise for ruffling your gracious majesty’s feathers


The difference is that ‘Dublin priest’ displays the level of literacy typical of a priest but the alleged royal personage doesn’t show the breeding of the Queen, merely the cattiness of a queen.


1.18: Hmmmm…you can’t spell properly. It’s “beginning” – two n’s!! A return to classroom might be good for you..😂🤣🤣👫👫👫👫


Someone mentioned that the Bishop’s Conference needs to discuss and issue guidance for funerals. The Bishop’s Conference has at least 15 members more than is required on an island with about 5 million catholics. There is never going to be concensus on anything from the Irish bishops. A totally splintered group each doing his own thing. However, it’s not solely the fault of the Conference. There are guidelines for celebrating funerals in our diocese, yet some priests sit back and allow families to do as they please. Sadly, the Church is now home to a lot of clergy who are nothing more than ‘people pleasers’- afraid to give good, clear direction and support to the bereaved.
There is also a problem with funerals being described as “A celebration of the life of……’ A requiem Mass is an opportunity to pray for the repose of the deceased’s soul rather than a time for nostalgia. There’s nothing wrong with reflecting on the life of the deceased, but the funeral Mass is not the place for it.


It is the Bishop’s Conference that needs to get this sorted and Clergy should not be allowing the celebration of Life well is that is what they want then it is a Funeral Services they should be offered.


You are correct that in many dioceses there are guidelines for the dignified conduct of weddings and funerals.
However, if curates try to apply them and the families kick off, the bishops and dioceses take the families’ side and back down, making the curate who tried to uphold the guidelines look like the bad guy.


I wonder who could possibly be responsible for leading the community, including liturgy and instruction in the faith in the parish. Where could this have possibly gone wrong?


9.53: Being fearless without mercy, kindness, respect and tolerance for and towards others is not necessarily a commendable virtue!! Saint Oscar Romero is an example of fearless leadership. Jesus, of course, is THE examplar…


Looking at the video it’s obvious why the church isn’t speaking out: the holy priests love a funeral with lots of bare chested rough trade.
They might even find a new dealer and some rent.


I don’t think it would matter, Bp Pat, it seems these people are a law unto themselves. Also, not all bishops are as fearless as you.


9:30am & 10:58am both make excellent points. Time for a united approach to many aspects of Pastoral ministry.


Your Armagh priest is a LIAR or tells you S**** Deacon Stephen Wilson was Ordained 16th May and in a parish and will be Ordained to the Priesthood next May.


Not the wisest move by Amy. Then again, what more could reasonably be expected of a man who said that he had brought Jesus to Catholics in Armagh when he went on tour there last year with a host in a monstrance.


Let’s be clear, Rev Stephen Wilson is the new poster boy for Armagh’ vocation drive. Wilson offers hope to those who want to run away from heterosexual marriages. In short Wilson has opened the flood gates for Trans, Bi, Gay and gender neutral seminarians.


Farrell has some skeletons in his past. In his role as Ledwith’s personal secretary, he sent many a young man to meet Michael in his office for ‘continual formation’.
Farrell claims he had no knowledge of what was taking place but Ledwith’s victims tell a completely different story.

Who do you believe Pat?


I think if you want to go completely by the church’s teachings there is a very unfashionable position of integrity which would go along the lines of…. You are celibate if you are homosexual because you believe it to be objectively disordered. You don’t participate in gay culture. you would not attempt to become a priest because homosexuals shouldn’t be admitted to seminary.
You may conceivably attempt to become a lay religious if you perceive a vocation, depending on the order’s guidance about sexual orientation.
I think this is a genuine integrity however don’t know of anyone who lives by it. Does anyone?


Pat has Ryan calmed down in Armagh. No more sudden exotic indulgences of intimate encounters. Ryan needs to learn from Rory Coyle on how not to relapse.


It’s funny how you get a slightly different set of commenters every day. For example today the queeny priests are refreshed after their day off in the bathhouse and have leapt on the internet.


Is that the whole of my penance, ‘father’, or do you want me to rattle off some Aves as well?


4.17: No, seeing a therapist to unravel your inner contradictions, unresolved complexes and arrested development will suffice. Then, when returned to some inner order, go to Lough Derg!!;


Those who need to know, know. Those who don’t need to know don’t. I guess your question indicates you fall into the later category.


The ordaining bishop, Marcus Stock, has a pop (without mentioning them by name) at Catholic Truth Scotland, for trying to prevent the ordination. He may even have had this blog in mind.

Watch from the 31 minute point.


@2:56 Butler was a smooth operator company man at the NHS. Master of deflection or even deception, or at least, that was the style of his management team and the buck stops with him and his fellow CEO’s. I doubt he’ll be any different now? Quick promotion I expect. A trail of devastation surrounds his time at North Essex Partnership! “What Would Jesus Do?” eh Chris Butler!!!!! ?


Ha ha ha the newly ordained Latin rite lace and chase (me) priest for the diocese of Leeds is in good company Bishop Stock (Clement Freud impersonator), professional apologist (I’m so so sorry) and very much a supporter of any friend of Dororothy (you know any Friend of Dorothy is a friend of mine).
His warm embrace of the newly ordained priest from Trent ushered in with the words: ‘I’m of the parish, your of the parish, welcome to the parish’
Let’s see how often the newly ordained holds off before lecturing us on the beauty of his civil partnership’ which of course now the bishops think is so absolutely de riggeur’ darling!!
Imagine getting marriage instruction from Fader as he bangs on about Adam and Steve!! Ya couldn’t make it up.
God bless em all each and everyone!!


A Roman Catholic cardinal who was once a close ally of Pope Francis has gone on trial in the Vatican, accused of misusing Church funds in a ruinous London property venture.

Cardinal Angelo Becciu, 73, is the most senior cleric in modern times to face trial for alleged financial crimes.

He is charged with spending €350m (£299m; $412m) of church money on a botched deal to buy a property in Chelsea that incurred huge losses.

He denies wrongdoing.

Cardinal Becciu was sacked by the Pope in September, as reports of financial misdeeds emerged.

A two-year investigation exposed how the Vatican lost millions of euros, including donations from worshippers, after buying a former Harrods warehouse in Sloane Avenue, Chelsea, in 2014. The cardinal was formerly in charge of donations at the secretariat which handles Vatican funds.

The charges against him include allegedly channelling money to businesses run by his brothers in their native Sardinia.

Nine other defendants are also accused of crimes including extortion, embezzlement, money-laundering and abuse of office.

The special courtroom is in the Vatican Museums – not the usual courtroom, as more space was required because of Covid rules and the numbers attending.

The trial is expected to last for months. The two hearings this week – on technical matters – are likely to be adjourned until October. The nine others accused include:

Swiss lawyer René Brülhart, who previously headed the Vatican’s financial regulation body, the former Financial Information Authority, and his ex-deputy Tomasso di Ruzza
Monsignor Mauro Carlino, who was Cardinal Becciu’s private secretary
Enrico Crasso, a former Vatican investment manager
Cecilia Marogna, accused of buying luxury goods with funds authorised by the cardinal for Vatican intelligence work, including efforts to free clergy held hostage in various countries.

The defendants deny wrongdoing. If found guilty, they could face jail terms or fines, or both.

Prosecutors allege that a London-based broker, Gianluigi Torzi, defrauded the Vatican while using its money to buy shares in the Chelsea building, which was to be converted into luxury apartments. Mr Torzi calls the allegations a misunderstanding.

In April the Pope decreed that cardinals and bishops accused of crimes could be tried by lay judges – not by cardinals, which was the case previously.

The Vatican’s new finance chief, Juan Antonio Guerrero, says it is now being more transparent about its affairs.

Last week, the Vatican published details of its holdings, including more than 4,000 properties in Italy and 1,120 in other European cities.


Bergoglio put at risk the possibility of a fair trial by choosing to have the Mass of the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday in the Vatican apartment of the crooked cardinal. How can he be found guilty when the chief legislator has made this ostentatious gesture in favour of the accused?


Rubbish! Read John Allen on the topic if you need to be convinced. Francis asked for his resignation from the rights and duties of a cardinal.


Er I’m probably a bit slow and call me old fashioned but how does this work. I get it that loads of RCC clergy are gay, very likely all of them but (and this is the bit I don’t get£. All of the recent popes, certainly Francis (despite the ‘who am I to judge’ malarkey) and definitely Benedict who had a hard on for this topic, despite being easily the gayest of recent popes, the topic being, ‘candidates of a homosexual orientation are not suitable candidates for the RCC priesthood’ blah de blah.
And yet all the bishops seem to do is ordain men they know to be gay and if I may say so positively embrace being gay and the bishops give the impression of thinking this is all rather marvellous and aren’t they all so clever.
The newly ordained fella in Leeds is a screaming example.
And yet Bishop Laughing Stock will be keen to implement the don’t bless gay couples edict and be a right old arse on any number of letter of the law rules and yet ordaining a queer fella is bang up his alley!!
Go figure girlfriend cuz that double think, speak and life is beyond me.
Mind you it probably explains why Bishop Laughing Stock doesn’t sleep at night – a die hard insomniac he boasted to the Catholic Herald many moons ago.


As an openly gay man you can get ordained a priest and deacon in a Catholic church, but as an openly gay man you can’t get married in a Catholic church. 🤔


Including a formation member of Oscott who lived with a man prior to ordination… and who everyone knows is homosexual.


Unbelievable scum of the earth. Pray for them. Despite what followers on here thing about RCC clergy, this man was saying his prayers and did not deserve this.



‘Scum of the earth’?

Is this how YOU will pray about the incident? Because to the bottle-weilding thug, that priest may have represented, to his mind (and whatever was on it), something far worse.


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