

Brendan Kelly


21 st September 2021

Dear Bishop Brendan,

I wish to thank you for the courtesy of a reply and for the reassuring content.

The lady is in the USA and her time zone is 8 hours behind ours.

I have spoken to her at length and am impressed by her honesty and her very obvious desire, not for revenge, but for the protection of other women / persons and indeed to see Father Xxxxx getting the help she is convinced he needs.

I will speak to her urgently and urge her to work with your safeguarding officer.

I an aware of how “young” you are and I hope you soon get the opportunity to have a less stressful life.

Warm wishes,

+ Pat.




Denis Nulty

Dear Kathleen,

Further to a correspondence from Bishop Pat Buckley I would like to confirm a report of abuse I received during a phone conversation with an ex cleric.

At the time I was investigating a group in Kildare organising Satanic type events amongst other things which led me to talk to this individual. Much of this material was reported to Gardai between 2016 and 2017.

The individual who has stated a link to the Fr Lomasney incident in Cork and similar incidents in Dublin has told me of his encounter in the Church in Nurney/Kildangan around 19XX when the alleged victim was 15. He described the incident as a sexual assault and has gone on to further discuss the current location of this priest as well as other personal details.

This gentleman, known as XX, describes himself as an ex cleric, and has up to recently shown pictures of other priests in compromising positions on his profile page on a gay dating site.

The gentleman’s (XX or XXXX) phone number is 087 XXXXXXX. He made the allegation against Fr XXXXXXXX and I reported this to Gardai in 2017. I have felt I needed to pass this on for the sake of Fr XXXXXXX who may be totally innocent in all this and of course any victims of abuse which may be out there related to this case.

Please confirm receipt of this email and perhaps I can make an official statement if I feel this matter can be resolved.




I notice that Fr Henry O’Connell, the Irish-born, newly ordained Oratorian (York Oratory) is to be CC, Wesport in the archdiocese of Tuam. That is an unusual appointment. I’ve never known COs to be made CCs in parishes other than their own. Has he left the Oratorians?


I’m sure he wasn’t the only one break the rules in that den of iniquity. It could be worse Patsy , he could be one of those nasty mad mod polyester queens!


He is still listed in this week’s York Oratory parish bulletin and there’s no mention of his departure to Westport, though ++Neary announced his appointment. It is puzzling.


Being an actively gay priest is hypocrisy. A vow has been taken, regardless of sexuality. Our brethren of both sexualities should adhere to the vow or move on if it is beyond them. Clerical status is for men of good standing. (… and women of good standing too in my humble opinion but that’s a different matter.)


11.04 laity is for people of good standing excuse me. 9.45 is to the point and your remark isn’t. And you didn’t comment on whether there is a vow about cocaine? Your vows and these men’s were a diversion. Even the Bible was telling us not take any. We laity went about our ordinary lives and said “yea” to God and that was better than your fancy ostentation.
And what I’m saying isn’t “anti-catholic”. If you had said “yea” to God the same as we did, that was crucial. The expert study is to prepare you for a role which is pastoral or, if you’re unlucky, quangoish. Don’t predate, and don’t buy cocaine, applies to everybody and not just some sort of superior caste like the one you hypothesise.


Laity is for people of good standing too. There is a reasonable expectation that diaconate ordinations will come from this group of people.
Anyone using cocaine and other drugs is illegal, immoral and very sinful. That was rightly said in yesterday’s blog and I fully agree.


Celibacy is not intrinsic to priesthood.
Talk to parishoners whose priest left to get married and who was replaced by a married former Anglican priest.
Your absolutist position on an issue that is not an absolute.


LOLOL re pic. Good one🤣
Surprised to see Amy from famous bogside, sided with the die hard unionists.
Black and tans supporter ex Bishop daly must be roaring with sheer delight.
Another informer 😉 just like daly 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Normally, Irish bishops intend to ignore you + Pat. But, the reply from Bishop Kelly in Galway is gracious, as indeed as is your reply.


Courtesy is always the best option.

Bishops who have been courteous to me in the past – Diarmuid Martin, Seamus Hegarty, Willie Walsh, Noel Treanor, Kevin Doran.


It’s an amazing and remarkable indictment on Bishops that it is news and noteworthy if they show the common decency and good manners to respond to correspondence.

Has the lowest common denominator sunk this low?

I note too that the Bishop doesn’t refer to Bishop Pat by his ecclesiastical title.

Anyway grateful for small mercies and small steps.


No, but neither did he sign off as “bishop” but used his Christian name. Titles don’t mean much in the grand scheme of things. Courtesy trumps titles.


These are indeed troubling times for Mullaney and his network. Decent and rebellion is in the air.


12.15: Pat, delighted that Bishop Kelly responded courteously to you and you to him. Courtesy and civility are requisites in communication. You have a lit of information whuch is necessary for you to give to the Gardai and Bishops. I don’t always agree with how you sometimes use the information but engaging courteously will reap more positive dividends. Do not accept invitations from some commenters to chase down their enemies and priests for whom they have a grudge. These guys are not at all interested in truth, accountability or justice but are only interested in debasing further those with personal issues.



Pat, Paddy and Patrick are fine Irish names and wouldn’t it be a grand day for us all to drop titles and relate as friends and brothers.
Sadly many, if not most clergy hide behind and cling to their titles as if to a raft or wear it as a mask.
Many a Monsignor has corrected me if I call him Father and many a Canon has insisted on this salutation rather than the simply Father.
Many times I’ve seen people agonise over whether to call a Cardinal Your Grace or your Excellency.
I find the notion of Mother Superior laughable and Jesus suggests that we should call no man Father.
Your right Pat – a simple fits name is both warm and friendly.


You are stuck in the 90’s and not in the current day.
Few Bishops are called by their surname and really any Bishop under 65 likes to be known by their Christian name.
As for convents oh yes it must be Mother Superior , mother General or Mother prioress.
Pope Francis has stopped the younger clergy being called Monsignor and many Canons do not use the title and prefer to be called Father.

Everyone in the RCC is working for the Vineyard not titles.



Rubbish! familiarity breeds contempt, and there is lot of contempt for clergy on this blog. As for everybody working in the Vineyard you must be joking. Most of them are careerists and can’t wait for their next promotion. A lot of them should steer well clear of any Vineyard and stay sober, they might not get into so much trouble. Bringing disgrace to themselves and The Church.😏


A nice response from +Kelly. Just from the handful of times I’ve heard him or observed him I do think he is sincere.


Is the Archdiocese of Tuam now regarded as the missions for the Oratorians of York? Can you tell us what that’s all about? Why does Tuam need an Oratorian? Have they all been converted in York? Or does Tuam need some intelligent preachers for a change as opposed the usually dross.



I think you’ll find I’m very much planted in the soil of today and breezed really through the 90’s.
I think you’ll find too that it is the clerics who insist on their titles who are stuck in the 18th Century let alone the 90’s.
I’m glad we agree on Mother Superior who should surely be Mother Inferior.
My experience is that many Canons enjoy immensely being called a Big Gun.
And many Monsignor’s enjoy their title with relish and woe betide you if you get it wrong.
What kind of world are you living in?
Everyone in the RCC is working for the Vineyard is the complete antithesis of what is reported on this blog, in the media and in our own experience.
I don’t think the priest who is the subject of Pats letter to Bishop Kelly is working for the Vineyard because if he is I’m missing something.


The Priest mentioned today working in the Vineyard trying to do his Best.

Sadly if true this Priest featured today is needing severe help and i hope he obtains that and hopefully it will flag up how his Dean has not been looking after his area and furthermore it does not say much about Bishop Brendan.

Priests have not been immune from covid and the many issue it raises like loneliness and isolation however who am I to judge and condemn it certainly is not in my DNA.

I am sure and certainly hope Bishop Pat highlights theses issues rather than having a go at the people that need help as some clergy featured on this blog are suicidal and dioceses are supporting them alongside their Families and professional services sadly not by “Brother” priests.

Irish Clergy are very fortunate they are Highly Salaried sadly that is not the case in England, Wales and Scotland.


A Bishop should be addressed as ‘Your Excellency’. It is right and proper for us all to adopt the correct title when speaking to a Bishop. To do otherwise is to demean him and, indeed, rudeness. The office of Bishop should be honoured.


You should think of that when they write on this blog about the office people hold.
female names are disgraceful however Bishop Pat seems to like being called Patsy and he controls the blog.
Referring to His Holiness as fanny is degrading when they mean it but shows NO respect for the office he holds.

Most Bishops like to be called by their Christian name.



What a hypocrite you are, you have on many occasions called Cardinal Burke, ‘Mother’ showing you have no respect for the office he holds. As for ould Fanny I don’t have any respect for him. Respect has to be earned and he hasn’t earned it. I’m sure Patsy knows that I’m not being derogatory toward him, he has what you don’t, a sense of humour.


When I was detained in the Vatican a couple of years ago the senior police officer addressed me as “Your Excellency” throughout.

He was very gracious and reluctantly doing what he was told.


You’re having a laugh!
We ought to return tothe practices before the church made the error of pairing its clerical ranks with that of empire, “Your grace for a duke or archbishop” “Your lordship for an aristocrat or bishop.” “Your excellency” for an overseer of Christ’s flock is a travesty of the gospels.


There is NOTHING excellent in, or about, the covering up of abuse — therefore, ‘Your Excellency’ is NOT an appropriate title for most Roman Bishops. Full Stop!


Finished reading the book named best Catholics in the world.
One interesting comment from East German woman who visited Ireland re RCC churches. It reminded her of Stasi when she was in East Germany when growing up etc.
East Germany and clerical Ireland were very different places in one sense, yet similar in another: both were conservative, conformist states sustained well past their best-before date by fear.
Other comments was Irish people may have replaced Sunday Mass with Sunday shopping.
Other comment from the book was Irish RCC is in a free fall or off the cliff. There is no going back unless reconciliation forum adopted from south Africa to heal our Irish psyche and wounds.


6:05 Hi deaf guy, I suppose both were authoritarian thus people tended to be obedient. Were normally only a few steps away from tyranny and the RCC and Stasi knew that. In this country we took on one oppressor, the RCC to replace another, The British Empire.


7:25 I don’t think I’m being revisionist but the other points you make are valid. The bystander approach is promoted. Not allowed to express opinions is what allows tyranny to flourish.


anon at 5.44pm
Yes i hadnt thought of British empire had left a vacuum in the first place when RCC took over. But it sounded right cos it made sense.
How about now, RCC leaving that vacuum as who is taking over or replacing that vacuum space ?


5.44: What a distorted revisionist version if history! Now we have the oppression of modernism, inividualusm, materialism, atheism and consumerism. We are hardly allowed express an opinion that goes against all libertarianism.


Catholicism was part of Ireland’s national identity as we gained independence. When the nationalist struggle for independence was linked to the persecuted Church, the national identity of the post-independence period was also linked with our religious identity.
Today’s increased focus on material and consumer satisfaction has reduced the priority of traditional religious values in society. Secularism is the result.


Surely titles should, rank, status and ecclesiastical honours are an anachronism an echo of Catholicism’s Imperial Rome origins – it has and can’t be associated with Jesus the Nazarene who taught so much about humility and the greatest among us is the least, the first shall be last and to call no man Father for we have only one Father in heaven.
Am I wrong and misguided to think this?


Fair comment. Imperial Romanisation has had influence. No doubt. That was the evolution. The early Christian church in Ireland built upon Celtic traditions. Rome had Roman traditions.
It was the arrival of the Anglo-Normans that saw continental Catholicism integrate more rapidly with Catholicism in Ireland.


Pope Francis was taking the piss out of EWTN and Burke in a report in the Times.
He joked that they were willing him to die and were jackals and vultures swooping over his ailing body.
The article said he was a divisive leader in Argentina and is a divisive Pope.
My issue with Francis (I’m dropping ecclesiastical titles) is he is knee deep in cover up and corruption as much as any oily prelate.
But I don’t wish him I’ll nor his early demise.


I hope Pat’s tv is as good as His Humbleness’s. The one in his apartment in the casa retails for over £8,000.


Ours was about £350. The pope’s tv is 75″. The brand name and model was visible in a photo today so I googled it and found out it retails in the UK for north of £8k.


As of recently Mrs. Alexandra Griffiths, Archdiocese of Liverpool Safeguarding Coordinator’s name has disappeared from the Diocesan website. However the newly appointed Assistant Coordinator, Mr. Mark Robson’s name is present.
Bishop Pat, what on earth is going on in Liverpool?


Surely not the same Mark Robinson who was a seminarian a fair few years ago in Maynooth, but who then disappeared in very suspicious circumstances before re-emerging completely reinvented as an English Franciscan, before moving to the English College in Rome for the Liverpool Archdiocese, before then dropping out (yet again) after finding love in Rome…???


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