

October 28, 2021 by Peter Complicit clergy

People often associate the term “sex trafficking” with women or minors being transported across international borders to be used as sex slaves for high-paying clients. 

What many do not realize is that Catholic seminarians are also being trafficked for sexual purposes by priests or bishops.

Foreign-born young men have come to the United States to study for the priesthood only to find themselves groomed, harassed and abused in seminaries and rectories.

Many of these victims are unaware of their legal rights and dependent upon their bishops for immigration permits. They have routinely been targets of predation and cover-ups.


Polish seminarian Ryszard Biernat alleged Fr. Art Smith sexually assaulted him in 2003.


 Biernat also reported that Buffalo auxiliary bishop Edward Grosz — Fr. Smith’s close friend and classmate — threatened to have him deported if he told anyone what Fr. Smith had done.


Unfamiliar with the U.S. legal system, Biernat did not know that both Smith and Grosz could have been criminally prosecuted and incarcerated for what he claimed they did.

Smith was later accused of abusing his 9-year-old nephew.

Meanwhile, Grosz was accused of having abused a 15-year-old boy in 1990.

Biernat was ordained a priest after keeping quiet.

But he was later suspended by Bp. Richard Malone for leaking audio recordings to the media that revealed how Malone attempted to conceal alleged clerical sex abuse.

Neither interim administrator Bp. Edward Scharfenberger of Albany nor current ordinary Bp. Michael Fisher have lifted Biernat’s unjust suspension.



The homo scandal in the American and universal church just gets deeper and deeper.

Now we have US seminaries importing vulnerable young men from third world countries to use as sex objects and to share with other men – bishops, priests and lay.

We had similiar things happening during the Maynooth Summer of Live in 2016.

Then seminarians were also doing some “renting” of their own with priests and laymen.

This scandal and others get deeper and deeper every day.

God knows what we will discover next?


One Dublin priest messaged to to say another Dublin PP was charging parishioners E 150 for months mind Masses.

I messaged the PP in question and he very courteously denied the claim.

Why is one priest in Dublin accusing another Dublin priest of financial wrongdoing?


‘Why is one priest in Dublin accusing another Dublin priest of financial wrongdoing?’
You know full well it’s because the clergy are a bunch of bitchy old queens and making trouble is their reason for living. just look at the way they comment here!


Very many, in fact nearly all Irish prests read Pat’s blog. I’ve heard them describe Pat as mad, bad, and (grudgingly) call him an old-fashioned pastor (in the good sense).

I’ve also heard gallows humour about hoping never to feature on the blog, but very few comment regularly.

There’s the worthy one who talks about being a priest for decades and whose posts take decades to read.

There is a bitchy one in England who makes disobliging remarks while claiming his parishoners love him and who may in fact be an Anglican vicar rather than a priest.

There is the one also in England who breaks the seal of the confession, thereby incurring excommunication latae sententiae.

Occasionally one of Ronan Drury’s fan club (P C-L, perhaps?) pipes up if anyone says other than “Santo subito” in relation to Ronan. A Maynooth staff member comments, but rarely.

Years ago a Clogher curate commented from time to time, but he no longer does so.

But that’s it. No other priests comment.


12.03: People come and go on this blog. Some excellent commenters have disappeared from the blog, sadly, because they were insulted, shred to pieces and denigrated. Also, more recently the blog is inhabited by too many bitchers, queenie gay types who scratch the eyes out of one another. Some of the repetitive comments are a total put off, especially when they descend into nasty, odious and vicious tete a tete warfare. Hope this direction changes soon. The blog is useful for rational, intelligent debate and arguments. Pat, return to moderating silly, farcical, fictional and spurious allegations. Reclaim your blogs integrity.


12.36. I agree, it has become a lot bitchier and also too many inane and obviously false comments.


Pat, more horrible stories. The abuse of foreign seminarians is morally reprehensible and should be investigated by civil authorities. All involved must be brought to justice. The victims must be given a platform to speak their truth. It is just so disturbing. Wuth all the abuse scandals, why are some clerics continuing to behave criminally and dangerously. As for the PP charging €150 for a month’s mind mass. There is absolutely no way this can be true. If it is, I am titalky shocked. We never define what an offering is or should be. The offering is entirely up to an individual or family, not the priest. I suspect someone is acting malicuiysly against an enemy. This is disgusting if it is true. However, all of us must be very careful, including you Pat, about how we treat people at moments of loss and grief and at sacramental celebrations. Greed is horrible as it tempts people to seek more than they are entitled to receive or possess, including money. If any cleric is doing this – it is an abominable practice. Generally people are very kind to priests, often too much so. The offering received for a funeral is sufficient and even that is too high, I believe.


Well I’m not surprised this is today’s blog. It’s about time. I was a seminary in the early ‘naughties’ and I will be honest, we weren’t trafficked out as much as we loved being pimped and pumped out.
Kept the older seminars at bay and helped them graduate.


I am appalled to hear that priest’s in Dublin are charging 150 euro’s for month mind Masses. These priest’s should be named and shamed, there will be pensioners and others who could not possibly afford that amount. There should be no set amount for having Mass said for our dear departed it should be left to what the requester can afford.


It has ever been the case that seminary rectors / teachers and bishops and senior clergy in a diocese take a shine to some seminarians. There has always been that ‘godfather’ relationship, where the seminarian is looked after by the older priest, advanced, and in return offers various levels of approbation to the older cleric – accompanying him, hosting for him, and in many cases providing physical and sexual favours. In part, this has been allowed to happen because of the rather medieval structure of the hierarchical Church that invests in those at the top so much power and influence, even over the lives and futures of those below him. When I was a seminarian I instinctively knew whom I had to keep happy and on side if I was to get through the Byzantine system of formation in the seminary. I had to play the game. What looks particularly odd about this case that you describe, + Pat, is the overt threats of coverup and consequence that various senior clergy have allegedly inflicted on this young seminarian /priest. Those surely are grounds for some kind of criminal investigation ? What is described, however, – the influence over and grooming of seminarians – is, I assure you, alive and kicking in seminaries and dioceses in our day. Until these places are governed and overseen by workplace legislation such as exists in businesses, institutions and organisation in the lay world, it will carry on. These clerical places are still closed shops, allowed to exercise self-oversight and administration and discipline. Until that is brought to an end, these scenarios will continue.


I read this before and watched video footage by Church Militant relating to these issues. It is incredulous that in 2021, having gone through three decades and more dealing with clerical sexual abuse and the damage, hurt and pained caused to thousands upon thousands, that this immoral, repulsive, criminal behaviour is happening. If all that’s alleged in this story today is true – and I accept it as true – then all personnel who has any evidence of abuse, anyone found to be ccomplicit in this abuse, anyone who has a scintilla of involvement should all be resigned out of their roles. This is evil behaviour. An evil abuse.


Dermo sold the family silver (Clonliffe and Mater Dei) for a pittance and was stiched up like a kipper by DCU and those masters of the shrewd deal, the GAA.
In UK charity law, trustees of charities when disposing of assets must obtain the best price legally available. This must not be the case in Ireland. Dermo did not put Clonliffe on the open market, where it would have achieved twice or three times the amount the GAA paid in a cosy private arrangement. The GAA promptly sold off the best bits for much more than they paid, with the profits going to the GAA rather than the diocese.
That was Dermo’s parting shot and a fitting end to his time in charge.


“ One Dublin priest messaged to to say another Dublin PP was charging parishioners E 150 for months mind Masses.” This represents a very interesting insight into the financial affairs of the Dublin diocese. One the fact the a fellow priest contacted +Pat and two the actual alleged accusation. With the current Archbishop was appointed one of the reasons put forward by clergy was he is a money man. The funding of the RCC in Dublin and Ireland is becoming a serious problem. The fact the a priest is requesting €150 for a months mind mass is indicative of the problem which has of yet been fully understood by many. In my experience of dealing with Dublin clergy there is little accountability. The morality of seeking €150 from people who may not afford it as a another example of how the RCC abuse people. The Dublin Diocese is a business that has lost most of its customers, yet it continues to operate from a cost base that is not sustainable. Selling sites in Dublin 9 is not going to sustain them going forward. The large buildings they have cost a lot of money to run. They need to face facts and take their heads out of the sand.


The nasty commentators about the Dublin PP fail to read that it is untrue. They just stick the boot in without reading the whole story.


Archbishop Farrell was not put forward because he is a “money man”.
Archbishop Farrell is intelligent and yes able to count the money however what was needed in Dublin was a leader and he certainly is a leader.
Archbishop Farrell is out and about parishes and he attends clergy funerals.

Even the dog in the street knows that Dublin is not sustainable however +Farrell is trying his best, considering what he has inherited and soon he will not even have an office as they need to move.

Even post covid everyone knew at least a third of the parishes need to go and this grouping situation is only a plaster over the crack however the decisions will be coming and I am sure Bishop Pat will tear Archbishop Farrell to shreds but Dublin cannot stay the way it is.

And when you have a bitchy priest more interested in another’s income rather than the Sacraments that lets you know what kind of priest he really is but it could be worse as in Glasgow a certain PP was sending the parishioners to the cash machine to get money for Masses however he is suspended from Diocesan parishes and it will be interesting what the new Archbishop does hopefully send him to his friends in the LMB.


Good man Jim S. First-hand knowledge of every conversation in diocesan offices in these islands.


Who needs to subscribe to the Tablet, the Catholic Herald or the Irish Catholic when you can get exclusives, informed comment, insider info and breaking news from Jim S. and all free of charge?


Oul gossip Alert 1:38pm
Here we go again the self appointed expert imparting her erroneous unwanted wisdom of the state of things in the Archdiocese of Dublin. Even the dogs in the street know that Farrell will make no difference, he is hopeless. Unfortunately Dublin will continue it’s downward spiral under his useless tenure. It will indeed be interesting when and if Glasgow ever gets an Archbishop to follow Auld Tarty. It must be one of the longest interregnum’s ever but the Authorities can’t and wont find anyone suitable in the Polyester Brigade their, as one is worse than the other.


Your right the depth of the church’s depravity never fails to astonish – of course, if sex trafficking like this is in the US it is everywhere – fat, ageing clerics can’t resist male totty and just like any trafficker they move impoverished victims to do their bidding on pain and threat of intimidation and punishment.
Elsie rides the human trafficking bandwagon – he once said that human traffickers represent organised crime and to defeat them we needed to be ORGANiIZED – yeah we’ll check out the importation of seminarians for the sexual gratification of senior clerics!! Nice


The entire time establishment is corrupt. Financially. Sexually. Morally. How many times have heard in blogs about PP fraudulently filling in PIP forms, digging graves up illegally, sexual misconduct with other men and women, have anger issues, treat parishioners with such contempt by their behaviour and attitudes.
Stop funding your Church. Bleed them dry and stop going to church for christenings, marriages, funerals etc and away with the lot of this fairy tale establishment!


It’s ironic that foreign priests are coming here not to evangelize but to be sexually abused or rifle the parish bank account!!


11.05: This allegation is scurrilous, outrageous and racist. Can you prove this slander and allegation? I have worked with African priests and have found them to be very scrupulous, honest and hard working. I’ve never witnessed the allegations you make and where I knew of our sacristan who was very unkind and racist towards the African priest, he got his marching papers. Abuse must not be tolerated, including making lying, ugly accusations, as you are doing.


12:20 I’ve never seen nuclear fission but it happens. Incidentally, very interesting reaction indeed.


2:38 You wouldn’t know it by the comments here. Incidentally you will find slavery is part of the deposit of faith so be careful of applying anachronistic concepts to Catholicism.


It’s doubtful you mean to say what you did. That concepts are anachronistic?
The concept in question is the development of doctrine. It explains why and how certain ideas and practices are no longer promoted or approved. The Lord is with his people until the end of time.


It’s ironic that foreign priests are coming here not to evangelize but to be sexually abused or rifle the parish bank account!!


I would be happy to work with you bishop Pat, to expose the clergy that are exploiting and taking advantage of others. Whether it be sexually, financially or other.


11.13: Go and find yourself more gainful and worthwhile projects, as in looking after homeless people or working for a third world charity. These will yield more beneficial and necessary fruits to hundreds of thousands. Listen up Daire…


The utterly abysmal state of the church is eloquently illustrated by having Church Militant and Bishop Pat Buckley in agreement. It is no better in this country. In Kerry, we have Fr. Jones making an affidavit before he was ordained a priest stating that the allegations that appeared on this blog that he was an active user of Grindr while a seminarian in Maynooth was untrue. There are further allegations that a deacon that was ordained this year was a willing participant in a sex act on an altar.

Archbishop Rembert Weakland as the Archbishop of Milwaukee, who was professed as a Benedictine monk of St. Vincent Archabbey was accused of date-raping his lover Paul Marcoux after an alcohol-fuelled dinner when the latter was making enquiries about becoming a priest. It later transpired that Weakland paid $450,000 to Marcoux to silence the accusations that Weakland had sexually assaulted Marcoux. Weakland was never laicised, and upon retirement, he wrote a self-serving autobiography where he portrayed himself as a martyr for liberalism.

We have to bear in mind that the vast majority of the American bishops are the “nieces and nephews” of Theodore McCarrick who supported the appointment of those in his own image and likeness. It will take several generations to clean up this mess.


‘The utterly abysmal state of the church is eloquently illustrated by having Church Militant and Bishop Pat Buckley in agreement.’
Not a sentence you really expect to say lol


Your account of Weakland is twisted and tendentious. It’s obvious truth is not a concern of yours.



Calm dow dearie – it’s only slander if it’s directed at an individual by name – I think your confusing having an opinion (not a hanging offence by any stretch) and a host of stones (nay boulders you threw my way).
Racist – ah you had to get that in didn’t you – yes it has been known that clergy outside of a jurisdiction have been found guilty of fraud and embezzlement- that’s not racist duckey that’s simply true.
And yes some of my best friends are people of colour – so put the race card away it’s rather tiresome.


So you know for certain the motivations of every foreign priest arriving here? Alternatively, you are mendacious.


2.41: No, more than mendacious: A nasty bitch queen. And A RACIST….a horrible human being, she with a “dearie” gay attitude..queen of bitchfesting…She, as expressed at 1.44, is most definitely RACIST..


Yes. When I started reading this blog I was against gay marriage and anti choice. I’m now married to my boyfriend and pro choice.


Awk that’s right luv, sure half of them’s as mad as a bag of spiders on this site these days. Long as you’re happy life, we’re with ye all the way.


Darling, there is no need to be so bitchy.
On page 30, of The Advocate, of 23 July 2002, the magazine for LGBT people in the United States founded in 1967, the accusation of “date rape” is made against Weakland by Marcoux.
In a deposition given by Archbishop Weakland conducted by Jeff Anderson, the attorney who has made millions suing the church in the United States on June 5/8 2008, Weakland confirmed that the $450,000 was paid to Paul Marcoux by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee was authorised at his direction. Archbishop Weakland acknowledged that the lawsuit brought by Marcoux was framed in terms of “date rape”.
You will locate all this information at the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin. The case number is: 05-CV-1351. Always happy to assist. And you will find that my characterisation of Weakland is truthful and not in the slightest bit tendentious.
Have a lovely day sweetie.


What is Weakland’s canonical status? Indeed he must have been dismissed from the clerical state? or at least ordered to live a life of prayer and penance?


He tried to move ito two monasteries, including the one he joined decades ago, but neither would have him. A building named after him in the cathedral precincts has been renamed.


2:59 pm
Yes I have. At page 40, he writes in the year of 1940, before he departed for the scholasticate at St. Vincent Archabbey, his local pastor warned him to avoid a certain priest “since he was known to prey sexually on young boys”. Think about that eighty-one years ago in a Benedictine monastery it was an open secret that monastic priest was praying sexually on boys. I know a lot about Weakland. I have good reasons for my disdain.


Weakland was never disciplined. He retired and in good standing. If he had been a priest he would been laicised. In the church there are children and stepchildren. Those were the children are bishops and Ordinaries, people like Richard Purcell who can do what they like with impunity because they wear a pectoral cross and the stepchildren, the priests. Weakland has been sick for a long time with cancer. But oncology treatment in the United States is very good; so I suspect he will be around for some time yet.


I am dumbstruck that there have been no restrictions placed on his ministry and that he is still allowed to present himself as a catholic bishop.

You are right about the children and stepchildren analogy. A friend of mine left, and five years later, they traced him to inform him that he was to be removed from the clerical state by an administrative procedure introduced by Pope Benedict. He refused to participate as he did not believe the church held any authority over him as he had renounced his Catholic faith. A year later, they served him with a decree of dismissal from the clerical state, which he framed and hung in his downstairs loo.


Weakland like his papal hound was a fraud. Unfortunately, for he was quite progressive intellectually. Not an uncommon occurrence. Led with.


The papal house hold is a weak land when it comes to that sort of thing…. check the convent garden and those absent from public life/view now.


Thinking on the topic of yesterday’s blog and underscored again today albeit in a more sinister way. Sexual morality is a part of the Christian life, but prudishness is as much a lack of chastity as promiscuity. Two extremes on either side of the middle ground. The example of the Master himself in the Gospel for the coming weekend comes to mind. In response to less than friendly questioning Jesus goes back to basics: Love God and your neighbour as yourself. Whatever area of Christian living might be challenging for someone these two commands represent the all important first steps as well as the culmination of the Journey.


Yes, it is astounding, that there are no restrictions placed on Weakland, but it is the case that he is an old sick man who is unlikely to create any further trouble. No action was taken against Cardinal O’Brien for his misconduct. The previous Bishop of Arundel & Brighton, Kieran Conry has not been laicised despite his affair with a woman. I know of two priests in the United States who were laicised for sexual relations with women. I am aware of an archbishop who was a very naughty boy with woman and continuously had his hand in the till; he was allowed to take some time out – go on retreat, and then is offered rehabilitation in a parish in another country. Sadly, my analogy about children and stepchildren is accurate.
With respect to the Norms introduced by Pope Benedict XVI, in fairness all he did was legitimate what was concocted by the then Promoter of Justice at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Monsignor Charles Scicluna — now the world’s most diminutive Archbishop in Malta. Scicluna basically rubberstamped the will of American bishops in the hope it would lead to ecclesiastical preferment — a Red Hat. They can unfortunately be likened to the Star Chamber. They are nothing more than a set of Norms that allowed American bishops to have priests that had been accused and thereby became economically unproductive to be laicised in an expeditious fashion.
Nobody in their sane mind should become a priest today. I actively discourage young men from becoming priests. They will get a poor academic formation in the seminary; they will be harassed by predatory gay clerics; if they make it to the clerical state they are then public enemy number one. As a priest they will receive absolutely NO support from the bishops. And, at all times you are at the economic mercy of your Ordinary, who will be a thin-skinned and spineless individual.


Er isn’t this a case of kettle and pot – the poster didn’t presume to know for certain the motivation foreign priest – indeed how could anyone – they simply pointed to the phenomenon of swindle and embezzlement by clergy not from the indigenous jurisdiction.
I suggest that mendacity isn’t far from your door.


One of the many tragedies of the Roman Church is that it has no tolerance for loyal opposition; the like of Cathal Daly and his wide angled lens except for dissent of his will: consequently a decent man like Patrick Buckley fell foul of his ego( though Cathal was secretly a rip roaring liberal). The tragedy is the punitive way in which Pat was treated, testament is he still essentially belongs to the Faith. The Anomaly in its entirety is he can be as punitive as any of his twenty six colleagues on this island in relation to sacerdotal failings. P.S ; There is no such thing, theologically, as the Order of Bishops: an invention of those gathered in Rome in the 1960s to break with Caesar. He is back in glory with the Argininian. ( spelling quite deliberate)


Every chance people get to attack the Archdiocese they take it. Where is the evidence that the Archdiocese is corrupt ?


5.10. Dermot Martin was its overseer….. that is the evidence. Sale of…whatever you choose…..


What adjective can you conjure which would suggest more than mendacious?
Very mendacious? Uber mendacious?
Mendacious with Bells on?
I don’t perceive mendacity simply an opinion different from yours.
Your rather venemous diatribe leads me to think your rather attracted to ‘bitch queens’ and not averse to ‘bitchfesting’ yourself.
Delightful diagnosis by our resident racist police; ‘definitely racist’ such that you’d bet your life on it – impressive that you are so definite – underlined by your shouty ,RACIST- what’s important is that you feel better for having gotten it off your chest dearie!!’


Mother Burke has girded up her loins and risen from her sickbed to utter words of condemnation at pro-choice Catholic politicians.


6.32: You ask a good question. And I’m sure you ask it with seriousness as a topic for discussion. What do we as a society or more particularly as a Church do when we have situations like Silverstream where no civil action is taken or judgment made re: sexual and financial abuse and mismanagement of a religious community? Canonically, the monk can be dismissed and the Community closed, with the monks being designated to appropriate monasteries to allow them live their religious vocation. Would it be just, fair or proper to disown someone and leave that person to hike along the roadways? Civilly, where no action is taken to conclude that a criminal action has occurred, where do we begin and end our responsibilities? I’m conflicted because the needs, well-being and welfare of victims/survivors must be of primary concern. Do we abandon wrongdoers, criminal or otherwise if no prison sentence is imposed (where warranted)?


Biden and Bergoglio. Two Frauds . Insincere in word and oblivious to human suffering. Biden and Afghanistan. Bergoglio and China. Climate change suits both; sufficiently strong obtuse. Trump the only USA leader in my lifetime to actively prevent war. Why ? He had no need of brown envelopes.


China is as horrific as Nazi Germany. And I am proud of my Hebraic lineage. Israel is by plan of the gods.


A movement induced a priest who had been uprooted to a notorious location to enter into a disadvantageous negotiation, and the same movement boasted to members whom it didn’t concern about a property “miraculously acquired” thousands of miles off (it has emerged there had been “arrangements”) and it also persuaded a one time good earning breadwinner to take his family on a non existent “mission” careless of his severe difficulty in learning a new language.
An element involved in all three instances over some 30 years is looked up to by one of the most senior English archbishops, and the superior abroad of said element is called Giovanni. I urge you not to take movements seriously as their local treasurers are likely to have been asked to divert the money float (meant to be for local use) elsewhere without warning.
My dad was earlier in a nuisance movement of his day, but didn’t alert me sternly enough against these. Dad also said we should keep our religion private (he meant, from the church).


I can’t contact you personally, I don’t deserve it, I know I’m a cunt to everyone. I’m hurting, doesn’t make it OK, but I’m struggling, big time and on my knees!

I don’t know what to do anymore….


Deporting priests here who are mammies boys and fuck ups,blessing third world countries with these peopsphiles because the church can own up to their useless flock or hold those individuals accountable, they would rather deport them to a country that litterly have no health and safety or Regards for human life… Those countries have no morals or principles… God forbid, it goes on record these individuals be held accountable or fired….


Humans are humans but departing priests to a different country, regardless of how minimal or maximum the issue because they litterly can’t have it on record… Without proof everyone’s fucked standing up to them…


People can sit here and thibk about their educated options and responses all they like….
I was pulled away from that river last night hanging over the wall because a situation with a priest and church has litterly messed me up so bad that I can’t cope…..
But sure we can’t be weak, have to strong all the time, it’s not fair!


Everyone plays the game in life , somethings are not a game and it’s not funny… I’m not laughing….


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