

The short answer to this question is YES.


The Roman Catholic teaching is that all sexual acts outside marriage and open to the procreation of children, are sinful.

The RCs also say that homosexuality is a disorder and that all homosexual acts are sinful.

They also says that masturbation is a serious sin.

That means that at least 99% of men and 70% of women are living in sin, most of the time.

In the 21st century most people, including myself, disagree with the the RC position on sex and sexuality.


1. Sex is a gift to be celebrated and enjoyed.

2. Any sexual act that uses or abuses any one is sinful and immoral.

3. a. Masturbation is a normal human activity from which humans receive pleasure, relieves stress, helps insomnia and even reduces the incidence of prostrate cancer in men.

3. b. Masturbation may become problematic when it is associated with severe loneliness and isolation, or when it vecomes an issue in psychological disturbance and mental illness.

4. Artificial contraception is a welcome invention for family planning, the control of world population and as a barrier to sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Homosexuality is a normal sexual orientation and it is proper that homosexual people be treated with absolute equality and be free from all forms of abuse and discrimination. Civil marriage for homosexual couples is a right as is their right to be parents. I have celebrated same sex blessings for over 35 years and believe that all expressions of love are pleasing to God.

6. Personally I believe that abortion is wrong and immoral except in rare hard cases. And in these cases, abortion is not a “good” but “the lesser of two evils”.


There is increasing evidence becoming available that there are gay orgies taking place in Ireland that have a Satanic ritualistic aspect.

These orgies take place on major Catholic feast days.

One was held on June 29 th this year at which priests and monks were present.

The latest one was held on Saturday evening, August 14 th – the vigil of the Assumption.

On one such occasion, there was a chalice present which contained the semen of those present. It was later mixed with milk and wine and the youngest man present had to drink it.

On Saturday night last, 60 men attended.

These orgies are very disturbing and to my mind represent a scary psychological and psychospiritual phenomenon and are heading into the realm of the Satanic.

I am continuing to investigate.


Pat, your headlines are lurid, dramatized and speculative. Are you just going on hearsay? If any cleric is attending such satanic rituals, he should not be a priest. You very often make serious allegations by way of sensational headings but you move on very quickly leaving us none the wiser but confused. Any satanic activity involving SACRED vessels or God forbid, the Sacred Host, is evil, sick and repulsive. If such is happening anywhere, can we stop such rituals? Horrible dark things are happening in our midst.


@11:08: In answer: By recognising that your sacred items, and god, are works of pure fiction, and there’s nothing to be concerned about at how some individuals, clerical or otherwise, get their kicks.
There you are. Job done.


9.58: Wicklow Willie: when are you officiating at your next satanic filthy, sleazy and perverted show? Use jam jars not SSCRED VESSELS or anything of religious value.. 👺👺👺👹👿👹😈👹👿👿👹👹…


My dear 12:43: I have interest, and certainly no involvement in anything such as you suggest.
I am just someone who sees the whole religious belief system as a huge con job with no verifiable validity. So in effect, all belief in sacred items are part of the charade.
From your comment you seem one conned and committed to continuation of misguided beliefs.



There is fundamentally only one horrible dark thing in our midst: priesthood.

Until people awaken to this fact and abolish priesthood, which Christ did not intend, it will remain what it originally was and always has been: a vehicle for satanic evil and division in the church proper.


12.38: What other comment could we expect from chief hater in residence on this blog? Is Catholicism or the denied gift of priesthood to Magna responsible for his deranged dysfunctionality? Even atheists go mad and get sick…they have no God, church or priesthood to blame!!


You missed the opportunity to blame the sacred priesthood for the Taliban take-over of Afghanistan and for the wildfires in southern Africa.
However, I do have news for you: the sacred priesthood has been there for two millennia before you existed and will be there long after your memory will have been a blip on history’s course (or a boil on the arse of civilisation).


And, at 3:12, your “sacred priesthood ” will also shrink into oblivion similar to all the other past purveyors of pseudo authentic religious belief systems.
2000 years is but a blink in time.


Any Catholic attending such a ritual is ipso facto excommunicated and any cleric would no longer be validly or legally ministering as a Christian minister or priest. This becomes much less an issue of celibacy and more an issue of satanic worship.


Why were milk and wine added to the semen? What does it signify? I am sure these things happen. I am sure Satan has active disciples too and many must be priests.


I presume the milk has some pseudo link to feeding and sustenance (the myth of Rome’s foundation includes drinking milk from the teat of Romulus) and the wine a symbol of debauchery and freedom. It is so sick that any active priest or monk would allow the use of a chalice for this, even if just experimenting or on an adrenaline rush!
Even if they’ve lost belief, the disrespect they show to generations of believers who’ve used that chalice – it will have been used for first communions, confirmations and funerals (not to mention ordinations). Those memories deserve respect even if they’ve lost all theological belief.


Pat, how can you hope to get anything out of Scotland when your pals at Catholic Truth won’t even acknowledge that their poster boy cardinal Burke is a bit poorly?! Not a peep out of them! It’s almost comical, Sugar Plum!


Strange and worrying What is the motivation. Can people be so frustrated and empty. Why priests and monks. Is this rubbish or real


We all know the names of which Armagh Clergy engaged in this sexual ritual. There names have constantly been shared on this blog.


Pat, can you let us know about the next one? I am a religious student, and I would love to attend before making final vows.


This is very worrying. “One was held on June 29th this year at which priests and monks were present”. There has been various reports of the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church. Evidence exists that Cistercian and Benedictine Abbots are regular attendees at such events. The RCC in Ireland is beyond saving at this stage. It has been taken over by self indulgent hypocrites.


‘It has been taken over by self indulgent hypocrites.’
It was always run by self indulgent hypocrites.


Alleged satanic rituals are very interesting because the figure of Satan only has a validity if you are either a Christian or Moslem or have the remnants of their cosmology in your head. To defile the rituals of Christianity means they must have some reality for you to start off with, so Christians are the people most likely to go down the satanic route.
For groups such as neo-pagans or many occultists Satan literally doesn’t exist. Even the church of Satan doesn’t believe in Satan – he is a symbol of self actualisation for them.


Is a Satanic Mass based on the Novus Ordo ? Fat lay readers, altar girls in trainers, “And also with you”, Colours of Day, sounds like a real passion killer


@10:08am It might be an urban myth but I heard a story that “Colours Of Day” was used in a cremation service amid much embarrassment when they reached the chorus! (and quite possibly and certainly later, some lol !!!)


Since the days of Constantine until now many RC clergy have been immoral and into all manner of darkness – the devil often masquerades as an angel of light by day (clerical collar, celebrating Mass, pillar of the community) but by the darkness of night many sup from the chalice of darkness – what form this takes is Legion.
The bishops are agents of cover up and invest deeply in the art of shadows and concealment – their greatest fear is scandal exposed by the light – homosexual orgies, fraud, theft and child abuse abound in every diocese that’s why the pontifical secret is such a useful device but they merely sow the seed of their own destruction and corruption.
Most, if not all, RC clergy and religious are corrupt, corruptible and corrupting.
Nothing surprises me, I’m totally unshockable regarding the depth of their depravity. In fact, I expect them to be corrupt because they often are.
But my faith isn’t rooted in them but in the Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, our Lady and the Saints.
From corrupt clergy – God save us


Bishop Pat are you going to do a blog on the link between Silverstream and Harrington Street in Dublin and the chief witch who is involved with both places. Will Silverstream become the “Oratory in Formation” Lord preserve us


Our Lady Vulnerata (Translated: Vulnerable) - Thank you for constantly petitioning to your Son, Our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus; for interceding for us, innocent ones, persecuted by the servants of the Evil One - Clerics of Chaos and Perditonsays:

Uno no puede evitar deambular, señor: ¿es el aire acondicionado una característica común en las cárceles españolas?
… en cuanto al tema de las cárceles, señor: ¿HMP Bronzefield, mujeres, tiene puertas lo suficientemente anchas para sus celdas? Lo último lo llamo la atención de la Corte por obvias razones “logísticas”, señor.

Sometimes Catholics can get a bit carried away with the whole Mariology thing – but Mary, quite simply, is Jesus’ Mother.
Jesus can’t say NO to his mum; maybe that’s something to do with the mystery of the Incarnation?
The Incarnation is not just God taking on flesh; He takes part in our humanity, and in a very real way! That means having respect for His mother — and putting up with idiots etcetera…
The Incarnation is a lot more than just God taking on “flesh”; It’s about love and compassion; understanding our suffering—a d from a real perspective / experience.
Did God taste his own “medicine” by accepting the Incarnation? I think so, what Dad wouldn’t for His children?
Our Lady, the Vulnerable – Pray for Us!


A lot of wild imagining today. All hearsay, innuendo and speculation about numbers, backgrounds or locations. Truth is a casualty here in this story. It us very plausible that some who attend satanic orgies or rituals would dress up in religious garb. It is also plausible that a cleric or two might go along. I don’t know, Pat doesn’t know. If he does have provable evidence, he should share it. Otherwise the impression is allowed, unfairly, that most clerics are practisioner of such horrible, dark and dangerous activities. All of the dark aspects of satanism and occultism are destructive and a deliberate denigration of all that is SACRED and HOLY.


I am not going to say the blog today cannot be true but we are living in covid times and meetings like this should be reported to the irrespective of sex.
people have been quick enough to call the Police if two many are at a funeral or mass and recently we have had the blog attack the priest who said the three criminal masses.
We have the attacks on Bishops for going to allow the Sacraments.
yet everyone seems to sit back and take enjoyment in this filth does it give you a frill and wish you were there.


It is a matter of public record that Paul VIs, Pope John Paul I and II pontificate had members of P2 in its midst.
Villot and Marcinkus were Freemasons who swear allegiance to Lucifer I’d say that’s pretty Satanic would you?
The Vatican are landlords to the biggest gay Sauna in Italy – the Europa Multi Gym – I’d say that’s pretty Satanic.
Having gay sex on an altar is pretty Satanic and child rape is pretty Satanic I’d say.
I’d say the Satanic and RC clergy aren’t one offs and rather the thin end of the wedge I’d say dig more deeply and you will find Satanism, the Occult and Roman Catholic clergy are as thick as thieves!!
The devil is a thief after all.


It is true and the Gardai have told me the gathering is perfectly legal however if they discover that there was an entrance fee it would be considered a commercial gathering. Then illegal. There is a mountain of evidence on this group collected in the last number of years. I do know there was some Garda activity in that area Saturday and Sunday.


8:12 ah no, not full of shit, Eamon, or is that amen, give us a bit of Lee way and we will not make a SISSY out of you LAD.


Just to be clear, once everyone was fully vaxed it is legal, there is no limit to home gatherings once all vaxed. I know there was supposed to be a requirement to bring a cert but hey who knows.


Its shocking stuff Pat,really bad.
I haven’t heard of anything so sick here in Rome. These people are seriously deranged, whether priests or others non clerical.
It really seems to be increasing, though after the altar sex incident should we be too surprised?
While Rome has people from all over the world I believe its the usual stuff as in sauna visiting,dinner parties,escorts and discreet boyfriends.
This has been going on for donkeys years.
Whatever is going on in Ireland has to be rooted out. The silence of the bishops is deafening. Can any of them lead?


If Scotland’s Daisy Chain is exposed so may well be a lot of missing clergy this weekend as surely they will need to resign.


With the nature of the blog for today I am surprised at the small number of commenters. Can this be explained in any rational way? The thought of any cleric or a group of orgiastic satanists or occultists meeting so openly and frequently is horrific and, though meeting together freely is legal, there is little authorities can do unless grave harm is being caused criminally or otherwise. I cannot except without proper corroboration that “lots or many” clerics are partaking in such activities. The reality of alternative options for people in escaping from life’s struggles and experimenting through weird, dark, sinister rituals is, sadly, a manifestation of the emptiness of modern life. I prefer the Sacred Eucharist and prayer anytime….God help our young people who may find such rituals an attraction!!


Would you please pray for cardinal Burke as he’s not looking good from the latest news:

members of the Burke family. The cardinal’s condition is deteriorating rapidly and is now very serious. A number of Catholic organizations such as Catholic Action have issued prayer calls for him and Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan tweeted this morning:


Do any of you sincerely believe that your prayers will in any way influence what happens to Burke? You’re foolish if you do. After all your prayers are to the same God who sends volcanic death dealing eruptions, seismic earthquakes, tsunamis, famine inducing droughts to destroy millions, oh aye, ……lots of cancerous tumours and other nasty stuff to individuals as well.
But hey ho: pray hard enough for special consideration for Burke. After all, he is an eminent cleric!


Surely a rhetorical question Kevin?
The cathbots, clerical and lay, are motivated and constrained by the amalgam of their longstanding automatic inbred unquestioning adherence to their God centered beliefs, and the fear of it not being “true!”


I will Pray for the repose of His Soul should God take Him to the Kingdom.
I will also Pray for those that he misled and have sadly lost their Life to Covid.


10.11: And pray too for those who were full of vitriolic hate towards Cardinal Burke. Hatred is evil. The Cardinal remained and remains true to his Christian beliefs.


Ah what with Frankie’s crackdown on the Latin Mass when Mother Burke leaves us the party is over. That is what I am saying.


“[5] AND from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings and Magistrates of the earth. Unto Him that loves us, and washes us from our sins in His own blood,
[6] And hath made us kings and priests unto our God and Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever… Amen!
[7] BEHOLD, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen!
[8] I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to Come, the Almighty…
[9] I, John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
[10] I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
[11] Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea, [and unto the Civil Courts and the Magistrates of the earth…]
[12] And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;
[13] And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle [the girdle of truth and ferocious love and care for His little ones…].
[14] His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and His eyes were as a flame of fire;
[15] And His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace…; and His voice as the sound of many rushing waters.
[16] And He had in His right hand seven stars: and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and His countenance was as the sun shineth in His strength [and with fierce protection of His little lambs…].
[17] And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as though I were dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me: Fear not; for I am the first and the last:
[18] I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
[19] Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter. . .;
[20] The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.” Amen!
Revelation 1: 5-20


On the topic of yesterday, my short answer to the question is; Yes, THE GAY ORGIES, THAT SOME PRIESTS ATTEND ARE FUNDAMENTALLY WORRYING AND IMMORAL.
How long more will I remain in the blog wilderness? Time will tell I guess.
Like any of the Birmingham Six, I am an innocent man who has been wronged.
Is mise le meas,


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