


This letter, to my mind comes from an angry cleric.

I think that the writer is on the the gay active priests who get very angry when this Blog gets near one of them or their friends.

He should have sent me his excoriating letter.

He tells me that Fr Mc Alinden was 100 times the priest I am.

Is that not for God to judge?

And he tells me I will only be a better priest if I take his advice.

He calls my £ 50 donation to the hospice “miserable”.

I’m sure the hospice would love many more £ 50 donations.

Of course this priests is above all else A COWARD.

He did not have the balls to put his mame to his letter.

He could not even come out and defend his dead friend openly.

I always put my name to EVERYTHING I write or say.


Shannon Campbell
Eddie O Donnell

Our writer is expressing how they felt when the attended the Catholic Chaplaincy at QUB.

I have never been in the building.

But in many parishes and chaplaincies the PP or the chaplain regards it as THEIR territory.

And they do not like to be questioned.

Also, many of these men surround themselves with a clique of head nodders.

It’s an oft repeated dynamic of human organisations.

Fr McGrattan was well liked in St Patrick’s Parish in Belfast when he was there.

He has since been sent for further studies.

The air in St Brigids Parish is quite “rarified” with parishioners being doctors lawyers etc.


Active Homosexual priests would nothIng more than this blog to be shut down. In the past they only feared the police, if caught cottaging or cruisIng, or the News of the World. Both are no longer a threat to them and this Blog is a massive inconvenience to them.


Holy Family Parish, Dundalk are fortunate to have The Ryans actively engaged in the heart and soul of the parish.


Both of these priests are middle-aged hotties who are always welcome to my gaff for visitation. I do like missioners!


Indeed it is, sweetie — but only to those who reject the Good News and do ill unto others. That includes great and deafening silence which lows innocence to suffer, too x


If it were not for this blog, the Maynooth summer of love would have continued unabated and all the lads doing the loving would all be curates in parishes now.


There’d be an Abbot in Mount Melleray, the AG wouldn’t be resigning, Dom Kirby would be prior, Ger would be putting it about, Rory would be in Armagh.


Diarmuid Martin would not have coined the phrase “strange goings-on”… or bumped into a sconce.


It’s the same at the Glasgow uni chaplaincy … insufferably middle class, elitist etc.. During the past few years it has become increasingly traditionalist. The traddy clique have their own secret fraternity and they have a ceremonial gown. It’s basically just a LARP. There are very few Glasgow lads these days and plenty of wealthy foreigners, particularly Americans. The scandal in Glasgow is that the chaplain is also the vocations director, so all seminarians in Glasgow must now belong to the chaplaincy clique. If Keenan becomes archbishop things will only get worse because he handpicked the current chaplain.
The Church has failed young people. The Church in the West is a boomer institution. They are so out of touch with the young. My generation will not return, they are lost for good I fear. My siblings think priets and churchgoers are weirdos. I find it extremely difficult to defend the Church these days.
The chaplaincy model of pastoral care for university students needs to be reformed … it’s too elitist, gnostic and cultic.


11.29 (“Chav”)
That’s the future. Lib CINOs don’t have many children and they are lukewarm and don’t pass on the Faith. Any young person going to chaplaincy events and Mass will be the offspring of traditional families. The horribly dated folk music from the 1970s – 50 years ago, lol – has no appeal to them.


I doubt you have attended the old mass for any significant period of time. I have and in my experience, very few children of trads will keep the faith in adulthood. I know adults, my friends from my old chapel, who grew up in the old Mass and were home schooled and have little affection for the religion of their parents. They think it’s nuts.
It is a myth that trad liturgies are full of young people. I have not experienced this during the several years I attended the old Mass. There are very few young people who attend the old Mass. A few, perhaps, in each Mass centre. But they are a minority. There are too few of them to guarantee any kind of future for the Church, the numbers just are not convincing, sorry. Also, they are not normies, they tend to be a certain type of person, they dress a certain way, have particular interests, and they are not generally representative of most Millennials or Gen Zs. Also, many of these young trads are neurotic, angsty LARPers who will lose the faith in their mid/late 20s, especially the ones who have come to know the faith through the Tridentine Mass and never had any contact with the Novus Ordo mainstream Church. This was the case for my friend.
The small number who go to the old Mass are the fanatics who have always existed and will always exists. They are not a revival movement, they just never went away.


Yes. The trad movement will reach a peak and level off. The trads make the same mistake all other pressure groups make, of thinking that everybody will come to like what they do.
And with a startling ignorance of history they also miss that the decline of church attendance and what they would see as throwing out the faith inside the church, started among people brought up solely on the old mass.
It is not the magic bullet of popularity and restoration of the faith they think it is, because there was nothing else before the sixties but the ‘crisis’ they imagine still happened.


12:27 We all know the Latin mass crowd are closeted gays, you really don’t need to tell us!


11.29: Are any of the critics on this blog ever satisfied with anything Catholic? So much criticism but little by way of radical or inspiring alternatives, ideas or suggestions. This blog primarily exists to highlight corruption and abuse within the Church and to hold people to account. A very necessary work. However, all too frequently the blog is used to abuse clerics, to judge and condemn, to score back against grievances. Thus we have nasty rhetoric, innuendo, hearsay and untruths. Fr. McAlinden’s good name was flittered to pieces, regrettably and unjustifiably. And when the lies were uncovered Pat went into an aggressive mode of defensiveness. The letter writer may not be a priest. Many people, family, relatives, friends and parishioners are deeply hurt still at the outrageous attacks against him (Fr. McAlinden) on this blog. I cannot fathom the personalised, abusive and threatening nature of some comments.


My first blog simply asked a QUESTIOM: Did Fr McAlinden die from an AIDS related illness.

The clerics went apoplectic.

I could have left it there.

No one asked me to anything else.

Of my own accord I checked the death cert.

Without any pressure from anyone I apologised and made a donation. I could have done nothing.

The question I asked was pertinent as manympriests are living with HIV and dying of AIDS related illnesses.


You make a good point, Pat. You went and checked the death cert, apologised, deleted the blog item, explained that it came from a source you now know to be unreliable, you had just asked a question and made a donation. As you say, you could have just said nothing, never mentioned it again and left it up on the blog.


Clerics should have mandatory HIV testing. It’s the responsible thing to do. Every Diocese has duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to protect, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of both priests and the faithful. Those infected priests can access life-saving medication and make the virus untransmissible.


11:01 No, never. I will not be satisfied until it is consigned to the history books and humanity can get on with its life in peace.


There is still the irony that 11:01 protests the treatment of ‘Catholics’ on this blog while Pat was misled about Fr McAlinden’s death by a priest.
By their fruits you shall know them.


+ Pat, I still haven’t had an answer from anybody as to whether McAlinden was HIV+, and whether he was actively homosexual ? He may not have died from Aids, but the other two questions still stand. They are important because they will provide a fuller picture of this man’s life, and whether his priesthood was lived faithfully and honestly. They are important questions, because it has just become too acceptable these days for priests, who take a public promise of celibacy, to live a life completely in contradiction to their public promise before God and the Church. That encourages and engenders a culture of hypocrisy and lying, which sadly seems to have become the norm, amongst the clergy. If McAlinden was not HIV+ and not homosexually active, then I would rejoice. I would just like to know, because I sense that most priests are living a lie, which is not good for them, and not good for us. The truth should never hurt ultimately.


The truthful answer is that I do not know. I think he was gay and he had one priest partner whose name I know.


Writing the blog story and then checking the death certificate was putting the cart before the horse. Calls to shut down the blog are completely excessive. Just as expecting +Phonsie to resign for a Cistercians matter was excessive.
The blog’s mission statement is to expose corruption, abuse and criminality. People’s anger at the content of the deleted blog, in a roundabout way, is also an expression of people’s high expectations of the blog.
+Pat is paying a fee to run the blog and is not making money from it. A non for profit blog. A donation was made to charity in good faith. Nonsense to be attacking him for that.


@ 2:28pm
Well we all know that the Novus Ordo crowd are all gay, the only difference is they are not closeted. We don’t need to be told it’s quite obvious.



What good would come of answering your prurient questions?The poor man is dead.


Bela Lugosi, your comments have nothing of truth in them. Defective from a literacy perspective, deficient from a truth poin of view.


* * * If only clerics would have the same reaction of outrage and indignation when one of their colleagues, including their bishops, abuse vulnerable persons and/or cover it up. Destroying innocent lives – families even – in the process. . .
Bishop Pat, you merely asked a question; there was no apology necessary. However, you still chose to apologize and, make a donation to cancer care.
Please allow me to offer some informal advice, Your Grace…
“Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.”
— Matthew 7: 6
I’ve got all the t’shirts and I’m right! x


Wow. I can’t believe what I’m reading. I can’t let it go without saying I knew him and he was a really holy priest. That you thought that’s what he had died of and even spoke it oh wow, could cry even thinking that’s what you said. the anonymous letter speaks the truth. I can’t even begin to understand why someone would say that about a holy priest but the world is a mystery to me sometimes


Chav: Is the chaplaincy still in Southpark Ave opposite that large redbrick school?
Many fond memories of it. Like, my then girlfriend came from a background of rabidly “Orange” parents. She was not so inclined. She first came to Mass one Sunday, a bit apprehensive, but reassured by me telling her just to follow me with the sitting and kneeling etc.
But at the Our Father, something she recognised, she joined in…..Only problem was that when we all finished, she carried on with the “Protestant ” ending, …..”for thine is the power etc etc.
She took the teasing in good humour!

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What a load of lies and I am totally surprised even more that Bishop Pat Buckley printed the false facts.
Everyone knows some Canon Law but the one think everyone knows that NO Bishop or Archbishop can interfere in another diocese unless Pope Francis appoints him as Apostolic Administrator.
The Late Archbishop Philip Tartaglia appointed Father Ross Campbell as Chaplain to Turnbull Hall and therefore Bishop Keenan would not do appointments in Glasgow (as yet).
Cardinal Thomas Winning appointed the then Father Keenan to Turnbull Hall 2000 and Archbishop Philip Tartaglia joined Turnbull Hall up with Vocation and they come from all over the Archdioceses.
The “dressing” up issue is in three parishes of the Archdioceses that being Sacred Heart ( Stephen Dunn come back), Immaculate Heart of Mary (Mark Morris) and Turnbull Hall (Ross Campbell).
Glasgow is in Sede Vacante so Monsignor Hugh Bradley is limited to what he can do until the New Archbishop arrives and hopefully they will all move to the small St. Andrew’s SSPX and not our beautiful Saint Andrew’s Cathedral.
Sorry you were not suitable for any of Scotland’s Dioceses and when Chris is ordained in June you will go into overdrive.


More parishes than those 3 dressing up – they’re all at in the suburbs and the schemes


Oul Gossip Alert @ 12:31pm

Here’s oul Nettie spouting her usual ill informed gossip she hasn’t realized that the sede vacante in Glasgow will go on and on. She had already pronounced that a decision would be made on St Andrews Day.(Wrong) Then it was going to be made after Tarty’s anniversary mass by her pal The Papal Nuncio (Wrong) Gugerotti wasn’t even there. She refers to what she calls our beautiful cathedral, usually known as ‘the Gin Palace’ but she has no taste as is well known. Poor Hattie Jacques is not answering the phone as Nettie is never done ringing for gossip.


The Papal Nuncio had to isolate and did not make it to the Cathedral there were many dignities in attendance.
I do not need to call Monsignor Hugh when I can speak to him at Holy Cross or the Curial offices.
They laughed when they heard Des would be burying an Auld Queen as he likes the tradionalists and not the Traditional ones and never got Philips funeral however Bella will make up for it the first SSPX in the Daisy Chain involvement.


@11:53 You do sound like that neurotic gay man who now rages at the Mass of Ages and longs for the tender caresses of some old diocese bishop. There have been a new generation of traditional Catholics, children of the first, say like Patrick Omlor who in 1967 denounced the validity of any Mass in 1967 using the mistranslated Canon. Although predating the New Order, by a little, it remained part of it until 2011, and Pope Francis now regrettably seeks to restore it outside Italy. The fall off of children of trads is a thing, but you cannot be serious when it has to be compared to children of Novus Ordo parents. There is complete abandonment of active faith one or two generations into the New Order. The children and grandchildren of the oh so radical Dutch are agnostics. Catholicism is dead in the Low Countries, and it close to that in the rest of Europe.

Anyhow, reality doesn’t need me to argue for it. It just happens.

I’m a bit unsure of how Shannon Campbell, Pastoral Manager at QUB student chaplaincy (bet none of you are so important) is some gnostic rad trad. Her Twitter retweets some talk by Papal biographer and professional Benedict hater Austen Ivereigh and other stuff of his. Horsey seems matches the impression provided by the above photo. Student chaplaincies (in the my experience of maybe two) seem to be fairly useless things that exist for their own personnel. If they were useful, we might have a decent sized active Catholic student population. Northern Catholicism still benefits a bit from a culture of identity necessarily forged by the Troubles. Shannon and Fr McGrattan do not help.


Shannon Campbell has made no secret of her wish, on feminist grounds, to take over as chaplain when Fr McGrattan’s time is up.

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There is no such thing as the mass of ages.
It’s a travesty to say what you have about Austin Ivereigh. (Please get his name right.)


If Austen Ivereigh is good enough for those fine bodies of men, the Maynooth Union and the British SJs, he’s good enough for me.


3:20 I did get his name right, which you Mr Genius didn’t. His poor wife bawled in St Peter’s Square when Cardinal Ratzinger was elected. Professional Benedict hater is correct too. He has a powerful imagination, somehow finding some obscure speech of the present Pope. Someone gave him that. And it’s boring like Austen the boring grifter. I wonder if Austen has a thing for Shannon. Abortion three normally wouldn’t be good, but maybe Pastoral Manager Shannon might add that to her religion grift (it’s actually nearly a business template). Lay religion grifters are a plague, whatever their ideology. The ones who write seem to be all plagiarists. It’s a modern thing and really unseemly. Priests and religious are not well off, and donations are better given to them than these confidence tricksters.
The non student makes a valid point. Relating it to me, I found the UCD Catholic chaplaincy piss poor as a student, seeming to serve a little clique of weirdos and themselves. They stayed in their nice place across from the bus stop. I am not CoI but their chaplain was a shepherd going out after his lost sheep.


The person who wrote the poison pen letter about the QUB chaplaincy has no business creeping about there if he is not a student or member of staff of QUB.
Some 42% of the student population have registered to receive QUB Catholic chaplaincy services.
As for the plans for the future, these are publicly available here:


Why is a strange man who is not a student going around “challenging” the staff and students of the chaplaincy? Is he a lonely old man with too much time on his hands?


He is a strange man, perhaps, but he has a point about cliques who strut around like they own the place. I was a matriculated student, however, I was treated like an outsider at my institution’s Catholic chaplaincy. Last time I went, I was followed around the place by one of the parish priest’s favourites. It was a humiliating experience. I complained to the vicar general, but he did absolutely nothing, which is to be expected.

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Pat I’ve never seen the like of it. The Irish come out of the ditches and into wealth and are unbearable! Throughout history it is the rich-quick, not aristocratic folk that are unbearable to listen to.
You know when you hear someone from Co Down order a “vodka and cake” rather than coke at a bar than the county’s away with the fairies.
Moreover – Postgraduate Studies seems to be the order of the day for NI’s younger clerics? Look no further than … well I dare not mention 😬😬
Obviously a way to keep them otherwise engaged…
Just a thought.
Carpe Diem

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Bishop Pat,
Hurt has been caused by another in a different diocese in Northern Ireland.
Patience is the greatest virtue.


You look at all the strange chaplaincies Couve De Murville was at, one after the other. When I was away at a poly I just went to a church near me. I know several former assistant PPs whose health was ruined by a certain canon because they had been posted with him, fortunately they recovered but in time for the current international mess.


I was reading Richard Scorer’s book yesterday which has a whole chapter on Birmingham and Couve. Brought it all flooding back. Horrible.


RN to be fair to him speaks openly and is not hiding behind anonymity. What’s his beef with Dom Andersen? His support for the former prior seems misled.
My advice to RN is to set up his own blog, even if only posting weekly, if he is so confident in the direction that a blog should take.


On our knees yet? 😲 Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God, + trust in Me still, In “MY FATHERS HOUSE’…🙏


Fr McGrattan is very chummy with Stephen McBrearty (my big ego) and regularly dines and wines at his place in Hollywood, Gran Canaria, I bed your pardon I mean County Down


Stevie My Big Ego, McGrattan and Fr Shirley Richard Bassey could all go to Yumbo and open a drag bar. Lying on a beach all day can cause one to go very red in the face. They could combine drag and bears! Please all


Oh please. Stevie took long enough to get this post. Lord alone knows what it took. Don’t you tell me others wouldn’t be on his shirt tails to be on the Gold Coast, in his shadow. Once he retires to GC,on the bit of inheritance. We could all do that had we organised it.


If you are not invited to wine and dine at McBear-eat-me’s then you are not considered important enough in clerical cycles and beyond.


Stephen reminds me of Robin Williams brother in Mrs Doubtfire, the one who made him his face and prosthetic


Sadly, since Vatican II, the history of the Church is closure and retrenchment of the institutions developed during the pre-Vatican II years. And so it is with the chaplaincy. The existing building is too big for the current demand. The plan is to reduce the chaplaincy’s footprint on the existing site and turn the rest over to be converted to secular residential and commercial units, unrelated to the chaplaincy.
Isn’t renewal great?


The Church would be in a much worse state had Vatican II never happened. The decline you speak of is an inevitable result of secularism and late capitalism. It would have happened anyway, even if we had kept the Tridentine Mass. The trad hypothesis is utterly deluded. The Church was in decline well before Vatican II.
The demise of religion is a symptom of the demise of community in general, i.e., social atomisation. It doesn’t matter that Christianity is lost in the West. Christianity is a religion for the poor. The Church should therefore focus its attention on the developing world and on the underclass in our own countries; the homeless, foodbank-users, minimum wage-slaves etc.. The Church in the West should stop focussing on restorationism, which is self-absorbed and Pelagian. We should accept that we have lost the culture war. Let’s move on, and try and build a new Church for the poor in the places that the Church is needed most, i.e., poor countries.
Focussing on the poor is the best blueprint for renewal, not this obsession with the romanticised and false narratives about the Church’s past glories. I love the old liturgy but I know that I would have hated to have grown-up in the Vatican II Church.


11.13 But the poor in Latin America are rejecting Catholicism and becoming Protestants. Sonn Catholics will be a minority in a continent where all the Spirit of Vatican II stuff is in full flower and has been since the 1970s. In Dublin and Belfast Mass attendance is lowest in the deprived parishes.

The Church was not in decline before Vatican II. In the late 50s/early 60s the churches, seminaries, convents and monasteries were overflowing, there were record numbers of baprisms, marriages, conversions, we had a strong Catholic press, we were opening parishes, there was growth everywhere, lay people were active in sodalties, the Legion and SVP, we had active Catholic societies and clubs and people of all ages went in great number to the now hated TLM.

Talk about losing the culture war and managed retreat seems to be the best we can offer now.


Would you blame the poor in Latin America after Lopez Trujillo, Pio Laghi, JPII and Benedict all of whom hounded Liberation Theology. The birds are coming home to roost.


A General Council normally takes one hundred years to embed itself into the life of the church. What we are seeing at the moment is the Gospel image. “Unless a grain of wheat fall into the grain and die…..” Have courage! I have overcome the world.”


The poor in Latin America aren’t interested in that liberation theology crap. They are all signing up for the Prosperity Gospel preached by US Evangelicals.


The letter about Fr McAlinden was written by a lay person. No priest refers to another priest as “Fr”. A priest writing to Bishop Pat would just refer to “Martin Mcalinden”, with no title.


@8.24 Not necessarily, referring to a priest he may not know well and in a written communication to another cleric he doesn’t know at all. In fact I would have thought a letter saying that a donation wasn’t big enough, was fairly certain to be from a priest.


It is most upsetting when a Priest threatens it is the low of the low and the Bishop should remove him.
The Priests role in 2021 and going forward is the Sacramental Life of the Church and if does not see that is his main role then he is in the wrong place.
Canon Law states pastoral Councils have to be formed in every Parish and Dioceses and they will see to the building works and the running of the parish finances sadly this priest is stuck in the 90’s ME ME ME.
I hope the people who will be offended again and they contact the Bishop and make him apologise to ALL
Some clergy will just not let go.
Priests are Ordained for the Sacraments.


‘It is most upsetting when a Priest threatens’
Welcome to the reality of what the church is about. Now join all of the cases of clerical crime, abuse and politicking together and stop trying to pass them off as isolated incidents. You didn’t think it was about God did you?


Begobs hi what a sight to behold.
Chattering teeth floating in mid-air.
Or teeth in a glass sunk in water not able to harm.
False self has false security.
True self has peace of mind heart and soul.
Avoid gobstoppers along with the chattering classes in glasshouses.
May The Lord…. +
Nightie Night Fly Hi.


Oh stop it, see if Fr Sympathy Bartlett comes out and cries the same then someone needs to refer him to the Rainbow project for counselling


He’s probably still holding out for a bishopric. He’ll be too old if he has to wait much longer. Donal McKeown is only 71.


@ 2:40

Good afternoon, Bela. Only out of the scratcher ? Were you on the bottle, Bela ?


Fr Dominic McGrattan has that gay priest look about him. Butter wouldn’t melt, confident and autocratic, all hiding a secret being and life. It’s classic. You see it all the time. He can’t be a particularly happy individual having to deny who and what he really is all the time, probably to himself as well as to the wider world. That accounts for many of the behavioural and personality traits that are being reported – arrogant, autocratic, angry, unaccountable, exceptional, special, surrounding himself with yes people. Classic. I feel sorry for him. And for those upon whom he inflicts all his dysfunction.


You seriously want to tell me that McGrattan isn’t a gay old goose ?! I think you need to get new batteries for your Gaydar. Mind pings loudly every time I see him.


Endless number of dom Dicks in the Priesthood. There’s dickie dumb dickie do dickie don’t and you know yourselves; Dickie wiki.


Why is it wrong or offensive to assume someone is gay? To attribute that is to demean the sexuality. Fr McGlynn practically tap dances around west belfast with his bowler hat on and nobody gives a darn what sexuality he may be.


There’s a good article, Pat, on Fr Jim Doherty in the Daily ‘Tory’ graph online. It gives context and credence to your blog post earlier in the week. Put simply; he didn’t take any s–t from clerics on power trips or anyone else either.


Big Jim’s funeral yesterday was very touching. He planned it all himself. The music was outstanding and the eulogy at the end of Mass by an ex-Seminarian was wonderful. May he rest in peace and rise in glory x


Big Jim’s funeral was hardly a ringing endorsement of his popularity. 21 priests out of 280 in the archdiocese attended. Normally we would have an average of 40 clergy.
What’s more there were lots of empty seats in the church. lots !! The first four rows which were reserved for vested clergy were empty.
Even Gerry in his sermon while listing Jazza’s many virtues and good points couldn’t avoid the fact that Jim got it wrong often and offended people by his inability to hold his tongue.
Despite his formation in seminary he seemed to lack discernment in situations and his mouth had no filter.
Few attending would have be aware of the battle being waged on the sanctuary between Mr McGuire, the teacher and lunch friend of Jim’s who normally acts as MC at St Al’s and Phil, the diocesan MC, who accompanied the Presider, Mgr Hugh Bradley. Anyone at close quarters could have been forgiven for thinking McGuire resented Phil being there. Phil won the battle!
The final commendation was in the hands of Canon Anthony Gallagher of Daisy Chain fame.He was also a member of the lunch club.
( The power of your blog Pat was displayed outside after the mass when a number of mourners in my hearing referred to Anthony Gallagher’s alleged membership of the Daisy Chain and we’re laughing. Others felt there was no shame)
The Liturgy was nice as was the music, which was under the direction of Dan Divers , supposedly another member of the lunch club. The music and hymns were almost a rerun of the funeral of the late Cardinal Basil Hume ( “You will be careful won’t you Father!”)
Anyway, Jim has been laid to his rest now. I trust that those he helped in life will have benefited from his kindness and support and those he hurt and offended will pray for his soul and forgive him.


10.58: And pray, tell us, what exactly is that “gay priest look”? It’s a great throwaway phrase but please tell us the traits and characteristics that set him apart as a “gay priest” lookalike!! Now, first look in the mirror!! Whose the prettiest of them all…


@4.55 – you’re right – it was the first daisy chain “outing” of the New Year – the MC was lovely in his doily and the deacons were kept at bay in the pews.Cleared up any dubiety about “Big Jims” membership ….


I was at Fr Jim Doherty’s funeral yesterday but didn’t realise that Dan Divers of St Aloysius College was so musical.


I see the archbishop of Krakow has banned priests from being alone with children and the internet is laughing at him. Talk about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted! 😂


Did the first letter have a Glasgow postmark? There’s an Irish man living there who’s never away from the Post Office.


But he goes to the Post Office to buy stamps and check airmail rates for letters to the Vatican and the apostolic nunciature in Dublin, before popping them in the box for handling by the Royal Mail.


Why doesn’t he simply camp on the steps of St. Peters and take herself along with him.
It would save him a fortune on stamps.


Anon 11.36
You are making my point for me. I know that Mass attendance is lowest in deprived parishes which is exactly why the Church needs to reach out to the poor. In the West, the faith is perceived by working class people as a peculiar hobby for middle class people, and they aren’t wrong. They believe that there is nothing in the Church for them. This is why we need to make the faith inclusive, accessible, and rid it of elitism.


Talking shops about synodality will not bring them back, especially as they are dominated by the usual suspects.


Pat I was talking to a young preacher from Armagh on a ‘social’ platform, who informed me that he thought of himself as very goodlooking and handsome. Any guesses whose head is so far up their backsides?


1.44: You spoofer. It’s your head that’s far up your own backside – Oh! There’s always the possibility of being up anothers! You perve.


My health is fine and I look after it carefully but not irrationally. In fact I am currently undergoing a regular check up.


I’m glad it is Pat, as who will take over your calling when/if anything does impact on your good health? You will be missed dearly by me that’s for sure.


I will be 70 in May 😀

We have the length of days God gives us and the gift of health too.

Nobody is irreplaceable. Its good for us to remember that.


70 is the sum of our years,
Or 80 for those who are strong.
And most of these are emptiness and toil.
The pass swiftly and we are gone.
Psalm 90


@ 2:42pm
It’s hard to believe we’ll be 70 Patsy, but never mind we’ll keep on fighting even although we’re on different sides Cheers!☺
Evivva Maria!


2.16 I think your remarks reflect an uneducated individual who regrets entering the priesthood.

See where the next few years take you.


2.38 Please elaborate. I never really pay much attention to those who claim to know all the detail when they don’t.

How’s the double life attending you?


Priests will only ever threaten the weak or vulnerable as the majority of them are cowards. The ones that do threaten are only also allowed to do so by the person they are threatening, stand up to them. Don’t let McGrattan threaten you


Fr O’Neill threatened to have me banned from attending church until he learned I had early stages MS and quickly changed his attitude. I thought Priests were not meant to be so judgemental.


Yea he did that with me also, I kept falling over and he accused me of throwing myself on the church grounds to get compensation and this was not true, I had a medical condition.


Are you the one that was messing about with the candles and throwing them all over the place?


I agree with your sound advice @ 2:34 pm Always stand up for oneself—including for others who may be deemed even remotely vulnerable in anyway x


2.34: Some priests act like bullies. Fact. But the majority ARE not cowards. Fact. This is a deliberate lie, a playing very loose with truth. It’s what bullies like you do….


Fr McAlinden was a great charity fund raiser. I do not know if anymore than two who are like him. Martin run for charity but Father Peter O’Hare does charity walks every few months for a different charity chosen by parishioners and I think more should be like these two.


A charity walk? It takes him 30 minutes to walk down the aisle to say mass, I wouldn’t fancy being on this charity walk with him


For one of RTE’s periodic visits to Maynooth, where they filmed uplifting short films about seminarians, Niall Ahern was asked to pick a few sems who would be quizzed on tv about their vocations stories and how they would deal with celibacy. Niall picked two closeted gays who said the usual nonsense about sacrifice and they adopted a sad face when they spoke of not having a wife and children.

Both left during formation and both are strictly of the non-marrying kind. I wonder if they believed what they were saying about celibacy when they said it?


Pat do you think men that get involved with active priests are mentally unstable or just looking for trouble? I think they are unhinged


What happened to the time-honoured and holy practice followed by many saints of sublimating desires into prayer and good works? Is that yet another thing that’s gone out?


Pat do you think active male clergy in NI is okay? I know one, and it’s public knowledge among youthful generations, that he discards celibacy. Fair enough there is no issue with this. Do you think as these generations age, will the social attitude be more relaxed?


Being a sexually active priest, regardless of orientation, is being hypocritical.


I think your focus ought to turn to ‘active’ priests of which there are many in NI (well, during breaks) rather than villainizing some vulnerable individuals who end up in a bad place.
I would never call anyone “unhinged”. Not very conducive to a pastoral, positive mental well-being environment. Indeed I dread to think of your profession… if there is one. But needless to say, my guess is right.


I know a lovely gay couple, one is a priest and one is a gay man; I mean lay man, so I’m sure there are plenty more


We all know who they are and the lay one is a nasty piece of work, a right bitchy queen, Priest is too good for this temporary lover.


D&C of course, when it’s all revealed lay man shall be dumped quicker than the idea of double jobbing was at stormont


I think anyone getting involved with a ‘Catholic’ priest should have their head seen to. Why would you go near such a crowd of hypocritical, deviant, criminal, money-grubbing shysters?


6.05: Is that what you think of the Catholic Bishop of Larne? You are an ugly pervert.


Bring back Fr Aelred Magee – the Chaplaincy’s loss and the Cistercians gain. Things have changed big time since he left, and not for the better.


I’m not aware of how he was involved. You’ve never elaborated much.

Also Pat, what are you going to do following these revelations about the Chaplaincy? Is Noel T aware?


Pat I really find comments such as 2.38pm amusing. It’s called lighting a fire, then running away 😂 have some bloggers not the sense to know I couldn’t give a flying flamingo about “Got you” type terminology!! 😂😂🙈 If their ideal in life is fawning after certain individuals… carry on camping.


Just heard the Vice Rector in Spain is thinking of leaving as well. If so, that’s two VRs now who have decided on running a mile!!
And apparently more lads were being bullied, yet again, only in the last year or so.


May you elaborate? Have you anymore news on the other priests than Rory who have boyfriends?


If it were not for this blog a lot of unhappy priests would still be in post. In exposing them, Pat sets them free.


Expect a package in the coming weeks, I am in the process of buying a burner phone so you and I shall have contact and then I will supply photographic evidence and then some about some very dodgy dealings in belfast.


… Thank goodness. It’ll certainly will be miles safer! 😉 x


… Thank goodness. It’ll be miles safer! 🧹💨🚮


Pat – how does one bring about positive changes at the Chaplaincy?
Where are you going to take this? Bishop of D+C?


Ding Dong Bell- Daz Fonzies – in a Well !!!
+ Bishop Pat, I have Daz Fonzie on ‘the blower’ looking for a dig out!
With your permission, +Pat, can I throw Daz Fonzie down a rope?


Mangos, Figs and Gorgonzola cheese as well as a good wine are a few of the evidences of Intelligent Design, he certainly can be added to the list.


Hello our Pat, getting back to Christian basics, I had lovely lamb for Sunday roast and wish people would appreciate the simple things in life like the sacrifice of animals for our pleasure. Enjoy your evening everyone and be kind.


Ding Dong Bell-Daz Fonzie’s- in a Well!!!
+ Bishop Pat, I put Daz Fonzie on hold until you give an instruction.
He’s listening to, The Beatles tunes: We can work it out- Lady Madonna- I feel fine.


Just seen the gym loving M&S bargain hunting priest in the knock off aisle again yet he jumps into his Maserati after. I think I’m not looking after the pennies Pat


Ding Dong Bell-Daz Fonzie’s- in a Well!!!
+ Bishop Pat, Daz Fonzie is still on hold.
He’s listening to; The Beatles: Penny lane- Lovely Rita- Paperback Writer.


Buckley sure attracts plenty of nut jobs on this blog. Just read through today’s blog. Very scary indeed because some clearly have major issues and need help.


It’s a requirement of this blog, in order to be able to comment you must be mentally unwell or have an amazing imagination. Stephen Fry would be great.


On the Irish Times website, the most read item today is their report on the laicisation of Richard Geoghan.


Hopefully, it will pressure +Phonsie to increase Shirley’s financial settlement. A girl must be mobile, so she’ll need a new car as well.


Pat my girlfriend Daniela and I would love you to officiate our nuptials how do we go about doing that? It will be a low key event with a small number of guests.


In the eyes of true God you will not be married. All you gays out protesting for years about marriage equality and not one of you can even stay together long enough to make memories.


God loves all, even those who can not pro create in their chosen relationships and lifestyle choice


Don’t say that. I know many married gay couples who love each other just as much as the day they married, some of who have kids and whose kids never once expressed any negativity about having two dad’s or two mums. I think it would have been great having parents of the same gender.


I used to be against gay marriage but am now for it. One more opportunity to annoy the bigots is not to be sneezed at.


Can I ask, what made you change your view? I just think it’s amazing you support same-sex marriage ☺️


Of course, Bp Pat, nine times out of ten, your hunch about something or someone is usually correct, but would it not be wiser to check a death certificate first before publishing a blog on someone, particularly if it concerns HIV and AIDS.


8.01: Do you see the irony and strangeness of your request? If you want Pay to name aninymous commenters, why did you use “anonymous” and not your real name???? Hilarious. 😁😂🤣😁😂…


Pat if one had proof of a delict committed by a cleric in their diocese; could I present it directly to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith if I felt it had been an avoided issue in the diocese concerned?


Bishop Buckley rarely ( euphemism ) , if ever, is erroneous ( The Blog). Even at times when he doubts himself. This Blog is public ( a problem for those who use the shade: Anonymous), but it is no different in tone or tenor from the telephone lines, mobile phones, sitting rooms or the myriad of places priests meet: where they discuss many matters or as the Gospels might put it: recent happenings in Judea. The attacks on him for speaking outside the cosy/fearful Omertà club are grossly disingenuous. If you are reading this Blog, you contribute to its dynamic: that includes all bishops ( RCC anyway) on this island, the Roman Curia and Bergoglio and around the world. This Blog would long be gone if those like the anonymous letter writer in Martin Mc Alinden s corner were not so daily tagged here…..your letter dear writer is in its essence to say the least; contradictory . This Blog is the only forum for digreesing views in the Irish Clerical and priestly (RCC) world. Contributions are almost always anonymous for fear of Episcopal or/and Sacerdoal vengeance…..


I’m not +Pat, but I can tell you that the first thing you must do is look into a mirror as say “I’m gay and I’m beautiful.” Most parents know their son or daughter is gay for quite some time, whether it be via the internet history or certain mannerisms, etc.. So don’t be scared. Your parents have an obligation to love you unconditionally. The vast majority of our parents hold to that duty and I’m sure your parents will too. Stay strong and you will so find that the good people around you will love you just as much as they did before you tell them a tiny part of who you are. Can I ask, are you a seminarian/priest?


Derry….vogue….y avenue has always been a very interesting….very…..appointment. Opus Dei always liked to patronise it……Ambrose Mc Cauley ( Well now!!). Some many years ago now someone collapsed in the church, Colm Mc Grady asked for a doctor through the microphone….nine came forward to say nothing of the ones who remained inter seats!!!! I remember him telling me; that when he went to Andersonstown as PP, none of the friends he had made in that parish would visit him ( despite his invites to them), none. Yes Derryvogie Avenue has many secrets. Like the rest of the franchise offices in all territorial units: Parishes!!!!!


For clarity;
They would not cross from Belfast 4 to Harlem ( of the 80s) . He had to cross back and visit them.


Fr McGrady loves the money, he refuses to move Parish if it is in a city again and instead has told Treanor he will walk rather than transition again. Looks like this will be his last parish unless he is moved to another country one. Love the way certain clergy dictate to Noel where they can and can not be PP


If Fr Richard Geoghegan made it to the main stream media can it be long before Melleray is added to the story? To compare and contrast.


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