


Clerical circles are awash with the talk that Denis Nulty will move from Kildare and Leighlin to Tuam.

This talk comes alongside the news that the priests of Tuam have made it very clear to the nunio that they will not accept the appointment of Fintan Monahan as their archbishop.


Monahan was Neary’s secretary for many years and is not liked by the priests.

He is reputed to be nasty, sneaky and have a fierce temper.

If Nulty gets the job they will have no problems as Nulty has no substance and tries to be all things to all men and women.

But before leaving Kildare he should sort out the clergy attending the Gay / Satanic meetings near Stradbally.

There are also outstanding question of a Kikdare priest with a cloud hanging over him.


Bishop Paul Tighe’s mother was cremated in Dublin yesterday.

We all expected Paul to be the celebtate the funeral Mass but instead the main celebrant was Paul’s close friend Diarmuid Martin.

Paul did not preach the homily. DM did.

Perhaps Paul was too upset to celebrate. The death of one’s mother is an awful experience.

I celebrated the funerals of both my parents – my Dad, Jim in 1985 with Cahal Daly presiding and my Mum Josephine in 2006 in the Unitarian Church in Dublin.

My mother’s funeral was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.


171 replies on “WILL NULTY GET TUAM?”

What’s wrong with the priests. Out here in the world of work you get your manager appointed and if you don’t like it, in the absence of provable wrongdoing, you can take a hike.
If the rumours are true it means the clergy of the diocese are a bunch of spoiled princesses.


Alternatively, your industrial model doesn’t fit the church, the People of God, and the Mystical Body of Christ.


Clerical exceptionalism @9.29am. The laity, who fund the clergy, are entitled to have expectations of them. If the clergy want to be fully independent, free agents they can be self-funding and stop putting the hand out.


Who are these People of God? I hate that Paul VI-era phrase. I thought there were no chosen people now. Are athiests, Anglicans, Methodists, Muslims and the Orthodox and the Jews the People of God, or is it just the RCs who are the People of God?


Ah so in the mystical body of Christ you get to refuse anything you don’t fancy? No wonder it’s moribund.


Thanks for sharing your personal least preference. However, the term is biblical in provenance and was adopted by an Ecumenical General Vouncil.


Bishop Nulty must make a statement as to why one of his priests has been c/o Bishops House for the last 12 years in official documents ( ref : Irish Catholic directory 2009-2021 inclusive) but in reality has been in ministry abroad. The website of Kildare and Leighlin was only changed a number of weeks ago when K and L were challenged on this. Records show that at least since 2012 this priest is located in Bishops House Carlow (ref: wayback machine @
There is also no photo of this priest on the diocese website where he is in ministry despite him being there for 10 years. Out of 160+ priests, all but two have no photo. What are K and L hiding?


10:32 cover up is not acceptable. Chauvinism does not apply. Parochial? Please explain what you mean in the context above.


Who is the K&L priest who has secretly been in ministry overseas? Is Shirley Bassey a K&L priest?
And what happened to all the talk about merging some of the Irish dioceses? Dublin is far too big and many of the rural dioceses are far too small.


11.23… You’d need to get your facts right, is PP of a rural parish just outside Carlow covering 3 churches.


What parish is Lawton PP of? First I’ve heard of it. On the diocese’s website it just says “music ministry” next to his name.


Fr Liam Lawton is ministering in his Native Edenderry ..PP there is in poor health. Also both his parents died recently in A short time of each other. He did not want to be tied to A Parish as he was A way A lot with his music. However with Covid 19 and his parents illness he was stuck in K&L.


So he is temporarily helping in his home parish cos the rona is stopping his musical junkets? As for the idea that a diocesan priest does not want to be tied to a parish? That’s extraordinary.


Who cares?
This regular debate on clerical promotional moves reveals the true nature and concerns of the RCC.


Bishop Nulty has always been a gentleman, kind and caring. Very much loved by people from his Diocese. Very kind to priests. He fully support initiatives which enhance roles of lay participation. I wish him well if he goes to Tuam. Not a surprise that Archbishop Diarmuid woukd be chief celebrant but very shocked that Paul said nothing. Perhaps too emotion so for him


Do not be Shocked at all about Bishop Paul Tighe as he carried out his Mother’s wishes.
If you missed the part where it was announce you can watched again on the parish web cam.
Of course Bishop Paul was upset he was the eldest however His late Mother did not want her Son Paul officiating at the Mass as she said to him Paul it would be a Holy mess.
His Sister said a few words and she said she was surprised but they carried out their Mother’s wishes.
Some Clergy just see Funerals as part of the Job which is so sad even when there are family member.
Once i have seen parish Clergy in chasubles carry a coffin it is normal for Religious but never usually for parish Clergy.


Misuse and randomisation of capitals betrays the bold Jim S. His principal obsession is imagining he’s fraternising with bishops, archbishops, nuncios etc.


Being a kind Bishop often means letting some of your clergy run rings around you. Some abuse that kindness and get away with blue murder. It’s like some religious superiors allowing some of the community to get their own way. Being kind is not always necessarily a good thing.


AB’s House
You should be ashamed spying on a man grieving and where else would he stay with one of his family as his Mum was in a care home by her choice so why not stay with a Brother Bishop and family friend.
If you are a priest likely one of the one’s that could bury or cremate family and think it is part of the “job”


Is Derma sharing his stash of cigars with Paul? He should get his teeth cleaned and bleached they are as yellah as Bertie’s anorak. I wonder does AB’s house know if he emptied his cigar pile when he had the movers in?


12.58: Aren’t you a bitch queen of a priest? Really, you should find more relevant things to comment on This type of clerical bitchiness by some in Dublin Diocese arises from those who have been passed over for other posts. They are a small cohort of gossipers and very nasty, typical of the “priest” who forwarded you the info on Bishop Tighe’s whereabouts. You are one priest I’d hate to have as a friend or work colleague.


I’d hate to have a boring old maid like you as a priest friend or colleague. Imagine no gossip or tittle tattle under your roof, God is life not serious enough. Most like a good old bitch about fellow clergy especially whilst having a few tinctures.


It seems as those from Liverpool don’t make an exception in gossips..
It lights their life better than the “God’s Call “…


Christ on a bike! Who is responsible for this newsletter? 1987 is calling and they want their newsletter format back. Fr Ted would be proud! Will someone tell these lads that posing in front a camera as if they are at the most fluffy sheep contest at the national ploughing championship is not where the RCC needs to be at in 2021.


That awful garden was one of the last acts of Ledwith.

They are standing in front of St Mary’s House, the sole remaining seminary residence (the former seminary residential buildings of Long Corridor, Humanity, Rhetoric, Logic, New House, Dunboyne and Top Pat’s are not used by the seminary now). St Mary’s has 110 bedrooms. There are 26 sems in it. What a waste of money and bad for morale to be rattling round an empty building. Presumably they use only one floor of it.


The sems are a funny looking bunch and don’t look or dress like students their age.


Never mind about Wilson. In the September 2021 issue the front picture shows what are presumably lay students. 4 of the 6 girls are agricultural in build and stature. I’d recomment a course on healthy eating. Mind you, I doubt if they think that they are big lasses themselves. It’s the norm nowadays.


The pint-sized “St Patrick’s Pontifical University” – my son’s primary school has a bigger enrollment, lol – mostly attracts country girls who want to be teachers. There are very few male lay students. The PU has lower entry standards than MU, which itself is weak academically.
Lay students use the PU as a back door to MU. They are recruited by the PU via clearing when they cannot get in elsewhere and sign up for the BA Theol and then drop the theology in second year to become full MU students.


Wrong on several points of information. One hopes your son isn’t exposed to such prejudice on a regular basis. If he is, the big school he attends is wasting its time.


The AVEPRO Evaluation Report on PU Maynooth said that among its weaknesses are that:
the decreasing number of students and the low academic ability of some in-coming students in recent years;
• fragmentation of courses; an excessive number of courses with small student numbers in each leading to a drain on personnel and financial resources;
• lack of incentive to engage in research and publication.


11.57am. You might be surprised by what I know and who I am.
The latest internal quality review by PU Maynooth confirms what I said. It found that:
The student retention rate is also a cause of concern. This figure may be explained by the following reasons:
a. The number of students who register for first year theology had identified Arts in NUIM as their first preference on their CAO application form; theology at SPCM was their second or even third choice. Failing to gain the necessary entry points into NUIM, these students take their second preference offer of Theology at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth. If they successfully complete their first year examinations, many of these students apply to NUIM for an inter-institutional transfer. The numbers applying for this in recent years has been in the region of 10-15.
b. The relatively low CAO entry points attract a sizeable number of
academically weaker students. Consequently, a large number of the students find Theology more difficult and, in some aspects, more
confessional than they expected. This accounts for the high failure rate in the summer examinations at the end of first-year. Many students who fail the examinations drop out at this stage. The drop out rate in second and third year is very small.
After successfully raising the entry points gradually over a few years, these points may have to lowered again in order to keep student numbers stable. This has a negative impact on the student profile.


Finally, 11.57am, here are the international ranks for St Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth. They are very funny.
#5120 of 14,160 in the World
#1379 of 2,789 in Europe
#21 of 32 in Ireland
#2 of 2 in Maynooth (lol)


“Do you know who I am?”
Anyone asking such a question concedes their argument is week and imagines their interlocutor(s) will be impressed by status.

Status is no longer accorded automatic respect, much less deference. Respect is earned by the truth and cogency of one’s argument. And yours is weak.

If you knew anything about CAO systems you’d realise they don’t function like IQ quotients. On the contrary they’re simply the relationship between supply and demand.

Yes. Your son ought to be protected from prejudice. Otherwise no matter how big his primary school may be his schooling will be in vain.


I’m not sure how anyone can have any confidence in PU. Episcopal leaders should be creating the environment for more vocations. They are presiding over the opposite.


It’s interesting that the only voices that could be heard in the appointment of a new archbishop are those of the other bishops, the nuncio, and some of the clergy (although I suspect the latter will not be listened to that closely, for they are but foot soldiers). Not a single lay person will have been meaningfully engaged about who or what they want to see for the future of THEIR Church ! At least political parties and companies arrange for focus groups so that they can learn the views of their supporters / customers. No sign of that in the RCC. So, I expect that while there may be a flurry of interest and comment from the clerical apparatchiks, there will just be a big sigh of indifference from everybody else. This disengagement and disinterest (driven by centuries of a clerical dominated Church) is dangerous for the RCC and its clerics. When people have no investment or interest, they eventually disengage. When they disengage they don’t attend. When they don’t attend they don’t pay up. That’s the bottom line. The lesson for those of us who have some kind of interest in the RCC and its future is to ensure that the clergy understand our unhappiness with the status quo, and the way to do that is to simply not pay up. They will then take an interest, I assure you. Even focus groups. Even consultation. Even some level of meaningful decision making on the part of the laity. Now that would be something !


That prospect is not only not dangerous, but it’s the future and the only thing which is going to bring change in the gulag.


You are so out of touch and maybe lapsed but certainly out of touch.
To give you any credit maybe it is an Ireland appointments issue as that is not the case the World over.
EVERYONE is asked and encouraged to write or email the Papal Nuncio who they think would be an ideal Bishop for the vacant See and the Papal Nuncio takes that into consideration.
When the Dioceses of Paisley Scotland was empty John Keenan even had Professor’s from the University writing in as he had very little parish work and he is doing the same for Glasgow.
So everyone is encouraged to contact the Papal Nuncio about appointments.
Time will tell if Archbishop Jude has listen to the clergy of Killaloe IF they have contacted him but usually all talk.

Liked by 1 person

Oul Gossip Alert@11:41am
OMG she’s still at it asking everyone to contact Papal Nuncio’s, She can’t help herself, don’t listen to her, the poor Papal Nuncio’s have enough on their plate dealing with his humbleness God Help them!


Jim S.’s weakness are nothing compared to your hypocrisy. You speak about the Blessed Immaculate Mother in one breath. In the other you use vulgar language about Pope Francis and others. Charlatan!


Bishop Nulty is a kind Bishop. He is liked by many in his Diocese. Whoever takes on the role of a Diocesan Bishop anywhere will face many challenges, smaller congregations, fewer and fewer priests, less finances and less people willing to participate in parish involvement. Despite all new initiatives to affirm the role of the local Christian community and lay involvement, we are not anywhere near what we envision or promise. On the ground in our parishes, we are struggling to fulfil our mission statements to embrace, include and welcome all in the name of Jesus and his gospel. We get so far but the inevitable happens – insufficient responses, simply because we mostly have an older constituency at parish masses and many have played their part before. But we must build on the goodwill we still have in our communities. How – I’m not too sure.


There is an obvious solution. REFORM and stop allowing older white men to decide everything! But the parishioners are not being listened to. The obsession with Bishops having control is insanity. Bishops who dress up like old women and who only equate success with the amount of control they have is antiquated. A bastion of irrelevance. A dying breed. I wish them well.


Is charlatan a new word for you Bella? You that left school before your time?


Where you really at Holy Mass today because if you were then you certain do NOT take the Eucharist serious and likely very seldom go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation formally known as Confessions.
When did you last visit the Sick or help the lonely and the Poor.
I take NO credit for helping in the soup run twice a week or other voluntary work in the vineyard.
Yesterday was safeguarding conference by Cardinal Sean O’Malley in Clyde Street and by Zoom.
You really show the SSPX up for what they really are however Father Wall said just to pray for you.


Sorry to say but you seemed to be so blind not to see the Rotten Tomatoes in the heart of Vatican and all around the world…
The Roman catholic boat Hierarchy is sinking so badly… Jump out only if you are true to yourself…, if you are clan of hypocrisy then remain and drawing down…


Fintan Monahan had full knowledge of the activities of Dom Dial a Dick Purcell when he was operating in his diocese. Shameful.


Denis is one of the good ones, like Eamon Martin, Ger Nash and Dermot Farrell.
A selection system that results in Phonsie Cullinan leading an Irish diocese in the 21st century is flawed. Early retirement would be good.


You would be doing all readers a service if you appended the up-and-coming convention to your post: (He/His/Him – She/Her/Hers – They/Their/Theirs)
In that way, your habit of referring to a man in the terms you choose to could be better understood by all.


Thinking about the reference to the mystical body above – it is remarkable how many members of the mystical body are the appendix or tailbone.


The Church is the structure. If the spine is weak, it’s a poor reflection on the Episcopal leadership.
The spirit is not confined within Church structures. All parishioners should be welcomed like Christ. The spirit flows through the whole Church community.


12.04, You/it/she/her/gobshite get a life. Most people on here know who the auld doll is so no explanation is needed.


The doubt is not in relation to the target of your diatribe but tather in relationto yourself.


Losing a parent at any age is heart breaking and although more common for a priest to conduct the funeral of his parents I recognise that for any bummer of reasons Bishop Tighe felt he couldn’t and his bezzy did it instead.
That said – Tighe is a prima donna, wears his legal training like a badge of honour, is transparently ambitious and woefully lacking in pastoral skills (perfect combination for further promotion) and although presumably high on the IQ quotient scores less high on emotional intelligence.
I also perceived when I met him that he is less interested in the fairer sex and suspect that he has mastered the art of endearing himself to various old Queens who populate the Vatican and Irish episcopacy.
He missed the memo that the first shall be last and the greatest the least.
May his mother however rest in peace.


Tighe wouldn’t be use to doing any funeral liturgy. DM would have some sort of an idea of what came next. Tighe would have immolated his mother in order to get a bit of purple. Ridiculous to see him with his purple scullcap at his mothers funeral, so much for humility, although humility would be rare in the Tighe family.


2.04: What a nasty comment. I met Paul’s mother on a few occasions in the past and what a lovely, kind, unassuming lady. Paul was always a little reticent in pushing himself: quite academically clever and an ordinary guy while in college. Officiating at your mother’s funeral or a parent or sibling is very emotionally tough and difficult. This is a mean spirited, unnecessary and ignorant comment.


From experience, I understand that officiating at your mother’s funeral is excruciating. But I had to do it for my Josephine. It was my last act of love to her and when love involves great pain its very pure love.


“Little John, the weakly one…….
Twas he who said her Mass in black, the morning that she died”.

I have never met Paul and I sincerely sympathise with him in his great loss.

But he strikes me as someone who has been shielded from much of lifes pains and challenges?


The key questions are these. Is there a need for an Archbishop of Tuam? Does the Church in Ireland have too many archbishops?


@12.43 It is astounding that your pertinent, intelligent question did not draw discussion. That says a great deal about the intellect engaging with this blog.


Pat, do you know it was DM and Tighe that set you up for detention by the Vatican Police on your last visit.


1.53: Pat, the Dublin PP is a liar. It is pure mischief making. These clerics who pose like this are failed climbers.


All I can say is that I told Diarmuid that I was going to Rome and my dates.


Pat Tighe was suggested to you as the culprit when you blogged about your detention. That guy @12.52pm is talking bullshit.


Old news. You are only copying the theory that a few have suggested already 12.52pm at that time. There is no such a thing called the Vatican Police either so do your homework more carefully next time.


Excuse me! I was detained by people who told me that they were the Vatican Gendarmerie – as their uniform confirmed.


Yes Pat at 5.29pm I was making the point that it is not simply Vatican Police but rather Gendarmerie.


Doesn’t exist any Vatican Police…apart of Swiss Cardians…,
For the Crime in Vatican is involved… there is a special team.. Unfortunately there is no connection so for with priests, bishops, Cardinals or Popes…
It is might be known as “A Big Brother “!!!


Farrell not doing well in Dublin. He’s a very clerical appointment no interest in lay people. Haven’t heard about his Task Force or Synod! Rumors that Kieran Bennrilli Mc Dermot or Ciaran o Carroll could move to Ossory or K&L! Strange going’s on!


2.16: You are so, so off mark re: McDermott and O’ Carroll. They are yesterday’s clerics..Not an imagination between them. Nice guys but not as Bishops…For God’s sake…we need visionaries and prophets not “yes” men!! I think Farrell is overwhelmed by the challenges in Dublin Diocese. God bless him.


Yes McDermott and O’Carroll are yesterdays men but AB Farrell may make them Auxiliaries in Dublin.
It was nice to read you saying God Bless AB Farrell and yes you are correct he was not aware how bad Dublin is but he will try his best as he as someone else said is a good guy.
He is having to either rent or buy new Diocesan offices soon but it seems to all be hushed up soon all will be revelled..
Personally I think Bishop Doran or Leahy will go to Tuam as Fintan maybe a bit young.
Is Fintan not in the same situation as Keenan the Clergy do not want them.


Jim S drove poor Cardinal Sarah demented with his endless letters. Even when an issue wasn’t anything to do with Sarah’s Department he encouraged people to write to him.


Totally wrong Jim S knows every department in the Vatican and Cardinal Sarah would be the opposite to Jim S as Jim S is a Traditional Catholic not a Traditionalist. 🙂
Papal Nuncio’s and prefect’s like to know what is happening in the vineyard more so Archbishop Roche soon to be Cardinal elect.


So sad to see very few Scottish bloggers on the blog now.
Jardine, Patricia, Paul M, Stephen D, Jamie, Gangard guy to name a few.


7.21pm I for one do not miss any of them boring Scots one bit. All they did was bicker over the appointment of Scottish bishops. Zzzzzzzz


7.21: I think they’ve all become tired of the repeat nonsense of bitchfests on this blog. Wise men/women.



We are well aware you know every department in the Vatican you’re never done writing to them. You are keeping them all up to the gossip wither they want it o not. We know you’re a polyester just like oul cockroach who hopefully will be stamped on and squashed before he does anymore damage.


3:44 frightening and so so sad. As a survivor of abuse I can understand my own pain but multiplied by countless thousands of others it is just impossible to imagine the collective hurt.


3:51 who is we? Is that the royal “we” Denis? Are you a priest, parishioner or one of the satanic set ?


6:20 seamusviii , I take your point but I can only go by what I have seen and the evidence I have. Sacrilegious yes but atheist no. They do believe in Satan and worship him. As one of them is on record of saying the group worship him and his evil deeds.


Talking of seminary newsletters, Lorcan Keller is editrix of Allen Hall’s. Many will remember him, perhaps fondly, from his days in Maynooth. He’s a restless soul, going from seminary to seminary, job to job.


Imagine if 3000 pardophile clergy in France how many in other countries.
It beggars belief – RC priesthood is a license to sexually abuse children and clearly is a haven for them.
Clergy like to minimise severity- few bad apples but we all know that child abuse is at the centre of its dark heart.
Their seedy secret has caught up with them – by the way 3000 is a minimal estimate – this is the view of the Zeitgeist and there is no getting away from it: Catholic priesthood is a profession that attracts and harbours paedophiles. No child is safe if they are in contact with a RC clergyman.
What an incredible and devastating indictment.
This isn’t a wound they can bandage this is terminal and the party is over – renewal, revival, synods, councils are futile.
The dark heart is exposed and society has judged the clerical vocation to be no more than a device which embraces child abusers and casts out their victims.


5:14: There needs to be an independent enquiry into every diocese on the Island of Ireland. It is long overdue.


7.14: For what? The Dioceses have been scrutinised by various agencies and reports written about the reality of their situation. Do you not keep up with the news?


7:51 pm: To uncover the cover-ups! We definitely need an independent enquiry from the reactions of some contributors. Bring it on….


That report was later shown to be utter junk, wildly exaggerated numbers, shoddy methodology. Pope Francis cancelled his audience with the author set for 9 Dec, likely made well aware of its uselessness. La Croix reported on 25 Nov how the Catholic Academy of France, lead by Senator Hugues Portelli, noted its ‘an imperfect ecclesiology, a weak exegesis, an outdated moral theology.’ The shoddily extrapolated figure of 330,000 is derived from 2,738 reports over decades of an uncertain standing. Jean-Marc Sauvé is also a Freemason, so obviously wanted to cook up a shocker.


York Oratory finally gets round to announcing the departure to Westport of Fr Henry/Ciaran O’Connell. In a crytic comment in this week’s newsletter they say:

We offer our best wishes to Fr Henry who has been given a placement in the beautiful town of Westport, Co. Mayo. His address is: . He will be delighted to hear from parishioners.


Let’s hope Bishop Pat we can look forward soon to more clergy scandal especially the gay sexual type. Any tit bits and morsels are always gratefully received, anything trashy at all. Anything that’s of the clergy’s own making. Like watching the clergy squirm at their own hypocritical double lives. Nothing much in the Sunday World today or last week’s daily Irish Star worth reading by the way of clergy downfalls.


7.14: Your life must be so boring, empty, meaningless, unadventurous and crap if this is your request of Pat. One thing we can say for certain – you wouldn’t put your real name or your photo to this comment. Would you? You’ve made an utter fool of yourself, you brainless, intellectually challenged idiot.


@7.49pm You are obviously hitting out in such a vicious way because you are afraid that your trashy behaviour might feature in such a blog.


It would be interesting to learn the average reading age of the Irish Star. You would bring it down by at least a year.


9.07: I am correct: you are an intellectually, emotionally and spiritually impoverished fool. Grow up, you moron. Stay in your trailer trash.


@7.14pm Couldn’t agree more. Nothing better than a late night read about what clergy are getting up to and clergy goings on, especially the hypocrisy and scandal.


Nothing like a good old bitchfest. Love reading all about it. Come on people start dishing more dirt on the gay pulpit pooves.


I was pleasantly surprised to read that Cahal Daly presided at your father’s funeral. There must have been some good in him. You have been very critical of him over the years. thanks for saying something nice.


It’s very difficult in the extreme to find anything nice to say about the creature that was Cahal B Daly. Just because someone is present at a funeral doesn’t necessarily make them a nice person.


You are obviously bitter and twisted. I like to be fair minded and give credit where credit is due. I am not a bigot. I have defended PB on occasions and disagreed with him on occasions. All credit to PB for mentioning that Cahal Daly was at his father’s funeral. If he had been as bigoted as you he would not have mentioned him. All credit to PB.


Cahal Daly travelled in deep, dangerous snow to presidecat my father’s funeral. We must always give credit where credit is due.


Dear Pat,
Let me be clear, I do not have have any hate for Diarmuid Martin or Paul Tighe. May Pauls mother rest in peace.
I am clearly pointing out a double standard of Diarmuid Martin. Many priests of the diocese were called in and asked about their friends staying over in the parish house. I wanted to put the same challenge to Diarmuid Martin. Fair is fair Dermot! Why shouldn’t he have the same scrutiny about particular friendships?
And yes, Paul Tighe was the one who reported you when you were in Rome Pat.


I do not think anyone can challenge what you’ve said.

I’m surprised DM challenged anyone about particular friendships.


Paul Tighe was in communications office at the time when you visited. He had prior knowledge of your visit. It was even brought directly to Pope Francis. Your picture was shared and your movements around the Vatican monitored.
Do not be under any illusions.


9:57 Have they nothing better to be doing considering the church worldwide is collapsing. Did they think Bishop Pat was after organising a coup d’etat on the Vatican, or was it an attempt to curry favour with top brass? Pathetic people with little to bother them.



I knew that what happened to you in Rome was not a coincidence, somebody was responsible. I hope it has taught you not to be so trusting and to be careful who you do trust.


Pat did it not shake you up even a little being detained im this way. I think if I was in your shoes I know I would have been shook up.


The sooner Pat realises Diarmuid pulled the wool over his eyes the better. Diarmuid protected himself from Pat’s scrutiny by befriending him and pretending to act. He sacrificed innocent seminarians and priests to do it.
I am not wrong. The truth shall set him free…
Paul Tighe would not be where he is without Diarmuid. The guy has zero talent and personality. They are very close.


Maybe I am a spurned lover. You might be surprised to learn who I am 🙂
I know too much.
Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.


10.17: We know your style of words – they are traceable..Be careful or you’ll fall even further.


I think you were right to worry about being “disappeared”. The Mothers of The Disappeared in Argentina still meet every week in the Plaza de Maya about their children who disappeared in the70’s and 80’s. his humbleness would know all about disappearance you had a lucky escape.


9.27: Pat, thank you for acknowledging the kind gesture of Canal Daly by attending your father’s funeral. I believe it is time for you to leave the past behind re: your experiences of Cahal Daly. From experience I know that carrying memories of past traumas is not conducive to our health and well-being. We learn much out of conflicts and – may I say advisedly – you should not allow others to constantly remind you of that traumatic time. You’ve come through the darkness into light.


I never think of CBD and my interactions with him.
Currently I concentrate on my relationship with God and my service of others.
The blog is different. It is an RCC tracker.


He has gone from Dublin to the Oratorians to Westport. Red flags! Look at those eyebrows, shaped beard and puffed hair 😂


Basically he wanted to be a priest in Ireland, was given the boot by Dermo, and used the COs as an alternative route. I thought that the Oratorians lived in communities. I’ve never heard of them going off to be random curates in dioceses. There is more to this than meets the eye.
I also agree about the preppy/hipster/gay look.


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