

“He said: Freely, freely you have received; freely, freely give”.

Currently some bishops, especially in the USA, are thinking of banning pro abortion politicians like Joe Biden, from receiving Holy Communion.

This begs the question: “Do bishops and priests own the Eucharist”?

In other words do these clerics have total authority over who receives the Body and Blood of Jesus?


We catholics believe that Jesus becomes really present in the Eucharist in the form of bread and wine.

Words like transubstantiation were not used until 1200 years after Jesus gave us the Eucharist.

Transubstantiation is a philosophical term attempting to explain a mystery. Spiritual mysteries cannot full be explained in philosophical jargon.

The Roman Catholic bishops and clergy think that Jesus gave them full authority over all things spiritual when he said to Peter: “What you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven”.

Protestant and other theologians believe that the power of binding was not just given to one man, Peter but the whole church – the People of God.

I agree with the Protestant position.

Only God can truly judge a man or a woman. Only God knows who is “worthy” of Eucharist and who is not.

Eucharist is not a reward for being good or respectable.

It is spiritual food for all – especially for sinners.

So, really the more spiritually hungry or sinful you are the more you need the Eucharist.


Jesus told us that if two or three met in his name he would be with them.

So if two or three meet in Jesus name and break bread and wine with each other in his name then surely Jesus is present with them in that “eucharist”?

I believe he is.

In fact he might be more present with them than in a three hour Mass in the Vatican in the presence of billions of pounds of wealth and antiques and with bishops and priests bonking each other and filling their bank accounts with Peter’s Pence?

They used to talk about Jesus being the “Prisoner of the Tabernacle”.

And the bishops and priests being his jailors.

The RC bishops and priests have hijacked Jesus and his message and turned them into massive inyernational money making casino.

I believe that if Jesus came to earth again he would take his whip into the heart of the Vatican.

And I also believe if he did that the Vatican bishops and clergy would crucify him all over again in St Peters Square.

For they are, truly, the current day Pharisees.


12.34 pm and 1.52 pm

Do you really need to make derogatory remarks.
Let the man have his say.


Such misleading and confused theology and spirituality. Very protestant. Not at all Catholic. Why don’t you just join a protestant sect? Guess they’d fling you out very quickly. Pat, you have nothing in common with Catholicism any longer. We do not of course own the Eucharist as you so crudely put it. But neither do you own it to reduce it to just any old get together or a party where we do what we like with the sacredness of the EUCHARIST. Have a wafer and a glass of cider!! The Eucharist as celebrated by Catholics is a statement about our true identity in CHRIST. It is also a sign of our unity with and in Christ as God’s people. It is a SACRED act of remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection. At the Last Supper, Jesus said “Do this in memory of me…” We celebrate the sacred Eucharist lest we forget what Christ has done for us and if we are united with Christ through the Eucharist then we are united with his values and vision of life. The taking of innocent life and support for this heinous act does not belong to Christ’s vision. If we are serious about the Eucharist we must be grafted to Christ in all ways. He is the one we follow and emulate. The Eucharist commits us to keep the memory of Christ alive by living his life. To reduce the Eucharist to simply suit our agenda is an aberration of the
of Christ’s memory. Pat, you try to live like Christ: most clerics I know also do likewise, so I think your judgment about clerics is unnecessary and as usual, is expressed to give the impression that you alone are the only true priest!! That epithet belongs to Christ alone. I think we might all be surprised where Christ might use his whip – he might even go to the Oratory!!


Are you not an excuser and enabler of abuse and corruption! The local representative of a totally corrupt institution? Would you refuse me Holy Communiin?


Pat this comment totally proves your point. I think the hosts should start having TM stamped on them


9.31: Pat, if this is the impoverished level of your response to my comment at 12.49am, you have nothing in common with Catholic Theology of the Eucharist. In serious issues like this to accuse me of being an enabler of abuse is offensive and unwarranted. You resort all too often to this sound byte which is meaningless. Would I refuse to give Holy Communion to you? I’m not sure after having read this confused theology as submitted by you. You don’t really share the true faith re: Eucharist. In all probability I would. I have never refused Communion to anyone. Ever.


12:49 am – you say:… “The Eucharist as celebrated by Catholics is a statement about OUR true identity in CHRIST [Forgive me, Your Grace: but I would have said: The Eucharist enables ALL, and ANY, who partake of, the chance to allow Christ to be identifieble in each and every one of us — and hopefully in our actions towards others…]”. You then go on to say: “It is also a sign of OUR [Catholics’] unity with and in Christ as God’s people (does this imply that Non Catholics are not God’s people in some way?”. After all, you go on to further say: “It is a SACRED act of remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection.” However, Your Grace, in contrast to what you have previously said — you quite simply, and beautifully, say: “At the Last Supper, Jesus said: “Do this in memory of me…”
There are no caveats in the Last Supper discourse of John 6, whatsoever; and there are non in the synoptic Gospels. I wonder why that is…? 🤔
– – –
OUR (dependent on context and expression) could mean US and NOT YOU! Jesus did not even say Only Christians were to participate in the Lord’s Supper; it is therefore an OPEN TABLE — it is an INVITATION from a man who is a fool for love, Our Lord, who puts others first. It is an invitation to prostitutes and thieves alike; even corrupt polititians of the established religion and their corrupt tax collectors, alike, are welcome at this table. Yes! Even corrupt polititians, too!
I’m sure, even, the shepherd who threw a lost little sheep to predator wolves is welcome at this open table… after all –
To be entirely correct, @ 12:49 am – both theologically and historically – a Low church Protestant (not Anglo-Catholic) / Presbyterian Communion service is the closest you will EVER get to the actual Last Supper: the very one, which, was instituted by CHRIST Himself… A table; some bread and wine, and; a crowd of maybe uncertain, lost, or afraid guests, holding on to something very real: love and hope that He would not abandon them.
What have we learned after 2000 years? I shudder to write any further on that!
And that is to say nothing about the great highjacking of Christendom during the 3rd and 4th Centuries’ of the early Church.
The Greeks gave us philosophy, the Hellenisstion period… Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are more understood with a richer and meaningful depth of the The Godhead as Holy Trinity: a mystical community of Love, in action. Outward looking — rather than inwardly looking… While, on the other hand — the Romans gave us the crucifixion, roads and heated bath houses…
– SACREDNESS is almost synonymous with HOLINESS, therefore; being broken and lost MUST be a HOLY enough state of affairs. If Christ came into our broken humanity and become broken Himself: then is not OUR broken humaness worthy of such an eststate oh holiness at the Lord’s table…? It kind of stands to reason, does it not?
– – –
“Twas God the Word that spake it,
He took the Bread and brake it:
And what that Word did make it,
That I believe and take it.”


Gay men who have been judged, parents love rejection simply because their sexual orientation, find easily to point the finger and judge others. This is the only way they do know….
Such a waste for those RC priests and the Parishioners … the true hypocrisy!!!


12:49 am ” If we are serious about the Eucharist we must be grafted to Christ in all ways.”

So, what has widespread child rape,abuse of vulnerable adults, covering up by Bishops under instructions from Rome, endemic clerical moral corruption, as well as criminality of
Rcc clerics got to do with the Christ’s vision ? I suggest many priests and members of the hierarchy are not serious about the Eucharist.


That’s as clear as the day is long. Somebody commented the other day about how the church’s priorities are always inverted and this is just another case.


…”To reduce the Eucharist to simply suit our agenda is an aberration of
of Christ’s memory.” But I always thought that Christ reduced Himself — was made a little lower than the angels — He emptied Himself of His loftiness and unattainability (Kenosis / ekénōsen) that we may be brought even closer to Him. He lowered Himself to be closer to us — I think it’s called the Incarnation, Your Grace 🤔
Why on earth would He do all that only to push people away and deny Himself in the Eucharistic bread and wine? After all, He opened His arms on the cross for the sake of the whole of humanity — not just for a select or exclusive few. Now that would be abhorrent, wouldn’t it? A God who turns people away; rejects those thought of as not “clean” or “worthy” enough… where have we heard that ideation before? Isn’t that a similar road to the one Hitler went down?
The Eucharist is for EVERYONE who believes in the name of Jesus Christ and, ANY who wish to wish to sincerely participate in His memorial meal.
It is food for ALL of God’s people. Quite simply put: it is NOT exclusive in ANY way. It is INCLUSIVE in its very essence and nature.


Remember, Bp Pat, Jesus speaks to Kitty Kirby from the tabernacle. I wonder how the conman is getting on these days.


Still surrounded by a growing coterie of young men, with the approval of Bishop Deenihan and Abbot Brendan Coffey.


The irony of the Bishop of Rome claim to sit on the successor seat to that of Moses upon which the Pharisees sat clearly highlights that the Roman clergy are the modern day Pharisees and they certainly attempt to jail the Eucharist.
The metaphor of their church as a field hospital is perfect evidence. It thinly veils the claim of the laity being sick perverts destined for Hell unless saved by their clergy.
Thankfully Apostolic Succession is now found in many more places than their particular denomination, as indeed they accept, so it’s no longer necessary to rely on the Roman clergy for anything, if indeed anyone ever did.
With each passing day, their system is becoming more and more irrelevant as it slowly becomes extinct. Only they believe that their denomination will last until the end of time.


Frank Duffy appointed to Tuam! A number of unhappy bishops waking up this morning…….Fintan, Kevin and Brendan, not to mention Richard of Knock.


The odd thing is that even though the Vatican, bishops and priests tell us how vital the Eucharist is as a channel of God’s grace, they are wholly irresponsible and careless in ensuring that the Eucharist is available to people. The increasing dearth of male, celibate, priests means that the Eucharist simply isn’t available to the faithful in large swathes of our countries. They persist in bolstering the ranks in increasingly failing ways – getting priests to hang on in until the bitter end, manipulating old priests to carry on ‘supplying’, important foreign priests with all the problems that brings. They appear simply obdurate in their refusal to look at creative and positive solutions, such as the ordination of mature married men. And, I would go even further and would be very happy with women priests, and priests of diversity (which there are already, but under the radar, and hypocritically and dysfunctionally). If the clerical apparatchiks won’t even think creatively, then I have no intention of helping them out in my dotage, just so that the edifice can continue to crumble about me and them. The solutions are there (and please, spare me the promised springtime of vocations !). They simply won’t grasp them Idiots.


The Catholic Church teaches that if you are in a state of mortal sin or peril, you receive the Sacrament of Penance first. I notice reference to this requirement. Did Jesus not say to the woman- “Go, yourcsins are forgiven.. “, thus teintegrating this woman back into closeness with God. I have never refused any person the Eucharist but have iften felt like doing so, on the grounds of the complete disrespect and blase approach. The Eucharist is the central act of worship for The Catholic community and none of us owns it but we as priests are to care for, guard and ensure the preservation of the holiness and sanctity of this amazing gift. The Eucharist deserves total reverence and respect and be appreciated for the blessing and grace moment it gives to Catholics who have a profound love for it. We cannot do what we like nor can we rewrite its ancient theology.


Another woman was told to go and sin no more.
Elsewhere it is written; If anyone does not receive you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet as you leave that house or that town.
Ideally there will be private dialogue instead of a situation where someone is refused the Eucharist publicly.
If Joe Biden is banned from receiving Holy Communion, a bishop will have to speak with him. Come and sin no more Joe.


Frank and his henchmen think that the Eucharist belongs to them eg their Cromwellite restrictions on the Mass of Ages.


There’s no such thing as the so-called massof ages. Josef Jungmann’ ‘History of the Roman Rite’ will soon disabuse you of any such claim.


Bishop Pat, the Eucharist should be controlled. Anyone that believes or supports abortion should not receive it, it’s not a power thing, more so a moral issue. But like wise I don’t think the majority of Priests should exert that moral stance as most are running round sleeping with other men.


My local priest screamed and shouted at me last week in church after mass because I tripped and fell over. I vowed not to go back again, how can this man administer the Eucharist to anyone after exerting such unchristian like behaviour.


I was the same a few months back, although mine wasn’t in Magherafelt, it was in Belfast. I accidentally dropped a candle that I was lighting in church and got an aggressive lecture from the priest about being more careful and that I could have ‘burned’ the church down with my stupidity. Yet the same priest a few years back near killed someone in a car accident and had a cheek to lecture me.


The bishop is charged with the sacred obligation of being the custodian of the Blessed Sacrament in his diocese. The parish priest, likewise, bears this responsibility in his parish.


10.30: You are forever referencing this incidence. Get beyond it you idiot. All sound byte, vacuous comments. Utterly inane stuff…


Do I detect unresolved anger issues?
Are such incidences so commonplace they can now be ignored ? A non-issue?


Francis Duffy, Ardagh. “Lights on but no one home”
Monahan is up the walls this morning no doubt.


Fintan is in his Connemara cottage with his dog for three days mourning. The dog is wearing a black ribbon.


In all seriousness though, Francis Duffy is quite literally the very last person I’d have thought was in the running for Tuam. Cant wait to read your thoughts on it in the next few days


Bishop Francis Duffy has 2 masters degrees -proper ones- and was doing a doctorate -another proper one- before he was appointed bishop of Kilmore. Wish him well in Tuam.


Interesting that Fr Gibbons and all those intercessions from Knock didn’t get it. I wonder Pat if it was your blog(s) that did it. No archbishopric for Fintan or Knock. At least we know that the the blog is read in the nunciature.


Are all of you so naive to think that preferment is decided by the worldly method of performance appraisal? It is decided by the holy Spirit…. Oh, and a lot of sexual favours.


Surely the bishop of Killaloe has Roscrea/Mt Melleray to blame for his lack of promotion?


Will the bishop of Killaloe be at the installation? The Abbot of a certain monastery better walk well in front in case he gets a belt of a crozier.


Francis Duffy had time for two MAs and a doctorate because a desk was his parish. If he was on the coalface he’d have no time for that.


Hilariun at 09:05
Follow your instincts/conscience fudging as you do is what brings disrespect and scandal to the faithful. Jesus never “fudged” anything “. “For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. [56] He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.” Think of the disgust and distate these words brought to his discples and still do to modern Jews and Moslems. But there is no fudge. What you hear is what you get.


Pat you were gas at the funeral of Mgr Shine. We still laugh about it. Will Lee wanted a brandy in the house after it and Phonsie was so much in a rage nobody dared go near him. He was bulling.


10.58: There is nothing in my comment to undermine or fudge the true meaning of the Eucharist. No fudging. I truly understand the beautiful, unchanged theology and spirituality of the Eucharist since Jesus spoke those words you quote. What is your query?


Hilarion at 2:17
“I have never refused any person the Eucharist but have iften felt like doing so, on the grounds of the complete disrespect and blase approach.” This sounds like fudging to me.


Anonymous 09:50
What’s “The Mass of Ages” got to do with “A Ploughman’s Lunch”?
Please try to answer this question.. It is as relevant as anything else. is.
Pat you too give it a go.


The Vatican Press statement on Francis Duffy’s appointment to Tuam states he achieved a doctorate in education without identifying the institution. My understanding is while he began doctoral studies I do not know whether he completed them. Would it not be unlikely that the Vatican would get that wrong?


@11.18am Francis Duffy has a doctorate, without doubt. He is a highly intelligent, articulate man. This is a wonderful appointment that will bear fruit. There will be cynics speaking without any knowledge of the man. Take no notice of them. Archbishop Duffy will be a fine leader; a fine mind when commentating on Catholic affairs; and a fine, warm person who is close to his people.


A Roman Doctorate? not quite the same thing. Extended dissertation and a few questions by benign professors.


Il Santo Padre ha nominato Arcivescovo Metropolita di Tuam (Irlanda) Sua Eccellenza Reverendissima Monsignor Francis Duffy, finora Vescovo di Ardagh and Clonmacnois.


Another Duffy ffs? Name from the hirearachy history usually means useless. His first job must be get rid of that Gibbons our Lady of knock.


A surprise…my money was on Richard of Knock … maybe he will get Ardagh and Clonmacnoise as compensation?


+Pat, you can be pleased that one of your contributors announced the next Archbishop of Tuam in a comment at 8.51 am. Despite the nonsense that is sometimes posted on the blog, it continues to be an important source of information and gossip for Irish clergy. And, you provide some of us with an opportunity to be whistleblowers.


@11.29 Thank you very much for congratulating me. I enjoy breaking news of this type. I also try to be the first with any important information like that referring to His Excellency. It is pleasing to know that my work is appreciated greatly. Thank you.


Resignation and appointment of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Tuam (Ireland)
The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tuam (Ireland), presented by His Excellency Monsignor Michael Neary.
The Holy Father has appointed His Excellency Monsignor Francis Duffy, currently Bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnois, Metropolitan Archbishop of Tuam (Ireland).


Bishop Pat, I’m glad of the work you do. The clergy sure does attract some strange characters. I feel most are all hiding from something or running from something. From chain smoking priests, to drink loving beings, gym obsessed clergy, camp bishops, and even the ones that don’t have great hygiene. They are truly a rare bunch. There’s a job for everyone it would seem.


Don’t forget about my sausage roll loving, local gay bike associating priest who is a mixture of all those. A camp flamboyant muscle Mary who loves a few brandies every night – his face is purple bishop pat.


LOL and don’t forget the many, many priests whose eccentricities are criminal in nature! The most bizarre thing is the way they go on about the church being for sinners but seem to have literally nothing that’s unacceptable except going to the press or Bishop Pat Buckley!


12.13: Name and list the many eccentricities of priests that, in your estimable opinion, deem them to be criminal in nature. I’m curious about the eccentricities you have in mind. If you fail to do so, you are a moral coward and a liar. But before you answer, do some clinical, psychological research. Try to seem intelligent and knowledgeable. Otherwise, shut up! Prove your premise with some credible intellectual rigour.


Poor Lugs Monahan will be devastated. No return to the home turf for him. He will now have to muck in forever with the swineherds in rapidly depleting Killaloe diocese. another anonymous archbishop..


You and the protestants can employ all the gymnastics of reasoning and logic you like, Pat. There is no escaping the clear reality that Jesus afforded prominence and preeminence to St Peter. Of course all the apostles share authority but Peter is always first.


When the canon of the NT was being drawn up, and the seven catholic letters were being included, the letter of James preceeded the two attributed to Peter. That tells us something about the respective standing in the first century of the apostles to whom the letters were ascribed.


Thoughts and prayers to Tim Bartlett, cruelly passed over again. If only the papal visit hadn’t been a total flop he could have been standing next to the nuncio instead of Francis Duffy, who like his namesake in Clogher, has the drive, energy, charisma and ideas of a dishcloth.


As I have said before Bishop Pat, the Cavan Mafia. Prominent in Birmingham with Piggy Gray and Seamus. Prominent with Sean Brady, Brendan Smith and Router Auxiliary. Paul Prior also protected in Kilmore (Cavan). New Arch to Tuam – yes, Cavan. The Cavan mafia


Jeez Joey Gray brings back memories. He wasn’t Birmingham but was Shrewsbury. He was Irish but treated the Irish clergy like shit


In fairness, Bambi and his fellow homos in the American hierarchy would have no problem given baby killers like Biden the Eucharist. This Loughney case is absolutely shocking.


I have been reading the Scottish abuse enquiry’s report about Fort Augustus Abbey, and despite having read quite a bit of the literature about clerical sexual abuse even I’m shocked.
Not one but several of the monks would press boys’ faces into their crotch during the celebration of mass and abuse was so rife that the boys would explicitly say that the monks are doing it, so they might as well.
Most suspicious is that there are literally no records retained for the school at all. None. Despite the monastery otherwise keeping meticulous records of its own life and holding archives going back to mediaeval times.
There is one example of gallows humour when Lady Smith asked Dom Geoffrey Scott and Dom Richard Yeo why the monks would have thought they were competent to run a school. You can almost sense the pregnant pause until she got the answer that nobody would have thought of it like that.
The sooner this cult is removed from the face of the Earth, the better.


As time has gone on, I have come to think that while a paid ministry is perhaps often necessary in the life of the Christian Church, this simple necessity has ossified over time into the corrupt and perverted version we find today. I cannot bring myself to think that God, knowing human frailty, would attach himself not to the simple faith of the widow, the orphan and the sojourner but to the proud and corrupt institution. The extent of the corruption, as Pat says, never ceases to astound us, or to reach its final depth. There is always another layer of corruption which makes the extravagant claims of the papacy at Vatican I seem ever more absurd. I cannot bring myself to think that the Eucharist belongs to one sect (whether the largest, or otherwise) of Christianity. Rather, I think that God willed his Church to be fruitful and joyful. Most Christians, whether liberal or “orthodox”, do maintain a common doctrinal core and that should be enough. Ubi caritas, Deus ibi est. Won’t some Latin convince you trads out there?

Cleveland priest gets life. Victims’ mother: ‘God is with us’
JD Flynn.
“Cleveland priest Fr. Robert McWilliams was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday, after the priest pled guilty to federal child trafficking, child abuse, and child exploitation charges.
McWilliams, 41, was ordained a priest in 2017. He was arrested in 2019, and pled guilty to federal charges in July of this year.
At his Nov. 9 sentencing hearing, the mother of four boys preyed upon by McWilliams urged a life sentence.
That mother and her family told The Pillar their story.”


Judas was at the Last Supper and he wasn’t denied the Eucharist – so was Peter who betrayed Christ and if I’m not mistaken the rest of the disciples did a runner – clearly then sinfulness, waywardness, moral confusion etc are no hurdle to receiving the Eucharist.
This posturing and grandstanding about who can and can’t is quite patently nonsense and all to do with flexing a sense of power and authority but actually displaying low self esteem and desperation.
The hands that raise the Eucharist might have a few hours previously raped a child or rifled the collection or visited a gay sauna!!


Source and Summit doesn’t refer to the Eucharist – the clergy think they are the Source and Summit so deluded are they.

David Smith in Washington
Tue 9 Nov 20
‘It’s being abused by an entire belief system’: a haunting film on sexual abuse by Catholic clergy
“The Netflix movie shows the group from Kansas City working through their experiences as a collective by scripting, directing and acting fictional scenes based on their memories and dreams. They dig into the rituals, culture and hierarchies of the church that silenced them.”
See link for more details.


Ivor Payne name sounds familiar, what was it as I couldn’t recall.🤷‍♂️.

Was he a priest or something else?


anon at 3.02pm

Thats the guy.

I was quite surprised to see my old ex almer mater school named with him cos i didnt know it.

It was way before my time there.Heard stories of abuses going back to 1930’s and 40’s.


Bishop Pat, are there rules in place regarding receiving the Eucharist during Covid? Father Hickland left me wagging like a dog at mass on Sunday, I had my tongue out for about 5 minutes and he insisted on giving it to me in my hands.


He is going back to being sullen again. I don’t know what’s going on with him but he shouldn’t be taking his personal problems out on parishioners.


Who cares ? What difference is it going to make ? It’ll just make Duffy feel good about himself and valued. But in the bigger picture it is just a puff of rancid air, which will soon dissipate.


4.06: Cynicism is an evil trait. Get out of priesthood if you feel so low in self esteem and confidence. Hope you are not in any meaningful role of any kind, you deathly cynic!!


3.20: Delighted for Fr. Duffy. A lovely, kind and very pleasant priest. Clever and insightful. God bless him.


Does anyone know why Fr Eastwood and Fr Magill have had a spectacular fall out? I’ve been asking around but it’s all being brushed under the Afghan rugs.


3.31: You are very fond of the Afghan rugs. Try Navan carpets…they’re infinitely better.


He’s on a one man mission to help the drug addicts, him and Eastwood skipping round belfast


Yes we know all about Eastwood and McGill all over town (Belfast). Did anyone ever tell you about Donegan Pat???


The priests who comment here always claim no priests comment here but cream themselves about a bishop being appointed. Funny that.


3.52: Wonder can you find a more intelligent way of contributing to this blog. Yours is the same old comment every second of third day. Adds nothing elucidating to debate or discussion except to reveal how badly educated you are!


Keep your comments succinct, Magna, like this one and the one at the head of today’s comments. Hehe.


Interesting the Vatican accepted accepted M.Neary’s resignation at age 75. They must have had enough of him in Tuam.


In fairness, he has been a bishop in Tuam for almost 30 years. I am sure he’s delighted to give the gig up.


Some years ago I predicted that Neary would be allowed to remain in office until he was 78 or more because he had been such a compliant Vatican bishop. Now he’s gone at 75. What did the clergy of Tuam say to the Nuncio? It seems to have been heard.


Course they own it They invented it. Ex opere operato and what you bind on earth All sowed up. Old penetentaries measure them sins hi.


Anonymous 09:50
What’s “The Mass of Ages” got to do with “A Ploughman’s Lunch”?
Please try to answer this question.. It is as relevant as anything else. is.
Pat you too give it a go.
Pat nobody answered the riddle so I will do so myself. They are both coinages of niche marketing. One originates from the English Cheese Marketing Board. Which one? That’s another question.


On 29 Oct you blogged about the bishops… your reflection on Francis Duffy most likely promoted his chances for an Archbishopric.

Let’s hope change is good for Tuam.


So Bishop Francis Duffy got Tuam – wonder was Richard of Knock even on the list and who the other two names were? Wonder what Tuam priests think of the appointment?


Tonight is Martinmas Eve, the eve of the Feast Day of St Martin of Tours.

Traditionally in countries such as Denmark a roast goose or duck is traditionally eaten because it was believed St Martin was tricked into becoming bishop and tried to escape this office by hiding in a barn, but a honking goose gave him away. So, a goose was traditionally eaten at his feast, and the wishbone kept.

Will you celebrating this evening with goose or bonfires?


I’m so disappointed – I was expecting some cryptic (read incomprehensible) input form our friend in the know – where are you, Bill


Just wondering re new Bishop of tuam re his track record in his previous diocese😉🤷‍♂️.

Was it his track record or something that got him the plum job in Tuam? 🤔🤔

Now he leaves his diocese a bishopric vacancy or will it be assimilated with another diocese, who knows👀

It was interesting to see that papers don’t publish with the exception of IT and Irish ind.

Far too many bishops that we have. It should be scrapped or merged into 4 major provinces.


The only thing RC bishops in Ireland want to know of their priests is how they are uselful they are to them. Therein lies the problem.


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