

St Sebastian by Terry Nelson

The above painting was painted for MARK KIRBY of Silverstream by his long time artist friend TERRY NELSON.

Terry Nelson is also the author of blogs called Abbey Roads and Up Your Street.

He has done a second painting of St Sebastian which, to my mind is more homoerotic.

I am not a prude and I personally have no objection to erotic art. But it should be on display sensitively. David Hockney is such an artist. Terry Nelson is a good artist.

But not in MONASTRIES.


A Meath priest has told me that Mark Kirby wanted to hang the first St Sebastian in Silverstream Monastery but was persuaded not to by the whistle blower, Dom Benedict Andersen.

Apparently, Dom Andersen told Mark Kirby that the painting was “inappropriate”.

Terry Nelson blogged recently celebrating the fact that the Gardai and Charity Commissioners were not taking any action against Kirby.

Kirby himself is writing to international friends claiming “total exoneration”.

This is not accurate.

Fr Benedict never accused Kirby of sexual assault.

He accused him of sexual harassment and grooming.

What is a fact is that Kirby has a long standing and international reputation for homoerotic behaviour.

Such a man is absolutely unsuitable to be living in a monastery with young men aged 20 to 35.

To Tom Deenihan’s great shame, he is leaving Kirby in situ and perpetuating this grave scandal.

It will all end very badly.




Billeen will remember from his New House days that the sacristy of St Joseph’s Oratory had a triptych, with Adam & Eve (not Steve) in the middle panel, shown just as nature intended, plus a couple of fig leaves. However the two outer panels were always folded over, covering up A&E, in order to spare everyone’s blushes.


Those looks plain as day gay, as gay as religious could be. Art of old often teetered between art and porn, but the Glenstal stuff has no ambiguity. It makes Dom Kirby’s inappropriate seeming St Seb painting look very respectable. Facebook can be wrong or crude in their decisions, but they were correct to see it as ‘too sexual.’ Those paints are the gayest possible takes of the Good Thief or St Michael the Archangel. It suggests Glenstal has sunk low if they thought those to be appropriate.


Sometimes stupidity might be involved, like with an Aussie statue of a priest giving bread to a boy, where the bread is positioned in a certain suggestive way (, but the matter seems clear with Kirby.

The blog post might result in an agonised, rambling response from a certain apologist for Dom Kirby. The apologist can at least say the art isn’t as gay looking as the Glenstal art. I might launch a career as a Youtuber. Some have got two hours out of less.


Matthew 5:20
‘For I tell you, if your virtue goes no deeper than that of the scribes and pharisees, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven’.
This verse carries more weight, in my RCC experience, today than ever. I’m a Christian before a Catholic. I don’t think the two are totally inextricable anymore. Let me say why:
– Jacuzzi priests
– Flash cars
– Parochial houses/mansions
– clerics a bit too keen to get into bedroom talk
– clerics a bit too keen to bed-hop
– money spent on getting folk away for a while
– questionable links to ‘professionals’ in the community


A few words of prayer, but meaningful enough: ‘ Asking pardon and praying for his intentions. May Our Lady Undoer of Knots undo every problem and difficulty. May Our Lord Jesus take care of everything, repairing every slander, calumny and detraction.’ Probably does agree with +Pat’s take on the matter.


Modern art? Yes and no. Homoerotic? YES!
You can’t have paintings, like those, hanging on the walls of a religious community for crying out loud.
This Kirby guy is not only pushing his luck; it would seem he clearly has some kind of “kink” or “fetish” thing going on here: the kind which involve younger adult–men naked from the waist up while looking quite tonned and kind of “tied up” (notice the rope in both paintings!).
Absolutely barmmy! And he is not on “planet earth” so-to-speak.
Madness! Total madness! 😂


“Fr Benedict never accused Kirby of sexual assault. He accused him of sexual harassment and grooming.”
How then did accusations of sexual assault get to the Gardai?


Was that a diversion from the concerns of charities regulators re. money handlings under the same Bp’s auspices?


+ Pat, I think you are right when you say this situation which is a fiasco le grande will end very badly. 😭


If Miss Kirby has been totally exonerated, she should be reinstated as prioress. Not only that, Bp Pat, you should publish a grovelling apology and give another £50.00 to charity.


“… a long-standing and international reputation for homoerotic behaviour.” In other words, a dirty old man.


You posted the other day but your words are too vague. For instance, is this a donation to Glenstal that was misused by Coffey? It’s hard to tell. Could you elaborate, either publicly or privately to Pat? 7500 is a serious amount of money to be mishandled.


4.32: Brilliant…some ex priests are weird and lost… 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠😠😠😠🤡🤡🤡🤡….


There is so much homoeroticism that takes place in the Catholic Church and amongst Catholic clergy. You see it everywhere. And butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths ! Well, we do know the truth, the salivating at both ends that goes on when the eye candy is about, the controlling and abusive behaviour that takes place under the guise of spiritual friendship and advice, the criminal abuse that takes place once the grooming has got them where they want them. I have seen it all, so many times. It needs calling out, and if nothing else this blog does that very well.


Going back the time line in this blog and other blogs as well.

I noticed that he was living in Rome circa 2011. Prior to that, he was a chaplain to Monastery of the Glorious Cross(connecuit). He seems to be restless and moving around a lot in such places as Tulsa, Rome, Conn, Canada and now in Ireland.

Its disturbing to see the paintings above as it sounded way off although I could be wrong. However for a man of his age as it left me wondering if a medical or mental evaluation would be required in this case. Its bit disturbing all right in my view although I’m no medical expert nor do have any medical training.

Key indicators was that he’s still restless as regards to his state of mind, his health not robust as suggested in previous blogs, his book, does it indicate any other hidden illness😉?

One question was bugging me was why did Kirby choose Ireland? There are other English speaking countries that he could go to such as UK or Australia. But he choose Ireland just bec I think laws here are too lax re no due diligence et al, which would have given him some leeway, in case that things might go pear shaped as it did in other countries that he resided and lived with religious communities.


“ One question was bugging me was why did Kirby choose Ireland?”

A priest of the Diocese of Meath specifically contacted Kirby to tell him that he should relocate to the soon-to-be empty Visitation convent in Stamullen. The rest is history. The visitation sisters are in the graveyard there, rolling in their graves.


Hi DG, my cheeky chappie !!
You’re problem my lovely is having spent far too much time watching Theo on the
box when you were a lad. Sleuth extraordinaire-Sherlock-is not a patch on you honey.
‘ Who loves ya baby ‘


Every man has a six pack, it is just covered by fat in most cases. Lose weight and it appears.


10.03: There are many allegations you make which are not true of the majority of clergy. It is all too easy to make sweeping statements but you have no clinical proof to substantiate your erroneous claims. Some priests are homoerotic. You probably are. Among the religious iconography I have collected over the decades I do not possess anything unsuitable, irreverent or of a weird nature. Some crosses/crucifixes which I have are very modern in attempting to capture present day darknesses, death, grief, suffering and may require an artist’s mind to get the symbolism. Apart from the perceived homoeroticism in the painting of St. Sebastian, I see nothing wrong in either depiction. I think too many are seeing the sexual imagery simply because the painting belongs to Dom Kirby. If either or both were in Pat’s home, there wouldn’t be a murmur – and rightly so. Isn’t beauty – perhaps ugliness too – in the eye of the beholder? Is this not just another attempt to hound after Kirby, for whom I hold no respect but do not support an on-going onslaught. I visited this monastery on a few occasions in the early years and found great welcome, spiritual comfort and encouragement in prayer. I am sorry that the monastery is experiencing great trials and challenges at the moment. I am firmly of the belief that if Dom Kirby was nit present in any capacity the monastery would have greater ease in reforming, renewing and enter into a safer, better community. No group of monks can be at peace as long as there is any cloud hanging over them. I pray for their well being and hope that Bishop Deenihan would respond more pro actively in requesting Dom Kirby to go to a hermitage back home in Tulsa.


10.34: Pat, I didn’t deliberately forget Fr. Andersen. I believe his treatment to be totally unacceptable. Dom Kirby, Bishop Deenihan and the so called visitation group made very wrong decisions about Dom Andersen. I hope he will find some community to allow him pursue his contemplative vocation. Sadly, all the commentary expressed here will not for the moment inspire any necessary decisions until Dom Kirby is removed by edict. I really thought the foundation of this monastery was a great project but it was all too focused on one person’s idealism, part of which – or perhaps most – was too sexualized and manipulative for his down ego and not for the community’s well-being.


10.44: My comments at 10.30 are cogent, articulate, honest and very clear, perhaps too articulate for your understanding. My comments are free of the of soundbyte commentary which you have just displayed – empty, sneering and meaningless. You are so fuuuunnnyyy…but so empty headed…..and your infantile comment is sooooo revealing….Go back to basic school.


‘and your infantile comment is sooooo revealing’
You can’t say that without clinical proof.


“ I pray for their well being and hope that Bishop Deenihan would respond more pro actively in requesting Dom Kirby to go to a hermitage back home in Tulsa.”
The Diocese of Tulsa wouldn’t have him. He’s not from Tulsa anyhow; he’s from Connecticut. But no diocese there would have him either. Silverstream is the end of the road for Kirby.


I wonder what kind of person isn’t capable of realizing the sexual, specifically gay and sado-masochistic, subtexts of every image of St Sebastian. The images at Glenstal linked above are in a different class to my mind.
You are either (most likely) pretending in an attempt to get Kirby off the hook, or frighteningly naive. G*d help the child who reports clerical sexual abuse to you.


@10:30 – whatever about other Christian art, there has been a long history of the homo-erotic depiction of St Sebastian by gay men. So when you claim we are only attributing homo-eroticism to the picture because of Mr Kirkby you’d be wrong.


Excuse me but I was wondering if I can light a penny candle to St. Sebastian.
I never heard of St. Sebastian until I came across Bishop Buckley’s blog.
Thanks in advance for answering.


Daily Mirror reporting this morning on defrocked priest, Donaghy, now released early from prison & now free to live in any town in Ireland. Priest he abused in seminary is alerting the public via Daily Mirror.


You have to scroll down to the bottom of the current article to see that the man was released in 2017.


Dom Mark Kirby continues to provide a rich trove of stories for this blog. I find it fascinating that these allegations have never been formally denied. #interesting.

When + Pat Buckley made his public allegations about Richard Purcell we were treated to institutional silence and the usual nothing to see here treatment. Well, we all know how that ended.

I find it telling that Mark Kirby has never issued legal proceedings against Pat Buckley, because we all know +Pat Buckley has a nasty habit of been proven right. In the case of the saga of Silverstream Priory the fact that Kirby has not issued proceedings against Buckley is highly telling.

Of course, if Kirby was stupid enough to issue proceedings, leading counsel for Pat Buckley would relish the opportunity to cross-examine Kirby, Deenihan, Andersen and a host of other characters.

Personally, I can see the Silverstream saga continuing for a bit longer and then something will happen and/or a scandal from Kirby’s past will emerge that will leave Deenihan no choice but to suppress the monastery. It is only a matter of time. These are the last days of Silverstream and Kirby’s vanity project can be likened to Hitler in the bunker…


Imagine-The Silverstream Saga narrative serialized on Netflix followed by Fonzie- Does It Again!! Box office…or what !!!


The blogs of Terry Nelson are total camp. Isn’t that Dom Mark prominent in the banner image of the “Up Your Street” blog? Nelson seems obsessed with Kirby. Very strange.


12:02 & 12:13, anonymous attacks on RN is cowardly. He has not hidden behind anonymity.
It is the testimony of Dom Andersen that the former prior was personally charismatic and dynamic, inspiring trust.
It would appear that the former prior has been credibly accused of harassment. From the information provided to date, it is hard to see how anyone can give the former prior a vote of confidence. He really must be charismatic and dynamic, inspiring trust. Quite talented at fundraising too. The money appears to flow in quicker than it takes to sail across the Atlantic Ocean at an expense of $4,000.


Dead on Chris. Fantasy land. Your spreading that story all over the town but everyone knows it’s made up and that you’ve been chasing that priest for ages and fancy him like crazy. Sure your own mother said you made it up!


Patsy McGarry in Irish Times reporting today on proven hypocrisy of ex-Pope Benedict in correspondence dated 2010.


Last week a report by German investigators found it “overwhelmingly likely” that Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI was aware of at least four child abusing priests among his clergy while he was archbishop of Munich from 1977 to 1982.

On top of this, his former deputy in the archdiocese, vicar general Gerhard Gruber, told investigators that, when the case of one abusing priest became public in 2010, he (Gruber) was “pressured” to take sole responsibility for the failure to act, in order “to protect the pope”.

Benedict – cardinal Joseph Ratzinger – was pope from 2005 until he resigned in 2013.

The investigators, lawyers commissioned by the Catholic archdiocese of Munich and Freising to examine its files from 1945 to 2019, dismissed the former pope’s claims not to be aware of the four cases as “not credible”. The Church in Munich and Freising ignored victims of clerical sexual abuse and saw those it did notice “as a danger for the institution”, their report found.

This is the pope who in 2010 (the same year his former deputy covered up for him) excoriated Ireland’s Catholic bishops for their handling of clerical child sexual abuse allegations.

It followed publication of the Ryan report in May 2009 – which exposed the abuse of children in Irish orphanages, reformatories and industrial schools – and the Murphy report in November 2009, which exposed the mishandling of clerical child sexual abuse allegations in Dublin’s archdiocese. Irish Times Article


I wouldn’t trust anything in the Irish Times. It is very anti-Catholic and had “Protestants only need apply” job adverts until well into the 1970s.

The former deputy is actually a titled Count. In the same way that churches shouldn’t ordain the penniless, neither should they ordain the potentially influential (even if disinherited). Holy Mother is only intent on imposing the appearance of evil all round. Similarly a senior hierarch in Victoria could not have been naive about something rotten in Victoria.


Eugene O’Hagan sings a hymn
Rory Sheehan hits the gym
Stephen McBrearty is far from slim
Aidan Brankin is so dim
Ciaran Dallat loves the females
Colm McBride loves his ales
Eugene O’Neill is a Brit
Conor McGrath is so fit
Colin crossey is so loud
While Anthony McHughs heads in the cloud


OHagan sings a hymn ✅
Rory goes to gym ✅
MBE is not slim ✅
Brankin is not dim but a nervous wreck 😰
Dallat loves females ✅
McBride does not drink ale but wine 🍷
Eugene is in fact a holder of an Irish passport 🇮🇪
Conor is not fit 💪🏽
Crossey is loud ✅
Tonys head is not in the clouds but buried in sand 🏖


Does Mulvihill like this poem? That will speak volumes on the IQ of the author of this.



At least it was evident…. not like the Knights of Columbanus ( and the higher caste Holy Sepulchre s) ….. a poison ivy even yet in Irish society…. and around the globe. A toxic malevolent society; street devils ( business and all sorts of trade, professions and dubious motivation) turned church angels.


The letter that Ratzinger wanted to send was much worse in tone than what was finally sent; his “ Irish” connection prevailed on him to tone it down. The “ filth” he referred to in that document, he was instrumental in manufacturing. It’s the old episcopal trick: Deny, deny, deny.


Thank you, Meredith. Your comments clearly indicate the maturity of your human understanding, Christian charity and depth of compassion.


I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.
I arise today
Through the strength of Christ’s birth with His baptism,
Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,
Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.
I arise today
Through the strength of the love of cherubim,
In the obedience of angels,
In the service of archangels,
In the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
In the prayers of patriarchs,
In the predictions of prophets,
In the preaching of apostles,
In the faith of confessors,
In the innocence of holy virgins,
In the deeds of righteous men.
I arise today, through
The strength of heaven,
The light of the sun,
The radiance of the moon,
The splendor of fire,
The speed of lightning,
The swiftness of wind,
The depth of the sea,
The stability of the earth,
The firmness of rock.
I arise today, through
God’s strength to pilot me,
God’s might to uphold me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eye to look before me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me,
God’s hand to guard me,
God’s shield to protect me,
God’s host to save me
From snares of devils,
From temptation of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
afar and near.
I summon today
All these powers between me and those evils,
Against every cruel and merciless power
that may oppose my body and soul,
Against incantations of false prophets,
Against black laws of pagandom,
Against false laws of heretics,
Against craft of idolatry,
Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
Against every knowledge that corrupts man’s body and soul;
Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me an abundance of reward.
Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.
When St. Paul referred to putting on the “Armor of God” in his letter to the Ephesians (6:11) to fight sin and evil inclinations, he could have been thinking of prayers just like this one! We may not wear combat gear in our daily lives, but St. Patrick’s Breastplate can function as divine armor for protection against spiritual adversity.

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I can see why Dom Benedict discouraged Dom Kirby from putting up the picture of St Sebastian. You wouldn’t want the monastery to get a rep for being as gay as….


Sweet Lord … Is that a naked go-go dancer in a mitre in one of Nelson’s paintings??? That is a truly demonic conflation of sacred imagery with gay porn.

It also provides, I think, a glimpse into the tortured mind of someone like Kirby, for whom the sacred and the sexual cannot be extricated.

And Bishop Tom Deenihan allows this demented “guru” to be around young men! And the monk who points all of this out is cancelled, his reputation trashed!

I am in near despair concerning the RCC, the church I have loved. No lessons are ever learned, it seems.


Your naivety is commendable, if it’s for real. There is nothing sacred about a mitre…. And every single one of them wearing one knows that….. it impresses the impressionable; like a lot of the “ sacred liturgy “ you refer to…… The head honcho is the biggest fraud… like the one before him…. and the one before him….. they murdered the one before him because he slipped through and was going to do something ( gay as Liberace nevertheless)….. and so it goes back. Enjoy the stable tectonic plates you seem to live over….. within the very core of the organisation, they are constantly corroding …… Go back to Egypt and before for the trappings; mitre, crozier… rings…..and all that attaches to them.


What was JPI going to do, that led him to be killed, allegedly?
If he was gay, that means at least three of the post-Vatican II popes have been gay, ie Paul VI, JPI and Benedict XVI. That’s a better equal opportunities record than anything the Anglicans or the White House or 10 Downing St have managed.


@6:12 suggests Card. Baggio was responsible as the last to see him alive and with a strong motive as JP1 wanted to remove a Prefect for Cong. of Bishop who made terrible appointments and was a suspected Freemason. JP2 was able to prise him out by putting him in charge of postage stamps, but at least nominally as important as his former role. The Vatican Bank angle isn’t discounted. Anyhow the smiling Pope JP1 seems to have been reckless in an den of vipers, even if it was in a good cause.

Staying on the Vatican Bank, Pope Francis appointed one Mgsr Ricca as Prelate (or Papal representative) to the Vatican Bank, someone who managed to get trapped in an elevator with a male prostitute well known to him. Francis uttered the ‘who am I to judge’ around that time, and it seems in that context. The blushes on the face of Francis when he met Ricca says a lot. +Zanchetta, Barros were rescued from live legal situation for suspected dishonesty and sexual predation. Substitute Secretary of State Peña Parra has many, many claims against him. The less said about his friend Gustavo Vera or the Grassi or Inzoli cases the better. Henry Sire, former Knight of Malta (ejected for his Dictator Pope book), said Francis choose gay men for office as they were easier to manipulate, but Francis runs extraordinary risks with his reputation. A case could be made Francis is gay. It would be as strong or weak as gay claims against Paul VI (his paramour was said to be Paolo Carlini, which is even mentioned on the Wikipedia page for the Pink Panther actor,

Francis is lucky he’s favoured by global big business for his vax authoritarianism (the harshest COVID vax passport rules on earth) and his blessing of open borders mass migration and environmental rent seeking. Bill Gates and Albert Bourla (Pfizer boss) probably find the tin eared socialist rhetoric amusing.

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6.12 he was also going to do something about the head of the SJ, a gun runner AND dispossessor of the poor in Nicaragua.


You do a great service to the Irish church. You provide a safe outlet for malcontents, rejects, unhappy and frustrated individuals. Here under the cloak of anonymity – or in a few cases – notoriety, they can huff and puff and fart thunder to their hearts content. God bless you Pat you prvide a therapeutic outlet for these demented souls. Without you the psychiatric services migh collapse.


And he’s much less expensive than Washington, Manchester and the other facilities used by the RCC ….maybe they should make an offering to Bishop Buckley for the services you outline. Like St. John, you write like an eagle soaring above it all.


Best take the White House out of your thesis……Clinton and Obama are probably cardinals in petto…..Lol


Okay Meredith. +Pat has a good record of getting responses even where the parties concerned take care not to give the impression that it was anything to with him, so a perv abbot and potty mouthed priest will ‘move on to other projects’ or be afflicted with ‘ill health.’


I think we should have an open discussion about human sexuality. The Church has supressed any mention of it for years. The same church refused to acknowledge that the centurion who asked Jesus to “only say the word and my soul shall be healed” was in a same-sex relationship with his servant. The same church pained Jesus’s supposed wife, Mary Magdalene, as a prostitute out of jealousy. Get over it. Can we just not accept that the painting of the naked St Michael in Glenstal Abbey is HOT. The depiction of St Sebastian is HOT. Stop supressing sexuality – it is not healthy.


“ Can we just not accept that the painting of the naked St Michael in Glenstal Abbey is HOT. The depiction of St Sebastian is HOT. Stop supressing sexuality – it is not healthy.”
You should probably be offline right now, Dom Kirby.


Clarendon St. Church , Dublin
If you have ever prayed in front of the main altar ( as centred as possible), you cannot but marvel at what lies beneath the altar plinth…. there are actually three of the likeness existent by the same artist. But it most certainly was commissioned by someone with determined intent.


Rather evocative of Fred Holland Day’s work that shocked proper Bostonians in the last, nay, now the century before. Also, it made me think of the crucifix at All Saints, Ashmont in Massachusetts.
Dare I suggest a Dearmeresque frontal?
Actually such images remind me of the Arab artisans with their decorations invoking Allah in Spanish cathedrals. Mutatis mutandis, Gays getting back at oppression amidst the oppressors. Quite amusing!


Meredith 12:44,
An insightful observation. You are indeed right. Sitting in the comfort of their presbyteries, or inherited houses, these poor souls have an outlet for their rantings and ravings that helps them externalise their tormented and demented feelings. Lubricated by a drop of the crater they are free to spew all their hurts and woes. Sure they’re harmless poor souls really, God bless them one and all. Mother Church is as wounded by them as a flea bite on a hippo.


@1pm Just going for a nap now in my warm presbytery. Had a large gin before luncheon, prawn cocktail starter, Saddle of Rabbit with the trimmings followed by freshly made lemon meringue pie. A few fine cognacs and now I shall retire for a siesta. Then I will watch the evening news before being kindly invited to dine out by parishioners in a new French restaurant in town. Wish you could join us @1pm but we don’t mix with plebs like you. Next week I will be looking forward to a much needed gourmet break with friends to Naples, Sorrento, Capri and Amalfi. I thoroughly recommend it as I wont be paying a penny.


The Latin Mass Society has cancelled Confirmarions at Spanish Place for the first time in 20yrs. This is under a direct order from Archbishop Roche. It’s about time this lace right wing brigade was slapped down.


At the world end, very few things will remain, what shall, is Cockroaches, Cher and the Queen


@ 4:30pm
Aul Loose Goose Alert Barking Up The Wrong Tree !!
Well if it isn’t herself!! The bold Belle of The Ball!! Bela Lugoosi!!


Er, enlighten me, what’s the evidence that the Roman Centurion and his servant were in a same sex relationship?


The power struggles in any church should not filter down to the parishioners, it is seriously unprofessional and the two priests need to catch a grip and sort out their differences. I have raised 4 daughters who are not as bitchy as theses two.


Tony would need to wear himself down before he takes a cardiac arrest; really hope they have a defib in the parish; but even if they did I would suspect Eugene wouldn’t use it on him.


Think you will find it’s his diabetes that has made him lose weight and not stress caused by Fr McAleese, these rumours have no merit


Whatever you say today, be careful, William Mulvihill is on today and will not have anyone chat bad about his ‘fine man’ Eugene O’Neill. He has met him a handful of times and is really fond of him; for some reason 🤔


Why is a priest on a priest salary riding an electric scooter around Belfast? Stupid looking things


Rory has bagged a muscle stud. We dub him the Costa god as he frequents my local costa. Genuine nice fella also tho


Your exegesis of a comment I made quite some days ago is well adjusted in faith terms; exaggerated for impact. My fondness was never widely enjoyed…..


Why are homosexual men so drawn to the priesthood?? It matters not to me what anyone’s sexuality is but I cannot understand gay men wanting to belong to an organisation which on the face of it is apparently against homosexuality


1. They have some naive idea that by taking to a religious / priestly life they will be spared having to face up to their sexuality. They think it will all go away through prayer and a holy life. It doesn’t and they find themselves in for a shock. Usually too late to get out and make another life. Dim, I know, but you would be surprised at how many priests are stuck in that situation.
2. Some see that the way of life is good and that they will be able to pick and choose and get away with living a double life. Having their cake and eating it, as the saying goes.
3. Some aspects of the priestly life – dressing up, playing to the crowd, being the centre of attention – appeal to the gay /.homosexual / look at me character of some gay men. It’s a great stage for them to play on, and they love it.
4. A few will see the priesthood and the opportunities for doing good – expressing the sensitive and caring side of homosexual persuasion / character – as a reason to become a priest, and that is laudable. But, they are by far in the minority. The majority fit 1, 2 & 3 above.


All very good points, 3.21pm. A lot of my contempories in Maynooth believed sincerely that they were straight but had just never had a girlfriend. They self-identified as straight and were in denial but only came out in their late 20s and older. Often the psychological relief in coming out was immense. The farce is that most of their friends and relatives believed that they were gay, long before they came out.


They will have to rename and rebrand it, the Woman Catholic Church, although this is how Jonathon Ross says it anyway


I love the masked singer, don’t you think the 3 priests would all look better singing with balaclavas on?


It would be best if all priests wore blindfolds before mass to make it more interesting, especially at funerals


Priests wearing blindfolds in mass as opposed to in bed? Wouldn’t like to see them navigating a wedding


They are stitched on over many years in seminary. Always invisible. A lot of energy and effort getting them off.


Thank you 3:21. Interesting that some parishioners refer to a frequently mentioned cleric on the blog, allegedly involved in a power struggle with his curate, as an actor on a stage and I have no interest in what his sexuality is


There are grammar police and syntax sheriffs on this blog…. the association has occurred here before as it frequently does in media and societal conversations: But one cannot “ commit” suicide any longer ( where the law has changed) because it is no longer a crime. As with progress generally, takes a long time for most to get on board. Your question anyway is not relevant to the comment.


William on here demonstrating once again that it’s the good, caring, compassionate ones who leave. 👍


A word of advice for all you alcoholic clergy, I have been sober for 24 days now and I can see clearly now the vodka has gone. You can all do it.

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4.15: Thank God I’m not drink dependent but your usage of “all you priests out there” is very insulting. I doubt if you are a good listener or good companion for an alcoholic, priest or otherwise. Your therapy must have thought you to respect others kindly not as some “any old thing” out there who happens to be an alcoholic.


I am a lonely achoholic and I’ve lost evrythng I have including my wife as I was always incontinent in bed and it got to much for her I wish I could give up


That would be utterly savage, the man had probably urinated all over the poor woman so he had no choice than to admit fault


I’m calling my two, Rex and Rocco. Do you not think it’s a must to have two? For company for one another?


Bishop Deenihan is a product of Gaynooth who denies any sexual deviancy occurred during his time there but sure who could believe this man. He’s a work shy git also


Tom is well educated but maybe someone should look into the suspicious circumstances of how he achieved his masters while In Hull.


4.52: And what is the undercurrent of your cynicism..? Why such a ridiculous and irrelevant question?


He wouldn’t be the first executive to have an intern research and draft their assignments or thesis!



On that one, Tom Deenihan is absolutely truthful… I was around the same time as him. Rome was a different story…. Of course it is as breathing in Rome since ancient times.



And it may be prohibited but it is not deviant ….. sexual activity between consenting adults. It is disordered according to Roman Catholic teaching if it is between to males…. But I know of nothing more disordered in general terms as Catholic relational ethics and dynamics. Bergoglio, Wojtyla and Ratzinger on any relationship ( in their public contributions!!!) is like a fish describing what it’s like to walk…. If fish could speak to humans that is…..


I suspect my gay husband is having an affair with a priest or at minimum he is actively trying to seduce one. He has never been religious at all, quite the opposite and recently has found ‘god’ and is frequenting church everyday.


Journalists are not interested in this story anymore. I know of a reporter for the Andytown news who boasts about ‘pulling’ priests it’s become somewhat of a kink and challenge


You think that’s bad? My husband had an affair with a nun a few years ago. It took me ages to get over it and it still creeps me out


Why are they called nuns?
Because it’s “nun of this, nun of that and definitely nun of the other”.


On another topic but not unrelated. The OUT IN CHURCH INITIATIVE in Germany had a launch day last Subday re: LGBTQ isdues within the church. Apparently 120 attended – priests, former oriests, various employees in the Church, all calling for the Church to radically change its discrimination against LGBTQ members of the Church. An interesting open display of defiance and hopefully one that will bear positive results.


I’m scared to order a sandwich now in subway – a LBT has a completely different meaning to it these days, I be expecting to be handed a poof over the counter instead of a sub


@ 7:48

Does the gay alphabet contain an A and an O…? Just asking,like !!
Otherwise, there’s double trouble before very long.!!!


I know the official teaching of the church (much ignored) is that men with long term homosexual orientation should not be ordained priests. Is there an official teaching about vocations to religious life? Would such a man be able to become a vowed religious but not a priest?
I tried looking online but everything was about the priesthood.


It is certainly hard for a man who has experienced sexual relations to avoid it again.


I agree Pat, a priest I know though had sex as a late teenager and early twenties before priesthood and I’ve always said he must be some man to leave all that behind


My father used to say; “When you’re used to wearing shoes it’s hard to go in your bare feet”.


Whoever invented condoms should have been swallowed on conception – horrible things they are


Priests love power, it has to be assumed that they are all sex mad also. Rape is about power and not sex, so it is said. Sex means too much to too many people.


Well after the events of the past few decades they’re not associated with celibacy and the virtues of religion.


Time you tried a few craft beers….. Fosters goes with the yesterdays. Thanks for your attention to my well-being…… I’ve clearly set you off a number of times. As I said before…. More Trappist in my taste…. much higher % without the bubbly bulk!


Time for wine Bill, if you were with me now it wouldn’t be the wine I would be cracking open!


I wish I could paint as well as that, they are fantastic. Truly gifted artists. I was never gifted with anything special, I just sail through life waiting for the end really.


My priest friend likes his men 40 and under, which means I have 49 months left of his time……..I will be sad


I wonder will the people planning the diocese synod chats Organise something for the LGBTQ who still attend Church- would be great to see in Dublin, Cork, Belfast & Derry


6:52 … Seriously, friend, I suggest spilling the beans to Pat Buckley so that he can properly suss it out. The short vague comments do little to no good; they just make it look like you’re trying to start a rumour. If there’s something going on, it should be exposed, but this is not the way to do it.


DOMinant Kirby is creepy to put it mildly, why Nelson would be obsessed with him I will never understand


Any wonder they are all in the Canary Islands this month. When MBE is there they change the name to Dumbo centre


£45k and Fr O’Neill gracefully drives an electric scooter, probably because he is saving the planet and is a responsible citizen


Is he allowed to drive with his diabetes being so out of control? Maybe you don’t need licensing for them I don’t know


Saving the planet my arse sure he’s never out of the Canary Islands with McB, he is one of these people that hire mobility scooters out on holiday the lazy git


£45 k for what? You all do sweet FA and then want wee back handers for doing your job at funerals and weddings you greedy dogs


Haha I like this honest answer very much they wouldn’t know what hard grafting is, imagine any ‘fr’ in a building site, sure they wouldn’t get anything done for drooling over builders bums


All these gay jokes and chat is disgusting Pat can you not publish them for they really wouldn’t be suitable for anyone under 18 who is reading them


What’s this talk of gay priests?
I know one in rural Northern Ireland and he is a lovely man.
He enjoys strolls in parks and adventures like these at all hours. He’s also very inviting.
Such a gentleman 🙂


Was it not the Father Director of the Fraternity of St Genesius who organised for Fr Kirby to come to Silverstream and introduced him to Bishop Michael Smith. The Father Director of the Fraternity of St Genesius is one of Meath’s priests and may even be on the board of the Priory at Stamullen.


I have a theory … If someone hasn’t told you that you are fat, it doesn’t mean that they haven’t noticed that you are fat. It only means that they are just too polite to tell you that you are fat. Similarly, many closeted gay men believe that people haven’t noticed that they are gay. In the case of this artist, he thinks people are too stupid and/or naive to have cottoned on to his fetish. These priests live in a wired clerical bubble where they only associate with other psychosexually immature men. Consequently, they become so out-of-touch with reality that they don’t realise people are mocking them behind their backs. I witnessed this myself, a few years ago at a party at which a gay seminarian was present. I pitied him and I vowed never to be like these men, which is why I have fully come out of the closet. I would never exchange this freedom for anything and I am so happy that I never became a preist.

In the past, Catholic men who were serious theological thinkers had to become priests because this was the only education available to them. But these days, the most talented theologians are mostly lay people. Catholic laity in the West can come out and no longer fear the consequences of discrimination in the work place due to equal rights legislation. The secular milieu is a much safer place for gay men than it was a few decades ago. Consequently, there are very few incentives these days for men — gay or straight — to become priests, which is the cause of the vocations shortage. You don’t even need to become a preist in order to practise canon law, and now they even admit women to the profession!


In the case of this artist, he does identify as homosexual but is celibate. He has had chaste relationships with other men. What was that about being screwed up?
He has a thing for St Sebastian because a priest once told him to take a martyr patron because of being homosexual.
And to think he could have picked Edith Stein 🥺
Spot on about why men don’t become priests plus they don’t want people assuming they’re child abusers.
Glad you’re happier x


Well Pat, I think we can truthfully say the popularity of the blog today is not because of Silverstream, it’s the priests logging on to look at the pictures 😂


Do you think there’s any such thing as a straight priest in Ireland? I can understand the difficulty of coming out, especially in clerical circles or other vocational settings. I think it’s sad and that we should pray for those men who go the way of living double lives in a vocational job, just to not stand out to much or because their career is their main concern. Not unique to the priesthood, buly any means.
It is sad that a sore price must be paid for everything in life. True happiness will never be found at the top of an institution for it is the loneliest place to be in the world. Is all the trampling over others worth it?
The others win in the end.


If a picture paints 1000 words… Bring back Telly Savallas (Kojak) and his lollipop. sad to believe this semi erotic fantasy island mentality is real In the name of religion too. Mind you these middle ages types were quare hawks too


Why would any church or religious house have an image of St Sebastian nowadays? There’s surely no cult of him and he has been taken over by the gay lobby, for example in that Derek Jarman film about hom often shown late at night on Channel 4 or RTE 2.


There’s an anonymous report among the twitterati -shares in ‘Heart-Breaker Gatazze’
and an ‘Irish Stasi Diocesan periodical’ will skyrocket overnight !!!


I’m gay and would like to have a chaste Catholic relationship with a man (ie no sex) but none are interested.


Pat, you mentioned the other day that you are turning 70 this year. Did you know that Putin also reaches that milestone this year, and is as big and bold as ever. 💪🇷🇺🎂


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