


I am Xxxxxxx rom the USA. In February of this year, I met Father Xxxxxx Xxxxc on a social media chat platform called Wakie.

This is a social media place for adults wanting to make friends and more. We communicated on this site from February to April of this year.

At the beginning I did not know he was a priest. I am not a Catholic. Initially my friendship with Father Xxxxx was just that – friendship. It developed into more and Father Xxxxx indicated that he wanted more than friendship and that he wanted an online sexual relationship. He asked me to download Skype so that we could have face to face conversations. During these sessions we engaged in mutual masturbation.

Father Xxxxx told me that he was leaving the priesthood and coming to the USA for us to be together as a couple.

Before communicating on Skype I asked Xxxxxxx for a picture of himself and he told me that he was a priest and that if I wanted to see him to go to his parish website and watch him celebrating Mass. I did this. One of the ceremonies I watched was at Easter when he celebrated a ceremony that meant him going from station to station in his church.

Xxxxxxxx told he that he was addicted to cocaine and alcohol and he often used cocaine during our face to face meetings on Skype. He generally rang me very late at night for him when he had returned from the pub.

Sometimes he brought other men back from the pub with him and they drank and played darts until 4 am.

He told me that he had met a female parishioner in the pub, that they got on well and that after that the parishioner turned up at his presbytery door and they had sex.

He said that this had come to light and that his superiors gave him “a slap on the wrist”.
Xxxxxx also joined the Transgender / Transexual group on Wakie and I came to believe that he was bisexual or had other sexual issues.

He told me that he has been a drug user since he was a teenager and stopped using for a short while after joining the seminary but slipped back into drug use.

He seems to have no problem accessing cocaine where he lives?

Xxxxxx has indeed hurt me – but I am not a scorned woman. I am a mature woman with a lot of experience of the ups and downs of life, and I only want two things:

1. That Xxxxx Xxxxx be prevented from hurting unsuspecting or vulnerable women or men.

2. That Xxxxxxxx gets and accepts help with his cocaine and drug addictions and psychological problems.


This matter is now in the hands of the Bishop of Galway and his safeguarding team.

The bishop will deal with it as a moral, canonical and disciplinary matter.

A serving RC priest cannot be having internet sex with another person without breaking his vows / promises.

If he continued this behaviour the bishop would have to suspend him and eventually laicise him.


This priest is committing very serious crimes by purchasing and using cocaine – a highly illegal substance.

This is a matter for the Gardai – and they are already involved.

In fact the massive drug problem in Galway is currently being addressed by the current Operation Tara initiative.

This priest is a small part of that problem.


This priest has veen using drugs and alcohol abusively for decades. That is deep seated addiction.

He will need intensive treatment and follow up over a long period.

Lets hope he is offered and accepts that.


Currently, there is a major drug problem anong priests and seminarians.

Priests are purchasing Class A drugs from dealers, including paramilitaries.

Drugs are freely available in seminaries and played a role in the Maynooth Summer of Love scandal in 2016.

This is a big problem that the Church and its bishops must address.



I’m not in bed, I’m wide awake and I’m going nówhere, period!!!

…. despite the churches wishes….


@10.13 I have to inform you that it is very likely that your grammar will be cked and, if necessary, corrected. This is a fundamental matter for a bog about the Roman Catholic Church that bases its liturgy and doctrine on Latin. Such a beautiful, precise language demands no less than grammar of the greatest accuracy.


I hope this priest is confronted by his Bishop. He us seriously in need of vigilant therapy but also must be made aware of his criminality in dealing in drugs. More importantly, he may repeat his abuse of vulnerable people, thus thecrequusite of an immediate response by relevant authorities. In relation to misuse of drugs among clergy: I do not know of any priest in my extended circle who abuses or misused illegal drugs. Neither am I aware of clinical studies done by way of research to validate any supposed conclusive evidence. There are of course some clerics who may be hooked but I have never encountered anyone. Alcoholism, yes, sadly, but drug addiction, that remains to be proven.


Did Cormac know about known drug users being admitted to Oscott and / or St John’s? Did the archbishop of Birmingham or any of the (arch) bishops of the south-east or any then or now faculty of the two seminaries or any then or now VDs know about known drug users being admitted to Oscott and / or St John’s? Likewise re. Allen Hall (either half)?
Not only does this affect students belonging to other dioceses it reflects a state of pliability within “authority” that makes one question the direction of the international power. Some of us have acquaintances who are expecting to enter the institutional priesthood and are inevitably going to be impacted by all this especially if they feel trapped by any promise they may make to stick with it.


Literally all of the priests who appear on here use other people. He clearly wasn’t going to leave the priesthood.


11.13: Literally – pure hearsay, gossip and a fantasy lie. Don’t your type just love superlatives and embellishments!!


Point to a priest who has appeared on here and hasn’t used other people. Go on.
You can’t can you.
That’s because your ‘type’ use other people lol.


Yes I agree, the chrúch and priests are users…. They don’t like being called on their shit, it hurts their ego!


Being absent is handling me, cop on pat will yeah, my own mother couldn’t figure me out, let alone and your non responses, is the answer, when will ye ever wake up…. I’m going to hurt the church with or without your help!


Lovely photograph on the front page of The Echo today of Rev Ronan Sheehan who was ordained. He is pictured alongside his bishop (fintan Gavin) and his family. It’s a wonderful picture. Ad Multos Annos. Was there also an ordination in Mount Melleray?


Time for this gal to go for therapy and to move on. Online play is common with priests and this man was honest, his big mistake was that he was too honest and lonely. Pat there isn’t a story here. Take the word priest out of the story, and then we are talking about Tinder or Bumble.


Does anybody ever write to you with positive news about the good works done by The Church and by the many good Holy Priests who silently and for the love of God carry on helping and serving the faithful? Or is it just all the anti-Catholic haters who know you love to print anything negative.


Oh, I’m bored with all this hardcore pornography, orgy, drug stuff. Bring back the characters that give us joy and glee – Rory, Purcell, Littleton, Power Bottom JP and others. I used to look forward to a little light relief that they brought us. Now it’s all depressing, deep, serious stuff which I prefer not to have to read over my breakfast. A few colourful characters, a little bit of swishing vestments and lace, a bit of innocent cock fun…..that’s what we need !


Agreed, I always like to hear of the frolics of the two grand dames of Glastonbury. Betty Turpin is always good for a laugh, as is Billy Bunter, aka bishop of Hexham and Newcastle. I blame Big Mick – he took his sexual exploits into darker waters by desecrating the altar with a seminarian.


I too agree. Gone are the days of MJB posing in a sailor suit. The Summer of Love in 2016 seems innocent in comparison. And, let’s own up, we all looked forward to the next instalment. This stuff is too depressing.


10.21 am
Frolics of the two Glastonbury dames??????
I’ve never heard of that?
You making things up?


Ah Pat, you’ve got the it’s-all-amusing crowd on here today. They want the church’s scandal to be amusing to minimize it.


Taking the piss is the most effective way of undermining these stupid clerics. So, yes, let us get back to a daily litany of clerical peccadillos and some entertaining fun. The more people see of the stupidity, arrogance, nonsense and self-conceit of these clerics, the more they will become irrelevant. So, + Pat, give us what we want. Enough of the deep, serious stuff. You have to listen to your audience, you know. The customer is always right.


The customer is always right.
Except you’re not the customer and you obviously want to cover up the abuse and crime of the church and make it out to be a jolly jape.
Jesus, you people are stupid.


10.56: You, gombeen, are only interested in sexual fantasising. Is your sex life so impoverished that you depend on the porno slutty stuff on this blog for satisfaction. You are scum..Oh, maybe you suffer from impotency!! 😁😂🤣🤣🤣😂😁..


Look Dom Dick at 12:18. You’re a scandal and/or a laughing stock. Nobody is getting off on you. That’s why you’re a monk and not a porn star.


The two grand dames of Glastonbury remind me of the two cross-dressing ladies from “Little Britain” – this time trying to convince everyone they are real monks.


JP ‘power bottom’ Little rubbing the tracksuited copper’s thighs. Those were innocent days compared to this stuff.


@4.06 pm. How can you become a monk without being schooled in monkery by doing a novitiate? Do you wake up one day, buy the habit, and declare yourself monked?


3.35 pm
I think you can if you are the Superior Monk, which Dom Bede is I believe.


“user since he was a teenager and stopped using for a short while”
The problems of society seep into clerical state. Clerical status does not change someone from who they were be that passion for cars or other things.
Hopefully the wayward padre will get the help that he needs and that criminal justice with rightly be served where necessary. Lives have been ruined because of drugs. Those even buying for what they might see as harmless recreational use are feeding and supporting that dark underworld.


‘The problems of society seep into clerical state. ‘
What you mean is that clergy aren’t different from anyone else. In fact they are, because of their pretence of piety.


A sensible and perceptive comment. Yes each generation gets the clergy it deserves. If casual sexual encounters from teenage years is the norm in Irish and UK society, why are people gaping, metsphorically, when seminarian and young priest sexual activity is mentioned? Do readers ecpect that future clergy grow up any differently from their lay peers?


Ridiculous comment at 11:40.
The reasonable expectation is that those considering Christian ministry would be living a Christian life before applying.
In fact the problem would be much less if vocations weren’t selected in pools of vomit and gay bath houses.


If your argument had substance or merit, you would not need to employ the language of regurgitation to bolster it.

It’s interesting that sexual issues are the only test of morality for you. As if the only real sin were sexual sin.

Do you presume that the candidates who present themselves for Christian marriage today are living what you refer to as a Christian life beforehand? Anyone who has engaged in a casual sexual encounter is suspect?


Nice try. But sadly for you some of us maintain an actual discussion instead of trying to turn it into a pantomime.


A bag of wind. You want to say something and end up saying nothing probably because you have nothing to say on the issues raised.


@1:23 would ordain the owner of an abortion clinic. There is no better illustration that any standards (moral or intellectual) have gone out of the window.


The comparison falls flat in the first instance. Anyone with first-hand knowledge of Irish society knows that casual sexual encounter is a way of life these days in ways in which ownership of abortion clinics is not.
It would be unusual to have a vocation candidate owning a clinic but not unusual for a seminarian, or female or male novice to have had casual sex.
Get real and have some consistency between what you expect of the children of this generation aiming for priesthood/religious life or Christian marriage!


LOL the tarty clergy are out in force today. They remind me of the wandering bishop in one of AN Wilson’s novels who ordained the milkman as he was putting the bottle on the doorstep.


Anyone, male or female, should be very cautious about getting into a ‘relationship’ with a priest, because his first commitment will always be his ‘vocation’ and he will lie, as here, about leaving. If you are in this position be aware that he is using you, as he does everyone else, to service his fantasy of being a godling.


11.26: And to that add: all you men and women who are married, single, gay or whatever, choose your sexual partners or one night stands carefully. YOU all need to exercise great personal responsibility and stop hanging around with people you know may not be free for a relationship. Stop blaming “the priest”. Every person in extra relationships generally is lying to themselves and others in their lives, thus causing much hurt and pain. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IS A REQUISITE for all of us.


It’s funny how the cathbots are so intent to stress the alleged holiness and specialness of the hard working priests until one is caught snorting coke, etc. Then suddenly they’re t infiltrated by society and everyone needs to take responsibility for themselves. 😂
It’s just like the way children are a temptation to the priests.


ROFL at 12:14 – out here in the real world we’re at liberty to have multiple relationships. There is no lying because this is the reality.
You couldn’t possibly be trying to distract attention from another sponging, mooching, lying, deviant cleric, could you?


11.02: You’ve experienced the reality of gay bath houses, haven’t you – pools of vomit!! Hope you learned your moral lessons.


It’s not about loyalty to their vocation it’s about selfishness and trust, they violate it when people are at their worst!
They are well looked after financially and they take advantage one way or another!


I see in Ireland possession of cocaine gets a class c fine (up to €2,500) on conviction. I have no idea whether the focus in reality is on prosecuting dealers rather than relatively small offences like this.
I have no doubt that ‘father’ will say he is stressed and may even lose the ability to walk, and will be surprised if he gets more than a slap on the wrist assuming this is his first offence. Luckily he can’t just get a caution because that only applies to cannabis.


Drug possession is to be effectively decriminalised in Scotland with those caught with Class A substances set to receive a police warning rather than face prosecution


All these apps are causing no end of trouble. God be with the days when making new friends just involved joining the badminton club or the Young Conservatives.


Drugs was around since 1980 when I was a little tot. It hasn’t changed one bit. Even a family relative got involved as well. I didn’t understand it at that time.

But it was drug addiction in name.

Then I noticed a deaf friend who was a heavy drinker, was able to buy cocaine.

Then I realised now that drugs had became more and more accessible to the people. It wasn’t that accessible in 1980s as far as I could recall it. You had to go through long like a snake re source or seller.

But now that drug snake is much much shorter as you can get it quick in certain pubs now. I know one or two pubs that sells it quite easily, it’s usually the musicians pub.

My deaf friend was able to buy it quickly and fast re cocaine. That surprised me a lot cos it took years for drugs to become more and more accessible to people on the ground. Now it’s boom and you get it.


Always enjoy your comments hard for anyone to disagree or challenge your points when you acknowledge yourself as a deaf…

Try making a point withiutacknowledging your disadvantage….

You might learn something….


Brendan Marshall’s bae Ronan Sheehan was ordained a deacon. He had his ordination deferred for 2 years. Why?


In 2016, Conan McGonagle made a complaint to the seminary authorities about the two. Ronan Sheehan and Brendan Marshall played a key role in Conan being asked to leave the seminary. He allegedly found them in a compromising position in Ronan’s room. How and why was Rev. Ronan Sheehan ordained?
There is no justice Pat 😦


Before the Fr Flannery affair, how did Fr Neary escape controversy for almost 30 years while living as a bishop?


Anon at 2.27pm
What controversy are you talking about re Neary?
Bishops expertise is cover up, deflection, sending you the wrong way, keeping the lid on before it blew, using laity monies for their own ends. What else is new under the sun??


His “No.” to Fr Flannery’s request to say his sister’s funeral Mass. His unwillingness to make an exception, on grounds of compassion, to Fr Flannery’s suspension, even though the church authorities in Limerick allowed him to celebrate his brother’s funeral Mass last year.

A murderer would be given a few hours’ parole on compassionate grounds on the occasion of the death of a close family member.

I believe bishop Neary’s motto is “Fidelis et Misericors.” One would not need to be a great Latin scholar to translate it, nor a great English scholar to see the irony.


Agree with @2:48pm. The re-ordered cathedral is a travesty – more like the foyer of a 4* star hotel. And why does the episcopal throne have to be the centre of attention? There were some striking new church designs in the sixties, but imagination and taste have since departed as on every level of church life. Ronan is a nice man and intelligent, so let’s wish him well.


I agree too,it’s just another example of what the mad mods call re-ordering it is fact the destruction of once beautiful sanctuaries. Which leave them unrecognizable as Catholic Churches. Perhaps that’s what they want.


I think priests are more fucked up than regular individuals, they were ficked up before ordination, they get worse!


I think you’re right, and then it’s worsened by the delusion that they’re special and the world owes them a living.


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