

I was a member of the Legion of Mary in my teenage years and during my time in the seminary.

In the early part of my priesthood I was also chaplain to parish Legion of Mary praesidium.

In 1978 when I returned from Wales and was awaiting an Irish appointment I worked everyday in the Morning Star hostel for homeless men – when the man below, Br Tom Doyle, was in charge.

In the Morning Star every morning I celebrated Mass for the homeless men and Legion of Mary members.

The founder of the Legion, Frank Duff, often attended those Masses.

Frank Duff

I found Frank Duff to be a gentle, quiet, prayerful man and I enjoyed a number of conversations with him.

After Mass, I had a rough breakfast ( it was a rough spot) with the Legion staff.

Then I spent the rest of the day washing floors, making beds and providing food and company to the homeless men.

It was a privilege to be part of it.

I also spent two weeks in Glasgow in 1972 as a legionary envoy called a “peregrinatio pro Christi” – a pilgrim for Christ.

We went round the houses trying to convert Protestants into Catholics and encouraging lapsed Catholics back to Mass.


As time went on my spirituality developed along a very different path to the Legion.

My faith, while greatly honouring the role played by Mary in God’s plan of Redemption, became more Christ focused than Marian.

In Many ways the Legion is pre Vatican II and I am very distinctly Vatican 11.

Frank Duff worked closely with Archbishop John Charles McQuaid and was the same style of man.

But I have no problem with the Legion of Mary apart from the fact that they are blindly obedient to the RCC and its hierarchs and clerics.

The Legion has done an awful lot of good in its 100 years.

In the early years in Dublin, it was the answer to homelessness and helping women caught in prostitution.

I think Frank Duff was a saintly man.




“Where’s my f…in mozetta”?

133 replies on “THE LEGION OF MARY CENTENARY – 1921 – 2021.”

You may have hit a big nail on the head accidentally. Often the struggle in the clergy and seminary is marian-focused v Christ-focused spirituality. Entire clerical clicks exist, separated on this very issue, often unaware that the issue is what divides us. Christ-focused spirituality is in the minority.


+Pat: Dublin’s M. Star was indeed an interesting experience. I worked there during summers of 1964, 65 & 66. There were usually one or two other students there too, like myself, staying across the road near the Stella Maris. I remember I used hitch hike down, and Tom Doyle used give me the train fare to get back: £2. 18. 0 old money! I worked at the Belfast one too, in summer of 1967. Talking to some of the residents was very educative especially considering some of their backgrounds of high education or status. Alcoholism seemed to have been a big factor, and mental health issues too, perhaps linked in some cases to drink or relationship breakdowns.


MMM Things haven’t changed much. I suppose you could add in all these new type drugs now


It is a “Clerical clique” misspelt or misspelled. Oddly I never needed to type that before in the many decades of my life. I remain open to learning.


A clique is a group of people who usually just stick to their own crowd; they often reject others and their views (sometimes even their Human Rights and, arrange for vulnerable children or vulnerable adults to be refused vital services like Police, Total Legal assistance (All solicitors could mpanies warned to stay away from their victim(s), essentially “Taken off of the radar as a citizen”, as it were…).
Their goal, can, be to decieve all about them — pretending to be Saints when in fact they are haters of the Gospel of Christ and masquerade as good and holy priests — and they will attempt to destroy anybody who even attempts to question their abuses or highly illegal and immoral behaviours and activities as to maintain a form of self serving authority.
Sometimes they can even put pressure on other outside the clique and control,
— including bullying and / or coerciveness.
A “clerical clique”, as you have named, should be avoided at all costs — they’re usually responsible for all the troubles in their diocese… and beyond.
— (Please note: All above views are in no way intended to identify or reflect any individuals, including any uncovered scandals; they are merely one’s general views and musings on the Evil one and his disciples of darkness — they hate and despise the light, yet they love that which is dark and evil. – Beware: the evil one and his disciples of darkness wonder about the earth channeling all their efforts into defiling that which is holy and true: and in want and ravenous zeal of destroying and defiling the Holy Gospel of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ – and Any who follow Him.
Christ Jesus, said: I am the way, the truth and the light… Amen x).


The Legion of Mary has survived all these years, though today are not as vibrant in parishes. Having worked with them as a student, in the perigranatio and as chaplain to them in parishes, I commend their fidelity to the church, to Mary, to the Eucharist, to visiting the housebound and the poor. The members are very sincere in their devotion to Mary and to Christ. Today’s world needs faithful evangelists with the same fidelity and dedication of the Legion of Mary but with a new cathechesis. Where will they come from? Frank Duff should be a saint.


Duff would have been canonised long ago had he been a cleric.

When one thinks of the ‘unseemly haste’ (Prof. Eamon Duffy) with which Pope JPII was canonised…


Didn’t JPII create more saints than all his predecessors combined. Also, there were centuries between canonisations of popes but now its more or less automatic for popes since Vatican II.


It’s an expensive business being canonised. That’s why few lay people are done, there’s nobody to pay for it, but every founder of every fiddly-fart Italian order gets canonised.

The Opus paid a fortune to get Escriva done and his canonisation was a huge event. The Vatican also allowed them to pay for a statue of him to fill one of the empty niches on the outside of St Peter’s, which the architect always intended that they should stay empty.


Even though I am theologically and liturgically conservative I’ve never been able to have a Marian spirituality. I find a lot of the language and imagery off-putting, especially the idea of Mary as mediatrix or an advocate and an appeaser of angry Jesus.
I’ve also never been able to get into the rosary, or warmed to the idea of Mary as my mother. I don’t feel any of that, sorry. Maybe being a man I find it harder to relate to it all?


I am an ex Catholic and experienced exactly the same as you all the time I was one. What I find most interesting is that even Catholic doctrine acknowledges that none of these things are de fide: in fact the things which are de fide are all on the theocentric side Pat identifies.
I have never thought of the Marian/god division before Pat wrote this but you would think the Marian side should be officially an optional extra depending on the side which is de fide.
How can people have a ‘spiritual’ life which virtually ignores God?


In the Catholic Church, Jesus has many competitors, whether it be the BVM, the saints, the founders of religious orders (whose members seem to worship), novenas, rosary, pilgrimages, holy water, priests, the ludicrous worship and North Korea-like worship of whoever is the reigning Pope if his teachings suit the pope fan, and the sacraments themselves, whereby the Eucharist is more important than Jesus.

This is why I am an ex-Catholic Presbyterian.


At a time when Jesus’ humanity was eclipsed by his divinity (most of the last 2,000 years) in liturgy and spirituality, the humanity of Mary compensated by making being accessible to church members. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus did something to bridge the gap. Now that Jesus’ humanity is centre stage, Mary’s role has correspondingly receded.


“The way to a man’s heart
Is through his tummy.
The way to Jesus’ heart
Is through him mummy”.


Fr George Lyons used to have an image of the Sacred Heart (complete with flickering electric bulb) on the wall of his sitting room in Westminster Cathedral Clergy House. When auxiliary bishop Victor Guazzelli visited George, the bishop told him that in all his travels round the diocese he’d never seen a Sacred Heart picture in a presbytery.


“You think it a miracle when God does what a priest asks.
I think it a miracle when priests do what God asks”.

Old Jewish proverb.


Funny, all the Legion of Mary men I know find it very easy to relate to Mary as their spiritual mother. Frank Duff was a firm proponent of V2, i.e. the actual council directives, not the so called spirit of V2:

“In 1965 Pope Paul VI invited Frank Duff to attend the Second Vatican Council as a Lay Observer, an honour by which the Pope recognized and affirmed his enormous work for the lay apostolate.”


Could you ever rise from your apparent torpor to say what you are trying, and I emphasise “trying”, to convey by your reference and question marks (6. !) to someone not known to most readers here? Or should I just ignore your comment as just another vacuous spluttering from
a very limited person?


DD, it’s perfectly clear. It is highly unusual for a priest to have as many appointments in such a short time. It suggests that he is unsettled wherever he goes.


Thank you @ 2:35: I stand in awe at your ‘perfect’ communication and articulation skills.
And if you are a priest I’ll bet your parishioners are equally impressed by your sermons.


Those vocations videos are a laugh. A fair few of those featured have packed it in.
As the videos are formulaic I didn’t bother watching it as I could guess in advance the questions and answers. I assume there was a sad-faced expression of regret at the inability to marry?


Have very lovely memories of working with the Legion of Mary during seminary days and in parishes. What struck me was their total commitment to the spirit of Frank Duff, their Marian spirituality and devotion to the Eucharist. They were also very visible in parish liturgical celebrations and so helpful at all times. Presently a small group visit the sick and housebound. God bless them all. Wasn’t Frank Duff an amazing Christian and Catholic? He deserves sainthood.


I think the Legion’s time has come and gone. I doubt if many young people find themselves attracted to that kind of spirituality, and way of thinking and living. It’s time for new things. I would be very circumspect about a young seminarian talking to the LofM in a big way and being Marian centric in his spirituality and thinking, as I would of a traddy type whose interests lay in what biretta, lace and frills he was going to be wearing. I’d love to see well balanced young men in our seminaries, but from where I stand they just don’t seem to be normal and balanced in so many ways, but I suppose that isn’t surprising given the way they are formed and the way in which they live and the clerical culture in which they are being trained. Also, I note, so many of them are big porkies and need to eat less, drink less and do a bit of exercise !


The divorcee/aged nun opines again about who should be in a seminary. This “time for new things” cry has been going since the 60s, with truly awful results.


Any priest I have known with a genuine Marian devotion had a non-affected holiness and purity. You knew you were in the presence of a priest. It’s the ones that didn’t have devotion to Mary who often times spoke with a language that would make builders blush and had zero spirituality.


Father Dominic Savio Ofm Cap, the Dublin abuser had a massive devotion to Mary?


Actions determine between genuine and faux. Savio was obviously faux and affected in his devotion and ostensible holiness.


God bless the work of The Pillar. Vigilanteeism is needed by the laity if bishops can’t or won’t deal with the lavender mafia.


It is precisely because of a lack of Marian devotion that so many of our recently ordained priests can’t maintain even a semblance of chastity. You are caught in a sixties time warp 8:26 pm.


Marian devotion has an important place in our spiritual life – but not extrene Marian devotion.

I have always liked the title Saint Mary.


I’m honestly not taking the piss but I really don’t think what 12:26 is saying is in any way the Catholic faith, and in fact changes God and Our Lady’s positions round completely.


1:18, Read True Devotion to Mary by St Louis de Montfort. She brings you closer to Jesus. She is not a competitor with God.


I was a member of the Legion in Maynooth in the 80s. We had about seven members and used to meet in Stoyte House. The SVP always had far more members. Dom Casey was the spiritual director. I still have my handbook, somewhere.
We used to work in the Legion’s homeless shelters in Dublin and in St Loman’s, the psychiatric hospital that was very old-fashioned, even then.
The Legion did great work.


12.31: But Pat, didn’t you receive your bishopric from a Palma de Troya Marian Bishop – Bishop Cox. – a Marian devotee. Do you think he’s extreme? (We know he is…and you too…but full of mad contradictions!!).


Yes indeed, Bishop Cox was one of my consecrators. He and others left the Palma people and had a community in Switzerland. He was consecrated after he left Palma, in Dublin and was consecrated by Kieran Broadberry who had been consecrated by Archbishop Peter Martin Ngo Dhin Thuc of Vietnam and the Vatican and the brother of the Vietnamese president.

Broadberry was laicised as a priest and bishop by the then Bishop of Ferns.

Yes, Michael is a colourful character. But many of us are 🥳

Broadberry is now a Neo Catechumenate and was sent to Larne by Sean Brady with a message for me to seek to be laicised as a bishop by Rome.

While in Larne, Broadberry swore, with a ciborium of consecrated hosts in his hands, that he was a validly ordained bishop and had validly consecrated Michael Cox as bishop.


‘children are only or chiefly at risk in the Catholic Church’
Nobody is saying that.
Your attempts to deflect to social workers show you are in denial.
Here’s a question for you:
How should a Christian respond to his denomination covering up and facilitating crime?
The answer sure as hell isn’t by pointing out that other people do it.


Socialworkerbot denials. The purpose of highlighting these things is to challenge two favourite narratives on this blog, namely that children are only or chiefly at risk in the Catholic Church; and that its adherants are in denial – “Cathbots”.
That children are at risk mainly in homes and in social services settings is daily evident.
The haughty denunciations by social workers of exposure of their crimes and misdemeanours is a sign that denial and bottery has many manifestations.


Stop persecuting the SOCIAL WORKERS who give their lives in SELFLESS SERVICE. The Witnesses of JEHOVAH have a major problem with abuse as well but you never mention them! That’s not FAIR!


If you want to change the connection between the church and abuse in the popular mind, going on the internet ranting about social workers seems an absolutely bizarre way to go about it.


More HATE and LIES – the holy social work managers cover things up for the good of the INSTITUTION and to avoid SCANDAL!


Looks like it. I wonder whether Frank wanted to trigger a schism with TC, or at the absolute least see how bishops would react.


Fr. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
A late vocation, vicious homosexual and a raging alcoholic.
A priest to be admired and emulated by todays seminarians and young priests.


9.39: You have little to concern you. Read your inane crappy question back to yourself while looking in the mirror!! You total gob****e.


I wonder if Frank Duff was aware of any clerical child abuse?
And if so can we presume that for the good reputation of the church he kep stum?
What would you say was Franks sexual orientation?
Was there any significant others in his life?
Was it all coming up smelling of Roses or is there a backstory or some shadows.
Jean Vanier was canonised before he died – not so much after his death.
Tough questions but somebody’s got to be the Devils Advocate, the abolition of which I consider a terrible injustice.


I knew Frank Duff only a short while. I regarded him as pious, quiet and conservative.
I have never heard anything untoward about him.


10.00: You horrible satanic idiot. You piece of evil. 👹👹👹👹👹👹☻💀👹👹☠☠…You should ask the good Frank Duff to pray for your soul.


anon at 10.00am
I was shocked at Vanier’s abuse at physical and intellectual disabilities re decades of sexual misconduct. I was just stunned when i read it. That said, it left me wondering how of them supposed ‘saints’ out there hidden behind institutional walls doing the same thing as Vanier?
Just people thought Hume was a saint etc until after his death. It showed that some people were blinded by false claims such as Hume. I was wondering did he have a BF?
A monk in Mt Melleray told me that Frank Duff was a regular visitor to Mt Melleray in the past, which wasn’t surprising.


The reality is of course that the best cover for abuse of any sort is an impression of respectability.
The other recurrent theme on this blog which is rarely stated is that of people who get themselves into these positions purely as a cover and don’t believe in their cover story (political party, religion, etc) at all.


According to the blog one of seven characteristics every man has called to priesthood includes:

3. He is still attracted to women
” This is a very controversial topic, with many points that must be explained. Man is man by nature. God calls him to priesthood being a man, He doesn’t expect him to become a plant or a microbe. He expects him to be himself, a being created in His own image and likeness. By nature, man is attracted to women, he cannot disassociate from that, but he can commit his life to a single relationship. In this way, priesthood is similar to marriage. When a man takes a wife, he gives up all women but one, his wife. When the priest “marries” the Church, he gives up all women, including that “one” he could have had. God and His Church take her place. So, the priest makes fecund his priestly life, gathering many souls to God


Fr. Séamus McEntee is a newly ordained priest. I wonder why he never settled down with a lady at his age. Hmmmm


You use innuendo in a rather nasty way. Why? Does it please you? Does it render you a credible correspondent? Please refrain and seek facts.


He emigrated to London in the 80s and was focussed on his career as a used car salesman and was married to his work. If it wasn’t for that he would have settled down with a nice Irish girl from the same county.


I have a problem as regards to ‘veneer of social (or religion) respectability ‘ to be maintained especially in Bishops, cardinals and the prelates or some vain priests. They liked to be seen or sounding as pious and conservative or with their soothing & calm voice while at the same time, leading their double life. That was blatant sheer hypocrisy on their part.

Mc Carrick and Burrill demolished that part of veneer of social respectability as if the hidden veil was lifted wide open for ourselves to see their hidden side.

Double standards and double speak indeed along with obfuscation is the norm for them leaving catholics confused and befuddled.

Plain English isn’t their language full stop.


I was asked to volunteer for LOM way back then,which i did for six months. I didnt last that long. Deaf man (deceased) who ran it was a very genuine guy with deep concerns for the homeless and neglected ones etc. He was decent and kind as i recognised his traits.

It didnt appeal to me though. Sometimes i said the rosary which i found it very dry long ago.

Nowdays, i find mariology tad too obsessive which i thought they went way overboard. In some places, extreme mariology which i found it off putting with no disrespect to Mary.

I never thought re marian centred spirituality v Christ centered spirituality until today blog. I would be more inclined now to lean towards Christ spirituality.

Cos he’s the way, the truth and life. In Him alone, our hope (SJ Aruppe).


Is Lucifer in hell?
Is Hitler, Stalin or Mao in hell?
Dare we hope that all men and wine, yesterday, today and forever will be saved?


The cathbots are really raging today. It’s very reassuring that they have learned no humility nor even attempt to be charitable, and thus the decline of their church will continue.
As will its association in the popular mind with dirty old men and child abuse.
Now wait for the retort about another denomination.
And they wonder why other Christians will frequently tell you Roman Catholics aren’t Christian.


Or Henry Cooke, also known as “the Black Man”, whose statue is still in place in Belfast. He was one of the never ending line of Protestant preachers who whipped up hatred and discrimination against the native Irish Catholics in Ireland.


Dear Pat,
I trust my sources – I have been accurate in the past. The situation between Farrell and McNiece happened and YES the clergy who know about it are upset.
Dermot Ledwith-Farrell is a nasty bully. The clergy defending Farrell today will find that out the hard way.


Dear Pat,
I think the bishop in question was Dermot Farrell? A story is doing the rounds in Dublin – he publicly fired Fr. Damian McNeice after many years of humble service to the Archdiocese of Dublin. He fired him from his role as MC and told him (in front of others) “I can do a job better myself”. The priests of the Archdiocese are not happy about this situation as it has shown Dermot Farrell for what he is – a nasty auld queen. Fr. Damian is a kind soul, he does did not deserve to be treated in that horribly demeaning manner. Farrell is corrupt and nasty and (we) the clergy of Dublin, are starting to see his true colours. Many more stories are breaking about Dermot Farrell’s outrageous behaviour.
Watch this space…


No, those nasty words from the sacristy were not spoken by Dermot Ledwith – Farrell. It was another.

I am sorry to hear of the humiliation of Damian Mc Neice.

There will come a time in Dublin when the clergy will raise a glass to the potrait of Diarmuid Martin and chant: “Come back Diarmuid. All is forgiven”.

Of course DM was imperfect. But he wasnt a bully like DLF.


Your Excellency, ever since DM has departed it seems you are out of the loop re: Dublin. Has DM visited your Oratory or have you visited him to lick his wounds??


Is Fr Damian McNeice the man who presided at the gathering in Clonliffe to introduce the new Roman missal in 2011? It was a fairly packed event and there were many people who wanted to voice negative opinions about the new translation (Subsequently, it turned out they were right.) But on the night, I felt very sorry for the poor man. He was obviously unprepared for the deluge of anger that wanted to be released on that occasion.
I don’t know why he didn’t just say something like ‘Don’t blame me! I’m only the convener of this meeting. I didn’t do the translation.’ If it’s the same man, and he’s reading this, I’m sure he has never forgotten the occasion.


3:04 Archbishop Diarmuid has no wounds to lick. A great burden has been taken off his shoulders and we hope he has a long and healthy retirement.

Incidentially, he never comments on his successor and prays for him daily.


2.36: What a very malicious and dangerous comment. It is a total LIE. Whoever this author is has a very deeply worrying problem with reality or has “Bishop problems”. So far, priests are much more enamoured with Archbishop Farrell than his predecessor, who, while achieving some worthwhile success, was not priest-focused, thus isolating and disillusioning us. This comment is complete fiction. The Archbishop has visited many parishes and has asked for and requested less formality around his visits. He is happy to turn the pages of the missal himself!! I doubt if Fr. McNiece is too perturbed. You, sir, have aces to grind. You do not speak for the priests of the Diocese. Stop being such a trouble maker and a liar. We’re you looked over in the new honours list???


2.47: Pat, you obviously do not know your friend Diarmuid Martin too well! Do you miss all the info that flowed between the two of you? Damien McNiece was not at all humiliated. Your assertion that Archbishop Farrell is a bully is nasty, gossipy and mendacious of you. What rubbishy shit you imagine!


Farrell is waiting to get rid of those close to Martin – Mc Dermott the enforcer and Callan – yes man- before he plays his hand & O Carroll- then we will see. He hasn’t met us priests yet in person so we are waiting….


And when he does meet you dont concentrate on what he SAYS. Concentrate on what he DOES.

Farrell’s first priority is FARRELL.


Removed from clergy oversight. Farrell will give him a little “gift” to placate him.


Dermot Farrell isn’t one of the lace brigade. From the way he dresses it’s plain to see he’s not a vestments queen.

And if one does emit the occasional expletive, what harm is that?


In fact Farrell looks like a matchstick sticking out of a purple cushion. People like a bishop to look like one.


You pictured a US bisop last week in full pontificals and you added the caption: ‘Will you look at the get up of yer man.”

You can’t have it both ways and expect your opinions to be taken seriously.

I think people would prefer a good bishop who didn’t look the part to one who did wear the regalia and who wasn’t good.

DF appears to be the man for the hour.


There’s a big difference between dressing like Mother Burke and dressing neatly and presentably.


3.01: Pat, this is a crazy comment! Is there a particular shape, size, smile and body type a “bishop” must possess? You couldn’t make this up! You can’t be serious…


No, none of those things matter. But a sense of occasion and dignity is good.

So many Irish priests look clotty on the altar. And theres an unnecessary cynicism among them when it comes to liturgy.

I remember one time when the adm and I were transferring the Easter water from the altar to the baptism font he leeringly said: “Jack and Jill went up the hill….”.

Awful attitude at the Easter Vigil.


Irish clergy are slapdash, liturgically, and disrespectful. The deacons at the big Sunday Mass in Maynooth used to go to the Lady Chapel to consume what remained in all the chalices after the distribution of Holy Communion under both kinds. They used to refer to the Lady Chapel as the blood bank.


3.16: Pat, despite all your pretentiousness not to like clericalism, don’t you just love all that regalia…You really do.Even the title “Bishop”??? While you make sense on some matters, you are very contradictory in many, many ways. Many.


I do love liturgy and ceremony.

Like yourself, most people, call me Pat, which I love because if its warmth. Here in Larne I an Pat to all.

I can’t remember the last time I wore a cassock, mitre, etc.

At Mass I wear a pectoral cross I treasure which is a copy of one made by prisoners in Auschwitz – a German prisoner and bought on internet for Euro 35.

Of course I’m full of contradictions. Its called being human.


Pat you mention your work with the Legion. This is the way things should be done as a matter of principle. Skirtsville and cloud cuckoo land is a difficult place to find the Real Jesus.


I attended a few legion meetings early on in college. There was a good number there and the initiatives around maintaining a faith presence on campus were a good thing.
It seems Masters of ceremony and mozzettas don’t get on. We can all remember when Pope Francis was elected and forcibly refused the same garment from his mc. Despite the denial of the exchange poor Msgr Marini was obviously a bit shocked after when they appeared on the balcony. There is something to be said for the humility involved in enduring patiently the burden of the ceremonial involved with these offices

Bias XII “sacredly” overburdened the then-American cartels with our care, Montini jogging his elbow. Like Wojtyla and Ratzinger, thinking they could persuade us they had God’s method of saving us from the Bolsheviks by ramping up (not down) sex obsession, by making the RC church a diplomatic entity, and above all abolishing belief and prayer. Lecturing the Clintons, Trumps and Bidens is no longer enough. I watched what balance we had disappear, and it hasn’t come back.


Fair play to you, Pat, for marking the centenary of the Legion. I’d seen no other coverage elsewhere and had no idea it was so old. Frank Duff, Edel Quinn and Alfie Lamb must have been quite young when they started it.


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