
Legal Tsunami May be Headed for Vatican Prosecutors in ‘Trial of the Century’

October 15, 2021 by Peter Complicit Clergy

Somewhere out in the ocean right now, a small buoy is measuring wave direction and speed, along with barometric pressure and water temperature, feeding that data back to observatories. Even small upticks or downticks may signal the first stirrings of what could become a devastating storm.

You don’t need special equipment, however, to detect warning signs right now of a legal tsunami that may be heading for the prosecution in the Vatican’s “trial of the century,” which pivots on a $400 million London real estate deal gone wrong, and, for the first time ever, features a cardinal in the dock.

On Wednesday, the penal section of the Italian Supreme Court dismissed an arrest order that had been issued at the request of Vatican prosecutors for Gianluigi Torzi, a London-based Italian financier who’s a principal defendant in the Vatican trial. Though we don’t yet have the text of the ruling, in effect the Supreme Court found the evidence submitted by the Vatican insufficient to sustain a charge.

The decision follows a similar ruling by a British judge in March, who also threw out a Vatican request for Torzi to be arrested, citing what the judge called “appalling” misrepresentations and omissions in the evidence submitted by the Vatican’s Promoter of Justice.


I think the Vatican is trying to blame all kinds of people for the corruption in the Church.

But the truth is that the buck stops with Francis and the cardinals who run the Vatican.

When you are the chief and deputy chiefs of an organisation your scalp is the one that should be sacrificed when things go wrong.

The truth is that the Vatican should never have been state in the first place. It was a gift from the tyrant Mussolini in return for church support.

The Vatican is a rogue state when it comes to sexual abuse, financial corruption and cooperation with groups like the Mafia.

Italy should cancel the 1929 concordat and make the Vatican answerable to Italian, European and International law.

50 replies on “Legal Tsunami May be Headed for Vatican Prosecutors in ‘Trial of the Century’”

You’re absolutely right Pat. They will take no responsibility for their actions.
In case anyone could have any remaining doubts what the church is about, incredibly a church in Baltimore arranged to fete a priest forced to leave over abuse.
You read that right, a kiddy fiddling priest was to be celebrated. In 2021. After all that has happened.


Read Geoffrey Robertson QC book: The Case of the Pope: Vatican Accountability for Human Rights Abuses. The way the Church became a nation state was through a squalid little deal with Mussolini to become a nation state so it could sit in the United Nations as a judge over other states and its head became immune from prosecution. This is a strange state indeed, the only one in the world without a maternity hospital and nobody enquires why.


i suspect that the Vatican prosecutor’s office and police are a bit MIckey Mouse and not able to put together a case that will adequately undergo forensic inspection by elevated courts such as the Supreme Court of Cassation in Italy and a High Court in the UK. It points to the widespread mediocrity we see in the Catholic Church in most areas. You only have to think of the standard of homily preached by your local parish priest to realise that this is an organisation that has little expectation of excellence. It would not be tolerated in organisations, institutions, businesses that depend on excellence for their survival.
On the matter of mediocrity, I sat though a Mass yesterday billed as a Mass to introduce the universal Church synod that was launched last week by Francis. There was also a pastoral letter to accompany it. I have to say that I came away wondering if the clergy, or even the bishop, understands what this is all about. The words spoken and written were just flimflam and formulaic reiterations of meaningless nonsense, such that you bathed in a wave of uncertainty and unknowing. I still do not know or understand what all this is about, how it is going to work, what will come out of it, and how it is going to be implemented. There’s an imprecision about it all, a sense that we are just saying this as something that we have to say, but don’t expect much to come of it. Again, no other body would launch something like this without there being a rigour and a direction to it. I wonder how many other people came away from its launch in their parish by their priest thinking that the priest doesn’t really get this, and so neither do i ? I can’t say I’m expecting much to come from this initiative – and perhaps I am being overly generous in even call ing an initiative so badly formed it is – and I expect that I will just disappear beneath the surface in due course, because for the bishops and the clergy it is easier just to go with the status quo and leave the uncertain and increasingly irrelevant future of the Church to others.


Sorry you cannot understand the Synod or it not explained to you properly. We are a Church on the move and never stay stale, so read both of the documents and join in and have your say.

The Gaelic and Monastic Church
The Anglo-Norman Church
The Reformation and Penal Church
The Post-Emancipation Church.
and now
The Church in Contemporary Ireland

We are all in the same boat sailing ahead.


Oul Gossip Alert@9:45am
Get a grip, sadly you’re all in the same boat all right and heading for perdition which is where the synod will lead you, so sad. 🙄😏🤣


A Church on the move ? And never stale ? Really ? What I see is a Church that is mired in filth and criminality, lazy, self-indulgent and led by a clerical culture that is quite happy to look after its own interests and doesn’t want any change. I see a Church that has already decided to nobble the process by sifting it through that episcopal and clerical culture, and which has already effectively said that certain things are not up for discussion – eg. women’s ordination, it’s obsessive interest in sex and it’s negative, hurtful and damaging attitude to sexuality. Yes, it will waffle on about fundamental options for the poor, and it will continue its culture wars by flying the anti-abortion flag, but it won’t do anything to change the things that we want changed, or save the Church from slipping further into irrelevance.


Jim S’s ramblings are preferable any day to your obtuse negativity preceded by your mindless signature tune “aul gossip alert.”

The synodal way is Pope Francis’ way. You’re not a real Catholic. As if the good Lord cared what material vestments were made of. Swaddling clothes and a manger were good enough for him.

I can imagine your mother shouting “They’re all out of step except my Johnny.” when she’d see you in the FCA marching out of step.


Go back to school, Bella! You left it far too early. The comment at 9.45 is so far above yours in quality that you are unceremoniously left in the ha’penny place. The ha’penny was withdrawn from circulation in UK in 1985. You should have been too.


@9:45: The comment @ 9:26 indicates a high level of intelligence and ability.
If 9:26 has found his clergy unable to lucidly explain and convey the aspirations behind the proposed synod, I suggest the problem lies with the shortcomings he indicates rather than any inability on his part.


Spot on, Johnny could do know wrong hence why he’s to left feet waiting for he’s blue Peter badge, coz he’s special 😊😂


The Lateran Pact was a Faustian Pact, a deal with the devil, that resulted in a massive injection of cash and the handing over of its management to a single man who insisted under Pius XII that he have a free hand to invest in arms (this was 1929 go figure), gold (Nazi) and other dubious areas.
Pope Pius had this guy (not sure of his name), Paul VI had Sidona and Pope John Paul had Calvi and Marckinkus and Benedict had Sodano – Francis is as dodgy as the rest of them – he once asked a foundation in the US for £25 million no questions asked and of course he reinstated McCarrick and various dubious prelates to powerful seats on Vatican financial institutions.
The Vatican corrupt – who knew?
They don’t have a legal system – they only have a vehicle to do the Popes bidding.
If exposed to higher courts the whole thing crumbles.
The game is called protect the Pope at all costs just like Westminster’s machine tried in vain to protect Elsie from damage regarding recent law case which has opened the floodgates to sue the Safeguarding Dept for their victim blaming and hypocrisy.
The whole edifice is a pack of cards and they all know it!!


The name you’re looking for is Bernardino Nogara who dealt with the Vatican finances at the time of the Concordat. It was under Pope Pius XI as it was1929, Pius XII was not elected until 1939. He was retained by Pius XII untill he retired in 1954.


Ould Gossip Alert @ 1:41pm

PSML🤣 yet another comment in course praise of yourself, unfortunately ‘Oul Gossip Alert’ is the only signature tune to describe you, because that’s what you are. You’re correct the svnodal way is oul fanny’s way certainly not Catholic. I would remind you that Our Blessed Lord after His Glorious Resurrection is no longer the poor carpenter of Nazerath. He is the King of King’s and Lord of Lord’s. Only the most sumptuous vestments should be used for his worship. You wouldn’t get that of course only being used to cheap nasty polyester.🙄😏


I am not Jim S. Notice I don’t do random capitalisation unlike him. And unlike you I know the difference between a principal and a subordinate clause and can recognise a finite verb.

But give me Jim S. anyday. At least he’s a Catholic and not a pseudo sedevacantist.


Just exactly how many people do not realise that the Vatican is involved with groups like the Mafia?


You’re very welcome to Jim S. birds of a feather flock together you’re as thick as she is. It’s a blog, not a grammar quiz ya bollox. you’d be all day correcting your sidekick she would not know verb never mind an adjective.


9.26: I share your observations mostly but I think you may be a little cynical. You have reason for cynicism and doubt, as I have. Thirty five years ago when, as a much younger priest and witnessed the imminent cultural, civic and religious landscape changing rapidly, many of us then identified the urgency of establishing professionally trained lay faithful in every parish to be catechists, leaders, spiritual mentors and leaders in management, specific to the parishes – with still good congregations and finances – our “dreams” were barely heard, written down but placed on shelves. For years many of us expressed the same concerns. Thankfully I worked in parishes where worthwhile initiatives, missions, retreats, training of and involvement of the laity occurred, yielding fruits for the betterment of the parish community. We are in a “vision” crisis at present and have been for a long time. We are uncertain of how to respond in relevant, meaningful ways to a modern, educated, materialised and commercialised world that places value on what you have and own, the end result being an alienation from a religious framework of life: (thoug we are told people are spiritual!!) Independence of thought among many has led people to discern their own moral and spiritual, humanist pathways. The church has an incredible depth of spirituality, prayer, religious art, music, literature, tradition of contemplation, meditation and mysticism by which it can nourish its adherents. Some of us try to readapt the resources already available for our parishes. The huge challenge now is that our Diocesan Task Forces are devising initiatives whuch look good on paper but the implementation of such visions will require properly trained parishioners and personnel. Presently, the age demographic of priests will not be energetic enough to even begin to read the documents!! And, the age profile of reliable parishioners is not young or younger either!! I think having some plan or initiative is welcome but I am not so confident about the meaning, relevance or practicality of the Plan just yet. The priest alone cannot be the one holding all this together. It is an absolute must and imperative that we immediately engage gifted, suitable, professionally trained people to maintain and implement any plan or initiative. Doing little “bits and pieces” , depending on the local priest is not be sufficient. Confusion and doubts abound, unnecessary worries are placed on us if we fail to do the “big” project; already parishes are reduced to just one priest and this is a reality not often borne in mind. Dear Bishops and paid bureaucrats, please be realistic, supportive and caring. Please put resources into the proper training of leaders in our parishes; provide resources that are meaningful and nourishing and which can be understood leading us from one place to another, hopefully to be a better Christ-like community where everyone feels welcomed and cared for. I remain somewhat hope-filled that some nuggets of wisdom will ensue from initiatives which will be enriching and sustaining. It may be a broken hope through!!


Nogara, Sidona, Calvi, Marcinkus, Sodano.
The popes from Pius XI to Francis have succumbed to that biblical adage: the love of money is the root of all evil.’
Notable exception was Pope John Paul I who was murdered for his vision to root out this cancer.
Many priests love money and the Vatican is driven by it – money, power and sex (predominately homosexual) fuels the engine of this tin pot and failed state.


The greatest existential threat the RC church faces isn’t financial or sexual or even the abuse of power – all of which it has down to an art form – no, it’s greatest threat is the passage of time and demographics – the old dying and the young being more knowing of the institutions corruption – then from the Vatican to the smallest parish will have no people, no money – only old priests to put in nursing homes.


6.39: For weeks on end you, goosehead, you express the same vacuous, meaningless, unintelligent nonsense. Think you are intellectually challenged…Try contributing relevant narratives, if possible or go back to school.


All these accusations of gossipers and stalker alerts, all of ye reading and commenting, pot calling kettle black 😂


My sentiments entirely.

Notice how she or he picks out the longest word in someone’s comment and rehashes it, usually in a way which indicates she or he hasn’t understood what the poster was saying.


Yes I too wish 6:10 wouldn’t do that. It does make it difficult to follow the discussion.


Father’s just been thrown out of the bathhouse.
He would obviously rather it was just him and Bela Lugosi.


As always on Monday, fewer comments and the comments are more sensible and less queeny. I wonder who could possibly have a day off on Mondays 🌷


6.53: Yeah, the boiler house in your garden…getting ready for winter!! Hope you freeze..😈☻😈☻👹👺👿..Satan.


9.28: The Sisters of St. Dorothy are working in a number of countries as teachers, nurses, medics and parish workers. Look at their website…


It’s a wonder the Holy See didn’t buy it. They like speculating on the London property market. It used to be the home of DeGaulle.


Yes I hadn’t heard of them today. When one has had a certain amount of experience of the church you expect to hear about friends of Dorothy but not St Dorothy.


Sure aren’t they going broke, I’m sure this will have a domino effect on bishops and priests benifits in the future, sacrifices will have to be made!


I didn’t say the church wouldn’t exist I merely highlighted that demographics will create it own rump or remanent a reduced in size, less money, less power, humbled and a shadow of its more opulent and corrupt self.


It seems Augustine was right in his theory of two cities, Rome really does symbolize all that is worldly, and the very worst traits of the world at that. Every form of abuse can be listed coming from the Roman church to the point that, it really isn’t safe to be around.
While anyone with an ounce of human decency would hang their heads and feel the justified guilt of their actions, the church blames society. Listen to the rad trads and the very worst days are presented as the best and anyone who disagrees with their cult is demonized.
If Rome was ever an apostolic see, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that it never was, it has journeyed so far away from the church of the apostles to become something akin to the Whore of Babylon that the protestant fundamentalists once labeled it to be.
That so many have abandoned Mass attendance across the world is not a crisis for the church but, a victory for society. People have grown up, decided they don’t need a corrupt abuser dictating to them and have simply moved on. I’d question whether faith in God is dead, more like faith in the church is dead and it is never being restored.


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