

I was very fortunate growing up by having experienced the ministry and example of some very good priests.

In my childhood parish in Ballygall, Dublin we had Canon Pierce, Fr Joe Collins and Fr Michael Lambe.

Fr Collins

They celebrated Mass prayerfully, the visited every home on the parish and were available 24/7 to anyone in need.

Canon Pierce and Fr Collins were my priestly exemplars.

We also, as a family, had visits from the saintly Jesuit priest, Fr John Hyde SJ.

Fr Hyde

Priests then were true servants of the people.

They were not looking for anything for themselves. They were not narcissists.

Todays younger priests seem to be into their appearance, their vestments, their socialising and themselves in general.

They do not seem to want to do the boring task of going from home to home to let the parishioners see they care.

They want their days off, their priest buddies holidays etc.

The modern priest seems to ask “What can the church and peopke do for me” instead of “What can I do for the church and the people”.

Their priesthood is THEIR POSSESSION.


The world’s current RC seminaries are hotbeds of active and extreme homosexuality involving professors and seminarians.

The religious orders are full of active homosexualuals.

And these new latin Mass societies are full of active homosexuals, turned on by lace, ritual and living with other men.


The pope and bishops know all about this and are doing nothing about it.

Many cardinals, archbishops and bishops are sexually compromised.

It would also mean sacking most current seminarians and challenging the very many sexually active priests.


Ban sexually active men from seminaries if they do not commit to celibacy.

Expel all seminarians misbehaving sexually and in other ways.

Expel seminarians who bully other seminarians.

Dismiss sexually active priests.

Let the Vatican impose stringent visitations of religious orders.

Immedially disband all these recently set up Latin Mass groups of priests and others who obviously reject the Vatican II vision of church.

Let them go off and form other churches and societies if they wish.

All of this will lead to a more authentic church and priesthood.

The RCC has become a circus and the priesthood is now full of “clowns” of every hue.

Good priests in Ireland are now as scare as the corncrake.


“Dismiss sexually actively priests “
Pat, are you not sexually active ?
Surely you’re a little Hypocritical here ?!
Don’t spin this comment by saying you were relating it to the RCC- sure you want to see it dismantled .
You are a priest and a bishop and you are sexually active With your husband , I presume ?


I am not a serving RCC cleric. Its rules do not apply to me.

Presumption is not a good basis for any view.


Rules are rules and If remember correctly its their rules, not society’s.
No point implementing them when they don’t abide by them or handle their corrupt clergy probably because of it!


If you were a Presbyterian you’d never make such a false claim in relation to clerical celibacy. The twelfth century saw the application of that rule following Innocent II Lateran II.


11.43….. Along with those independent guys who make up their own rules to accommodate their sexual, liturgical, priestly and dress preferences. There are many, like Pat, who have dreams and desires. Pat chose to personally respond and go public. A courageous decision. But, I think hounding after similar guys is very wrong. We must recognise hypocrisy in all forms – and reform, repent of and renew from wrong doing but not by constantly thumping people with sharp edged glass or rocks judgments. There are so many issues around living priesthood and trying to renew parish communities that I believe many priests are presently struggling, not necessarily with unaddressed sexual desires (which are ever present) but because we are in an existential crisis of defining our relevance, meaning and mission within present structures. Celibacy is very manageable for many but not for all and I have worked with incredibly devout, dedicated and inspiring priests. We need open, honest and genuine, respectful dialogue but the comments today are very far from this. Thus, priests are justifiably nervous in being honest because of the nasty, odious and hateful comments which are directed towards them. None of us wants pity but we are genuinely interested in respectful dialogue about present challenges and crises. Name calling, smart, hurtful comments are counterproductive.


I believe you are under the impression the epistles were the wives of the apostles.


James I once found a priest receiving oral sex in the Parochial house office by a man who was in arranging details for his upcoming wedding to his fiancée. That priest promised me he would never do that again and that it was a one off. Priests are only human at the end of the day and are sent challenges like us all, unfortunately some fail, but god forgives all sinners.


True. Oscott is a hotbed of homosexuality that isn’t hidden. Why would you appoint openly homosexual priests to the staff? It’s like putting Dracula in charge of a blood bank.


You are right about Oscott. The whole atmosphere whiffs of a gay culture and the smell of sexual activity, along with the institutional smell of cabbage and polish. A good number of the boys there, especially amongst the seminarians, spend their time working out how they can get out and get away and get to the gay bars and clubs of the nearest cities. These days they tend to avoid the gay quarter of Birmingham, too close for comfort, and too easily to be recognised. So, it’s trips off the London and Manchester. Not too difficult to do, and not prohibitively expensive with a student rail card. The talk and the chat around the table and in their rooms is very much tinged with gay chatter, and with juicy gossip. Really, how can anybody miss it ? The place reeks of homosexuality. Now, like + Pat, I have no problem with homosexuality. Live and let live, I say. What I do have a problem with is the ingrained hypocrisy in which these guys are being formed. They learn from day one that it is okay to be dishonest and to skirt around what they publicly profess, namely celibacy and a chaste life. Their formatters know that they do this, indeed encourage them by word and example, and the seminarians know that they are doing this. + Longley probably knows that this is going on, but he doesn’t like conflict and avoids confronting the problem. There’s a real problem in Oscott, and they need to sort it out, because what they are doing is producing a generation of priests who are schooled in hypocrisy, lies, and a lack of integrity. This goes on to colour everything about them and their ministry and priesthood in the future, with collateral damage to the Church and the faithful. If + Longley and others think it’s okay for priests and seminarians to be actively and functionally gay – and I would have no problem with that – then they need to have the honesty to say so, then we could all have a sense that these people are living lives of integrity, lives in tune with what they are professing. Of course, they won’t. They haven’t got the balls to take that step. Instead, they allow the hypocrisy to flourish, and hide behind avoidance and denial.


Don’t believe it that the Oscott gays are not around Brum. They were out in force during Gay Pride. You can spot a priest or sem out on the pull in mufti easily. There were a couple of recently graduated ones that were out and about too. Cassock by day, 501s by night. Gammarelli to Levis in the blink of an eyelid.


9:46 Yes priests are easily spotted, not least because no other gay has worn 501s since 1989.


10.32, 501s were all the rage in Maynooth in the 1980s, but haven’t been seen in the wild since the late 1980s, as you say.


Mind you, you could say the same about a number of other seminaries, even those of the traditionalist bent. All that clean cut, innocent, cute looking lithe young men, looking all holy and pious……and underneath, all those hormones and sexual frustration bubbling away. It has to come out in some form or fashion. You put all those guys together, repress everything, and you have a potent mix. I spent time in the VEC and remember the NAC in Rome, even the Legionaries of Christ, and underneath all that jock all-American boy front of the NAC or Hitler Youth / Storm Trooper front of the Legionaries, there was just below the surface a hotbed of repressed homosexuality. I know. I had a few, from both places ! Oh, happy days !


Certain professions, it seems, are deemed to include more gay people (men) or certainly stereotypically would be expected to feature more gay males, ie these would be (in general) –
Air steward
Fashion design
Makeup artist
Roman Catholic Priesthood


I understand funerary undertaking is another traditional gay profession. And of course a gay undertaker features on this blog occasionally.


Sunglasses concession shops in airports usually have gay staff, as do high end hotels, florists. Don’t forget the footmen in royal households and paid sacristans and vergers.


Now I look again he’s got the tonsure going on so presumably belongs to one of these antiquarian religious orders like Dominicans of Avrile, and they may well not wear socks. So he probably actually doesn’t have anything on under the alb but it’s the way it’s cropped to cut off his feet lol


You must be a recent convert or you’d know he wasn’t a Franciscan. You’re not a cradle Catholic? If he were he’d be wearing a capuce with an amice.


Was up earlier for a shift at the royal fr Pat. You were very kind to us when mammy was dying. I just watch your wee page like.


Pat, I don’t understand your obsession with the internal liturgical arrangements of a church you don’t belong to and which you frequently denounce. It would be like me wading into Anglican liturgical disputes.


I love when members of other denominations try to wade into Anglican disputes because they never ever understand the complexities. Like the comment here a while ago that said most Anglicans believe in consubstantiation 🤔


I consider myself to be reasonably expert on Anglican matters, despite not being an Anglican. I’ve had an interest in it since adolescence, probably arising from my interest in history, especially British and Irish history.


10:36 Had I realised your expertise was present I wouldn’t have spoken.
I think you will find expertise is usually better gauged by others than oneself. Many people have told me I am an expert at identifying pompous twats, for example.


The Latin mass is certainly not destroying the priesthood, far from it. The devil hates Latin and I’m bringing to see why. Majority of IrishMen entering seminaries are going to traditional fraternities that form REAL men of prayer. We need to wait 20 years until all the 1970s boomer generation is dead and we can restore our liturgy to its glory.


The Devil loves Latin and Lace, easy for him to lure in young priests and destroy their souls with sexual deviancy.


There’ll be nothing left by the times the boomers are finished with it. Their children are lapsed, their children are unbaptised, they have no converts and there are no vocations. What a legacy to leave.



Yes you’re right about the boomers, but don’t worry. There are plenty of Traditional families who do have their children baptised and numerous vocations in Traditional seminaries.


7:38: Which reminds me of the ascension into heaven when Jesus said to the onlookers
go therefore, glorify the liturgy, through latin lace and fraternities of frills.


Who told you that the devil hates the Latin Mass. It is very funny when people makes claims like this. Another one is what people say about different types of music. Rock, Rap etc were not around 2,000 years ago. I am sure other music was not either, eg Irish, yet many people say it is ok in Churches.
I am aware of one church that allows concerts – Country & Western, Folk, Ballad etc take place in them. And if someone dies and it is their wish to spend a night in that church they have to hold off till after the concert or have their wish turned down.
The concerts take place in the church despite the fact there is a hall and a number of pubs in the village. It seems that the Parish Priest is on a percentage of the takings (for the upkeep of the church) and the Bishop, a Bishop in a Munster Diocese which shares a boundary with two other Munster Dioceses and the Provincence of Lenister, (Look at a map of Irish Dioceses and you will work out which Bishop I refer) seems to have little or nothing to say on the matter. Maybe he does not even know such events take place.


“Fool! This night do I require thy soul of thee.”
There’s no guarantee you’ll be alive this timetomorrow.


As far as I can see the younger Latin Mass priests are thoroughly gay and active as such. The. LM is a facade to hide behind.


The VCSC itself abolished prayer and belief from 1954 if not before. Jesus was telling us not to do as Parolin did to a lot of people. The VCSC is out of communion with good priests and bishops – who get put upon by archbishops. If you get caught up in this giant synod thingy beware lest your good will be taken for granted by those higher up than you would trust. In those circumstances it has ceased to matter which liturgies are in use. People who weaponise one liturgy and another aren’t going to get the world on its feet, not in 20 years.


Who’s the guy processing in just in front of the priest, with the brown freckle on his neck? Absolutely gorgeous.


All this preoccupation and concerns about liturgy and clerical vestments: more deckchair management on the RCC Titanic!


The practice of using acronyms is to distinguish the “in crowd” from the plebian unintelligent peasants. Often those that use such obscure acronyms merely demonstrate their insecure herd mentality.


The priesthood portrayed above is a cult and not fit for purpose. It’s a freak show where mr and ms soap may observe through glass at the constructed aloofness and marvel if they are gullible enough. It’s the Roman Empire before it fell with little julius cheesers at the head


11.27: Kelvin Kevin: this surely is an acronym! All blogs have numerous commenters under anonymous or acronyms or weird titles of a kind. Very few give their real names. Pat’s blog is no different. It reveals the fear people have of veing identified, thus being potentially chased down. Also, using anonymous or acronyms is protecting your privacy. The downside is that people can say what they like when hiding behind unidentifiable personae. We therefore must be discreet and careful.


@9:09: You appear to have entirely missed the point. My comment was NOT about pseudonyms. Do you even understand the difference?


Any goss from the Clogher clergy conference about the two trad priests switching to the FSSP? The once and future bishops, Joe Duffy and Joe McGuinness were glad-handing about, with Joe D doing his usual routine of making offensive remarks to people under the guise of humour.


Pat, this is all hearsay. If you had any evidence of actively gay priests or absent priests from their parish – you would be exposing them surely?

Or is that blog to happen in the future?


Roisin what planet do you live on?!
The majority of priests are homosexual and I’m sure some are caving in to lust, it’s only human nature.
But this is why it is important that the church moves on with the times.
If the only tribe you can attract to fill priest posts are predominantly gay and the church has vilified these homo’s in past and present, it’s a shocking state of affairs.



It was a disaster that it wasn’t stopped, Roncalli realized too late that opening the window to let in some fresh air. Actually turned out to be a hurricane that blew away every thing he loved. Just read Veterum Sapientia his document on Latin to see he had no idea what would happen and would be appalled with what has happened.


I hope you’re all watching the service from Armagh Protestant cathedral to celebrate Ulster’s 100th birthday. It is on BBC iPlayer now. The Earl of Caledon, Lord Lieutenant of Armagh, is representing Her Majesty.
The Catholic delegation includes Bishop McGuckian of Raphoe, Colum Eastwood MP, and of course the Archbishop of Armagh, who unfortunately is imperfectly togged out, as he is wearing a priest’s surplice rather than a prelate’s rochet.
William Crawley is providing a rather unctuous, cloying commentary and sounding remarkably insincere, though he forced himself to admit that it is a red letter day (though I don’t suppose he kniws that that phraae derives from the TLM Missal).


Some factual errors in your comment e.g.
“Red-letter day” Etymology: “…early 18th century: from the practice of highlighting a festival in red on a calendar.” Etc.


Has anyone any evidence or know of any ‘actively’ gay priests then come out and out them, also any priests that ‘holiday’ together. Yes we all deserve a break but they should not be flying around the world for these ‘holidays’ when so many people live on the poverty line.


Bishop Pat, I have been on this blog before. My brother is gay and has been with 2 priests, sexually. I have no issue with that, but the hypocrisy of one of them to denounce or preach to my son about sex before marriage is unacceptable.


11.56: If parishes are clustered with a moderator or administrator, then a priest obviously will live in one parish and minister to 2/3 others as I do. Not uncommon. And there is no problem whatsoever once we engage meaningfully with parishioners. Generally they are understanding.


I think it’s a reference to Turf Lodge, a standalone parish in Belfast whose anger issues PP does not reside in the parish, apparently.


Eamonn Martin spoke exceptionally well in Armagh today. His well chosen, artfully crafted and thankfully heavily nuanced words went some way to allaying the error of having the event as it was formulated. The event did little for the memory of the British soldiers, I.R.A. hunger strikers and the thousands of men and women, Catholic, Protestant and Dissenter, Unionist, Nationalist and others who lost their lives through violence because of the tragedy of ill-conceived historical design.These two islands are blessed in the honourable, wise and prudent Heads of State, His Excellency, Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and The Supreme Governor of The Church of England. The Archbishop in his words, I thought , was brave and courageous in the context of the event and that place.


12.35: I agree with you William: Archbishop Martin spoke very wisely and inspiringly. Credit where due and the Archbishop exercised great sensitivity and care.


@12.35pm I thought it was a very sad occasions and felt for the young people there. They face life in a country with entrenched, divisive views. They deserve better. Act, act, act.


2.30 pm anonymous
No need to call Maureen a bitch!
Get a grip on your vocabulary man.


Buckley rant on Latin Mass today indeed. Mother Burke wouldn’t be pleased with him just saying, 🤣🤣.
Some points he got it right, some other points wrong.
I have nothing against Latin Mass. The problem I have with Latin Mass was aired before on this blog along with too long mass. Cos sometime in the past, I preferred a quickie mass of 30 mins or less with no sermon. The one in NYC where it had me boiling when a priest droned and droned on some obscure church off wall street. He was looking for attention cos he was asking people where u from etc during sermon et al.
NO mass isn’t bad at all as I did experience healing from that mass long ago. I’m not biased towards NO Mass or Latin Mass. I’m sitting on the fence on this.
Rcc two different mass rubrics, that’s where rcc lost their way, no identity that people could or can identify with. Heard old neighbours deceased now moan as she missed Latin Mass where everyine there said one language. That’s was in 40s, 50s and 60s that she spoke of.
Roncalli was a freemason. I couldn’t understand why he couldn’t reverse his decision etc. Paul 6th was probably a homosexual as well re previous liaison with some actor in Milan.
In NYC, there was a statue of Baal there if I rem correctly. The movie ‘Rite’ was good and engrossed. Hopkins was a superb actor.
No beef with Latin Mass but have beef with Latin Mass societies due to their excessive secrecy, they think they are above reach with holiness re abuses. They as priests in certain Latin Mass societies think they are untouchables and spotless etc. Lace and all its sundry is an attraction for any aspiring gay priests out there. Frankie the bouncer got it right in some ways but wrong in other ways. It creates a division and discord as well. RCC always brags about unity and 2 thousand years reich. That’s isn’t happening now.
Cracks in rcc are starting to appear now with people more divided as ever.
I shouldn’t have placed my bet on mother Burke but I was thinking of profits to be gained etc. Think it will be another jesuit in the making re next pope.


DG you’re wrong about LMS societies causing division and discord that’s caused by the polyesters demanding everybody follows their happy clappy Vat.II shite, wither they want or not, it wont happen. Your constant insults to Cardinal Burke shows you are not a nice person just because in your eyes he had the audacity to wear the Cappa Magna, get over it and learn some manners.🙄😏


anon at 4.29pm

Have a good look at Taylor Marshall,Vigano and Schneider as they all spoke sanctimoniously pious at times . They are clamoring & demanding more and shouting from their rooftops. That isnt frankly acceptable. They cant have both ways. If they want to set up and create a schism.Then its fine.

Look at SSPX causing division and discord ,not only them but others in return to tradition website, Taylor marshall and two others that i mentioned it the above.

I love to wind up re Mother Burke as he can go and wear that ancient old cappa magna to create a ridicule for him and others (im not bothered as its his prerogative) which reminded us of the Constantine and famed Roman legion army vestments such as 10th legion army. Cappa magna was a symptomatic of Constantine pompous era and arrogance. Its llke looking down at us as little people. Its for SHOW full stop.

Jesus never wore vestments at last supper, why should be it be for all bishops or cardinals etc?


Ditto with yourself and Pope Francis, Bella.
I’m glad to see you had that extra pee to put into cappa.


It’s not sensible for “opponents” of the various (at least three) Latin masses to stay with the Vatican city state church, either. Your enemy’s enemy is not your friend. Religion is supposed to be about believing, praying (at home) and relating, not revolving around pet hates or dancing to any bigwig’s tune.


Think it was one Italian cardinal who said rcc was 200 or 300 years out of date. They are becoming irrelevant in people lives cos heard a couple used to be a Catholic who refused or won’t allow a baptism on their baby as it took place in a hotel, not rcc anymore. No more money coming in as extra revenue apart from church gate collections.
I remembered some quote saying bishops as god mouthpieces which I think a lot of blanoey in it. Interesting bit was ordination paper piece that a priest had to sign it to swear their obedience to their Bishop but NOT their god. This means priests will back their Bishop by virtue of their silence and disown their parishioners. Its bishops first, then 2nd is himself, 3rd is people in their parish. A change in their priorities since 50s and 60s.


That cardinal was Martini of Milan, who wasa friend of Dorothy, a semi-athiest and a member of the St Gallen Mafia which promoted the clownish oaf currently misruling in Rome.


anon at 3.50pm
You got that right re Martini as i had forgotten his name.
Forgive my ignorance, who is Dorothy? U mean Vinnie?
Yes heard of St Gallen Mafia as they nominated him. That isnt the work of HS correct?
Per JPII rules on conclave, that mafia group would be excommunicated per se.


Deaf Guy
‘Friend of Dorothy’ is an old euphemism for a homosexual. Granted it is confusing with the clerical tendency to keep on talking as if gay sex was never legalized.


Yes, DG, the election is invalidated by the scheming of the St Gallen Mafia whose members included rogues and retrobates such as Daaneels, McCarrick, Battista Re, Coccopalmerio and CMOC. The fact that Bergo was the candidate says a lot about them and about Bergo.


If it were possible to defame the dead you’d have been guilty latae sententiae.


1 27: Deaf Guy: church gate collections are never for the local church: always Charities or local GAA or Soccer Club or Order of Malta or Third World Charities. Never for Church. Never. Don’t mislead for convenience of anti church rhetoric.


anon at 4.24pm
I apologize for my mistake here cos i should have said Church collections inside the church on Sundays ,not Church gate collections.
Hence, oops my mistake.


anon at 5.37pm
Many thanks for your explanation re Dorothy as its much appreciated. I learn something new every day.


Anon at 6.31pm
Many thanks re names of St Gallen Mafia as i noticed the name of Coccopalmerio. Was he involved in orgy party??
Have a look at this link below, which was interesting cos it helped me to understand the background leading up to it.
1. Murphy-O’Connor and one of his protégés, Bishop Arthur Roche.
2. Liturgical war going on inside the Vatican re PBVI re 2007 SP (issue of Latin mass directive)
3.Murphy-O’Connor had in fact privately urged Benedict not to issue SP( Summorum Pontificum). Soon after the text’s release, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, the mafia’s leader, publicly struck at the document’s heart—telling the media why, out of principle, he refused to say the Latin Mass.
4. Archbishop Piero Marini—the personal secretary of the infamous Archbishop Annibale Bugnini—and it documented the work of Bugnini and others in altering the Catholic liturgy.
“Marini is regarded as perhaps the leading advocate of progressive reform in Catholic liturgy,” explained vaticanista John Allen. Allen stressed that, during the time of Pope John Paul II, Marini had been responsible for liturgies where “indigenous dancers began to gyrate down a catwalk” and a female shaman in effect “performed an exorcism” over high-ranking Churchmen.
5. Murphy-O’Connor lauded Marini, praising his “meticulous care and great reverence” in the liturgy. Marini, meanwhile, highlighted the role of the papacy in making the liturgical revolution possible. Roche, the protégé who helped Murphy-O’Connor misrepresent Summorum Pontificum, was present for the event as well.
6. Pope Francis went on to “resurrect” Marini, the controversial liturgist—and to appoint Roche, the protégé of Murphy-O’Connor, as head of the revamped Congregation for Divine Worship.
Murphy-O’Connor didn’t live to see it, but on July 16, 2021, Pope Francis aimed Traditionis Custodes directly at the Latin Mass.


7.44 oh you mean the Murphy-O’Connor who sniggered because he knew “a man who can teach you franch”? The same one is it?


Why has Oscott become a gay seminary?
Is the new rector a reformer or is he part of the problem?
What about previous rectors – what part did they play in creating this gay culture:
Mark Crisp
Pat McKinney
David Oakley?
Kevin McDonald – he’s definitely an old Queen!!
What about Judith Champ – is she oblivious or does she know what goes on but turns a blind eye?
Longley is a gay man so can see why he doesn’t do anything about it.
Richard Walker was vice rector and now VG – a rather effete and delicate man.
Hugh Sinclair was spiritual director there for years – wonder what he thinks.
It would be great to do an expose of Oscott – sounds like a gay factory turning out gay clergy – not sure the lay faithful of Birmingham would be happy funding this gay hothouse.
I’ve never seen a woman at Oscott – except Judith Champ and Caroline Farley – definitely a gay bastion stinks to high heaven.
The Trustees of the Birmingham Trust and Oscott College must know all about it unless their heads are stuck in the sand or they are in denial.


Pat, you ascribe to many priests of the Catholic tradition the most cynical and distasteful motivations re: perceived and obvious behavioural exhibitions: “mass” fetishism, narcissism: homosexuality: vanity: disordered dysfunctioning, etc….all designed to create the narrative that almost all priests are similarly affected. You evoke a torrent of abuse and invective which does absolutely nothing to catalyse a necessary debate about priesthood and Church. Most of what is posted today has already been expressed in previous blogs. The repeat themes are obviously designed to persuade your followers – and others – that we’re all flawed, psychos, abusers, weird and untrustworthy people. The intelligent commentary given by a few who are genuine about real, Christ like renewal and change and structural reforms are generally scoffed at or ignored. More often, you prefer the tittle tattle of brutish and ugly rhetoric. You surely wish for better?


Latin is part of Catholic culture. All of the great thinkers have it as their language of writing and study. Although it isn’t used daily and may not be liturgically helpful it is important to have the cupla focal in Latin too. In fact the document on the liturgy of the Second Vatican Council envisaged that this would be the case. (Sacrosanctum Concilium no. 36) We have two extremes in the church today those formed in the late 70s and 80s who just can’t cope with thought of Latin and those ordained in the last 10 years who come out with things like “The devil hates Latin”. Language tells us so much about who we are and where we are coming from so it’s a shame that we can’t find the middle ground when it comes to ecclesiastical Latin


Yes but look at its supporters. Enough to turn the most devoted off. Bella is barely literate in English and the only Latin he knows is ‘Kurie eleison,’ and he acts as if he knew what any of it meant.


Evil Stalker Alert aka Oul Gossip @8:51pm

You really are illiterate, I’ve already explained to you that Kyrie is Greek not Latin, you cretin! I’m not surprised you spelt it wrong since you can’t spell in English. Get help and get back to the Adult Literacy class.


Pat, I sent you a registered letter dated 19th Oct.
I’m wondering if you received it.?
Track and trace has not confirmed you got it.


Aficionados of the Latin Mass are hell bent on schism – they boast of their loyalty to the Pope but pick and choose their popes and councils – Benedict v Francis, Trent v Vatican Ii.
The Latin Mass agenda is now off the agenda and ain’t coming back any time soon.


Most CINOs only agree with the Spirit of Vatican II (that’s all they know it it, having never read the documents) and totally ignore Vatican I, Trent and the councils before them. They think the Church started in 1962 and that Catholic teaching is whatever the pope of the day says it is (which is not at all what Vatican I taught).


Yes they are. The only logical end of the Latin mass position is that Vatican 2 is an anti council and all of a sudden you find yourself electing an anti pope.


That’s what you think, but you’re wrong The Latin Mass agenda as you call it is never going away. Not until we see the last of the Novus Ordo aficionados off to their true home Protestantism where they belong. Bye! Bye!


Nowadays the term Latin Mass can only refer to that contained in the Latin version promulgated by Paul VI. The former missal for better or for worse was abrogated by the same pontiff, Benedict XVI notwithstanding.

Interesting about the phrase, friend of Dorothy, which I thought referred to Dorothy Day, but a friend just informed me that that Dorothy was the one in The Wizard of Oz.

Clang, Clang, Clang went the trolley… we’re off to see the wizard


Having studied from a psychological perspective the nature and content of many repeat comments and their authors, there is an unhealthy focus – fetishism perhaps – on embellishing details about the liturgical vestments, demeanour, vulgar porno prose, fanciful sexual imaginations towards chosen targets (priests). The need by some to repeat their comments displays a distinct deficit of emotional, sexual and spiritual development. Some seem to be still in prepubescent stages of development. There are noticeable exceptions, but there is too much sluttiness and childish, girlie talk to ever imagine any of them being of a happy disposition or to be ever in a fulfilling intimate relationship. Little boys and girlies, grow up. De Integro is an exception. MMM was another exception. And the odd anonymous contributors.


+Pat: Didn’t you like my comment a few days ago immediately after Hilarium mentioned me above? Is that why you didn’t publish it?
So I repeat its gist now to test you.
The blog has now become such utter dross due to the preponderance of inane childish hostile commentary, and +Pat’s failure to exercise sensible censorship.
That’s why I only rarely read it, and refrain from commenting.


Was there not a dispute in the daisy gang a few months ago and one was going to go public with it? In Ligoniel it’s the talk of the place.



Having studied your post from a psychological perspective I’d say your faux/pseudo analysis reflects your own fetishistic fascination with the very paraphilia you condemn – physician heal thy self springs to mind!!


Actually her driving force is found in the word ‘repeat’ – another apparatchik wanting to control everything and silence anyone other than herself.


4.53 and 5.14: You both prove my psychological analysis. Thankfully I live my life as a man, in a normal way as expected. There is nothing faux or pseudo about my observations. They obviously impact on the reality of your lives. Another psychological analysis: men who effeminise other men are closet queenie types who use platforms to display their arrested emotional and sexual development. It’s a form of abuse but they hide behind their laptops. The word “bullies” aptly describes them. Sorry that this truth hurts you.


Who no one in NI voted for! Not democratically accountable to the people of NI – what a joke


Lots on here today about Oscott / Gaycott. I wonder if + Longley will be told about it ? I’m sure there must be someone keeping an eye on this blog for him. If there is, then they really do need to tell him what is being said. Okay, some of it may be exaggerated, but it appears so often that “no smoke without fire’, and I would suggest that he has a little look and think about it. Trouble is, so many of these bishops live in a little rarefied, gay, camp, prissy world themselves, with people fawning over them and being surrounded by the vestiges of triumphant Catholicism in all its manifestations. They grow to think it’s normal. So, it might be difficult for them to detach themselves from that and see it as we see it from the outside. Something needs to be attended to, quickly, otherwise all these young clergy and seminarians are going to be ‘infected’ with the gay clergy culture that is the predominant variety of clergy these days. Perhaps it’s too late already ?


I am struggling to see how my post proved your psychological analysis given (you might concede) that this forum doesn’t offer a clinical space to do any meaningful analysis.
Your stabbing in the dark: a pig in a pole, as it were.
I’m always wary of the idea of ‘normal’ (what’s normal) as I am of anybody who says ‘obviously’ as obviously you couldn’t possibly know anything about ‘my reality.’
It’s obviously’ convenient for you to assume I’m hurt (I’m not) whereas I suspect your prone to ‘gaslighting’ feeding your own need to bully – faux physician heal thy self or if you live in a glass house maybe don’t throw stones or how about this one: remove the plank before you get busy on the splinter!!!


Oscott will bite Longley and his gay auxiliaries on the ass one day – I imagine just where he likes to be bit.
God I hope he and his cronies read this blog but I doubt it – Oscott is an accident waiting to happen – denial is the MO of this diocese as IICSA so eloquently exposed.
The clerical homosexual ratio in Brum is very high – a diocese for Queens, run by Queens and where Queens are feted and indulged!!


Fr Marsden’s letter was in 2018 and the response was Longley saying it bore no resemblance to the Oscott he knows and the rector was made a Bishop.


Nursey was a guest of the nonce Fr Tom Woods at a select gathering. Notice the homilist was also a good friend of Woods and is on the staff of Oscott. Is a man known by the company he keeps? Oscott formed the notorious nonce, Fr Matthew Jolley. The place needs a root and branch investigation. It needs to be taken out of control of the Birmingham Archdiocese and become a national seminary with greater scrutiny.


Most Rectors of Oscott end up as bishops:
Francis Thomas – Northampton
Patrick Kelly – Salford, Liverpool
Michael Kirkham – too saintly for the episcopacy
Patrick McKinney – Nottingham
Kevin McDonald – Northampton, Southwark
Mark Crisp – overlooked – why?
David Oakley – Northampton


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