


Recently, a young priest who featured on this blog, in a negative fashion, contacted me to thank me for blogging about him even though at the time it hurt and angered him.

He said that the Blog exposure had let him to discern that the priesthood was not a suitable way of life for him and that he had decided to leave the priesthood and begin a new life.

He gave me his name and reminded me of all the circumstances.

His call took me completely by surprise and I had not expected him to view things in that way.

Thank God he is now moving on to a life where he can be his authentic self and not cause himself and others any more hurt.


Another priest whose name I don’t know, and have no need to know contacted Robert Nugent recently and told him:

“Pat Buckley blogged about me and I didn’t like it. But he did the right thing”.


I have become friends with a small number of priests and ex seminarians who have featured on this blog and I am in their lives in positive ways.

“God writes straight with crooked lines”.


There are priests out there who are trapped in the priesthood. They don’t know what to do or where to go. They stay, and each day is miserable for them.

Some of these priests entered the priesthood due to parental pressure.

Some of them entered the priesthood because they could not accept who they were and went in to hide in the clerical closet.

In that closet they had a roof over their heads, an acceptable salary for a single man, respect and esteem from their community etc.

But they became not only miserable, but very lonely, sad and depressed.

They coped with the help of alcohol, drugs and casual sex.

They pretended to their clerical peers and bishop that all was well.

But all was not well.

The lucky ones fell in love and left.

The unlucky ones became more and more trapped and dysfunctional.

As the psychologist said: “The lived lives of quiet desparation” 😞


This Blog and I personally are hated in many clerical and hierarchical circles.

Robert Nugent delta some that hate on Wednesday.

I’ve lived with this for so long I cope with the hatred and derision very well at this stage.

But I genuinely want to see the Catholic Church and its priesthood cleansed and renewed.

I’ve wanted to be a priest since I was 4 years old.

Now, 46 years ordained I love my life as a priest more than ever.

When Cahal Daly “sacked” me in 1986 he told people: “He’ll be gone in 6 weeks”.

That was 36 years ago I and I’m not gone yet.

At our last meeting I told CD that as he was marginalising me, I would spend my life ministering to others on the margins and that this would be a lifetime’s work.

My ministry has evolved into being the “go to” man for people hurt by the Church  bishops and priests.

Everyday I get new letters and calls.

I believe that my blog is helping the Church and priests – in ways they do not always recognise.


“The hand that hurts can be the hand that heals”.

We see this in the life and work of dedicated surgeons.

Currently the Catholic Church needs major surgery.

This Blog may be one operating theatre?



Stop allowing sick and twisted individuals to use your blog to name innocent people and tell lies about them. If an anonymous poster sends you a comment about a person they name, demand that they verify their identity to you before you publish and provide proof of what they are saying.


11.42: In this essay, Pat is painting himself as the new St. John Vianney! He is forgetting the incredible vitriol, abuse, vulgarity, mockery and scorn levelled against certain clerics, often printing speculations, suggestive innuendos, unvalidated allegations, venomous condemnations, all ensuring public humiliation. Some people who featured are still very psychologically and spiritually ill and families distraught. While a couple of clergy may embrace Pat now as a close friend, the majority who were hammered do not share the same appreciation. Undoubtedly they are now challenged which is correct and legitimate but boundaries were and are crossed in the continuing assassinations and onslaughts. Recent conversations engendered by Robert Nugent may urge a more humane response to individuals. I admire Pat for his constancy in exposing all abuse, duplicity and corruption. It’s what Christ expects of his representatives but it is not of CHRIST to harrass, denounce, write off or humiliate any person who is sinful and who fails. Robert’s attitude of mind, heart and soul is a template I’d follow and have found it yields better fruits. I have no problem with Pat doing his work but I hope and pray that in light of conversations recently he may rethink his ministry re: priests who fail, fall and sin. I am talking not about the horrendous abuse scandals and perpetrators but about the human brokenness, wrong and sinfulness we fall prey to. We know the necessity of renewal and change at so many levels but dealing with the moral and spiritual daily failings does not require a heavy boulder approach where we almost delight in the ignominious fall and smashing of targeted individuals. I believe Pat has achieved much in challenging all of us in the Church but perhaps he may find a more compassionate approach where priests might in fact turn to him for “grace and new life”…


” Recent conversations engendered by Robert Nugent may urge a more humane response to individuals.”

Is Humanity and Christianity split off from each other? Was Jesus not human? Is Jesus Christ not supposed to be out template? So, why such inhumanity from Hierarchs? Scandals and perpetrators as well as priests who fail, fall and sin cannot be neatly separated. The manner in which victims/survivors of Church abuse are treated by
the Hierarchy when they do come forward is inhuman. I speak from experience.

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Yes, but when sick and twisted individuals who come on the blog purporting to be so pious and living a fantasy life made up in their own twisted minds. They are nor innocent, when their criminality is exposed in the public domain and that’s all the proof needed. The leopard does not change it’s spots.


I hope someday those priests who appreciate your work can talk publicly. There is legitimate reasons for this blog and we have to has a dialogue about double standard and esp help
For those who feel there are let down by priests. We need a conversation about this.


Pat, the tone of this post is markedly different to the rest of the blog. That is to be welcomed. You are listening to those who feel, as I do, that your previous posts, over many years, have been destructive and abusive. You are listening, but it’s also clear that you still do not agree with that criticism. So you have written this post, an exercise in self-defence. You’ve included references to anonymous people who say they now appreciate what you’ve written about them in the past. They weren’t anonymous when you assaulted their private lives in previous posts. I’m sure you’ll offer another self-justifying explanation in response to that point. You’ll say they’ve requested anonymity; that you wish to respect their privacy. Really? I’m just one regular reader of your blog, but I don’t buy that. I believe you have the capacity to do great good, enormous potential in fact. You can draw on your own experience of appalling mistreatment by the hierarchy and turn that towards healing and help for others. You can choose to be that person, rather than the person we’ve known through years of abusive postings.


Yes Pat is no monster. For the love of God people just go and have a cup of tea with him. He is opened to be challenged.


12.50: I agree with your analysis, Leo. Recently because of Robert’s videos and subsequent commentary, Pat has come, I believe, to a kairos moment in his life. This can only be good. None of us expect Pat to dilute truth or compromise on his mission but in our treatment of people, as Christ-people, we must use Jesus as the template. We cannot ever make definitive judgments which can destroy people. The everyday moral and spiritual transgressions of any individual must be met with a human compassion and kindness. That is not weakness. It is a better approach and is more certain to influence the sinner for the better. At least that’s my experience even though at times I’ve felt like stripping edges off some trucculent and nasty people. There is, in Pats writing today a different style. He is in self defense mode and I personally cannot believe there are priests who, having been subjected to horrendous abuse on this blog, initiated by Pat, are now sitting at table with him. This information was never given before and Pat was challenged many times about his treatment of others. It is rather convenient to print it as a way of cajoling us to believing he is totally on the side of errant clerics. The narratives and vitriolic abuse tolerated on this blog suggests otherwise. I appeal with Pat to use, as you say, his personal experiences to be a source of help, support and encouragement for erring and wayward clerics. I’ve thought for years that this could have been an amazing ministry for Pat but it requires a a different approach, the “metanoia” he asks of lesser clerics. I pray Pat will dialogue at this positive level. Much more good can evolve from this.


Pat at 11:22 You know full well a standard strategy for the church is to call everyone who doesn’t toe the line a liar. It smears the speaker and gaslights them.
The classic example is when someone says how can the church be holy despite its dodgy history of paedophilia, covering up paedophilia, dodgy property deals with charitable funds. This is when they start ranting that you’re a liar and a hater.
So yes they do know that and it’s the desired effect.


@ 3:50: According to Jehovah’s Witnesses Christendom including Catholicism is the Whore of Babylon. What is your position, Leo?


I’m not connected in any way to Jehovah’s Witnesses. I’ve no idea why someone here has suggested that. My background is liberal Christianity in the Reformed tradition.


Are all problematical issues resolved in your branch of liberal Christianity in the Reformed tradition?


There are problems to be addressed in all churches and denominations, including issues of abuse, hypocrisy and flawed leadership. I’ve no doubt that creating a culture of honesty and transparency is vital for all. And a culture shaped by forgiveness and inclusivity.


I would advise him to engage in serious psychotherapy and live away from Silverstream.


Pat, which comnent(s) are you speaking of? 12.50am or 11.15am? I cannit see any untryths, merely observations which are expressed strongly and clearly. The two comments are also complimentary but ask legitimate questions. Perhaps you know now how people feel in the face of harsh judgments.


9.41 the basic statement in 5.29 was borne out by previous information including some that reached me not via the blog, regarding confirmed hazers and harassers planned to be exported from Maynooth to English seminaries (with the connivance of English archbishops, English seminary staff and English VDs) where friends of mine have / have had sons of youngish and younger middle age in training.
This is knowingly degrading and devastating the formation of the confectioning ontogenic caste altogether.
Robert is right to get frank about the seniors in the hierarchies. Not only in these islands but worldwide, Vatican city activities are now a matter of death.


5.29: Please go and get help. You are in a permanent stalker mode and it’s almost an illness with you deserving of professional help. Go. Get it.


9:41 and 11:17, There is another possible interpretation of these comments than they are by an obsessed former seminarian. Obviously I don’t know which is objectively true.
I think one of the reasons they keep appearing is that people react to them – this would be more likely in the alternative scenario that they are simply troll comments by someone wanting to make out anyone who connects with Pat Buckley is deranged and unstable, and hence discredit Pat himself and this blog. The commenter will not have any relation to the comments at all, won’t believe them and would be doing it purely for mischief.
I think you will agree that if that scenario is true the psychological and moral standing of the commenter is much worse than a seminarian who can’t get over it.


11.31 a.m. – I think you’re right about that. It’s easier to dismiss the blog that way.


I knew a priest in a religious order who felt trapped. He was difficult to live with and drank too often.
At 65, due to a small legacy, he was able to leave the order. He became a completely different man. The transformation was remarkable. I hate to think of anyone trapped in the priesthood.


JJ, the word “trapped” invites a wide range of interpretations.
…….frustration at the loneliness of the “celibate” clerical life?
…….dissatisfaction at the machinations of episcopal or religious superiors?
etc, etc
To which I would add, as I’ve said before: Realisation that the underlying foundations for religious beliefs are built on quicksands.


12.07 Mourneman, this certainly applies to most of the bases for so called “catholic” religion, yes.
Roman authorities are cruel to bank on members not being able to afford to get away except by taking to the gutter.
The authorities’ consciences are telling them.
Obviously in Ireland and from archbishop upwards everywhere, the hierarchy is corrupt. Parallel deniable channels who are exempt from genuine financial oversight and safeguarding policy (much as they will pretend otherwise), try to ensure that an innocent element get blamed.
Jesus didn’t ask us to affiliate to the Vatican city.
What Robert doesn’t realise is that the rot set in around 1946 to 1954. Montini ensured the council got delayed till he could be sure it would fail to correct abuses in Ireland.


Look, if bishops and priests and seminarians are living secret lives contrary to their public vows and promises and what the Church expects of them, and they don’t realise it and sort it out themselves, then a bit of tough love from this blog is to be expected. I don’t think + Pat ‘outs’ these people without first of all assessing that what he is hearing is liable to be the facts and the truth, and I think that he gives the individual concerned a right to reply and to fix their own problem before moving on to the public phase of the ‘outing’. These guys are given chances to be honest, to take charge of their problems and to seek help. If they do so they won’t appear on this blog. If they are too thick or arrogant or full of themselves to realise they have a problem, to take action or to seek help, then + Pat and this blog will nudge them on their way until they do the right and proper thing for themselves and for the Church. So, if you get a call or an email from + Pat suggesting that he knows about your duplicitous life and lack of integrity in stark contravention of what you publicly profess about your life and vocation, then I suggest you begin to do something about it, because otherwise you will appear on this blog in name. I think you, dear Fathers, know what is the wisest course forward for you ! In the good old days you would have found your name splashed all over the tabloid press. They’ve moved on to o there things these days, although they will still be interested in you if your behaviour is criminally abusive especially towards children. So count yourselves lucky that you only are liable to appear on this blog nowadays. I’d still suggest that you clean up your act, however, because this blog does have a far reach and pretty much everybody will find out what you are up to. So, take the chance to change or move on, if you get the call !


Agreed. Bishop Pat does try to contact the errant priests before publishing. They fail to engage or deny the accusations even though the evidence is overwhelming.


A great blog topic, Pat. Life is not a dress rehearsal, even if some consider dressing up in lace, frills and long gowns a form of temporary compensation. Poly is far more comfortable.


Poly’s hot in the summer and environmentally unfriendly, being made of plastic fibres and needing to be replaced often.

The modern floaty kaftans are not a great look. They also, being of their time, date quickly – see 1970s ordination photos, for example.

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Silence in the face of evil is not an option.
This blog is part of God’s plan to expose that evil .
To sit in a church knowing what goes on , and to remain silent is
to support the wrong .


Pat expose them all for what they are, raving alcoholic, cocaine sniffing homosexuals with anger issues. All at least one of them.


8.39: Perhaps you might share with us the psychotherapist who helped you find your way through your self hate, angst, bias and unresolved personal issues? Those wirds dripped out of your mouth like you are vomiting…..from booze and drugs!!


I was outed to my diocese for having a boyfriend by a group of priests. One commented to the bishop that we were “a married couple”. They wanted to send me to St Luke’s for psychological evaluation, but I left instead. I was incandescent with rage and terrified of life outside of the church. My anger was that two priests were regular sauna visits and sexually active with men; they were simply jealous. However, I left, we entered a civil partnership, I got a good job (eventually) and whilst I wouldn’t thank them – I’ve moved on, and my civil partner and I are happy. They, however, must be deeply unhappy – men in the 50s now and trapped in the church, and I suspect they may have to pay for any sexual relations these days.

And many of these young conservative seminarians will end up frustrated, angry men who will be living double lives and they will be deeply unhappy. Unless and until they can find a way out, which many are not able to do, so just stay and become more and more toxic. Help them see the light + Pat, even if it takes some tough love.


When you grow up, 12:44, you may be in a position to comment intelligently, respectfully and sensibly.


I’d be interested in knowing more about the ontological change thing being a “17th century French invention resurrected by JPII”, if any theologians or church historians on here know anything about it.


Professor Andrew Boyd


To be “ontologically different” would make priests not human.

Though a popular misconception – that ordination ontologically changes deacons, priests, ad bishops -, you will note that this language of “ontological change” does not appear anywhere in the documents of Vatican II, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, the Code of Canon Law, or the Program of Priestly Formation. To say nothing of scripture, of course.

We can refer to the change in the Eucharist as ontological, the Real Presence is real, after all. The substance of the bread and wine change, even if the measurable properties remain the same.

The substance of a priest or deacon does not change. He remains a human. What changes is his relationship to the Church, the particular way he participates in the one priesthood of Christ is different as a deacon, priest, or bishop than it is as a layman. One might speak of an ontological relationship being changed.

What it usually refers to when people speak of sacraments imparting an ontological change – whether Baptism, Confirmation, or Ordination – refers to the sacramental character, which is described as “indelible” and therefore unrepeatable. In other words, you can only receive these sacraments once validly.

Of course, with three different orders united in the single sacrament, you can be ordained, potentially, three times – once to each the diaconate, presbyterate, and episcopate. But once only to each order (being ordained is, literally, being incorporated into that order).

When people use the language of ontological change they mean that it is a real change, and that it is a permanent change – this is true insofar as it means the sacrament is unrepeatable.

Reading anything more into it, however, is not orthodox Catholic theology, no matter how popular. It does not mean clergy – by virtue of some magical change to their soul – are ipso facto more holy, better prepared to lead, or better preachers, or better pastors, or above reproach or correction. It is not ordination but initiation that makes them part of the body of Christ or authorities them to be like “another Christ” – as with all Christians.

It simply means the sacrament cannot be repeated. That the sacramental character is substantial, not merely administrative. By administrative I mean, for example, being appointed pastor of a particular parish or deacon of a particular deanery or diocesan office.

It also means that orders are absolute and not merely conditional – once ordained, always ordained. You don’t cease to be a deacon, or a priest, or a bishop except by being ordained into a different order. Then your relationship with the Church changes again, and you are no longer a deacon, but are now a presbyter or a bishop, or are no longer a presbyter, but now a bishop.

(There is also a popular theory that the nature of the orders remains even after being ordained to a new one, ie, you remain a deacon even when ordained a priest, or remain a presbyter even when ordained a bishop – but this violates both the unity of the sacrament and the distinct nature of each order, so I do not find it compelling.)


If that’s Boyd’s wording it is utter drivel philosophically. One sacrament doesn’t cancel another. Deacons don’t do any confectioning so they wouldn’t need any different ontogeny.


Pierre de Berulle pandered to the Sun Kings by making priests his miniatures. Popes couldn’t afford to excommunicate Gallicanism. The ancien regime is now in Ireland, the US, Canada, Australian and Latino places.
JP II’s fake anti-bolshevik policy involves intensely putting this image and other already ingrained obsessions in our faces through media (as advised against by McLuhan).
Even on a sacramental theory clergy still have the only important charism, which is the same as lay people, and ought to be treated – and the rest of us – by the papacy and its proxies as free agents.


TBH if it doesn’t change them (in the way the quoted text above says it doesn’t) it’s difficult to see how it differs from the sort of ordinations you get in Protestant churches which are very much calling, licensing and blessing, are often done by laypeople as well as clergy and are not intending to change the ordinand or pass on any sort of succession.
To run very fast with the Eucharist analogy, you’ll only see the bread as the body of Christ if you think it is. If it ain’t visibly changed and its consumers aren’t behaving differently afterwards, it’s an exercise in self soothing and no more.
The other aspect which is wrong from beginning to end is bishops knowingly ordaining gay men. That’s not the right matter for the sacrament and why would you expect an ontological change. You might as well use Ryvita for mass.


Alvin at 3:26, deacons can indeed BVM create baked goods but it does not usually have anything to do with ontogenesis, the development of an individual organism or anatomical or behavioral feature from the earliest stage to maturity.


It sounds like a sort of passive aggressive projection, accusing younger men who will be priests, of being frustrated, of concealing low character and hypocrisy. Fr Doyle is of a generation of priest who evinced all these characteristics, doing nearly irrecoverable damage to the reputation of priests. I would hope a young seminarian will be try to sincere and prayerful. Cynicism and a studied irreverence is not a better attitude. A priest with a strong prayer life who works hard, who is suited to his vocation, will not be frustrated, or will rarely be, or will be frustrated no more than anyone can be in all walks of life.


Nugent not telling us the main reason he went to see Buckley. This will be exposed as both of them are not being honest.


Robert @ 10.01 – I don’t agree. Here we go again three days in a row. It ‘s absolutely nobody’s business what was spoken at the Meeting between you and Bishop Pat. People should just go and mind their own business. Jealousy is a Sin. Repent in the name of the lord.


@ 4:09 Are you serious? When their discussions impacts on the Catholic Church in Ireland, surely it concerns the Catholic community. Maybe members of the Ecclesiastical establishment need to repent before the LORD.


What I find very interesting is the timing of 9:43am comment in relation to earlier comments.
What is totally completely and utterly OUTRAGEOUSLY REPREHENSIBLE is young men entering Catholic seminarys’ with a genuine desire to serve God, to end up with lives ruined, life-long harm and even death by suicide. Now, I am coming after a number of,
best described, charlatan clerics. They can put it in their canonical pipe and puff on it.
I couldn’t careless.


How many victims of Church abuse have or will commit suicide in Ireland or abroad in the coming years? Shameful; especially on those in leadership positions.

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Do you believe your coverage on New Year’s Day. The ‘revelation’ that Fr Sheehan was leaving priesthood for a boyfriend, was fair? Honest? Do you think this was negative exposure? How do you think he feels about this exposure?


I have featured on your blog. I would not exactly be thankful for what you allowed in terms of anonymous comments, bullying, accusations, innuendo and gossip. You mixed the truth with fiction and that became the new truth. In short, I do not believe “the ends justify the means,” so I could never fully support your work here. I could not help but wonder what if a blog had exposed a young Pat Buckley? How would he have felt about a blog with anonymous people attacking him? How would he feel if his Bishop stopped supporting him over it? Would he be able to see the good the blog had done for him? Could he move on from the Church and create a new life? Can you imagine the issues you had with Daly being exacerbated by a blog focusing on you?
As painful as it all was for me, I am thankful that I was finally able to see how utterly toxic and destructive the Church is. The people/clerics within it are nasty, vindictive and sexually immature and that is a fact. My trouble started because of my clerical peer group and thats a sobering reality for all of us who feature on this blog. This blog is only indicative of whats happening in the wider Church today and the future is not looking good for anyone. As a dear friend said to me, “everyone laughs until they see themselves being featured on blog.”


Priests leading double lives are exposed and quite often vilified. A priest is a public figure, just like a politician. You should read some of the reader’s comments in the Daily Mail about Matt Hancock, Professor Pants Down etc. Stop being all prissy and saying that the “ontologically changed” should be exempt from such ridicule.


10.50. Just because some politicians are subject to foul, personal and vindictive abuse does not mean that that is OK, or that it should be replicated on an allegedly Christian blog.


Yes, a priest’s problems are often caused by their clerical peer group. They simply can’t be trusted. They soon abandon you when you leave.




5:47 There are two things here.
1. Take everything from you? Nah.
2. The fact you see your career in the church as everything is true poverty.


If I remember correctly wasn’t pats name dragged through the papers, not blogs more times with all he’s mistakes, excommunication and personal health problems dragged through courts for the whole country to read about…
He’s been through it…
This blog is for a specific but limited audience.
Nice to hear, pax though you had an epiphany after you were pushed off a cliff, all the best for the future 😊


Pax, I also can’t help but wonder, was it the fact you feathered on this blog, that made you open your eyes to the church? , or was it the lack of support your Bishop and diocese provided for you after you were found out. After you were thrown under the bus as they say…. Did they not protect or cover up for you? Or could they not once is was publicised, especially on this blog…
Be interesting to get a response…


Disgusting comment reinforced by the irony of an anonymous keyboard warrior using the word coward in relation to another person.


Can’t see how it would help much when 90% are gay? Unless he proposes an extension of marriage to same-sex couples?


Plenty of married people engage in all sorts of shenanigans against their marriage vows. Marriage is not a cure for other problems.


1:02 pm

Oh, I’ve heard of …permanent deacons….alright. I’ve never heard any permanent deacon give a sermon.They look like glorified altar boys.Then again, I cannot take…permanent priests… very seriously, so permanent deacons are as far as I am concerned ********** clerics. They will bring a whole new set of problems to ‘Holy Mother Church’.


@12.47pn They may not be preaching but their lies and lives are equally a sham. The majority of
lay-by cottaging/cruising men are married. They take vows too.


Breaking. You heard it first here.
The Holy Father has appointed Bishop William Nolan of Galloway as metropolitan archbishop of Glasgow, Scotland.


No, we didn’t. Italy is one hour ahead and releases the bulletin daily at 12 noon. You were 47 minutes late. And as for all those supposed “insiders” who have been giving out various names over the last few months – you all look pretty silly now.


Not much mention of Siverstream by Pat Buckley over the past few days. I wonder?? Interesting how the dynamics seem to have changed


I can’t blog about Silverstream everyday. It’s very much still on my desk as I seek justice for Dom Benedict Andersen.


RN’s not been completely up front about the nature of his connection to Silverstream. Beware, Pat.


I believe that Robert Nugent has been totally honest with me about his connection with Silverstream.

On Silverstream we have two very different perspectives.


He may have been honest in conversation with you, but not with the public who read this blog.


Ok. What clarification from him about his connection with Silverstream would you like?


So much for the Glasgow predictions by the wee scottie jock windbags recently on here. Full of hot air and full of sh*t.


Poor +Betty Turpin – she will have to make do with scrag end of lamb hotpot in Paisley. No doubt the undertaker will console her.


Betty Turpin will be on suicide watch – Paisley clergy will be blootered tonight he’s not going and their Glasgow colleagues blootered that he’s not coming LOL


Bet Lynch will be beside herself over at Turnball Hall, will need all the consolation those red red blooded males he surrounds himself with can offer.
Is Keenan the Joe Devine of his generation, waiting, hoping and praying for a job that he will never be offered?
All those letters to Nuncio were not in vain, only the crowd at the Rovers Return will be disappointed.


Robert cannot become a priest because he is married. Those living a double life carry on with their moral hypocrisy. How can any bishop explain that to the likes of Robert?
We celebrated St. Brigid’s day during the week. So many great women in our community. They cannot become a priest because of their gender and yet moral hypocrites living a double life are deemed acceptable. How does any bishop explain that to the great women of our community?


4:43 He could convert then back again. Nothing’s impossible if you put your mind to it. Alternatively the Ukraine beckons.


Surely the horrendous allegations made recently about a priest on the day of his death were the nastiest blogging of all time. Witchunting is appalling, reprehensible behaviour. The apology by Pat was miserly, half hearted and defensive, absorbing himself of any blame. It’s this kind of evil and hatred that is unacceptable. The hearsay and vengeful gossip of an anonymous poster was accepted as full truth. Disgusting behaviour by Pat and his cohorts. But I think many good commenters were also horrified. Robert Nugent is God’s emissary to call Pat back to Him!!


Poor Mr Keenan. Another smart arse who came of second best in a spat with Pat Buckley.
He will be nursing his wounded pride. Meanwhile we will all have a good chuckle. Daisy Chain watch out !!!


+Pat sent the Scottish bishop homeward tae think again! I’m sure the Scots will be giving a rousing rendition of their anthem tomorrow, as they host the old enemy! 🎵🎶🏉


Anyone who speaks up for themselves in their attempt to defend themselves from wrongdoing of any kind by self interested money & ego obsessed church mafia both ordained & lay are immediately placed in the “gaslighting machine” & labelled sick, twisted, mentally ill, confused etc. Power mad & seriously lacking in humanity & many other virtues that they preach about but don’t practice in their own everyday lives – it’s not nuns on the run anymore, it’s sheep on the run & for very valid & proven reasons as we’ve seen all around the world in various guises and ongoing. It’s a shame as those of us brought up to like & respect the Church have been very let down & cast adrift by church related corruption of various forms.

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Yes. The comments from the church’s apparatchiks just show they don’t like their standard treatment of others when applied to them. It’s almost like they want preferential treatment and have no morals.


I never met Pat Buckley and I don’t intend to. I don’t like him.

But sometimes I get a disturbing feeling that he might be a prophet.


@1.51pm The only thing disturbing is you and your post. Why go at lengths to claim you are a non ACP member. That is disturbing.


Prophets tend to disturb.The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of peace can create upset in order to move us closer towards Gospel essentials. See Fr. Michael Buckleys book ” Let Peace Disturb You.”


The elevation of Bishop Nolan to Glasgow is nothing short of wonderful. He is a man with great pastoral sensitivities, an appreciation of liberal theology. an excellent mind and, above all else, a thoroughly good person. I am sure the vast majority of Catholic Scots are rejoicing. This is a very fine appointment, very fine. The Archdiocese will benefit from a bishop who does not suffer fools lightly. There will be a shake-up but not for the sake of it. Priority will be given to the laity, parish priests and the whole population of Glasgow. Vir magni distinctio.


@4.08pm We have suffered months of bickering by the few Scottish clergy and misfits on this blog regarding Glasgow. As predicted it was all unfounded trash from trailer trash. No point heaping praise now on someone after they were discarded as a piece of soiled loo roll in the past.


4:58 Your comment is so unintentionally revealing about how you view other people.


Why would you attempt to add a Latin tag, if you can’t write three words without making two grammatical errors?


If any of the priests or bishops or religious are living Godly lives they have nothing to fear from this blog. It’s when they have set themselves up as shepherds of Christ, as leaders and they are living in hypocrisy that is truly nauseating. Then they fully deserve to be exposed and held to account. As the hierarchy of the RCC, more often than not, turn a blind eye, this blog is essential. Sure there are some comments I don’t necessarily agree with, but I find the majority of bloggers on here do so because they are sickened by the actions of the many in the church they faithfully supported and looked up to for spiritual guidance. The betrayal of that trust by errant clerics must always be exposed


4.15: Your assessments are misguided and biased in favour of the blog. The majority of commenters use Pat’s blog to score points against each other: disgruntled priests unhappy in priesthood and with their Bishop, ex priests and ex seminarians who have grievances, in some cases justifiable. But there is a large cohort who are blatantly anti clerical and anti Catholic church who use this platform for abuse, people who never go near Church and who never do much for their parish or community. The gossipy, bitchy, name calling and personalised vulgarity are evidence of the “hate” mob whi appear daily on this blog. Much of the blog today is repeat narrative variations on a theme. The majority of commenters may be disgusted but I guarantee you that few of them, if any, rarely have anything positive to say. They are the comfy, cosy laptop bullies. We need positive ideas, visionary ideals and constructive suggestion about renewal in church and priesthoid and parishes not the repeat, negative rhetoric..


5:38 When they read your comment I’m sure those who never go near church will see the error of their ways, since it obviously helps you to be such a kind and restrained human being.


‘Much of the blog today is repeat narrative variations on a theme.’
And will continue to be until you suck it up, buttercup. 🌼


@4.15pm People have nothing to fear from this blog you say. Catch yourself on. Are you the author of this blog because you sure as hell sound like you are.


9:18pm: Who? Anonymous. Sur anonymous might be anyone or might be no one. Best to ignore anonymous. 😂


No, the style doesn’t sound like Bishop Pat at all. There are many, many individuals who agree with what he does here.


@4.57pm Many many individuals?? Really? Name them like fingers on one hand please. We await the proof. Who? The ball is in your court. Let’s hear who these many many are? We are waiting.


They demand proof for everything hence the mantra ; ” Where’s the evidence” ” Where’s the evidence “!. Keep waiting or bog off.


5.51: ..You thorny old thistle! You sting…But your comment reveals the impoverishment of your mind…when you repeat soundbytes, you’ve lost the argument. Would be nice if you displayed the depth, if any, of your intelligence! 😬😬😬😬🤡🤡🤡🤡..


Soundbytes? ‘Blesssd are the poor in spirit’ – there’s a soundbyte for you. 😂


@5.16pm Maybe you could supply the facts then rather than a silly emoji instead. Any proof? Just one name of supporter would help. Probably not.


Fr Labile at 5:20, are you the one who is always on here ranting that ‘you have no clinical proof’ of things?
There is still no clinical proof for the immaculate conception btw. 🤣


5:20, that’s a great idea: let’s name doxx Pat’s supporters so that they can get retaliation from the RC hierarchy and abusive comments by the Cathbots.


” Anonymoussays:
Feb 4, 2022 at 6:24 pm
5:20 One name? Robert Nugent.
Now sit down, you’ve had a tiring few minutes.”
I can’t do what Pat Buckley does and name names, (For now). But Later in 2022.. watch this space. I’m letting the Irish Church prepare for judgement. So there will be mercy first. We had 666 days of Covid restrictions which were an apocalypse(unveiling) of many things for me. To buckle up, this is going to go deep and its going to be bloody.


Patsy at 5pm. They might need a mountain of loo roll but i’d rather that than being on a ventilator with your own support for your new found anti vaccination friend chum.


Is Robert Nugent not “Brother Basil” an oblate of Silverstream and therefore a member of the community?


Seems significantly more than what he said here, that he just went to Silverstream a few titles to “get Mass” 🤔


Benedictines don’t have a “third order”. They, including Silverstream, have oblates, who belong not to the order as a whole but to the individual monastery as an external member.


5:58, He certainly does, as do Silverstream Priory. If Robert has been an oblate, and therefore an official member of the community, did Robert’s public defamation of the whistleblower (a solemnly professed monk of the community) on Twitter have the approbation of Silverstream Priory and Bishop Deenihan?


6.21pm. Are male oblates or their equivalent attached to nunneries? If not, why not?


I speak my own mind. I represent NOBODY and got counsel from NOBODY when I met Pat., If Dom Benedict thinks I defamed him. (as quoted above) I have two lawyers ready to go to court with me. So come out oh Anonymous one. I would relish a day in court. BRING IT ON!


5.58: Robert has no hidden agendas. Cop on. Just because he has an affiliation to the monastery doesn’t implicate him in anything sneaky or cynical. Fool…..


Why did he conceal it, then, from this blog, saying only that he only went to the Priory on occasion to “get Mass”?


“seamusviii says:
Jan 18, 2022 at 7:26 am
Hi Robert, are you still an oblate of Silverstream Priory?”
Oblates are kind of akin to being parishioners of a monastery. I was asking the question a few weeks ago, knowing the answer of course, because it might be distorting his view of Andersen and all that happened there. RN has alluded to having his own biases in the videos. This must be one.


I have seen no reason to doubt the testimony of Dom Andersen.
+Pat said “I will not let you use this blog to further abuse Dom Andersen”.
Has Robert a bias towards Kirby? Has +Pat a bias towards Dom Andersen?
I have taken +Pat’s comments on Silverstream at face value. They seem consistent with the testimony of Andersen.


Sure, an oblate is not an official member of the community.
On the second part, I’m curious to see the comments and how they stand up against the testimony of Dom Andersen.
Dom Andersen admitted to making mistakes e.g. the time he went back to the monastery and stayed in the guesthouse before the visitation started. His admittance to his mistake would lend credibility to the veracity of his testimony.
Robert in his videos seems to suggest he had certain preconceived ideas before meeting +Pat but that the meeting blew those ideas away. There’s an honesty to those comments just as there seems to be an honesty to Dom Andersen’s testimony.


ALWAYS QUESTION MY AGENDAS!! ALWAYS. I can fool a person same as the next person. Please discern and critically review everything. I am open to constructive criticism.

I honestly hope I don’t fool anyone and people believe that I am honestly trying my best to get answers with sincerity. But nobody should even take what I say as Gospel, Everyone should do their own research and pray. I trusted people who I admired and who had hidden agendas (Fr. Maciel), so please always discern.


10.18 Robert your overly loose usage of colloquialisms in videos, comments and elsewhere seriously confuses me and many others. The “gaslit” and “preparing for meeting” videos were well structured, but most of them are rambling.
Too much colloquialism + rambling leads to justified public complaints.
What has the activities of the two deacons got to do with you? Why did you mention the large money flows from the US to your financially booming priory? Was Benedict chief financial officer during the debacle? You could become his spokesman.
One of the personages “inspecting” your priory knows all about what was being done among sons of my friends with connivance of higher-ups.
As well as the hostile, think of those many of us that are simply frightened out of our wits by your hornet’s nest.
Your bind / bond / tie with the Vatican city is getting to you, and once this is sliced through you will feel healthy. Don’t be deceived by the “synod thingy” and remember 2018. My Our Fathers that I say include you.


Robert Nugent & Pat Buckley, that has to be the most unforeseen crime fighting duo in quite a while. God works in mysterious ways.


Buckley supporters don’t trust Nugent, Nugent supporters don’t trust Buckley. This tag team is going to be interesting.


Not everyone feels the need to lionize one or the other, you know. There are some grown ups who read this blog, you know.


Some of the conclusions some people are drawing from someone being an oblate are amusing to read. Their comments are like watching someone trying to start a car without an engine! 🤣


You don’t say, Seamus. What do you think of the comment @ 6:12pm? Are you running on empty, Seamus? 😂😝😉


Straight question for Robert Nugent
Robert why have you not clarified your connection with Silverstream asked for on today’s blog?


What needs to be clarified that already hasn’t been discussed? Come out whoever you are and have a conversation on the record with me. As I said to Pat he knows my bias and he is publishing what is being said about me. He needs to be his own man and do his own investigation (and NOT TRUST ME!) I’m sure he will get advice from people he trusts.

But I WON’T BE GASLIGHTED!. So keep coming.


The questions have been asked here, and you refuse to answer. Who is being gaslighted here, Robert?


8.52: Robert, ignore the huffers and puffers. They are the hidden moral cowards who wouldn’t sit with you or me to have intelligent and rational conversation. They are the morally and spiritually bankrupt ones as is revealed in their slimy hateful comments. Keep strong in the Lord and if Pat is amenable, God may work good things thriugh both of you.


We all have biases. That’s very much fair comment. +Pat was calling for +Phonsie to resign after the resignations of the abbot and abbot general. I saw that as a bias on +Pat’s behalf and I disagreed with it.
Some people were calling for the blog to be closed down a few weeks ago. I saw that as a bias on their behalf and I disagreed with it.
The Holy Spirit is both a gentle dove and a wild goose. Robert appears to have a gentle approach. +Pat by his own admission has a dynamite approach.
There is a place for both approaches. Some people can combine both. +Pat and Robert might work better together as a dynamic duo approach in rooting out some of the problems plaguing the Church. If they do work together to right some wrongs by others, I wish them every success.


I can’t be accused of gaslighting “Anonymous” whoever they are. Come out come out and step into the light. I am here, where are you?


90 percent of the comments here are anonymous. If you don’t like the arena, don’t enter into it.


Very surprising that Jim S. hasn’t been on telling us what the new archbishop’s likes and dislikes are.
Very surprising that Bela Rob hasn’t been on with expletives about the bishop’s lack of interest in TLM.

They both got quite personal earlier in the week and frightened each other off.



I have nothing to be frightened of since unlike others I have no criminal record. My only appearance in court was when I was on jury service, not in the dock awaiting sentence. Also I’m not on this blog 24/7 like others, I have just come in and noticed your comment, as for that useless bishop I couldn’t care less just another polly. Hope that answers you.😘


Very surprising that Jim S. hasn’t been on telling us what the new archbishop’s likes and dislikes are.
Very surprising that Bela Rob hasn’t been on with expletives about the bishop’s lack of interest in TLM.
They both got quite personal earlier in the week and frightened each other off.


Get off this blog & go to Mass for yourselves! We promise an altar sight to behold this weekend. Just back from Milan. The Devil Wears Prada! 😇. Question is, WHO paid for it???


I am not a priest now or in the past.I lived in Waterford and Lismore Dioceses.I found your blog and was shocked to learn about the sad state of Mount Melleary.I find it difficult to believe so many priests are unhappy and Bishops can be So unchristian.but looking at so many empty churches you have given me the answer.God Bless all the priests that that tried to follow what they thought was their vocation..HOW DO THE FAITHFUL GO FORWARD WITHOUT THE Catholic Church?


Below a comment from a friend to whom I forwarded your forwarded article on Don Euro.

‘Goodness…those Italians sure make us po’ folk on this side of the Atlantic look like amateurs!!’


Lots of Our Fathers and Glory Be’s and read Scriptures together with your neighbours. An Office if you’ve got one. The first half of masses. Should have been doing all along – some priests even told us we shouldn’t.


8.24 you can still go to church if possible. Give them money with whatever strings. Hear a sermon and Scriptures. Pray the Creed & Our Father. That’s what church services are for. Office or litanies if they do them. Stay in your pew. In my young day we used to “hear mass” and sit out. Only JP II made religion sickly and intense. And only since Montini’s manoeuvrings did church teaching get changed every five minutes. Jesus didn’t tell us to affiliate to the Vatican city nor to be “eucharistolators” nor to join armadas. Oh and don’t ask for permission to sleep in separate beds, it’s NOTB.


The comments on Robert’s video are hilarious:
I am all for defending the Catholic faith and, flushing out false shepherds, with the greatest of charity ,It is alleged that Father Pat Buckley ,
is publicly and openly ,living a lifestyle that is contrary to the natural law ,and the law of God.
In doing so, hasn’t Father Pat rejects the Gospel teaching ,”THE DEPOSIT OF FAITH”.
If that is the case, In charity, Father Pat would need to recognize, he is in “APOSTACY,” turned away from God.
Obviously there’s many a priest in good standing that this person would rather unite with 🤣


Thankfully, according to the most recent pronouncement of the Pope of Rome, Pat as an “apostate” is in the Communion of Saints. 😇


Bishop Pat, has Robert had a conversation with you this evening in relation to today’s blog?



Questions are asked on this blog.



Everything being asked is public knowledge. Do you think I am going to play the poodle and feed some trolls? Come out come out and step into the light. I am here dear.. Waiting. lets have a conversation when you are ready.


The conversation is taking place here.

Simple questions are being asked and you aren’t responding.

Why don’t you just admit that you have been an Oblate of Silverstream?

Why did you represent your relations with the priory as simply going to “get Mass”?


RN’s defensiveness and animation here are the most telling things of all. We know all we need to know.


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