





The unredacted details of the bishops and priests involved in THE DAISY CHAIN have been sent to the papal nuncio in London and to Rome – by another party, not me.

Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti


I wouldn’t worry about a letter from a firm of High Street solicitors. Hardly Schillings. I’d be more worried that Lafferty, not a litigator but a commercial property lawyer, has a black belt in Karate. The threat of contempt of court is hilarious. Betty Turpin would have been better asking Ken Barlow to defend her.


Really that’s the best firm of solicitors the diocese could instruct? The first rule of lItigation is to go after the person with the deepest pockets and avoid ‘men of straw’. The house doesn’t belong to you. Is the BMW on finance? They really are on a road to nothing. Keep up the good work.


That’s the way to go Bishop Pat. They say a person has lived a good life when their last cheque bounces 🙂


Same here, Bishop Pat. But I’m past the fear of their futile threats, now; actions speak louder than words and threats.
Sticks and stones may break bones—but names will never hurt Me 🙄 lol x
The truth is OUT! And they WILL be fully EXPOSED – Soon – publicly! Alleluia!
And there is NO judge in the land who will attempt to illegally, or immorally, stop the correct and fair flow of justice and legal retribution 🤔 😂 x

I now understand the saying: “Don’t wrestle with a chimney sweep” – for the simple fact they are caked in it 🙄
I have had the best mentor and teacher.
Thank you to my great mentor and spiritual teacher for giving me the confidence to stand-up and speak-up for myself x


If they were then we should see Hospital Fee’s on the accounts in September and if not then OSCR should investigate the finances of the Diocese of Paisley.
However NHS Scotland is free so are you saying that they used a private hospital so that can easily be checked.


My mother had a corner shop and she used to spend/waste money paying for solicitor’s letters to customers who defaulted on their tick payments. She never saw a penny.


“I am, of course, flattered that Mr. Keenan ascribes to my lowly blog such prominence and prestige”.

Now that is an absolutely brilliant line. I cannot believe that the Diocese of Paisley was so stupid to send you such a letter. I think the response you (and possibly others have drafted) is BRILLIANT. Well done.


Oh Betty you should have followed the example of HM Queen Betty ‘never complain, never explain’. Sending this toothless letter has made people think you’re worried. Are you?


Pat, I hope you will do the responsible thing as a concerned citizen and complain to the Scottish charities regulator about Paisley’s failure to submit their returns on time. They cannot use the covid excuse – other charities meet their reporting obligations on time.


You have her and her dirty gang on the run Pat. She’s attempting to put the frighteners on you with a classic copy and paste ‘solicitors letter.
She will soon find out she’s picked the wrong target and will come crashing down. Like many before her.
Her resignation will be swift in coming. Her bravado will come back to bite her .
Shes cornered and if she had the slightest bit of decency would have done her job rather than trying the classic rcc threats,denials and ignoring .
Well done Pat and I’m pretty sure if Carson was around these days he’d baulk at taking you on.
Roll on the routing of these hypocrites .


Brillant reply.

In order to answer your very question, that effing Bishop must produce their accounts to demonstrate that their monies wasn’t paid to ‘rent boys’.

He’s playing for more time or for want of a better word, obfuscation.

Quite obviously that’s he concerned that it might damage him hugely as regards to present sede vacante post of Bishop in diocese of Glasgow. He’s angling for that post to boost his prestige.

Irrespective of which way it goes, his reputation took a massive dent cos it doesn’t correspond with or goes against Catholic tenet or beliefs. In other words, he tacitly approved the payment to rent boys despite his role as a Catholic Bishop and shepard of souls.

He’s giving two fingers to mass goers, who donated their monies to Sunday church collections cos parishioners Catholic beliefs doesn’t correspond with his beliefs.

I suspect that he might have paid rent boys before in the past. Although I could be wrong or open to correction.

Hence a thorough forsenic examination of his diocese accounts in the last 4 or 5 years might be necessary.

That effing Bishop didn’t question it but paid it all the same.

Finally, first and foremost in his mind was that he wanted that bishopric job in Glasgow. That’s because he issued that letter quite quickly to dampen it down and also minimise the damage caused to his reputation as a Bishop as regards to his payment to rent boys.

Incalculable damage has been done irrespective of what comes out right or wrong.

Once he had paid that payment to rent boys. Then he’s damaged goods no matter what.


Deaf Guy
My understanding is John Keenan did not pay rent boys for himself.
I think the question is did he silence rent boys for some of his active clergy.
it will all come out in the wash they say soon.


11.39pm anon.

Thanks for that clarification.
To silence the rent boys via hush payment is tantamount to coercion.

Hush payments is another word for NDA (Non disclosure payments) = money paid in exchange for a non disclosure agreement. These rent boys have no rights when they accepted the money in return for their silence. Its usually in the form of cash payments.

I would be more surprised if it was paid in cheque or bank transfer.


I am disappointed in you DG. There is a lot of gossip and speculation and sticking the boot in. Let us be fair. The allegations are serious. Bishop Keenan has legal qualifications (not Canon) and knows his stuff. Allegations have been made and the onus is on the accuser to provide evidence. It is not for the accused in such matters to prove his innocence. That is UK law.
Care must be taken banding allegations around. I have defended you, MMM and even PB in the past. I am very fair minded and I like to give credit where credit is due. There seems to be a lot of back stabbing. Grudges are spewing around. Boulders on shoulders where they did not get what they want.
Garngad Lad


Garngad Lad. This is Scottish Law and John Keenan has a duty to tell the TRUTH.
He was asked a question and has not replied to the questions asked.
I take it the NDA payments will be highlighted to OSCR as I for one will be asking in September how many NDA has Paisley Dioceses paid and my information is a few.
Garngad Lad you may think it is kool for Clergy to have active sex lives but be assured the Laity and MOST Good clergy are disgusted.
The Bishop’s of Paisley, Motherwell and Edinburgh are letting the Clergy and laity down badly and sadly the Late Archbishop Philip did not have the energy or health to tackle the clergy in relationships and furthermore Archbishop Philip trusted them and really they should start resigning now.
The water is tepid but it is going to boil over.


11.45am at garnlad
Yes there are 4 serious allegations, 1 from a priest, 3 lay staff who were laid off, questioned that Bishop re rent boys. These 4 people must prove their allegations to +Pat via legal document.
Alternatively, is to ask for their financial accounts to be forensically examined with a fine tooth comb by an accountant as to ascertain if payments to rent boys could be found or proved. Names of rent boys is needed to match name in accounts if necessary but that is probably unlikely. Cos its probably cash payments with no trace of it as it could be treated as miscellaneous or grocery expenses. If the figure is quite large enough(usually for NDA) then a follow up is required to explain this large payment.
You are correct re lot of gossip and speculation swirling around at the moment.
Onus is on + Pat re these 4 people to prove it. But Bishop of Paisley will have to answer his question first before we could move on. To date, he hasn’t answered that very question. We are waiting for this before we could put our boots to stick it in.
What’s needed here is due process to give him time to answer +Pat question. The question is how much time can pat give him before putting his boot in and publish it.
I’m prepared to retract my comments if these 4 allegations doesn’t prove it or break down. I would then ask + Pat to remove my comments.
What boils me up was that effing Bishop payments to rent boys. He(with law degree) doesn’t even think or blink nor questioned it but paid it all the same. That goes against the rcc teachings and priests double lives re rent boys. It goes against the very Catholic teaching as you cant have both ways. You would have to choose one over another one.
For me, its a sackable offence no buts or ifs as I would fire him on the spot cos of my background. You might see it as very harsh. It’s about nipping in the bud fast before it gets worse or rent boys payment plus priests, whose double lives could get ugly or scandal grew big and bigger.
Thats it.
Way back when I was quite naive as I didn’t understand when ex friend who is full blown gay was saying about rent boys. I asked him to explain it as he said boys selling their bodies for sex. I was shocked but understood their gay terminology or the way they speak with certain words.
I’m quite opposed to that Bishop if promoted to Bishop of Glasgow job. Cis he’s not fit for that purpose. If he’s promoted to that job, it’s like giving two fingers to ourselves and the parishioners of Paisley diocese.
For now I just wait and see how it develops, would it develop into a full blown one or a damp squib (if no evidence is proven nor found re allegations ).


I wonder where they think the damages will come from. I think they should change solicitors because a good one would have advised the bishop you can’t pay them, unless this is an attempt to frighten you, in which case they’ve misjudged their man.


I don’t not think the letter is genuine, Pat hasn’t a Bob, he doesn’t frighten easily and won’t back down if he thinks he’s in the right. Any competent solicitor would have told Betty to sit it out or if his hands were clean, avail of Pat’s right to reply.


It was rumoured McNamara’s legal folk got their way and Bishop Pat removed his posts regarding the two of them. Did the diocese try to take the same approach?


I never heard from any solicitors regarding Evan. I did have a heartfelt appeal from him and made a pastoral response.
I do not respond well to threats. But I have, thank God, retained a pastors heart.


His communications with you need published Pat. He is very much implicated as you know. The photographs tell such


I am a parishioner of the Diocese of Paisley and have children. I demand to know the names of these priests so I can protect my family.


Paisley Dad
Now you can see what any money you give is being wasted on. The FIRST step to protect your children is to stop giving until these clowns come to heel.


Paisley Dad I think your Children are very safe and certainly NO fear over children.
It is over rent boys and there is FOUR paisley clergy involved in the Daisy Chain.
One is MIA and other three are in Large parishes


I don’t agree. I worry more about their soul. If priests are living double lives they are not fit to minister.


The latest published report and accounts (2019) for the diocese of Paisley state that the diocese’s solicitors are:
J McSparran and McCormick
19 Waterloo Street
Glasgow G2 6AH
Unless they’ve changed in the meantime to this firm


Frank McCormick and his Son Frank have always been the Solicitors for the Church so I do not know why John Keenan has went to a Commercial and Residential Solicitor perhaps John and Austin were at Uni together doing law.
Frank and his Son Frank may have refused to take on this situation as it will be the next biggest scandal to hit Paisley, Glasgow, Motherwell and Edinburgh


Yes, when a lawyer wants to stop acting for a client they say they are ‘professionally embarrassed’. Betty’s response would make any decent lawyer blush.


Yesterday a wanking bishop and today one who has behaved like a wanker. Bishop Betty lacks judgment hardly a quality one would want for an aspirational Archbishop.


It would be box office having Pat take the stand in open court.
Pat, if you represented yourself the judge would give you even more leeway to cross-examine witnesses of your choosing.


There are several solicitors following this blog who would be prepared to give you assistance pro Bono.


That article says the deficit was £3m which was caused by an annual deficit of £300k (so took 10 years to build up) and had so far been covered by reserved.

They had a decade to deal with it and didn’t.

They were trying to get their position back to where it was before the deficit including cash reserves.

They have the gall to comment that other people have similar financial problems and still ask for money.

Conclusion: the church is rolling in it but continues to extort ordinary people to fund its scam.


I thought reserves were for a rainy day. These are rainy days so the diocese should be expected to draw on reserves, or are they to just sit there, unspent, permanently?


1:44 I was drawing attention to them replenishing their coffers at others’ expense while actually acknowledging the others in question are themselves in the middle of a rainy day.
Believe me, the financial rainy days are only just starting for the church.


Exactly, 1:44, I was agreeing with you. They want to restore the reserves to the situation they were in, by extracting more from a smaller, older pool of Massgoers whose own finances could do with a boost. Futile and costly gestures such as sending solicitor’s letters to Pat seems an imprudent use of other people’s money.


8.36 and others,
John Keenan inherited a Dioceses that was in debt and he has tried hard to clear it.
My only Grievance with JK is he forgets he is a Priest first and foremost.
Diocesan funds are usually ringfenced and really OSCR does not let you touch them also you must use the money collected for what you asked for like Education of Students, Care of Elderly, Communications and so on.
Paisley also has no bishops Palace as John Keenan sold it as he lives in a Parish house however there is a fund for a replacement Bishop’s palace in case JK gets transferred or sadly illness.


Even High Street solicitors don’t come cheap. As a minimum the fees for such solicitors are typically an hourly rate of £200-£400 plus vat at £40-£80 per hour.


Pat, two things have disappointed me in your behaviour over the past few days. I thought the treatment of Paul B*****s was really poor: Paul left ministry a good few years ago and, to my knowledge, didn’t criticise anyone for their sexuality. To ‘deadname’ him as Father Paul B*****s is pretty shabby and, if he is indeed HIV+, for you to disclose such in a public forum is despicable. You had your own experience of a humiliating disclosure of your own status, and to do this to someone else is, objectively, not someone ‘with a pastor’s heart’ would do.

Furthermore, to publish yet more speculative nonsense about the ‘Paisley seminarian’ – from his legal team to hospital fees – is manifestly unfair. You know these comments are inaccurately and yet you publish them. To do so is not only unpastoral but also lays you open to those charges which you seek to rebut.

You may think you’re on the side of the angels, but the collateral damage you do in the process is considerable.


The clergy seem to think if they don’t actively personally criticise other people from the pulpit, morally they’re in the clear.
Bollocks. Your personal opinion is neither here nor there.
You represent a church which in its official position teaches that homosexuality is a disorder, that couples’ lives should be blighted by huge families and whose treatment of children has been described as anointing to torture
In this situation you aren’t being neutral, you have to do something about changing this or you are on the side of the oppressor.


When PB was in Holy Cross in Glasgow’s Southside he did publicly criticise and condemn gay marriage. This is a matter of public record and a verifiable fact as he used to post these notices in the Church porch for parishioners, connected to time he was then spending in the parliamentary office.


The Paisley laity should be asked whether they have confidence or no confidence in John Keenan. I think it would be a resounding vote for No.


There are two who are grateful they did not take the same tact as this Thistle prelate.
Dermot Martin took the truth published about him as set out by myself on this media on the chin!
He of Trappist lineage should give counsel to this Scottish fool as to how to proceed when was is hidden comes into the light.


From companies search :

ACTIVE Diocese Of Paisley Diocesan Offices, Incle Street, Paisley, PA1 1HR.

Bishop John Keenan holds 1 appointment at 1 active company, has resigned from 0 companies and held 0 appointments at 0 dissolved companies. Their longest current appointment spans 3 years, 4 months and 23 days at MARY’S MEALS INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION

The combined cash at bank value for all businesses where JOHN holds a current appointment equals £12.7m, a combined total current assets value of £16.6m with a total current liabilities of £1.5m and a total current net worth of £16m. Roles associated with Bishop John Keenan within the recorded businesses include: Director

2nd directorship:

ACTIVE 19 Park Circus, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G3 6BE

Bishop John Keenan holds 1 appointment at 1 active company, has resigned from 0 companies and held 0 appointments at 0 dissolved companies. Their longest current appointment spans 4 years, 5 months and 3 days at SCOTTISH CATHOLIC INTERNATIONAL AID FUND

The combined cash at bank value for all businesses where JOHN holds a current appointment equals £1.1m, a combined total current assets value of £1.8m with a total current liabilities of £333.3k and a total current net worth of £5.3m. Roles associated with Bishop John Keenan within the recorded businesses include: Director


In the eighteen months or so I have been reading your blog I have yet to see any of your postings attract over fifty comments before midnight. This is quite extraordinary. Your reply to “Mr. Keenan” is a masterclass in sarcasm. What possessed Bishop Keenan to instruct a solicitor? He should have heeded the advice of the late Cardinal Daly that you “Pat Buckley” should be deprived of the oxygen of publicity or words to that effect. I am confident that you are relishing this exchange.


What motivates anyone to instruct a solicitor? Fear maybe? Though it was an ill judged response by Bishop Betty and you can see the letter was written in haste. I can’t think why
a commercial property solicitor would even into these complex waters. We are only left bewildered by this disproportionate response with suspicions aroused.


That letter is an exercise in vexation. I think the official RC position on your episcopal orders would probably be that they’re valid but illicit, but even given that position, to fail to address you by your title is just plain rude. They wouldn’t write to the Archbishop of Canterbury, a Grand Mufti or even a druid like that.


Bishop Pat, your blog has kept me ‘going’ and, on occasions, when I have been at my lowest re. the abuses and the covering and covering up.
Likewise, I have gained a grounded sense of worth which continues to fortify my confidence and my defences against the Great Whore of Babylon and her followers, those who worship the image of the beast!
I just know I am not alone in my persuites and endeavours to ensure our communities are a safe and happy haven for the innocent and mild little lambs.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd—and didn’t we know… the Scriptures couldn’t make this fact and reality even more abundantly clear:
“Like a shepherd He will tend His flock,
In His arm He will gather the lambs
And carry them in His bosom;
He will gently lead the nursing ewes.”
Spiritual warfare against the evil one and her angels of wickedness and perditon, who wonder around the community looking for little innocent lambs to devour and tear into pieces, takes a certain kind of courageous conviction; likewise, courageous conviction is an essential quality for any soldier of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ — and most ertainly for a leading role…
“And he said, ‘Who art thou, Lord?’ And the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.’” Acts 9:5


Joseph Keenan, a former priest of the Glasgow Archdiocese is the the brother of Bishop John Keenan of the Paisley diocese.
Does the blog community have any further information as to the circumstances of Joseph Keenan’s departure from the Archdiocese.
I understand he retrained as a solicitor- not the same law firm as Austin Lafferty?
Any information would be greatly appreciated


Joe Keenan is a partner of JK Hughes Ltd Solicitors in Tollcross Glasgow
If was not pleasant when he left the Archdioceses and that is why Glasgow clergy do NOT want John Keenan as their Bishop.
The Papal Nuncio and Rome has been told that the Clergy do NOT want John Keenan.


I can only describe the solicitors letter sent on the behest of Keenan as totally baffling. How a firm of solicitors would advise a client to send such a letter is quite unbelievable. All the reasons are outlined in + Pat’s letter.


8.47am anon
See his LinkedIn profile:


Criminal solicitor. Would he be able to accept instructions to prosecute nonce priests and bishops or would he refuse on conflict of issues grounds?


A solicitor will send a letter for anything. This probably cost the bishop zilch. I received a letter last year from a corrupt lawyer who sent a letter on behalf of a friend, pretending she was a client.


maybe its the solicitor that lord haughey uses? after all they are good pals now since lord haughey bought the popes hat for £23k at the auction impressing keenan so much to then slide his company City into doing the maintenance for all the churches. small price to pay at the auction to get that size of contract…


According to the old collar-and-tie at CTS, +Betty is a devotee of Our Lady of Medjugorje. She is also fond of travelling to the States.


Who is the “collar and tie” at Catholic Truth IN Scotland (our name is just Catholic Truth.)

And yes, Bishop Keenan is an apparently strong devotee of Medjugorje, if someone who has lost the Faith can be a strong devotee of anything…

I am very surprised that a solicitor’s letter has been sent to Pat. That, perhaps, indicates panic. Not a “good look” as they say these days, when in the old days we would say “doesn’t look good”. Everything is literally turned upside down in this modern world. In any event, I doubt, very much, that it will ever reach court. Just in case, though, I’m sending my best outfit to the cleaner’s, which is where the bishops would take me given half a chance.

Pat’s reply – I have to admit – is hilarious. I have to say, though – that I am disappointed he uses the Protestant-inspired name for the Catholic Church. Here’s a brief history…

We should pray for all involved in this matter. It’s utterly scandalous that Christ’s Church is now – to quote Pope Benedict XVI – immersed in such filth.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!


Honestly I don’t work in public relations and even I can see the church is rubbish at it.
This solicitors letter was guaranteed to have the entire internet information about the bishop dug over on one page.
And the funniest thing is when they publicise that they have money problems, like the reduction in donations to Peter’s Pence. These appeals combined with Pope Benedict’s habit of sitting on a golden throne and ongoing headlines about theft and dodgy dealings are calculated to cause donations to drop further.


The Church is totally crap at PR and information but one thing is is not shy of is paying HUGE salaries for inhouse miscommunications Directors that cost a fortune.
The Glasgow one has a web site design from the 80’s and so dated and yet there are Three well paid staff in Glasgow’s Comms team.

Glasgow and Edinburgh need to be careful next stop Motherwell (we may need to go via Oscott) and then Edinburgh.


Three dimensional religion is far better than two or one dimensional. I never could fathom the rabid attachment of some people to a dumbed-down organisational sacraments cult. I think God keeps things working better than they should, for as long as He can but He is no Asian hater. Surely the time for anything but baptism and unction as church organisational sacraments, has globally passed.
I cross checked the little the church gave me with what was in the inspiring “agnostic” Scripture lessons at school and my parents’ small amount of light hearted if respectful input. Me and Jesus originally seemed to have a thing going and I’m trying to get back to that now. During the meantime however (once first bait and switch – without the bait – and then intensity, had been proclaimed compulsory) I spent (like a lot of us) long periods drifting first into flighty backwaters and later a pretend order / pretend prelature.
Most RCC adherents and authorities have the bizarre knack of dumbing down and making it overcomplicated at the same time, and it actually started before “Council(s)”. Disrespecting minds isn’t genuinely something authorities will get brownie points from Jesus for. The best bits of New Testament are where Jesus (and apostles) and acquaintances exchange deep tectonic questions.
V: Why is it called the Curia?
R: Because it gets curier and curier.
V: What is the New Evangelisation Regulator called?
R: Offmessage.


V: The frogs – who believe in total immersion – have proclaimed Save The Crocodiles Crusade.
V: What do you call a Transcendental Meditation regulator?
R: Om-budsman.
V: If you seat the infralapsarians on the left of the aisle, and the supralapsarians on the right of the aisle (or v.v), you will have harmony in your congregation (little known point of church order)


If you deconstruct the thirty two words in the second paragraph of the solicitors letter, not even Lafferty believes his client.


No Drink or drugs involved.
Paisley has an open door at one of the Presbyteries where you can call for food, you know just like Nugent did in Glasgow.
God Rest the polish girl RIP


No they are not they are White and in the Renfrewshire area and under 25

Surely John Keenan is going to start a Canonical trial with theses priests as they cannot be back in Ministry in Paisley dioceses maybe one should go back home and stop having paisley Dioceses support him.


Not every baby is born in ten seconds.

I have sent John Keenan another urgent question this morning after receiving new information.


If you consult the Annuario Pontificio or The Catholic Directory in juristictictions where it is published, you should find what you are looking for…….hope this is helpful ……


Are you sure that solicitor’s letter is genuine? As people have pointed out it’s a firm that deals with property. Is someone trying to wind you up?


Yes, I would say so. If you look at the reference number it is AJL/KEAR/003/011. AJL are the fee earners initials (Austin Lafferty) KEAR the client (Kearney) rather than the diocese. 003 is his client reference and 011 is the matter number indicating that he has instructed them on at least 10 previous matters.


It’s odd that he has not used the ordinary diocesan solicitors. But of course if this firm had drawn up any NDAs or facilitated payments then it would be facing a professional misconduct charge for sending such a letter.


If the legal letter to Pat isn’t genuine then Lafferty owes Bishop Pat an apology for allowing his letter heading to be forged and should conduct an investigation.

If the letter is genuine, and having dealt with a firm in the UK specialising in defamation – Laverty ain’t no defamation lawyer – given how poorly his letter is crafted.
The letter isn’t dated and the header is just Bishop Keenan.

If it’s genuine it’s a shot across the bow and if Bishop Pat wasn’t Bishop Pat it could intimidate (letter heading and all) but as Bishop Pat is more than familiar with the legal world and has a reliable source and doesn’t state Keenan paid off rent boys he just asks the question he’s Keenans and Lavertys worst nightmare because if they want to go to. court Bishop Pat is well up for it.
Oh and Laverty bigs himself up on his website as Black Belt Karate and massive giver to charity – heart of gold that man. Fragile ego!!
Laverty is playing game for when Paisley diocese goes bump and there is all that property to sell and develop!!


Scotland/ Vatican…..Keith O Brien/ Sodano……John Keenan……the shadows.

Oh Bishop Buckley, beware the wasps from this nest…..your “nasal” aptitudes for odours and smells from clandestine places is becoming legendary. Epic here.


The letter is dated and worse still he uses F for his mobile number and Faxes are in the 90’s
Would you have someone represent you who does not even know the difference of a Fax and a mobile.

Austin Lafferty has an office in Giffnock in John Keen’s dioceses.

Maybe Austin has done the NDA which will be useless soon


Would a fax (useful in legal) be an attachment through the tablet and does a tablet have a mobile number? Just askin’ like.


There is a thing which is an electronic fax and which functions the same without paper. In a business context it would be on a secretary’s PC.
They just haven’t changed F to M on the header.


For my favorite bible passage I was going to parody 1 Cor 6:1-8 but I think the actual passage demonstrates better that Betty’s approach is not that enjoined in holy scripture:
‘When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life! So if you have such cases, why do you lay them before those who have no standing in the church? I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no one among you wise enough to settle a dispute between the brothers.’
Did you hear that, Betty? The apostle tells you not to do what you’ve done.


Bishop Pat, for a long time, you have not mentioned anything about the English Dioceses. Is there nothing going on? Have we finally been blessed with good and holy priests?


Certainly NOT as every Dioceses is shocking.
Let us hope Westminster get sorted soon with a Good Holy Archbishop.
But David Oakley has created so many roles for the Boys and even made a curate Chancellor who is just finishing his online Canon Law.
Four young curates next to Bishops house now and one David’s personal Secretary.
The First Dioceses in the World to introduce HUBS maybe part of the business plan 😉
Northampton is going down like the titanic.


‘Let us hope Westminster get sorted soon with a Good Holy Archbishop.’
Any good and holy men aspiring to the priesthood have been weeded out for decades so there is no chance of this happening.


I am exhausted reading it all, Bp Pat. I will need to take a rest now. I will look back later to read any more comments on her ladyship.


Surely the Holy Priests are not going to lie to the Papal Nuncio when questioned or even on Oath in a court.
There is too much evidence against them all including the undertaker oh I wish I could afford a Hot Tub.
I think it is shocking how Keenan can think he can honestly look at people in the faces knowing he has done what he has done to protect himself and the Daisy Chain.


Some of the Daisy Chain Clergy had a barbeque and hot tub shenanigans and the undertakers home.
Food and drink supplied courteously of the undertaker and his wife 🙂
There were some modesty outside in the tub they had their shorts on 🙂
Of course it is only dinner parties that the daisy Chain have as they really are intimate friends 🙂


Your conclusion is not supported by the evidence – more than 120 comments so far and so early in the day. Pat knows the number of hits the site is getting today.


Today, is the Feast of St. Bernard, one of the most important Cistercian saints. When you start blogging in the future about Mount Melleray Abbey, Dom Dick Purcell will think twice about instructing lawyers to send you a letter. Because, to do so would be a massive escalation. However, we should never underestimate stupidity of our shepherds…


The Trappist tradition……used to be known as the Reformed Order of the Cistercians ( correct me if you ) . Like many, good men have come a cropper on the Cunning of others. Henry the Eight was very wise…..the only individual in History to pick a fight with Rome and come of winning. Reform is a lovely word and has existed for centuries …….Formation is an Abomination.


There’s nothing at all odd about it.
When Bishop Keenan instructed that solicitor, he did so as an individual.
It has nothing to do with the diocese.


It looks like with the solicitors reference number that it has been Peter Kearney the media guy for BCOS who has instructed Austin Lafferty Solicitors.
Peter only works for the Bishops Conference so therefore it is a Diocesan instruction from Peter rather than an individual person.
If John Keenan thinks his clergy are going to lie for him they are not and time will tell.

Big Joe was stunned to get transferred from Barrhead to the Cathedral so quickly and Matthew was shocked to get such a big parish as he was the curate at the Cathedral.


What’s a hub? Can you explain? Or she’d some light?
Northampton doesn’t seem as flush as Westminster or Liverpool or Birmingham, although Birmingham is averaging £4 Million deficit for last couple of years – their payroll must be staggeringly high – they have an Officer for every conceivable ministry and job titles galore – oh and a CEO and HR/Communications fella on close to £100K!!
How long can that last before the inevitable culling?
Why is David Oakley surrounding himself with young priests – is he missing the intimacy and closeness of Oscott I wonder?


Oakley has decided to pull the parishes close to the Cathedral together with the young clergy headed by Floody who is a canon but loves the title but will not use it.
So instead of pastoral areas they are calling it the hub.
usually a hub is when a group of professional services or travel Hubs are together but NEVER clergy maybe they will get Hi vests too who knows.


Oakley will be like Auld Mother Hubbard with his hubs. If he maintains this nonsense the people will walk and he’ll find his cupboards bare.


Someone should tell Keenan that all he’s done is stir the pot some more.
If he wanted it to die he should have kept stum – I thought they were good at that!!
Also asking a question isn’t the same as making a statement – his lawyer doesn’t get that so I can see why Keenan doesn’t.
The threshold for defamation is a lot higher than he understands and any self respecting judge would strike it down meanwhile the fire burns because Keenan fueked it.
Martel made similar disclosures about all kinds of high ranking clerics, had a team of lawyers on ii and not one litigant as far as I can understand – why?
Because they couldn’t defend it – it’s not libel if it’s true.



Ah I see – said the blind man!

Good luck with that Northampton – I’d say a Hub could become a Hububle before too long.

It’s all management speak shite – saying nothing, doing nothing and achieving nothing!!


DLF has set up a taskforce for the archdiocese. More project plans, ralking shops, and a glossy brochure will be the outcome.


When it was put to JB that he had been in a relationship with DCM he referred it to a solicitor.


What I do not get is why Joe Toal is not removing DCM.
JB has plenty of money from the Uni and the Dioceses.


Joe Toal must know all about DCM. He was removed from seminary previously and should never have been allowed back in. I was at seminary with him the first time.


Bobbys Pins Paris.
64 Rue du Temple

I was advised over several years that a man who dyes his hair is not trusted by women or any woman; the context was/is if you are hiding grey hairs, what else are you hiding. This makes sense whether phychoanalytically speaking what else are you hiding…..spelling is erroneous and deliberate.

If your hair is greying…..grow old and wiser with it…….its honourable.

The photograph on the Blog today tells multitudinous tales…..


The R.C.C despises me ( as a collective), individually I am respected ( presumptive on my part).

In terms of capacity and insight, I declare; George Pell is a good and honest man. The Argentine in Rome is a disaster, historically, eccesiologically and theologically. He represents every bully in the priesthood/ episcopacy around the planet.

Bill Mulvihill


I parted ways with Bishop Buckley in September last year over a dear friend of mine. The communication will not be reestablished . Of this I am sure; what Pat Buckley prints is from integrity, truth, and conviction. The carnage that the R.C.C has created in human/sacertodal lives is the stuff of Lemniscate. Pat Buckley, despite his sundering of many the priestly reputation is a very good man. The carnage of priestly life is independent of these individuals. Celibacy is a Pathology. The reason it survives is the success of the Episcopal Ladder. Always trace episcopal lineage ………


Bill, I totally respect your decision and could not wish you more good than I already do.


3.35: Sillue, celibacy is a pathology!! Really? The only discernible pathology (dysfunctionality ) is in you. Your writings are bizarre. Utterly absurd. Stop trying to be Shakespeare. Write normally, insofar as you are capable.


3.23: Millie Bully: What a horrendous comment. You received many benefits from the church when you belonged to the presbyterate and put your hand out for your dues!! Now, you are spouting vile narratives against everyone. God bless Pope Francis from unkind people like you.


Your comments are respected and have validity ……however Appearances mock Reality as W. B Yeats composed.


Bergoglio is a Total Bollox ( Five ways of spelling it in the English language). On the evening Rats resigned, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires was informed….he replied; ” you have no idea what this means”. The Fucker knew his time in the city where he was NOT respected was over; his Funeral Face was for ROME WHERE nobody has been able to swipe his grin !! In medieval times, it was a sign of the Demonic. We are more enlightened in terms of human dynamics and relations these times….
He is a Troyglodite…..( forget Cathal Dalys spelling of his favourite insult).


The nuncio fellow needs a good bath and a meal. Betty does well to sport a shoulder cape as it hides her ample bosoms


I know that Pat. I am very grateful to you. At the lowest ebb in my life, you sent me by Western Union 300 euros. You are as close to the Nazarene as I have ever known. However you are ordained/ consecrated as a catholic ( small c) bishop and wear their foibles.
I shall for the rest of my life respect you for your unbridled and raw humanity. I hold you in the highest regard. Please stop punishing priests for their humanity. Fuck all arrogant bishops and papal impostors. ( My language is studiously considered ).


Dear Pat,

By the end of the day, would you please tell us the number of hits on your site today.
The number would be enlightening to us all……



If there’s ever a place where they need to reduce the number of dioceses it’s Scotland. In the central belt, where most Catholics live, you could easily combine Glasgow, Paisley, Motherwell and Galloway. Edinburgh and Dunkeld could combine, as could Aberdeen and Argyll and the Isles to cover the large part of the country where few Catholics live.

Imagine how much could be saved and the number of desk priests that could be released for parish service.

Look at this map. It’s ridiculous.


Sorry to disappoint you amalgamation of Scottish Dioceses would not save many desk priests as there is only One desk Priest in Scotland and that is the general Secretary of the Bishop’s Conference Father Gerard Maguiness who is looking for a Mitre however his assistant is now a lay person.
Most Priests (99.9%) doing Diocesan roles have parishes even the Officialis of the National Tribunal has a parish and Vice chancellor of Glasgow.

Yes Dioceses could be amalgamated with Galloway being split between Paisley and St. Andrew’s and Edinburgh also Argyll and the Isles could go into Aberdeen.

It is Crazy Arran is within Argyll and isles and yet you get the Ferry from Ardrossan but Millport is in Galloway.


Bishops of most dioceses are desk men. Fewer dioceses means fewer priests taken out of parishes. What does the bishop of a micro-diocese such as Clonfert do all day?


The archdiocese of Birmingham has an estimated Catholic population of 443,300 odd. You could make Scotland two dioceses with suffragans because of the area.


That would be a red rag to a bull it is because of his appointment as Auxiliary to St. Andrew’s and Edinburgh it started the KOB situation.
They moved Robson quickly to Dunkeld within two months of Archbishop Cushley arriving.
he will likely be left at Dunkeld till his retirement in 2026 but stranger things have happened..


Are you kidding with the Robson comment?! Nickname “Petal”. One of Keith’s cronies and a known Queen!


BJ4GLASGOW not if the Glasgow clergy have any say they can keep Keenan in Paisley.
They cannot keep send Paisley’s apprentice’s to Glasgow totally unfair.
Big Brian from Argyll and Isles could be but they may play safe and send Bill Nolan.
Be pushing it now to get an Archbishop in for COP26 now.


Keenan is systematic of what will eventually will have to acknowledged and admitted : The Clergy Of the Roman Catholic Priesthood are for the most part a Homosexual Society, beginning with Bishops and Vicar Generals in the global dioceses.


I have loved the Catholic Church since I had awareness of the Gospels.
It is in the interests of many that the main course I spoke of in 2018 is never served up.
I know the RCC is the biggest distributor of Social Welfare in the world….for all its foibles, in the dictate of the Dictator Putin, like Bergoglio, God is the greatest force for good the world has ever know.
Despite my earlier contribution about Eamonn Martin, I realise his propensity for the extension of good outweighs all else…….we are ALL on our way to the best….in spite of the negative transactional of human nature..

Eamonn Martin is a good man…..the longer his office usurps him…the more distant from the polarity of goodness he will be……`power is addictive and nullifies what ifs parents engendered in him…..he can still be saved but there is not much time…


As a complete aside I was recently fascinated by a damaged Ego from Balmoral Avenue , Pennyburn. Imagine the self aggrandisement it takes to come up with the phrase ; grossly disrespectful: his clandestine interactions with his clergy are positively medieval. How dare these bishops question the law/ protocols of the State in the light of their whims in plrivate . Their law/ will is positively abusive. Super Slave championed Democracy except in his own Enclave. May their god strengthen their resolve, for the rest of us, may Right Preserve.


……private,,,,,,as a concept in civil law deriving from Magna Carta….not codified Roman Law…


Patrick Buckley as a Bishop ……without a Papal Mandate has not had an equal in sixteen centuries. Very frightening for Apostolic Succession. I hope he finds a successor. For the fantasists I could not think of anything worse; the energy required to do battle with The Firm!!!! The Enlightened now give that organisation a very wide berth…..


If you want to research the tragedy of sacerdotal life; pay a visit to Carraigmore in Tyrone .
What you do to be respected in the system.
Bill Mulvihill


Fr. Paul Byrne was on RTE this morning with Philip Baucher Haze.

That is one bag of cats the Irish people never need to know about.

Paul Byrne was a frequent visitor to Cloyne……when nobody ever thought those parties would come to light.

Caveat………shut up you toil fraud.

The Coal;island accommodation has never been addressed although the system has always looked after you: for services rendered and expected.

Pay Attention Eamonn Martin: your hands are as filthy now as anything that went before you.

Spelling errors are always deliberate.

You may well yet be thankful to pack shelves Paul Byrne .


Neil Dargan is Iconic of Irish Society and Irish History. He is of high intelligence and mature emotion. That is why, unlike myself, ye have not heard from him.


I am tired of the privilege I encounter here. Good Night. God bless , whoever or whatever you conceive him/her to be….

I hope you realise the privilege of all who engage here…….it is not the ones close to jesus ( the absence of a capital is entirely deliberate and if he exists , I know respected … i ….you Shits)

Bill Mulvihill


7.11: How dare you speak about commenters as if they are peasants!! You think you are clever, Millie Mugs. As before when you contributed, you are an ignoramus. Who cares about you? No one.


7.22: Your spelling errors are of little concern – of course you can do better when you use English properly. But your descent into clown land is deepening by every inane utterance. Thought you were supposed to have matured? Jesus, Mary and Joseph…help Millicent.


@Bill Mulvihill

Your comment at 6.22 pm is telling and insightful. You suggest that the clergy of the Roman Catholic priesthood (you have now left) are for the most part a homosexual society. How insightful! As you are being so candid this evening, would you care to share with us the real reason you unilaterally ended your friendship with Bishop Pat Buckley? Is it because Pat Buckley has publicly and repeatedly named Neil Dargan as one many sexual partners of Abbot Richard Purcell? I am reliably informed that Dargan is a friend of yours. What you know about this relationship, ie, the one between Purcell and Dargan? As you are being candid this evening, perhaps you would like to reply?

We also would like to know why Dargan has chosen to remain silent about this relationship? However, it is interesting despite his steadfast silence about Purcell – Neil Dargan is more than happy to go on national TV and speak candidly and in a compelling fashion about his experience of illegal adoption. Would it be fair to accuse Dargan of being a hypocrite? Because Dargan is willing to remain silent about the known sexual misconduct of Purcell; but is happy to have his pocket lined with compensation from the Irish Exchequer. What differentiates Neil Dargan from Bishop John Keenan?


I am happy to have a frank and open discussion with you about my life if Bishop Buckley can establish your identity. I have nothing to hide about any of my friendships. I fell in love….and only once engaged…..for the protection of that individual, I would go to the ends of the earth. I grew uo and matured . Don’t threaten me in anonymity …….it is not of consequence to me or readers. I presume my notoriety identifies me to others…

Be brave from your shadowy life and declare yourself….I am happy to engage…


Are there double standards here. Anonymous people on this blog name people why should you not ? I respect that you reveal yourself like PB. But why not reveal partners and lovers?


6.30: Ah, the hypicrisy abiut your connections are very telling….Mr. Mulvihill. Methinks you are a trouble maker. If what 7.16 says is true about your honourable friend, why are you not disapproving of what’s alleged? And Pat Buckley must have had reason to dissociate his connections with you….BE HONEST. and stop going around circuituosly…


I never dissociated myself from Bill. As he has said, he distanced himself from me. I respect his reasons for that and I have not the slightest negativity towards Bill.


As a parishioner in a Parish and a father of four- including two sons (9/12) who Altar Serve and a 17yo who served for many years- I would like to know if I have anything to worry about in terms of the safety of my children?
Surely this cannot be real? I was shocked to be sent the link to this blog posting tonight.


Of course we have something to worry about !!! There’s no indication that any of the filthy priests have an attraction to children, but they are living a double life and engaging in deprave acts so that makes them a danger to the soul!

This is why Pat must stop promising to reveal the names and just go ahead and do it. Until he does, he’s covering up for them and is part of the problem.


6.46: An outrageous slur on the vast majority of priests. It is morally sinful to deliberately create lies and to repeat lies, innuendo, false allegations and hearsay from this blog. There are priests who have criminally abused and have faced civil justice: there are undoubtedly very sexually dysfunctional clergy but do not paint every cleric with the same brush strike. That’s both vile and nasty and as a Christian, if you are one, it is mortally sinful. Anyone who harms or abuses or causes grave scandal need calling out. There is, sadly, a habit on this blog if writing embellished and untrue narratives about clerics in general. I have every admiration for Pat in his determination to seek truth and clarifications. However, it is not just to allow an untruthful, unkind, exaggerated and lying narrative to take hold. I am quite certain that your parish has all prooer child safeguarding procedures in place.


I wouldn’t dream of leaving my kids alone with a RC priest and if ‘father’ has a problem with that perhaps he should look at his own church’s behaviour before criticising anyone else, as he keeps telling other people to do.
When the church ceases to be criticised by the UN for inadequate safeguarding you may have a leg to stand on, but until then suck it up.
Your very attitude of defensive retaliation indicates you don’t have the right mindset yourself.
And if you’re the priest who keeps coming on here wittering about having been abused you can STFU about that as well, it’s irrelevant.


There is not the slightest slur in 6.46. I agree with 1.00. I knew a few clergy that were emotionally flighty and the knock on effect (through attitude or calibre of preaching or direction) on parishioners’ level or quality of belief was downwards.
In a related point, it is rumoured that the way to fend off bullying from highest eccelesial authority (whether you have skeletons or not) is to boast how many ordinations you have? Surely it is more balanced to not worry if you don’t have any? And that means you need a balanced VD (vocations deflector) who doesn’t worry about it.
Layman, laywoman and lay child not being vocations (phew), according to the average publicity material.


Yeah but is this actually genuine? I obviously watch my children carefully but surely there must be exaggeration at the very least in this blog post. I have been sent a link to this page by several people from my parish and a work colleague in a neighbouring parish so this has got people scared so if it is not genuine I am lost for words


7.41: By which you mean??? That’s scurrilous and an untruth. Pat, you are most unfair to infer the implicit innuendo in your short, nasty comment.


Paisleybuddy21 at 7.37pm
From my experience, it happens when altar boys were alone with nobidy around to support them or watch them. I would be very wary cos of Paisley diocese.
My advice is to stick with your sons or watch them at all times especially in the sacristy if you can. If it’s not possible for you to keep an eye on your sins, best thing is to withdraw them re altar duties for their sake.
Cos abuse traumanis a lifetime injury as its no bloody joke.
The safety of your children is paramount. If you can’t watch them from afar or a distance. My advice would be the same, just withdraw your sons just for safety sake.
Abuser Priests usually bring candies to kids as part of their grooming to kids. Just be aware of that. Grooming comes in some form that is different from a normal priest would normally do.
Also check out that priest or parish Church that you attend re both history as well.
These usually serve as a sign. Just watch for little signs that might come. It could be anybody sins so just be very careful.


Unless you have suffered his life experience ( I have not….I realise the experience of many is beyond my competence ), you cannot speak from his shoes. Right now, there is news from Afghanistan , but you or I have no cognisance of the mental torture involved. There is a word close to the earth that is beyond most of us; unless you know it , I have no intention of articulating it.
I am grateful for the roof I have over me and the heat in the radiators that is a gift from another.


Milly Bully, so you’re a friend of Neil Dargan. It’s being said around the presbyteries that another friend of yours left the church because of the way you were treated on this blog in 2018. Care to enlighten us. Is that true? He had a long tangled involvement with th RCC. Surprised if it’s true.


The RCC is in its entirety entangled…..Good Luck with reprieve…..

Euphesism a long distance from Truth


My experience for the last 3 years is why guys do not leave…..its both scary and hopeless.
I survive in spite of The Curse Of The Church.
My problems are my very own. My experience teaches me that they extend only compassion as they are taught……nothing integrated about clergy values.
I love God …….that sustains me in spite of the vacuous church.


@Bill Mulvihill

My identity (and the identity of many people who post on this blog) is inconsequential. We choose to remain anonymous as we rightly fear retaliation and victimisation from our episcopal masters.

There was nothing threatening about what I posted. I merely highlighted the obvious contradictions that surround Neil Dargan. I have difficulty with your suggestion that he is one of the most honourable people you have ever met. He is ongoing silence about his relationship with Richard Purcell impugns his irreproachable integrity.

At least Bishop Keenan for whatever arcane reason decided to send a letter threatening legal action against Pat Buckley. He might have acted rationally and foolishly in tackling Buckley who relishes being a pugilist. But the obmutescence of Neil Dargan is telling. Why is he protecting Purcell?

Neil Dargan on his website writes, “I spent over twenty years as a Catholic priest both as school teacher and Parish Priest both in Clare and Dublin before deciding to leave public ministry in 2014”.

Dargan has left the priesthood. He is not beholden to any bishop, so why the silence? Dargan is a registered teacher. If he knows about misconduct at Roscrea is Neil Dargan a suitable person to be on the teachers’ register? Perhaps, that is a question you might like to put to the most honourable person you have ever met. If Mr. Dargan has been involved in a cover-up would we want him teaching our nieces and nephews. Methinks not!


8.45: Mullie: answer the relevant questions put to you and show that you have integrity. You are now subjecting Neil to public scrutiny. Do you care? Are you feeling stupid now that an honourable friend might not be so honourable in light of information shared today? You had better tell your right honourable friend about this blog of today. ANSWERS PLEASE – NOT OBFUSCATION. You might regret reappearing like a vicious man with scores to settle. Matured?? NO. 👽👽👽👽👽👽👽👽..


Do not forget Fr Aelred Magee OCSO. Aelred has a story to tell. He told it, and was banished from Roscrea monastery.


Any body reading these words is in a co dependency relationship with the Roman Catholic Church. It is pathetic and pitiful ….find a bigger life for the benefit of all… miscreant


I do not think you have a worry about Children in Parishes as hopefully safeguarding should protect them.
The situation here is Clergy leading Double standards and when you think of Paisley dioceses and their three deanery’s then it is only in the Renfrewshire ones that the alleged clergy is / was who were in / are intimate relationships with each other and consenting adults either for free or gifts 😉
I think Bishop John Keenan should be more HONEST and TRUTHFUL about his Three c/o Diocesan offices and also staff that has departed with NDA’s
One thing for certain is John Keenan is not transparent and it will be very interesting if he takes Bishop pat Buckley to court as it will END John Keenan’s career.


Hang on. We’ve heard tales of diabolical satanical orgies at which the Blessed sacrament is profaned so why wouldn’t Satan’s disciples seek out children too. They have no boundaries.


Please either publish the daisy chain names – so that parishioners can rightfully be fully informed as to kinds of priests they are in contact with and financially supporting – or delete these blog articles.
The longer you withhold information, the more you leave yourself open to accusations of attention seeking over this matter.
I am glad you are holding +Keenan to account over this – and refusing to be cowed by his response – but people in Paisley Diocese will be in a state of alarm over this and they need information!


I agree. It’s almost like he’s enjoying the power and keeping people interested.
I’m starting to wonder if he is bluffing.


Adult men and women should be instituted as acolytes and assist at Mass. Having children in the role is ridiculous and in these days unwise.


Pope Francis has brought in two New roles for the Laity to be appointed to Officially one is Acolytes and the other Lector that was in January however Bishops are SLOW to act on it.
Now last month Pope Francis announced another New role for the Laity Catechists and all open to both Women and Men.
Maybe Bishops and Clergy think he is removing too much power from them.


Does this mean all the lay catechists over the last 50 years (some of them not bad at it) have been operating illicitly / invalidly / both? And that the apparent authority of bishops backing them was wrongful? Does this mean they gave the wrong doctrines? Does this mean the big man will only allow his newfangled correct doctrines to be taught? Is he out of touch? Is Argentina on the moon? Is Vatican City State on the moon?


It’s clericalist to think that the laity need to be upgraded to these ridiculous, invented positions.
It’s as bad as the idea of upgrading retired headmasters to be permanent deacons, an office truly in search of a role.


At the last count Four however Joe McGill has just been ordained so likely Three.
John Keenan or his vocations director never says how many all they do say is give us your money for Vocations and you can even set up a Direct Debit for it. Canon Oliver Freeny was spearheading the fundraising and then went C/O Diocesan offices.


You have Stalked this blog for two days using different names and anonymous and it is well spotted.
First it was CM the DCM and today you were at Seminary with CM.
See if YOU were NOT a FAKE then you would know DCM / CM is a Deacon for the Motherwell Dioceses NOTHING to do with Paisley.


I am sorry for my outburst at 9.22. It won’t happen again. I was involved with DCM and he dumped me. I find it all a bit much.


@.9.48 all Scottish dioceses seem the same to me and once North of South it’s all a blur. But I do recall reading blog comments over the last few days that questioned his moral fitness for progression to sacred priesthood. I also understand that once Bishop ‘pissholes in the snow’ eyes Toal regains full use of his sight he may take these concerns seriously. No doubt the bishop is bopping to Johnny Nash tonight:
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Here is that rainbow I’ve been praying for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day…


There is NO need to Apologise to me as it looks like you have been a victim of DCM / CM
Can I ask you when you are ready to email and Archbishop Gugerotti will ask Bishop Toal for a report to send it in the diplomatic pouch to the cardinal who deal with Seminarians and Education in Religious establishments. at least it may give you some comfort.


This is the most comments you have had one post for a while Bishop Pat! We in Scotland look forward to more of these


+Pat, today, has been phenomenal on the blog. Lots of interesting comments. Sometimes your blog can be a little redundant. But today it has been marvellous, relevant and it was great to read your fantastic letter of reply. You must be feeling very pleased. We all read about Silverstream on your blog first. You will be vindicated when it suppressed. We look forward to the next instalment in Scotland. Keep up the good work. And do not forget about Mount Melleray Abbey.


Dear Bishop John Keenan

I do not have any appointments in my diary for the rest of my life.

I intend to visit Scotland next week to rejoice in your demise.

I pray for you in the complex theology your ilk teach. I love pleasure.

Yours sincerely,

Bill Mulvihill


Don’t think for an instant that Silverstream will be suppressed: the behaviour described by Fr Benedict is considered acceptable by the church. People have been trying to get the church to suppress Farnborough for 30+ years for similar behaviour but it’s ignored.


I know that you and your bloggers will be delighted with the good news that His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke’s condition has improved and he is being released from ICU. I’m sure all your prayers helped.


Very interesting what makes the holy priests see red.
1. Magna Carta who left seminary and
2. William Mulvihill who has left the church.
Omerta is alive and well.


Well dear old Betty Turpin thought instructing a conveyancer to threaten Bishop Pat with libel would have him quaking in his episcopal slippers and cause him to remove all references to her, thus easing her transition to Glasgow. Well it failed spectacularly – the blog has been buzzing all day and 97% have rallied behind bishop Pat and are wondering what Betty is trying to hide? Poor old Betty aka John Keenan Esq.


As at shortly after four today, could you let us know the hits on your site today….not for the purposes of your Ego….but for ours….Congratulations on generating such interest…


On the topic of yesterday, no ecumenical response. ☹️ I like a good ecumenical response depending on the situation.
Many people are wronged. It is so sad. May the hypocrites be exposed and catch themselves on.
My time in the blog wilderness is something like a Lenten journey.
Like any of the Birmingham Six, I am an innocent man who has been wronged.
Is mise le meas,


I know John Keenan and Paul Brooks. They’re both great guys. They do a lot of good. All they’re trying to do in the world is make people’s lives better. The world is full of other ****s you could go after: drug dealers, child abusers, etc. But you choose to go after these two guys (eyeroll)


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