

As of 6 am this morning RICHARD PURCELL resigned as the abbot of Mount Melleray.

The abbot general in Rome published the following statement on the Cistercian website.

So your bosses find you innocent…….

And then you resign for….”personal reasons”..

But sure this is the way the RCC PR machine operates.

The statement is interesting in the words it uses.

Richard Purcell’s resignation is not an occasion for celebrating and rejoicing.

It is an occasion of sadness for the world wide Cistercian order, for that order”s aging and dwindling monks and monasteries in Ireland and indeed for the Irish Catholic Church.

Had Richard Purcell’s resignation come two years ago it would have saved an awful lot of hurt and scandal for everyone.

The fact that it has been allowed to drag on for two years casts a great shadow over the Abbot General Eamon Fitzgerald. We can no longer look upon the Irish Cistercians as Holy men or spiritual guides, for they have all sat back and tolerated the intolerable and thereby have forfeited their right to be regarded as authentically Christian or spiritual. St Bernard of Clairveaux must be turning in his grave.

It also costs a great shadow over the incumbent of Waterford, Phonsie Cullinane, who likes to portray himself as a great “defender of the faith” but who has sat and tolerated this situation in his own diocese for two years – and indeed took every opportunity to invite Purcell to every diocesan event.


Phonsie Cullinane, your toleration of this matter destroys your credibility on matters of faith and morals and you have proven yourself to be a faithless and cynical “clashing cymbal and booming gong”. You are indeed a whitened sepulchre – and everyone in Ireland sees it.


I hope that Richard Purcell is allowing himself to feel and experience all the contradictions and agony of his situation and not hiding in or behind some horrible cynicism or denial.

Maybe he even has a certain sense of relief that it has finally come to a head?

I cannot see Richard Purcell becoming an invisible monk spending his days praying the office, milking cows and shovelling sillage.

If the Cistercians or someone else does not offer him a “high office” of some sort (and that would be difficult) I can see him leaving the Cistercians and priesthood and making a name for himself on the Irish organ and classical music circut.

But then, as a private citizen, without ecclesiastical office and obligations, his private life would be nobody’s business.



It may be sad but it was too long in coming after all the dreadful allegations made against him. He never made any denial and the longer it went on the worse it became. Please God that’s an end to it. I wonder if he will leave the order?


+Pat, in the past I did not believe you about Purcell. I thought you were just creating trouble for the Cistercians which I thought was wrong. Over time when Purcell did not issue any proceedings it slowly convinced me that you were telling us the truth. I feel very sad about this news. I am heartbroken for Mount Melleray. I think you are right Purcell will leave the Cistercians and the priesthood.


He wanted his cake and wanted to eat it, now he can have both, enjoy the boiler house Purcell – now bring down your other disgraceful colleagues with you


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. So Mount Melleray has a visitation. The visitation is not publicised. It does not seek any external evidence into the allegations apart from the community, who will (we hope) know nothing) about Purcell’s activity. So it is reasonable to presume that that abbot and the abbess were not going to find anything. This smacks of a sham. It is probably a coverup to deflect attention from the Abbot General. I presume that you +Pat were not contacted by the visitation team. You probably would have let us know if you had on the blog. So this is a coverup. It shows how low the Irish Cistercians have fallen. Eamon Fitzgerald’s time as Abbot General is up at the next chapter next year, so he properly wants to return to Mount Melleray to see out the rest of his days without the headache of Purcell.


The visitation did not contact me. Neither did they contact the ex Maynooth seminarian who claims to have “encountered” him in the Boilerhouse. I imagine they just spoke to Richard Purcell himself.


Dear Pat, thank you for pursuing this over the years. How sad that it has taken so long and that a Visitation found no concrete proof of anything untoward. Silence again the way of the Church yet clearly he was given no option but to go.
Let us hope there are no more lives ruined by this man


PS: A visitation is not a proper investigation.
When you you ever hear of the police “visiting” someone?


Indeed, well done, Your Grace! It is a result and better than nothing or no action.
I do not trust the Melleray visitation “findings” one little bit. “The investigation concluded that the allegations were unfounded.” It sounds just like an Albert Kirby finding — only those conducting this review have not criminally and viciously attacked any vulnerable victims of clerical abuse in attempted to silence and destroy.
More alarmingly, if those conducting the “visitation” did not even make contact with those who have made accusations towards Dom Purcell; then there has been no genuine investigation. Simply a visitation in the real sense of the word — however, they did use the word “Investigation” in their finding… this is of interest… especially when victims have not even been contacted!
Sadly, the culture of cover up still exists and they are in no rush, whatsoever, to change their ways.


This is a very sad day for Mount Melleray. I did my retreats for the diaconate and ordination in Melleray. I was hopeful when he was elected abbot because he was young that he might attract some younger men (not like Kirby) into the monastic life. Instead, Purcell seems to have squandered his talents slavishly following his uncontrolled desires.

The fact that he never engaged a solicitor or had leading counsel instructed to come after you convinced me that what was appearing on the blog was true. I did not believe what you were asserting about Purcell on this blog for a long period of time.

This raises questions about the leadership of the Cistercians. The Bishop of Waterford never removed his faculties. And that in this day and age is inexcusable and unacceptable

This is a major victory for you +Pat. The Cistercians acknowledge this visitation came about as a result of your blog. The Irish Hierarchy will now hate you even more.


I’m sure they will.
I see it as a victory for renewal and cleansing.
I take no personal joy in today’s news.


So Dom Purcell is exonerated yet is resigning for personal reasons? Who is this ‘god forsaken’ church trying to kid?
Reading between the lines —– innocent men don’t resign.
Something tells me that this thing is NOT over.


Well done +Pat, as you well know this is merely the tip of a rather dirty iceberg which will lead to further revelations no doubt. The Kildare group will be looking at this very closely.


Richard chose the wrong order. The clue is in the name. OCSO..strict observance.. the cistercians are farmers.. simple people.. no meat.. no booze.. no gay sex.. he should have gone the OSB route where all of the above are the norm.. Glenstal prob have corporate rates at the Boiler House..clergy discount.. ideal for a rathgar, tcd music buff.. but richard would have to wait forever go get on the organ in Glenstal what with the amount of organ players. Killaloe bishops covered for him as long as they could.. C’est la vie..


+Pat, this significantly enhances your credibility as the go to person for whistleblowing in the Irish church.


I sincerely try to seek the truth and justice for people. I never wanted to be a dam buster.


As soon as the Apostolic Visitation was announced, Bishop Alphonsus should have immediately suspended his faculties within his own diocese. The Irish Church has learned nothing…


There’s nothing wrong with being a company man or being loyal.
What’s the problem?


Fantastic news – the Wicked Witch is dead – well not dead just resigned – my God the clergy will be dreading Bishop Pat being in their case – look out all you Boiler Room Clerical Queens that’s all I can say


Yes watch out the Priest who regularly goes cruising up at Malone house, your time will come, evidence shall be obtained and handed over to Pat


So Purcell is innocent but has decided to resign for personal reasons?
Who does this godforsaken church think that it’s kidding?

I don’t think this over yet.


This is tragic news for Mount Melleray Abbey. But hopefully it will recover. Purcell is not the first compromised abbot. At least he is not going to prison like the former superior of Buckfast Abbey. And this gives significant credence to your allegations about Silverstream Priory and its “mystical founder”, Dom Mark Kirby.


Rev’d Earl Collins might be in a position to provide direction and guidance to Purcell following his resignation as abbot. You never know, Purcell may now find a position as a minister within the Church of England if he wishes to reinvent himself or in light of his skills as an organist he might seek to join the Church of Ireland. Collins and Purcell are parasites. The abused their positions in furtherance of their own sexual aggrandizement/satisfaction. This is an important day, which I sincerely hope and pray will lead to the renewal of Mount Melleray Abbey.


All clergy across the country will be quaking in their boots. The ones who are ingenious I advise to get out before you are named and shamed.



You suggest “Purcell was sacrificed to save an even bigger scalp”. Who is this “bigger scalp”? Asking for a friend…


Indeed, this does raise all sorts of interesting questions about Silverstream Priory. The presence of Purcell as one of the visitators completely undermines its credibility, because Coffey has zero credibility. I wonder what will Deenihan do now? Will he bow to the inevitable and Decree a second truly objective and dependent visitation of Silverstream Priory?



Who’s being sacrificed to save a bigger scalp? That doesn’t make any sense.
Our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus, laid down His life for you and I that we may truly be free.
“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us to develop in our love for one another; and endurance.”
Romans 5: 3


Pat, it’s a pity some of the Scottish Daisy Chain haven’t done the honourable thing and left priesthood. They will all be shitting their little panties now because this announcement today gives your campaigning to clean up the church of the shisters and hypocrites a real big fattening injection.
Dean Kennedy, Legova Dallat and now Rawhide have been exposed by this blog.
Despite their protestations not one of them retained counsel to rebuff your allegations except for Mr Keenan in Paisley who threw the towel in early doors in relation to the carry on at the cathedral and went off with a fly in his ear and your boot right up his wee arse!
More power to your elbow Pat.
Deo Gratias


I agree. But Richard compounded his moral failings by his two year arrogance and refusal to deal with it.


3.25: In many ways Pat, who of us would own up immediately to the accusations which were made about Dom Purcell? I suspect denial would be the response of all of us. To be the subject of such an ongoing enquiry through any outlet could be a catalyst for fateful, personal decisions as it has been for some public charity figures of recent years. I do not rejoice over any personal humiliations or failings which bring an end to your present life as it is. I believe we should pray for him and for his community and pray too that we do not fail to monitor our own conscience about our own behaviours.


The Cistercians knew about Purcell when he was elected Mellerary Abbot and let him go go ahead.

We all need to know to have the integrity to put our hands up when we are caught.

I believed Richard Purcell arrogantly and cynically decided to brazen it out.


3.25: Pat, if you agree, why are you continuing the tearing apart of this monk, who has resigned? Surely, we must now trust, pray and hope that he will make necessary moral and spiritual decisions about his life. I do not approve of a continuation of harsh, gleeful and nasty rejoicing at his public humiliation. That is not to condone anyone’s immoral behaviour but surely, we ought to allow him, his community and his family absorb the uncovered truth! I do not believe in delighting in the ignominious fall of any person. This monk will have to live with this truth for the rest of his life and undoubtedly will have to make other relevant, moral decisions. Let us remember his fellow Cistercians.


There are only two people to blame for this – Richard Purcell and the Abbot General.

After being treated with contemporary for two years the readers of this blog have the RIGHT to discuss and comment.

Stop trying to close down debate!


3.15: Ex-Priest: I somehow envy you in your life situation now!! I acknowledge the self inflicted wounds, humiliation, ignominy and low standing the church is experiencing. It is horrendous that we have had so many abuse scandals and slowly they are being brought out into the light, as only then will we, as a Church, be able to be truly renewed. Being a priest is now to be in a very demoralised ministry. We who try to be faithful in our lives as best as we can find ourselves under the cloud of suspicion, probably for the rest of my life, being literally on the margins of people’s lives, apart from being present for particular moments. Certainly I would not like to be at the mercy of many commenters on this blog for it would be the last virtue to be given. Too many are nasty, vengeful and mean spirited with trenchant horribleness. Criticisms are absolutely important: truth is essential. Mercy as a quality is integral to the life of followers of Christ. Bulldozing people deeper into the ground when they’re flattened is very unkind. Now that this monk has resigned his role, we should hope and pray that he will make other relevant perersonal decisions. Sadly, because of the Church’s moral failings, criminal and otherwise, priesthood is now an almost unliveable life to live with integrity and honour, despite our efforts to be caring pastors.


The Purcell types act out.

Others stay silent and allow the pus to stay in the absess.

“For evil to succeed all that is required is that “good” men do nothing”.


EP 3:15,
Agreed. There should be no delight in the downfall of other people’s moral failings. The man is not a criminal.
I have said many times that the person in question should not seek re-election nor be re-elected by others. It has come to pass that the individual has stepped away.


How are we to know whether he’s committed an offence or not? He hasn’t been investigated properly and the fact he has “resigned” is very concerning indeed.
Given the track record of the Roman church this sounds circumspect so say the least.


I am wondering did the Abbot and Abbess review the accounts of Mount Melleray Abbey? Did they find some irregularity and that ultimately led to the resignation of Purcell? Mount Melleray Abbey is a registered charity and the last thing the Cistercians will want is for the Charities Regulator to be sticking their noses in its internal affairs. This is speculation, but I think it is well-founded speculation.


The visitation of the Priory in the Royal county highlighted the following:
1. It enumerated concerns about its financial management as well as the structure and governance of the monastery’s ­community life.
2. They recognised that serious breaches of medical data protection and spiritual confidentiality (what they termed the “internal forum”) were occurring.
3. They warned the community that the civil legal structure of the Priory needed attention to make it compliant with civil law, the Revenue Commissioners, the Charity Governance Code and Data Protection legislation. “We have concerns in these areas,” the report stated.
4. Other concerns focused on the monastery’s failure to present annual accounts to Silverstream’s chapter for approval.

The ball is in the diocese’s court now. What are the diocese doing to follow up on the report to ensure that failures are being addressed?


BP 6:41,
That’s exactly what I mean. The Episcopal leader must act but is doing zilch.
Someone must be following up to find out is the Priory now compliant with civil law, the Revenue Commissioners, the Charity Governance Code and Data Protection legislation? Points 1, 2 and 4 above must also been followed up on.


Funny that isn’t it – that the visitation found nothing – nothing meaning child abuse – they certainly know that the Boilerhouse allegations are true but sex between consenting adults is legal and as long as it’s legal everyone sighs a big sigh of relief – that it’s immoral or hypocritical or inconsistent with the gospel doesn’t bother them a jot.
Personal reasons is code for having bareback sex down the Boiler Room and pretty bloody irresponsible.
I agree he should have been an OSB but Cistercians kidding no one only themselves – Purcell knows who the active gays are and broke a rule of the Closet – he was brazen and got caught – that’s the first rule of the Closet – don’t get caught.
A PR disaster for sure and fair play to Bishop Pat


Bishop Pat – Bishop Byrne will be relieved he’s off the front page – any chance of revisiting that story – it has legs and I’d love to see it run a bit more.


Why is everything always covered up within the RCC? Last month Fr Magill and Eastwood had a massive fall out, they had been friends for many years, never out of each other’s pockets, and this has all been swept under the Afghan rugs of those in power. Now there has been the obvious rumours about the fallout but nothing concrete has been offered.


Pat I suspect you will be a busy man this evening and possibly break your record comments with this classic. Well done to you, and to your doubters – f*** you


Congratulations Pat, you never took your foot off the gas with this one and you were right all along. For all the whistleblowers out there have faith and confidence in Pat.


Pat, I don’t always agree with your style, approach or opinions but I have followed this story with all its intrigue. I often thought you were merciless and very unkind. Perhaps you were but unintentionally. Some of your adherents were definitely nasty. Now I applaud you for pursuing this story because the truth has finally been uncovered. Your integrity is enhanced. I suspect it’s a very sad day for the Cistercians because of the elderly profile of the monks. They will now be deeply upset and I hope the few remaining Monks in Ireland will join tigether as one community. I have lively memiries of doing retreats in different monasteries over the years and sought great comfort and spiritual renewal from some very saintly, devout monks. Despite the moral and spiritual failings of some re: their response to Dom Purcell, I don’t believe it is a day for jumping up and down on anyone’s grave. TRUTH has won and when we see the ignominious end of another human being in a so public a way, we each should be wary as we’re not any more perfect, virtuous or noble than the many who have fallen. Pat, I don’t imagine the bishops will fear you any more than they may have. They know your strength. All I say now is – God bless your work.



Oh your a star, that would be great and feel sure it deserves a good airing and discussion.
I have been around clergy when an especially egregious clerical scandal is knocked off the front page and they sigh a sigh of relief like they’ve dodged a bullet – you know like that craven civil servant who said that 9/11 was a good day to bury bad news etc.
Bishop ‘Bobby’ Byrne will be so pleased that his new live in buddy is being discussed – ir would be a shame to deny him this pleasure. Thank you.


I am torn by this news. I am greatly relieved that Richard Purcell has resigned. But I am troubled that the filth of the church had to be aired so publicly on Pat Buckley’s blog and for so long. Why does the church move at such glacial speed?


The Abbot General initiated the investigation – is this Dom Eamon Fitzgerald, the guy who acknowledged Dom Purcell’s previous sexual misconduct?
Did the ‘hearing’ NEED to find Purcell innocent? All that Richard Purcell has been involved in recently, especially his involvement in Silverstream is now questionable, given his dubious integrity. Oh, wait, I forgot. He’s innocent 😇


I agree. But in the beginning even Robert found it hard to believe when he read it on the Blog.


Well done Pat. Finally he’s gone.
A complete abomination.
Where were all the lordships ?
Apart from denial and feasting on rib eye steak.
Phonsie an outrageous fraud.
He’ll get his soon enough.
Keep going Pat. Some of them were taking solace from Purcells defiance – they’ll be shaking after this .


The attendees at Msgr Shines funeral who witnessed the antics of Phonsie in relation to Bishop Pat’s presence will be sniggering into their hankies tonight. In fact among the clergy here it has already started. You’ve made The Most Reverened Dr Alphonsus Cullinan look like a complete donkey slapper !!


I am not given the conspiracy theories but I find it interesting that + Pat writes to the Archbishop of Sydney asking awkward questions about Silverstream Priory and what did Cardinal Pell know about a scandalous priest. In that letter + Pat demands the head of Richard Purcell and a few days later Richard Purcell miraculously resigns having been “exonerated” by after the completion of an Apostolic Visitation. Could this be a coincidence? Methinks not…


You’ve made The Most Reverened Dr Alphonsus Cullinan look like a complete donkey slapper !!

It didn’t take Bishop Pat to make this man look like this. We all know what he is.


Unfounded but resigned Strange combination Worry is if allegations are true why deny. Are civil authorities involved


Constitution 39, paragraph 6 of the Constitutions for the Cistercian monks states: “The election [of an abbot] is confirmed by the Abbot General. Each new re-election requires a new confirmation by the Abbot General”.
+Pat, if these allegations about Purcell’s behaviour in Roscrea were known by the Abbot General, why then was Purcell recommended for election as the Abbot of Mount Melleray? And, why did Eamon Fitzgerald then approve the election of Purcell as the Abbot of Mount Melleray Abbey?


One has also to ask about the formation that Richard Purcell received in Roscrea. Did he join Mount St Joseph with sincere intentions or was he corrupted within the Cistercians? When he exposed to this kind of behaviour? Was it during his postulancy? Was it during his novitiate? Was it during his period as a junior? Was it after he made solemn profession when he was undertaking his studies for the priesthood?


Did he not study in Oxford / Cambridge as a novice and stay in a certain place of ill repute?


Where did the fat Norbertine abbot study? He was a goer in his slimmer days, apparently


The Norbertine abbot studied at St Benets Hall in Oxford 🤦
He had had a previous go at being a Norbertine and left, trying his vocation at Farnborough in between.


O bishop one could not possibly comment on St Bennets Hall! Prior to that he did the H-dip in philosophy in Gaynooth. Very close to a certain canon law lecturer, affectionately known as Fanny. It’s funny how all the threads can be pulled together (pun intended) when you look hard (pun intended) enough. Also friendly with a certain angry ursaline sister who ‘works’ in pastoral things in cork and ross. Has an unfortunate surname with the Clergy and laity alike often pronounce: rhymes with hunt. She wears trousers, if you know what I mean. Fanny preached at her final profession in Blackrock cork



How interesting..! And who do you think is involved with…?
These lads and lassies need to be put under the spotlight.


Angry Sr Karen Kent (though is any nun not angry?) and Dom Richard definitely won’t be eloping together. Both are strictly of the non-marrying kind. Karen is one of those people who talk about “being Church”.


Openness, transparency, integrity, honesty - those are the things that Purcell needs to attend to. Then he might, just might, rediscover his priesthood and monastic life.says:

It has taken a long time to get to this point. Prevarication, delay, obstruction, denial etc. I think they were all hoping it would go away. You, + Pat, have quietly kept it in the spotlight. I do not believe that they found the allegations ‘unfounded’. I don’t think they looked close enough. How does an Abbess know about barebacking in a gay sauna ? Nonsense. No, this is a supposedly ‘dignified’ way for Purcell to drop under the horizon and hope that the focus will move away from him. It will be interesting to watch in the next few years what he does and where he goes. Not that they will tell us. For him, personally, I feel a certain sadness. However, I suspect this resignation and his forthcoming ‘disappearance’ which will inevitably follow it, is designed with a purpose in mind, namely so that he can move on quietly and unnoticed to some other role. I would have a great deal more respect for him if he left and carried on with his private gay and barebacking lifestyle, if that is what he wants, outside of the priesthood and monastic life. Unless he makes a firm commitment to observe the celibate life that he has publicly vowed and continue to profess by his very existence as a priest and monk. He was trying to fool us. Well, you don’t fool old + Pat ! Openness, transparency, integrity, honesty – those are the things that Purcell needs to attend to. Then he might, just might, rediscover his priesthood and monastic life.


I find it saddening as I didnt rejoice at the news. The buck STOPS with Phonsie, period. It just dragged on and on for 2 years I think, thus bersmirched mt Melleray reputation. Its quite frankly unacceptable in my view.
What’s interesting was unfounded allegations, which suggested to me that they didn’t interview all the witness, the participants who were involved.
Again they were only interested in PERSEVERING their own reputation and also of rcc as well at the expense of all the witness, participants, readers on this blog et al.
I’m sure late Fr o Brien in heaven would be much happier now.
Finally I want to commend Robert Hourigan’s work on this and pat himself as well plus all priests or sems who got sexually involved with him and spoke up.
Nothing is without the witness, the participants or priests or sems who got involved.


Robert Hourigan told us that he was going after Purcell. At the time he said it was because of his family connections to Mount Melleray Abbey. He was subjected to scorn and ridicule on the blog. I thought he was delusional. Today the Cistercians publicly acknowledged that the allegations about Purcell were sufficiently credible to warrant an Apostolic Visitation by an abbot and an abbess.

The reputation of Purcell lies in disgrace because nobody believes the whitewash produced by the Cistercians. I cannot see Purcell staying in Mount Melleray leading a quiet contemplative life. He cannot return to Roscrea because his presence will do significant reputational damage to the school. And Robert Hourigan is totally vindicated and not in any way delusional.


XX 23 Kieran O Reilly SMA KC*HS et al will “ twist and turn” uncomfortably on his/ their beds tonight. Fretful sleep to be sure.


Why did Purcell go now? Why did not he resign when the allegations were first made? I find myself wondering is there a very big fish that could be exposed? I am wondering is Purcell involved with a high profile politician in Ireland? I am also wondering were certain people becoming afraid because of the dogged persistence of this blog to expose Purcell might uncover another sexual scandal in Irish public life?


In time we will become aware of the large group of people involved in very sinister acts that go beyond homosexuality or hypocrisy. It is what I refer to as the unholy trinity. Priesthood, parties and a public group of people with very unhealthy interests. These are connected through an ex cleric with Garda and establishment cover.

Liked by 1 person

How are you feeling about Purcell’s resignation? Are you sad or happy? Do you feel vindicated or do you feel angry it has taken so long?


I am relieved that this ongoing scandal has finally been dealt with.

Of course I also feel that those who called me a liar now know that I was pursuing the truth.

In the RCC it always takes long as the cover up runs so deep.

I also want to fully acknowledge the immense amount of work Robert did. And he did it out of his love for Melleray.


Did the abbot general request the visitation or somebody else above him requested it?
I recall way back that Eamonn Fitz declined to reply back if that’s my recollection. Which in turn, he declined the request for visitation. I suspect that someone above him requested it, although I could be wrong there as I don’t have all the facts. It’s not looking good for Eamonn F as I would think.
I have another question, would RP resign from towards healing chairman post as I stumbled across his name last year or two which I didn’t expect to see his name there.
For a monk with no pysch qualifications nor experience dealing with victims of trauma, which Bishop handed him that job? To be honest with you, I don’t think he had applied for that position cos he has aptitude for music and language. It was some Bishop who decided to give him the job just to keep him busy or away from his activities.
Re photo 👆, its ex Bishop Walsh on far right.
Yes RP was in Oxford as I read it somewhere.


“…which Bishop handed him that job?”
DG 6:52,
If you are talking about who appointed the abbot, he was elected by the community for what was supposed to have been a 6 year term.
The whole sorry saga is more of an embarrassment for the Cistercian community than it is for the diocese. Those with an axe to grind with the diocese will have to go elsewhere with their axe.


The diocesan bishop has a huge responsibility to see that the Faithful are not scandalised.


Seamus vii at 8.10pm
That towards healing chairman post has nothing to do with cisterican order as its an outside job and apart from cisterican order.
Its a job that is handed out like sweeties by various bishops cos its funded by rcc themselves. I noticed there was no due diligence o their part cos RP has no pysch qualifications to speak of. Its a post that requires extensive pysch experience and knowledge to deal with various things and strands of pysch treatments.
I suspect it was a Bishop who handed out his sweeties such as towards healing job to RP with the knowledge of his activities, to keep him busy or stay away from his ‘known’ activities apart from his cisterican role as an abbot,figurehead et al.
To my knowledge, noted that towards healing is funded by irish bishops service since 2005.
Its a possibility that Phonsie may have recommended RP to Bishop conference for that job. Although I could be wrong there cos I don’t have all the facts.
Finally, RP is still listed as towards healing chairperson on their website while ago. Is he not resigning from that post 🤷‍♂️😉.


The Cistercian community has been scandalised. The Abbot General asked for the “Regular Visitation”. It was a Cistercian matter to be resolved by the Cistercians.
The Episcopal leader in the Royal county announced the visitation of the Priory. A diocese matter that must be resolved by the diocese.
The Visitation Report into the Priory has put the ball firmly back in the court of the diocese.


Seamus I have read your comment at 8:33 and don’t understand what you’re getting at. With no disrespect can you have another go at saying it for a bear of little brain?


Seamus at 7:03 Oh I’m not bothered about it, and am glad to have your admission that your comment was so pointless it isn’t worth repeating!


Leonie at 8.32pm

Yes 👆. The longer he stays or persist to stay in that post would certainly damage rcc in the long run. Rcc haven’t learned their lesson re 2 years of denials, obfuscation, no responses coming from diocese Bishop and AG. The longer it goes on, the damage on rcc’s name and their reputation would be far more greater and lasting reputational damage. They have only themselves to blame 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🙈.

The quicker the better re to dampen the damage limitation caused cos people forget quickly in shorter term but not in long term. 😉😉😎


What ever he decides, whether it be to rediscover his monastic vocation or leave and live as a layman, I hope it is peaceful and honest, without wax.
Many men, who loved ministry, but knew that they could not live alone, left rather than live a double life or cause offence to the faithful, and all the mess that goes with that. I know, as I am one. It was frightening, all the assurances of material stability were gone: the first few years were hard. But it was totally worth it. I even found somone daft enough to marry me. I worked hard and succeeded in my job. It all began with that first frightening, but honest step. (You should see the envy on former colleagues faces, the odd time I bump into them)


Good comment.

But was Richard Purcell after love”?

I think he was happy to have his cake and eat it?


Sadly you may be right: it may be nothing to do with relationship or love, but simply the fulfilment of a carnal compulsion.


7.00: Pat, what were you after in your days after leaving Diocesan priesthood? Love? And before you found a partner, did you not yearn for and seek out some intimacy with others somewhere? Don’t we all yearn for intimacy as human beings? Some freelance foolishly for a time before they find true love. Our judgments as supposed “virtuous” people can be selfishly cruel.


I understand. On the way to finding a Prince one kisses whatever number of frogs.

But was Richard just looking more and more frogs?


6.58: I can identify with you to some extent. No doubt, like most of us you began your studies for priesthood with great enthusiasm and enjoyed seminary life, as I did. No doubt too, you arrived at ordination with even greater delight and worked with commitment and care. Then you made another decision and I hope life is good for you. I believe that many priests of over 30 years plus of ministry wish for a different life not because of priesthoid as such but because of the enormous damage done to priesthood through errant, abusing and reckless priests worldwide and weak leaders. The integrity of all our lives as priests is almost completely undermined. Our sense of relevance in a dysfunctional clerical culture is seen as anachronistic by many. We are looked upon with suspicion. Many commentators in society have literally asked that we be “privatised”. Imagine! A Labour TD suggested recently to sustained, loud applause that we got rid of from schools (and from society)!! For many of us the staying is a huge effort but we still try to do what we can to be of spiritual relevance. There are times when that’s affirmed, other times when it’s ridiculed frequently. Because of the great difficulty in finding meaningful ways to be more relevant, visionary and creative, many of us sometimes wish we could leave ministry. This story about ex Abbot Purcell is making me look more honestly at my life, my ministry and the quality of witness I give to Christ. There are many deep questions which must be asked about priesthood, celibacy, sexuality and ministry. To survive with some level of fulfilment and integrity today as a priest requires immense inner resilience, depth of conviction, an abiding trust in God, meaningful prayer, emotional and mental strength and psychological wellbeing and a kindness of humanity. A real listening to others and parishioners s always valuable to keep floating.


Thank you for an honest and thoughtful comment, 7:48. I was very shocked to discover that Spotlight is watched and discussed in the preseminary year at Valladolid. Shocked, because for me personally the only possible response to that film would be to pack your bags and leave in disgust.


9.58: Interesting response Pat to my comment at 9.54! Very curiously interesting. Kissing (and all that goes with it) multiple frogs before a handsome Prince comes along…the story of many a gay relationship.


Does Dom Eamon Fitzgerald and by extension the Irish Cistercians think people are stupid? Did the abbot and the abbess visit the Boilerhouse to seek evidence to exonerated Purcell? The statement about the resignation of Richard Purcell begets more questions than answers. In fact it opens a whole can of worms. Can the Cistercians really be that naïve to think that by sacrificing Purcell this scandal will magically disappear?


Anon at 7.42pm
It says more about their attitude towards us as people, Christians , readers of this blog. Its either their arrogant attitude or thinking or their naivety in dealing with people more sophisticated views or extensive experiences with life.
Indeed re opening of whole can of worms such as silverstream, Eamonn F, Phonsie and Deenihan plus coffey et al. Also possible misappropriation of money as well.
One thing that comes out of all this was that they can’t be trusted especially their denials, their long silences, their lack of responses, no give and take, one sided view of things such as group think,looking down on us with disdain (thus no respect, respect is two way street) et al as I could go on.
OSCO statement doesn’t exenorate them, it raises more questions than answers.


I can suggest what may happen. When the Abbot of Prinknash resigned he worked for years in the Subiaco-Cassinese curia in Rome. So Purcell may well be offered a plumb job.
In fact if he’s tired of Cistercian life and doesn’t want to milk cows, a very similar situation to his has gone on unchallenged in that Benedictine congregation for years.


Pat, have you alerted the main stream media and issued a statement yourself with a link to the Cistercian Order’s statement in the matter. Bishop Cullinane hasn’t issued a statement as if yet and the bishop of Waterford and Lismore usually issue statements concerning Melleray.


No. Because the overwhelming majority of Cistercian abbots and abbesses remain in their monasteries. And unlike Purcell the abbots are not barebacking ex-seminarians and visiting gay saunas in Dublin.


Now it’s time to focus attention on Abbott Sadie of Farnborough and the serious allegations made against him by Tom Wood and Fr Matthew Benedict Newton.


Dom Bernardus Peeters, Abbot of Tilburg and Mother Pascale Fourmentin, Abbess of Arnhem can be seen in the choir stalls of Mount Melleray Abbey for night prayer on 13 and 14 November. It is probable that they were only at the monastery for two days to conduct the Visitation.


And, there is absolutely no sign of Richard Purcell this evening at night prayer at Mount Melleray Abbey.


Pat does this mean that you will be on Primetime on RTE, Spotlight on the BBC and any other similar programme on Sky or UTV now that you have hounded out a priest. Will we read all about the story on Tomorrow’s papers.


We had enough of him on tv when he attempted to close CCR featuring a cameo of his tight trousered sidekick running up the corridor to get on the news.


‘Now that you have hounded out a priest’ is an interesting ecclesiastical translation of ‘a priest has resigned as abbot, which he would have done anyway if he had any decency, after pressure was brought to bear by a bishop and his own Abbot general acknowledged he’d been shagging in the kitchen’.
I have no doubt you also think CSA survivors deserve it you entitled bastard.


Well, Bp Pat, I got a quare gunk when I visited the blog tonight. This phrase “for personal reasons” always unsettles me when I’m recruiting staff and they give that as the reason for leaving a previous job.
This looks like a statement drawn up by lawyers and is probably part of a negotiated settlement in which Dom Richard agrees to go quietly, as long as he gets appropriate compensation and the allegations are denied by the AG.


@8:51 Pat, the media will not ignore the resignation of the Lord Abbot of Mount Melleray. The religious correspondents certainly won’t.


Why would the Abbot resign if the allegations were unfounded? If that were truly the case there would be no resignation but simply a statement from the AG saying that there was no truth to the allegations, that the Abbot had the confidence of the OCSOs and will remain in office, and a deploring a campaign of false allegations made against an innocent man.


Who the xxxx do they think their fooling? What did the nun want to see? Used condoms? Sure the alleged person didn’t use any according to the alleged stories.


@8:57 pm

Exactly. There was absolutely no reason for Richard Purcell to resign if the allegations were unfounded. At no time did Richard Purcell step aside. He did not protest his innocence at any time. And we all can see that the allegations have not been denied. It has taken the best part of two years for the Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock Holmes of the Cistercians to show up at Mount Melleray Abbey for two days to conduct a visitation that probably had an agreed outcome before it was even sanctioned. Nothing to see here folks is not going to work any longer. Those days are gone.

Being anti-Catholic is okay here in Ireland
“The church for its part must find a voice that assertively stands up to those who would do it down while at the same time acknowledging that Ireland is now a diverse country.”
Michael O’Dowd
Nov 24, 2021
” Whenever the Irish government is criticized, or a politician wishes to divert attention away from themselves or their party, it is fast becoming a default position for them to blame the Catholic Church, an institution that can usefully be identified in order to deflect attention from the real cause, and whose very name can rustle up abuse and blame.
Let me be clear from the start — the church has a lot to answer for. Recently, Canada and France joined with Ireland and the U.S. in having to deal with historical sex abuse.”


Pat will the delation of Purcell to Rome continue? Or was the aim to get him to resign?
I wouldn’t hold out any hope that any future Abbot would try to stop him dipping his wick, I’m afraid. It’s now so normal in religious life people don’t turn a hair.


+Pat, some very interesting comments on the blog this evening in light of the news about Mount Melleray. That is quite the result. It shows that perseverance pays when it comes to exposing wrongdoing in the church.


Without exception communities which elect ‘the young one’ as superior are already in trouble. It either means there is nobody else or the other possible candidates are unsuitable or unpopular. The article says there were 22 in the community at the time which is quite striking if literally nobody was eligible or suitable. He was strictly speaking ineligible being too young and not professed long enough so they were willing to cast aside the accrued wisdom of their constitutions.
I don’t know the Irish Cistercian houses at all but it’s not looking good.


Former Priest Ordained and Allegedly Abused by Theodore McCarrick Files Lawsuit
November 24, 2021 from North Jersey by Deena Yellin

” Michael Reading decided to sue after Cardinal Joseph Tobin refused to respond to letter.
Michael Reading fled the priesthood 25 years ago because he was wrestling with personal and professional demons he couldn’t name. Only now does he understand what those struggles truly were.”


Any news on the two great dames of Glastonbury? Perhaps they should call the TV series ‘escape to the country’ to assist in their quest to find them a forever home?


The Visitation was a waste of time and money. All they did was ask him and he denied it. They could have done that by email.


A Visitation involves visiting the monastery in question! It’s amusing how some comment makers are getting their socks in a twist about it!
If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.


How could they prove anything? He rode me like a Finglas pony, no I didn’t we merely exchanged pleasantries?


I have been reading this blog on and off for years. I have never seen a day like today, and the commentary it has begotten is quite extraordinary.


Sister Karen Kent, who was mentioned earlier, is part of the Ursuline community in Blackrock, Cork, who now have millions in the bank following disposal of properties surplus to requirements. They must use the same advisers as Dermo, as they were right royally screwed over by shrewd developers in their last big disposal.


Just had a look at the Boiler House online and I can honestly say a “visitation” to this place is not required!
€24 (€20 for students [/ seminarians]) so brazen 😂
I hope that jacuzzi gets the occasional swill


“Disposable Douche available @ reception for €5”, says the information on the Boilerhouse website. Let’s hope Rawhide and his mate availed themselves of this facility. Although, best not to think about it, really….. !


It is, without doubt, a monumental fall from grace, especially for such a proud Mary as Dom Purcell. I suppose he will now embark on a period of reflection like the other former disgraced abbot, Earl Collins, before turning up in some other religious organisation in England, or perhaps France, as he is fluent in French.


He dirtied his whistle, Bp Pat, and became a cause célèbre. I am sure his name will crop up from time to time in the comments confirming his whereabouts and future activities.


Purcell et al....Stop thinking that you can fool us all the time. Because you can't.says:

I’ve always found it odd that none of the people whom + Pat puts in his crosshairs ever challenge him in any substantial way. What + Pat is revealing about them and their behaviour is, by any measure, striking at their very honesty, integrity and the truthfulness of their lives. If + Pat were wrong, then there are clearly grounds for redress on the basis of defamation etc. None of them goes does that route. I doubt if it could be because they haven’t the means to initiate some legal proceedings, even a solicitor’s letter. I take it that they dare not do so, because they know that kind of legal redress and denial would probably end up with them under oath at some point and the possibility of perjuring themselves if they continued in their denial. And, it would be a process that would reveal much more about them and their lives than the initial matter at issue. In other words, by their very inaction they are indicating to me that + Pat is right in what he is saying about them. This is the case with Purcell, who had the standing and the means to defend himself. He chose not to. For the reasons I have outlined above. He may have been able to fool an Abbot and an Abbess, but he could not possibly fool a legal, forensic questioning of his behaviour. He could not fool + Pat, and he cannot fool us. The lesson in all this: If + Pat reveals something about you, don’t deny, accept the truth, and begin a process of real and convincing conversion. Or get out, if you are a cleric, and do something else. Stop thinking that you can fool us all the time. Because you can’t.


Yes. It was interesting that the bishop in Scotland who tried to put Pat of the scent by sending +Pat a lawyer’s letter was obviously told that he would end up in more hot water if he pursued matters. Either someone had a word in his ear or he discovered the reality of what was happening in his diocese and he backed down in jig time.
Bishop Pat is not prone to making accusations unless he is on firm ground!
Bishops beware. I know there is more, much more, to come.


so many vicious pharisees screeching here. lots of gay men go to places like the boillerhouse, including clerics. lots of those ululating here do so too, it is not the end of the world,


So, let him get down on his knees in his monastery and concentrate on saying his prayers. So, let him get down on his knees in his monastery and concentrate on saying his prayers..says:

So, let him get down on his knees in his monastery and concentrate on saying his prayers. That would be the most useful thing for him to do. Getting down on his knees anywhere else should be in the past for him. I will have respect for him when he emerges from this as a man who is honest and transparent about his life. But, if the lie continues, then he will never have any respect. The ball is in his court. Whatever he does, it has to be honest. Staying as a priest and monk means being celibate, no ifs or buts. If he can’t do that, then be honest and go do something else. Then he can do that honestly with his head held high. He needs to decide.


Only reading this now Pat, well done indeed, I thought they would continue to tough it out. This solution gets Phonsie and Brendan off the hook. The Scottish verdict unproven would be have been more appropriate in this case.


Carefully crafted statement – by not specifying the allegations, they can say they were ‘unfounded’. Why didn’t they say ‘sexual allegations not involving minors’? Perhaps the ‘allegations’ were that he wore a pink tutu to compline – in which case they say they were ungrounded.


In this day and age it is perverse that somebody like Purcell could do what he liked with impunity for so long. It shows an unacceptable lack of leadership within the Cistercians as a Congregation.


Actually when you think of it the Catholic Church has behaved like this for years – and will try to continue to do so.

It’s only now with modern technology we can hold their feet to the fire and expose their corruption.


If he stays in the monastery he’ll not be able to nip out for a walk without someone questioning his whereabouts?
Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be in a monastery – no swanning about all over the place.

Whatever he decides – and I hope he decides to stay – I pray he finds peace and happiness


Pat I find confidence in your pursuit of Purcell. The Pp has a bf and I’m confident I can prove it, how can I expose the two of them or on what platform?


If it were true and you weren’t a troll you would put your money where your mouth is and name names, here on this blog. But it is not true and you are a troll.


Of course the office of Prime was invented to stop monks going back to bed for a wank after Lauds, showing sex has always presented problems for monks.
I’m not making this up.


Well done Bishop Pat
On taking down this rat
Oh how the mighty fall
This man makes my skin crawl
His trips to the boiler house
Has exposed this big grouse
So Goodbye to Purcell
It’s time for you to…..dwell


11.09: Very nasty, silly, immature and childish. Not even good “poetry”. I hope you never have a public falling. A most un-christian attitude but not surprising.


It is good that the misconduct of Richard Purcell has been exposed. It is also good that he has resigned as abbot. Hopefully this can bring some closure to the community. It is also good that in the electronic age blogs such as this provide a useful portal for the exposure of institutional and individual clerical misconduct.


Part of me feels desperately sorry for Purcell and another part of me thinks he got his just deserts for his own stupidity. I agree with much of the commentary on the blog. I think it is probable that Purcell will now leave monastic life and the priesthood. He could surprise us all and change his stability to a monastery outside the British Isles and embrace his Cistercian vocation without the distraction of office. But I think that is most unlikely.


It’s not how we fall that should define us. It’s how we climb back from that fall and learn from mistakes. Mistakes are opportunities.


+Pat, I did a search of your blog. Last year during the month of September you were speculating and asking the following question:

“Dom Richard Purcell – could he be the next Archbishop of Dublin?”

Well, we all know the answer to that question now. It is a good thing that Purcell never got a mitre.


You have missed an important element: he tendered his resignation and it was ACCEPTED. Many bishops tender their resignations ‘for personal reasons’ and they are not accepted.


Excuse me but all this sounds double dutch to me. Is the Pope the boss of priests and
bishops and monks ?Has the Pope the final say on who stays and who goes from their
jobs in the church. And what does a priest or a bishop or a monk have to do to lose their jobs? Thanks in advance for answering.


Next focus should be zeroed on Deenihan and Silverstream. It has the potential of opening a further can of worms with many strands. Cos landmines almost everywhere.

Just saying 🧐🤓


Where is our resident cartoonist when needed? Surely a photo mock up of Abbot Purcell’s degradation is needed.


1.30pm: Why would you want to further degrade this monk? For a moment imagine that you or a brother or your father was so ignominiously humiliated? Just imagine. Would you really want them to be the butt of degratiin? Whatever about The moral, sexual failings of this monk, surely your request is disgusting? I hope Pat doesn’t bow to your request. At some point in our analysis and judgment, the mercy of Christ and the ultimate judgment of God must be allowed shape our attitude! There is nothing commendable about Richard’s situation but neither is there anything commendable nor Christ-like in what you desire. Disgusting.


Agree, it should be about truth rather than lampooning someone who has frailties as we all have. The problem has been the time it has taken for this matter to be resolved and the cover up. I don’t think sticking the knife in by lampooning another human being is justified.


How things have changed. Who would have thought, thirty years ago, that the resignation of a compromised Abbot would have people on the internet listing others who should resign.
Bishops and major superiors take note – the world has changed and is no longer prepared to excuse your nonsense.


“You must speak freely in condemnation of the professed enemies of God and His Church, heretics and schismatics, — it is true charity to point out the wolf wheresoever he creeps in among the flock.” ~ Saint Francis de Sales


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