

The above is interesting – the bishop, with the help of the priest’s family, questioning the priest’s physical and mental health.

The reference to his liver is them suggesting the priest has an alcohol or substance abuse problem.

All meant to undermine the priest and his credibility.

Those of us who have stood up to the RCC and its bishops have always been attacked at the level of our physical and mental health.

And the RCC has attempted to use family members against us.

Auld Desmond Connell invited my Mum in for tea on her own.


She told him she would only join him if I was with here.

She may have left school at 14 but she was more than able for auld Connell.

These RC gangsters are ruthless.

I hope the priest is ok and if he’s not I hope he has friends to support him.


Hi Pat,

A few of us gathered Saturday to watch the Big Jim Docherty funeral online.​

The Liturgy was beautiful thanks to the Jesuit choir. Plenty of Latin.​

The Jesuit preached very well as you’d expect from a Jesuit.

The former priest also spoke very well in his eulogy; some of us studied with him – a lovely man who is very talented and a terrible loss to the priesthood. During the eulogy amongst other things we found the following points very interesting: 1) he spoke of ‘The Angry Years’ that big Jim went through; 2) he spoke of Big Jim finally ‘accepting himself’ & 3) he spoke about big Jim walking about Glasgow with his message bag containing amongst other things the latest fragrance! All of these would back up the theme of our obituary to you about Big Jim. It just sounded like an LGBT closet man being eulogized.

The Daisy Chain were out in force:​

  • Mgr Bradley presided but can’t stand, breath and preach at the same time and is too obese to give out Communion;
  • his MC was the teacher and meal attender Mr Mark McGuire.
  • another Daisy Chain Host, Canon Anthony Gallagher, presided over the Final Commendation.

An alternative Purvey was held at a restaurant frequented by Big Jim close by to the church. Only the daisy chain members were present, it was all very camp and tearful. They reminisced about Big Jim and absolutely tore you to ribbons. They’re frightened of you & the damage the blog has done to their reputations etc.


11.41 pm
Yes good phrase ‘Soviet like’, which roughly translates ‘if they can’t get rid of you one way, they will try another’.


This so called priest might want to spell the deceased priest’s name correctly. His name was Doherty, not Docherty!


Poor Fr Peter. There must be no other job in the world where they could get away with infiltrating an employees family to pressurise except maybe in some sweatshop where whole families are beholden to the same taskmaster. Yet, his bosses will protect and cover up & discredit on behalf of their inner circle crooks & abusers. Eye opening stuff.


Fr Williams is just making an issue out of nothing and just needs to either get vaxed or mask up. I appreciate your point about bishops making life difficult, and disagree with the strategy used though.
I mean, you wouldn’t go near a priest who is not on PrEP without a condom and this isn’t different.


The story circulating about the Silverstream whistleblower, sure enough, is that he is mentally ill. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book.


I’m certain the Soviets they can open some consultancy services for our dear bishops, although they might need to charter a yacht to reach them.

One thing Fr Peter Williams could have done was accepted testing, meet his bishop halfway. Not doing that makes him into an annoyance the Ordinary wants to crush. I’m a bit surprised +Pat highlighting a COVID vax hesitant priest, for was he not calling for a crackdown on COVID measure sceptics? The priest probably thought he had rights which would be respected, and was too straight edge to exercise mental reservation, a talent employed by VGs and other diocesan worthies in situations.


Symmachus is right. The priest has made a mountain out of a molehill. He should have masked up, even if he thinks it is an ineffective waste of time or an infringement, if only to keep the bishop happy and until the policy changes again. The bishop could have been a lot harsher and insisted on being vaxxed up, as Frank is doing in the Vatican.

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Oh Gosh, he is flaming. He has that “daddy” look about him and I’m sure he has his “toy boys” on hand.


The comments before the photo made me retch:
“so handsome”
“so presidential”
“you look great”
“we’re fortunate to have you as our bishop”


I was thinking that about the comments. When you see a picture of a bishop what the hell would prompt you to say he’s handsome 🥺


“Those of us who have stood up to the RCC and its bishops have always been attacked at the level of our physical and mental health.”
Yes, that’s how they operate — pure evil and wickedness — this is their very essence. Evil.
+ + +
What a beautiful home, God-of-the-Angel-Armies!
I’ve always longed to live in a place like this,
Always dreamed of a room in your house,
where I could sing for joy to God-alive!
Birds find nooks and crannies in your house,
sparrows and swallows make nests there.
They lay their eggs and raise their young,
singing their songs in the place where we worship.
God-of-the-Angel-Armies! King! God!
How blessed they are to live and sing there!
And how blessed all those in whom you live,
whose lives become roads and Paths you travel…;
They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks,
discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain!
God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and
at the last turn—Zion! God in full view!
God-of-the-Angel-Armies, listen:
O God of Jacob, open your ears—I’m praying!
Look at our shields, glistening in the sun,
our faces, shining with your gracious anointing.
One day spent in your house, this beautiful place of worship,
beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches.
— * * I’d rather scrub floors in the house of my God
than be honored as a guest in the palace of sin. * * —
All sunshine and sovereign is God,
generous in gifts and glory.
He doesn’t scrimp with his traveling companions. . .
. . . It’s smooth sailing all the way with God-of-the-Angel-Armies. 😉 x
— PSALM 84


Image the bishop, fat as he is, giving instructions about covid, when it’s well known that obesity is a massively aggravating factor for getting it and being seriously unwell. He should get his own house in order by laying off the vodka and cake.

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I have little time for those in our society who chose not to have the vaccines or booster. They endangered everyone else. As priests we were obliged to follow the scientific and medical advice. This may have temporarily been against our “freedoms” but the overall good of society was/is paramount. Many people who resisted the vaccines ended up seriously ill in hospital and ICU. That experienced frightened them into a reality of responsibility. I do not know of fellow priests who did not get vaccines but I believe it would have been selfish not to do so, considering the interaction we have around funerals and other pastoral works. It has been a difficult two years working with many funerals and bereaved families. It has been difficult to work for sacramental preparations. It has been difficult to have our normal ministry groups and parish activities but we are moving into better times – hopefully. We all have to be very responsible and caring. However, I think it’s outrageous of any bishop to behave in an autocratic manner when a priest challenges him in decisions. Many a good priest has been crushed by dictator bishops. In priesthood the very mention of mental, emotional or spiritual struggles is almost guaranteed to place you under watch. Often, as with men in general, to admit any personal struggle is to leave yourself open to judgment about your capabilities and ministry. It us to have question marks about your suitability. Yet, bizarrely, if you have certain sexual issues/difficulties, you’re almost ok!! Sadly, on this blog much sneering references have been made about the mental difficulties of priests as if to write them off as both unwanted and crazy. It is a horrible trait to define anyone by mental or emotional turmoils. The reality of being judged a failure as a man in admitting inner struggles has actually led to many men/priests hiding their depression, struggles and brokenness and ending up suicidal and in psychiatric wards or in therapy. Where any person is known to be vulnerable – mentally, emotionally or spiritually – it’s a listening, empathetic ear they want, not no mockery or abuse. A bishop should always be a good listener, kind and compassionate. Regrettably, in this case, the Bishop is rock hard in his trenchant decision. All wrong. I hope this priest finds some peace but he must also be aware of his own responsibilities to others.

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Please, kindly cite the scientific medical and independent legal advice or directives Bishops Conferences are following. Have Bishops Conferences independent legal advice? If not; why not?


The only Whacko on the blog today is @
Are you related to Jacko? Jacko Daniels. Twitterati, no doubt.


12.28: That’s a personalised attack and untrue. The biship is not “obese”.. The issue is his response to one of his priests. Stay focused, dear abusing, fat shamer.


He is massive. Look at the recent photos. People have had two years to lose weight, yet some of the most hysterical about covid are morbidly obese, eg Stephen Nolan.


I would argue that the point of bishops wanting to cause fear is true. Here at home I know someone who has been left in a very bad place by the RCC, because of the usual disgraceful treatment by the same old same old.
I am noticing that certain individuals appear to slip under the radar. Where is the repercussions? Why so? What handle have they got on the church?
Surely Pat the time has come for blatant displays of arrogance, like what I have recently become aware of in Northern Ireland, should be addressed in a public manner?
I salute those who stand up. Who say ‘no more’ to wretches that cause hurt. Bishop Pat, you can probably tell that certainly in my location in NI there is a growing discontent about the behaviour of certain individuals.
I am confident you are aware. Fooling the public, playing the game. Every joker runs out of road.
Dear people, get out of the mindset that anything goes. What is acceptable to humanity now in some aspects, still is offensive to God. Our pastors should examine their own consciences; one cleric advised this individual what sexuality they were 😬🏳️‍🌈
What in God’s name is happening here?!
Root and branch reform is needed.
Some clerics should take their minds (at least) out of other’s bedrooms and stop lecturing you and me Pat.
“Reverend” Fathers, do your jobs, for which you are all handsomely paid.


1.44am: Can you be more specific about the allegations you are making? It’s very unfair and dangerously wrong to make innuendos and unvalidated allegations. Hearsay is never grounds for definitive judgments. Just be clearer and factual.

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I agree Anon @ 12.03.
But it is a regular occurrence here to have comments, often from clerics, simply spouting off with little by way of facts or clarity.
It reflects the abysmal level of functioning of these former paragons now parasites.


I know a “disobedient” cleric here in rural Northern Ireland. I don’t see any sign of him being undermined. In fact, perhaps the contrary.
Care to guess?


I am sorry, Bp Pat, but I don’t have much time for these unvaccinated anti-vaxxers whether they are priests or not. However, she appears again online at Mass yesterday so hasn’t been suspended yet it seems.


Yes. And why not. The man got up and delivered an excellent eulogy in a public place which was a public event and was broadcast. Why shouldn’t I ask his name. There was nothing sinister in my request. Why are you so sensitive @11-29?


Lugs Monahan is a master at this emotional abuse. He is tormenting his priests and in one case sending them on a useless course abroad.


I couldn’t be arsed to sit and listen to this priest’s apologia pro vita sua – too long. But I got the gist. And, whether or not the bishop is pushing his weight around, the simple fact is that this priest should get himself vaccinated for his sake and the sake of those around him, for the common good, and take up the simple precautions that have been seen to be effective in combatting the spread of the virus. He is just making trouble, and has brought trouble on himself. In many other work places in the USA he would be out on his ear. Rightly so. So, I would suggest he eats a bit of humble pie, go cap in hand to his bishop, apologise, take the vaccine, and get his job back, and then just keep quiet and stop making such a victim of himself.


I have no doubt that in good charity and concern for the souls of your brothers and sisters in Christ that you, Pat, have offered mass for all those mentioned in this post. Maybe you’ve also prayed a rosary for the intentions of their living of chastity and the repose of the late Rev Father’s soul.

I have no doubt you add these troubled souls into your Prayers of the Faithful at Sunday Mass in the oratory. I’m just wondering would you mind posting a photo of your community sometime. It would make for a pleasant and positive change to the blog. Maybe even a post on the pastoral activities of the oratory which would again be a positive change.


We are living in the dying days of the Roman Catholic Church.
It has suffered so many assaults and blows on its authority and credibility that it cannot recover. It has been exposed as merely another fallible human institution.
What can it offer people today?
Nothing, other than a (metaphorical, thankfully) lobotomy and a bit of tinsel for the inadequates who could not make life work elsewhere.
The ones left clinging to the tinsel are often the worst of all, hence their behaviour. They defend the indefensible, whether it’s homophobia or sheltering child abusers.
Their solution?
More tinsel and yes-men! (Called “traditionalism”).
Thankfully, the thing is dying. Let God show his ways to the people of the world, for he has no need of the “Roman Catholic Church”.


Ivor pain in the arse @ 10:54am

That’s what you think, Our Holy Mother The Church will be here to the end of time. Long after you and your likes are toast, saved by Sacred Tradition.


Spiritually, she’s as dead as an absinthe-supping Dodo.
The wickedness of the Roman Church has been exposed. May her victims find peace and justice.


‘Pain in the arse, my arse’
‘The biggest pain in the arse on this blog is the one you’re sitting on.’


The end of the Church has been predicted since apostolic times. All the persecutions have failed. She is still as splendid as an army in battle array.


Carry on thinking that, sonny, while the abuse, lies, cover-ups and homophobia carry on.


Well said, Bela Lugosi! For once, I find myself in agreement with you.
You can recall, for Pain in the Arse, that Napoleon referred to Pius VI as ‘Pius the Last.’ It wasn’t long before Napoleon had to eat his words. Ivor Pain in the Arse will have to do something simIlar – that is, if he survives.


@8.47pm LOL – Napoleon left a legacy in France and Europe that will endure for centuries. What will future people associate with the present Roman Catholic Church? Paedophilia and corruption. Give me the Corsican corporal any day!


People do have a right not to be jabbed. As a side: doesn’t the science indicate that people can still carry / transfer the Covid and pass it on even though they are vaccinated / jabbed? Even people who are “fully jabbed” are still catching Covid—even dying from it…
I believe people should able to choose over the vaccine jabs — it’s our / your / bodies. However, people most certainly should wear face masks as a minimum.
Injecting chemicals into your body is a human rights choice — the mask is very different.
Incidentally, if my Bishop asked me to get jabbed: I’d do it. His experience and wisdom accounts for much. This I know… I owe him gratitude and have great respect for him and that goes for his judgment!
However, if a bishop asked me to to cover up clerical abuse I’d tell him or her where to get off… and don’t we know it 😂 x


The problem is that the unvaccinated, as a group, are placing costs on the rest of the population because of their greater vulnerability to the virus. I agree that people should not be forced to be vaccinated (at least by force of law), but I do believe that they should be made responsible for the costs incurred because of any medical treatment due to covid. I would therefore impose an insurance charge on unvaccinated adults to cover the costs of their treatment. That would be the fairest solution and it’s what they’re doing (I think) in Singapore.


Ivor Payne
Should fat people, smokers, alcoholics, mountain climbers, fast car drivers, soldiers, the promiscous pay for treatment or be denied treatment too?


I think the ideal situation scientifically would be to put all the unvaccinated on an island of their own where they can infect each other to their heart’s content. After a couple of years the surviving ones would provide a fascinating study into why they didn’t get it.
I have started telling people who have lost friends or family over the vaccine that I am sorry they had to find out the truth this way but their SOs were obviously irresponsible murderers and they’re better without them.
Older readers will remember the rumours in the eighties of prostitutes deliberately spreading AIDS – I don’t think anyone thought this would actually happen forty years later with another virus.


@12.58pm Yes, in principle.
We already impose very heavy taxes on tobacco and alcohol and I believe we should impose similarly heavy taxes on fatty, unhealthy foods. Fast-car drivers usually pay higher insurance costs (hence few people have them) and soldiers are fighting at the behest of the state, which, in turn, pays their costs.
Why should the unvaccinated (except where there is a medical reason they cannot be vaccinated) be any different?



You ignored the promiscous. When they get STIs should they pay for their treatment.


@3.09pm Again; I think they should, in principle.

One social problem is that “free” healthcare produces too few incentives to live in a healthy way, whether that’s smoking, drinking heavily, etc. I do not wish to deny anyone medical treatment, but there should be at least some sense of the cost passed on to the end user. That could be a nominal charge, in many cases, but “free” means “free for me right now”, not “free in reality”.


It is a very sad day indeed if this is a so called Priest who attended the Requiem Mass for Father Jim as you should resign there is NOTHING Christian about you so sad if you are looking after the Souls of a parish.
Monsignor Hugh Bradley is trying his very best in the difficult Archdiocese of Glasgow that the new Archbishop has a huge in tray await.
To call someone obese and cannot distribute the Eucharist to the Lay Faith is shocking for your information Monsignor Hugh has a parish as well the Holy cross with daily Mass and three Sunday Masses so of course he gives out the Sacraments.
It is very sad that you went to a Requiem mass for spying purposes rather than offer up the Holy Mass for Father Jim’s soul.
In case you missed any the Requiem Mass and forgot more bitching then the Mass is now on you tube.
You should really look at yourself and more so the Gospels.


@11.46am Totally agree. Here we have Pat Buckley again allowing untruths to be told. The comments were vulgar, nasty and utterly vindictive regards to Big Jim’s funeral. This is what we have come to expect from this blog. How this nasty individual came to be at a private gathering after the funeral and commenting on it just displays what a fraud this individual is. Buckley swallows it of course.


Agreed. There are too many bitchy remarks about deceased clergy on this blog recently. Very sad indeed.
Garngad Lad


Big Jim’s Funeral as arranged by himself not the Archdioceses.
Watch for yourselves.
Maybe a bit of the older style of funeral rites.

I am shocked by the day how a Bishop like Bishop Patrick Buckley allows the cruel blogs.


@12.54pm Yes I come back to read it which I am entitled to do. You seem to think that nobody is able to have a differing view. I can read what I like whether I agree with it or not. I am also entitled to give my view and don’t need to justify myself to idiots like you.


The comments before the photo made me retch:

“so handsome”

“so presidential”

“you look great”

“we’re fortunate to have you as our bishop”


I don’t blame the Bishop for his stance on vaccination. It is eminently sensible. The unvaccinated are vulnerable to COVID, taking up hospital beds that could be used by cancer patients and others with serious illnesses. This priest is selfish, with little or no idea about our reliance on each other. Bishop Coyne has a very good reputation. This priest is behaving as if his mind could not accommodate good reasoned argument. Suspend him, yes.


@1.04pm You are wrong, completely wrong. A priest can be suspended if, by his behaviour, he puts others at risk of contracting a serious illness that can be fatal. It really is as simple as that. Think again and learn.


Cancer patients are dying because they are not being diagnosed in time or treated because of the monomaniacal focus on a single health issue with a very high survival rate, such that the NHS has become the National Covid Service. There are far fewer hospital beds occupied now compared with the same time of year pre-Covid.


2.01..You trying to be bishop can suspend a priest because of a vaccine.


12:41, the bishop is right on his stance on the vaccine. If he is undermining the padre however, is he right to do that?
The example given from the priest’s version of events is an an example of how “some” bishops might try and undermine a priest. One would want to at least hear the bishop’s version of events however.
Prior to vaccination, the best way we could protect other people was by living as is if we potentially had the virus and we were trying to protect others. If someone is not vaccinated, even though they should, they should at the very least be living as if they potentially have the virus and take steps to protect others. Not wearing a mask and not undergoing routine testing is completely unhelpful.
A bishop wanted to speak with+Pat’s mother and +Pat’s mother declined. It would seem the padre’s version of events that his family accepted an offer to speak with the bishop. One could accept or decline the offer. Even after the bishop’s version of events, one would have thought the padre’s family would at least listen to his side of the story.


The Irish are Being Told
Appalling Lies about Covid
by Jeremy James

‘ The Irish have not yet woken up to the fact that they have been duped by the
government, the national broadcaster (RTE), the mainstream media, and certain
senior figures in the medical profession. The so-called ‘Covid pandemic’ is not and
never was a pandemic. Rather it is a deliberately engineered social experiment –
designed and directed by people outside this country – to introduce radical changes in
the way the country is “run”.
People are dying – yes. But they are dying at much the same rate and for much the
same reasons that they have always died.’


RTÉ seem to differ at least between telly and website or social media. News relating to the lifting of lockdowns can be found on the website or social media, but the telly news very much leans into fear porn, keeping older people fearful of leaving their homes. The whole RTÉ site should be re-used, whether sold and the money put to a definite purpose like reforming Ireland’s terrible public services, not blown on magic beans, or just sold. RTÉ are obsolete, and provide a very low quality service.


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come by the Courts but by the People Rising Up
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich practices law in Germany and in California, and he has been exposing the crimes against humanity by the Globalists who have inflicted the false COVID-19 narrative on the public and mandated their dangerous bioweapons called “vaccines” through his Corona Investigative Committee for the past two years.
It has been called “Nuremberg 2.0” by many, as expectations have been that there would be some kind of trial in an international court of law where these criminals would be prosecuted.
Dr. Fuellmich recently revealed much of what his Corona Investigative Committee has uncovered in a meeting in Poland, and he made clear the same thing I have been saying for many months now, that the judicial system is owned and controlled by the Globalists, and justice will not be found in today’s courts, whether it is Germany or the U.S., or any other country.


But the one who did not know and did what deserved a beating will receive a light beating. From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded. Luke 12:48.
“Now, therefore,” says the LORD, “Turn to Me with all your heart, With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” Joel 2:12.


Edward Jenners concept and creation needs to be revisited. The three shots I had, insofar as I know( as well as others administered), bear no relation in their constituent elements to the meaning of the word as originally conceived; perhaps a new word for what is now medically administered to deal with Covid-19 might elucidate more clearly ( for those who do not share their “ non-compliance.”) why some do not want it….as is in my opinion their right.

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Even in its post Catholic days, Belgium does have some fine monasteries. Some Irish bishops might fund your long term studies there, although they might think a monastery in Central Africa might be the ticket.


Yesterday 11-07

Des didn’t bury big Jim. He was bypassed-again !
That gave a big number of the clergy a good laugh..


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